Weidner 1987

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Copenhagen 1987

Ribulose-l,5-bisphosphate carboxylase activity and influence of air

pollution in spruce

Manfred Weidner and Monika Kraus

Weidner, M. and Kraus, M. 1987. Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase activity

and influence of air pollution in spruce. - Physiol. Plantarum 70: 664-672.

Methods were established, whieh render possible a simultaneous determination of ri-

bulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase (EC activity and chlorophyll
content of Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) needles from a detergent-containing
aqueous crude extract. Spruce RuBP carboxylase was tentatively characterized with
regard to kinetie properties. Recovery experiments employing purified wheat RuBP
carboxylase proved quantitative extraction of the enzyme from spruce foliage. F'ive
timber stands consisting of 35-62 years old spruce, two of which exhibited the typical
symptoms of recent spruce decline, were compared. For the needle generations 1 to 4
the enzyme aetivities as well as chlorophyll and protein concentrations were deter-
mined. The results do not indicate an involvement of RuBP carboxylase in spruce de-
Additional key words - Chlorophyll, Picea abies, spruce decline.

M. Weidner (corresponding author) and M. Kraus, Botanisches Inst. der Utiiv. Koln,
Gyrhofstrasse 15, D-5000 Koln 41, West Germany.

The lack of information about conifer mesophyll en-

Introduction zymes is partly due to high concentrations of phenolic
Increasing interest is focussed on the process of pho- compounds (i.e. tannins), released from membrane ves-
tosynthesis in conifers, because of the deteriorating ef- icles during the process of homogenization and extrac-
fects of airborne pollution on assimilatory structures tion and acting as potent enzyme inhibitors (Soikkeli
and functions. Photosynthetic suppression is conside- 1978). Some of these difficulties have been overcome
red an element in the process of forest dieback, ob- and RuBP carboxylase activity has been assayed re-
served at present in many areas in Germany and else- cently in extracts from Pinus silvestris (Gezelius and
where (Keller 1978, Lichtenthaler and Buschmann Hallen 1980, Gezelius 1986) and other coniferous trees
1983, Elstner and Osswald 1984). One possible target of (Beadle et al. 1983), but not from adult Picea abies.
the airborne pollutants - i.e. SO2, nitrogen oxides, O,, Employing the non-ionic detergent Triton X-100 and
free radicals etc. - is the enzymological apparatus of insoluble PVP (Loomis and Bataille 1966) we succeeded
photosynthetic COj fixation and especially RuBP car- in developing a rapid and reliable method for the ex-
boxylase, the entrance enzyme of the Calvin cycle (Zie- traction and determination of carboxylating activity of
gler 1972, Wellburn et al. 1976, Gezelius and Hallgren RuBP carboxylase from Norway spruce needles, where
1980, Pell and Pearson 1983, Parry et al. 1984). How- the reference parameter "chlorophyll concentration"
ever, earlier results on inhibition of RuBP carboxylase was measured concomitantly from the same crude aque-
activity and on decreased levels of fraction I protein ous extract. RuBP carboxylase activities are presented
caused by SO^ and O, have mostly originated from stud- for needles of different age and different origin. Five lo-
ies on angiosperm assimilatory tissue and thus do not cations in the field were chosen in order to compare
necessarily warrant conclusions with regard to the re- spruce stands, which either exhibited the symptoms ty-
cent and complex plant physiological syndrome of pical for the recent forest decline syndrome (as it is ex-
spruce decline. pressed in Picea abies) or consisted of apparently unaf-

Received 9 March, 1987; revised 16 April, 1987

Phvsiol. Plantarum 7(1. 1987

fected trees which did not exhibit flecking, bronzing or at 80°C for 48 h. The difference in weight, expressed as
necrosis of the needles. ml (assuming 1 g = 1 ml), was added to the supernatant
volume, thus obtaining a true total volume of the ex-
Abbreviations - CMC, critical micellar concentration; DTT, di-
thiothreitol; GAPDH, glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydroge- tract. On basis of this value the data were calculated.
nase; HI and H2, harvest 1 and 2, respectively; PGK, phos-
phoglycerate kinase; PMSF, phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride;
PVP, polyvinylpyrrolidone; RuBP, ribulose-'l,5-bisphosphate. Assay of RuBP-carboxylase (EC 4.L1.39) activity

