JSA of Steel Structure - 220 KV Busbar Dismantling - Installation Work

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Risk Management Process

WB-09A/FRM: 0 1 of 3 EHS SIEMENS
Document No. Revision Date of Issue Page No Issuing Department


PROJECT REV # 0 Participents


LOCATION Reviewed By

1. Assembling & Errection of equipment and Gantires & Beams Steel Structure
Risk After Existing Controls Additional Controls / Actions to ensure ALARP Residual Risk
Sr Activity Hazard Hazard Effect / Consequence Existing Controls PPE's

May cause Infection, severe illness, fatality,

1.Meeting with Employees (Operative May cause Infection, Mandatory PPE's
or those of our subcontractors) severe illness, fatality,Quality of work could 1. use only desginated walk ways to access working location. dont run and follow the site safety rules. Gloves
1 Job Preparations Contractors (Other site operatives), not be performed due to untrained staff 1. Temperature screening of workers before 4 4 VHR 2. Do not ignore the barricated area Safety Boots
1 3 LR
Visitors, Lack of Communication may result in Scaffold collapse and may entering at site. 3. Deploy the competent staff on job that have adequate experience and qualification. Helmet
2.Incompetent staff (Manager, consequence in Personal injury, Plant and Coverall
Engineer, Supervisor , Etc) assets damage etc Reflective Waist

1. Make Separate paths for vehicle and pedestrian movement.

1. Valid Driving liecnse of Driver 2. Competent workers should perfrom the job. Mandatory PPE's
2. Vehicle Smoke Emission Certificate 3. Avoid Manual Handling if possible. Mask
Hit from or struck by vehicle, Personal 3. Vehicle Fitness Certificate 4. Supervision must be in place. Gloves
Offloading of steel stucture 1.Improper offloading technics/ Un 5. Signages should be provided.
from vehicles skilled workers
injury, Manual handling, Property damage 4. Safety Induction 3 4 HR 6. Material should be stored or stacked properly only ins designated area.
Safety Boots 1 2 LR
or loss 5. PTW Helmet
6. Inspection Checklist.T 7. Area should be barricaded properly. Coverall
7. Task Specific TBT 8. Suitable and Adequate PPE's must be provided. Reflective Waste
9. Use first aid facility.
10. Immidiately take affectee for medical checkup.

Mandatory PPE's
1. All tools and equipment must be inspected and tagged properly as defined in Siemes EHS Plan. Gloves
1. Damage / Uninspected tools. Personal Injury. 1. PTW 2. Only right tools should be used for the right job.
3 Use of Mechainical/ hand tools 2. Inappropriate use of tools Asset Damage 2. Daily TBT 3 2 MR 3. Workers should be trained enough to use tools properly.
Safety Boots 1 2 LR
4. Supervision must be in place Coverall
Reflective Waist

Mandatory PPE's
1. Proper Access & Egress platforms should be built for pedestrain and vehilce movement. Gloves
1. PTW
1. Improper access & egress Personal Injury. Slip and trip 2. Daily TBT 2 2 MR 2. No activity should be performed until & unless access platforms is inspected by competent person. Safety Boots 1 2 LR
Reflective Waist

1. Safety Induction Mandatory PPE's

2. PTW 1. Only authorized person will be allowed in the work premises . Mask
1. Presence of unauthorized persons. 2. Electrical Engr. AND EHS officer will presence at all time during the activity. Gloves
2. Poor barrication Personal injury, , Plant and assets damage 3. TBT 2 3 MR 3. Technical and EhS team will ensure the barrication and then will start the activity Safety Boots 1 1 LR
4. Safety signage will be provided Helmet
4. Supervision Coverall
Reflective Waist

