Drug Study - Cefoxitin

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Drug Name Route/Dosage Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Nursing

Action Reaction Responsibilities

Generic Name: Intravenous Intereferes with Treatment of Patients with CNS headache,  Assess CBC
Cefoxitin infusion bacterial cell the following hypersensitivity lethargy, and kidney
wall infection drug or other paresthesia, and liver
Brand Name: Adults: 2g in 50- synthesis and caused by cephalosporins; syncope, function to tes
Mefoxin mL. duplex division by susceptible Use cautiously in seizures CV: results
containers; used binding to cell organisms: patients with hypotension,  Monitor fluid
Therapeutic as surgical wall, causing Respiratory hypersersitivity to palpitations, intake and
Class: Antibiotic prophylaxis given cell tract infections, penicillin or has chest pain, output.
2g IV 30-60 to die. Active Skin and skin history of colitis, vasodilation,  Report
Pharmacologic: minutes prior to against gram- structure renal insufficiency, thrombophlebitis significant
Second surgery, then 2g negative and infections, or seizures. EENT: hearing decrease in
generation IV every 6 hours positive Bone and joint loss GI: nausea, output
cephalosporin for not more than bacteria, infections. vomiting.  Monitor for
24 hours with expanded Urinary tract diarrhea, signs and
activity against infections, abdominal symptoms of
gram-negative Intra- cramps, oral superinfection
bacteria. abdominal and candidiasis and other
Exhibits gynecologic pseudomembran serious
minimal infections. ous colitis GU: adverse
immunosuppres vaginal reactions
s candidiasis,  Be aware that
ant activity nephrotoxicity cross-
Intereferes with HEMATOLOGIC: sensitivity to
bacterial cell lymphocytosis, penicillins may
wall bleeding occur
synthesis and tendency,  Instruct
division by hemolytic patient to
binding to cell anemia, report reduced
wall, causing hypoprothrombin urinary output
cell emia, persistent
to die. Active neutropenia, diarrhea,
against gram- thrombocytopeni bruising, and
negative and a, bleeding
positive agranulocytosis,  As
bacteria, bone marrow appropriate
with expanded depression review all
activity against OTHER: chills, other
gram-negative fever, significant and
bacteria. superinfection, life-
Exhibits pain at IM. site, threatening
minimal anaphylaxis, adverse
immunosuppres serum sickness, reactions and
s urticarial, interactions,
ant activity dyspnea especially
ntereferes with those related
bacterial cell to the drugs
wall and tests
synthesis and
division by
binding to cell
wall, causing
to die. Active
against gram-
negative and
with expanded
activity against
ant activity.
Interferes with
bacterial cell
wall synthesis
and division by
binding to cell
wall, causing
cell to die.
Active against
and positive
bacteria, with
activity against
Exhibits minimal
s ant activity.

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