Ethics Drills With Rationalization

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General Education – Ethics

Choose the correct answer. Good luck FUTURE LPT’s!

1. A popular belief that children are the parent‟s investment for the future hampers the national efforts for
a. enlightened occupational c. professional development
b. responsible parenthood d. unified family

 The popular belief that children are the parent‟s investment for the future hampers the
national efforts for responsible parenthood. This belief suggests that the sole purpose of
having children is to secure the parents‟ future and potentially overlooks the importance
of providing a nurturing and supportive environment for the child‟s emotional, social and
educational needs. In contrast, responsible parenthood emphasizes the holistic care and
upbringing of children, considering their overall development and well – being. By
promoting responsible parenthood, national efforts can prioritize the welfare of children
and create a foundation for a healthier and more stable society.

2. The organization of words to give pleasure, to elevate the human experience and to judge the
underlying values are the basic objectives of _____.
a. literature c. painting
b. music d. theater

 Literature is the art form that primarily focuses on the organization of words to convey
meaning, evoke emotions, and explore human experiences. It encompasses various
genres such as novels, poetry, plays and short stories. Through skillful arrangement of
words, literature aims to provide pleasure to the reader, offer insights into the human
conditions, and critically examine societal values and beliefs. While music, painting, and
theater can also evoke emotions and convey meaning, the specific objective of organizing
words to achieve these purposes is most closely associated with literature.

3. People can harbor unjustified dislike of certain groups of people demonstrate _____.
a. racial prejudice c. individualism
b. economic prejudice d. socialism

 When individuals hold unjustified dislike or hostility towards certain groups of people
based on their race or ethnicity. It is referred to as racial prejudice. Racial prejudice
involves making negative judgments or stereotypes about individuals or groups solely
based on their racial background, without any valid reasons or evidence to support such
biases. It is important to note that prejudices can manifest in various forms, including
racial prejudices, but it is not limited to race. Prejudice can also be based on other facts
such as gender, religion, socioeconomic status or nationality. However, in the given
context, where the unjustified dislike is directed towards certain groups of people, the
term “racial prejudice” is the most appropriate descriptor.
 Socialism is a social and economic doctrine that calls for public rather than private
ownership or control of property and natural resources. According to the socialist view,
individuals do not live or work in isolation but live in cooperation with one another.
 Individualism the belief and practice that every person is unique and self-reliant. A
belief in individualism also implies that you believe that the government should bud out
of your individual affairs.
4. What is progress in one‟s occupation or workplace called _____.
a. rank status c. work award
b. career development d. occupational renewal

 Career development refers to the ongoing process of improving and advancing in one‟s
occupation or workplace. It encompasses various activities and strategies aimed at
enhancing skills, acquiring new knowledge, gaining experience and pursuing
opportunities for growth and advancement within the chosen career path. Career
development often involves setting goals, acquiring qualifications or certifications
seeking promotions or lateral moves and continuously learning and adapting to changes
in the workplace.

5. A person, whose opinion is trusted and whose advise on delicate matters are valued by friends and
colleagues has attained _____.
a. rank c. prestige
b. relation d. understanding

 Prestige refers to respect, esteem and high regard that an individual earns from others due
to their perceived expertise, competence and reliability. When someone‟s opinion is
trusted and their advise on delicate matters is valued by friends and colleagues, it
indicates that they have attained a certain level of prestige within their social or
professional circle.

6. Declaration of martial law is justified when there is ______.

a. attempted assassinations of politicians
b. rampant graft and corruption
c. danger of famine because of predicted drought
d. visible rebellion and widespread lawlessness

 Martial law is typically declared in situations where there is a significant threat to public
order, such as when there is an ongoing rebellion or widespread lawlessness that poses a
grave danger to the safety and security of the population. In such cases, the government
may temporarily suspend normal civil liberties and grant the military additional powers
to restore order and protect public safety.

7. Films are the most advanced art because they not only involve visual and audio but also ___.
a. music c. light
b. scenery d. movement

 Films involve movement, which is a crucial aspect that sets them apart from other art
forms. Through the use of cameras and editing techniques, filmmakers can capture and
manipulate motion, bringing characters, objects, and stories to life. Movement adds a
dynamic and immersive quality to films, allowing filmmakers to convey emotions, action
and narrative in a unique way.

