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(Nguồn Prep tổng hợp)

I. Do Supply the correct verb form: The Simple Present Tense or The Present Continuous Tense.
1. Be quiet! The baby (sleep).
2. We seldom (eat) before 6:30.
3. Look! A man (run) after the train. He (want) to catch it.

4. The sun (set) in the West.

5. It (be) often hot in summer.
6. I (do) an exercise on the present tenses at this moment and I (think) that I (know) how to use it now.
7. My mother sometimes (buy) vegetables at this market.
8. It (be) very cold now.

9. It (rain) much in summer. It (rain) now.

10. Daisy (cook) some food in the kitchen at present. She always (cook) in the morning.

II. Supply the correct verb form: The Present Perfect or The Present Perfect Continuous.
1. How long you (study) English? For 5 years.
2. I (wait) for two hours, but she (not come) yet.
3. They (live) in Ho Chi Minh City since 1975.

4. She (read) all the books written by Dickens. How many books you (read)?
5. He (not, be) here since Christmas, I wonder where he (live) since then.
6. Jack (go) to Paris for a holiday. He never (be) there.
7. You (sleep) so far? I (ring) the bell for the last twenty minutes.
8. He (write) a novel for two years, but he (not finish) it yet.
9. Mary (lose) her hat and she (look) for it until now.
10. I (see) that film several times because I like it.

III. Supply the correct verb form: Present Tenses.

1. Listen! I (think) someone (knock) at the door.
2. Up to the present, we (write) almost every lesson in the book.
3. The earth (circle) the sun once every 365 days.
4. The farmers (work) in the field at the moment.
5. How many times you (see) him since he went to Edinburgh?
6. Rivers usually (flow) to the sea.
7. Look! The boy (cry).
8. Do you know that man, who (smoke) there?
9. Mrs Green always (go) to work by bus.
10. We (be) from France. We (be) there for 20 years.
11. That house (belong) to Mr. Green.
12. Mai (lose) her dictionary.
13. I (be) sorry. I (forget) that girl’s name already.
14. I (wait) for the manager for two hours.
15. You (ever, see) a lion?

IV. Supply the correct verb form. Simple Past or Present Perfect
1. I (see) her before.
2. I (see) her last year.
3. Tom (never be) in Hanoi.
4. I (read) the novel written by Jack London several times before.
5. What you (do) yesterday?
6. You (watch) TV last night?
7. She (be) born in 1980.
8. He (write) a book since last year.
9. Mr Green (teach) English in this school since he (graduate) from the university in 1986.
10. How long you (learn) English?

V. Supply the correct verb form: Simple Past or Past Continuous.

1. When I (arrive) at this house, he still (sleep).
2. The light (go) out while we (have) dinner.
3. Bill (have) breakfast when I (stop) at this house this morning.
4. As we (cross) the street, we (see) an accident.
5. Tom (see) a serious accident while he (stand) at the bus stop.
6. While my father (read) a newspaper, I (learn) my lesson and my sister (do) her homework.
7. The children (play) football when their mother (come) back home.
8. The bell (ring) while Tom (take) a bath.
9. I (be) very tired because I (work) all day yesterday.
10. He (sit) in a cafe when I (see) him.

VI. Give the right forms of the verbs in brackets: Simple Past or Past Perfect
1. They (go) home after they (finish) their work.
2. She said that she (already, see) Dr. Rice.
3. When we came to the stadium, the match (already, begin).
4. They told me they (not, eat) such kind of food before.
5. He (ask) why we (come) so early.
6. After they had gone, I (sit) down and (rest).
7. Before she (watch) TV, she (do) her homework.
8. After taking a bath, he (go) to bed.

9. What (be) he when he (be) young?
10. It was the first time I (ever, see) such a beautiful girl.

VII. Give the right forms of the verbs in brackets: Past Tenses.
1. Yesterday John (go) to the store before he (go) home.
2. Our teacher (tell) us yesterday that he (visit) England in 1970.
3. When John and I got to the theatre, the movie (start) already.
4. Before Alice (go) to sleep, she (call) her family.
5. When the phone (ring), I (have) dinner.
6. Daisy (agree) with other members in the last meeting.
7. What you (do) at 6 p.m yesterday?
8. The little girl asked what (happen) to her ice-cream.
9. He (teach) in this school before he (leave) for England.
10. She (win) the gold medal in 1986.

VIII. Give the right forms of the verbs in brackets: Simple Future or Simple Present
1. We’ll go out when the rain (stop).
2. I (stay) here until he (answer) me.
3. Wait until I (catch) you.
4. She (not come) until you (be) ready.
5. Miss Helen (help) you as soon as she (finish) that letter tomorrow.
6. After the class (be) over, ask the teacher about that sentence.
7. I (come) and (see) you before I leave here.
8. We (go) home as soon as we have finished our work.
9. I (wait) here until you (come) back tomorrow.
10. I (send) you some postcards as soon as I (arrive) in London.

IX. Give the right forms of the verbs in brackets: Simple Present, Simple Future, Present Perfect or
Future Perfect.
1. I’ll wait until he (finish) his novel.
2. When you (come) back, he already (buy) a new house.
3. Don’t come until I (finish) lunch.
4. I (hope) it (stop) raining by 5 o’clock this afternoon.

5. The river (not begin) to swell until some rain (fall).

6. By next month I (leave) for India.
7. The film (end) by the time we (get) there.
8. They (build) a house by June next year.
9. We (start) our plan next week.
10. I (give) her your letter when I (see) her tomorrow.

X. Give the right forms of the verb in brackets: Simple Present, Simple Future or Future Continuous.
1. When you (go) into the office, Mr John (sit) at the front desk.
2. Our English teacher (explain) that lesson to us tomorrow.
3. We (wait) for you when you (get) back tomorrow.
4. What you (do) at 7 p.m next Sunday?
I (practise) my English lesson then.
5. When I (see) Mr Pike tomorrow, I (remind) him of that.
6. When you (come) today, I (work) at my desk in Room 12.
7. He (work) on the report at this time tomorrow.
8. Please wait here until the manager (return).
9. Don’t leave until you (see) her.
10. The Browns (do) their housework when you (come) next Sunday.

XI. Give the right forms of the verbs m brackets: Future Tenses.
1. I’m sure they (complete) the new road by June.
2. He (wait) for you when you (get) back tomorrow.
3. At this same time tomorrow, we (drive) through Pennsylvania.
4. We (see) you next Monday.
5. In two years from now, the contract (come) to an end.
6. Who (look) after the children when you are away?
7. By November I (work) for this company for 6 years.
8. If you call her at 6, she (practise) the piano then.
9. By March 15, I (be) here for one year.
10. We (move) to our new house at Christmas this year.

11. By the end of December, John (work) as a reporter for ten years.
12. By the time you arrive, I (finish) writing an essay.
13. I (give) him your message when I (see) him.
14. He certainly (not do) all his homework by ten tonight.
15. Don’t call him at 2:30 p.m. He (interview) job applicants at that time.
16. The teacher hopes we (pass) our exams.
17. By this time next week, he (write) his novel for 6 months.

18. They (arrive) on Wednesday.
19. I hope the weather (be) fine tonight.
20. You (finish) your work by 9 tonight?
XII. Supply the correct verb forms.
1. I (see) a car accident while I (wait) for you on this corner yesterday.
2. Mr Jone (be) principal of our school since last year.
3. Mr Smith (teach) at this school since he (graduate) in 1980.
4. My father (not watch) TV every night.
5. I (meet) Arthur three weeks ago.
6. Yesterday the police (report) that they (capture) the thief.
7. My friend (thank) me for what I had done for him.
8. Someone (steal) my handbag on the bus.
9. The Browns (live) in Paris for 7 years when the second World War (break) out.
10. Last month I (be) in the hospital for ten days.
11. Don’t call me in the afternoon. I usually (be) away in the afternoon.
12. Mr Clark (be) in New York 2 months ago. Mr Rossi (be) in New York until 2 months ago.
13. John (drive) that car ever since I (know) him.
14. People (speak) English in most of Canada.
15. The dog (wag) his tail whenever he (see) me.
16. What you (do) when I (ring) you last night?
17. Up to then I never (see) such a fat man.
18. I (not see) him since last Monday.
19. They had sold all the books when we (get) there.
20. I think he (leave) as soon as he (know) the news.
21. She (play) the piano when our guests (arrive) last night.
22. He (come) and (see) you soon.
23. I (come) as soon as I have finished my work. You (be) ready?
24. My mother (come) to stay with us next weekend.
25. Where you (spend) your holidays next summer?
26. Violets (bloom) in spring.
27. We (not live) in England for two years now.
28. I (never forget) what you (just tell) me.
29. They (prepare) the Christmas dinner at the moment.
30. When I last (stay) in Cairo, I (ride) to the Pyramids on a camel that my friend (borrow) the day
31. Our teacher (tell) us yesterday that he (visit) England in 1970.
32. George (work) at the university so far.
33. When he lived in Manchester, he (work) in a bank.
34. Birds (build) their nests in summer and (fly) to the South in winter.
35.1 (lose) my key. (can) you help me look for it?
36. My father (not smoke) for 5 years.
37. My teacher wasn’t at home when I (arrive). He (just go) out.
38. How long Bob and Mary (be) married?
39. You (receive) any letter from your parents yet?
40. My brother (join) the army when he (be) young.

41. You (remember) my name or you (forget) it someday?

42. Tom (study) chemistry for three years and then he gave it up.
43. Miss Lee often (write) when she was on holiday.
44. He (leave) home two weeks ago and we (not hear) from him since then.
45. You (speak) to Mrs Baker yesterday?
No, I (not see) her for a long time.
I (not can) remember when I last (see) her.
46. When the teacher came in, the pupils (play) games.
47. Columbus (discover) America more than 400 years ago.
48. By next month, I (finish) my first novel.
49. By May 5, we (live) in this city for ten years.
50. When your father (die)?

I (not know) when he (die).

51. Bill said he (forget) to buy a dictionary.
52. He felt asleep while he (do) his homework.
53. We (not see) them for a long time.
54. It (rain) when we arrived.
55. Kite and I (wait) right here until you get back.
56. He’ll leave as soon as he (hear) the news.
57. Dick (start) school before he (be) seven.
58. How long you (study) in this school?
59. We (not receive) any letter from him since he (leave) four months ago.

60. Where are you? I’m upstairs. I (have) a bath.
61. I (speak) to you about that matter after the meeting tonight.
62. At this time next week, we (live) in USA.
63. Hurry up! The train (come).
64. Be quiet! The teacher (be) angry.
65. Why didn’t you listen while I (speak) to you?
66. Some animals (not eat) during winter.
67. I (finish) the book before my next birthday.
68. John (watch) TV at 8 last evening.
69. Mr Pike (live) here since last October.
70. Someone (cut) down all the trees in the garden.
71. The house (build) two years ago.
72. Listen! The bird (sing).
73. Trees (plant) since it (stop) raining.
74. Tom Baker (not come) here tomorrow.
75. By the end of last March, I (study) English for 5 years.
76. He often (say) O.K when he (talk) with the guests.
77. What you (do) after you (go) home yesterday?
78. How long you (wait) for me? Just a few minutes.
79. He (do) his homework before he went to the cinema.
80. By noon, I (wait) for her for two hours.
81. By the time you come there, she (make) a big cake.
82. Yesterday thieves (break) into the house and (steal) a lot of fur coats while the guests (dance).
83. When I came in, they all (sit) round the fire. Mr Pike (do) a crossword puzzle, Mrs Pike (knit), and
the others (read).
84. Mr Jackson (paint) his house since last month.
85. She (ask) me to tell about him several times.
86. The audience (listen) to everything he said last night.
87. At 4 p.m yesterday? Well, I (work) in my office at that time.
88. A: I (play) football since I was 5 years old.
B: You (play) since you (come) to England?
A: Oh, yes. I (play) quite a lot. I (join) a club the day after I (arrive).
89. I’m preparing to support anything he (say) tomorrow.
90. Sometimes I (get) up before the sun (rise).
91. He said he (be) mistaken.
92. Don’t speak until someone (ask) you.
93. Mary (come) from London.
94. Please be quiet! I (work).
95. When I (be) a child, I (want) to be a doctor.
96. David (be) born after his father (die).
97. Long ago, my younger brother often (cry).
98. I (not send) the parcel until I hear from you.
99. The last train (leave) the station at 5 p.m.
100. Up to now, the teacher (give) our class five tests.

I. 1. is sleeping 2. eat 3. is running - wants

4. sets 5. is 6. am doing - think - know

7. buys 8. is 9. rains - is raining

10. is cooking – cooks

II. 1. have you been studying/ have you studied
2. have been waiting - hasn’t come
3. have been living/ have lived
4. has read - have you read

5. hasn’t been - has been living

6. has gone - has never been
7. Have you been sleeping - have been ringing
8. has been writing - hasn’t finished

9. has lost - has been looking
10. have seen

III. 1. think - is knocking 2. have written/ have been writing 3. circles

4. are working 5. have you seen 6. flow

7. is crying 8. is smoking 9. goes

10. are - have been 11. belongs 12. has lost

13. am - have forgotten 14. have been waiting/ have waited

15. Have you

IV. 1. have seen 2. saw 3. has never been 4. have read 5. did you do

6. did you watch 7. was 8. has written

9. has taught/ has been teaching - graduated
10. have you been learning/ have you learnt/ (learned)
V. 1. arrived - was still sleeping 2. went - were having

3. was having - stopped 4. were crossing - saw

5. saw - was standing 6. was reading - was learning - was doing

7. were playing – came 8. rang - was taking

9. was - was working 10. was sitting – saw

VI. 1. went - had finished 2. had already seen 3. had already begun

4. hadn’t eaten 5. asked - had come 6. sat - rested

7. watched - had done 8. went 9. was - was

10. had ever seen

VII. 1. had gone - went 2. told - visited 3. had already started

4. went - had called 5. rang - was having 6. agreed

7. were you doing 8. had happened 9. had taught - left

10. Won

VIII.1. stops 2. will stay – answers 3. catch

4. won’t come - are 5. will help – finishes 6. is

7. will come - see 8. will go 9. will wait - come

10. will send - arrive

IX. 1. has finished 2. come - has already bought 3. have finished

4. hope – will have stopped 5. will not begin - falls 6. will have left

7. will be working 8. will have built. 9. will start

10. will give - see

X. 1. go - will be sitting 2. will explain

3. will be waiting – get 4. will you be doing - will be practising

5. see - will remind 6. come - will be working

7. will be working 8. returns

9. see 10. will be doing - come

XI. 1. will have completed 2. will be waiting – get 3. will be driving

4. will see 5. will have come 6. will look

7. will have been working 8. will be practicing 9. will have been

10. will move 11. will have been working 12. will have finished

13. will give - see 14. won’t have done 15. will be interviewing

16. will pass 17. will have been writing 18. will arrive

19. will be 20. will you have finished

XII. 1. saw - was waiting 2. has been 3. has taught – graduated

4. doesn’t watch 5. met 6. reported – had captured

7. thanked 8. has stolen 9. had been living - broke

10. was 11. am usually12. was – had been

13. has driven - knew 14. speak 15. wags - sees

16. were you doing - rang 17. had never seen 18. haven’t seen

19. got 20. will leave – knows 21. was playing - arrived

22. will come – see 23. will come – are you 24. will come

25. are you going to spend 26. bloom 27. haven’t lived

28. will never forget - have just told 29. are preparing

30. stayed - rode - had borrowed/ borrowed 31. told - visited

32. has worked/ has been working 33. worked

34. build - fly 35. have lost – can 36. hasn’t smoked

37. arrived - had just gone 38. have bob and mary been 39. have you received

40. joined – was 41. will you remember – will forget

42. had studied 43. wrote 44. left – haven’t heard

45. did you speak - haven’t seen - can’t - saw 46. were playing

47. discovered 48. will have finished 49. will have been living

50. did your father die - don’t know - died 51. had forgot

52. was doing 53. haven’t seen 54. was raining

55. will wait 56. hears 57. started/ had started - was

58. have you been studying/ have studied 59. haven’t received - left
60. am having 61.will speak 62. will be living
63. is coming 64. is 65. was speaking
66. don’t eat 67. will have finished 68. was watching
69. has lived 70. has cut 71. was built
72. is singing 73. have been planted - stopped
74. will not come 75. had been studying 76. says – is talking