1. Periodic inspection of electric DBs.

2. Installation and periodic testing of ELCB.
3. Providing trainings and awareness sessions on emergency condition such as rain
1. PTW Task Specific PPE's
Electrocution.(from power tools/improper 2. Inspection Checklist. 4. Electrical cables with joints will not be allowed on site. MV/HV Gloves
1. Electrocution, Coming in contact wiring and lighting) Arcing. 5. Power tools must have proper receptacles. Fiber Toe Shoes
with Energized equipment Skin burns. 3. Daily TBT 3 4 HR 6. Specialist training will be carried out. Coverall 1 3 LR
Fire. 4. First 7. Electrical tools ground/ earth availability will make sure. Reflective Waist
Conduction through metal aid facility 8. Double insulated cables should use at site. Safety Helmet
5. DB with ELCB must be installed
9. Electrical cables should not trail at floor/ ground level, it could cause of damage cable insolation further
Assembling ,fixing and tightning leading to electrocution.
of Steel Structure

Mandatory PPE's
1. Aovid manual handling if possible. Mask
Musculoskeletal disorder. 1.PTW 2. Provide Job rotation and frequent breaks to workers. Gloves
Injuries. 2. Safety Induction
1. Manual Handling Back Injury or pain. 3.Daily TBT 2 2 MR 3. Use more workers to lift heavy loads. Safety Boots 1 2 LR
4. Training should be provide to workers. Helmet
Strain 4.First aid facility 5. Supervision must be inplace. Coverall
Reflective Waist

1. Safety Induction
2. 1.Only competent person should perform the job. Mandatory PPE's
Tool Box Talk 2. Ensure that all loose nuts and bolt are tighten properly. Mask
1. Improper fixing and loose parts of Personal injury. 3. Right tool shall be used for the job. Gloves
steel structure Chance of collaps of structure due to 3. Permit to Work 3 3 HR 4. Defective equipment and tools shall not be allowed at site. Safety Boots 1 3 LR
loosing bolting/fixing 5. Each nut and bolt should be doubled checked and inspected by a competent person. Helmet
4. First aid facility Coverall
5. Supervison Reflective Waist
6. Exprienced Workers

Mandatory PPE's
1.Daily TBT 1. Daily housekeeping Shell be conducted Mask
2.Removed all the un used material form 2 Used safety gloves and safety shoes 3.proper Material stacking Gloves
1. Slip and trip hazard Personal Injuries. working area.
Personal falling. 3.Short breaks during activity. 3 2 HR Safety Boots 1 2 LR
4. Walkways must be clears 5.Specific training shell be conducted for cable lying Helmet
4.Daily housekeeping must be conducted before 6. Workers shell be aware in daily TBT Coverall
start the activity Reflective Waist
1. LOTO Task Specific PPE's
Electric Shok. 1. TBT, MV/HV Gloves
1. Entrance in live area without NTDC Serious personal 2..Erathing 1. Training 3.. Siemens ERP , Fiber Toe Shoes
and siemens permission Injury , Death , Static Charge. Leads 3 4 HR 4 signages, Coverall 1 3 LR
Electrocution., induction, static charge. 3.. EMF metter 5. PTW, close supervision Reflective Waist
4. Live Line detector Safety Helmet

1. Work under PTW

2. Lockout Tagout Try Procedure Task Specific PPE's
1. Failure of interlocking 3. 1. Log out & Tag out system 2. All MV/HV Gloves
Shut Down (Getting NTDC manual operation\Lockout Electricution, Personal Injury equipment grounded properly 3. Do not enter Fiber Toe Shoes
Approval) 2. Tagout Proceudre, 3. Violation of Shock, Death, Asset damage
Conduct TBT prior to start the activity 4 4 VHR untill PTW issue in the switch yard area 4. Electrical peson Coverall 1 3 LR
4. Competent
SOP's personnel 5. Safe shall be present at site all the time Reflective Waist
work procedures Safety Helmet

Mandatory PPE's
1. Ensure the supervision during the activity. Gloves
Fatlity, electrocution,personal 1. Method statement, TBT, work under 2. Training shall be provide to the workers before activity.
1. Lack of Supervision injury,equipmnet damage PTW,competent workers 2 4 HR Safety Boots 1 3 LR
3. Electrical danger signnage must be placed. Coverall
Reflective Waste