8. Your neighbor confides that she is a drug pusher because she needs the money to support her
lifestyle. The moral principle that you should advise your neighbor to follow is ____.
a. Principle of double effect.
b. The end does not justify the means.
c. Between two evils do the lesser evil.
d. Always do what is right.

 The principle “The end does not justify the means” is a widely recognize ethical principle
that emphasize the importance of adhering to ethical standards and not engaging in
unethical standards and not engaging in unethical or illegal activities, even if the desired
outcome seems beneficial. In the given situation, advising your neighbor to continue
being a drug pusher would go against this principle, as it involves engaging in illegal and
harmful activities for personal gain. Instead, alternative solutions or paths should be
explored that are in line with ethical guidelines and do not involve participating in illegal

9. Happy times await you provided you can overcome the reluctance to do some unpleasant chores
that need immediate action. Remember that effort is far more easily sustained if it is joined by
enthusiasm. This suggests that work worth doing at all is worth doing _____.
a. effortless c. repeatedly
b. cheerfully d. reluctantly

 The phrase “effort is far more easily sustained if it is joined by enthusiasm” suggests that
approaching work with enthusiasm makes the effort easier to maintain. Therefore, the
sentence implies that work worth doing is worth doing cheerfully.

10. Scientists‟ values and beliefs are influenced by the customs and traditions of ______.
a. relatives c. society
b. family d. association

 Scientists, like any other individuals, are members of a larger social context that shapes
their values and beliefs. Society refers to the broader community or culture in which
scientists live and work. This encompasses the customs, traditions, norms, and collective
beliefs that are shared by the people within that society.

11. It is a practice in Richard‟s office to serve well only those who brings gifts, but it is the practice
of Richard to serve well all, without gifts. Richard‟s act is demonstrated of ____.
a. indifference c. integrity
b. industry d. embarrassment

 The act of Richard serving well all, without gifts, demonstrates integrity. Integrity refers
to the quality of being honest, ethical, and having strong moral principles. Richard‟s
behavior shows that he treats everyone equally and fairly, regardless of whether they
bring gifts or not.

12. Overseas Filipino workers boost Philippine economy, while sacrificing to be separated from the
families indeed, they are _____.
a. Labor Heroes c. Unsung Heroes
b. Export Workers d. Economic Angels

 All the given options can be considered as valid descriptions of overseas Filipino workers
(OFW‟s) and their contributions. However, the best answer would be C. This option
captures the sentiment that OFWs often go unnoticed and underappreciated despite their
significant sacrifices and contributions to the Philippine economy. Many OFWs endure
being separated from their families and endure difficult working conditions abroad to
support their loved ones back home. The term “unsung heroes” acknowledges their
dedication and selflessness while highlighting the lack of recognition they often receive.

13. The Department of Education crafted the set of general guidelines of the development of which
on the school, regional and national levels through the ______.
a. Values Education Curriculum c. Values Education Framework
b. Values Education Practice d. Values Education Regulation

 A framework provides a structured approach and serves as a guide for the development
of various aspects within a particular field or discipline. In this case, a Values Education
Framework would provide the overarching principles, concepts, and guidelines for the
development of values education at different levels (school, regional, and national). It
would outline the key components, goals, and strategies to be implemented, while
allowing flexibility for adaptation to specific contexts.

14. Biological reference is used for the human being, but moral reference should be used to the ____.
a. spirit c. value
b. conscience d. person

 Biological reference is used to understand the physical aspects of human beings, while
moral reference is necessary to guide our actions and decisions based on ethics and
values. In this context, the conscience serves as an internal moral compass, helping
individuals distinguish between right and wrong and act in accordance with their values
and principles. While a person‟s spirit may encompass their inner essence, it is
conscience specifically related to moral decision – making. Values shape one‟s
conscience, but the conscience acts as the internal regulator, evaluating whether actions
align with personal values. Overall, moral reference is crucial in guiding human
behavior, and the conscience plays a vital role in assessing the moral implications of
actions and making ethical choices.