77. did you do - had gone 78. have you been waiting/ have you waited

79. had done 80. will have been waiting

81. will have made 82. broke – stole – were dancing

83. were sitting – was doing – was knitting – were reading
84. has painted 85. has asked 86. was listening
87. was working
88. have played – have you played – came – have played – joined – had arrived
89. will say/ is going to say 90. get – rises 91. had been
92. asks 93. comes 94. am working
95. was – wanted 96. was – had died 97. cried
98. will not send 99. left 100. has given


I. Supply the correct verb forms.
1. He thinks that it (rain) tonight.
2. She said that she (get) married soon.
3. Bill said that he (lose) his bicycle.
4. He knew that I (come) the following week.
5. She understood that we (promise) to go.
6. I was taught that the sun (be) bigger than the moon.
7. The boy knew that an hour (have) sixty minutes.
8. I didn’t know what time it (be), so I (turn) on the radio.
9. I wondered whether I (lock) the door or not.
10. She says that she (live) in the country when she (be) a child.
11. They hoped that they (end) soon.
12. The teacher said that the shortest distance between two points (be) a straight line.
13. The student who answered the question (be) John.
14. This is the house that Jack (build) three years ago.
15. Mary (have) dinner when her friend called.
16. John (live) in the same house since he left school.
17. Shut all the windows before you (go) out.
18. You may begin when you (be) ready.
19. He is saving his money so that he (take) a long vacation.
20. I see that Henry (write) his composition now.
21. I had done that (be) necessary.
22. They have found that the road (be) very long.
23. I saw that I (make) a mistake.
24. The teacher asked Bill why he (not go) to school the day before.
25. We find that we (take) a wrong way.
26. I want to know how long she (live) here.
27. I didn’t know who (help) him.
28. Do you hear what she (just, say)?
29. Did you hear what she (just, say)?
30. They believed that the police (capture) the thief soon.
31. Did John say he (call) you again?
32. She has thought that the work (be) easy.
33. I wonder what changes the new President (introduce).
34. The students had thought that the English test (be) rather difficult.
35. Mrs Smith complains that her neighbour (make) too much noise.
36. I think John (be) out of town now.
37. Tom promised he (not do) it again.
38. My father said he (be) here by noon.
39. Miss White swears that she (never see) that man before.
40. She has told me her name (be) Mary.

II. Choose the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses.

1. I see that Tom (writes/ is writing) his composition.
2. He says that he (looks/ will look) for a job next week.
3. They think he (was/ would be) here last night.
4. He tells us that he (was/ has been) to the mountains before.
5. I hope that he (will be/ would be) able to attend.
6. He wants to do it before his father (will come/ comes).
7. People have said that the sun (rise) in the East.
8. He says he (does/ will do) it some time.
9. He asked the guard what time the train usually (starts/ started).
10. He told me the morning that he (is going/ was going) with us the following day.
11. He says that he (finished/ will finish) the project by May.
12. I realized that they (are/ were) older than they looked.
13. I hear that Kate (accepted/ has accepted) a new position.
14. They told me they (have never seen/ had never seen) her before.
15. We know that you (move/ will move) to France next year.
16. In Britain, the weather is very varied. People (never know/ have never known) what it (is/ will be)
like the next day.
17. He (is/ had been) ill for a long time before he died
18. She didn’t tell me the reason why she (didn’t come/ hadn’t come) to school the day before.
19. I had no map, that’s why I (got/ get) lost.
20. I hope it (does not rain/ will not rain) when we start early tomorrow.

III. Supply the correct verb forms.

1. After (leave) (1) school when she was 18, Laura (go) (2) to Bristol university for three years. While
she (be) (3) at university, Laura (join) (4) a university folk group and started singing. It was at this time
that she (write) (5) her famous song “The Price of Peace”.

2. One of the first novels in history of literature (be) (1) written in England in 1719. It (be) (2)

Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Dofoe. He (bear) (3) in London in a rich family. When Daniel (be) (4) a
schoolboy, he (begin) (5) to write stories. After (leave) (6) school he (work) (7) in his father’s shop and
(write) (8) articles for newspapers. Dofoe (visit) (9) many countries and (meet) (10) many people. That
helped him much in his writings.
3. A friend of mine, Judith Nelson, (presently, work) (1) in the international sales division at an
electronics firm. She (just, return) (2) from a trip to Japan. She (be) (3) asked to go there because she can
speak Japanese. For four years, she (never have) (4) the opportunity to use her Japanese until she (go) (5)
to Tokyo last month. While she (be) (6) there, she (speak) (7) Japanese everyday and (enjoy) (8) very much
of it.
4. Ever since the day I (decide) (1) to move to London, I (worry) (2) whether the decision I (take) (3)

was the right one. As I (already sell) (4) my house and (arrange) (5) a new job, it is too late to change my
mind. However, since then I (hear) (6) a lot of negative things about living in the Capital and lately some
of them (begin) (7) to bother me. I (grow) (8) up in a small town and have spent all my life there.
5. Mary (have) (1) to go to New York last week, but she almost (miss) (2) the plane. She (stand) (3) in
the queue at the check-in desk when she suddenly (realize) (4) that she (leave) (5) her passport at home.
Fortunately, she (not live) (6) very far from the airport so she (have) (7) time to go back home to get the
passport. She (get) (8) back to the airport just in time for her flight.
6. Rob Fellow (come) (1) from England. He (come) (2) to Paris six months ago to learn French. He
(start) (3) learning French at school in England when he was eleven so he (learn) (4) it for nearly 10 years.
He just (take) (5) an exam. If he passes, he (move) (6) into the next class. He (be) (7) excited today because
his parents (come) (8) tomorrow to stay with him for a few days.
7. (Bear) (1) in Scotland in 1847, Alexander Bell (become) (2) interested very early in the methods of
human communication. He (influence) (3) by his father and grandfather, who (spend) (4) years working
with deaf people and those with faulty speech. Bell’s father even (go) (5) so far as to develop a system of
so-called “visible speech” for the deaf. He (use) (6) sketches of the different positions of the lips and
tongue. This science of visible speech (form) (7) the foundation of young Bell’s knowledge of the
mechanics of human speech. But the young boy’s knowledge of other subjects (not/ advance) (8) quite as
8. While I (walk) (1) across the campus the other day, I (meet) (2) my old friend, John, whom I (not see)
(3) since July 10. Naturally we (stop) (4) (talk) (5) to each other for a few minutes. I asked him how he (do)
(6) in his classes this semester.

9. Jack London (bear) (1) in San Francisco on January 12, 1876. He (begin) (2) his education at the
university of California, but (not finish) (3) it there, he (write) (4) a lot of adventure books. He (travel) (5)

much, and his experience in his trips (help) (6) him write many famous books.
10. A: Tell us what happened to you yesterday?

B: I (walk) (1) along Piccadilly when I (realize) (2) that a man with a black beard, whom I (see) (3)
three time already that afternoon, (follow) (4) me. I (be) (5) very annoyed, and at last I (stop) (6) him and
(ask) (7) him why he (follow) (8) me. The man (apologize) (9) and (tell) (10) me he (mistake) (11) me for one
of his friends.
11. Last Sunday, Mrs Hay (drive) (1) along a small country road when she (see) (2) a man at the side of
the road. He (wave) (3) and pointing at his car. Mrs Hay (stop) (4) and (ask) (5) the man if he (be) (6) all
right. “My car’s broken down”, said the man.
12. I’d just parked my car in the street near a football stadium in Liverpool. It (be) (1) ten minutes
before the start of the match and I (be) (2) in a hurry. Two little boys (come) (3) up to me and (say) (4),

“Give me some money and we (look) (5) after your car while you are at the match”. I (tell) (6) them to
clear off, and one of them (look) (7) at me with big, round eyes said, “Unless you (give) (8) us the money,
something might happen to your car while you are away, you know, a scratch or a flat or something like
13. He (run) (1) as fast as he could, but he realized he was not strong enough (be) (2) a good marathon
runner. In the distance he could just make out the shapes of the (lead) (3) runners, (get) (4) further ahead
every minute.
14. Every day you can (hear) (1) something interesting at school. When you come home after classes,
you often (tell) (2) your parents what you (hear) (3) and (see) (4) at school.
15. Two friends went on a trip to London. They (enter) (1) restaurant for dinner. On the table (stand)
(2) a jar of mustard. Not having seen mustard before, one of them (take) (3) a spoonfull into his mouth.
Tears immediately filled his eyes and his friend asked him what he (cry) (4) about.
16. In two minutes I (be) (1) up the tree, but it was very difficult (get) (2) to the nest. When at last I got
there and (can look) (3) into the nest, I (see) (4) the two young eagles and also some food for them - meat
and fish. When I tried (take) (5) the young eagles out of the nest, I suddenly (feel) (6) a terrible pain in the
back of my head. I (look) (7) round and (see) (8) the mother eagle. And she (be) (9) ready to make a
second attack. You (must know) (10) how strong these eagles are.
17. Eric (bear) (1) in 1903 in India where his father worked for the civil service. The family (move) (2)
to England in 1907 and in 1917 Eric (enter) (3) Eton where he (contribute) (4) regularly to the college
magazine. His first article (appear) (5) in Lemon in October 1928 while he (live) (6) in Paris.
18. Jack Cooper (be) (1) a production manager at Weston Aeronautics for ten years now. He (live) (2)

in a small house in the suburbs of Bristol with his wife, Peggy. At the moment, Weston (expand) (3) into
Europe and they (build) (4) a new factory in Toulouse.
19. When the train reached the sixth station, Tom (get) (1) off, feeling relieved that his journey (be) (2)
so easy. But he (be) (3) alarmed to see that he (get) (4) off at a station that he had never heard of. He (not
know) (5) what to do. He (explain) (6) his difficulty to a man who (stand) (7) on the platform. With a look
of amusement on his face the man (tell) (8) Tom that he (travel) (9) on a train going in the wrong
20. Maria is Spanish. She (live) (1) in Madrid where she (work) (2) for an export company. She (be) (3)
with this company for 2 years now. At the moment she (study) (4) English on a one-month intensive
course in London. She (arrive) (5) in London last Saturday. This is not Maria’s first time in Britain. She
(be) (6) there twice before.
21. Albert Maltz was a progressive American writer. He (be) (1) born in 1908. He (write) (2) his first
play “Peace on Earth” in 1943. It was against wars, so the American police (arrest) (3) him and (put) (4)

him in prison in 1950.

22. Ha (come) (1) back a moment ago and (turn) (2) the television on very loudly. My son (sleep) (3)

then, so I (tell) (4) her to turn it off.

23. Mary and John are neighbours. They (know) (1) each other for several years. Mary (move) (2) into
her house in 1985 and John (live) (3) next door since he (come) (4) to the area in 1980.
24. While I (walk) (1) to class yesterday morning, I (see) (2) Tom. We (say) (3) hello and (walk) (4) the
rest of the way to school together.
25. Yesterday afternoon I (go) (1) to visit the Greens. When I (get) (2) there about 2 o’clock, Mrs
Green (be) (3) in the yard. She (plant) (4) flowers in her garden. Mr Green (be) (5) in the garage. He (work)
(6) on their car. The children (play) (7) in the front yard.
26. When I (hear) (1) a knock at the door last night, I (walk) (2) to the door and (open) (3) it. When I
(open) (4) the door, I (see) (5) my brother. I (greet) (6) him and (ask) (7) him to come in.
27. John hasn’t got a job. He (be) (1) unemployed for six months. He (work) (2) for a textile firm
which (have) (3) to close because it (not have) (4) enough orders.
28. One day John’s father (buy) (1) a computer for him. He thought it was a good replacement for
John’s typewriter, which (break down) (2). John could use the computer to write essays. He (not expect)
(3) that John would spend all his time playing computer games on it, which (be) (4) what he did it. John
neglected his studies and he actually failed his tests.
When that happened, John (realize) (5) that he (make) (6) a terrible mistake. Now he (play) (7) computer

games only in his free time. Recently he (top) (8) his classmates in the mid-year examination.
29. Short after the war, my brother and I (invite) (1) (spend) (2) a few days’ holiday with an uncle who
(just/ return) (3) from abroad. He (rent) (4) a cottage in the country, although he rarely (spend) (5) much
time there.
We (understand) (6) the reason for this after our arrival. The cottage (have) (7) no comfortable
furniture in it, many of the windows (break) (8) and the roof (leak) (9), making the whole house damp.
30. Today there (be) (1) more than 3.000 different (speak) (2) languages in the world. English (be) (3)

the most widely spoken language, over 350 million people (speak) (4) it but more people speak Chinese.
You may wonder why English (more widely/speak) (5) although more people speak Chinese. This is
because people who (speak) (6) Chinese are found in China but English (speak) (7) by people (find) (8) in
almost every comer of the world.
IV. Complete each of the following sentences with an adverbial clause of time.
1. Don’t bother me while I…
2. You have to listen to your teacher while...
3. You should do a good deed whenever...
4. He set off for another journey as soon as...

5. It began to rain just as...

6. She had written three novels before...
7. I’ll have taken three courses by the time...
8. The dog has followed its master ever since...
9. The train had just left when I...

