Drug Study
Drug Study
Drug Study
Generic Name: Methylergonovine To prevent and treat postpartum Seizures, dizziness headache, Monitor and record BP, pulse rate and
hemorrhage caused by uterine atony or hypertension, chest pain, palpitations, uterine response.
Maleate subinvolution nausea, vomiting, dyspnea, diaphoresis
vaginal conditions
Classifications: NSAID
Drug Study
Dosage: 500mg IV q6
Generic Name: Ranitidine Peptic disease active duodenal and Transient and reversible changes in Assess pt. for abdominal pain.
gastric ulcer, maintenance therapy for liver function test.
duodenal or gastric ulcer. Note presence of blood in emesis,
Headache, malaise and blurred vision, stool, or gastric aspirate.
Brand Name: Zantac/ Aciran Pathologic hypersecretory conditions jaundice.
such as Zollinger – Ellison Syndrome.
Drug Study
Drug Indications Side/ Adverse Effects Nursing Considerations
Generic Name: Ketorolac Relief of ocular itching due to seasonal Transient stinging and burning on Store drug away from heat in a dark,
allergic conjunctivitis. instillation, ocular irritation, allergic tightly closed container and protect
Tromethamine reactions, superficial ocular infections, from freezing.
Prophylaxis and reduction of superficial keratitis.
inflammation and associated symptoms
Brand Name: Acular after ocular surgery.
Classifications: NSAID
Generic Name: Metoclopramide Management of nausea and vomiting Extrapyramidal symptoms. Stop drug for four days before
associated with various GI disorders in Occasionally , Parkinsonism and diagnostic skin test to avoid
GERD and gastric stasis. tarative dyskinesia during prolonged interference with test response.
Brand Name: Clomitene treatment in elderly.
Drug Study
Drug Indications Side/ Adverse Effects Nursing Considerations
Generic Name: Tranexamic Acid Treatment of severe hemorrhage GI disordes, nausea and vomiting, Massive hematuria from the upper
associated with excessive fibrinolysis. anorexia, headache may appear,
Abnormal bleeding during operation, impaired renal insufficiency, urinary tract.
traumatic injuries, profuse menstrual hypotension when IV injection is too
Brand Name: Fibrinon Forte bleeding, recurrent nose bleed, genital rapid. Patients with intravascular coagulation.
bleeding, post tooth extraction and Renal insufficiency.
other dental procedures.
Classifications: Dyslipidaemic agents/