15. The monarch of England whose strict adherence to morality influenced the struggle of good over
evil in literary pieces known as didactic literature was Queen ______.
a. Mary c. Elizabeth
b. Sophia d. Victoria

 The monarch of England whose strict adherence to morality influenced the struggle of
good over evil in didactic literature was Queen Victoria. Queen Victoria who reigned
from 1837 to 1901, was known for her strong moral values, and her reign coincided with
a period of Victorian literature that often emphasized moral lessons and the contrast
between good and evil.

16. That growth and development vary from person to person is exemplifies in the principle of _____?
a. individual differences c. apperceptive basis
b. rewards and punishment d. reinforcement

 The principle of individual differences acknowledges that each person is unique and may
exhibit variations in their growth and development. It recognizes that factors such as
genetics, environment, experiences and personal characteristics contribute to the
differences observed among individuals are exactly alike and that their growth and
development may follow different paths.

17. Leadership of people with competence and integrity results in a social system called ____.
a. royalty c. monarchy
b. meritocracy d. aristocracy

 A meritocracy is a social system in which leadership and advancement on individual

merit, competence and integrity rather than on inherited or arbitrary factors such as
wealth, birthright or social status. In a meritocracy, individuals are rewarded and given
positions of authority based on their abilities, qualifications and achievements. This
system aims to create a fair and just society where people are recognized and rewarded
based on their skills and contributions.
 Royalty - the rank, status, or power of a king or queen; royal position, dignity, over
sovereignty. Common parlance members of any family which reigns by hereditary right
are often referred to as royalty or "royals". It is also customary in some circles to refer to
the extended relations of a deposed monarch and their descendants as a royal family.
 Monarchy - political system based upon the undivided sovereignty or rule of a single
person. The term applies to states in which supreme authority is vested in the monarch,
an individual ruler who functions as the head of state and who achieves his or her
position through heredity.
 Aristocracy - government by the best individuals or by a small privileged class. Run by
few, example the Aztec Empire, Saudi Arabia, and Brunei.

18. High strung, highly exatable and perfectionist people cannot keep still and are always looking at their
watch. These people are usually the ones who have high blood pressure, heart disease and stomach
ulcers because of ______.
a. sickness c. wealth
b. stress d. success

 Highly strung, highly excitable and perfectionist individuals often experience higher
levels of stress due to their personality traits and tendencies. These individuals may
constantly feel the need to be productive, achieve perfection or meet high expectations,
leading to a state of chronic stress. This continuous stress can have negative impacts on
their physical health, such as increased blood pressure, heart disease and stomach ulcers.

19. The proponent of P.E.T.A which pioneered in play productions and presentations and for the masses
is ______.
a. Pura Castrence c. Naty Rogers
b. Cecile Alvarez d. Carmen Nakpil

 Cecile Alvarez is a notable proponent of P.E.T.A (People for the Ethical Treatment of
Animals) who has made significant contributions to play productions and presentations
aimed at reaching the masses. As an advocate for animal rights and ethical treatment,
Alvarez has played a crucial role in raising awareness and promoting P.E.T.A‟s message
through theatrical productions and public presentations.
 Pura Castrence one of the Filipino women writers, she was among the first to gain
prominence writing in the English language. She was named a Chevalier de Légion
d'honneur by the French government
 Naty Rogers - Filipina actress, drama teacher, writer, producer and researcher. She was
best known for her role in the 1965 film adaptation of the play A Portrait of the Artist as
 Carmen Nakpil - Filipina journalist, author, historian and public servant. She was a
recipient of the S.E.A. Write Award. (Southeast Asian Writers Award)

20. A person‟s right to protection against lawful disappearance is done through ______?
a. Bill of Rights c. Writ of habeas data
b. Writ of habeas corpus d. Writ of amparo

 The Writ of Amparo is a legal remedy or mechanism that provides protection to

individuals against human rights violations, including unlawful disappearances. It
originated in Mexico and has been adopted by several other countries, including various
Latin American Nations. The Writ of Amparo allows individuals, or their relatives or
representatives, to petition a court to review the legality of an individual‟s detention or
disappearance. It serves as a safeguard against arbitrary arrests, secret detention or
enforced disappearances by requiring the authorities to provide information about the
detained person„s whereabouts and justification for their detention. This mechanism
helps prevent abuses of power, protects human rights, and ensures transparency in the
legal process.