10. What were you doing when your father...

I. 1. will rain 2. would get 3. had lost 4. would come

5. had promised 6. is 7. has 8. was - turned

9. had locked 10. lived - was 11. would end 12. is

13. was 14. built 15. was having 16. has lived

17. go 18. are 19. will take 20. is writing

21. was 22. is 23. had made 24. hadn’t gone

25. have taken 26. has lived 27. had helped 28. has just said

29. had just said 30. would capture 31. would call 32. is

33. will introduce 34. was 35. has made 36. is

37. wouldn’t do 38. would be 39. has never seen 40. is

II. 1. is writing 2. will look 3. was 4. has been

5. would be 6. comes 7. rises 8. will do

9. started 10. was going 11. will finish 12. were

13. has accepted 14. had never seen 15. will move 16. never know - will be

17. had been 18. hadn’t come 19. got 20. will not rain

1. 1. leaving 2. went 3. was 4. joined 5. wrote
2. 1. was 2. was 3. was born 4. was 5. began

6. leaving 7. worked 8. wrote 9. had visited 10. had met

3. 1. is presently working 2. has just returned 3. was 4. had never had

5. went 6. was 7. spoke 8. enjoyed

4. 1. decided 2. have worried 3. took 4. have already sold
5. arranged 6. have heard 7. have begun 8. grew
5. 1. had 2. missed 3. was standing 4. realized
5. had left 6. doesn’t live 7. had 8. got
6. 1. comes 5. has just taken/ took

2. came 6. will move

3. started 7. is
4. has learnt/ has been learning 8. will come/ are coming / are going to come
7. 1. born 2. became 3. was influenced 4. spent

5. went 6. used 7. formed 8. didn’t advance

8. 1. was walking 2. met 3. hadn’t seen

4. stopped 5. to talk 6. had done

9. 1. was born 2. began 3. didn’t finish
4. wrote 5. traveled 6. helped
10. 1. was walking 2. realized 3.had seen 4. was following

5. was 6. stopped 7. asked 8. had been following

9. apologized 10. told 11. had mistaken

11. 1. was driving 2. saw 3. was waving

4. stopped 5. asked 6. was

12. 1. was 2. was 3. came 4. said

5. will look 6. told 7. looked 8. give

13. 1. was running 2. to be 3. leading 4. getting
14. 1. hear 2. tell 3. have heard 4. seen

15. 1. entered 2. stood 3. took 4. was crying

16. 1. was 2. to get 3. could look 4. saw

5. to take 6. felt 7. looked 8. saw

9. was 10. must know

17. 1. was born 2. moved 3. entered 4. contributed

5. appeared 6. was living

18. 1. has been 2. is living 3. is expanding 4. have built
19. 1. got 2. was 3. was 4. got 5. didn’t know

6. explained 7. was standing 8. told 9. had traveled

20. 1. is living/ lives 2. works 3. has been 4. is studying

5. arrived 6. has been

21. 1. was 2. wrote 3. arrested 4. put

22. 1. came 2. turned 3. was sleeping 4. told
23. 1. have known 2. moved 3. has lived 4. came
24. 1. was walking 2. saw 3. said 4. walked
25. 1. went 3. was 4. was planting

5. was 6. was working 7. were playing

26. 1. heard 2. walked 3. opened 4. opened

5. saw 6. greeted 7. asked

27. 1. has been 2. worked 3. had 4. didn’t have
28. 1. bought 2.had been broken down 3. didn’t expect 4. was
5. realized 6. had made 7. plays 8. has topped

29. 1. were invited 2. to spend 3. had just returned

4. rented 5. spent 6. understood

7. had 8. were broken 9. was leaked

30. 1. are 2. spoken 3. is 4. speak

5. is more widely spoken 6. speak 7. is spoken 8. found

IV. 1. Don’t bother me while I am doing my homework.

2. You have to listen to your teacher while she is explaining the lesson.
3. You should do a good deed whenever you have a chance.
4. He set off for another journey as soon as he had finished his first journey.
5. It began to rain just as we left home.
6. She had written three novels before she came here.

7. I’ll have taken three courses by the time you arrive in this city.
8. The dog has followed its master ever since it was born.

9. The train had just left when I arrived at the station.

10. What were you doing when your father came home from work?

I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.
1. If I see him, I (give) him a gift.
2. If I had a typewriter, I (type) it myself.
3. If I had known that you were in hospital, I (visit) you.
4. You could make better progress if you (attend) class regularly.
5. If I (know) his telephone number, I’d give it to you.
6. If you (arrive) ten minutes earlier, you would have got a seat.
7. He could get a job easily if he (have) a degree.
8. I shouldn’t have believed it if I (not see) it with my own eyes.
9. If he (study) hard, he can pass the exam.
10. If she had asked you, you (accept)?
11. Rice plants (grow) well if there is enough rain.
12. He might get fat if he (stop) smoking.
13. What you (do) if you found a burglar in your house?
14. If she (not hurry), she may be late.
15. If I (try) again, I think that I would have succeeded.
16. Water (not run) downhill if there were not gravity.
17. If I tell you a secret, you (promise) not to tell it to anyone else?
18. Tell him to ring me if you (see) him.
19. The police (arrest) him if they catch him.
20. If you (speak) more slowly, he might have understood you.

II. Use UNLESS instead of IF.

1. If you are not careful, you will cut yourself with that knife.

2. If you do not like this one, I’ll bring you another.

3. I’ll not be able to do any work if I do not have a quiet room.
4. If she does not hurry, she’ll be late.
5. If we had more rain, our crops would be better.
6. The crops would have been ruined if the flood had risen higher.
7. If you had not sneezed, he wouldn’t have known that we were there.
8. If she did her hair differently, she would look quite nice.
9. If John had played for our football team, we would not have lost the game.
10. If I won a big prize in a lottery, I’d give up my job.

III. Make conditional sentences without conjunctions.

1. If I were you, I’d accept the job.
2. If you had told me that he never paid his debts, I wouldn’t have lent him money.
3. If he had known your telephone number he would have rung you.
4. If it were nice, we would go for a walk.
5. I would come to her wedding if I were invited.
6. Would you visit me if I were sent to prison?
7. Would you have written to her if you had known her address?
8. What would you do if today were a holiday?
9. If they had asked me I would have helped them.
10. Scientists think that men could live on the moon if there were air and water on it.

IV. Complete the following sentences.

1. If I were the Prime Minister, I...
2. He could buy a new car if...
3. If I had more time,...
4. If he hadn’t been ill,...
5. They could have passed the exam if they...
6. We could have come with you if we...
7. If her parents had been richer,...
8. If he had come yesterday,...
9. If it hadn’t rained,...
10. The world would be a better place if...

V. Make conditional sentences according to the facts provided.

1. Keep silent or you’ll wake the baby up.
2. Because you don’t leave immediately, I call a policeman.
3. I don’t know her number, so I don’t ring her up.
4. Go right now or you’ll be late for the train.
5. As she is often absent from class, she can’t keep pace with her classmates.
6. I couldn’t write to Alice because I didn’t know her address.
7. I don’t know the answer, so I can’t tell you.
8. We got lost because we didn’t have a map.
9. His friends were so late, so they missed the train.
10. Today isn’t Sunday, so the pupils can’t go swimming.
11. The heavy rain kept everybody from going out.
12. This chair is too heavy for him to move.
13. He had a flu because he went out in the rain last night.
14. The church bells keep me from sleeping.
15. Morning exercises make me feel better.
16. Stop talking or you won’t understand the lesson.
17. The boy is so young that he can’t go to school.
18. The fridge keeps the food from spoiling.
19. Why don’t you study hard?
20. Why don’t you stop smoking?
21. Be careful, or you’ll cut yourself with that knife.
22. Be calm, or you’ll make a wrong decision.
23. Without the air, we would die.
24. Without a visa, she couldn’t have come to that country.
25. Without the sun, man would live in the darkness.
26. Without money, he wouldn’t have bought such a big house.
27. Smoking makes him so weak.
28. It was very cold yesterday, so we couldn’t go swimming.
29. It is very cold, so we can’t go swimming.
30. I didn’t watch T.V last night because I was busy.

I. Give the correct forms of the verbs in the parentheses.
1. She wishes her father (be) here now to help hen
2. I wish you (not give) them my phone number yesterday
3. I wish they (visit) us when they were in town.
4. I wish someone (give) me a job next month.
5. If only I (can take) the trip to Hanoi with her next summer.
6. We wish we (understand) all the teacher’s explanation yesterday.
7. He missed an exciting football match on TV last night. He wishes he (watch) it.
8. If only I (have) more time to do this job.
9.I wish she (come) to see me yesterday.
10. I wish that someday I (be) able to marry her.

II. Rewrite the sentences below, using WISH or IF ONLY to express washes.
1. My father isn’t here now. I want him to be here now.
2. You talk more than you work. The teacher wants you to work more than to talk.
3. John would like to be an astronaut when he grows up.
4. I’m sorry I didn’t help you yesterday.
5. I regret that you didn’t give me a chance to tell you the truth.
6. Mary is afraid she won’t be able to attend your wedding next week.
7. We regret that we didn’t have enough money to buy that house.
8. You drive too fast. I’d like you to drive more slowly.
9. You are too lazy. The teacher wants you to be more studious.
10. I’m afraid he won’t get over his illness soon.
11. I’m not a doctor.
12. I haven’t enough money to buy this book.
13. I live in a big city, but I don’t like it.
14. Nam is sorry now that he didn’t accept the job.
15. Tomorrow is a workday.
16. We have to work this Saturday.
17. I feel sick because I ate too much ice-cream.
18. It’s pity that you were not here last week.
19. I regret speaking to him so impolitely yesterday.
20. Alan regretted asking Arthur to lend him 20$.
21. I want the baby to stop crying.
22. He is sorry now that he didn’t invite Molly to his party.
23. The hotel wasn’t good.
24. I didn’t understand the lesson.
25. My friend didn’t pass his exam.
I. Use a phrase or clause of purpose to combine each pair of sentences below.
1. The boy stood on the benches. They wanted to get a better view.
2. We lower the volume of the radio. We don’t want to bother our neighbours.
3. I’ll write to you. I want you to know my decision soon.
4. These men were talking in whispers. They didn’t want anyone to hear their conversation.
5. The boy feigned to be sick. He hoped we didn’t make him work.
6. The man spoke loudly. He wanted everybody to hear him clearly.
7. Doris often goes home as soon as the class is over. She doesn’t want her mother to wait for her.
8. John gets up early. He doesn’t want to be late for class.
9. Mary hid the novel under her pillow. She didn’t want her father to see it.
10. Alice prepares her lesson carefully. She wants to get high marks in class.
11. The robber changed his address all the time. He didn’t want the police to find him.
12. They did their jobs well. They hoped the boss would increase their salary.
13. You should walk slowly. Your sister can follow you.
14. I’m studying hard. I want to keep pace with my classmates.
15. We turned out the lights. We didn’t want to waste electricity.
16. This pupil read only for short periods each day. He didn’t want to train his eyes.
17. I whispered. I didn’t want to disturb anyone.
18. The clown took off his mask. He didn’t want to frighten the children.
19. My father drove carefully. He didn’t want to cause accidents.
20. Sue dutifully followed her parents’ advice. She didn’t want to cause trouble for her parents.
21. Mr Thompson is learning
Vietnamese. He wishes to read Kim
Van Kieu.
22. Please shut the door. I don’t want the dog to go out of the house.
23. The farmer built a high wall around his garden. The fruits wouldn’t be stolen.
24. The police stopped the traffic every few minutes. The pedestrians might cross the road.
25. The notices are written in several languages. Everyone may understand them.
26. I wish to have enough money. I want to buy a new house.
27. Dick is practising the guitar. He can play for the dance.
28. She needs a job. She wants to support her old parents.
29. He moved to the front row. He could hear the speaker better.
30. She put the meat into the oven. She wanted it to be ready for dinner.

II. Rewrite the following sentences, using phrases off purpose.

1. Leave early so that you may get home before dark.
2. This man changed his address constantly so that he could avoid the police.
3. I shouted in order that I could warn everyone of danger.
4. Banks are developed so that they can keep people’s money safe.
5. Mary went to the library in order that she could borrow some books.
6. Yesterday father went to the bank so that he would open a checking account.
7. I went to see him so that I could find out what had happened.
8. Tom is saving up so that he can buy a new bicycle.
9. He hurried so that he could catch the train.
10. She is learning French so that she will be able to speak it when she comes to Paris.

III. Change phrases of purpose to clauses of purpose or vice versa.

1. We hurried to school so as not to be late.
2. He climbed the tree in order to get a better view.
3. You should get up early so that you will have time to review your lesson.
4. Some young people like to earn their own living in order that they will be independent of their
5. We should do morning exercises regularly so as to improve our health.
6. We should take advantage of the scientific achievements of the world so that we can develop our
national economy.
7. Every people in the world must unite their efforts to maintain and protect peace.
8. She put on warm clothes so that she wouldn’t catch cold.
9. He hurried to the station so as not to miss the train.
10. She locked the door so as not to be disturbed.

IV. Complete the following sentences.

1. Tom hurried so that...
2. Mary asked her parents for permission in order...
3. They’re studying English so that...
4. He stood up to...
5. I gave her my telephone number in order that...
6. I’ll come there early in order...
7. The teacher explained the lesson again so that...
8. The firemen rushed into the burning house to...
9. He is saving money so that...
10. They are in a hurry so as not...
11. We study hard in order...
12. Mary has made a big cake so that...
13. They went to Paris to...
14. He tries to go to work in time so as not...
15. The workers went on strike so that...

I. Use SO or SUCH.
1. The sun shone brightly that Maria had to put on her sunglasses.
2. Dean was a powerful swimmer that he always won the races.
3. There were few students registered that the class was cancelled.
4. We had wonderful memories of that place that we decided to return.
5. We had good a time at the party that we hated to leave.
6. The benefit was great a success that the promoters decided to repeat it.
7. It was a nice day that we decided to go to the beach.
8. Jane looked sick that the nurse told her to go home.
9. Those were difficult assignments that we spent two weeks finishing them.
10. Ray called at an early hour that we weren’t awake yet.
11. The book looked interesting that he decided to read it.
12. He worked carefully that it took him a long time to complete the project.
13. We stayed in the sun for a long time that we became sunburned.
14. There were many people on the bus that we decided to walk.
15. The program was entertaining that nobody wanted to miss it.

II. Make sentences with SO ... THAT.

1. The lesson is very difficult. Nobody can understand it.

2. The work is very hard. I can’t finish it on time.
3. This novel was very interesting. I couldn’t put it down.
4. This song is very simple. All of us can sing it.
5. My brothers and sisters were very excited about the trip. They couldn’t sleep.

III. Make sentences with SUCH ... THAT.

1. The house is very expensive. Nobody can buy it.

2. The boy is very nice. We all like him.
3. The weather was very cold. We couldn’t go out.
4. The room was very dark. I couldn’t see anything.
5. The day was nice. We decided to go to the beach.

IV. Combine two sentences, using so ... THAT or SUCH THAT.

1. The sun shone brightly. Maria had to put on her sunglasses.

2. Dean was a powerful swimmer. He always won the races.
3. There were few students registered. The class was cancelled.
4. The house was beautiful. I took a picture of it.
5. This coffee is strong. I can’t drink it.
6. This is a good film. I want to see it again and again.
7. There was a lot of food. Everyone ate too much.
8. There were a lot of guests. There wasn’t enough food.
9. I ate a lot of sandwiches. I felt uneasy.
10. David has a lot of work to do. He can’t come tonight.
11. He was very sick. He was sent to the hospital.
12. It was very dark. He couldn’t see anything.
13. He has very wide knowledge. We can’t help admiring him.
14. His conduct is very good. All his teachers love him.
15. Mary has a beautiful voice. We all like to hear her sing.
16. John is still very weak. He can’t walk without a stick.
17. My father has a very good health. He seldom takes any medicines.
18. There is too much noise. We can’t learn our lessons.
19. My friend is very strong. He can lift up the table by himself.
20. Bill is an intelligent boy. He is always at the top of his class.

V. Use SUCH instead of SO to rewrite the sentences below.

1. He is so clever that he can answer all my questions.
2. Mr. Keller is so rich that he can give the charitable society one million dollars.
3. This city is so large that I’ve got lost.
4. That day was so nice that all of us went out for a walk.
5. This shop is so small that we don’t take notice of it.
6. That fish was so big that it could weigh fifty kilos.
7. The test we did yesterday was so difficult that we couldn’t finish it an hour.
8. The play we saw yesterday was so bad that we went out by halves.
9. The story he told us was so funny that I couldn’t help laughing.
10. Jane’s conduct is so good that everybody likes her.
11. Mary’s voice is so beautiful that we all like to hear her sing.
12. Miss Snow’s ring is so valuable that she keeps it very carefully.
13. Your dog is so fierce that nobody dares to approach it.
14. His house is so beautiful that he doesn’t want to sell it.
15. Our car is so old that we must repair it three times a month.

