Dentin As A Bonding Substrate

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Endodontic Topics 2012, 21, 62–88 2012 © John Wiley & Sons A/S
All rights reserved ENDODONTIC TOPICS 2012

Dentin as a bonding substrate


Dentin comprises the largest dental structure available for bonding. Because of its inherent morphological and
physiological characteristics, reliable and durable resin–dentin bonding remains a challenging accomplishment
that is subjected to multi-factorial interferences. Adhesive technology has evolved significantly over the past
decade, resulting in improved predictability of resin–dentin bonds. This article reviews the present knowledge
regarding resin–dentin bonding from the perspective of the dentin substrate. Since another article in the previous
issue of Endodontic Topics already covers dentin structure and composition, the intention is not to fully review
these aspects. Instead, basic principles of current bonding strategies used by adhesive agents are presented. Specific
attention is given to describing how the morphology and physiology of dentin affect existing bonding
mechanisms, how some chemical treatments of dentin can affect its properties and bonding, and finally how
bonding to root canal dentin is currently viewed and understood.

Received 27 October 2011; accepted 2 February 2012.

Introduction Dentin composition and

Dentin comprises most of the tooth tissue. It has a
tubular structure that is intimately connected to the Dentin has an intimate relationship with pulpal tissue
pulp, and the harder enamel externally protects both. in terms of embryological development and function:
With few exceptions, most of the adhesive procedures they form the dentinal–pulp complex and are not
in dentistry involve bonding to dentin. Dentin is a dissociable with respect to dental therapy. Human
dynamic substrate (1) and its morphology and physi- dentin is composed of approximately 70 w% of inor-
ology directly affect the ability of adhesive systems ganic material, 18 w% of organic material, and 12 w%
to produce durable bonds to its prepared surfaces. of water. When volumes are considered, organic
This article reviews the present knowledge of dentin material and water occupy the majority of the tissue
as a bonding substrate, mostly focusing on how (Table 1). These percentage ratios vary widely with the
dentin reacts to existing bonding strategies, how location and condition of the dentin. For instance,
physiologically and pathologically induced structural when dentin is demineralized, the water concentration
and morphological changes affect bonding, and how increases significantly from 20% to about 50–70% by
surface pre-treatments modify the receptiveness of volume (9), which is a significant change in composi-
dentin to adhesives. Lastly, some current aspects of tion that has profound implications in the mechanical
bonding to root dentin are also reviewed and dis- properties of dentin and in the entire adhesive process.
cussed. There was no intention to fully review all
aspects of bonding to dentin. There are several reviews
Morphology and permeability
available on the topic that we highly recommend for
those who are interested in more detailed information Dentin has a tubular structure and each tubule has an
about adhesives and bonding strategies (2–8). Also, inverted-cone shape, with the larger diameter facing
this double issue of Endodontic Topics presents a the pulp. As the inner dentinal surface area facing the
unique selection of review articles that, together, rep- pulp is smaller than the external surface area facing the
resent what is currently known about dentin. dentin–enamel junction (DEJ), tubules are arranged

Dentin bonding

in a radial disposition, which determines the significant affect bonding (2,13). As will be further discussed in
regional variations in tubule concentration by surface this article, such variations are important factors to be
area. Near the pulp, the area occupied by dentinal considered during adhesive procedures with dentin.
tubules reaches 22% while near the DEJ it represents Table 2 illustrates superficial changes that occur as a
only 1% of the dentin surface (10,11). Each tubule is function of location and acid treatment in dentin. The
internally surrounded by peritubular dentin, a cuff relationship between morphology and permeability
rich in mineral content and having a variable width and how that affects adhesion have been thoroughly
according to its location along the tubule. Conversely, discussed elsewhere (12).
intertubular dentin is rich in organic material (mostly
collagen fibrils) and plays a fundamental role in adhe-
sive procedures. Considering that dentin permea- Mechanical properties
bility occurs primarily via dentinal tubules, regional Although several research groups have investigated the
variations in the caliber and density of tubules cause mechanical properties of dentin in the past, the topic has
significant and proportional changes in dentin perme- recently gained more importance as a method of analyz-
ability (12). Additionally, when dentin is acid-etched, ing and better understanding the adhesive mechanisms
compositional characteristics are modified and a sig- of this substrate (14–16). Dentinal microstructure and
nificant increase in permeability occurs. Variations in mechanical properties are determinants for most proce-
the morphology and permeability of dentin directly dures in restorative dentistry (15,16). Regional differ-
ences in the relative composition of dentin result in
significant differences in mechanical properties between,
Table 1: Basic composition of mineralized dentin for example, superficial and deep dentin, coronal and
Inorganic Organic Water radicular dentin, and also according to the orienta-
% by weight 70 18 12
tion and distribution of dentinal tubules (16–26).
Physiological and pathological processes such as aging,
% by volume 30–50 30–50 20 sclerosis, and dental caries can also induce significant
Carvalho et al., 1996 (9); Marshall et al., 1997 (16). alterations in the mechanical properties of dentin (27–
31) (Table 3). Chemicals usually employed in dental

Table 2: Changes in the area occupied by tubules, peritubular dentin, and intertubular dentin before (B) and after
(A) acid-etch, as a function of location
Percentage of surface area
Radius of
tubules (mm) Tubules Peritubular Intertubular
Distance from Number of
pulp (mm) tubules / cm2 B A B A B A* B A

Pulp 4.5 ¥ 10 6
1.25 1.5 22.1 33.8 66.3 – 11.6 66.2

0.1–0.5 4.3 ¥ 106 0.95 1.5 12.2 30.4 36.6 – 51.2 69.6

0.6–1.0 3.8 ¥ 10 6
0.80 1.5 7.6 26.9 22.9 – 69.4 73.1

1.1–1.5 3.5 ¥ 106 0.60 1.5 4.0 24.7 11.9 – 84.2 75.3

1.6–2.0 3.0 ¥ 10 6
0.55 1.5 2.9 21.2 8.5 – 88.6 78.7

2.1–2.5 2.3 ¥ 106 0.45 1.5 1.5 16.2 4.4 – 94.2 83.9

2.6–3.0 2.0 ¥ 10 6
0.40 1.5 1.0 14.1 3.0 – 96.0 85.9

3.1–3.5 1.9 ¥ 106 0.40 1.5 1.0 13.4 2.9 – 96.2 86.6

Adapted from Nakabayashi & Pashley, 1998 (11).

* Assumes the more mineralized peritubular dentin is completely dissolved by the etchant.

Carvalho et al.

Table 3: Mechanical properties of dentin

Mechanical property Mineralized dentin Demineralized dentin Authors

Microtensile strength (MPa)* 60–100 10–25 Sano et al., 1994 (18)

50–55 (caries affected) 14–16 (caries affected) Carvalho et al., 1996 (9)
Carvalho et al., 2001 (20)

Modulus of elasticity* 13–18 Gpa 50–70 MPa Sano et al., 1994 (18)
Carvalho et al., 1996 (9)
Maciel et al., 1996 (39)

Microhardness (Knoop) 60–70 40–50† Fuentes et al., 2003 (115)

Density (g/cm3) 2.01 1.05 Carvalho et al., 1996 (9)

* Data obtained by microtensile bond strength method.