Preincubation (= activation) and assay temperature was

Materials and methods 30°C. The assay mixture (260 fxl) contained: 210 mM
Plant material Tris-HCI, pH 8.3, 7.7 mM DTT, 7.7 mM MgCU, 100
mM NaH'-'CO, (3.7-11.1 kBq), 2.3 mM Na,-RuBP
Branches from Norway spruce trees, Picea abies (L.) (Sigma, Deisenhofen, FRG) and 60 |il enzyme extract.
Karsten, were harvested in the field and sectioned into The exact amount of radioactivity employed was routin-
side branches of different age: The spruce trees were ely determined by counting l()-|il aliquots of the
classified healthy or sick and one first order side branch NaH'''CO3 solution. The enzyme was preincubated for 5
was gathered from about 5 m above ground level and min in the reaction mixture prior to the addition of
sectioned. Needles were then collected in an unselective RuBP, which was used subsequently to start the car-
(bias-free) manner: From trees classified as "injured", boxylation reaction. Blanks contained no RuBP and 120
needles exhibiting chlorotic tips, discoloration etc. were |xl Tris-HCI buffer instead of 110 \x\. After 8 min the re-
not favoured; on the other hand these kind of needles action was terminated by adding 200 pil 33% acetic acid.
were not discarded when found on assumedly healthy In order to quantitatively remove non-incorporated
trees. From the side branches, the needle generations '"•CO,, two aliquots (150 (xl) of each acidified sample
1-4 were separated. Needles were gathered either by (460 [il) were transferred into 6-ml scintillation vials and
dipping the branch sections into liquid nitrogen, where- dried under an infrared-lamp. The residue was redis-
upon the needles could easily be stripped, or - in the solved in 200 ^l 10% acetic acid, placing the vials on a
field - they were cut off with scissors, sampled, shaker for 1 h. Finally, scintillation fluid (2 ml; Super-
weighted and frozen in liquid nitrogen for transporta- solve - Zinsser, Frankfurt, FRG) was added and acid-
tion to the laboratory. stable radioactivity was counted. In some experiments a
coupled assay for RuBP carboxylase activity was em-
Extraction procedure ployed with PGK/GAPDH (NADH) as auxiliary en-
zymes. The assay mixture (1.3 ml) consisted of 140 mM
In general, samples of 1 g fresh weight were powdered Tris-HCI, pH 8.1, 7.7 mM MgCU, 7.7 mM DTT, 30 mM
under addition of 1 g quartz sand (analytical grade) in a NaHCO,, 4 mM ATP (adjusted to pH 7.5), 0.26 mM
precooled mortar in liquid nitrogen. The deep-frozen NADH (adjusted to pH 7.5), 10 ^1 PGK/GAPDH (0.1
pulverized needles were transferred into a second ice- mg ml"' enzyme-mix, Boehringer. Mannheim. FRG), 1
cold mortar, which contained the extraction medium. mM Na4-RuBP and 300 ^il enzyme extract. Preincuba-
The extraction medium, pH 7.2 (18 ml) was composed tion and start of the reaction were as described above.
of 100 mM Tris-HCI, 1.5 mM EDTA. 1.5 mM sodium Absorbance at 366 nm was recorded. The true concen-
thioglycolate, 5 mM D-isoascorbic acid, 1.5 mM MgCl,, tration of the purchased RuBP preparation was control-
2.5% (v/v) Triton X-100, 10% (v/v) glycerol and insol- led routinely, employing a purified RuBP carboxylase
uble PVP (2 g prewashed Polyclar AT; Serva, Heidel- preparation (Weidner and Fehling 1985).
berg, FRG). The extraction medium was prepared the
day before use and stored at 4°C in order to allow for
maximum hydration of the PVP. The frozen needle Determination of chlorophyll and protein concentrations
powder was rapidly mixed with the extraction medium Aliquots (200 |al) of the crude extract (purified super-
and thoroughly blended and ground for 3 min. The re- natant, see above) were made 80% with respect to ace-
sulting slurry was centrifuged (20 min, 40 000^). This tone (analytical grade). The precipitate was sedimented
and the following analytical procedures were carried out by centrifugation (8 700 g, 1 min) and total chlorophyll
at 4°C. The volume of the supernatant - the crude en- concentration was measured in the supernatant accord-
zyme extract - was measured and two 1.5 ml-aliquots ing to Arnon (1949).
were freed from traces of suspended/floating material The protein concentration was determined according
by a short second centrifugation step in a table top cen- to Bradford (1976). Aliquots (1000 |il) of the crude ex-
trifuge (Beckman Microfuge B, 8 700^, 1 min). Activ- tract (purified supernatant, see above) were mixed with
ity of RuBP carboxylase, protein and chlorophyll were 100 III cold 10% TCA. The protein was precipitated
assayed directly in this purified supernatant. (8700 g. 1 min), the pellet rinsed once with 1000 ^il 5%
The residual extract volume, enclosed in the volu- TCA and recentrifuged. The sediment was resuspended
minous pellet of the first centrifugation step was deter- in 500 \i\ 1% NaOH. Aliquots (100 pil) were thoroughly
mined by weighing the sediment before and after drying mixed with the Coomassie reagent (5 ml). Absorbance

