RA 14 - Concrete Works

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ENHL Bonatti
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Pande Camp construction 13.11.2017
Page Number

Title of Assessment: Concret Work Project No.: 1214/400

Assessment No: 14 Project Name: Pande camp cosntruction

Minimum requirements: Supervisor Name:

Initial RR
RISK EXPECTED INCIDENT CONSEQUENCE Controls) Engineering, Administrative and PPE/C measures. Note: Record PERFORMANCE MONITORING
(Condition or Practice) Hazard, Incident and Consequence Control

Communicate (DSTI, Method

Statement, Toolbox Talk and Risk
during the loading, Assessment); Supervision all the time.
transportation and
Equipment conformance and Hub-truck Crane Load Testing certificate to be presented,
offloading of machinery
Property damage or Daily pre-use inspection before loading;
or other equipment
Hi-up or Other Truck in poor several body injure or Defects to be reported and Maintenance Supervisor to determine whether Hub-truck
Mecanical failure Fall of machinary or 3 5 15 2 5 10
condition fatalities case crane may continue or must be grounded.
Crane Operator qualified .
Struck against any
Only Authorized and competent personnel to be involved in the activity
structure or equipment
or workers involved on
the task

Mecanical failure Equipment conformance and Crane Load Testing certificate to be presented, Daily pre-
Malfunction of equipment Several body Injuries or use inspection before loading;
Crane in poor condition Malfunction of equipment 3 5 15 2 5 10 Supervision present all the time.
during the lifting Fatalities or Property Damage Defects to be reported to maintenance.
operation Crane Operator Appointed, qualified for and trained on it's usage.

Stuck against structures,

vehicles or personnel due Property damage or
Licenses to be verified.
to Poor equipment several body injure or task outsourced to hub-truck crane
Operators/Drivers not competent Fail to operate or drive 4 5 20 Legal appointments to be in place. 2 5 10
operation fatalities case owner.
Competency certificates to be verified.
Roll over with equipment
Running over
Pre-mobilization & use of
Equipment and Tools
Compulsory breathaliser tests by HSE Officers daily prior to leaving camp area as well
Stuck against structures, Property damage or
as rondom testing.
Operators/Drivers under the Loss of concentration during vehicles or personnel due several body injure or
4 5 20 "Positive" individuals will not be allowed to operate. 1 5 5
influence equipment operations to Lack of concentration fatalities case
Conduct drug tests during medical examinations
during the operation of
HSE check the evidence of physical fitness of workers before entering the project
the equipment

All portable electrical tools to be tagged.

Check tools before starting a job.
All tools to be equipped with lanyard.
Defective tools Registered tools compliance certificates available on request. Use gloves when
fire, eletrocution Multiple body injure, management to ensure all the
Damage electric equipment and manhandling equipment.
Malfunction of equipment Cuts, contact with sharp proparty damege non 3 4 12 2 4 8 equipment are isnpected befor bring to
cables Correct handling.
edges conformance site
Dedicated storage area
Use gloves.
Ensure correct body posture. Ensure sufficient labour for lift. Focus on task at hand.

Daily pre-use inspection before and after mobilisation;

Defects to be reported and mainteined or replacement;
Supervisor to determine whether machinery may continue or must be replaced; Concrete Mixer; Vibrator Roller and
Machinary in Poor Condition (Concret Employees to be breafed about the rotating parts, it's dangers and preventive Poker Vibrator Operators are to be
Several body Injuries or
Mixer; Vibrating Roller, Power float, Malfunction of equipment Multiple possible events 3 5 15 measures; Conformance certificates for each machinery to be provided; 2 5 10 Appointed, qualified for and trained on
Fatalities or Property Damage
Rebar bender,and Poker Vibrator) Poker vibrators will be selected with the lowest figures on vibration emission. Gloves it's usage; and Supervision present all
will be worn, regular breaks and rotation of workers will be enforced. the time.

Only authorized person can be in the excavation during the task;

Lose of soil Slip/Trip Fall to the ground Multeple Body Injuries 3 4 12 1 4 4
Supervisor to verify the excavation before activities begin.