† Superficially acid-etched with phosphoric acid.

therapy such as whitening products, cleansing agents, when bonding to dentin, but they combine the crea-
etc. also affect the properties of dentin. The implica- tion of pathways and resin infiltration into a single
tions of these alterations on the ability of adhesives to step. Regardless of the bonding strategy, the above
bond to dentin will be discussed later on in this review. bonding mechanism is rarely accomplished to perfec-
tion (3,4,8). The morphological and physiological
heterogeneity of dentin have been described as the
Principles of adhesion to dentin major obstacles to achieving uniform, reproducible
Bonding to dentin can currently be regarded as a form and reliable bonding (2,6). Although dentin has
of tissue engineering (8). It is essentially accomplished always been described and referred to as a whole, some
by an exchange mechanism that replaces mineral with regard that as an oversimplification because different
resin monomers to form a new biocomposite made types of dentin, reflecting different functions and
out of collagen fibrils and cured resin (32,33). Unlike bearing their own specificities, have been identified
classical tissue engineering, this new biocomposite is not (28,35). Biological, structural, and clinical factors such
intended to be resorbed and replaced by normal dentin. as dentin depth, location, age, wetness, sclerosis,
Instead, it is expected to form a tight and permanent caries, pre-treatments, etc. have all been shown to
connection between dentin and composite resins. significantly interfere with the resultant quality of
The first step in conventional etch-and-rinse resin–dentin bonds (2,16) (Fig. 2). Some of these will
bonding to dentin is the creation of pathways for resin be explored further in this review.
infiltration. This is traditionally accomplished by treat-
ing dentin with acidic solutions. This dissolves the
Etch-and-rinse adhesives
mineral content of the top 5–8 mm of dentin and
leaves behind a porous network of highly cross-linked Etch-and-rinse adhesives are characterized by utilizing
type I collagen suspended in water (34). The next step a separate, initial etching step to create the pathways
is the infiltration of resin monomers. Ideally, resin for resin infiltration. Etching is followed by rinsing the
monomers should be able to displace water within and surface with water, which aims to completely remove
around the collagen fibrils without reducing the size of the dissolved smear layer and minerals from the dentin
the already small porosities created by acid etching surface, leaving a scaffold of collagen fibrils exposed,
and completely replace that water with the infiltrating the porosity of which is maintained because the
resin. When infiltration is complete, light activation interfibrillar spaces are filled with the rinse water
is applied to cure the resin and result in a polymer– (9,33,34,36). The next step consists of replacing the
collagen biocomposite also known as the hybrid layer water occupying the intra- and interfibrillar collagen
or resin-interdiffusion zone (32,33) (Fig. 1). Self-etch spaces with resin co-monomers. Traditional 3-step
adhesive systems share the same ultimate objective etch-and-rinse adhesives utilize primers that contain

Dentin bonding

Fig. 1. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) image of the dentin–composite interface created with a simplified
2-step etch-and-rinse adhesive. The mineralized dentin supports the collagen network exposed with acid etching and
subsequently infiltrated with the adhesive, forming the hybrid layer (HL). The more hydrophobic layer of adhesive
(AL) is located between the hybrid layer and composite. Image courtesy of Dr. Pekka Mehtälä.

hydrophilic monomers solvated in acetone, ethanol, porosity (c. 10–30 nm) for resin infiltration (8,37).
or water. These primers displace water and prepare the This collagen mesh has a very low modulus of elasticity
collagen scaffold for the subsequent infiltration of (c. 6–10 MPa) (38–40). Rinsing water creates strong
the solvent-free, hydrophobic bonding resin (6,8,12). hydrogen bonding with collagen peptides and pre-
Simplified, user-friendly 2-step versions combine the vents interpeptide hydrogen bonding that would cause
hydrophilic primer and the hydrophobic resin into a the mesh to collapse and eliminate the already-reduced
single solution. This combination, however, results porosity for resin infiltration (41,42) (Fig. 3). Exten-
in several drawbacks for the simplified versions of this sively air-drying demineralized dentin to remove water
category of adhesives. These drawbacks ultimately should, therefore, be avoided as the porosity will
result in lower bonding reliability when compared disappear due to shrinkage of the fibril network (9).
to the 3-step versions. We refer the reader to more The expansion of the collagen mesh as a result of the
detailed reviews on this topic (3,6–8). Although adhe- presence of rinsing water forms the basis of the success
sive infiltration into the collagen scaffold appears to of the wet-bonding technique currently recommended
be a straightforward mechanism, it is rather negatively for all etch-and-rinse adhesives (43). Even though the
affected by several factors that always result in the porosity can be maintained with the presence of water
inability of resin–solvent mixtures to completely in the wet-bonding technique, its replacement by
remove water and fully infiltrate the demineralized solvents and/or monomers with a lower capacity
zone (3,6,8). In contrast to most bioengineered scaf- for hydrogen bonding with collagen will cause slight
folds that present porosities in the range of 5–20 mm, shrinkage of the mesh during resin infiltration and
natural dentin collagen scaffolds offer nanometer-sized result in reduced interfibrillar spaces (41,44).

Carvalho et al.

Fig. 2. The common phenomena in dentin, all of which will affect the dentin as the substrate for bonding. NCCL:
non-carious cervical lesion.

Etch-and-rinse adhesives are known for being a reduced durability of the bonded interface. This is
technique-sensitive (6,8), and this is mostly due to mainly caused by the uneven stress distribution along
the difficulties in determining the adequate surface the components of the hybridized zone (3,54,55), the
moisture for each adhesive being applied. It has been possibility of enzymatic degradation of collagen fibrils
demonstrated that acetone-based adhesives require a that were left exposed (8,56), and the hydrolysis of the
wetter surface than ethanol-based adhesives (45,46). poorly formed adhesive polymer (3,8,57).
Water-based and ethanol-based primers have shown To avoid problems related to the presence of water
a self-rewetting ability when applied to a rather dry in the traditional wet-bonding technique, the ethanol
surface (47). This is also a result of the higher solubil- wet-bonding concept has been proposed (58). In the
ity parameter of ethanol when compared to acetone ethanol wet-bonding technique, demineralized dentin
(41,42). Water is considered to play an antagonistic is saturated with ethanol to replace the rinsing water
role in the hybrid layer formation with etch-and-rinse before adhesive application. The apparent success
adhesives (12,34). While some moisture is necessary of the method relies on the fact that ethanol has a
to maintain collagen fibril expansion, thus preserving relatively higher solubility parameter, maintains the
the pathways for resin infiltration, excess moisture may interfibrillar spaces for resin infiltration, and elimi-
cause a phase separation between hydrophobic and nates water that causes a phase separation between
hydrophilic monomers, resulting in the formation of hydrophilic and hydrophobic monomers. Under the
blisters and voids at the interface with the consequent ethanol wet-bonding approach, hydrophobic resins
negative effects on the uniformity of the resin infiltra- can be used to infiltrate the collagen mesh instead
tion (12,48,49). Additionally, the inability to remove of less stable hydrophilic monomers. The use of the
residual solvents and water from the adhesive (50) ethanol wet-bonding technique has been shown to
results in reduced conversion of resin monomers with improve resin infiltration, increase bond strength, and
negative consequences to the mechanical properties reduce nanoleakage and micropermeability within
of the interface (51–53). The ultimate consequence of the hybrid layer [Carrilho et al. (2011 unpublished
poor resin infiltration into the demineralized zone is data); Manso et al. (2011 unpublished data)] (59,60),