•43 Physiol. Plantarum 70. 1987

General sampling scheme
Harvest 1 Harvest 2
^ • • ' ^ Y Y Y Y
1 2 3 i 4 i 1 2 3 A
1 1 1
5g5g 5g5g
5g 5g
5g 5g 5g 5g i 4
Y vv
15g 15g

^ ^ / / \ \ ^ \
Ig Ig Ig 1g Ig Ig Ig Ig Ig Ig 1g Ig

' I. "- - ^iHV-VU

r' + • • •
*^11A1 ^2 [A] '^31A] Y 4[/

^AlHarvil ^ilHarvil ^AlHarv2] ^4[Harv.21

' _ _

Fig. 1. Sampling scheme for field harvest of spruce needle samples. Details of the procedure are given in the text. Geographic lo-
cations: A) Arnsberg. Ruhr-valley, northern Sauerland (8°5'E. 5r22.3'N, altitude: 260 m above sea level). Age (of spruce stand):
31 years; Fl (= harvest): 2 and 18 Sep. 1985. B) Hilchenbach, ridge of the Rothaargebirge (8°12'E/50°55'N/640 m). Age: 35 years;
H:'2()Aug./16Sep. 1985. C*) Lammersdorf, northwestern Eifel (6°17'E/50°39.5'N/560 m). Age: 68 years; H: 23 July/12 Sep. 1985.
D) MiJnstereifel. northeastern Eifel (6°37'E/50°31.5'N/48() m). Age: 35 years; H: 5 Aug./17 Sep. 1985. E*) Veldrom, western
slope of the Eggegebirge (8°57'E/51°5()'N/400 m). Age: 45 years; H: 11 Sep. 1985. The "*'" indicates spruce stands with visible
damage symptoms as described in the text. Soil- and climatic data are given by Kraus (1986. Diplomarbeit, University of Koln
Koln, FRG).

at 595 nm was read after 5 min. BSA (fraction V, trees, provided and X,iv_vii were not significantly
Sigma, Deisenhofen, FRG) served as a protein stan- different on the 95 %-level (2P = 0.05). Thus, Y are the
dard. mean values for each needle generation and location
Enzyme, chlorophyll and protein measurements were (e.g. Y4,^): mean value of needle generation 4, location
run in duplicate from each extract. Mean values are A). The Y-values of needle generations 2, 3, 4 were
based on 4-8 extractions, in field experiments 8 extrac- combined in order to obtain an average Z value of
tions were always made. Significance was tested at the RuBP carboxylase activity etc. for each spruce stand,
5"/> level throughout. either for harvest 1 (H 1) or H 2. The first needle gener-
ation was omitted here for reasons specified below. Fi-
nally, the two Z-values were combined in order to form
one general mean value X for each harvesting location
Outline of field experiments
(e.g. X,,,). provided the two Z-values were not signifi-
cantly different on the 95% level. On basis of these val-
The sampling and randomization scheme for the field ues the locations A, B, C*, D and E* are compared in
experiments is depicted in Fig. 1. Samples were taken Tab. 4. Further, the 4 needle generations are compared.
twice (harvest 1 and 2) from each spruce stand between In this case the Z values for the different needle gener-
June and September. Five locations were chosen (A, B, ations (e.g. Z4,Hi) and Z4(n^)), comprising all 5 locations,
C*, D, E*) and at each location 6 trees were selected were combined to give the general mean value X for
and marked. The 6 trees were divided in two subgroups, each needle generation (e.g. X4). On basis of these val-
comprising 3 trees each. From each tree, 5-g portions of ues conclusions about the influence of needle age on
needles were harvested. Needle generations 1 (current RuBP carboxylase activity etc. were drawn (Tab. 3).
needles), 2, 3, and 4 were included. The needle portions This rather elaborate sampling scheme was executed,
of trees I-III and IV-VI, respectively, were mixed thor- because no experiences were available as to the biologi-
oughly to make up two 15-g samples from which then 8 cal variability of samples from 35- to 60-year-old spruce
1-g samples were taken at random. These were frozen in trees. Therefore we had to make sure that data were
liquid nitrogen and analyzed later on. The analytical pooled only after a detailed statistical evaluation had
data were combined to give the mean values X (e.g. been carried out. Hence, each step was accompanied by
^4(1-111)^ mean of needle generation 4, trees I, II, III). statistical treatment, employing the software pro-
The two X-values were combined to form Y for all 6 gramme Abstat (Anderson-Bell 1982, Canon City. CO,

