5 Why Excel
5 Why Excel
5 Why Excel
Spreadsheet Table
30 Comments Karn Bulsuk Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Find out how to visualize your five-whys analysis by putting it into a spreadsheet,
including a downloadable five why template and tutorial.
Visualizing your 5-whys analysis in a table is the best way to show the causal links
between your causes and the ultimate root causes. One of the easiest ways to do
this is to put it into a spreadsheet - the 5-why Excel spreadsheet template as well as
the example in the article is available for download at the bottom of this article.
Mio has been put in charge of fixing the current problems, and has been given full
authority to act. To keep things simple, she looked for the root causes using the
table method.
In Excel, Mio arranges the table so that it has twelve columns, and set up like in the
illustration below. Each “why” column will contain your why analysis, while each
column in between will consist of arrows leading your reader to the correct Why.
The root cause analysis column will contain all the root causes you identified, while
the recurrence prevention column will contain your recommendations on how to
prevent it from happening again.
To help you save time on setup, a template in Microsoft Office format can be
downloaded at the end of this article.
Mio maps those two causes in the “Why 1” column of the spreadsheet.
If there
is more than one answer to a “why” question, they will handled separately when it
comes to their turn to ask why.
She would then add the answer in the “Why 2” column, with an arrow to link the
chain-of-reasoning together.
This part demonstrates how there can be multiple answers to a Why question, and
how to deal with a branching Why analysis.
This set of whys are becoming more involved, but not more difficult as the same
basic principles still apply. She asks “why” to the previous point, and then writes
down her answers in the “Why 4” column.
Why did they fear being made 1. They thought the computer system was
redundant? designed to replace them.
Why were they uncomfortable about 1. They had always been doing it this way.
changing the way they worked? 2. The positive aspects of the change were
not communicated.
Why did the company grow at an
exponential rate that there was no time 1. There was insufficient planning
to document anything?
Why were staff not explained the full
benefits of the system? 1. There was a lack of communication.
If you notice, the third why which says “they were uncomfortable about changing the
way they worked” branches out into another two whys. Even at this stage, there
could be several answers to the why question.
At the final why, you should be focusing on wrapping up your analysis and identifying
the root causes of the problem.
Why were the positive aspects of the We assumed that the benefits were
change were not communicated? obvious.
Why was there was insufficient Top management were too busy
planning? firefighting and dealing with operational
work, rather than developing a strategy.
Root Causes
At the end of your analysis, you will often come up with a series of common root
causes. In this analysis, Mio has identified the following root causes, and the
following solutions to prevent them from happening again:
So at the end…
With these findings, Mio is now equipped to develop a strategic plan to solve the
current problems at Alencia.