Dentin bonding

Fig. 3. The effect of moisture on demineralized dentin matrix collagen. (a) Schematic description of dry dentin matrix
collagen peptides that are stiff because of interpeptide hydrogen (H) bonds. Due to the H-bond, the interpeptide
distance (<10 nm) is too small to allow monomer penetration between the collagen fibrils. (b) The collagen matrix
is collapsed and penetration of the adhesive does not occur. Arrow: the direction and width of the matrix shrinkage.
(c) In water-saturated dentin matrices, water (H2O) molecules cluster around the functional groups in collagen
peptides that can form the H-bond. Due to the water’s high Hoy’s solubility parameter, the interpeptide H-bonds
cannot form, and the interpeptide distance is wider. (d) The water-saturated matrix is expanded and soft, and allows
for the penetration of adhesive molecules between the collagen fibrils.

resulting in improved bond durability (8,60). This possibility of incorporating MMP inhibitors in the
improved bond durability when using the ethanol etching and/or priming steps (63–65) and small
wet-bonding approach can be explained via the molecules such as fluoride in the hydrophobic resin
improved collagen encapsulation by resins (59) and (8,66,67). Despite all of the advantages and scientific
some inhibitory effect of dentin proteases (i.e. matrix evidence of the superior performance of three-step
metalloproteinases, MMPs) known to cause collagen etch-and-rinse adhesives, the multi-step clinical proce-
degradation in resin–dentin bonds (61). While demin- dure is not appealing to clinicians and results in no
eralized dentin treated with the ethanol wet-bonding innovation from the manufacturers.
technique seems to be a promising substrate for resin
infiltration, there are concerns regarding the effects
Self-etch adhesives
of ethanol-saturated dentin on the polymerization
of the adhesives (62). At the moment, no commercial Self-etch adhesives are characterized by the absence
adhesive is available that has been developed to be used of a separate acid-etching step. Instead, the creation of
according to the ethanol wet-bonding technique. resin diffusion pathways is achieved by the presence of
The three-step version of etch-and-rinse adhesives is acidic monomers in the composition that simultane-
regarded as the most reliable system currently available ously etch and prime the dental substrate (4,6). Self-
(5,6,8). One advantage of a three-step bonding pro- etch adhesives are also subdivided into 2-step and
cedure is the opportunity to use each step to introduce 1-step categories (68). Clinical and laboratory per-
therapeutic benefits (8). Examples of these are the formances of these adhesives seem to be material

Carvalho et al.

dependent, but the 2-step systems are systematically are highly hydrophilic and this makes them susceptible
reported as being more favorable (69,70). to water sorption and hydrolysis, thus seriously com-
The acidic characteristics of the active monomers in promising the stability of the bonded interface over
self-etch adhesives are responsible for dissolving the time (3,6,83,84).
smear layer and demineralizing the underlying dentin Currently, one 2-step system (Clearfil SE Bond,
(71). This demineralization is self-limiting because the Kuraray Inc., Japan) is regarded as the gold standard
acidity of the monomers is gradually buffered by the of self-etch systems (4). The success of this material
mineral content of the dentin (72). This implies that has been attributed to its functional monomer (MDP),
the resultant morphological aspect of the bonded which is capable of chemically bonding to hydroxy-
interface is largely dependent on the characteristics of apatite, and to the stability of its filled, solvent-free
the dentin to which the adhesive is being applied and bonding resin (4,6).
on the aggressiveness of the acidic monomers (73–
75). Accordingly, self-etch adhesives have been classi- Glass ionomers and glass
fied as strong (pH < 1.0), intermediate (pH = 1.5),
ionomer adhesives
and mild (pH > 2) (68). More recently, two other
adhesives became available that present lower acidity Glass ionomers are currently regarded as the only
(pH > 2.5) and were classified as ultra-mild self-etch materials that self-adhere to mineralized dental tissues
adhesives (Clearfil S3 Bond, Kuraray Inc., Japan and (76). Bonding to dentin is generally accomplished
Adper Easy Bond, 3M ESPE, USA). As expected, by a two-fold mechanism. A short polyalkenoic acid
the demineralization depth is directly related to the treatment removes the smear layer and exposes colla-
aggressiveness (73,74). Strong self-etch systems gen fibrils up to about 0.5–1.0 micron (85), and glass
produce interfaces that resemble those of etch-and- ionomer components can diffuse in to establish a
rinse systems while ultra-mild versions barely dissolve micromechanical interaction following the principles
the top dentin surface and leave tubules occluded with of hybridization (69,86,87). Additionally, a chemical
smear plugs. The partial demineralization resulting bond is attained by the ionic interaction between the
from mild and ultra-mild self-etch systems has been carboxyl groups of the acid and the calcium ions of
reported to be an advantage because of the possibility the hydroxyapatite that remained attached to the
of chemical interaction between some functional collagen fibrils (76). To what extent each of the
monomers (such as MDP and 4-META) and the bonding mechanisms contributes to the actual inter-
remaining hydroxyapatite crystals along the collagen facial strength is unclear. It appears that the use of the
fibrils (76). It has been claimed that this chemical polyalkenoic acid pre-treatment is crucial for optimiz-
bonding results in the improved bond durability ing bond strength because it removes the smear layer,
reported for these systems (6,77,78), but the experi- thus promoting a more intimate contact of the glass
mental data is conflicting (79–81). ionomer with the underlying dentin (88). Also, the
The success of self-etch adhesives is largely related removal of the smear layer increases dentin permeabil-
to their simplicity of use and to the theoretical ability ity and provides an additional water source to benefit
to etch and infiltrate simultaneously, thus preventing the acid–base setting reaction of the glass ionomer
discrepancies between demineralization and infiltra- (89). When the smear layer is not present, i.e. in the
tion (4,6,77,78). This concept, however, has been case of fractured dentin, it seems that the use of an
recently challenged (82) as zones of partially deminer- acidic pre-treatment is not necessary (88).
alized but not infiltrated dentin have been observed The adhesion of glass ionomers to dentin has been
beneath the hybrid layer. This was more evident for proven to be highly successful clinically in Class V
the simplified versions of self-etch adhesives (1-step non-carious cervical lesions (70,90). The chemical
and all-in-one systems), but also occurred with the bond to the remaining apatite and the maturation
more traditional 2-step materials. Simplified, 1-step of the glass ionomer at the interface caused by the
versions of self-etch adhesives have been regarded as moisture from the dentin surface both seem to be
the least reliable adhesives available. They have con- important mechanisms by which the bonding of glass
sistently resulted in inferior performance in both labo- ionomers to dentin becomes more resistant to degra-
ratory and clinical testing (6,69,70). These versions dation over time (69,88).