666 Phvsiol. Plantarum 70. 1987

Tab. 1. Effects on RuBP carboxylase of various supposedly shown in Fig. 2. A concentration of 2.5% Triton X-100,
protective compounds included in the extraction medium. The as apphed routinely, is on the safe side and still does not
constituents of the extraction buffer are listed in Materials and
methods. Experiment 1 was performed, omitting Triton X-KM), cause any enzyme or pigment destruction. Table 1 docu-
insoluble PVP and glycerol. In experiment 2b-2f the com- ments the protection effect by Polyclar AT. The other
pounds listed were added to the extraction medium used in ex- compounds listed, known to protect against enzyme in-
periment 2a. The effect of insoluble PVP without addition of activation by phenolic compounds, did not further en-
Triton X-100 is shown in Fig. 2.
hance the activity of the enzyme. However, without ad-
Composition of RuBP carboxylase dition of Triton X-100 Polyclar AT yielded only ca 15%
extraction medium activity, of the RuBP carboxylase activity (Fig. 2).
nmol CO2 ml ' min ' Using purified RuBP carboxylase from wheat leaves
(Weidner and Fehling 1985) as an internal standard, we
1. Extraction buffer 0,2 could demonstrate that the level of enzyme activity, at-
2. a) Extraction buffer -1- Triton X-lOO
(2.5% w/v) + insoluble PVP tainable by the extraction procedure used here agrees
(Polyclar AT; 10%, w/v) 13,9 well with the in vivo total RuBP carboxylase activity
b) -(- soluble PVP 13 000 (10%, w/v) 15.1 present in the spruce needles: The mixing experiment
c) -1- BSA (1%, w/v) 12.8 (Tab. 2) yielded complete recovery of the added wheat
d) + glyeerol (10%, v/v) 17.3 enzyme activity. Therefore, activity values presented
e) + PEG 200 (10%. v/v) 17.1
f) -\- proline (1%, w/v) 16.2 here are indeed valid, provided the stability properties
of wheat and spruce RuBP carboxylase are similar. A
reduction of maximum specific activity by endopro-
teases, which strongly bind to RuBP carboxylase during
the extraction procedure, cannot be excluded, however
USA) for executing two-way analysis of variance. For t- (Rosichan and Huffacker 1984, Servaites 1985).
tests and F-tests the 95% level of significance was ap- Extract stability with regard to RuBP-carboxylase ac-
plied throughout. The investigation was carried out in tivity was rather poor. Even at storage temperature of
summer 1985. 0°C, carboxylation rates declined with an estimated
half-life of ca 2 h. Whether endoproteolysis (Garcia-
Martinez and Moreno 1986) or other compounds, toxic
to RuBP carboxylase, caused this activity loss is un-
Results clear. The protease inhibitor PMSF proved ineffective
in stabilizing spruce RuBP carboxylase (results not
RuBP-carboxylase assay shown). In conclusion, it was imperative to minimize
A realistic yield of RuBP-carboxylase activity could and standardize the time intervals of the extraction and
only be extracted from spruce needles in the presence of assay procedures.
insoluble PVP and Triton X-100 (Tab. 1). The efficiency Linearity of the carboxylation reaction with time was
of the non-ionic detergent Triton X-100 to extract RuBP maintained for ca 8 min although a slightly higher re-
carboxylase and solubilize chlorophyll quantitatively is action rate could occur within the first min (Fig. 3). The

Fig. 2. Extraction of RuBP

carboxylase and chlorophyll
from spruce needles by
increasing concentrations of
Triton X-100. Other
constituents of the
extraction medium: see
Materials and methods. 0.5 1 1.5 2.5
Means ±SD. n = 4. TRITON X-1Q0 1%1