Mandatory PPE's
1. Valid Driving liecnse of Driver Mask
Movement of Vehicle and 1. Contact with overhead or nearby Perosnal Injury. 2. Safety Induction Gloves
structures. Electrocution. 1. Excess clearance from over head lines shall be ensured.
6 Equipment ( inside Grid 2. Vehicle hitting structure. Fatality.
3. PTW 3 4 HR 2. Area will be restricted and only concern person will be allowed to work.
Safety Boots 1 3 LR
Premises) 4. Inspection Checklist. Helmet
3. Vehicle hitting pedestrian Equipment / Material damage or loss 5.Daily TBT Coverall
Reflective Waist

1. Competent Staff should perform the job.

2. Structure should be inspected on daily basis by both Siemesn and ZEC execution teams.
3. Errection should be done with proper equipment.
4. 3rd Party Certification and calibiration test must be preformed for each and every equipment.
5. Lifting equipment such as crane or chain blocks must be 3rd party inspected.
1. Safety Induction 6. Driver or operator must have a vaild 3rd party certification and must be competent enough.
Falling object. 2. 7. Smoke emission test for all combustable engines must be available. Mandatory PPE's
Struck by or hit by falling structure. Tool Box Talk 8. Ensure that the rigging equipment is 3rd party inspected. Mask
Crushed by falling structure. 9. Load test shall be performed prior to lifting job. Gloves
7 Steel Structure Errection 1. Structural Collapse Personal Injury. 3. Permit to Work 2 4 HR 10. Proper load calculations shall be done before lifting or moving equipment by Siemens and Zec execution Safety Boots 1 3 LR
Head Injury. teams. Helmet
Fatality. 4. First aid facility 11. All tools must be calibirated and in good condition for use. Coverall
Asset damage or loss 5. Supervison 12. All nuts and bolts must be tighten properly and double checked. Reflective Waist
6. Exprienced Workers 13. Workers should not stand near or under the structure during errection or movement.
14. Site must be barricaded properly and no unauthorized person should be allowed at site.
15. Strict Supervision must be in place.
16. Workers should be briefied about the hazards related to the job in task Specific TBT.

1. 3rd Party certification

2. Lifting Plan Mandatory PPE's
3. Safety Induction Mask
1. Under capacity equipment, 4. PTW 1. Physical inspection on site. Gloves
2. Crane should be third party certified.
defective 2. Equipment, tools. Personal Injury, Asset damage or loss 5. Inspection Checklist. 3 2 MR 3. Crane valid Operator license & driving license is necessary to proceed work.
Safety Boots 1 2 LR
3. Unqualified / in experienced Crew 6.Daily TBT 7. Helmet
Rigging Plan and inhouse inpection checklist 4. Lifting Rigging Plan. Coverall
8. Lifting Reflective Waist
Rigging Plan

1. 3rd Party certification 1. Load test shall be performed before lifting

2. Lifting Plan 2. Center of gravity should be maintain properly during lifing operation. Mandatory PPE's
3. Safety Induction 3. Proper taglines should be provided to move the load. Mask
1. Falling load. Personal injry. 4. PTW 4. Rigging equipment should be 3rd party inspected and tested, physical inspection should be done prior to Gloves
2. Workers Crushed by Load.
8 Rigging & Lifting Operations 3. Load hitting adjacent structure or
Fatality. 5. Inspection Checklist. 2 4 HR the operation. Safety Boots 1 3 LR
Equipment / structure damage or loss 6.Daily TBT 7. 5. Load should be properly secured during lifting operation. Helmet
nearby equipment Rigging Plan and inhouse inpection checklist 6. Area should be properly barricaded and no unauthorized personel should be allowed. Coverall
8. Lifting 7. Competent personel should perfome the job. Reflective Waist
Rigging Plan 8. Supervision must be in place