Dentin bonding

Structural characteristics that adhesives be applied with continuous agitation to

affect bonding improve monomer infiltration and uniform hybrid
layer formation (105–107).

Smear layer
Whenever dentin is operated on by cutting or abrading
instruments, the resulting surface will be covered by a Dentin structure, chemistry, and properties change
0.5–2 micron smear layer and dentinal tubules will be over time (108–111). Physiological sclerosis (with the
filled with several microns of smear plugs. It has been reduction in tubule diameter) and the presence of
generally accepted that smear layers and plugs are mineral deposits (with the consequent reduction in
composed of hydroxyapatite particles and disrupted, dentin permeability) are among several events that
denatured collagen fibrils that change according to the occur with aging which are potential deterrents of
characteristics of the region from where they were dentin bonding effectiveness (2). However, few
formed (91–96). The presence of the smear layer and studies have investigated the effects of tooth age on
smear plugs drastically reduces dentin permeability dentin bond strength (112–114). While some differ-
(12). While this can be seen as beneficial for biological ences in the mode of failure and material dependence
protection of the pulp, it is regarded as an obstacle that have been reported in these studies, in general there
directly affects how adhesives interact with dentin. were no significant differences in bond strengths
Etch-and-rinse adhesives are reported to be less between young and old teeth.
affected by the presence of the smear layer and smear
plugs because the strong phosphoric acid dissolves,
Depth, location, and tubule orientation
and further water rinsing removes, the residues from
the surface. This, however, results in increased perme- Because of the regional variance of dentin mor-
ability and increased moisture on the surface that can phology relative to tubule density and lumina, the
interfere with adhesion (2). Additionally, the ability of water content of dentin also varies accordingly, as well
phosphoric acid to remove collagen remnants from the as its properties (115) and permeability when the
surface has been questioned. Raman microspectro- smear layer and smear plugs are removed. The intrinsic
scopic studies revealed that collagen within the smear water content of dentin is greater near the pulp and
layer is denatured by acid-etching and not removed diminishes significantly toward the dentin–enamel
upon rinsing (94,95). The gelatinized collagen left on junction (DEJ). This difference in surface moisture
the surface may interfere with further resin infiltration has been considered to be a factor that affects
and represent another confounding factor in bonding dentin bonding and results in lower bond strengths
to dentin (3). in deep compared to superficial dentin (12,116,117).
Self-etch adhesives incorporate the smear layer and However, as adhesive systems became more hydro-
smear plugs into the bonded interface. Hence, the philic, lower bond strengths obtained in deeper dentin
type of smear layer produced on the dentin surface have been more associated with the reduced availabil-
largely influences the bonding effectiveness (97,98). ity of intertubular dentin for the hybrid layer forma-
Smear layers of different thickness, density, and tion than with surface wetness when the bond is closer
composition are formed depending on the cutting to the pulp (13,118,119). In general, bond strengths
instrument used (97,99). Because smear layers can in deep dentin are reported to be 30–50% lower than
physically block the diffusion, and chemically buffer in superficial dentin (118,120). By using the micro-
the acidity of the resin monomers (98,100–102), tensile bond strength testing method (121), research-
the bonding effectiveness of self-etch adhesives ers were able to demonstrate regional variances in
depends on their ability to deal with the smear layer bond strength to root dentin (122) and to the differ-
(73,99,103). In that regard, there is evidence that ent walls of an MOD cavity preparation (123). In
thick smear layers can impair the bonding of (ultra-) general, bond strengths tend to be lower in the apical
mild self-etch adhesives (73,97,98,103). It is thus third of the root and at the cervical margins of a cavity.
recommended that cavity walls be finished with extra- The orientation of the dentinal tubules has been re-
fine diamond burs (97,104), and that mild self-etch ported to have a significant effect on the morphology of

Carvalho et al.

the hybrid layer produced by etch-and-rinse adhesives. hydroxyapatite, and causes alterations in the secondary
Hybrid layers were thicker and resin tags were longer structure of collagen (139). As well, reduced distribu-
when bonding to dentin with a perpendicular tubule tion of sound collagen fibrils and proteoglycans were
orientation. Conversely, thinner hybrid layers and an found in caries-affected dentin (140). All of this results
absence of resin tags were reported for dentin with a in a substrate with reduced mechanical properties
parallel tubule orientation (124). The effect of tubule (16,136,141,142), which directly affects the result-
orientation on bond strength, however, remains incon- ant bond strength. Infiltration of adhesive resins is
clusive as it appears to vary according to the adhesive also hampered by the presence of mineral casts (i.e.
used and testing method, as well as being subjected to whitlockites) along the tubules (52,132,143,144).
confounding variables such as dentin depth and location There is also evidence that adhesives are poorly polym-
(125,126). erized at the bonded interfaces of caries-affected
dentin (52,144).
Bonding to altered dentin Reported variations in the bond strength to caries-
altered dentin are likely a result of the differences in
the aggressiveness of the methods used to remove
Caries-affected and caries-infected dentin
carious tissue in each specific study (128). In each
While most of the current knowledge about dentin study, etch-and-rinse adhesives tend to produce higher
bonding has been generated from laboratory studies immediate bond strength to caries-affected dentin
(5), it is self-evident that adhesives should prove their than self-etch ones (130,145,146). However, such
effectiveness when bonded to clinically relevant dentin differences seem to disappear after short-term water
substrates. In that regard, fewer studies are available storage (145). In that regard, long-term bond
that have profoundly investigated the bonding charac- strength studies to caries-affected dentin are still
teristics to clinically altered dentin, and most impor- lacking, despite the obvious higher relevance of such
tantly, devised approaches to improve the quality of studies when compared to sound dentin. Because
bonding to such substrates (2,7). The minimally dentin reactions initiate readily after caries lesions
invasive dentistry concept (127) determines that cavity affect enamel, it is expected that therapeutic adhesive
preparation should be limited to caries removal. restorations will always be bonded to different degrees
Regardless of the debatable question as to the extent of altered dentin in a clinical setting. In that scenario,
to which carious dentin should be removed, most reported bond strengths to sound dentin are not pre-
of the caries excavation methods are known to leave dictive of the adhesive performance when bonded
caries-infected and/or caries-affected dentin as the to altered dentin. Considering the long-term clinical
bonding substrate for adhesives (128). Additionally, success of posterior composite restorations in retro-
resultant bond strengths may also be influenced by the spective studies (147–149), it is possible that the
caries removal method and the type of adhesive used reported lower bond quality produced by adhesives to
(128,129). caries-altered dentin is not as clinically relevant as one
The bond strengths to caries-affected dentin have would think. How much bond strength is necessary to
been systematically reported to be 20–50% lower determine clinical success remains to be determined,
than to sound dentin (2,30,128,130–132). Bond perhaps by testing the interfacial strength of adhesive
strengths tend to be even lower when bonding to joints of retrieved teeth that had been in clinical func-
caries-infected dentin (133,134). Caries-affected and tion for several years (7).
caries-infected dentin are more porous (31,135),
contain significantly more water (136), and the hybrid
Sclerotic non-carious cervical lesions
layers tend to be much thicker, but not necessarily
well-infiltrated in caries-altered dentin, irrespective of Non-carious cervical lesions (NCCL) present a unique
the bonding strategy (131,137,138). structure that has no similarities with any other type of
The lower bond strength to caries-affected dentin is dentin. It is characterized by a structure composed
a consequence of the structural changes caused by the of a top hypermineralized layer of varied thickness
progression of the caries lesion. Caries progression with several bacterial inclusions that is sitting on a
reduces the mineral content and crystallinity of the bed of denatured collagen fibrils (Fig. 4). This top

