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Study of Energy Efficient Building GREEN

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 4 Issue 06, June-2015

Study of Energy Efficient Building


Deepshikha Neogi Jignasha Patel

Civil Department Civil Department
Parul University Parul University
Vadodara, Gujarat, India Vadodara, Gujarat, India

Abstract— In this project prepared a working model on green 1 Sustainable site Selection
society which not only provides occupant an ecofriendly
environment but it also focuses on re-use of waste materials. Architects and engineers including administrators have to

 Number of industries / building existing and proposed

Minimal CO2 emission, Less electricity consumption and gives consider the factor like

 Surface and ground water quality

zero discharge. Majority it has solar panels to produce

 Air quality
electricity but even biogas plant which emit methane gas (used
as cooking fuel) and other gases also produce electricity. Also
 Eco-system
windmill installed contributes to electricity production .The
 Land use
hydraulic jump in the canal behind the society also helps in

 Services exiting near such development

electricity production hence the generated electricity can be

 Flora/fauna conservation,etc. during site selection

used to run the appliances in the house of the society .Here the
sand filters are used to filter out grey water and sewage water
which can be used in watering the plants in the garden.Most process
importantly green techniques like double coated window ,
cavity wall, cooling pipes , cooling tower incommercial building , 2 ENERGY EFFICIENCY
porous pipe , rain water harvesting , zigzag LED light
arrangements, low flow fixture in washroom etc... Have been A. Use a properly sized and energy efficient
included for thermal insulation, acoustics, proper ventilation heating/cooling system in a building
and lighting and reduces use of water. B. Use solar energy for lighting water heating
This whole society is ultimately created on the basis of three C. Maximum use of natural lighting and air
important techniques i.e. 3R (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) D. Maximize light colours for roofing and wall finishing
Keywords— Green Building; Bio- Gas Plant; Solar Panel; Wind
Mill; Energy Efficiency; Water Efficiency; Materials Efficiency; E. Use minimum light colour for roofing and wall finishing
Design Efficiency; Occupants Health And Safety materials
F. Use minimum glass on east and west exposures.
3 Water efficiency
What Is An Energy Efficient Building?

 Potable water should not be used for the

A green building is one whose construction and lifetime of Measures to improve water efficiency:
operation assure the healthiest possible environment while

 For other used water is to be recycled waste

representing the most efficient and least disruptive use of purpose other than essential requirement
land, water, energy and resources. The optimum design
solution is one that effectively emulates all of the natural water treatment plant should be installed at the
systems and conditions of the pre-developed site – after
 In building water saving materials are to be used
project site.
development is complete.
like low capacity cisterns showers waterless
Principles of Green Building urinals.

The different elements of a green building are as follows: 4 Materials Efficiency

1. sustainable site selection Selection of new construction materials and used of recycled
2. Energy efficiency and scrap materials are the two important factors for the
3. Water efficiency construction of green buildings. Such products promote
4. Materials efficiency resources conservation and efficiency. Using recycled
5. Design efficiency materials also helps in solid waste management system.

 Energy conservation
6. Occupants health and safety Green building materials after the following benefits

 Lower costs
 Greater design flexibility

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(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 4 Issue 06, June-2015