4.T Phvsiol. Plantarum 7t). 19X7 667

Tab. 2. Mixing experiment for testing RuBP carboxylase re- in those immature needles, it can not be excluded that
covery. A known amount of purified wheat RuBP carboxylase inhibitory compounds are distributed unequally in nee-
was added to spruce needles prior to homogenization (1). Con-
currently, spruce and wheat RuBP carboxylase were assayed dles of different age. Whether or not the extraction pro-
separately (2 and 4). From these data the recovery of wheat en- cedures are also appropriate for young needles was
zyme activity and of extractable protein (fraction 1-protein) therefore tested in another mixing experiment. Current
was calculated (3). Also given is %-recovery (5). Enzyme ac- needles did not affect RuBP-carboxylase activity of ol-
tivities were measured with PGK/GAPDH as auxilliary en-
zymes. der needles or vice versa when both were co-homo-
genized and extracted (results not shown).
Source of enzyme RuBP carboxylase Protein
activity, content,
nmol CO, ml"' ' mg ml '

1) wheat + spruce measured 8 100 0.85 Field experiments

2) spruce measured 5 700 0.70
3) wheat calculated I minus 2 2 400 0.15 With regard to the measurements of RuBP carboxylase
4) wheat measured 2 200 0.18 activities in spruce foliage of mature timber stands we
had two objectives, a) To gather representative data
5) 3 expressed as percentage of 4 109% 83%
about the enzyme levels in Picea abies needles as a func-
tion of needle age; b) to compare RuBP carboxylase ac-
tivities (as well as protein and chlorophyll concentra-
tions) in spruce needles collected at different locations
slow-down of the reaction rate was probably not due to either exhibiting the typical symptoms of spruce decline
substrate deprivation or product inhibition, since pu- or not. At 2 out of 5 harvesting places (C* and E*) the
rified wheat RuBP carboxylase exhibited linearity for 30 trees were visibly injured: Yellow-brown discoloration
min under the same conditions. When added to the ("bronzing") of the abaxial, sun-exposed leaf surface of
spruce extract, however, wheat carboxylase was also older needles could be observed, the discoloration fre-
unstable, indicating the presence of an inhibitory com- quently turned into necroses and subsequent needle
pound in the spruce extract. None of the compounds loss. Now and then needle tips showed signs of be-
listed in Tab. 1 could extend the linear period. ginning chlorosis. In general, tree-tops were damaged
Optimization of test conditions required an evalu- or dead. However, the symptoms were heterogenously
ation of the dependence of the carboxylation reaction spread in the timber stands and also within single trees,
on substrate concentrations, pH and temperature. The the degree of impairment being variable and inconsist-
kinetic data are summarized in Fig. 4. The kinetics for ent. At 3 other locations, the spruce trees did not show
HCO3 (CO2) was sigmoidal as indicated by a Hill-con- visible damage (A and D) or were only sporadically af-
stant of n^ = 1.33 (Fig. 4a and inset). This anomaly is fected (B).
observed frequently with RuBP carboxylase: At low bi- A comparison of the needle generation 1 to 4 (Tab. 3)
carbonate (CO,) concentrations the enzyme is not fully
activated when - as in our case - preincubation takes
place at the same concentrations as used subsequently
in the assay (Lorimer et al. 1977). By extrapolation
from V^.,j a value for an apparent K^ of 7.8 mM can be
roughly estimated for bicarbonate, which equals 0.14
mM for CO, [Umbreit et al. 1951; pK' (30°C) = 6.348].
Thus, in routine tests 100 mM bicarbonate (as applied)
ensures saturating conditions and the enzyme presum-
edly was in the fully activated state. Michaelis-Menten
kinetics were obtained for RuBP (at pH 8.3, 100 mM bi-
carbonate), yielding an apparent K^-value of 0.43 mM
(Fig. 4b).
The pH optimum (at 7.7 mM Mg'^) was at pH 8.1-8.3
(Fig. 4c). The apparent free enthalpy of activation (Ar-
rhenius E^) was determined as 76 kJ mol"' (Fig. 4d).
Temperature stability extended to ca 30°C.
Preliminary experiments with different needle gener-
ations showed that current needles, collected about 1 10 15 20 25 30
month after emergence, exhibited only 35% of the Time (min)
RuBP carboxylase activity found in older needles when Fig. 3. Linearity of the carboxylation reaction employing crude
RuBP carboxylase from spruce. Enzyme activities were meas-
compared on a chlorophyll basis. While it is possible ured with PGK/GAPDH as auxilliary enzymes. Recordings of
that carboxylating activity is substantially lower in vivo single runs.