Dentin bonding

hypermineralized layer, the presence of denatured col-

lagen at the base of the hypermineralized layer, and the
presence of sclerotic casts that obliterate the tubules
(71,150). All of these factors compromise the ability of
adhesives to create pathways for resin infiltration and,
consequently, the ability to completely infiltrate the
adhesive resin. The irregular edges of the hybrid layer
and the presence of bacterial inclusion have also been
pointed out as stress-raising sites that cause premature
failure when the interface is stressed (150). Methods
attempting to improve bond strength to NCCL
have rendered inconclusive findings. Roughening the
surface with burs to remove the hypermineralized layer
prior to bonding has resulted in thicker hybrid layers
with different adhesives (153), but did not seem to
increase retention rates in clinical trials (90,154). Simi-
larly, extending etching times from 20 s to 30 s have
been shown to increase bond strength for some adhe-
sives, but to reduce it for others (155).
Most of the knowledge concerning the structure of
NCCL and how it responds to bonding approaches
was generated during the late 1990s and early 2000s
(74,122,150,151). Recent laboratory studies that
investigate the bonding mechanisms with current
adhesive systems are lacking. Clinical trials, however,
are widely available because NCCL are the lesions
recommended for testing the clinical effectiveness of
adhesive systems (156). Interestingly, the surprisingly
high clinical survival rates of NCCL restorations
Fig. 4. The dentinal surface in a non-carious cervical suggest that the difficulties in producing reliable bonds
lesion (NCCL). (a) Light microscope image from the
deepest part of a NCCL. B: stained, unmineralized bac- to NCCL as reported by laboratory studies may not be
teria; HM: hypermineralized surface layer covering the as relevant as previously thought (2,5–7).
lesion; SD: intact sclerotic dentin. The pointers indicate
the remnants of mineralized bacteria. (b) Corresponding
TEM micrograph of the same area of the NCCL lesion. Dentin pre-treatments that
The hypermineralization of the surface layer (HM) is adversely affect bonding
identified by its electron density compared to the under-
lying sclerotic dentin (SD). Reproduced with permission This section reviews chemical treatments that have
from Tay et al., 2000 (71). been reported to affect both the physical and bonding
properties of dentin, and that are more closely related
to clinical procedures involving coronal and root
layer transitions to a dentin underneath that presents dentin.
irregular tubular occlusion by mineral casts, typical
of sclerotic dentin (150). Similarly to caries-affected
Sodium hypochlorite
dentin, bond strengths to NCCL have been reported
to be 20–40% lower than to sound dentin, irrespective Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is a well-known, non-
of the bonding strategy (150–152). This has been specific proteolytic agent that is capable of removing
attributed to the presence of the microbial matrix and organic material, magnesium, and carbonate ions from
entrapment of bacteria during the hybrid layer forma- the dentin surface (157). It remains the most widely
tion, the inability of acids to completely dissolve the used chemical irrigant for endodontic therapy due to

Carvalho et al.

its antibacterial and organic tissue-dissolution proper- (i.e. p-toluenesulfinic acid sodium salt; Accel, Sun
ties (158–160). Despite the propagated benefits of Medical Co. Ltd., Kyoto, Japan) (169,173) and ros-
disinfection and cleaning of root canals, NaOCl has marinic acid (a-o-caffeoyl-3,4-dihydroxyphenyllactic
potential negative effects on the mineral content of acid) extract from rosemary (169). These agents seem
dentin structures (161) that may reduce its mechanical to be more effective than sodium ascorbate as lower
properties (22,158,162) and compromise the sealing concentrations are used for shorter application times
ability of endodontic fillings (163). (169). While effective bonding to NaOCl-treated
Although NaOCl is not a pre-treatment typically dentin can be accomplished with the prior use of
recommended for adhesive procedures in general, it is antioxidant/reducing agents, posterior resin infiltra-
not uncommon that, during endodontic therapy, the tion of NaOCl-treated dentin was not capable of
irrigant “contaminates” the coronal portion of the restoring damaged surface properties (22). The clini-
tooth, which may later be restored with an adhesive cal importance of this remains to be determined.
restoration. Also, clinicians may use NaOCl to irrigate
root canals prior to luting fiber-reinforced resin posts
Hydrogen peroxide
using adhesive systems and resin cements. Several
studies have demonstrated that NaOCl compromises Hydrogen peroxide or peroxide-releasing agents such
the bond strength between adhesive agents and dentin as carbamide peroxide and sodium perborate are well-
(164–171). The compromising mechanism likely known compositions largely used for external and
occurs because the reactive residual free-radicals gen- internal tooth bleaching (174). Bleaching is currently
erated by the oxidizing effect of NaOCl compete with regarded as a safe and effective method of inexpen-
the propagating vinyl free-radicals generated during sively treating discolored teeth (175).
the curing of the adhesive, thus leading to incomplete The effects of hydrogen peroxide, the active bleach-
polymerization by premature chain termination (165). ing species, on dentin and dentin bonding share a lot
This compromising effect seems to occur similarly with of similarities with sodium hypochlorite. Hydrogen
both etch-and-rinse and self-etch adhesives (165,169) peroxide is a potent oxidant and a number of studies
whenever the adhesives are applied to dentin that has have reported microstructural changes in dental hard
been previously treated with NaOCl. tissues induced by bleaching (176). Histological
Antioxidants/reducing agents have been recom- alterations to enamel, changes in the mechanical prop-
mended to reverse the compromised bond strengths erties of dentin (177), and alterations in the organic
to dentin pre-treated with NaOCl. A 10% solution of component of dentin (178) have been reported. These
sodium ascorbate is among the most investigated were more recently reviewed and considered, in
agents used to revert the oxidizing effect of NaOCl general, to be minor and not clinically relevant (179).
prior to bonding with adhesive resins (165,169,171, Conversely, studies are almost unanimous in demon-
172). Antioxidants such as sodium ascorbate control/ strating that hydrogen peroxide has negative effects on
revert oxidation effects by mechanisms that involve resin–dentin bonding. Reduced bond strengths have
free radical chain-breaking, metal-chelating, and free consistently been reported when adhesives are imme-
radical quenching (169). All of these can restore the diately applied to bleached dentin, regardless of the
redox potential of the oxidized dentin surface and bonding strategy (165,180–184). The mechanisms
improve the polymerization of the adhesive resin. The involved are similar to those resulting from the use
ability of sodium ascorbate to revert the effects of of NaOCl on dentin prior to bonding (see above).
NaOCl seems to depend on the concentration and Hydrogen peroxide diffuses and remains entrapped in
application time of the former (172). For instance, dentin. The compromising effect is due to the residual
10% sodium ascorbate applied for 5 s was not capable oxygen present in the dentin pores that impairs infil-
of reverting the negative effects of a 6% NaOCl treat- tration and inhibits polymerization of the adhesive
ment for 30 s, but a 10 s treatment was (169). Other resin (184–186). The effects seem to be dependent on
antioxidants/reducing agents have been more recently the concentration of the bleaching agent, being worse
investigated as potential candidates to revert the nega- with higher concentrations (181). Because of this,
tive effects of oxidants such as NaOCl on resin–dentin there is a general recommendation that bonding pro-
bonds. These include sodium thiosulfate solutions cedures to bleached teeth should be delayed for 24 h