Reduced maintenance Registered society called ADARSH (Association for
Improved occupant health and productivity Development and Research of Sustainable Habitats).
ADARSH functions as a platform for interaction between
Some of the green materials are various stakeholders as well as promotes GRIHA,
1 Fly ash SVAGRIHA and other similar green building rating systems
2 Green concrete in India whereas SVAGRIHA is a recently designed system
3 Blast furnace slag especially for small scale projects i.e. buildings with built up
4 Coconut husk area less than 2500sq.mt [5].
5 Marble dust
5 Design efficient : 4.1 Centres for Environmental Sciences & Engineering
Building, IIT, Kanpur, India
Design of a building is very important it plays a vital role in
reducing the energy requirement of a building during its life.
Design has to consider the following: Introduction
i. Optimum use of solar energy.
ii. Optimum use of renewable energy. The CESE is a 5 star green rating building by GRIHA(India)
iii. Selection of energy efficient fitting plants and and research facility at the IIT (Indian Institute of
equipment. Technology), Kanpur on a plot area of 175, 000 square metre
iv. Adoption of energy efficient fitting plants and . It has been designed in an environment friendly manner and
equipment. conceptualized and constructed as a "building in the garden"
v. Adoption energy efficient design and technologies. that is sustainable.
6 Occupant health and safety
Key Sustainable Features
Research finding reported in different literatures revealed that
buildings with good overall environments quality can •The building is fully complaint with the ECBC (Energy
reduces the rate of respiratory disease allergy asthma and Conservation Building Code).
exchange worker performances choose construction materials
and interior finish products with zero or low emissions to •Sustainable site planning has been integrated to maintain
improve indoor air quality many building materials and favourable microclimate.
cleaning /maintenances products emit toxic gases such as
volatile organic compounds and formaldehyde these gases •The architectural design has been optimized as per climate
can have a dramatic and positive impact on indoor air quality and sun path analysis.
provide effective drainage from the roof and surrounding
landscape. •The building has energy-efficient artificial lighting design
and daylight integration.
•Water body to cool the micro climate.
A green building uses as many methods as possible to reduce
the use of carbon-based energy. It would contain the highly
efficient lighting elements (compact), possibly there would be •Orientation of building: North – South.
alternate energy sources like solar units or wind driven units
on the building or nearby. Energy efficient design would be •It also has energy-efficient air conditioning design with
built in to a new building, etc. controls integrated to reduce annual energy consumption.


GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment), MAIN SCOPE OF THE PROJECT IS ZERO WASTAGE & LESS
TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute) & SVAGRIHA CO2 EMISSION &COST EFFECTIVENESS.
(Small Versatile Affordable GRIHA) are green building
rating system developed for Indian construction sector.
GRIHA is a rating system which assesses the environmental
performance of buildings on scale of 0-104. On the basis of
number of points scored, a building can be rated between 1 &
5stars. GRIHA was developed by TERI and has now been
adopted by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
(MNRE) as the National Rating System for green buildings in
India and to promote green buildings in India and to oversee
the various activities associated with it, MNRE and TERI
jointly established an independently

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(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 4 Issue 06, June-2015

In most residential biogas plants, the mixing ratio for dung

(cattle and / or pigs) and water (B: W) amounts to between
1:3 and 2:1. For this calculation we take the ratio of (B: W) is
(2:1) and retention time is taken as 30 days.

• Waste produce per day= 0.6kg per person

• In a family of a 4 person daily production of a waste
is 2.4kg (2.5kg). From a township of a 14 residential
buildings waste produce is 35 kg. so in one month
waste produce from a township is 1050kg.
• Average density of kitchen waste, vegetation & trees
is 550kg/ .
• Therefore, volume of waste is 1050/550= 1.9

Therefore, Substrate input (Sd) = biomass (B) + water (W)

= 1.9+0.95

=2.85 / month


In this paper we tried to design a society of 14 houses,

which play a role of “GREEN BUILDING”. The design =85 (approx)
procedure for different component of green building is
calculated as follows. In this design procedure we assume Circular type digester tank is to be provided with dimensions:
that there are 14 families having 4no. Of member in each. height: diameter= 0.9
According to this data we make some assumption & design a
different component for green building such as biogas plant, Using, V
rain water harvesting system, solar panel & sand filter.

