VG 1 31-07-2022-09-35-12

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1. For their daily commute: cho việc đi lại hàng ngày

People in my city mostly use motorbikes for their daily commute

2. the waste treatment system: hệ thống xử lý nước thải

I think many factories in Vietnam needs to invest a lot of money in the waste
treatment process to protect the environment

3. Boycott: tẩy chay

Pharmaceutical companies that test their medicines on animals should be boycotted

4. Impose stringent punishments on: ban hành những hình phạt nghiêm khắc lên

The authorities in my country have imposed stringent punishments on poachers to

deter them from killing animals.

5. Take part in tree-planting campaigns: tham gia vào các hoạt động trồng cây

My neighbors and I often take part in tree-planting campaigns in my town to

contribute to a greener living environment

6. Environmental preservation: sự bảo tồn môi trường

Nowadays many schools are including lessons about the importance of the
environmental preservation in their curriculum.

7. enhance the public awareness of: nâng cao ý thức của người dân về

So as to enhance the public awareness of protecting our planet, my company has

replaced plastic straws and bags with biodegradable ones.

8. Animal-based products: các sản phẩm làm từ động vật

My mother, as a nature lover and a vegetarian, never uses any animal-based


9. make use of: tận dụng, sử dụng

My father always makes use of old newspapers as wrapping paper instead of using
10. Environmentally unconscious: không có ý thức bảo vệ môi trường

I have seen many environmentally unconscious tourists that litter everywhere they
arrive, on the beach and even into the ocean.

11. Disposable / Single-use products: sản phẩm sử dụng một lần

You should stop using disposable products like plastic cups to reduce the amount of
garbage dumped in landfill sites every year.

12. Indiscriminate: bừa bãi

Farmers often spray chemical fertilizer indiscriminately, so the soil has been heavily
polluted in recent years.

Exercise 1: Filling sentences with above collocations

1. People should _______ companies selling ______, such as belts or bags made from
crocodiles’ skin.

2. The authorities should _____________ factories which release chemical waste into
the sea

3. Instead of buying ____________, people should consider choosing cups or bowls

made from glass or ceramics which can be reused.

4. Citizens should choose public transport __________, such as buses or trains to

reduce the CO2 emitted into the air.

5. Schools should encourage students to __________ in order to alleviate air pollution

problems and have more shade.

6. Companies should apply modern technology to __________ before disposing of the

wastewater into the environment.

7. The government should _________ social media to _____________ the importance

of the environment.

8. Parents should teach their offspring not to leave their rubbish __________ or
overuse plastic bags.

9. ______________ factories that dump their wastewater into rivers should be heavily
fined and closed down.

10. The use of _____________ should be prohibited as most of them are made from
plastics which can hardly biodegrade.

Exercise 2: Filling sentences with grammar related to Relative clauses

1. The first cause of air pollution is the construction of factories ______ (release) tons
of industrial gases into the atmosphere every year.

2. Despite being fast and convenient, cars _____ (emit) a great deal of exhaust fumes
into the air, ______ (aggravate) air pollution problems.

3. Rhinos whose horns ________ (believe) to have magical effects of people’s health
______ (kill) relentlessly, ______ (cause) their population to fall significantly.

4. The indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizer ___________ (become increasingly

common), which ______ (poison) the soil and ______ (result) in soil degradation.

5. Deforestation is one the main factors _____ (lead) to soil erosion as trees ______
(retain) and ________ (absorb) water, _____ (prevent) floods from taking soil away.

Exercise 3: Filling sentences with grammar related to Word form

1. The ______ (increase) number of people living in cities has caused the urban
environment _______ (deteriorate) noticeably in recent years.

2. To facilitate the ______ (grow) of tourism, the government has cut down many trees
to satisfy the ______ (rise) demand of tourists for hotels and resorts.

3. More and more sharks have been killed by poachers who are in _______ (search) of
this species’ ______ (profit) fins.

4. Urban areas have been _______ (increase) polluted, which ______ (pose) a threat
to local residents’ health.

5. ___________ (raise) the oil price can be seen as a good way to discourage people
from _____ (heavy/rely) on their private vehicles.

Exercise 4: Translating these sentences using learned vocabulary

1. Ở Việt Nam, nhiều công ty đã bị tẩy chay vì đã thải rất nhiều chất thải công nghiệp
xuống biển (industrial waste) mà không qua quá trình xử lý.

2. Nhiều hình phạt nghiêm khắc đã được ban hành ra ngăn các công ty thải khí thải công
nghiệp (industrial gases) vào bầu khí quyển.

3. Rất nhiều chiến dịch trồng cây đã được tổ chức hằng năm và được tham gia bởi hàng
ngàn học sinh ở thành phố, nhờ đó, môi trường đô thị (the urban environment) trở nên
mát mẻ và trong lành hơn.

4. Ở nhiều nước nông nghiệp trên thế giới, việc sử dụng thuốc trừ sâu bừa bãi đã dẫn đến
sự ô nhiễm đất và nguồn nước, làm ảnh hưởng nghiêm trọng đến sức khoẻ cộng đồng
(public health).