21. To evaluate the rightness or wrongness of human act, one must be familiar with the study of
a. sinfulness c. morality
b. virtue d. relationship

 Morality refers to the principles and values that guide human behavior and distinguish
between right and wrong actions. It involves an understanding of ethical standards and
the ability to make judgments about the moral character of a particular action. By
studying morality, one can develop a framework for evaluating human acts based on
concepts such as fairness, justice, honesty, compassion and respect for others.
 Virtue - a good moral quality in a person, or the general quality of being morally good

22. The welfare of workers is safeguarded by the legal sector called ______.
a. House of Representatives c. DWSD
b. Labor Union d. Cooperative organization

 Labor Union, also known as trade unions, are organizations formed by workers in various
industries to protect their rights and advocate for better working conditions, fair wages,
and improved benefits. They operate within the framework and are authorized by labor
laws in many countries. Labor Unions play a vital role in ensuring the welfare of workers
by engaging in collective bargaining with employers to negotiate employment contracts,
working hours, wages, and benefits. They advocate for workplace safety, protection
against unfair treatment, and equitable treatment of employees.

23. The interdisciplinary field which includes studies on women, men, gay, lesbian, bisexual,
transgender, etc.. Is collectively known as_________.
a. sex education c. poverty studies
b. human studies d. gender studies
 Gender studies are an interdisciplinary field that explores and analyzes the social,
cultural, political, and economic aspects of gender identity and expression. It
encompasses studies on women, men, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and other
gender identities and sexual orientations.

24. Political idealist advocate ideals of politics, such as justice, equality and fairness. Political realist
have more realistic viewpoint of politics, aptly stated by “might is right”. Who among the
following is more a political idealist rather than a political realist?
a. Julius Caesar c. Donald Trump
b. Ferdinand Marcos d. Benigno Aquino III

 Benigno Aquino III is more likely to be considered a political idealist that a political
realist. Aquino served as the President of the Philippines from 2010 – 2016. He was
known for advocating democratic ideals, good governance, and human rights during his
 Julius Caesar, Ferdinand Marcos, and Donald Trump are often associated with political
realist to varying degrees. Julius Caesar was Roman military and political leader known
for his conquests and consolidation of power, making him more aligned to political
 Ferdinand Marcos and Donald Trump also had mixed records with elements of both
idealism and realism in their political actions and beliefs.

25. Whose philosophy gives prominence to faith in understanding the existence of God?
a. St John c. St Peter
b. St. Benedict d. St. Augustine

26. Mahatma Ghandi, loon of non – violence, said “there go my people, I must hasten to follow them for I
am their teacher.” The quotation means ______________.
a. leadership by action c. leadership by following
b. leadership by example d. leadership by popularity
 Mahatma Ghandi working to achieve freedom and equality for all, in India and in Africa.
He is remembered for his non-violent creed, and for his belief that black and white
people should have equal rights, and be looked upon the same as every other person. His
famous qoute "You must be the change that you wish to see in the world,".

27. Corazon Aquino recognized icon of democracy by the world, successfully led the Filipinos to freedom
from dictatorship through her _________________.
a. arrogance c. courage
b. wealth d. humility

28. Which do Filipino families generally value most?

a. male offspring c. female offspring
b. land d. education

29. There are literature types that aim to inspire and develop values, to these types belongs ___.
a. didactic c. reportorial
b. fiction d. caricature
 Didactic literature refers to literary works that aim to educated or instruct the reader,
often focusing on imparting moral, ethical, or philosophical values. These works are
intended to inspire and develop the reader‟s understanding of certain principles or
concepts. Examples of didactic literature include fables, parables, and allegorical stories.
 Fiction is a literature in the form of prose that describes imaginary events and people.
 Reportorial by news characteristic
 Caricature – exaggerating the objects to create a comic of fun of the subject

30. The process of studying oneself closely in quietness and reflective mood is ______.
a. introspection c. intrapersonal
b. interpersonal d. intrusion

 Introspection refers to the examination and contemplation of one‟s own thoughts,

feelings and experiences. It involves looking inward and self –reflecting on ones‟ internal
state, beliefs, and motivations. This process often occurs in a quiet and reflective
environment where an individual focuses on their world.
 Interpersonal the process between two or more people. It involves the exchange of
messages, ideas, and information between individuals.
 Intrapersonal be defined as communication with one's self, and that may include self-talk,
acts of imagination and visualization, and even recall and memory.
 Intrusion entering a community to which one does not belong.