BIOGAS PLANT: The size of the digester, i.e. the digester Diameter (d) = 4.9m and
volume Vd, is determined on the basis of the chosen retention
time RT and the daily substrate input quantity Sd. Height (h) = 4.41m

Calculation for gas production,

[m3 = m3/day × number of days]
From the experimental results it is found that 2.5 kg waste
produces 0.2kg methane. So, from 14 residential unit 1050kg
The retention time, in turn, is determined by the chosen/given is generated in a month which will produce 84 kg methane
digesting temperature. For an unheated biogas plant, the i.e. 127273 lit.
temperature prevailing in the digester can be assumed as 1-2
Kelvin above the soil temperature. Seasonal variation must be 9091 lit/month/ home gas is generated. By which we can
given due consideration, however, i.e. the digester must be calculate that 13636.5lit/home is generated in 45 days.
sized for the least favourable season of the year. For a plant
of simple design, the retention time should amount to at least In 45 days one 14liter CNG cylinder is used in a residential
40 days. Practical experience shows that retention times of unit. So, 13636.5 lit can be used in 974days by one residential
60-80 days, or even 100 days or more, are no rarity when unit, which is approximately 2.5 years. So there is a savings
there is a shortage of substrate. On the other hand, extra-long of approximately 20 cylinders from each home & from 14
retention times can increase the gas yield by as much as 40% residential unit savings of cylinder is 280 i.e., 2,24,000/-
Substrate input (Sd) = biomass (B) + water (W) [m3/d]

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(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 4 Issue 06, June-2015

Primary installation cost of biogas plant is 50,000/- which can RAIN WATER HARVESTING:
be recovered within 1 yr.
Suppose the system has to be designed for meeting drinking
Excessive amount of methane gas can be used in industry. water requirement of a five-member family living in a
Also it can be compressed & used for running cars. building with a rooftop area of 100 sq. m. The average annual
rainfall in the region is 600 mm (average annual rainfall in
Delhi is 611 mm). Daily drinking water requirement per
person (drinking and cooking) is 10 litres.
SOLAR PLANT: 200watts of 2 nos. of solar panels has been
provided on the roof top the residential building. This will
supply 400 watts for 10 hrs. i.e. , 4kwh per day Design procedure:

One basic old-fashioned light bulb uses 60 watts of Following details are available:
electricity; a CFL uses 18 watts. Laptops often use about 45 Area of the catchment (A) = 163 sq. m.
watts, and desktops can run between 150-300 watts. Window Average annual rainfall (R) = 611 mm (0.61 m)
air conditioning can range between 500 and 1500 watts, and Runoff coefficient (C) = 0.85 1. Calculate the maximum
central air conditioning can use 3500 watts. In total, the amount of rainfall that can be harvested from the rooftop:
average home uses about 958 kilowatts a month– with Annual water harvesting potential = 163 x 0.6 x 0.85
variations by season, especially if you use air conditioning or = 83.13 cu. m. (83130 liters)
electric heat. Usage also varies between day and night. 2. Determine the tank capacity: This is based on the dry
Unless you work at home, most of your electricity usage period, i.e., the period between the two consecutive rainy
probably happens at night. seasons. For example, with a monsoon extending over four
months, the dry season is of 245 days.
Solar panel Wattage = Daily Power requirement / (Average 3. Calculate drinking water requirement for the family for the
Sunlight Hours x Efficiency of the system) dry season
= 245 x 4 x 10
 In our case daily power requirement = 5 KWh = 9800 liters

 Average Sunlight Hours = 5 hrs As a safety factor, the tank should be built 20 per cent larger
than required, i.e., 11,760 liters. This tank can meet the basic
 Efficiency of the system = say 80% = 0.8 (Here the drinking water requirement of a 4-member family for the dry
conversion losses of inverters, solar charge controllers, period. A typical size of a rectangular tank constructed in the
battery and wiring are taken ) basement will be about 3 m x 2 m x 2 m. construction cost of
rectangular tank is about 22,000Rs.
Now The solar panel wattage requirement = 5/ (5×0.8) =
1.25Kilo Watts Per day. Providing 15 m long PVC pipe having diameter 50mm which
costs 600Rs per meter. So the cost of PVC pipe is 9000Rs.
So, total cost of rainwater harvesting system is 31,000Rs.