VI. Complete the following sentences.

1. That lesson was so difficult that...
2. The goods were so good that...
3. We enjoyed the music so much that...
4. He is such a busy man that...
5. They are such big shoes that...
6. He spoke so fast that...
7. He worked so hard that...
8. Distances are so great that...
9. The mountains are so high that...
10. I have so many things to do that...
11. This is such a heavy package that...
12. It is such a warm day that...
13. That was such a good movie that...
14. We had such a good time that...
15. This is such a difficult lesson that...
16. There is so much noise here that...
17. That book is so interesting that...
18. They are such high mountains that...
19. She speaks with such speed that...
20. She is such a busy person that...

VII. Use the construction TOO... + to-infinitive to rewrite the sentences below.
1. It was so cold that we didn’t want to go out.
2. Mr. Pike is so weak that he can’t walk without a stick.
3. The ground is so hard that we can’t dig it.
4. The elephant is so big that it can’t run fast.
5. Your handwriting is so bad that I can’t read it.
6. This man is so old that he can’t work.
7. These shoes are so big that I can wear them.
8. These goods are so expensive that they can’t be sold quickly.
9. She walked so fast that her younger sister couldn’t follow her.
10. I got up so late that I didn’t have time to eat breakfast.

VIII. Rewrite the sentences below, using ENOUGH instead of TOO

1. He is too old to wear this coloured shirt.

2. She is too weak to carry this bag.
3. This pen is too expensive for me to buy.
4. Bill is too foolish to understand what I say.
5. This bag is too heavy for her to carry.
6. The test was too difficult for them to do.
7. That sentence was too long for me to memorize.
8. The land is too poor to grow crops.
9. The room is too noisy for us to study.
10. This book is too dull to read.
11. We were too late to get good seats.
12. Jack is too lazy to make progress in his study.
13. I’m too poor to help you with the money.
14. These oranges are too sour for us to eat.
15. The shelf is too high for the boy to reach.
16. This road is too dangerous for her to go at night.
17. The water in this pool is too dirty to drink.
18. Martha is too ugly to have a boyfriend.
19. This room is too dark for us to study.
20. He studied too badly to pass his exam.

IX. Fill in the blanks with SO MUCH or SO MANY.

1. We have ________ problems that we can’t go to bed early.

2. Why have you got ________ furniture?

3. There was ________ food that everyone ate too much.

4. There were ________ guests that there wasn’t enough food.

5. Why did you buy ________ beer?

6. Doctor Simmon ________ has patients that he’s always busy.

7. I ate ________ sandwiches that I felt ill.

8. My father has ________ work to do that he can’t come back home tonight.

9. Why did he drink ________ wine?

10. They drank ________ wine that they couldn’t walk.

11. His mother asks him to take ________ things that he can’t put all of them into his suitcase.

12. There are ________ places of interest in London that Jane can’t decide where to go first.

13. It took Jane ________ time to listen to her roommate.

14. There was ________ noise in the room that I couldn’t work.

15. There are ________ planets in the universe that we can’t count them.
I. Combine each pair of sentences below, using the conjunction given in parentheses.

1. He is very rich. He isn’t happy. (although)

2. He is very rich. He isn’t happy. (no matter)
3. She can’t answer my question. She is very intelligent. (although)
4. She can’t answer my question. She is very intelligent. (no matter)
5. He does anything. He is always careful. (whatever)
6. He does anything. He always tries his best. (no matter)

7. She says anything. I don’t believe her. (whatever)

8. She says anything. I don’t believe her. (no matter)
9. He tried. He was not successful (no matter)
10. He tried. He was not successful. (although)
11. His life is hard. He is determined to study well. (although)

12. His life is hard. He is determined to study well. (no matter)

13. He was wise and experienced. He was taken in. (though)
14. He got good jobs. He was not satisfied. (no matter)

15. He got good jobs. He was not satisfied. (even though)

16. You do any job. You should do it devotedly. (whatever)
17. He lived anywhere. He always thought of his homeland. (no matter)
18. It was cold. He didn’t wear warm clothes. (no matter)
19. He often tells lies. Many people believe him. (although)

20. You return at any time. She waits for you. (no matter)

II. Make clauses of concession with WHATEVER.

1. No matter what happens, don’t forget to write to me.
2. She will refuse to consider our proposal even if we made any kinds of effort to persuade her.
3. No matter what kinds of exercises he had taken, he was still putting on weight.

4. No matter what sorts of difficulties you may encounter, you should keep your promise.
5. No matter what he says, nobody believes him.
6. You should review all your lessons before taking your exam although you have any kinds of
7. Although he had taken any kinds of exercises, he got fatter and fatter.
8. You should always study hard although you encounter difficulties.
9. Although others may say anything, she is certainly right.
10. Although he chose any job, his parents were pleased with him.

III. Change clauses of concession to phrases.

1. She didn’t eat much though she was hungry.
2. He couldn’t solve the problem though he is good at maths.
3. Mr. Pike doesn’t wear glasses though he is over sixty.
4. Although he had much experience in machinery, he didn’t succeed in repairing this machine.

5. Although it got dark, they continued to work.

6. Although it was noise, I kept on studying.
7. Although it rained heavily, I went to school on time.
8. The flight was not delayed though it was foggy.
9. He ate all the fruits though they were green.
10. We did the test well though it was difficult.

11. Although he is strong, I’m not afraid of him.

12. Everybody has great regard for him though he is poor.
13. The plane took off though the weather was bad.
14. He didn’t stop his car though the traffic lights turned red.
15. He studied very well though his life was hard at that time.

16. Although the streets are narrow, many people drive cars in this city.
17. Although his English was good, he wasn’t chosen.
18. Although he’s got an English name, he is in fact German.
19. He always studies hard though he encounters difficulties.
20. Although the weather is bad, we are going to have a picnic.
21. Although he had not finished the paper, he went to sleep.

22. She attended the class although she didn’t feel alert.
23. The child ate the cookies even though his mother had told him not to.
24. She drank coffee to keep herself warm although she disliked it.
25. Mary will take a plane even though she dislikes flying.
26. Although Mary was sad, she managed to smile.

27. The old woman told interesting stories to the children although her memory was poor.
28. Though he had been absent frequently, he was managed to pass the test.
29. He ate the chocolate cake even though he was on diet.
30. Although the prices are high, my daughters insist on going to the movie.


I. Supply the correct verb forms.

1. We would rather (stay) home tonight.
2. Mr Jones would rather (stay) home last night.
3. We would rather (drink) coffee than tea.
4. The photographer would rather that we (stand) closer together than we are standing.

5. Carmen would rather (cook) for the entire family.

6. She would rather you (not arrive) last night.
7. John would rather you (sleep) than worked last night.
8. George would rather Jane (be) here tomorrow.
9. I would rather my sister (not, fail) the driving test yesterday.

10. I would rather that they (invite) her to their party last Sunday.
11. Henry talks to his dog as if it (understand) him.

12. It’s time we all (go) now.
13. I’d rather you (go) now.
14. It’s high time you (get) the tea ready.

15. He acts as if he (know) English perfectly.

16. I’d rather you (pay) me now.
17. It’s high time you (have) a haircut.
18. He was wet as if he (swim) for hours.
19. She acted as if she (meet) him before.
20. Jack spent his money as if he (win) a lottery.

II. Rewrite the sentences, beginning with the words given.

1. My head seems to be on fire now. → I feel as if...

2. I had a feeling that I was walking in the air. → I felt as though...

3. Bill doesn’t work hard. I’d like him to work hard. → I’d rather...

4. He did not want to pay his debts. → I’d rather...

5. He drives too fast. I want him not to drive too fast. → I’d rather...

6. He spent his money like a prince. → He spent his money as if...

7. You speak like a prophet. → You speak as though...

8. We must set out, it is a little late. → It’s high time...

9. You should review your lessons for the exams. → It’s time...

10. He smokes a great deal. I’d like him to give up smoking. → I’d rather...

11. She pretended not to know me. → She looked as if she...

12. He should call me on the phone. → It’s time...

13. We must start working now. → It’s high time...

14. She made up like an actress. → She made up as if...

15. She cried like a baby. → She cried as though...

16. They talk like kings. → They talk as if...

17. We should solve this problem. → It’s time...

18. Mary dresses up like a queen. → Mary dresses up as if...

19. I’d prefer my wife not to talk too much. → I’d rather...

20. I want him to come to my house tonight. → I’d rather...


I. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.

1. ________ you pass your exam or not depends largely on yourself.

2. I can’t guess ________ she’ll agree or not.

3. ________ his wife died is still a secret.

4. The boy wonders ________ ice floats on water.

5. He said ________ he had made a mistake.

6. ________ I went last night does not concern you.

7. The teacher asked me ________ I had been absent from class the day before.

8. I wonder ________ I can repair this machine.

9. The boy wonders ________ stars there are in the sky.

10. I don’t know ________ she is living now.

11. He wants to know ________ his wife talked to yesterday.

12. I hope ________ he’ll pass his exam.

13. ________ he’ll return is not sure.

14. He refused to do ________ I asked him.

15. ________ career you choose is an important problem.

16. He wants to know ________ I moved to this city.

17. He wants to know ________ I have lived here.

18. The clerk asked me ________ tie I wanted to buy.

19. I’m afraid ________ you didn’t understand me.

20. Do you understand ________ I’ve said?

21. I asked the fruit seller ________ the orange is.

22. I didn’t understand ________ you did such a silly thing.

23. I don’t know ________ rang me last night.

24. I’m sure ________ he will come.

25. It seems ________ we have taken the wrong day.

26. The police ask me ________ I came back home last night.

27. She asks the clerk ________ this hat costs.

28. I wonder ________ this tree is.

29. I ask the girl ________ she is.

30. I’m confident ________ he will succeed..

II. Complete the following sentences, using Noun clauses.

1. Mary wonders why...
2. I don’t know why...
3. He told me that...
4. She asked me how...

5. Tom said that...

6. She asked him where...
7. I believe that...
8. They have thought that...
9. People say that...

10. He knows that...

III. Rewrite the sentences, beginning with the words given.

1. “How old are you?” → I want to know...

2. “What did you do yesterday?” → I want to know...

3. “How did you come here?” → I want to know...

4. “Where are you going to spend your holiday next summer?”

→ I want to know...

5. “What do you want?” → I want to know...

6. “Can you help me?” → I want to know whether...

I. Fill in the blanks with Relative pronoun or Relative adverbs, Put commas wheel they are needed.
1. Alexander Flemming discovered penicillin received the Nobel Prize in 1945.
2. The book I need can’t be found in the library.
3. Here is the beach is the safest for swimmers.
4. Do you know the American woman name is Margaret Mitchell?

5. Jim I have known for ten years is one of my closest friends.

6. John found a cat leg was broken.
7. Don’t sit on the chair the leg is broken.
8. This tree branches are dry should be cut down.
9. The child smiled at the woman he didn’t know.

10. That woman name I don’t remember is a doctor.

11. Children enjoy reading the books have coloured pictures.
12. I met someone said he knew you.
13. The noise he made woke everybody up.
14. The film is about a spy wife betrays him.

15. Those girls serve in the restaurant are the owner’s daughters.
16. The house walls and roof are made of glass is a green house.
17. Rod Lee sister I know is a film actor.
18. Mr Bake will buy the house is opposite to my house.
19. You have to take care of the books you borrowed from the library.
20. Karl Marx theories have changed the world’s history is the German Philosopher.

21. Let me see all the letters you have written.

22. Is there anyone can help me do this?
23. Mr Brown is only 34 is the director of this company.
24. The chief of Police, work is very important, takes care of the public safety.
25. I know a place roses grow in abundance.

26. The teacher with we studied last year no longer teaches in our school.
27. They showed me the hospital buildings had been destroyed by bombings.
28. We saw many soldiers and tanks were moving to the front.
29. We must find a time we can meet and a place we can talk.
30. The decision was postponed, was exactly what he wanted.

III. Use a Relative pronoun to combine each pair of the sentences below.

1. You sent me a present. Thank you very much for it.

2. Romeo and Juliet were lovers. Their parents hated each other.
3. This is Mrs Jones. Her son won the championship last year.
4. I was sitting in a chair. It suddenly collapsed.
5. This is the story of a man. His wife suddenly loses her memory.

6. Charlie Chaplin died in 1977. His films amused millions of people in the world.
7. Please post these letters. I wrote them this morning.
8. The building is the church. Its tower can be seen from afar.
9. Mary and Margaret are twins. You meet them yesterday.
10. I’ll introduce you to the man. His support is necessary for your project.
11. The students will surely be successful in their exams. The students study seriously and
12. Mary has won an Oscar. I know her sister.

13. Is this the style of hair? Your wife wanted to have it.
14. Shakespeare was born at Stratford on Avon, a small town in England. He is the world’s
greatest dramatist and poet.
15. His girl friend turned out to be an enemy spy. He trusted her absolutely.
16. A man brought in a small girl. Her hand had been cut.
17. The Smiths were given room in the hotel. Their house had been destroyed in the explosion.
18. He introduced me to his students. Most of them were from abroad.

19. They gave me four very bad tyres. One of them burst before I had driven four miles.
20. A man answered the phone. He said Tom was out.

III. Use a Relative pronoun preceded by a preposition to each pair of the sentences below.
1. The teacher is Mr Pike. We studied with him last year.
2. The problem has been discussed in class. We are very interested in it.

3. Many diseases are no longer dangerous. People died of them years ago.
4. Do you see my pen? I have just written the lesson with it.
5. I like standing at the window. I can see the park from this window.
6. We are crossing the meadow. We flew kites over it in our childhood.
7. They are repairing the tubes. Water is brought into our house through the tubes.
8. In the middle of the village there is a well. The villagers take water from this well to drink.

9. The middle-aged man is the director. My father is talking to him.

10. This is a race opportunity. You should take advantage of it to get a better job.

11. The boy is my cousin. You made fun of him.
12. This matter is of great importance. You should pay attention to it.
13. The woman lives next door to me. You gave place to her on the bus.

14. This snake is venomless. You are afraid of it.

15. The examination lasted two days. I was successful in this examination.
16. These children are orphans. She is taking care of these children.
17. The two young men are not good persons. You are acquainted with them.
18. This is the result of our work. I’m pleased with it.
19. There is a “No Parking” sign. I do not take notice of it.

20. Mr Brown is the man. I’m responsible to him for my work.

IV. Use a Relative Adverb to combine each pair of the sentences below.
1. This is the house. We often stay in this house in the summer.
2. That was the time. He managed the enterprise at that time.
3. I’ll show you the second-hand bookshop. You can find valuable books in this shop.

4. I never forget the park. We met each other for the first time at this park.
5. The police want to know the hotel Mr Bush stayed at this hotel two weeks ago.
6. The reasons are basic grammatical ones. I’m scolded by the teacher for these reasons.
7. She doesn’t want to speak to the cause. She divorced her husband for this cause.
8. The road is shaded with trees. I go to school on this road every day.
9. I have not decided the day. I’ll go to London on that day.

10. He doesn’t want to sell the house. He was born in this house.
11. The airport is the most modern one. We are going to arrive at this airport.
12. He was born on the day. His father was away on that day.
13. The days were the saddest ones. I lived far from home on those days.
14. I do not know the reason. She left school for it.