31. “A satisfying problem –solving experience improves one‟s ability to cope with the next
difficulty”. This quotation means that ____.
a. it is always difficult to handle problems
b. problem – solving is daily activity
c. every successful experience strengthens one‟s ability to face difficulties
d. one has development skills to improve talent and ability

 The quotation suggests that when a person has a satisfying problem – solving experience,
it enhances their ability to cope with future challenges. By successfully overcoming a
problem, individuals gain confidence, knowledge, and skills that can be applied to tackle
subsequent difficulties. The emphasis is on the positive impact of previous problem –
solving experiences in improving one‟s ability to handle future obstacles.

32. Of the criteria of personhood, recognition and acceptance by others are classified as _____ criteria.
a. cognitive c. genetic
b. sentient d. social

 Recognition and acceptance by others are classified as social criteria of personhood.

These criteria involve how an individual is acknowledged and acknowledged as a person
within a social context.

33. Moralist write literary pieces that inform and teach moral lessons which are called _____.?
a. lyric c. didactic
b. historical d. autobiographical
 Didactic literary pieces are specifically designed to educate or instruct readers, often
conveying moral lessons or principles. These works aim to teach or advocate certain
values, beliefs, or behaviors. Moralists frequently employ didactic writing to convey their
moral messages and influence reader‟s thoughts and actions.

34. The following manifest the value of social responsibility EXCEPT _______.
a. assistance to the disadvantaged
b. mutual respect
c. concern for others
d. self – interest

 The value of social responsibility is focused on promoting the well – being and welfare
of others, as well as the community as the whole. It emphasizes actions and behaviors
that go beyond self – interest and prioritize the needs and concerns of others. Therefore,
self – interest does not align with the concept of social responsibility.

35. Study of the human motivation of human rational behaviour.

a. Ethics c. morality
b. Human acts d. Metaphysics
 Methaphysics - the branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of
things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause,
identity, time, and space.
36. Actions performed by man, knowingly and freely, a manifestation of one‟s character or moral
a. Morality c. mores
b. Human Acts d. norms
37. The quality of human acts by which they are constituted as good, bad, or indifferent, that which is
good is described as moral; that which is bad is immoral, and that which is indifferent is amoral.
a. Ethics c. values education
b. Morality d. Moral Theology
38. An approach that assumes that only matter exists and that man is responsible only to himself since
there is no God who created and rules the universe.
a. Values Education c. Atheistic
b. Theology d. Theistic
 Values education - is an essential element of whole-person education which aims
at fostering students' positive values and attitudes through
 Theology - Theology literally means 'thinking about God'. In practice it usually
means studying the sources of Christian belief like the Bible and the Creeds, and
exploring the meaning of Christianity for today.
39. Begins with the assumptions that God is the Supreme Lawgiver, everything must conform to God‟s
eternal plan of creation.
a. Values Education c. Atheistic
b. Theology d. Theistic
40. A system of beliefs and practices based on faith or revelation.
a. Theology c. Law
b. Religion d. Values Education

41. The tendency of will towards something, whether this will be realizable or not.
a. Wish c. dream
b. Intention d. goal
 Intention – tendency of the will towards something attainable but without
necessarily committing oneself to attain it. Such is our intention to study the
lesson, to attend a party, or to spend a vacation in Baguio.

42. The absence of knowledge which a person ought to possess.

a. Passion c. knowledge
b. Ignorance d. Wishful thinking
 Passion or the concupiscence, are either tendencies towards desirable objects, or
tendencies away from undesirable or harmful things.