Occupational asthma, Lung

Inhalation due to problems or occurrence of
Spreading of the dust to working Contact With eyes and pneumoconiosis that can take Adopt the approved dust control method ;
Cement Dust 3 4 12 3 2 6 Supervision present all the time.
Placement of ciment on the area skin to medical treatment case Wear PPE (dust mask, goggle, gloves and long sleeves.
compacted soil Skin problems
Placement of ciment on the
compacted soil

Job plannig on daily basis and DSTI

Focus in the task;
Work Inside the trench (Compact of Fall same level
Multeple Body Injuries 3 4 12 Excavation to be checked prior to start the task, using the specific checklist; 2 4 8
ciment) Slip / trip
Use only the specific ramp to go in and out, do not climb if it needed.

Job plannig on daily basis and DSTI

Focus in the task; Excavation to be checked prior to start the task, using the specific
Property Damage
Walk inside trench 3 4 12 checklist; Use only the specific ramp to go in and out, do not climb. 2 4 8
Fall of objects Multeple Body Injuries

Job plannig on daily basis and DSTI;

Focus in the task Excavation to be checked prior to start the task, using the specific
Ccollapse of the adjacent slope Fall same level,Slip / trip Slip Multeple Body Injuries 3 4 12 excavation checklist. 1 4 4

Electrical equipment and their cables must be in good condition and protected by
Property damage differential breakers.
Incorrect tools (manual or electrical) Fall of tool Electrocution 3 4 12 2 3 6
Multeple Body Injuries
Before start the tasks, the supervisor should must inspect the good condition of the
Communicate (DSTI, Method
collective protection equipment (guardrails and / or footing);
Statement, Toolbox Talk and Risk
The behavior of the formwork and falsework must be constantly watched, suspending
Assessment); Supervision all the time.
the concreting whenever it detects any failure;
Use of scaffolding or improvised Fall levels bellow The work should only be taken up again after restoring stability and strength
Several Body Injuries or
Formwork wood benches (skids) or improperly Slip / trip 3 5 15 necessary; Employees working on the scaffolding or improvised wood benches (skids) 2 3 6
Fatalities or Property Damage
assembled Fall of objects or improperly assembled must be trained and Fall Protection communicated;
Regular inspections of equipment before every use and records kept; Defective
equipment to be reported to manager;
Suitable personal protective equipment must be available.

Work permit; Communicate (DSTI, Method

Competent and autorhized people only; Statement, Toolbox Talk and Risk
Tagging; Full body safety harness; Daily check; Assessment); Supervision all the time.
Permanent visual check; Encourage reporting unsafe condition;
Work at height without fall Grip gloves; Platforms, toebar, guardrails, baseboard, fitted ladder, barricade area,
Fall levels bellow,Fall of objects Collpsing of structure Multiple Body Injuries, Fatality 3 4 12 access IN/OUT by ramp/ladders; 2 3 6
PPE; Lanyard, 2250kg anchorage point;
Solid barricading; Personal fall arrest system;
Be careful in open spaces and always check your step before any action.

Stepping or Handling on nails and Contact with sharp edges Struck against / by - Multiple Body Injuries Safety boots with steel toecaps and mid-soles provided to all workers and Safety Explain the need to wear safety boots
sharp objects workers could suffer foot 3 4 12 Gloves provided; 2 2 4 and dispose of waste in skips;
and injuries. Housekeeping. Supervisor to check that correct safety
Ensure the inspection of the equipment before start work; boots are always worn and waste
Immediatly replace damaged equipment; disposed of properly.
Several Body Injuries or Use only certificated equipment;
No Pre use inspection of Equipment Malfuntion of equipment Struck against / by 3 5 15 Always take into account the maximum load capacity for the equipment; 2 5 10 Obtain training certificates and verify
Only authorized employee in work area and Barricade the work area

Lifitng Using Mobile or Truck

Mounted Crane Operation
Ground inspection by responsible Supervisor;
Several Body Injuries or The one meter rule must be adhered to for ground stability; Supervision and Medical support at all
Poor Crane Setup Instability of plant Fall of the load or Crane 3 5 15 Visual observation; 2 5 10
Fatalities times

DSTI and PTW communicated; Use of required PPE for task;

