1.question Bank - IGMCRI (Biochemistry)

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Cell Biology

1. Cell membrane structure-Fluid Mosaic Model, Factors influencing fluidity

of membrane
2. Transport Mechanism- Active, Secondary active, facilitated diffusion
3. Mitochondria
4. Golgi Bodies
5. Functions of all cell organelles
6. Prokaryotic Cell vs. Eukaryotic Cell
7. Marker Enzymes


1. Classification
2. Factors affecting Enzyme Activity
3. Various types of Enzyme Inhibition
4. Allosteric Regulation
5. Co-enzyme
6. Active Site
7. Km value
8. Iso-enzymes
9. Enzymes of diagnostic importance
10.Oxygenases-Mixed function oxygenases

Clinical Enzymology

1. Enzyme patterns in different diseases

2. Myocardial infarction
3. Cardiac Troponins
4. LDH and Heart Attack
5. Creatine Kinase

Chemistry of Carbohydrates

1. Classification of carbohydrates
2. Structure of starch and glycogen/ Homopolysaccharides
3. Glycosaminoglycans / Mucopolysaccharides
4. Disaccharides
5. Non-Reducing Property of Sucrose
6. Glycosides
7. Dietary fibers
8. Anomers
9. Epimers
10. Mutarotation

Electron Transport Chain

1. Components of ETC
2. Structure of Mitochondria
3. Chemiosmotic Theory
4. ATP Synthase
5. Inhibitors and Uncouplers of ETC

Carbohydrate Metabolism

1. Glycolysis
2. Glycogenolysis
3. Gluconeogenesis
4. TCA Cycle
5. Anaploretic Reactions of CA
6. HMP Shunt Pathway and Substrate Level Phosphorylation
7. HMP Shunt Pathway, Uronic Acid Pathway, Sorbitol Pathway – Clinical
8. Lactose Intolerance
9. Fructosuria
10. Galactosemia
11. Glycogen storage disorders
12. Hemolytic Anemia

Regulation of Blood Glucose, Insulin, Diabetes Mellitus

Chemistry of Lipids

1. Classification of lipids
2. Compound Lipids / Phospholipids
3. Liposomes
4. Iodine number
5. Saponification number
6. Rancidity
7. Eicosanoids
8. Essential Fatty Acids
9. Significance of PUFA
10. RDS / DPL

Lipid Metabolism & Cholesterol, Lipoproteins

1. Lipid Profile
2. Digestion and Absorption of Lipids
3. Role of Bile salt in Lipid digestion and absorption
4. Steatorrhea
5. Chyluria
6. Beta-Oxidation
7. Oxidation of palmitic acid and its energetics
8. Refsum’s Disease
9. Peroxisomal oxidation- Significance
10. Fatty Liver and Lipotropic Factors
11. Ketogensis and Ketolysis
12. Multi-enzyme complex
13. Malabsorption syndrome
14. Cholesterol Biosynthesis- with Regulation and Inhibition
15. Rate limiting enzymes of Cholesterol synthesis & Beta oxidation
16. HDL & LDL metabolism
17. Reverse Cholesterol Transport
18. Bile Acid Synthesis
19. Hypercholestrolemia
20. Obesity & Dyslipidemia
22. Fared Wall’s Formula

Liver Function Test

Tabular Column
No. Parameter Normal Value Pre-Hepatic Hepatic Post-Hepatic
Jaundice Jaundice Jaundice

1. 0.2-0.8 mg/dL Increased Increased Increased

2. 0.2-0.7 mg/dL Increased Increased Normal

3. 0.1-0.4 mg/dL Normal Increased Increased

4. 6-8 g/dL Normal Normal Decreased

5. 3.5-5 g/dL Normal Normal Decreased

6. 12-15 s Normal Increased Increased

7. 5-40 IU/L Normal Increased Normal

8. 5-45 IU/L Normal Increased Normal

9. 0- 150 IU/L Normal Increased Increased

10. 0-50 IU/L Normal Increased Increased

11. Present Increased Present Absent

12. Absent Absent Absent Increased

13. Absent Absent Absent Present

14. Present Decreased Increased Absent

Acid-Base Balance

1. Regulation of blood pH by buffers, respiration and kidney

2. Anion gap
3. Metabolic and respiratory acidosis, alkalosis

Chemistry of Amino Acids

1. Classification of amino acids

2. Iso-electric pH
3. Zwitter Ions
4. Peptide Bond

Chemistry of Proteins

1. Classification of proteins
2. Biologically important peptides
3. Primary structure of proteins
4. Secondary structure of proteins
5. Secondary structure of collagen
6. Denaturation of protein