5. Một số (a number of) nhà hàng và quán cà phê có ý thức bảo vệ môi trường ở TPHCM
đã ngưng sử dụng ống hút và ly sử dụng một lần nhằm giảm lượng rác thải ra môi
trường mỗi năm.

6. Để giảm lượng CO2 thải ra không khí, chính phủ Singapore đã khuyến khích người dân
sử dụng phương tiện công cộng để đi lại hằng ngày.
7. Mỗi cá nhân đều có thể đóng góp vào việc bảo vệ môi trường bằng những hành động
đơn giản, ví dụ tham gia vào các chiến dịch trong cây ở nơi họ sống hoặc sử dụng
phương tiện công cộng (mass transit) thay vì xe hơi (automobiles)

8. Ở Nhật Bản, trẻ em được dạy không được xả rác bừa bãi, và do đó, khi lớn lên, nhiều
trong số chúng trở nên rất có ý thức về môi trường (environmentally conscious)

9. Ở nông thôn Việt Nam, người dân chủ yếu sử dụng xe đạp để đi lại hằng ngày, điều này
giúp bảo vệ bầu không khí ở đây khỏi ô nhiễm

10. Các sản phẩm làm từ động vật đã bị cấm hoàn toàn ở nhiều quốc gia phương tây
(western nations), góp phần vào việc bảo vệ nhiều loài động vật khỏi sự tuyệt chủng

Exercise 5: Build sentences based on given words

1. chemical waste / proper treatment process / damage / the ecosystem

2. Water pollution / animal species / push / extinction

3. Farmers / fertilizer / boost / crop productivity

4. The polluted air / human being / respiratory / disease

5. noise pollution / pose a threat to / human / hearing ability.

6. Light pollution / effect / biological clock / sleeping pattern

7. suffer from / digestive diseases / water supply / contaminated

8. The extinction of eagles / mice and pests / damage / crops

9. pollinating insects / flowers / forests / vanish

10. Global warming / rise / sea levels / flood .


Exercise 1: Filling sentences with above collocations

1. Boycott / animal-based products.

2. Impose stringent punishments on
3. Disposable / single-use products.
4. For their daily commute.
5. Take part in tree-planting campaigns.
6. the waste treatment system
7. make use of / enhance the public awareness of
8. Indiscriminately.
9. Environmentally unconscious
10. Disposable / Single-use products

Exercise 2: Filling sentences with grammar related to Relative clauses

1. Releasing hoặc which release
2. Which emit / aggravate
3. Are believed / are killed / which causes
4. Becomes increasingly common / poisons / results
5. Leading / retain / absorb / which prevents
Exercise 3: Filling sentences with grammar related to Word form

1. Increasing / to deteriorate
2. Growth / rising
3. Search / profitable
4. Increasingly / poses
5. Raising / heavily relying
Exercise 4: Translating these sentences using learned vocabulary

1. In Vietnam, many companies have been boycotted because of releasing a great amount
of industrial waste into the sea without any treatment process.
2. Many stringent punishments have been imposed to prevent companies from emitting
industrial gases into the atmosphere

3. A great number of tree-planting campaigns have been organized every year and joined
by thousands of students in the city, thanks to which the urban environment becomes
cooler and fresher
4. In many industrial nations in the world, the indiscriminate use of insecticide has led to the
soil and water pollution, which seriously affects public health
5. A number of environmentally unconscious restaurants and cafes in HCMC have stopped
using single-use straws and cups to prevent the amount of waste released into the
environment every year.
6. To decrease the amount of CO2 released into the air, the government in Singapore has
encouraged local people to make use of public transport for their daily commute.
7. Every individual may contribute to the environmental protection by simple actions, such
as taking part in tree-planting campaigns in their neighborhood or using mass transit
instead of automobiles.
8. In Japan, children are taught not to throw their garbage indiscriminately, and therefore,
when growing up, many of them become environmentally conscious
9. In the countryside of Vietnam, people mainly use bikes for their daily commute, which
helps protect the local atmosphere from being polluted.
10. Animal-based products are completely banned in many western nations, which
contributes to the preservation of many animal species from extinction.

Exercise 5: Build sentences based on given words

1. The release of chemical waste without proper treatment process can damage the
2. Water pollution have pushed many animal species to the edge of extinction.
3. Many farmers are using fertilizers to boost their crop productivity.
4. The polluted air may cause human beings to suffer from respiratory diseases.
5. Noise pollution can pose a threat to humans’ hearing ability.
6. Light pollution can have negative effects on people’s biological clock and sleeping
7. Many people are suffering from digestive diseases due to the water supply being
8. The extinction of eagles may cause an increase in the population of mice and pests
which can damage crops.
9. The extinction of pollinating insects may cause flowers and forests to vanish.
10. Global warming is responsible for the rising sea levels, which cause floods in many


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