668 Physiol. Plantarum 7(1. 1987

Fig. 4. Kinetic
characterization of spruce (0)6
RuBP carboxylase. (r = 250-
coefficients of regression; n CD / „ 0 - r=:0.999 /-
= 4). a) Substrate saturation ^ 2
curve for HCO; (at 2.15
-iOO -0
mM RuBP, 7.7 mM MgCl, J-1
and pH 8.3). The apparent
Kn,-value was calculated ^-2 "/
from S(v ,,) of the o nH = 1.33
sigmoidaTcurve. Inset: Hill- '^(Vmax/2)=
plot, b) Lineweaver-Burke y 7.8-10"3M -^ -3 -2
plot for RuBP (at 100 mM
HCO:, 7.7 mM MgCl, and -^ 5-10"' 10-3 10-3 10-2 5-10-^ 10" 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0
pH 8.3). c) pH-curve of pH
RuBP carboxylase activity in
Tris-HCI buffers, d)
Temperature dependence of
RuBP carboxylase activity;
2.5 X ' ' _'

log Bq
2.0 -
•^ 1 9
1.5 1

30 20 10\ J

3.1 3.2 3.3 3./. 3.5 3.6

yielded the following results. The CO, assimilation po- value, the carboxylation potential amounted to only
tential of 2- to 4-year-old spruce needles was quite simi- about 25% of the enzyme activity found in older nee-
lar, as far as RuBP carboxylase activity on a chlorophyll dles. Thus the build-up of RuBP carboxylase activity
basis was concerned. However, when the data were ex- lagged markedly behind net chlorophyll and protein
pressed on a fresh weight or protein basis RuBP car- synthesis.
boxylase activity of the second needle generation was Table 4 shows a compilation of the results where the
about 20% lower than that of 3- and 4-year-old needles. field data were processed in order to evaluate the differ-
The difference was almost statistically significant on the ences between the harvesting locations. RuBP carboxyl-
95% level. The age-dependent changes in chlorophyll ase activities from all 5 timber stands are rather close,
content followed the same pattern as fresh weight- and regardless of whether the data are expressed on a fresh
protein-based enzyme activities with respect to the dif- weight or on a chlorophyll basis. Additionally, the ref-
ference between 2-year-old needles and those of gener- erence system "extractable protein" has also been in-
ations 3 or 4. In current immature needles (= needle cluded, although it may be questioned whether it is
generation 1) however, there was a discrepancy be- really an adequate basis of reference in case of RuBP
tween chlorophyll and protein content on one side and carboxylase: Considering the fact that fraction I protein
RuBP carboxylase activity on the other: while both of amounts to ca 50% of the total soluble leaf protein
the former parameters reached about 65% of the final (Huffacker 1982), somewhat exaggerated one could say

Tab. 3. RuBP carboxylase activity, chlorophyll content and protein content as a function of needle age. Included are the needle
generations 1 to 4 (year of emergence: 1985-1982). The data for the 5 locations investigated (see Fig. 1) were averaged in order to
obtain the mean ±SD (n = 8) values shown here.

Parameter Needle generation

RuBP carboxylase activity,

nmol CO, (g FW) ' mm ' 2 370 ± 1 110 7 620 ±3 000 9 500 ±4 270 9 800 ±4 640
nmol CO, (mgchi) ' min 2 180 ± 750 5 400 ±2 180 5 860 ±2 800 5 640 ±2 560
nmol CO; (mg protein) min 72 ± 35 168 -t- 52 203 4- 62 197 + 65
Total chlorophyll, mg (g FW) ' l.09± 0.14 1.42 ± 0.11 1.64 ± 0.08 1.72 + 0.12
Extractable protein, mg (g FW)" 33 ± 5.7 45 4- 4.3 48 4- 6.9 49 4- 7.1

Phvsiol. Plantiirum 711. 1987 669

Tab. 4. RuBP carboxylase activity, chlorophyll content and protein content of spruce needles harvested at 5 locations (see Fig 1)
The data for needle generations 2 to 4 (year of emergenee: 1984-1982) were averaged in order to obtain the mean ±SD(n = 8) val-
ues shown here.