Protein Metabolism

1. Digestion and Absorption of Proteins

2. Removal of Ammonia
3. Detoxification of Ammonia
4. Urea cycle and Disorders

Amino Acid Metabolism

1. Glycine
2. Glycine-Serine-Choline Cycle
3. Methionine
4. Branched Chain Amino Acids Catabolism
5. Phenylalanine/Tyrosine
6. Trans-sulfuration reaction
7. Polyamines
8. Special products of
a) Glycine
b) Tyrosine
c) Phenylalanine
9. Diseases
a) Homocystinuria
b) Maple Syrup Urine Disease
c) Phenylketonuria
d) Alkaptonuria-Garrod’s Tetrad
e) Albinism
f) Carcinoid Tumours
g) Hartnup’s Disease

Plasma Proteins

1. Normal Serum Electrophoresis

2. Acute phase proteins
3. Albumin- Normal Serum Level & Functions
4. Hemophilia A
5. A-G Ratio


1. Structure of Hemoglobin and its functional relationship

2. Oxygen Dissociation Curve
3. 2,3-BPG
4. Met-Hb
5. Sulf-Hb
6. HbF
7. HbA1C
8. Sickle Cell Anemia and Trait
9. Thalassemia

Heme Metabolism

1. Structure & Synthesis of Heme

2. Types of Porphyrias
3. Acute Intermittent Porphyria
4. Catabolism of Heme
5. van den Bergh Test for Bilirubin
6. Criggler-Najjar Syndrome
7. Gilbert’s Disease
8. Dubin-Johnson Syndrome
9. Acquired Hyperbilirubinemias
10.Hemolytic Disease of New Born

Mineral Metabolism

1. Calcium
2. Iron
3. Copper – Abnormal Metabolism
4. Zinc – Dependant Enzymes, Acrodermatitis Enteropathica
5. Fluoride – Fluorosis
6. Selenium
7. Enzymes containing Metals Examples

Fat Soluble Vitamins

1. Vitamin A
2. Vitamin D
3. Vitamin E – Selenium sparing effect
4. Vitamin K – Functions and GCG Synthesis

Water Soluble Vitamins

1. Thiamine – Beriberi
2. Riboflavin – Co-enzyme activity and deficiency manifestation
3. Niacin – Co-enzyme activity, Pellagra Hartnup’s Disease, Carcinoid
4. Pyridoxine
5. Pantothenic Acid – Gopalan’s Burning Foot Syndrome
6. Biotin – Carboxylation Reactions, Avidin
7. Folic Acid – Transmethylation reaction, Anemia, Antagonists
8. Cyanocobalamin
9. Ascorbic Acid
Energy Metabolism and Nutrition

1. BMR
2. SDA
3. Dietary Fibre
4. Biological value of protein. Nutritional basis for ingesting pulses and
5. Protein Energy Malnutrition

Chemistry of Nucleic Acids

1. Secondary Structure of B-DNA

2. Secondary Structure of Z-DNA
3. Structure of t-RNA
4. Melting temperature of DNA
5. DNA types
6. RNA types
7. Difference between DNA and RNA
8. Hyperchromisity
9. Nucleotide Analogues
10.Minor or Unusual bases in DNA
11.Biologically important nucleotides

Nucleic Acid Metabolism

1. Salvage Pathway
2. Analogues as Purine synthesis inhibitors
3. Assembly of Purine Ring
4. Gout - Hyperuricemia
5. Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome
7. Anti-cancer agents acting on Purine and Pyrimidine
Molecular Biology

1. Replication
2. Transcription
3. Post-transcriptional modification
4. Translation
5. Post-translational modification
6. rDNA technology
7. Role of Histones
8. hnRNA
9. Reverse transcriptase
10.Restriction Endonucleases
11.Cell Cycle
12.DNA Polymerase in DNA synthesis and repair
13.Mutation – Defintion, Types, Point Mutation, Xeroderma pigmentosum

Detoxification and Xenobiotics

1. Phase I and Phase II reactions

Cancer Biochemistry

1. Proto-oncogene, Oncogene, Tumour Suppressor Gene

2. Tumour markers

Kidney Function Test

1. GFR and tests to estimate it

2. Clearance tests

Thyroid Function Test

1. Lab findings in primary and secondary Hypothyroidism

2. Goitre
Lab Technology Miscellaneous

1. Thin layer Chromatography

2. Paper Chromatography
3. Rf value
5. Electrophoretic pattern in Nephrotic Syndrome
6. Radio-immuno assay
7. PCR-Steps and applications
8. Inorganic constituents in urine and daily excretion levels
9. All Blotting techniques


1. GABA formation and function

2. Sodium-Potassium Pump
3. Uses of isotopes in medicine
4. Structure of immunoglobulin

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