RealRife Brochure
RealRife Brochure
RealRife Brochure
Not all Rife machines are created equally. The Real Rife Therapy System
has been developed with a team of researchers and engineers over the
course of 10 years, with the aim of understanding and reproducing as far
as possible the technology used by Rife in his own machines.
Not all Rife machines are created equally. Most “Rife” resonators do not produce the correct output that was
developed by Dr Rife, something that can easily be demonstrated by means of a spectrum analyser and oscilloscope.
Rife was the only one whose technology got the amazing results that everyone thinks of when they hear the name
Rife. It therefore follows that until we know more than Rife (which we clearly don't!) we should be doing things exactly
the way he did (as far as is possible) if we hope to get similar results. Furthermore, Rife was very clear that things had
to be done very specifically and very accurately or the technology simply would not work!
There are many Rife machines available these days, but it is crucial to make sure that you are buying a Rife machine
that can measure up to Rife's original technology. The shortcoming of other “Rife” machines is that they simply do not
produce the same wave forms, frequencies and relative power as Rife's original machines, and therefore do not
produce the same results. The Real Rife system has been tested and shown (measured with a spectrum analyser and
oscilloscope) to create the same Hoyland wave forms, frequencies and relative power as specified by Rife. Without
measuring the output with a spectrum analyser and oscilloscope, it is impossible to know what a Rife machine is
producing and how it compares to Rife's specifications.
Ensure that you are getting a Rife machine that will produce results by asking if the
machine's output can be demonstrably measured by spectrum analyser and
oscilloscope to comply with Rife's specifications. The Real Rife Therapy System
ticks all the boxes needed to ensure therapeutic efficacy.
The Real Rife Therapy System can demonstrably produce the frequencies, wave shape, and relative power specified by
Dr Rife. These measurements can be made with a spectrum analyser and oscilloscope and are crucial in showing that
the Rife machine is up to the standard required for therapeutic results.
The original frequencies recorded and used by Dr Rife are not estimated values, but values that have been determined
by studying all the known Rife documents and measuring the actual output of three original Rife machines. The
spectrum analyser pattern should show the central high frequency carrier wave, with multiple side-band frequencies
generated simultaneously. The frequency range should be between 2Mhz and 4Mhz, with a frequency sweep from
2Mhz–5Mhz to target all pathogens.
The wave shape produced by Rife’s machines is the Hoyland wave, which is an interrupted (aka gated) wave resembling
a modulated square wave. Many “Rife” machines produce a square wave instead of a proper Hoyland wave. The
Hoyland wave form is not a square wave, but rather a wave that is produced using a sine wave audio frequency
modulated onto a sine wave RF carrier frequency.
A minimum power level of 1W with at least 70V is required to penetrate the most resistive tissues when the hand
contact method is used. Many “Rife” machines simply do not produce enough power to penetrate all the tissues, which
has a major impact on clinical results.
} The Hoyland wave shape and relative
} Below: measured on an original Rife
} Right: measured on the Tru-Rife