43. The disturbance of the mind of a person who is confronted by an impending danger or harm to
himself or loved ones.
a. Violence c. Fear
b. Dream d. doubt

44. Refers to any physical force exerted on a person by another free agent for the purpose of compelling
said person to act against his will.
a. Violence c. Fear
b. Dream d. doubt
45. The lasting readiness and facility, born of frequently repeated acts, for acting in a certain manner.
a. Acts c. Voluntary acts
b. Habits d. human acts

46. Laws that are promulgated, or made known to us, by special command of God.
a. External Laws c. Divine Positive Law
b. Internal Laws d. Positive Law

47. According to him, it is the divine reason or the will of God commanding that the natural order or
things be preserved and forbidding that it be disturbed.
a. Aristotle c. Plato
b. St. Thomas Aquinas d. St. Augustine

48. The following are characteristics of the natural law, except?

a. It is universal and obligatory.
b. It is recognizable
c. It is immutable and unchangeable.
d. none of the foregoing
49. An act of the practical judgment of reason deciding upon an individual action as good and to be
performed or as evil and to be avoided, the proximate norm of morality.
a. Conscience c. morality
b. Thinking d. doing good

50. He believed that man is free, thus man deserves to be punished for the sins he freely commits.
a. Aristotle c. Plato
b. St. Thomas Aquinas d. St. Augustine

51. According to him, man has threefold nature: vegetal, animal and rational.
a. Aristotle c. Plato
b. St. Thomas Aquinas d. St. Augustine

52. The highest Good, or the Summum Bonum consists in “beatific vision” of God, that no earthly good
can fully satisfy human desires.
a. Aristotle c. Plato
b. St. Thomas Aquinas d. St. Augustine

53. The ethical system that believes accumulating karma or deeds that eventually free the individual.
a. Islamic c. Buddhism
b. Christianity d. Utilitarianism

54. The greatest moral good is that “which gives the greatest happiness to the greatest number of
a. Islamic c. Buddhism
b. Christianity d. Utilitarianism

55. A classless society, the greatest good is absolute equality which is based on the teachings of Karl
a. Economics c. socialism
b. Communism d. Machiavellian
 Economics - s the study of scarcity and its implications for the use of resources,
production of goods and services, growth of production and welfare over time,
and a great variety of other complex issues of vital concern to society.
 Socialism - Socialism is an economic and political system where the workers or
the government own the buildings and tools that make goods and services like
farms and factories.
 Machiavellian - a personality trait that denotes cunningness, the ability to be
manipulative, and a drive to use whatever means necessary to gain power.
Machiavellianism is one of the traits that forms the Dark Triad, along with
narcissism and psychopathy. (negative)
 Machiavellianism are able to easily switch between working with others to taking
advantage of others to achieve their goals, and they are more willing to do things
others see as terrible or immoral (positive)
 Machiavelli believed that public and private morality had to be understood as two
different things in order to rule well. As a result, a ruler must be concerned not
only with reputation, but also must be positively willing to act unscrupulously at
the right times. The Prince, political treatise by Niccolò Machiavelli, written in
1513. A short treatise on how to acquire power, create a state, and keep it.

56. The first and the most fundamental of the values.

a. Others c. actions
b. Self d. all of the above

57. Pertains to man‟s relationship with the Deity, guiding and regulating his communion with Him.
a. Moral Values c. Religious Values
b. Social Values d. cultural Values

58. Those that man shares with others in a given community of persons, shaping their spiritual kinship,
and directing their attention to definite ideals of behaviour.
a. Moral Values c. Religious Values
b. Social Values d. cultural Values

59. Necessary for the promotion of human society as a whole, integrating the motivation and interests of
members towards the common objective or goal.
a. Moral Values c. Religious Values
b. Social Values d. cultural Values
60. It is set of rules for determining moral standards or socially acceptable behaviour.
a. Protocol c. ethics
b. Standard d. none of the foregoing

61. Teachers have the duty to actively carry out the policies of the State. What must he/she take in order
to effect this?
a. A course professional ethics c. The licensure examination
b. The Civil Service examination d. An oath

62. Which of the following is NOT a commendable act of teacher?

a. Maintain dignified personality at all times
b. Recognition of God as a guide of his own identity
c. Submission to the press any justifiable criticism against another teacher
d. Transacting all official businesses through channels

63. Which is NOT a commendable act of any school officials?

a. Alcoholism
b. Discourage attendance to professional growth and encouraging the teacher to just stick to
c. Recommend the dismissal of a teacher for any cause
d. All of the above

64. Which is unethical on the part of a professional teacher?

a. She does not know the terms and condition of her employment
b. She avoids jeopardizing the interest and welfare of the learners
c. She bases the evaluation of the learner‟s work only in the merit and quality of academic
d. She establishes cordial relations with the community