15. The bed has no mattress. I sleep on this bed.

16. Our school has a good laboratory. The students practise chemistry in the laboratory.
17. You didn’t tell us the reason. We had to cut down our daily expenses for that reason.
18. The book is a telephone directory. We can look up telephone numbers in this book.
19. Mrs Brown rang Dr Brown. He was going to carry out an urgent operation at that moment.

20. This is the house. We have lived there for 5 years.

V. Use a Relative pronoun or Relative adverb to combine each pair of sentences below.

1. The student is from China. He sits next to me.
2. I thanked the woman. This woman had helped me.
3. The professor is excellent. I’m taking his course.
4. Jim passed the exam. This surprised everybody.

5. Mr Smith said he was too busy to speak to me. I had come to see him.
6. The man is my father. I respect this man most.
7. The man is my father. I respect his opinions most.
8. I saw a lot of people and horses. They went to market.
9. Tom has three sisters. All of them are married.

10. I recently went back to Paris. It is still as beautiful as a pearl.

11. I recently went back to Paris. I was born in Paris nearly 50 years ago.
12. She is the most intelligent woman. I’ve ever met this woman.
13. This doctor is famous. You visited him yesterday.
14. Do you know the music? It is being played on the radio.
15. The police want to know the hotel. Mr Foster stayed there two weeks ago.

16. You didn’t tell us the reason. We have to cut down our daily expenses for that reason.
17. The day was rainy. She left on that day.
18. The reason hasn’t been told yet. The president will come to that city for this reason.
19. Phuong Thao is a singer. You like her music best.
20. She couldn’t come to the party. This is a pity.

21. I’ve sent him two letters. He has received neither of them.
22. That man is an artist. I don’t remember the man’s name.
23. The reason is not valid. You gave it yesterday.
24. We enjoyed the city. We spent our vacation in this city.
25. One of the elephants had only one tusk. We saw these elephants at the zoo.
26. I looked at the moon. It was very bright that evening.

27. My father goes swimming everyday. You met him this morning.
28. That car belongs to Dr Clark. Its engine is very good.

29. In the class there are 48 students. The teacher knows only a few of them.
30. The pupils haven’t done their homework. It is too bad.
31. We first met in 1945. The revolution took place then.
32. The girl is happy. She won the race.

33. The taxi driver is friendly. He took me to the airport.

34. I liked the composition. You wrote it.

35. The people were very nice. We visited them yesterday.
36. The meeting was interesting. I went to it.
37. The picture was beautiful. She was looking at it.
38. I apologized the woman. I spilled her coffee.

39. The professor is excellent. I’m taking her course.

40. The man called the police. His wallet was stolen.
41. I have to call the man. I accidentally picked up his umbrella.
42. The city was beautiful. We spent our vacation there.
43. That is the restaurant. I’ll meet you there.
44. The town is small. I grew up there.

45. I’ll never forget the day. I first met you then.
46. May is the month. The weather is usually the hottest then.
47. 7:30 is the time. My plane will arrive then.
48. Do you remember the year? The First World War ended in that year.
49. The man is a biologist. His father is a botanist.

50. I love my parents’ house. I was born in that house.

VI. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
one printed before it.
1. The man that we are talking about is a famous scientist.

→ The man about...

2. The tree that we picked these fruits from is in front of the house.

→ The tree from...

3. The city that we were born in is very large.

→ The city in...

4. Do you remember the day? We first met on that day.

→ Do you remember the day on...

5. The manager has just announced his retirement. We have all depended on him so much.

→ The manager on...

6. The officer wasn’t very friendly. I spoke to him yesterday.

→ The officer to...

7. The dog was very frightened. The boys threw stones at it.

→ The dog at...

8. The road was built in 1980. We are driving on it.

→ The road on...

9. Did you see the letter? It came yesterday morning.

→ Did you...

10. This is Rex Hotel, and it is the biggest hotel in the city.

→ This is Rex Hotel, which...

VII. Complete the following sentences, using Relative clauses.

1. I don’t know the reason...

2. They have found the handbag...
3. He doesn’t like people...
4. The police arrested the man...
5. Do you know the country...

6. I don’t like the women...

7. The woman is my mother, is my father.
8. The man is my father
9. She has lost the bicycle...
10. This is the house...
11. The book is about the girl...

12. George works for a company...

13. What was the name of the horse...
14. The police have caught the men...
15. Mary has lost a purse...
16. Is there anyone here...

17. A market is a place...

18. It’s one of the few houses...
19. The story is about a girl...
20. Please tell me the reason...

VIII. Reduce relative clauses to phrases.

1. The man who is standing there is a clown.

2. The envelop which lies on the table has no stamp on it.

3. Benzene, which was discovered by Faraday, became the starting point in the manufacture of many
dyes, perfumes and explosives.
4. My grandmother, who is old and sick, never goes out of the house.
5. The students don’t know how to do the exercises which were given by the teacher yesterday.
6. The diagrams which were made by young Faraday were sent to Sir Humphry Davy at the end of
the year 1812.
7. The gentleman who lives next door to me is a well-known orator.
8. All the astronauts who are orbiting the earth in space capsules are weightless.

9. All students who don’t hand in their papers will fail in the exam.
10. I saw many houses that were destroyed by the storm.
11. The street which leads to the school is very wide.

12. The system which is used here is very successful.

13. Mr Jackson, who teaches my son, is my neighbour.
14. Trains which leave from this station take an hour to get to London.
15. The candidates who are sitting for the exam are all from Vietnam.
16. We are driving on the road which was built in 1980.

17. Customers who complain about the service should see the manager.
18. The city which was destroyed during the war has now been rebuilt.
19. My brother, who met you yesterday, works for a big firm.
20. The vegetables which are sold in this shop are grown without chemicals.

IX. Replace the Relative clause by an infinitive or infinitive phrase.

1. We had a river in which we could swim.

2. The child would be happier if he had someone that he could play with.
3. I have some letters that I must write.
4. If she had a family that she had to cook for, she would be more interested.
5. I haven’t anyone that I can go with.
6. We had to eat standing up because we hadn’t anything that we could sit on.

7. I wish I had a box that I could keep my letters in.

8. She hadn’t anyone to whom she could send cards.
9. Have you got a key that can unlock this door?
10. There are six letters which have to be written today.
11. There is a bench that your children can sit on.

12. We have some picture books that children can read.

13. He was the second man who was killed in this way.
14. Here is the novel that she should read.
15. The man who was interviewed was entirely unsuitable.

X. Replace the To-infinitive phrases by Relative clauses.

1. Lady Astor was the first woman to take her seat in Parliament.

2. The last student to be interviewed was John.

3. I was the only person to see the difficulty.
4. The last person to leave the room must turn out the lights.
5. The air-hostess was the only person to survive the crash.
6. Jim was the first boy to reach the top.

7. He was the first man to leave the burning building.

8. We had a lake to swim in.
9. Here is an application form for you to fill in.
10. I have some letters to type right now.


I. 1. will/ shall give 2. would type 3. would have visited

4. attended 5. knew 6. had arrived

7. had 8. hadn’t seen 9. studies

10. would you have accepted? 11. grow/will grow 12. stopped

13. would you do 14. doesn’t hurry 15. had tried

16. wouldn’t run 17. will you promise 18. see

19. will arrest 20. had spoken

II. 1. Unless you are careful, you ...
2. Unless you like this one, I’ll...
3. I’ll not be able to do any work unless I have a quiet room.
4. Unless she hurries, she’ll...
5. Unless we had more rain, our crops wouldn’t be better.
6. The crops wouldn’t have been ruined unless the flood had risen higher.
7. Unless you had sneezed, he ...

8. Unless she did her hair differently she wouldn’t look quite nice.
9. Unless John had played for our football team, we would have lost the game.
10. Unless I won a big prize in a lottery, I’d not give up my job.
III. 1. Were I... 5. Were I... 9. Had they ...
2. Had you ... 6. Were I... 10. Were there ...

3. Had he ... 7. Had you ...

4. Were it... 8. Were today...

IV.1. I would help the poor.

2. he had enough money.
3. , I would take you to the circus.
4. , he would have taken part in the trip with me.

5. had studied hard.

6. had been free.
7. , they would have bought her a new car.
8. , he would have met you.
9. , we would have gone swimming.

10. there were no war.

V. 1. If you don’t keep silent, you’ll wake the baby up.

2. If you left immediately, I wouldn’t call a policeman.
3. If I knew her number, I would ring her up.
4. If you don’t go right now, you’ll be late for the train.
5. If she weren’t often absent from class, she could keep pace ...

6. If I had known her address, I would have written to Alice.

7. If I knew the answer, I could tell you.

8. If we had had a map, we wouldn’t have got lost.

9. If his friends hadn’t been so late, they wouldn’t have missed the train.
10. If today were Sunday, the pupils could go swimming.
11. If it hadn’t rained heavily, everybody would have gone out.
12. If this chair weren’t too heavy, he could move it.

13. If he hadn’t gone out in the rain last night, he wouldn’t have had a flu.
14. If there weren’t the church bells, I could sleep.
15. If we do morning exercises, we’ll feel better.
16. If you don’t stop talking, you won’t understand the lesson.
17. If the boy weren’t so young, he could go to school.

18. If there weren’t the fridge, the food would spoil.

19. If I were you, I would study hard.
20. If I were you, I would stop smoking.
21. If you aren’t careful, you’ll cut...
22. If you aren’t calm, you’ll...
23. If there weren’t the air, we would die.

24. If she hadn’t had a Visa, she couldn’t...

25. If there weren’t the sun, man ...
26. If he hadn’t had money, he ...
27. If he didn’t smoke, he wouldn’t be so weak.
28. If it hadn’t been very cold yesterday, we could have gone swimming.

29. If it weren’t very cold, we could go swimming.

30. If I hadn’t been busy, I would have watched TV last night.


I. 1. were 4. Would give 7. Had watched 10. would be
2. hadn’t given 5. could take 8. had
3. had visited 6. had understood 9. had come

II. 1. I wish my father were here now.

2. The teacher wishes you worked more than you talked.
3. John wishes he would be an astronaut in the future (when he grew up).
4. I wish I had helped you yesterday.
5. I wish you had given me a chance ...

6. Mary wishes she would be able to attend ...

7. We wish we had had enough money ...

8. I wish you drove more slowly.
9. The teacher wishes you were more studious.
10. I wish he would get over ...
11. I wish I were a doctor.

12. I wish I had enough money ...

13. I wish I didn’t live in a big City.

14. Nam wishes he had accepted the job.

15. I wish tomorrow weren’t a workday.
16. We wish we wouldn’t have to work this Saturday.
17. I wish I hadn’t eaten too much ice-cream.
18. I wish you had been here last week.

19. I wish I hadn’t spoken to him so impolitely yesterday.

20. Alan wished he hadn’t asked Arthur to lend him 20$.
21. I wish the baby stopped crying.
22. He wishes he had invited Molly to his party.
23. I wish the hotel had been good.

24. I wish I had understood the lesson.

25. I wish my friend had passed his exam.


I. 1. The boy stood on the benches to get a better view.

The boy stood on the benches so that he could get a better view.
2. We lower the volume of the radio so as not to bother our neighbours.

We lower the volume of the radio so that we will not bother our neighbours.
3. I’ll write to you in order that you’ll know my
decision soon. I’ll write to you in order for you to know
my decision soon.
4. These men were talking in whispers in order that nobody could hear their
conversation. These men were talking in whispers in order for nobody to hear their
5. The boy feigned to be sick so that we wouldn’t make him work.
6. The man spoke loudly so that everybody could hear him clearly.
7. Doris often goes home as soon as the class is over so that her mother won’t wait for her.

8. John gets up early so that he won’t be late for class.
9. Mary hid the novel under her pillow so that her father wouldn’t see it.
10. Alice prepares her lesson carefully in order that she will get high marks in class.
11. The robber changed his address all the time in order that the police couldn’t find him.
12. They did their jobs well so that the boss would increase their salary.

13. You should walk slowly so that your sister can follow you.
14. I’m studying hard in order to keep pace with my classmates.
15. We turned out the lights so as not to waste electricity.
16. This pupil read only for short periods each day so as not to train his eyes.
17. I whispered so that I wouldn’t disturb anyone.
18. The clown took off his mask so as not to frighten the children.

19. My father drove carefully so that he wouldn’t cause accidents.

20. Sue dutifully followed her parents’ advice so as not to cause trouble for her parents.
21. Mr. Thompson is learning Vietnamese in order to read Kim Van Kieu.
22. Please shut the door so that the dog won’t go out of the house.
23. The farmer built a high wall around his garden so that the fruits wouldn’t be stolen.

24. The police stopped the traffic every few minutes so that the pedestrians might cross the road.
25. The notices are written in several languages for everyone to understand them.
26. I wish to have enough money in order to buy a new house.
27. Dick is practising the guitar to play for the dance.
28. She needs a job so that she will support her old parents.

29. He moved to the front row to hear the speaker better.

30. She put the meat into the oven in order that it would be ready for dinner.
II. 1. Leave early to get home before dark.
2. This man changed his address constantly to avoid the police.
3. I shouted in order to warn everyone of danger.

4. Banks are developed to keep people’s money safe.

5. Mary went to the library in order to borrow some books.
6. Yesterday father went to the bank so as to open a checking account.
7. I went to see him so as to find out what had happened.
8. Tom is saving up to buy a new bicycle.
9. He hurried to catch the train.

10. She is learning French to be able to speak it when she comes to Paris.
III. 1. We hurried to school so that we wouldn’t be late.
2. He climbed the tree so that he could get a better view.
3. You should get up early to have time to review your lesson.
4. Some young people like to earn their own living in order to be independent of their parents.

5. We should do morning exercises regularly so that we can improve our health.

6. We should take advantage of the scientific achievements of the world to develop our national
7. Every people in the world must unite their efforts so that they can maintain and protect peace.
8. She put on warm clothes so as not to catch cold.
9. He hurried to the station so that he wouldn’t miss the train.
10. She locked the door so that she wouldn’t be disturbed.
IV. 1. ... he wouldn’t miss the bus. 2 to go to the cinema with Tom.

3. ... they can talk to the foreigners. 4. have a better view.

5. ... she would call me. 6. to help you.

7. ... we would understand it well. 8. save a child.

9. ... he can buy a computer. 10. to be late for school.

11. ... to pass our exam. 12. she will give it to her brother on his birthday.

13. ... visit their friends. 14. to be dismissed from his work.

15. the boss would increase their salaries.


I. 1. so 2. such 3. so 4. such 5. so 6. so 7. such 8. so

9. such 10. such 11. so 12. so 13. such 14. so 15. so
II. 1. The lesson is so difficult that nobody can understand it.

2. The work is so hard that I can’t finish it on time.

3. This novel was so interesting that I couldn’t put it down.
4. This song is so simple that all of us can sing it.
5. My brothers and sisters were so excited about the trip that they couldn’t sleep.
III. 1. The house is such an expensive one that nobody can
buy it. It is such an expensive house that...
2. The boy is such a nice one that we all like
him. He is such a nice boy that...
3. It is such cold weather that we couldn’t go out.
4. The room was such a dark one that I couldn’t see
anything. It was such a dark room that...
5. The day was such a nice one that we decided to go to the
beach. It was such a nice day that...
IV. 1. The sun shone so brightly that Maria ...
2. Dean was such a powerful swimmer that he ...