Spill can cause land or soil contamination. 1. Spill Kit 1. Secondary contamination. Task Specific PPE's
Harm enviornment. 2. 3rd Party Inspection Drip Trays Rubber gloves, Gum boots
1. Oil Spillage Harm aquatic life. 3. Physical Inspection 3 2 MR 2. SOP for spill control Goggles/Splash, Apron, 1 2 LR
Cause Fire 4. PTW 3. Physical Inspection before commencement 4. Spill kit availability will be Dust mask
5. TBT make sure at site. Reflective Waist

1,placed signages Mandatory PPE's

1. Damaged / uncertified chain blocks. 2. Safety Induction Mask
Use of Pulley, Sling wire, chain 2. Load losspoor condition and Personal injury. 3. PTW 1. Competent staff shall perform the task under competent supervision. Gloves
Host Chain Blocks damaged poly, uncertified polly , not Falling Objects. 4. 3rd Party Inspection Certifacte of Equipment 2 3 MR 2. tagging / Color coding system for assurance of tools fitness Safety Boots 1 3 LR
proply fixed and attahced pully Asset damage or loss 5. Inspection Checklist. 3. specialists trainings(like identification of physical hazards). Helmet
5.Daily TBT Coverall
Reflective Waist

1. Proper scaffolding platform or mobile scaffolding 2. platform

1. Competency Check should be built and inspection tobe done & tag must be posted be for start the job or used where required Mandatory PPE's
Head Injuries. 2. Safety Induction if the height for working is above 4 ft. Mask
1 Falling From Height. 3. Tool Box Talk 3. Proper Access & Egress should be provided in platform. Gloves
10 Work At Height 2. Falling objects Trauma. 4. Permit to work 2 4 MR 4. If the platform cannot be provided then workers must use standard satefy harness belts. Safety Boots 1 3 LR
3. Improper Platform Fracture 5. First aid 5. Workers must be competent and trained enough to perfom the job. Helmet
Fatality facility. 6. Toe boards must be provided in platforms Coverall
6. Briefing ERP in TBT 7. Strict Supervision must be in place Reflective Waist
1. Ensure that only competent workers perform the job.
2. Ristrict access for unauthorized personnels.
3. Ensure that PTW & MS is available for the task that is being performed.
4. Ensure that LOTO System is strictly followed.
5. Double check the disconnectors and LOTO tags.
6. Esure and double check the nearby lines and equipment is completely and properly de-energized and
7. Ensure that the ladders or rungs of gantry are easily accessable and easily to climb.
8. Ladder or rungs should be inspected by a competent person.
9. Workers should be trained enough to perform the job.
1. Incompetent Workers. 10. Workers should use 3 point contact for climbing up the ladders .
2. Unauthorized personnel. 1. Competency Check 11. After climbing up workers should hook the harness belt in proper area.
12. Chainblocks and pulleys must be 3rd party certified. Task Specific PPE's
3. Electrocution Serious Personal Injury, Electrical burn, 2. Safety Induction MV/HV Gloves
Arcing. 3. Tool Box Talk 13. Workers operating chainblocks and pulleys must be competent enough.
cardiac arrest, Broken or fractured bones, 14. More chain blocks shall be used for cable pulling. Fiber Toe Shoes
Busbuar dismantling/Busbar
4. Personnel Falling From Height. hit by falling objects or material, Head 4. Permit to work 4 4 VHR 15. Area should be properly barricaded and no worker should be allowed to stand under or near the Coverall 1 3 LR
5. Wires Falling From Height. injury, Asset damage or loss 5. First aid Reflective Waist
Installation work 6. Damage Tools and Equipment facility. gantries or beam during busbar installation.
16. Strict supervision must in place. Safety Helmet
. 6. Briefing ERP in TBT
1. Deployment
of workmen