Barricade work area;
Ensure broken or damaged ropes, slings and hooks are removed from service upon
Ensure that the lifting routes do not colide with any object;
Lifitng Using Mobile or Truck Travel speed shal be as slow as possible, to ensure the load s stability; For long load
Mounted Crane Operation use spreader beams;
Pay attention to the load s centre of gravity- kept directly under the main hook;
Plan a suitable lifting route to avoid collision;
Incorrect Load lifting Loss of sight between the signalman
Move the load as near to the ground as possible;
Rotating machinery - Swing and the crane operator; Disruption of Collision between the
Guide lines/ ropes shall be used on every lift to control movement suspended load;
radius; the sling;Loss of communication line worker and the load; Several Body Injuries or Supervision and Medical support at all
3 5 15 Hand signals shall be established and clarified with training and supervision to ensure 2 5 10
Close proximity of moving of sight; Distractions e.g. Cell The load can fall; Fatalities times
that all the workers understood it;
equipment; phones or radios; Blind spots
Should the operator loose sight of the flagmen all work is to halt until communication it
and/or areas of limited visibility;
No unauthorised persons or bystanders from entering the lift zone;
No lifting at wind speeds higher than 14 meter per second;
Conduct Lifitng Plan;
Lifting accessories SWL requirements to be confirmed;
Lifting accessories to be attached and used as intended

Work Inside/ close the trench Slip / trip Fall same level/ Fall to Property Damage Job plannig on daily basis and DSTI;
lower level Multiple Body Injuries Focus in the task; Adequate accesses must be constructed every concreting locations
3 4 12 enabling mobility necessary to perform the task safely and fast evacuation in case of an 2 3 6
emergency situation arises.

Exposed to Inhaling or injestion of Multiple Body Injuries MSDS for the pre mold oil must be communicated and appropriate PPE/C must be
Pre mod oill 3 4 12 2 3 6
Pre Mold Oil provided.
Use of scaffolding or improvised Fall levels bellow Property Damage Before start the tasks, the supervisor should must inspect the good condition of the Communicate (DSTI, Method
benches or improperly assembled Fatality collective protection equipment (guardrails and / or footing); Statement, Toolbox Talk and Risk
FallFall of objects
of objects & heat The behavior of the formwork and falsework must be constantly watched, suspending Assessment); Supervision all the time.
employees working the concreting whenever it detects any failure;
under, fall from heights 3 5 15 The work should only be taken up again after restoring stability and strength 2 4 8
necessary; Employees working on the scaffolding must be trained and Fall Protection
Slip / trip Regular inspections of equipment before every use and records kept;
Defective equipment to be reported to manager;
Suitable personal protective equipment must be available.

Concrete Preparation and

Work permit;
Competent and autorhized people only;
Full body safety harness;
Daily check; Permanent visual check;
Work at height without fall protection Encourage reporting unsafe condition;
or Use of Concrete Mixer near the Fall levels bellow Grip gloves; Platforms, toebar, guardrails, baseboard, fitted ladder, barricade area,
Falling, sqweezed between Multiple Body Injuries 3 3 9 2 2 4
chamber edges when pouring Fall of objects access IN/OUT by ramp/ladders;
concrete PPE; Lanyard, 2250kg anchorage point;
Solid barricading; Personal fall arrest system;
Concrete Preparation and Be careful in open spaces and always check your step before any action;
Pouring The pouring of concrete will be done using wheelbarrows, a protection wall will be
constructed from the inner side of the chamber to protect employees of working tools
from falling. The wall constructed by concrete form will have about 1 meter of height.

No use of PPE (s) required in Wear apropriate PPE and PPC no one is authorized to access the work area without the
Falling. Fall to lower level Multeple Body Injuries 3 4 12 2 2 4
particular against falls from height; required PPE/C .

Multeple Body Injuries or Demarcate the area; Barricade accessible areas;

Unauthorised People in the work area Lack of safe info Struck By 3 3 9 2 3 6
Health Problems Supervisor and work team to prevent and remove unauthoriased individuals.

Incorrect tools (manual or electrical) Contact with cuting parts Property Damage Job planning on daily basis; Concrete mixers, other electrical equipment and their
Injuring of user 3 3 9 2 2 4
and machinary Multeple Body Injuries cables must be in good condition and protected by differential breakers.