3. There were so few students registered that the class ...

4. The house was so beautiful that I...
5. This coffee is so strong that I...
6. It is such a good film that I...
7. There was so much food that everyone ...
8. There were so many guests that there ...

9. I ate so many sandwiches that I ...

10. David has so much work to do that he ...
11. He was so sick that he ...
12. It was so dark that he ...
13. He has such wide knowledge that we ...

14. His conduct is so good that all...

15. Mary has such a beautiful voice that we ...
16. John is still so weak that he ...
17. My father has such a good health that he ...
18. There is so much noise that we ..
19. My friend is so strong that he ...

20. Bill is such an intelligent boy that he ...

V. 1. He is such a clever boy (man, person) that he ...
2. Mr. Keller is such a rich man that he ...
3. This City is such a large one that I’ve ...
4. It was such a nice day that all...

5. This is such a small shop that we ...

6. That was such a big fish that it...
7. The test we did yesterday was such a difficult one that we ...
8. The play we saw yesterday was such a bad one that we ...
9. The story he told us was such a funny one that I...
10. Jane has such a good conduct that everybody ...
11. Mary has such a beautiful voice that we ...
12. Miss Snow has such a valuable ring that she ...

13. Your dog is such a fierce one that nobody

... You have such a fierce dog that...
14. His house is such a beautiful one that he
... He has such a beautiful house that...
15. Our car is such an old one that we
... We have such an old car that...
VI. 1. ... we hardly understood it. 2. … everybody wanted to buy it.

3. ... we were late for work. 4. … he rarely goes to the cinema.

5. ... they don’t fit anyone. 6. we didn’t understand what he said.

7. we all admired him.

8. they have to spend a lot of time to get over them.
9. ... we can’t climb up the top. 10. I don’t have time to go out.

11. ... nobody can lift it. 12. we want to go swimming.

13. ... I wanted to see it again. 14. we kept talking about it.

15. ... the students can’t learn it by heart. 16. I can’t sleep.

17. ... I’ve read it many times. 18. we don’t see the tops.

19. ... her students can’t follow her. 20. she seldom goes shopping.
VII. 1. It was too cold for us to want to go out.
2. Mr. Pike is too weak to walk without a stick.
3. The ground is too hard for us to dig.

4. The elephant is too big to run fast.

5. Your handwriting is too bad for me to read.
6. This man is too old to walk.
7. These shoes are too big for me to wear.
8. These goods are too expensive to be sold quickly.

9. She walked too fast for her younger sister to follow.

10. I got up too late to have time to eat breakfast.
VIII. 1. He isn’t young enough to wear this coloured shirt.
2. She isn’t strong enough to carry this bag.
3. This pen isn’t cheap enough for me to buy.
4. Bill isn’t intelligent/ clever enough to understand what I say.

5. This bag isn’t light enough for her to carry.

6. The test wasn’t easy enough for them to do.
7. That sentence wasn’t short enough for me to memorize.
8. The land isn’t fertile enough to grow crops.

9. The room isn’t quiet enough for us to study.

10. This book isn’t interesting enough to read.
11. We weren’t early enough to get good seats.
12. Jack isn’t hard-working enough to make progress in his study.
13. I’m not rich enough to help you with the money.

14. These oranges aren’t sweet enough for us to eat.

15. The shelf isn’t short enough for the boy to reach.
16. This road isn’t safe enough for her to go at night.
17. The water in this pool isn’t pure enough to drink.
18. Martha isn’t beautiful enough to have a boyfriend.

19. This room isn’t bright enough for us to study.

20. He didn’t study well enough to pass his exam.
IX. 1. so many 2. so much 3. so much 4. so many 5. so much

6. so many 7. so many 8. so much 9. so much 10. so much

11. so many 12. so many 13. so much 14. so much 15. so many


I. 1. because 2. because 3. because of 4. because of 5. because

II. 1. Since she saw the wanted man in a small coffee shop, she phoned the police.
2. Because the teacher is sick, we’ll have no class tomorrow.
3. She walked slowly because her leg was injured.
4. Mary looks happy because she has just got good marks.

5. He came to the office 10 minutes late because he missed the first bus.
6. Because she coughed and sneezed, the doctor said she had to stay out of crowd.
7. Since it got dark, I couldn’t read the letter.
8. I didn’t come in time because there was a traffic-jam.
9. He stayed at home yesterday because his mother was sick.
10. We didn’t want to go out because it rained heavily.

III. 1. Why did you leave school? 2. Why was the train late?

3. Why will they leave early? 4. Why does she like him?

5. Why did the pupil understand that mathematical problem very well?

IV.1. We stay at home because it’s raining.

2. Because most people hear jogging is a good exercise, they begin to jog.

3. Because the climate in the country is healthy, people like to live there.
4. Because a computer can be used for various purposes, it becomes very popular nowadays.
5. Because tomorrow is a public holiday, all the shops will be shut.

V. 1. Mary didn’t go to school yesterday because of being sick/ her sickness.

2. She went to bed early because of feeling tired/ her tiredness.
3. Ann didn’t go to the circus with Betty because of having a bad cold/ her bad cold.

4. John succeeded in his exam because of working hard and methodically.

5.because of her mother’s sickness/ her mother’s being sick.

6.because of his father’s kindness to me/ his father’s being kind to me.
7.because of the greenness of the fruits.
8.because of the difficulty of the test/ its difficulty/ its being difficult.
9.because of the darkness.
10.because of the heavy rain.

11.because of the noise.

12.because of the fog.
13.because of his good conduct.
14.because of the thick fog.
15.because of the red traffic lights.

16.because of the bad weather.

17.because of the warm and damp climate.
18.because of the crowded and narrow Street.
19.because of the hot weather.

20.because of his hard life.


I. 1. Although he is very rich, he isn’t happy.

2. No matter how rich he is, he isn’t happy.
3. Although she is very intelligent, she can’t answer my question.
4. No matter how intelligent she is, she can’t answer my question.
5. Whatever he does, he is always careful.

6. No matter what he does, he always tries his best.

7. Whatever she says, I don’t believe her.
8. No matter what she says, I don’t believe her.
9. No matter how hard he tried, he was not successful.
10. Although he tried, he was not successful.
11. Although his life is hard, he is determined to study well.

12. No matter how hard his life is, he is determined to study well.
13. Though he was wise and experienced, he was taken in.
14. No matter what jobs he got, he was not satisfied.
15. Even though he got good jobs, he was not satisfied.
16. Whatever jobs you do, you should do it devotedly.

17. No matter where he lived, he always thought of his homeland.

18. No matter how cold it was, he didn’t wear warm clothes.
19. Many people believe him although he often tells lies.
20. No matter when/ at what time you return, she waits for you.
II. 1. Whatever happens, don’t forget to write to me.
2. Whatever kinds of effort we made to persuade her, she will refuse to consider our proposal.

3. Whatever kinds of exercises he had taken, he was still putting on weight.

4. Whatever sorts of difficulties you may encounter, you should keep your promise.

5. Whatever he says, nobody believes him.

6. Whatever kinds of difficulties you have, you should review all your lessons before taking your
7. Whatever kinds of exercises he had taken, he got fatter and fatter.
8. Whatever difficulties you encounter, you should always study hard.
9. Whatever others may say, she is certainly right.
10. Whatever jobs he chose, his parents were pleased with him.

III. 1. She didn’t eat much in spite of being hungry/ her being hungry/ her hunger.
2. Despite being good at maths/ his being good at maths, he couldn’t solve the problem.
3. In spite of being over sixty/ his age, Mr. Pike doesn’t wear glasses.
4. Despite (his) having much experience in machinery, he ...
5. In spite of the darkness, they...

6. In spite of the noise, I...

7. Despite the heavy rain, I... spite of the fog. spite of their greenness/ their being green/ the greenness of the fruits. spite of the difficult test/ the difficulty of the test.
11. Despite his strength/ his being strong, I’m ...

12. In spite of his poverty/ his being poor, everybody...

13. Despite the bad weather, the plane ...
14. In spite of the red traffic lights/ the turning red of the traffic lights, he ...
15. In spite of his hard life at that time, he ...
16. Despite the narrow streets, many people ...

17. Despite his good English, he ...

18. Despite having got an English name/ his English name, he ...
19. In spite of his difficulties, he ...
20. In spite of the bad weather, we ...
21. In spite of not having finished the paper, he ...
22. Despite not feeling alert, she ...

23. Despite his mother’s having told him not to, the child ...

(having been told not to by his mother)

24. In spite of disliking it/ her disliking it, she ...
25. In spite of disliking flying/ her disliking flying, Mary ...
26. Despite being sad/ her being sad, Mary ...

27. Despite her poor memory, the old woman ...

28. Despite having been absent frequently, he ...
29. In spite of being on diet, he ...
30. In spite of the high prices, my daughters ...

I. 1. stay 2. have stayed 3. drink 4. stood
5. cooked 6. hadn’t arrived 7. had slept 8. was/were
9. hadn’t failed 10. had invited 11. understood 12. went
13. went 14. got 15. knew
16. paid 17. had 18. had swum/ had been swimming
19. had met 20. had won

II. 1. I feel as if my head were on fire now.

2. I felt as though I was walking in the air.
3. I’d rather Bill worked hard.

4. I’d rather he had wanted to pay his debts.

5. I’d rather he didn’t drive too fast.
6. He spent his money as if he were a prince.
7. You speak as though you were a prophet.
8. It’s high time we set out.

9. It’s time you reviewed your lessons.

10. I’d rather he gave up smoking.
11. She looked as if she hadn’t known me.
12. It’s time he called me on the phone.
13. It’s high time we started working now.
14. She made up as if she were an actress.

15. She cried as though she were a baby.

16. They talk as if they were kings.
17. It’s time we solved this problem.
18. Mary dressed up as if she were a queen.
19. I’d rather she didn’t talk too much.

20. I’d rather he came to my house tonight.


I. 1. Whether 2. Whether 3. Why

4. Why 5. That 6. Where
7. Why 8. How 9. How many

10. Where 11. Who/ whom 12. that
13. Whether/ When 14. what 15. what
16. Why/ why 17. How long 18. which
19. that 20. what 21. How much
22. Why 23. who 24. that
25. that 26. At what time/ how 27. How much
28. how high/ how old 29. How old 30. that
II. 1. Tom is sad today 2. he was absent from class yesterday

3. he had lost his bicycle 4. old I was

5. he was born in 1980 6. he had gone the night before

7. you will win 8. London has fog

9. he is rich. 10. she died last year.

III. 1. … how old you are.
2. … what you did yesterday.
3. … how you came here
4. … where you are going to spend your holiday next summer.

5. … what you want.

6. … you can help me.

I. 1. ..., who discovered penicillin, received 2. That/ which

3. which/ that 4. whose

5. ,whom I have known for ten years. 6. whose

7. of which 8. …, whose branches are dry,…

9. whom 10. …, whose name I don’t remember,…

11. which/ that 12. Who/ that

13. which/ that 14. whose

15. ..., who serve in the restaurant. 16. whose

17. ..., whose sister I know, is 18. Which/ that

19. which/ that
20. ..., whose theories have changed the world’s history,...
21. which 22. who/ that

23. ..., who is only 34,... 24. ..., whose work is very important,...

25. where 26. whom

27. whose 28. that

29. when - where 30. which

II. 1. Thank you very much for the present which you sent me.
2. Romeo and Juliet were lovers whose parents hated each other.
3. This is Mrs. Jones, whose son won the championship last year.

4. I was sitting in a chair which suddenly collapsed.

5. This is the story of the man whose wife suddenly loses her memory.
6. Charlie Chaplin, whose films amused millions of people in the world, died in 1977.
7. Please post these letters, which I wrote this morning.
8. The building whose tower can be seen from afar is the church.

9. Mary and Margaret, whom you met yesterday, are twins.

10. I’ll introduce you to the man whose support is necessary for your project.
11. The students who study seriously and methodically will surely be successful in their exams.
12. Mary, whose sister I know, has won an Oscar.
13. Is this the style of hair which your wife wanted to have?
14. Shakespeare, who is the world’s greatest dramatist and poet, was born at Stratford on Avon, a
small town in England.
15. His girl friend, whom he trusted absolutely, turned out to be an enemy spy.

16. A man brought in a small girl whose hand had been cut.
17. The Smiths, whose house had been destroyed in the explosion, were given rooms in the hotel.
18. He introduced me to his students, most of whom were from abroad.
19. They gave me four very bad tyres, one of which burst before I had driven four miles.
20. The man who answered the phone said Tom was out.

III. 1. The teacher with whom we studied last year is Mr. Pike.
2. The problem in which we are very interested has been discussed in class.
3. Many diseases of which people died years ago are no longer dangerous.
4. Do you see my pen, with which I have just written my lesson?
5. I like standing at the window from which I can see the park.

6. We are crossing the meadow over which we flew kites in our childhood.
7. They are repairing the tubes through which water is brought into our house.
8. In the middle of the village there is the well from which the villagers take water to drink.
9. The middle-aged man to whom my father is talking is the director.
10. This is a rare opportunity of which you should take advantage to get a better job.
11. The boy of whom you made fun is my cousin.

12. This matter, to which you should pay attention, is of great importance.
13. The woman to whom you gave place on the bus lives next door to me.
14. This snake, of which you are afraid, is venomless.
15. The examination in which I was successful lasted two days.
16. These children, of whom she is taking care, are orphans.

17. The two young men, with whom you are acquainted, are not good persons.
18. This is the result of our work, with which I’m pleased.
19. There is a “No Parking” sign of which I do not take notice.
20. Mr. Brown is the man to whom I’m responsible for my work.
IV. 1. This is the house where we often stay in the summer.
2. That was the time when he managed the enterprise.

3. I’ll show you the second-hand bookshop where you can find valuable books.
4. I never forget the park where we met each other for the first time.
5. The police want to know the hotel where Mr. Bush stayed two weeks ago.
6. The reasons why I’m scolded by the teacher are basic grammatical ones.
7. She doesn’t want to speak to the cause why she divorced her husband.

8. The road on which/ where I go to school everyday is shaded with trees.

9. I have not decided the day when I’ll go to London.
10. He doesn’t want to sell the house where he was born.
11. The airport where we are going to arrive is the most modern one.
12. He was born on the day when his father was away.
13. The days when I lived far from home were the saddest ones.

14. I don’t know the reason why she left school.

15. The bed where I sleep has no mattress.

16. Our school has a good laboratory where the students practise chemistry.
17. You didn’t tell us the reason why we had to cut down our daily expenses.
18. The book where we can look up telephone numbers is a telephone directory.

19. Mrs. Brown rang Dr. Brown when he was going to carry out an urgent operation.
20. This is the house where we have lived for 5 years.

V. 1. The student who sits next to me is from China.

2. I thanked the woman who had helped me.
3. The professor whose course I’m taking is excellent.
4. Jim passed the exam, which surprised everybody.
5. Mr. Smith whom I had come to see said he was too busy to speak to me.

6. The man whom I respect most is my father.

7. The man whose opinions I respect most is my father.
8. I saw a lot of people and horses that went to market.
9. Tom has three sisters, all of whom are married.
10. I recently went back to Paris, which is still as beautiful as a pearl.
11. I recently went back to Paris, where I was born nearly 50 years ago.