1.Follow the safe ground & section clearances according to voltage levels 2.Ensure suitable
barrication to avoid unauthorized entry into the live areas. 3. Display caution signage/danger
1. Competency Check notice at prominent location. Task Specific PPE's
Ensuring sectional and ground Serious Personal Injury, Electrical burn, 2. Safety Induction Ristrict access for unauthorized personnels. MV/HV Gloves
clearance.Segregation of live Electrocution due to existing live cardiac arrest, Broken or fractured bones, 3. Tool Box Talk 4. Ensure that PTW & MS is available for the task that is being performed. Fiber Toe Shoes
area from the work area by parts/system or circuits hit by falling objects or material, Head 4. Permit to work 4 4 VHR 5. Ensure that LOTO System is strictly followed. Coverall 1 3 LR
injury, Asset damage or loss 5. First aid 6. Double check the disconnectors and LOTO tags. Reflective Waist
barricading facility. 7. Esure and double check the nearby lines and equipment is completely and properly de-energized and Safety Helmet
6. Briefing ERP in TBT isolated.
8. Ensure that the ladders or rungs of gantry are easily accessable and easily to climb.

Electrocution due to induction due to 1. Competency Check Ensure proper earthing Mandatory PPE's
live parts Electrocution due to Serious Personal Injury, Electrical burn, 2. Safety Induction 1.Obtain existing plant drawing and ensure the position of underground live cable. Mask
Ensuring proper earthing, existing underground live cable. cardiac arrest, Broken or fractured bones, 3. Tool Box Talk 2. Exact coordinates to be located with the help of the drawings. Gloves
wherever applicable Damage to other underground utilities hit by falling objects or material, Head 4. Permit to work 4 4 VHR 3. Excavation permits to be obtained before tp start the excavation. Safety Boots 1 3 LR
e.g., fire, F1Snts, water hydrants etc. injury, Asset damage or loss 5. First aid 4. Manual test pits to be made with utmost precaution at appropriate intervals to understand the exact Helmet
facility. route of cable & pipes. Coverall
6. Briefing ERP in TBT Reflective Waist

1. PTW, MS 1.Separate pathways should be built for vehicle and pedestrains. Mandatory PPE's
Struck by or hit by Vehicle, Muscloskeletal 2. Tractor 3rd Party Inspection 2. Manul handling or cable pulling should be avodied. Mask
1. Manual or Mechanical Cable Pulling. disorder, muscle cramps, fatigue. 3. Smoke Emission Certificate 3. Restrict Vehicle speed to 10 kph in live area. Gloves
Busbuar Rigging & Lifting 2. Blocked Acess / Egress
Operations 3. Slip, Trip, Falls
Vehicle or Tractor Hitting pedestrains, 4. Driver Lisence 3 3 HR 4. Banksman should be avaiable with the vehicle. Safety Boots 1 3 LR
Vehicle or Tractor hitting equipment. 5. Competent Personnel 5. All Access and Egress routes for vehicles must be cleared. Helmet
Personal injury, head injury 6. Designated Pathways 6. Driver must not be intoxicated and should be competent enough. Coverall
7. Housekeeping should be done properly to avoid slip trips Reflective Waist

1. Work under PTW 1. Proper Communication channels should be established between workers and management. Task Specific PPE's
1. Mis-communication Personal Injury, TechnicalFailure, 2. Lockout Tagout Try Procedure 2. Workers must be informed and breifed about the procedures In task specific TBT. MV/HV Gloves
Energizing The Busbars 2. Technical Fault interlocking failure, Electrical Shock, 3. 3. Supervision should be in place. Fiber Toe Shoes
Restoring Shutdown 3. Electrocution Electrical burns, Cardic arrest, Fire, Conduct TBT prior to start the activity 2 4 HR 4. Siemens and ZEC representatives should double check the system and procedure before proceeding. Coverall 1 3 LR
4. Arcing Fatality 4. Competent 5. LOTO systam should strictly be following. Reflective Waist
personnel 5. Safe 6. Workers should maintain safe working distance during energizing process. Safety Helmet
work procedures

1.Hotwork permit should be issue for such activities. Mandatory PPE's

1. Fire Extinguisher 2.Hotwork should only be performed in designated location and or workshop. Mask
Personal injury. 2. Placed signages 3. Ensure that no flammable material or liquids should be placed or stored near the designated area or Gloves
2nd and 3rd degree burn.
1. Fire Fatality.
3. Safety Induction 3 4 HR workshop for hot work. Safety Boots 1 3 LR
4. PTW 4. Suitable fire extinguisher must be placed nearby. Helmet
Asset damage or loss 5. Daily TBT 5. Fire watch must be available in the area. Coverall
6. Supervision must be provided. Reflective Waist