65. No matter the degree of offense the learner committed, the teacher shall _____.
a. Not inform any problems to the parents and students
b. Not inflict physical harm on the learner
c. Not bring any student learner to the principal‟s office
d. Not elevate any problem to higher authorities

66. The teacher is a human being endowed with life for which it is the highest obligation to live with
_______ at all times whether in school, in the home, or elsewhere.
a. Thoughtfulness c. dignity
b. Humility d. pride

67. You just passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers. You applied for a teaching job in a central
school. The district supervisor promised you a position if you are willing to give a month‟s salary in
advance. How will you react to this situation?
a. Accept the offer because it is difficult to land a job nowadays
b. Refuse to pay but apply for the position just the same
c. Accept the office and mark the money to be used as evidence
d. Report the matter to the national dailies

68. How will a teacher show good reputations with respect to financial matters?
a. Sell shirts and bags to well – to – do parents during PTA meeting
b. Pays immediately the tuition fees he borrowed
c. Pays for meals and snacks of the other teachers
d. Settles his debts and loans

69. A teacher shall place premium on ________ as the primary principle of personal behaviour in all
relationships with others and in all situations.
a. Humility c. Professionalism
b. Self – discipline d. Faith in the creator

70. Why should teacher vote in elections?

a. It is their constitutional right and responsibility
b. Congressman approve the budgets of school
c. Their license as a professional teacher will be revoked if they will not vote
d. Principal will see to it that teachers cast their ballots

71. A student‟s complains to you about his failing grade in first grading period. You re – compute and
indeed you find a significant error in his grade computation. Your decision is not to accept the
erroneous computation for fear that you lose credibility. Is this morally right?
a. No, the end does not justify the means.
b. No, the reason for not accepting the error before the student is flimsy
c. Yes, as teacher you must maintain your credibility
d. Yes, the end justify the means

72. Teacher Ton knows the illegal activities of a neighbor but keeps quiet in order not to be involved in
any investigation. Which principle is morality does Teacher Ton fail to apply?
a. The end does not justify the means
b. Always do what is right
c. Between two evil, do the lesser evil
d. The principle of double effect

73. What norm of conduct is manifested by being loyal to the republic and to the Filipino people?
a. Nationalism and patriotism
b. Responsive to the republic
c. Honesty
d. Professionalism

74. The powerful European country supplied arms to the Afghanistan rebels who were fighting a
terrorist war in the Middle East. What was the principle of moral discernment applicable in this
a. Principle of double effect
b. Principle of lesser evil
c. Principle of material cooperation
d. Principle of formal cooperation

75. What principle of moral discernment applies fire victims who decided to jump over a 10 – story
building rather than die by being burned to death?
a. Principle of material cooperation
b. Principle of two evil
c. Principle of formal cooperation
d. Principle of double effect

76. What moral principle applies to removal of life sustaining machines from comatose patience whom a
doctor believes can no longer medically save?
a. Principle of material cooperation
b. Principle of formal cooperation
c. Principle of double effect
d. Principle of lesser evil

77. Lecturer Atty. Bry narrates, “I observe that where there is an English – speaking foreigner in class,
more often than not, his classmates perceive him to be superior”, to which Filipino traits does this
a. Hospitality c. colonial mentality
b. Friendliness d. lack of confidence
78. A student passes a research report poorly written by ornately presented in a folder to make – up for
the poor quality of the book report content. Which Filipino traits does this practice proves? Emphasis
on ________.
a. Arts over academics c. arts over science
b. Substance over porma d. porma over substance

79. Ethics is sometimes called morality because the two terminologies refer to _______.
a. Doing what is right and just according to the Bible
b. Examining and doing what is right, good, and just through rational and philosophical means
c. Giving what is due to the person
d. Doing it means to human being

80. In the Virtue Ethics of Aristotle, he speaks about phronesis which means the practice of the good.
But the practice of the good according to Aristotle is a product of ______.
a. Habit c. commitment
b. Self – examination d. will power

81. In a village of Sitangkay, Sulu, a 12 – year old girl is forced to marry a person she does not want.
The parents who arranged the marriage of the girls argued that what they are doing is right because
they are the parents who just want the best for their children. What ethical principle do you think
will support the decision of the parents?
a. Paternalism c. ethical revolution
b. Authoritarianism d. moral prescriptivism