Parameter Geographic location


RuBP carboxylase activity,

nmol CO, (gFW)"' min ' 7.590 ± 700 8 610 ± 450 12 440 ±3 510 7 670 ±1610 8 110 +1680
nmol CO, (mg chl) ' min ' 4 750 ± 330 5 580 ± 570 7 810 ±1190 4 760 ± 460 4 900 ± 450
nmol CO, (mg protein) ' min" 170 ± 13 187 ± 9 208 ± 35 193 ± 46 164 ± 17
Total chlorophyll, mg (g FW) ' 1.58± 0.07 1.58± 0.21 1.60± 0.17 1.61± 0 21 1 62± 0 21
Extractable protein, mg (g FW)" 45 ± 2 48 ± 3 54 ± 5 41 ± 2 50 ± 5

that RuBP carboxylase activity is being brought in rela- from the extraction procedure serves the same purpose:
tion to itself. In any case, no difference can be re- In the deep-frozen needle powder no protein-polyphe-
cognized between the supposedly healthy timber stands, nol interaction occurs. During subsequent thawing,
where Picea abies hardly exhibits visual symptoms of PVP is effective immediately, because the time interval
deterioration (A, B and D) and those, which show vari- until the tannins are accessible to Poiyclar AT is mini-
ous stages of spruce decline (C*, E*). The values for C* mized. This also applies to the protection of the native
are somewhat higher but the difference is not statis- protein conformation by sulfhydryl reagents and other
tically significant. Effects of ecological factors, like ex- antioxidants. Furthermore, the combination of deep-
posure to air pollutants, on enzyme levels are of di- freezing and use of detergent eliminates the necessity to
agnostic value only if they emerge in advance of visual break up the chloroplasts by the strong mechanical
injury. Hence, the data presented here indicate that a force of a high-revolution homogenizer, which inev-
reduction of the amount of RuBP carboxylase did not itably generates heat which may effect enzyme activity.
precede visual symptoms of spruce needle damage as an The polyoxyethylene compound Triton X-100, a non-
"invisible injury" (Heath 1980). ionic detergent, is characterized by a low CMC
With regard to the extractable protein content, again (3x10" M) and large micelles. Although enzymes are
C* showed the highest value, although not significantly not normally inactivated by non-ionic detergents pos-
different from the others. Therefore, on a protein basis sessing polyoxyethylene or sugar/sugar alcohol groups
the C*-enzyme activity was in the normal range. The (Hjelmeland and Chrambach 1984) it still remains to be
chlorophyll content of the spruce foliage was very simi- proven whether the specific activity and the kinetic
lar for all 5 locations. This indicates that a moderate properties are identical in "free" enzyme and enzyme
bronze discoloration, the most commonly observed dis- possibly contained in mixed micelles.
ease symptom, observed on a part of the needles of gen- The RuBP carboxylase activities reported for conifer
erations 3 and especially 4 is not a manifestation of needles from various species are mostly lower than
chlorophyll degradation. ours. On a chlorophyll basis, Gezelius (1975) found
1 260-1 580 nmol CO, (mg chl)"' min"' for young seed-
lings of Pinus silvestris. Beadle et al. (1983) found be-
tween 1 740 and 3 080 nmol CO, (mg chl)"' min"' for a
Discussion selection of 9 different species of coniferous trees, in-
cluding Sitka spruce. However, in a more recent investi-
The success in obtaining a comparably high yield of gation Gezelius and Hallen (1980) obtained values,
RuBP carboxylase activity from Norway spruce needles which are similar to ours: ca 5 000 nmol COj (mg chl)"'
is based on the one hand on two constituents of the ex- min"'.
traction medium and on the other hand on the fact that The enzyme activities given here were measured dur-
tissue homogenization and enzyme extraction were sep- ing June-September. Probably they represent the maxi-
arated. Insoluble PVP (Polyclar AT) binds polyphenolic mum level attainable in the course of a year, and corre-
compounds like tannins, which are abundant in conifer spond to the annual maximum of photosynthesis (Fry
assimilatory tissue (Loomis and Battaille 1966, Soikkeli and Phillips 1977), of structural organization of chloro-
1978) thus protecting the non-denatured state and pre- plasts (Senser et al. 1975, Soikkeli 1978) and of thy-
venting precipitation of cellular proteins. Competition lakoidal pigments (Oquist et al. 1978). Annual fluctua-
between hydrogen bonding of the polyphenols to the tions of RuBP carboxylase activity in Pinus silvestris
native proteins and to the PVP takes place (Loomis and seedlings (Gezelius and Hallen 1980) point in the same
Battaile 1966). Hence, a large excess of PVP over pro- direction.
tein is essential. The separation of the homogenization The kinetic data obtained for a crude preparation of
670 Physiol. Platltarum 70. 19H7
Norway spruce RuBP carboxylase are within the normal Low levels of atmospheric pollutants like SO,, O, and