Taks Specific PPE's

Perosnal Injury. 1. Competency Check 1. Ensure that ELCB is in place in DB. Face Shield / Welding
Grinding, Cutting, Welding, 2. Safety Induction
16 Electrical burns. 2. Competent operator should perform the job. Shield
Drilling 3. Tool Box Talk
Cardiac Arrest. 3. Power tools should be inspected by competent person. Gloves
1. Electrocution / Short Circuit Fatality 4. Permit to work 3 4 HR 4. Ensure that power tools have Earthing wire installed and connected properly with equipment body. Safety Boots 1 3 LR
Fire 5. First aid 5. MCB must be installed in DB to avoid short circuits. Helmet
Asset Damage or loss facility. 6. Suitable fire extinguisher should be placed. Coverall
6. Briefing ERP in TBT Apron

Taks Specific PPE's

Face Shield / Welding
1. PTW 1. Competent personel should perform the job. Shield
Arc Eye Gloves
1. Radition Catract
2. Welding Sheild 3 2 MR 2. Proper and suitable PPE's should be given to worker.
Safety Boots 1 2 LR
3. Job rotation and frequent breaks should be provided to worker.

1. Competency Check Mandatory PPE's

2. Safety Induction 1. Jpb rotation and frequent breaks should be given to workers during peak hours in hot weather. Mask
Adverse weather Conditions 1. Heat Stress, Temperature Heat Stroke, Dehydration, , Hypothermia, 3. Tool Box Talk 2. Avoid working in extreme cold weather. Gloves
(Hot / Cold,Rain, Windy
variations, Cold Stress, high wind, rain, pneumonia, Drowning 4. Permit to work 2 2 MR 3. No lifting operation should be performed during strong winds more than 30 miles per hour. Safety Boots 1 2 LR
flooding Death 5. First aid 4. No work should be performed during raniy day. Helmet
facility. 5. Dewatering pumps should be provided to avoid flooding Coverall
6. Briefing ERP in TBT Reflective Waist

1. All access ways should be clean and tidy. Mandatory PPE's

1. Slip and trip hazard 1. PTW 2. Both Siemens and ZEC Site Managers will ensure that the site should be cleaned completely after Mask
2. Improper Material Stacking. Personal Injury, Broken bones due falling, 2. TBT completion of work. Gloves
18 Housekeeping 3. Hazardous Non-hazardous Waste Environmental damage, pollution 3. First Aid Facility 2 2 MR 3. Material should be properly stored in designated area. Safety Boots 1 2 LR
Generation. 4. Drip Trays 4. Waste management plan should be implemented and followed. Helmet
5. Hazardous waste should be disposed off as per Siemens procedures. Coverall
Reflective Waist

Mandatory PPE's
1. Ensure appropriate communication system Mask
2. Ensure that siren/Hooter is available to be 1. Ensure emergency drill is to be carried out as per matrix Gloves
Emergency Handling, Crisis 1. Poor Emergency Management. used in case of emergency 2. Ensure all personnel are well aware about ERP & their roles and responsibilities in case of emergency
Management 2. Remote location problems Personal Injury/Asset Loss 3. Ensure all personnel are familiar with a 2 2 MR 3. Keep close coordination with
Safety Boots 1 1 LR
dedicated and alternate emergency assembly NTDC/Site representative Coverall
points Reflective Waist
RISK MATRIX Insignificant Minor Moderate Major
1 2 3 4


Medium High Very High Very High


5 10 15 20

Medium High High Very High


4 8 12 16


Low Medium High High


3 6 9 12

Low Medium Medium High


2 4 6 8

Low Low Low Medium


1 2 3 4
Major Severe
4 5

Very High Very High

20 25

Very High Very High

16 20

High Very High

12 15

High High
8 10

Medium Medium
4 5

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