12. She is the most intelligent woman whom I’ve ever met.
13. This doctor, whom you visited yesterday, is famous.
14. Do you know the music which is being played on the radio?
15. The police want to know the hotel where Mr. Foster stayed two weeks ago.
16. You didn’t tell us the reason why we have to cut down our daily expenses.

17. The day when she left was rainy.

18. The reason why the president will come to that City hasn’t been told yet.
19. Phuong Thao is the singer whose music you like best.
20. She couldn’t come to the party, which is a pity.
21. I’ve sent him two letters, neither of which he has received.
22. That man, whose name I don’t remember, is an artist.

23. The reason which you gave yesterday is not valid.

24. We enjoyed the City where we spent our vacation.
25. One of the elephants which we saw at the zoo had only one tusk.
26. I looked at the moon which was very bright that evening.
27. My father, whom you met this morning, goes swimming everyday.

28. That car, whose engine is very good, belongs to Dr. Clark.
29. In the class there are 48 students, only a few of whom the teacher knows.
30. The pupils haven’t done their homework, which is too bad.

31. We first met in 1945, when the revolution took place.
32. The girl who won the race is happy.
33. The taxi driver who took me to the airport is friendly.

34. I liked the composition which you wrote.

35. The people whom we visited yesterday were very nice.

36. The meeting which I went to was interesting.

37. The picture at which she was looking was beautiful.
38. I apologized the woman whose coffee I spilled.
39. The professor whose course I’m taking is excellent.
40. The man whose wallet was stolen called the police.

41. I have to call the man whose umbrella I accidentally picked up.
42. The City where we spent our vacation was beautiful.
43. That is the restaurant where I’ll meet you.
44. The town where I grew up is small.
45. I’ll never forget the day when I first met you.

46. May is the month when the weather is usually the hottest.
47. 7:30 is the time when my plane will arrive.
48. Do you remember the year when the First World War ended?
49. The man whose father is a botanist is a biologist.
50. I love my parents’ house, where I was born.
VI. 1. The man about whom we are talking is a famous scientist.

2. The tree from which we picked these fruits is in front of the house.
3. The City in which we were born is very large.
4. Do you remember the day on which we first met?
5. The manager on whom we have all depended so much has just announced his retirement.
6. The officer to whom I spoke yesterday wasn’t very friendly.

7. The dog at which the boys threw stones was very frightened.
8. The road on which we are driving was built in 1980.
9. Did you see the letter which came yesterday morning?
10. This is Rex Hotel, which is the biggest hotel in the City.
VII. 1.... why you are so sad now. 2. … which Mary lost yesterday.

3. ... who are lazy. 4. who stole my car last week.

5. ... where I was born? 6. who are talkative.

7. ... whom I like best... 8. ... whom I respect most...

9. ... which she bought last year. 10. where we have lived for 10 years.

11. ... who won the gold medal last year. 12. where my father works.

13. ... which/ that won the race? 14. who set fire to the house.

15. ... which she bought two months ago. 16. that knows her?

17. ... where people sell everything. 18. that we built last year.
19. who saved a baby.
20. why you were absent from class yesterday?

IIX. 1. The man standing there is a clown.

2. The envelop lying on the table has no...

3. Benzene, discovered by Faraday, became...

4. My grandmother, being old and sick, never...

5. The students don’t know how to do the exercises given by the teacher yesterday.
6. The diagrams made by young Faraday were sent...
7. The gentleman living next door to me is...
8. All the astronauts orbiting the earth in space capsules are weightless.

9. All students not handing in their papers will fail...

10. I saw many houses destroyed by the storm.
11. The street leading to the school...
12. The system used here is...
13. Mr. Jackson, teaching my son, is...

14. Trains leaving from...

15. The candidates sitting for the exam...
16. We are driving on the road built in 1980.
17. Customers complaining about the service...
18. The city destroyed during the war...
19. My brother, meeting you yesterday, works...

20. The vegetables sold in this shop are...

IX. 1. We had a river to swim.
2. The child would be happier if he had someone to play with.
3. I have some letters to write.
4. If she had a family to cook for, she...

5. I haven’t anyone to go with.

6. We had to eat standing up because we hadn’t anything to sit on.
7. I wish I had a box to keep my letters in.
8. She hadn’t anyone to send cards.
9. Have you got a key to unlock this door?
10. There are six letters to be written today?

11. There is a bench for your children to sit on.

12. We have some picture books for children to read.
13. He was the second man to be killed in this way.
14. Here is the novel for her to read.
15. The man to be interviewed was...

X. 1.... the first woman who took her seat...

2. The last student who was interviewed was...
3. ... the only person who saw...
4. The last person who leaves the room...
5. ... the only person who survived...
6. ... the first boy who reached...

7. ... the first man who left...

8.a lake where/ in which we could swim. application form that you must fill in.

10.some letters that/ which I must type right now.

136. The bridge was so low that the bus couldn’t go under it.

It was
137. I last saw him when I was a student.

I haven’t
138. That was a silly thing to say!

139. We’ve run out of tea.

140. Philippa asked Olive if she could remember where she had put the camera.

Philippa said ‘Olive

141. It’s a six-hour drive from London to Edingburgh.

It takes
142. Turn off all the switches before leaving the workshop.

All the switches

143. It is ages Alan visited his parents.

144. Mrs. Taylor does not like living in such a small house.

Mrs. Taylor wishes

145. Mr. Will lost his job because he was late every day.

146. James spoke to his lawyer before signing the contract.

James didn’t
147. They traveled across India, and then flew on to Japan.

148. ‘You’d better go to the doctor if you’ve got a pain in your back, Anna’ said Henry.

Henry suggested

149. The police made the youth empty his pocket.

The youth
150. Joans eats very little so as not to put on weight.

Joans eats very little because

151. On arrival at the shop, the goods are inspected carefully.

When the goods

152. Lawrence hasn’t seen his sister since she left for Japan.

Lawrence last
153. John is fat because he eats so many chips.

154. Peter said he wasn’t feeling well.
Peter said
155. ‘You should take more exercises Mr. Robert’ the doctor said ‘if you want to lose weight’.
The doctor advised
156. Collecting dolls from foreign countries is one of Jane’s interests.

Jane is
157. George is not nearly as energetic as he used to be.

George used

158. If Joe doesn’t change his ways, he will end up in prison.

159. ‘Will I ever find a job?’ Jim asked to himself.

Jim wondered
160. ‘You should take a map because you might be lost in those mountains.’

In case

161. Temperatures is measured by a thermometer.

A thermometer
162. You remembered to post the letter, didn’t you?

You didn’t
163. Mr. Dryden mended the washing machine for me.

I had
164. Pat is the tallest girl in her class.

No one
165. To get the 40% discount, you must buy all 12 books at the same time.

You can only

166. Samuel started keeping a diary 5 years ago.

Samuel has
167. Please don’t smoke in the kitchen.

I’d rather you

168. ‘I’m sorry, I gave you the wrong number’ said Paul to Susan.

Paul apologized

169. Sally’s parents gave her a microcomputer for her birthday.

170. It was such bad news that Helen burst into tears.

The news
171. How long is it since you saw Mary?


172. If he doesn’t work harder, he’ll lose his job.

173. I’d like to visit India more than any other countries in the world.

India is
174. Alan regretted asking Arthur to lend him 20$.

Alan wishes
175. ‘When is the first day of your holiday, Peter?’ Martha asked.

Martha asked Peter

176. The flight to Moscow lasted three and a half hours.

It took
177. I work in a factory which has more than a thousand employees.

178. Belinda felt very depressed but she still went to the party.

Belinda went to the party

179. Mr. Hill teaches his students to understand different English accents.

Mr. Hill ‘students

180. It was such a boring film that we left before the end.

The film

181. Robert and Catherine have been married for 4 years.

It’s four years

182. Elizabeth got a bad cough because she started smoking cigarettes.

183. ‘Can I have a new bicycle?’ said Ann to her mother.

Ann asked
184. Don’t blame me if the tin-opener’s broken.
It’s not
185. Although he had a bad cold, William still went to work.

In spite
186. Barbara plays tennis better than Mike.

Mike doesn’t
187. Whose suitcase is this?

Who does
188. The train journey from London to Bristol takes 2 hours.

It is a

189. Did they build the garage at the same time as the house?

190. The people who were at the meeting will say nothing to the Press.

Nobody who
191. The heavy rain made it impossible for us to have our picnic.

We were

192. Joan will stay on at school unless she find a good job before September.

193. I don’t really want to go out tonight.

I’d rather
194. Shirly didn’t begin to read until she was 8.

It wasn’t
195. Lucy hasn’t worn that dress since Barbara’s wedding.

The last
196. Let’s go abroad for our holiday this year.

197. He is such a slow speaker that his students get very bored.

He speaks
198. Makengie wrote 4 best sellers before he was 20.

By the age of 20
199. ‘Don’t leave the house until I get back, William’ his mother said.
William’s mother
200. I’d rather not see him tomorrow.

I don’t

201. Alice’s strange ideas astonished everybody.

202. It was careless of you to leave the windows open last night.

You shouldn’t
203. You will catch a cold if you don’t keep your feet dry.

204. It looks like rain to me.

205. This is the most delicious cake I’ve ever tasted.

I have
206. The people who were there didn’t notice anything unusual.

No one
207. She left university 2 years ago.

It is
208. The gate is closed to stop the children running into the road.

The gate is closed so that

209. Henry regretted buying a second hand car.

Henry wishes
210. Amanda finally manages to get a job.

Amanda finally succeeded

211. They have sold that old house at the end of the road.

That old house

212. ‘Don’t bite your nails’ said Mrs. Rogers to her son.

Mrs. Rogers
213. Charles lives quite near his aunt’s house.

Charles doesn’t
214. That’s the last time I go to that restaurant.
I certainly
215. It was such a dirty beach that I decided not to stay.

The beach
216. It isn’t necessary to finish the work today.

You don’t
217. I don’t really want to have lunch yet.

I’d rather
218. Sebastian’s career as a television presenter began 5 years ago.

Sebastian has
219. That meal was excellent.

220. ‘I’ve seen this film 3 times, Mary’ said George.

George told

221. I don’t really want to visit the museum.

I’d rather
222. John missed the ferry because his car broke down.

223. Jane is a better cook than Robert.

Robert can’t
224. Please do not smoke in this area of the restaurant.

Customers are requested

225. ‘I’m sorry, Angela’ said Martin ‘I’m afraid I’ve damaged your car.’

Martin apologized
226. Although he took a taxi, Bill arrived late for the concert.

In spite of
227. Carol finds it easy to make friends.

Carol has no
228. Mark is too young to see the horror film.

Mark is not

229. Whose documents are these?

230. ‘Have you had enough for lunch?’ the landlady asked me.

The landlady asked

231. We ought to leave the party now if we are to catch the last train.

If we don’t

232. It’s Alice’s job to look after the new staff.

Alice is responsible
233. What’s your date of birth?

234. John could not find the right house.

John was
235. The doctor should have signed my insurance form.

My insurance form
236. Michael laughed when I told him the joke.

The joke
237. Jenny does not play tennis as well as she used to.

Jenny used
238. The door was too heavy that the child couldn’t push it open.

The door
239. If you don’t want Sally to be angry with you, I suggest you apologize.

240. You might fall if you’re not careful.

Be careful

241. Mrs. Edwards is the owner of that car.

That car
242. The station clock showed half past ten.

243. Henry found a wallet with no name in it.

The wallet
244. Ronald denied stealing Mrs. Clark’s handbag.
Ronald said that
245. Susan likes staying in hotels but she prefers camping.

Susan doesn’t
246. The fridge was so heavy that we couldn’t move it.

The fridge was too

247. ‘John, please don’t tell anyone my new address’ said Mary.

Mary asked
248. The judges had never seen a prettier flower display.

It was

249. His mother is taller than his father.

His father
250. Tom didn’t come to the party. Ann didn’t come to the party.

Neither Tom
251. Everyone likes her.


252. Although the traffic was bad, I arrived on time.

In spite
253. If you’ve got a car, you’re able to travel around more easily.

Having a car enables

254. The sudden noise caused me to jump.

The sudden noise made

255. She wouldn’t allow me to read the letter.

She wouldn’t let

256. My father said I could use his car.

My father allowed me
257. Tom is ill. He became ill three days ago.

Tom has
258. I can’t give up smoking, but I’d like to.

I wish
259. Tom went to bed but first he had a hot drink.
260. She often writes to him and he often writes to her.


261. If you don’t hurry, you’ll be late.

262. Because the weather was bad, they postponed the match until the following Saturday.
Because of
263. Mary is too young to get married.

Mary is not
264. I don’t really want to go to the museum.

I’d rather
265. I want you to cook the dinner now.

I’d rather
266. She made herself ill because she worked very hard.

She worked so

267. We can solve this problem.

This problem
268. The man injured in the accident was taken to hospital.

The man who

269. That girl is very beautiful.

270. Tom is not old enough to drive a car.

Tom is too
271. It is said that he is 108 years old.

He is said
272. She was very stupid when she went out without a coat.

It was very stupid

273. That factory is producing more and more pollution.

More and more pollution

274. She’s a faster and more careless driver than I am.

She drives

275. My shoes need to be cleaned before the interview.

I must have
276. We spent five hours getting to London.

277. It isn’t necessary to shout.


278. When I arrived in Canberra, I wrote a letter home.

279. I’ve never seen such a mess in my life.

280. Don’t try to escape. It’s no use.

It’s no use

281. People throw thousands of tons of rubbish into the forest.

Thousands of tons of rubbish

282. There is less rain in Tokyo than in Athens in January.

More rain
283. A fire destroyed most of the old city of London in the 1600s.

The destruction

1. John suggested that Barry should put (to Barry that he should put) a better lock on door.
2. Despite his two broken legs (both his legs being broken) in the crash, he managed to get out...
3. This is the first time I’ve eaten this kind of food.
4. The firemen managed to put the fire out (to put out the fire) after fighting it for 12 hours.

5. Plans for an extension to the house have been drawn by the architect.
6. We saw the house in Stratford on Avon where (in which) Shakespeare was born.
7. You don’t need to finish (don’t have to finish) by Saturday.
8. The journalist wanted to know how many survivors there were (the number of survivors).
9. The meat was so rotten that it had to be thrown away.

10. Professor Van Helsing must (has to) be met at the airport.

11. If you don’t get (haven’t got) a visa, you can’t visit the United States.
12. Peter asked if he could borrow (Janet could lend him) Janet’s (her) typewriter.
13. She has worked as (been working as) (been) a secretary for five years.
14. My French friend isn’t used (accustomed) to driving on the left.
15. The owner of the house is thought to be abroad.

16. If we had had enough money, we would have gone (we could have gone) on holiday.
17. The sea was too rough for the children to go swimming.
18. I wish you had passed (you had managed to pass) (you hadn’t failed) your driving test.
19. I had (got) my car serviced last weeks/ the mechanic.
20. Traveling by air always makes me nervous.

21. The car was too expensive for him (cost more than he could afford) (was so expensive that he
couldn’t afford) to buy.
22. He suggested that I should put my luggage under the seat.
23. In spite of having a good salary (getting a good salary) (his good salary), he was unhappy in his
24. He objected to his secretary’s coming (the fact that his secretary came) late to work.
25. I wish I hadn’t missed (I had been at) (I had attended) your birthday party.
26. The streets haven’t been cleaned this week.
27. Apples are not usually as expensive as (so expensive as) oranges.
28. You’d better put your money in the bank.