We had provided 4 nos. of 200watts solar panel with battery Water requirement is 135lpcd. So in a family of 4 members
of 48 volts in an area of 64 m2. Installation cost of this solar water requirement per year is 4*135*30*12=1,94,400liters/
system is 1,40,000/-. In India average monthly consumption year.
is 400 units. (1unit= 1kwh). 1 unit costs 6Rs. So our monthly
electricity bill is 2400/-. So from our calculations 1,11,270liters of water will be used
from municipality supply.


From experimental result 250 gallons/day sewage is

Therefore, we can recover solar panel installation cost in generated from 3BHK unit
5yrs. i.e.946litres/day/unit.14*946=13244litres/day/unit.

Approx 15 liters are used in watering garden per day/unit

which is 210 liters for 14 residential units. So out of 13244
liters,210 liters can be used for watering gardens & 13034
liters can be supplied to cisterns of 14 homes & 1commercial
building for flushing purpose.

Therefore, we have tried to minimise cost in green building


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(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 4 Issue 06, June-2015


Green building provides us a healthy & safe environment (1) Green Building Architecture: A Literature Review on Designing
Techniques byKushagra Varma, MayankChaurasia, Prasenjit Shukla,
to occupants. It conserves energy & minimizes CO2 TariqAhmed (Student, Architecture & Planning, MANIT, Bhopal
emission, also produces less waste. We had tried to break the (M.P), India)
myth that green always cost more. From our research we (2) User Evaluations of Energy Efficient Buildings –Literature Review and
have calculated following details: Further Research by A. L. Hauge*, J. Thomsen** & T.
Berker***(*SINTEF Building and Infrastructure, P.O.Box 124
Blindern, 0314 Oslo, Norway, **SINTEF Building and Infrastructure,
1. BIOGAS PLANT: By installation of biogas plant, Alfred Getz vei 3, 7465 Trondheim, Norway,***Centre for society and
we can produce 13636.5 lit of methane gas, which technology, dep. of interdisciplinary studies of culture,
can be used in 974days by one residential unit, NorwegianUniversity of science and technology, NTNU, 7491
which is approximately 2.5 years. So there is a Trondheim, Norway)
savings of approximately 20 cylinders from each (3) CASE STUDY on Shapath V, being developed by the Rs 600-crore
Savvy Infrastructures Ltd on Ahmadabad’s SG Highway, will be the
home & from 14 residential units savings of cylinder first green building in Gujarat.
is 280 i.e., 2,24,000/- (4) WORKING PAPER NO. W10-003 THE ECONOMICS OF GREEN
BUILDING By Piet Eichholtz Nils Kok John M. Quigley April 2011.
2. SOLAR PLANT: Providing 4 nos. of 200watts solar (5) Thesis Title “Commercial green building: the value added gap
perspective” by AmaravadeeVinyangkoon
panel with battery of 48 volts in an area of 64 m2,
(6) Thesis: Element Analysis of the Green Building Process By Richard E.
whose installation cost is 1,40,000/-. In India Zigenfus November 12, 2008
average monthly consumption is 400 units. (1unit= (7) ADOPTION OF RESIDENTIAL GREEN BUILDING PRACTICES:
1kwh). 1 unit costs 6Rs. So our monthly electricity UNDERSTANDING THE ROLE OF FAMILIARITY By Christopher
bill is 2400/-, which can be recovered within 5 yrs. W. Scheuer A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the
requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Natural Resources
and Environment) in the University of Michigan, 2007
family of 4 members water requirement per year is
1,94,400liters. Annual water harvesting potential is
83.13 cu. m. (83130 liters) from a tank of size 3 m x
2 m x 2 m.

Further we can apply for GRIHA, TERI & LEED


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