Dentin bonding

to 2 weeks after bleaching, when the negative effects description of the presence and roles of these enzymes
are no longer observed (183,187–191). in dentin, please see the article by Mazzoni and others
Alternatively, reversal of compromised bonding can in this issue.
be obtained by treating hydrogen peroxide-treated In mineralized dentin, enzyme activity is prevented
dentin prior to bonding with sodium ascorbate (165, by the mineral component, but once liberated and
192), catalase, ethanol (193), or ascorbic acid (194, activated by acid-etching, it can slowly degrade the
195). All of these are antioxidants/reducing agents collagen fibrils even in the resin-infiltrated hybrid
that have been shown to be able to eliminate the layers (205–208) (Fig. 5). As well, the etch-and-rinse
adverse effects of hydrogen peroxide and restore adhesives (63,209) and self-etch adhesives (210,211)
bond strengths to values which are comparable to can activate dentinal MMPs. Even though the func-
those obtained on untreated dentin in a similar way as tional mechanisms of dentin matrix enzymes are not
observed for dentin treated with NaOCl. In general, exactly known, it is believed that collagen is first
antioxidants/reducing agents are applied for the same broken down to 3⁄4 and 1⁄4 fragments by MMP-8, a true
duration as the bleaching treatment (165). One recent collagenase. The resulting product, called gelatin, is
study showed that the amount of sodium ascorbate further degraded by the gelatinases MMP-2 and -9.
required for the reduction of hydrogen peroxide is However, the interplay between MMPs and cysteine
directly related to the concentration of the latter. In cathepsins in dentin may be much more complex, as
addition, the reaction kinetics between oxidant and suggested by Nascimento and co-authors (203) in the
antioxidant showed that a longer application time of supplemental Appendix for the manuscript. Whatever
sodium ascorbate did not influence the effectiveness of the mechanism, the conversion of insoluble collagen
the reaction and that 5 min is sufficiently long for this fibrils to soluble fragments leads to the loss of attach-
antioxidant to exert an antioxidant effect (196). ment of the hybrid layer with the collagen anchored
into the underlying mineralized dentin (Fig. 5). This
time-dependent loss of resin–dentin adhesion has been
Dentin pre-treatments with
repeatedly demonstrated (8,197,212).
potential advantageous effects Ever since the discovery that dentin-bound enzymes
on bonding degrade exposed dentinal collagen (56), research has
In addition to the mostly unfavorable effects of chemi- searched for ways to improve the bond strength dura-
cal treatments on dentin bonding, there are several bility by inhibiting the enzymes. The most interest has
approaches that aim to improve either the immediate been directed toward chlorhexidine, which is known
or the long-term resin–dentin bond strength (197). to inhibit purified MMP-8, -2, and -9 (213) and also
Most of them aim to preserve the integrity of the to effectively reduce dentin matrix enzyme activity
hybrid layer. (200,214–216). Both in vitro and in vivo studies have
demonstrated that hybrid layer MMP inhibition with
chlorhexidine is an effective approach to improving the
Chlorhexidine as an enzyme inhibitor
durability of the resin–dentin bond, both with etch-
Originally, the collagen matrix exposed with acid and-rinse adhesives (64,205,206,208,217–221) and
etching was thought to be protected by the polymer- also with self-etch adhesives when used in high enough
ized adhesive enveloping the fibrils. However, dentin concentrations (219,222). In general, treating acid-
contains several enzymes that in concert can degrade etched dentin with chlorhexidine demonstrates 1.9%
practically all extracellular matrix proteins, including monthly loss in bond strength compared to approxi-
type I collagen and other dentinal matrix components. mately 5% loss in no-treatment groups (223). Chlor-
Most of the identified enzymes belong to the family of hexidine also effectively eliminates the reduction of
matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), of which at least bond strength in vivo: after 14 months in clinical
MMP-8 (collagenase), MMP-2 and -9 (gelatinases), service, the bond strength of chlorhexidine-treated
MMP-3 (stromelysin), and MMP-20 (enamelysin) are composite fillings was reduced only 1.5% from the
present in dentin (170,198–202). Recent studies have immediate bond strength, the respective loss in the
also demonstrated another group of enzymes, cysteine control group being 35% (206). Currently, the use
cathepsins, in human dentin (203,204). For a detailed of chlorhexidine during the bonding procedure to

Carvalho et al.