A basin should be performed for washing concret Mixer and concreting buckets;
Washing of concrete mixers and Soil Contamination
Concrete spill Ground pollution 3 4 12 At the end of the work, the basin should be cleaned and the waste sent to an 2 2 4
appropriate landfill.
All concrete shall be protected from contamination, mechanical damage, and vibration
Existence of contaminants and Concrete composition and
Contact With 3 5 15 and movement that could disrupt the concrete and interfere with its bond to the 2 4 8
vibrations structrure Damage
Job planing, conduct the DSTI each shift
Provide the Permit to night work
Provide adequat ilumination (spotlight) Communicate (DSTI, Method
Several Body Injuries or
Working at Night Poor visibility Multiple possible events 3 5 15 Focus in the task, 2 5 10 Statement, Toolbox Talk and Risk
Fatalities or Property Damage
Only authorized persons to conduct the task Assessment); Supervision all the time.
Wear appropriat PPE for the Task (visible vest)

No person, vehicle, equipment or loading shall be allowed on any structure, or part

thereof; Communicate (DSTI, Method
Person,Vehicle and equipment on Contact With Multiple Body Injuries or
Struck against 3 2 6 Before the concrete is sufficiently hardened. 1 2 2 Statement, Toolbox Talk and Risk
any concrete structure Property Damage
Assessment); Supervision all the time.
Concret Curing The layout shall be such that work being carried out on any unit(s) does not interfere
with, or adversely affect, adjacent operations;
Contact With Struck againts Property damage
Interference with adjacent operations 3 3 9 Suitable protection against the elements shall be provided should this be necessary to 2 2 4
Contact with
achieve the specified standard.

Form stuck on the concrete and

sudden jump when removed,
Removing of Form (using Multeple Body Injuries, hand The removal of the forming must be done step by step to avoid injuries, use of leather
Concrete particles can spread by Struck by or / againts, fall Injuring workers 3 3 9 2 2 4 Supervision must be present all the time
hammer,crowbar) or finger injury, eyes injury gloves, safety glases
hammering form, loss of body

Adhere to Stacking and Storage; Procedure and Practices;

Fall Conduct Stacking and Storage Inspection; Concrete Waste will be deposited on the
Close out
Stacking & storage activities Slip and trip Struck by Multeple Body Injuries 3 4 12 Camp temporary deposit. 1 4 4

PROBABILITY Scope Risk Levels Decision
*Worst-case is calculated without the information in brackets
Acceptable as is (worst-case scenario) ;OR
CONSEQUENCE *Information in brackets only to be used for calculation with Current Controls and Proposed
Controls 1 1–6 (“ALARP” Acceptable with current controls - focus attention to the maintenance of controls; OR
1 2 3 4 5 Target)
Will Not Happen Highly Unlikely Could Very Likely Will Happen Acceptable after proposed controls – implement and maintain controls.
(effective controls (adequate controls in (controls in place, but (some controls in (no controls in
Rating People Environment Reputation in place) place, but some gaps effectiveness is place, but not place) Requires further improvement, AND.
2 8 – 10 MEDIUM
still exist) questionable) effective) “Zero tolerance” on current level of controls while further action is undertaken.
Drastically improve; OR
First-aid Treatment/ Slight damage/ Slight effect Slight impact 5 15 - 25 HIGH
Slight discomfort Insignificant loss 1 2 3 4 5 Consider discontinuing operation/process/task/activity.
Medical Treatment/ Minor damage/ Minor effect Limited impact
2 2 4 6 8 10
Limited discomfort Minor Loss Note: The general approach should be: When the colour is green, no further action is required.
Disability/ Localised Considerable
effect impact
3 6 9 12 15
ble loss
First-aid Treatment/ Slight damage/ Slight effect Slight impact 5 15 - 25 HIGH
1 1 2 3 4 5 Consider discontinuing operation/process/task/activity.
Slight discomfort Insignificant loss
Medical Treatment/ Minor damage/ Minor effect Limited impact
Limited discomfort Minor Loss 2 4 6 8 10
Note: The general approach should be: When the colour is green, no further action is required.
Disability/ Localised Considerable
effect impact
3 6 9 12 15
ble loss
Major national
4 Disability/ Extreme Major damage/loss Major effect 4 8 12 16 20

Fatality/ Inability to Extensive Major

work damage/loss
Massive effect
5 10 15 20 25

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