29. It is such a dirty restaurant that no one wants to eat there.

30. John could hardly understand what the teacher said (what his teacher was saying).
31. We can only get into the house if someone has a key.
32. You can’t lock the front door. Here’s the key.
33. He’d rather play golf than tennis.

34. He wishes he had invited Molly to his party.

35. He told me to bring my swimming things in case it was rainy.
36. You don’t need to (have to) talk so loudly.
37. The last time I went to (I was in) Bristol was 3 years ago.

38. This cheque has not been signed (has no signature) (lacks a signature).
39. It’s Jim’s 18th birthday next week.
40. If he does not phone immediately, he won’t get any information.

41. When did they buy the house?
42. The broken vase couldn’t be repaired.

43. The garden hasn’t been dug.

44. Is this the cheapest carpet (one) you’ve got? (you have?)
45. These shoes are too small (are not big enough) for my feet.
46. I’m looking forward to meeting you.
47. The security guard told us to keep away from this area when we approached the fence.

48. It’s the first time I’ve ever met such a famous person.
49. You don’t have to (need to) take this pudding out of its tin to cook it.
50. It was too late to do anything (for anything to be done).
51. Please wake me up at 8:00 tomorrow morning.
52. The date of the meeting will have to be changed again.
53. We are going to have (get) the car repaired.

54. The train is quicker (faster) than the bus.

(does not take as long as the bus)
(takes a shorter time than the bus)
55. It is over six months since John had (got) his hair cut.
56. Maria wishes that she’s been put (they’d put her) in a higher class.
57. I’ll finish the work tonight if you like. (if you wait me to) (shall I?)
58. In case you get hungry you’d better (you should) (you ought to) take some sandwiches.

59. If my husband had left the car keys, I could (would) have picked him up at the station.
60. The snow prevented (stopped) the train from running.
made the train stop running
made it impossible for the train to run.
disrupted the train schedules.
61. It wasn’t early enough to see her.
62. I apologize for being (for having been) rude to you yesterday.
for my rudeness to you yesterday.
63. If he’d hurried he would (could) (might) have caught the train.
wouldn’t have missed
64. No one in the club is better at tennis (is a better tennis player) than Janet.
65. It’s the first time I’ve seen that man here.
66. The furniture was too expensive for me to buy (expensive so I didn’t buy it)
67. The bank manager was made (was forced) to hand over the money.
68. He has been able to drive (been driving) since he was 18.
69. She was unhappier than she had ever been before.

70. Bill doubted whether (if) (that) John could come.

71. Our dog bit the postman.

72. The fog prevented us from driving.
73. In spite of the fact that his leg was broken, he managed to get out of the car

the fact that he had a broken leg

the fact that he had broken his leg
his broken leg
having a broken leg
having broken his leg
his leg being broken
74. It was such a hard cake that I could not eat it.

impossible to eat the cake because it was so hard.

75. If it hadn’t been raining (rained), we’d have gone (we could have gone).
76. My mother cooks better than me (I do) (I can).

is a better cook than me (I am).

77. Do you happen to have change for a pound?

78. He didn’t win (manage to win) (succeed in winning) the race.
79. It’s hours since Mary rang.
80. I wish I had finished my homework last night.
81. ‘How do you like my new dress?’ she asked John.

‘How do you like my new dress, John?’ she asked.

82. There is an eight o’clock train every morning.
83. It can’t be denied that she has a beautiful voice.
84. Do you mind helping me to put the chairs away?
85. Unless someone sends/or a doctor (a doctor is sent for), the child will die.
86. He’d rather you paid him immediately.

87. The water was not warm enough for the children to swim.
88. She had her car repaired yesterday.
89. You’ve got (have) to see the manager tomorrow morning.
90. Every time we rang there wasn’t any answer (there was no answer).
91. Don’t call him by such an insulting name.

92. ‘Which one do you want the blue (one) or the green (one)?’ John asked.
93. She thought Rome was even worse than Paris.
94. So long as you arrive before eleven I can meet you.
95. All the prisoners will have been (will be) caught again by tonight.
96. I’ve warned you about your going near that dog.
97. I’d rather you didn’t tell him.

98. I suggest that you should ask her yourself.

99. You’ll need an up-to-date Visa for Andorra.
100. The office manager wondered why he hadn’t got a computer before.
101. John advised Elizabeth not to lend him any more money.

102. I’ve been working for the company (with the company) for a year (since last year).
103. If Susan hadn’t eaten 4 cream cakes, she wouldn’t have been sick.
104. I must get (have) my suit cleaned before the interview.
105. William accused her (Amanda) of stealing (of having stolen) his best cassette.
106. The rough sea prevented the ferry from sailing (stopped the ferry sailing).

107. Don’t sign the delivery note before checking (before having checked) (without having checked) for
108. It’s impossible to grow roses (for roses to be grown) in such poor ground.
109. In case your car breaks down on the rough mountain road, take plenty of spare parts.
110. Margaret accused John of damaging her bicycle.

him of having damaged

111. D.H. Lawrence, the famous novelist, was born 100 years ago.

112. John Speke didn’t succeed in finding the source of the River Nile.
113. Maria wishes she had applied for the job in the library.
114. Helen said ‘Shirly, where do you get your hair done (have your hair cut)?’
115. This is such old furniture that, it’s not worth keeping.
116. It’s difficult for handicapped people to go shopping (to do their shopping).
117. I suggest (that) you (should) have a meeting to discuss to pay offer.

118. If the patient hadn’t followed (been given) this treatment, he would have died.
119. In spite of his not speaking Dutch Bob decided to settle in Amsterdam.
the fact that he didn’t speak Dutch
being unable to speak Dutch
120. People say that he was in the French Foreign Legion.
121. The nurse asked Mrs. Bingley how old her little boy was.

her little boy’s age

what her little boy’s age was

122. It can’t have been Mrs. Elton you saw because she’s in Bristol.
123. When did Catherine and Henry become (get) engaged?
124. Although he’s quite old he runs 7 miles before breakfast.

not a young man

is an old man
is no longer young
125. I wish I had taken / followed (hadn’t ignored) my doctor’s advice.
126. The bread isn’t fresh enough to eat (to be eaten).
127. Whose bag is this? (is this bag?)
128. My father told me never to (that I ought never to) (that I should never) (that I must never) borrow
money from friends.
129. If the train-driver had not ignored (had taken notice of) a warning light, the accident wouldn’t
have happened.
130. The lions are (get) fed at 3 p.m every day.

131. If we had had a map, we wouldn’t have got lost.

132. Mr. Smith asked me where the station car park was.
133. I’d rather you delivered the sofa (had the sofa delivered) on Friday.
134. He regretted not saying (not having said) good-bye to her at the airport.
135. That old typewriter is not worth being repaired.

136. It was such a low bridge that the bus couldn’t go under it.
137. I haven’t seen him since I was a student.
138. What a silly thing to say!
139. There is no more tea (is no tea left) (isn’t anymore tea) (isn’t any tea left).
140. Philippa said ‘Olive, where did you put the camera?’

do you remember where you (have) put

can you remember where you put

141. It takes six hours to drive from London to Edingburgh.
142. All the switches must be turned off before leaving the workshop.

are to be turned off have

got to be turned off
143. Alan has not visited his parents for ages.
144. Mrs. Taylor wishes that she did not live (were not living) in such a small house/ that she lived in a
big house.
145. If Mr. Will had not been late (had arrived on time) (had not arrived late), he would not have lost
his job.
146. James didn’t sign the contract until (till) he had spoken to his lawyer.

147. After they had traveled across India, they flew on to Japan.
148. Henry suggested Anna (to Anna that) she should go (she’d better go) to the doctor.
149. The youth was made to empty his pocket.
150. Joans eats very little because she’s anxious about putting on weight.

she doesn’t want to put on weight.

she’s worried about becoming fat.
151. When the goods arrive in/ at (are delivered to at) (have been delivered to at) the shop, they are
inspected carefully.
152. Lawrence last saw his sister when she left for (before she went to) (on her departure for) Japan.

153. If John ate less chips, he wouldn’t be so fat.

(didn’t eat so many) would be less fat
(ate fewer) would be thinner
would be slimmer
154. Peter said ‘I’m not feeling well’ (I don’t feel well) (‘I feel sick’)
155. The doctor advised Mr. Robert to take (to do) more exercises if he wanted to lose weight.
156. Jane is interested in (keen on) (fond of) collecting dolls from foreign countries.
157. George used to be much (far) (a lot) more energetic than he is now (at present).

158. Unless Joe (he) changes his ways, he will end up in prison.

159. Jim wondered if (whether) he would ever (was ever going to) find a job.
160. In case you should get lost in those mountains, you’d better take a map.
161. A thermometer is something which is used for measuring (a thing which is used to measure)
162. You didn’t forget to post the letter, did you?

163. I had the washing machine (my washing machine) repaired (mended) by Mr. Dryden./ I had Mr
Dryden repair the washing machine.
164. No one in the class is (in her class is) as tall as (so tall as) (taller than) Pat is.
165. You can only get (receive) (obtain) the 40% discount if you buy all 12 books at the same time.
166. Samuel has kept (been keeping) a diary for 5 years.
167. I’d rather you did not smoke in the kitchen.
168. Paul apologized to Susan for giving her the wrong number.

169. Sally was given a microcomputer for her birthday by her parents.

by her parents for her birthday.

170. The news was so bad that Helen burst into tears (it made her burst into tears).
171. When did you last see Mary? (When was the last time that you saw Mary?)
172. Unless he works harder, he’ll lose his job.
173. India is the country I’d like to visit most.

174. Alan wishes he had never asked (not asked) Arthur to lend him 20$.
175. Martha asked Peter when the first day of his holiday was (his holiday began).
176. It took three and a half hours to fly (to get) to Moscow by air.
177. There are more than a thousand employees in the factory where I work.
178. Belinda went to the party even though she felt (although she felt) (in spite of feeling) (despite
feeling) depressed.
179. Mr. Hill’s students are taught how to understand (to distinguish) diffierent English accents.

180. The film was such a boring one (was so boring that) (bored us so much) that we left before the
end (did not stay until the end).
181. It’s four years since Robert and Catherine (they) got (were) married.

182. If Elizabeth hadn’t started (begun) smoking cigarettes, she wouldn’t have had a bad cough.
183. Ann asked her mother if (whether) she could have a new bicycle.
184. It’s not my fault if (that) the tin-opener is broken (has been broken).
185. In spite of his bad cold (a bad cold) (his suffering from a bad cold), William still went to work.
186. Mike doesn’t play tennis as well as (so well as) Barbara does.

187. Who does this suitcase belong to?

188. It is a 2 hour train journey from London to Bristol.
189. Was the garage built at the same time as the house?
190. Nobody who was at the meeting will say anything to the Press.
191. We were not able to have our picnic because of the heavy rain.
prevented from having our picnic due to the heavy rain.
192. If Joan doesn’t find a good job before September, she will stay on at school.

193. I’d rather not go out tonight.

194. It wasn’t until Shirly was 8 she began (started) to read (reading).
195. The last time that Lucy wore that dress was at Barbara’s wedding (when Barbara got married).
196. Why don’t we go abroad for our holiday this year?
197. He speaks so slowly that his students get very bored.

198. By the age of 20 Makengie (he) had written 4 best sellers.

199. William’s mother told her son not to leave the house before (until) she got back.
200. I don’t want (wish) (have any desire) to see him tomorrow.
201. Everybody was astonished at (by) Alice’s strange ideas.
202. You shouldn’t have (left) the windows open last night.

203. Unless you keep your feet dry, you will catch (get) a cold.
204. I think (reckon) (expect) that it will (may) (might) (is going likely to) rain.
205. I have never tasted (eaten) such a delicious cake in my life.
206. No one who was there noticed anything unusual.
207. It is 2 years since she left university.
208. The gate is closed so that the children can’t run into the road.

209. Henry wishes that he hadn’t bought a second-hand car.

210. Amanda finally succeeded in getting a job.
211. That old house at the end of the road has been sold.
212. Mrs. Rogers told her son not to bite (to stop biting) his nails.
213. Charles doesn’t live too far from his aunt’s house.

214. I certainly won’t go (will never go) to that restaurant again.

215. The beach was so dirty (such a dirty place) that I decided not to stay.
216. You don’t have to finish the work today.
217. I’d rather not eat (have) my lunch yet.
218. Sebastian has been (worked) (been working), as a television presenter for 5 years.
219. What an excellent meal!

220. George told Mary (that) he had seen this film 3 times.

221. I’d rather not visit the museum.
222. If John’s car had not broken down, he wouldn’t have missed to catch (would have caught) the
223. Robert can’t cook as (so) well as Jane can (does).
224. Customers are requested not to smoke in this area of the restaurant.
225. Martin apologized to Angela for damaging (having damaged) her car.

226. In spite of taking (having taken) (the fact that Bill had taken) a taxi, he arrived late for the concert.
227. Carol has no trouble (problem) (difficulty) in making friends.
228. Mark is not old enough to see the horror film.
229. Who do these documents belong to?
230. The landlady asked me if (whether) I had had (eaten) enough food for lunch.

231. If we don’t leave the party now, we won’t (won’t be able to) catch the last train.
232. Alice is responsible for looking after the new staff.
233. When were you born?
234. John was unable to And the right house.
235. My insurance form should (ought to) have been signed by the doctor.

236. The joke which (that) I told him made him laugh.
237. Jenny used to play tennis better than now (than she does now).
238. The door was too heavy for the child to push open (to open).
239. You’d better apologize her.
240. Be careful or otherwise you will (might) (could) have a fall.

241. That car belongs to Mrs. Edwards.

242. According to the station clock, it was half past ten.
243. The wallet that (which) Henry had found (found by Henry) had no name in it.
244. Ronald said that he hadn’t stolen Mrs. Clark’s handbag.
245. Susan doesn’t like staying in hotels as much as she does (enjoys) (likes) camping.
246. The fridge was too heavy for us to move.

247. Mary asked John not to tell anyone her new address.
248. It was the prettiest flower display that (which) the judges had ever seen.
249. His father is not as tall as his mother.
250. Neither Tom nor Ann came to the party.
251. She’s liked by everyone.

252. In spite of the bad traffic, I arrived on time.
253. Having a car enables you to travel around more easily.
254. The sudden noise made me jump.
255. She wouldn’t let me read the letter.
256. My father allowed me to use his car.
257. Tom has been ill for 3 days.

258. I wish I could give up smoking.

259. Before going to bed, Tom had a hot drink.
260. They often write to each other.
261. Unless you hurry, you’ll be late.
262. Because of the bad weather, they postponed the match.

263. Mary is not old enough to get married.

264. I’d rather not go to the museum.
265. I’d rather you cooked the dinner now.
266. She worked so hard that she made herself ill.
267. This problem can be solved.
268. The man who was injured in the accident was taken to hospital.

269. What a beautiful girl!

270. Tom is too young to drive a car.

271. He is said to be 108 years old.

272. It was very stupid of her to go out without a coat.
273. More and more pollution is being produced by that factory.
274. She drives faster and more carelessly than me (I do).
275. I must have my shoes cleaned before the interview.

276. It took us five hours to get to London.

277. You needn’t shout.
278. On arriving in Canberra, I wrote a letter home.
279. Never have I seen such a mess in my life.
280. It’s no use trying to escape.

281. Thousands of tons of rubbish are thrown into the forest.

282. More rain falls in Athens than in Tokyo in January.
283. The destruction of most of the old City of London was made by a fire in the 1600s.


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