in vitro and in vivo, it still requires an additional

step during the bonding procedure. Therefore, other
approaches to improve the longevity of dentin
bonding have also been studied with the goal of
finding more practical or even more durable means
to preserve the hybrid layer integrity (197). These
include at least ethanol wet-bonding (58,60,226–
228), the use of MMP-inhibiting monomers (229) or
other MMP inhibitors (61,65,230), increasing hybrid
layer collagen cross-linking prior to adhesive applica-
tion (231–234), and the biomimetic remineralization
of the hybrid layer (235–237).
At present, ethanol wet-bonding is perhaps the most
promising approach, resulting in good preservation of
the hybrid layer and high long-term bond strength
values. The promising findings may at least partially be
due to the reduced hydrolytic degradation of the
hybrid layer collagen (223,224,226), but also to the
better encapsulation of collagen matrix and the pres-
ence of more durable hydrophobic adhesive in the
hybrid layer (224). However, the original protocol
requires several steps and is too time-consuming to
be acceptable in clinical work. More recently, Manso
and others were able to demonstrate that the ethanol
wet-bonding concept can be used in conjunction
Fig. 5. Schematic representation of the firmness of the with commercially available adhesives within a clini-
hybrid layer over time. (a) Immediately after bonding, cally acceptable time (Manso et al., unpublished
the exposed dentinal collagen matrix, firmly attached to results). Ultimately, further research is required to
mineralized dentin (MD) underneath, is mostly embed-
ded with the adhesive, forming the hybrid layer (HL). determine a simple, reliable, and clinically practical
At least with etch-and-rinse adhesives and most likely application protocol (227). The efficacy and the
also with self-etch adhesives, the layer of more or less advantages of the use of MMP-inhibiting monomers
demineralized, but not adhesive-embedded, collagen and other MMP inhibitors compared to the use
matrix between the hybrid layer and mineralized dentin
of chlorhexidine still needs to be demonstrated.
forms the so-called nanoleakage (NL) area. The adhesive
layer (AL: usually more hydrophobic layer than that in Increased cross-linking and improving hybridization
the hybrid layer) forms the chemical bond with the by increasing the collagen matrix stiffness (232,233)
compostite resin (CR). (b) The time-dependent degra- may improve both immediate and long-term bond
dation of the collagen fibrils in the nanoleakage layer
strength (232,234), and the increased durability may
and hybrid layer itself lead to the loss of collagen in the
hybrid layer, resulting in the loss of the firm anchorage at least partially be due to MMP inhibition (224,232,
of the hybrid layer, and thus the whole restorative com- 234). As with ethanol wet-bonding, current applica-
posite to the dentin underneath. tions with biocompatible and non-toxic cross-linking
agents are time-consuming and thus faster and simpler
increase the longevity of dentin bond strength is protocols are needed before introducing their use in
recommended for clinical practice (223–225). clinical procedures (224). Biomimetic remineraliza-
tion, aimed at returning to the mineralized state of the
collagen matrix within the hybrid layer, is biologically
Other approaches to improve
very attractive and has been shown to result in good
dentin bonding
preservation of bond strength (238). However, the
Even though chlorhexidine has been proven to effec- approach is highly experimental, and clinical applica-
tively improve the long-term bond strength both tions may still be far away.

Dentin bonding

Bonding to root dentin strength (123,246), presence of a thick smear layer

(247,248), and high cavity configuration factor
The major goals of successful endodontic therapy are (C-factor) (246,249,250), the achievement of
disinfection and perfect obliteration of the root canal perfect infiltration and micromechanical retention of
space with an inert filling material to create an optimal methacrylate-based resins in the root canal environ-
seal with the tooth structure. Although predictable ment remains a clinical challenge.
clinical results have been reported with the use of Similarly to coronal dentin, intraradicular dentin is a
non-bonding root canal sealer/filling materials (239, non-homogeneous tissue characterized by the pres-
240), there has been a natural request for alternative ence of tubules extending outward from the pulp
materials that bond simultaneously to root canal walls cavity to the tooth (245). Studies that have morpho-
and filling materials, in order to achieve compact logically analyzed human intraradicular dentin did not
monoblock sealing. Notwithstanding, adhesive proce- report significant differences in tubule density and
dures have become popular for root canal obturation, tubule cross-sectional area between the cervical and
pulp chamber sealing, cementation of posts and cores, middle thirds of root dentin (244,251). In addition,
and other endodontic therapies. However, successful these studies demonstrated only minor morphological
bonding to root dentin can be regarded as one of the differences between deep coronal and cervical in-
greatest challenges in adhesive dentistry. This is, in traradicular dentin, which suggests that cervical and
part, due to the limited knowledge regarding how the middle intradicular dentin should behave similarly to
structural and physiological characteristics of this par- cervical coronal dentin (i.e. deep coronal dentin) with
ticular substrate affect the bonding mechanism of con- respect to bonding substrates. Despite such apparent
temporary methacrylate resin-based materials that are morphological and compositional similarities (244,
used for endodontic applications. 251), the bond strength to intraradicular dentin
Despite the fact that the principles of adhesion to bonded with methacrylate-based resins has been
coronal dentin can also be applied to root dentin, mostly reported as being extremely variable along the
specific variations on dentin structure (241–243), local root canal (246,252–254) and significantly lower than
morphology (10,244,245), and physiological shifts that observed for coronal dentin (245,246,250,253,
due to aging and/or pathological processes (16) play 255,256).
important roles in the performance of dental adhesives A noticeable morphological characteristic that is
and the quality of the resultant bonded interfaces. reported to be exclusively part of intraradicular dentin
Morphological, compositional, and structural par- is the presence of convex, dome-shaped projections,
ticularities regarding dentin in sclerotic non-carious called calcospherites, which produce globular undula-
cervical lesions (NCCL), localized on the coronal tions along the entire root canal surface (251). The
third of dental roots, were previously addressed in this influence of calcospherites on the bonding perfor-
review as imposing a relative barrier to achieving a mance of methacrylate-based resins to intraradicular
perfect bonding procedure. This section will explore dentin has not been sufficiently investigated, but
the multiple aspects that can be involved with the as these projections create an irregular and non-
success/failure of the interaction between adhesive homogenous surface to dentin, they may contribute to
materials, specifically the methacrylate-based resins making intraradicular dentin a less responsive substrate
and the intraradicular dentin (i.e. root canal dentin) of (or a more challenging one) for bonding maneuvers.
non-vital teeth. For instance, there is evidence indicating that in-
As with any other dental hard tissue, the prevailing adequate dentin–resin hybridization might occur in
mechanism to bond methacrylate-based resins to non-instrumented calcospherite-containing dentin
intraradicular dentin is dependent on micromechanical when sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is used as the
retention of these resins in the treated/primed tissue, only active root canal irrigant (235).
regardless if the bonding procedure is the filling/ Another limiting entity affecting the adhesion to
obturation of root canals or the cementation of posts intraradicular dentin is the presence of the smear layer.
and cores. Because of the limited vision and access, The smear layer has been defined as any debris, calcific
predominance of sclerotic dentin along the apical part in nature, produced by instrumentation of dentin,
of the root canal (245), regional differences in bond enamel, or cementum (257) or as a contaminant (258)

Carvalho et al.