82. The state of eudaimonia or human flourishing implies that human beings achieved the good life if:
a. They are successful in life
b. They are happy
c. They live a virtuous life
d. They are doing service to the community

83. Circumstances affect the morality of an action. Suppose a person commits murder for the first time
but later on admits his/her guilt. His admissions to a crime committed lessen the severity of the act
and its punishment. The action of the person is called _______.
a. Justifying circumstance c. aggravating circumstance
b. Mitigating or extenuating circumstance d. specifying circumstance

84. According to Kant‟s approach to moral philosophy, ethics is based on _______.

a. The consequence of one‟s action c. social contract
b. Sympathy d. practical reason

85. Which of the following is the strength of deontological ethical theory?

a. They fit with very little of our ordinary moral reasoning.
b. They focus on the nature of actions and the rules from which they follow
c. They pay close attention to the consequence of actions
d. All of the above

86. Which of the following is the strength of teleological ethical theories?

a. The fit with much of our ordinary moral reasoning.
b. They ignore the consequence of actions.
c. They focus on the ultimate purpose of our actions.
d. All of these.

87. Utilitarianism is an example of which of the following ethical theories?

a. Virtue c. deontological
b. Consequentialism d. teleological
 Consequentialism is the view that morality is all about producing the right kinds of
overall consequences. Here the phrase “overall consequences” of an action means
everything the action brings about, including the action itself.
 Deontological is an ethical theory that uses rules to distinguish right from wrong.
Deontology is often associated with philosopher Immanuel Kant. Kant believed that
ethical actions follow universal moral laws, such as “Don't lie. Don't steal. Don't cheat.”
 Teleological theories in ethics derive their name from the notion of "telos" which is
Greek for "end" or "goal." Teleological theories hold that actions are right or good
insofar as they promote or accomplish a certain end or outcome.
 Virtue defines good actions as ones that display embody virtuous character traits, like
courage, loyalty, or wisdom. A virtue itself is a disposition to act, think and feel in certain

88. Rights that are recognized and enforced as part of a legal system are, strictly speaking:
a. Moral rights c. both moral legal rights
b. Legal rights d. neither moral nor legal rights

89. The classical form of utilitarianism is expressed by which of the following?

a. An action is right if, and only if, it is done from the right intentions.
b. An action is right if, and only if, it produces the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for
c. An action is right if it brings about great benefit to some individual or another.
d. An action is right if, and only if, it is beneficial to society.

90. Act – utilitarianism is characterized by:

a. Evaluation of the rightness of an act by the consequence of that act.
b. Determination of the rightness of an act by appeal to a relevant rule of morality.
c. Both A and B
d. Neither A or B.

91. John Stuart Mill holds which of the following views about justice?
a. Equal treatment is a presumptive right and no inequality of treatment is ever justified.
b. Equal treatment is not a presumptive right, and inequality of treatment is justified by the
c. Equal treatment is not a presumptive right, but inequality of treatment is difficult to justify.
d. Equal treatment is a presumptive right that requires any inequality of treatment to be justified.

92. According to Benthan and Mill, utility is:

a. Pleasure c. pleasure and the absence of pain
b. The absence of pain. D. well – being

93. Rights that involve claims on specific identifiable individuals are called____?
a. Moral rights c. specific rights
b. General right d. negative rights

94. Rights that entail an obligation on the part of others to refrain from acting in certain ways are called
a. Moral rights c. specific rights
b. General right d. negative rights

95. Rights that impose obligations on others to provide us with some good are called ____?
a. Moral rights c. specific rights
b. General right d. negative rights

96. How would you select the most fit on government positions? Applying Confucius teachings, which
would be the answer?
a. By course accreditation of an accrediting body
b. By merit system and course accreditation
c. By merit system
d. By government examination

97. The sum total of a person‟s efforts to cope with stressful situations in life is called ______?
a. Reaction c. defense mechanism
b. Anger d. emotion

98. According to St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas, the ultimate happiness is?
a. Money c. life after death
b. Earthly things d. God

99. The greatest good is _____?

a. Corgito ergo sum c. wealth
b. Summum Bonum d. money

100. For him the greatest good is happiness.

a. Plato c. Thomas Aquinas
b. Aristotle d. St. Augustine

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