Analysis Epi Sheet2

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Analysis 1 Problems (Epiphany 2021)

Sheet 2: Continuous/Differentiable Functions

1. Derive from the axioms that given x ∈ R the number [x], the greatest integer
smaller or equal to x exists and 0 ≤ x−[x] < 1. (For simplicity assume x > 0).

2. The g-ary expansion of a real number

Let g ≥ 2 be any positive integer. Let x = x0 ∈ [0, 1) (for simplicity) be a real

(i) Set a1 := [gx0 ] and 0 ≤ x1 := gx0 − a1 < 1. Show a1 ∈ {0, . . . , g − 1}.

(ii) Define sequences (an ) in {0, . . . , g − 1} and (xn ) in [0, 1) recursively by
an := [gxn−1 ] and 0 ≤ xn := gxn−1 − an < 1. Show that by induction
xN = g x − g N
an g −n
and hence 0 ≤ x − N −n
< g −N . Conclude −n
n=1 an g n=1 an g = x.
Explain what that means for g = 10.
(iii) Conversely, that anyPsequence (an ) with values in {0, . . . , g − 1} defines
a real number x = ∞ n=1 an g
∈ [0, 1].
P∞How can you express x = 1?
Conclude that the assignment (an ) 7→ n=1 an g is not quite injective
by considering eg x = 1/g.
(With a little more work one can show that numbers of the form m/g n
with 1 ≤ m ≤ g − 1 are exactly the ones which admit two different
(iv) Extra: Show that x is rational if and only its g-ary expansion is either
finite or becomes eventually periodic.
(v) Extra: Think how this can be extended to all (positive) real numbers.

3. (i) Use the previous question to show that every real number is the limit of
a sequence of rational numbers.
Also show that every rational number is the limit of a sequence of irra-
tional numbers (consider for c irrational the sequence (c/n).)
Conclude that for all x ∈ R any open interval U containing x contains
rational and irrational numbers.
(ii) Consider the function d : R → R given by d(x) = 1 if x ∈ Q and d(x) = 0
otherwise. Show that d is discontinuous everywhere.

4. Consider the compact interval [a, b] and let [a, b] ⊂ ∪i∈I Ui be an arbitrary
covering of [a, b] by open intervals Ui of R (more generally open sets). Here
I is an any (typically) infinite set. Show that there exists a finite subcover of
[a, b], that is [a, b] ⊂ Ui1 ∪ · · · ∪ Uin for some i1 , . . . , in .
For this consider X = {d ∈ [a, b]; [a, d] is covered by a finite subset of the Ui }.
Show that X 6= ∅ and let c = sup X. Then show that c = b. (Hint: assume
d < b and consider the Uj containing c.)

5. Show that the conclusion in the previous question is false in general for an
open covering of an open interval (a, b).

6. Let f : X → R be differentiable at x = c with f (c) 6= 0. Show that 1/f is

defined in an open neighborhood of c and that 1/f is also differentiable at c
and that
f 0 (c)
(1/f )0 (c) = − 2 .
f (c)

7. Let f (x) = xn |x|. Show f is differentiable on R with f 0 (x) = (n + 1)xn−1 |x|.

Conclude that f is exactly n-times differentiable at x = 0.

8. Let ( 2
e−1/x if x 6= 0
f (x) =
0 if x = 0
Show (by induction) that there exists for each n ∈ N a polynomial pn (x) such
that for the n-th derivative we have
f (n) (x) = pn (1/x)e−1/x

for x 6= 0. Conclude that f is infinitely often differentiable on all of R with

f (n) (0) = 0 for all n.

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