that hampers the interaction of the underlying tissues affects the bonding effectiveness to intraradicular
with restorative/filling materials. On radicular dentin, dentin (228,235).
the morphological features, composition, and thick- Manufacturers of self-etching methacrylate resin-
ness of the smear layer are determined by the type of based endodontic sealers recommend the removal of
endodontic instrument used, the method of irrigation, the smear layer with EDTA, assuring the relevance
and the tooth substrate from which it is formed of this step to reduce leakage and improve the seal of
(247,248). filled canals (235). Thus, the retention mechanisms
As previously mentioned, two bonding strategies are suggested by the manufacturers of methacrylate resin-
currently employed to bond methacrylate-based resins based endodontic sealers (i.e. hybridization of intratu-
to dentin and both approaches have a paradigmatic bular dentin and resin tag formation) are likely to be
relationship with the smear layer. With the etch-and- enhanced by the combined dentin demineralization
rinse approach, the acid-etching and rinsing steps resultant from EDTA (228) and the sealer system
totally remove the smear layer prior to the bonding (235).
step, while for the self-etching systems, the smear layer In addition to the “primary” smear layer created by
is partially dissolved and incorporated in the hybridized instrumentation of the root canal walls, when clinically
complex. The more acidic and aggressive the condi- indicated, the subsequent preparation for post cemen-
tioner, the more completely the smear layer is removed tation using “post drills” resulted in an even thicker
(259). While the modification and incorporation of smear layer composed of previous debris supple-
smear layer into hybrid layers by using self-etching mented with fragments of sealer/gutta-percha rem-
adhesive systems can have clinical advantages when nants that were shown to significantly affect the
considering the bonding to coronal dentin, such as less penetration and chemical action of the agents used to
technique sensitivity (260) and less post-operative sen- bond fiber posts to root walls (266,273). Moreover,
sitivity (261,262), for endodontic therapy, the perma- at this stage of the endodontic treatment, only
nence of smear layer might not only represent a barrier minimal irrigation can be performed inside the endo-
to achieving effective bonding to instrumented canal dontic canal (274). Retention of methacrylate-based
walls (263,264), but it may also work as a bacterial cements to intraradicular dentin may be improved
deposit that puts the prognosis of root canal treatment by EDTA pre-treatment (275). Other protocols have
at risk. Thus, in Endodontics, it is prudent to remove also recommended a combination of ultrasonic instru-
the smear layer from infected root canals to allow for mentation with EDTA pre-treatment (276) or even
better infiltration of intraradicular medications into the the use of stronger conditioners such as phosphoric
dentinal tubules (265) and further improve tissue acid (277). The resultant bond strength will, however,
bonding capabilities (265–267). be dependent on the residual effect of the dentinal
For some years now, a line of methacrylate resin- irrigant/disinfectant (278) as well as on the bonding
based sealers has been specifically designed for endo- strategy selected (279).
dontic applications. For better elucidation on the Shrinkage stresses associated with polymerization
characteristics of each system available on the market, of methacrylate-based resins are higher in low-filled,
we advise reading the review by Kim et al. (235). lower viscosity resin cements and root canal sealers
Taking into consideration that self-etching systems are than in highly filled resin composites (280–282).
less technique-sensitive and more user-friendly (i.e. During polymerization of methacrylate-based resins,
reduced application steps), the most recently intro- the intermolecular spaces between the resin monomers
duced bondable root canal sealers (180,268,269) are reduced, generating sufficient shrinkage stresses to
belong to the category of “bonding system.” Recent debond the material from dentin, thereby decreasing
results that report the limited aggressiveness of con- retention and increasing leakage (250). Undoubtedly,
temporary self-etch and self-adhesive resin composites amongst all concerns associated with bonding meth-
(270–272) raised similar concerns on the potential of acrylate based-resins to intraradicular dentin, the chal-
self-etching and self-adhesive sealers to truly hybridize lenge of achieving a balanced relief for the shrinkage
intraradicular dentin. Indeed, it has been shown that stresses of these resinous materials seems to be the
the true etching capability of self-etching and self- most limiting factor toward obtaining a perfect and
adhesive endodontic sealers is a critical factor that durable sealing of the root canal apparatus (250).

Dentin bonding

All of the factors previously discussed can, in Because the efficacy of the bonding has a direct
concert, affect the bonding effectiveness to intra- correlation with dentinal tubule characteristics, it is
radicular dentin. Ultimately, there is a general consen- important to make a statement regarding the apical
sus that the use of methacrylate-based resins for third of the root. Mjör et al. reported that the apical
sealing intraradicular dentin has not brought a para- third of the root has the most disparity in morphology
digm shift in the strategy toward achieving perfect and includes the following: accessory root canals;
sealing of the root canal system (283–290). One of the areas of resorption and repaired resorptions; occa-
major focuses of current root canal therapy has relied sional attached, embedded, and free pulp stones;
on the attempt to replace the non-bonding filling varied quantities of asymmetrical secondary dentin;
systems with resin-based materials that can supposedly and cementum-like tissue lining the apical root canal
establish intimate contact with intraradicular dentin, wall (302). Overall, the diverse morphology exhibited
thereby reinforcing the tooth structure and preventing by root dentin may make coaxing methacrylate resin
root recontamination. However, this achievement bonding into the root canal an endless challenge.
has not been fully supported, at least considering the The role of friction as a mean of retention of posts
results of a number of ex vivo studies (283–293). In cemented into the root canal has been raised (245,303,
addition, very few of the limited clinical outcome trials 304). While it is not yet clear how much the resistance to
have included a control group so that the advantages dislodgement of fiber posts from the root canal is the
of these new materials over conventional non-bonding result of bonding or friction, it is remarkable that posts
materials could be supported (235). In fact, the lack cemented with zinc phosphate presented a resistance
of evidence-based clinical information on the perfor- to dislodgement similar to posts cemented with a com-
mance of some of these endodontic resin-based mate- bination of adhesives and resin cements (305,306).
rials should foment professionals to think carefully Because adhesion does not seem to play a crucial role
about whether or not and when to adopt resin mate- in the retention of posts, clinicians may prefer the
rials to seal intraradicular dentin. user-friendliness of self-adhesive resin cements.

Cementation of posts Concluding remarks

Removal of the sealer and gutta-percha from the root- Bonding to dentin remains a major challenge in adhe-
filled teeth is required for post-space preparation (294, sive dentistry. The dynamic substrate characteristics
295). The resulting debris produced leads to an increase that change regionally with age and according to
of leakage (296) and occlusion of dentinal tubules several intrinsic and extrinsic stimuli make bonding
(297), thereafter impairing adequate bonding of the attempts to dentin far from standard and poorly pre-
fiber post into the root canal (298). As discussed above, dictable. Adhesive systems have evolved to better cope
the removal of the smear layer plays a critical role in the with these challenging nuances of dentin, but resin–
quality of the bonding to the root canal. Despite the use dentin bonds are still less predictable and less reliable
of ultrasonic instruments, chemical agents, and lasers, than resin–enamel bonds. Recent research has exam-
the complete removal of the smear layer in the apical ined alternative methods to increase the durability of
third of the root space remains unpredictable. A com- resin–dentin bonds. These include the use of anti-
bination of chemical agents and ultrasonic instru- enzymatic agents such as chlorhexidine, benzalconium
ments via acoustic streaming could significantly improve chloride, galardin, and ethanol in the ethanol wet-
smear layer removal after endodontic instrumentation. bonding technique, which also improves the durability
However, the use of EDTA alone may result in incom- by allowing relatively more hydrophobic resins to be
plete debris removal; similarly, the use of ultrasonics bonded to dentin. Collagen cross-linking agents
without the aid of chemical agents produces packing of and procedures have also been introduced as ways to
debris into the dentin tubules (299). There is general stabilize collagen fibrils, thus increasing resistance to
agreement that the removal of smear layers generated enzymatic degradation over time. However, these are
during root canal instrumentation is more efficient in not yet applicable in routine clinical practice. Root
the coronal and middle thirds than in the apical part of canal dentin seems to be an even harsher environment
the root (300,301). for effective bonding to be accomplished. In addition

Carvalho et al.

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