range. The values for the half saturation constants ( = reactive radicals supposedly inhibit photosynthetic elec-
apparent K J for RuBP and HCO3 of 0.43 and 7.8 mM tron transport thus affecting the pH-gradient and Mg-"^
(= 0.14 mM CO2) respectively, at pH 8.3 (pH optimum) efflux across the thylakoid membranes. Furthermore,
and 7.7 mM Mg'* characterize the crude RuBP car- uncoupling of photophosphorylation and photobleach-
boxylase preparation as the low-affinity form of the en- ing of the chlorophyll complexes may occur (Hallgren
zyme (Miziorko and Lorimer 1983). Gezelius (1975) 1978, Heath 1980, Wellburn et al. 1981). The resulting
and Beadle et al. (1983) reported similar values for suppression of the alkalization of the stroma, the lack of
RuBP carboxylase from other conifers. Gezelius and ATP (and subsequently RuBP) and perhaps of Mg-*
Hallgren (1980), however, observed a K„, (CO,) = 27 may secondarily affect RuBP carboxylase activity in
|iM for properly activated RuBP carboxylase from pine. situ. However, only when the chloroplasts are irrever-
Relatively low rates of CO2 fixation have been repor- sibly damaged the in vitro activity of RuBP carboxylase
ted for conifer needles, ranging from about 0.5 to 1.5 would reflect this impairment. Our negative results indi-
^imol CO2 (g fresh weight)"' min"' (Zelawsky et al. cate that such a severe deterioration of chloroplast func-
1973, Fry and Phillips 1977). Recent investigations give tion is not part of the spruce decline at the locations in-
higher rates of 5 to 10 |xmol CO, (g fresh weight)"' vestigated here.
min"' (recalculated from Lange et al. 1986) for 15- to Photosynthetic CO, fixation may be affected directly
20-year-old Picea abies. These values are in good agree- by inhibition of RuBP carboxylase by SO^". either com-
ment with our data (Tabs 3 and 4). No such agreement is petitively, as shown by Ziegler (1972) for spinach RuBP
observed, however, when the in vivo photosynthetic ca- carboxylase or non-competitively in case of Pinus silves-
pacity of different needle generations is compared with tris (Gezelius and Hallgren 1980). However, even at ex-
their in vitro RuBP carboxylase activity. Generally, the treme ambient SO, levels SO, certainly does not inhibit
rates of photosynthesis decrease with increasing needle photosynthesis by this mechanism of inhibition, because
age (Freeland 1952, Dickman and Kozlowsky 1968, the Kj-values are at ca 5-20 mM and thus several orders
Lange et al. 1986). Mature current needles exhibit the of magnitude beyond the range of heavily polluted air.
highest assimilation rates. In contrast, the RuBP-car- O, concentrations in the range of 500 (ig m"' give a sig-
boxylase activity of current needles is relatively low, nificant reduction in the quantity of RuBP carboxylase
even 2-year-old needles may not have reached the maxi- extracted from alfalfa foliage (Pell and Pearson 1983).
mal activity (Tab. 3). This discrepancy is not easily un- However, any direct effect of O, on RuBP carboxylase
derstood. Stomatal resistance may be increased in older can probably also be excluded for the timber stands in-
needles due to an enhanced accumulation of cuticular vestigated here, since the ambient O, concentrations at
wax particles in the external air cavities. As a result, the C* and E* and even more so at the other locations, are
CO, supply might be insufficient and the rates of pho- ca one order of magnitude lower (with peak values of
tosynthesis could decrease (Ludlow and Jarvis 1971). In about 160 |ig O, mg"^).
addition, a relative excess of RuBP over CO, at high It has been postulated that sublethal doses of multiple
light intensities and concurrent CO, shortage could give stress may lead to premature senescence of conifer nee-
rise to substrate inhibition, when RuBP binds to the en- dles (Mohr 1984, Ziegler 1986). Loss of RuBP carboxyl-
zyme prior to CO, (Dailey and Criddle 1980, Vu et al. ase as an integral part of the senescence process is ob-
1984). Assuming that the in vitro RuBP carboxylase ac- served (Huffacker 1982) concomitantly with chlorophyll
tivity in the current needle generation still suffices to ac- degradation and deterioration of thylakoids (Elstner
count for the in vivo rates of photosynthesis observed, and Osswald 1984). The result of the present investi-
one could speculate that 2- to 4-year-old needles contain gation - no significant decrease of RuBP carboxylase in
more RuBP carboxylase, because the then reduced in- affected trees - indicates that the air pollution-induced
ternal CO, level can only be fully utilized when more senescence phenomena observed in Norway spruce
enzyme molecules are available to compensate for the probably do not (or at least not always) follow the nor-
desreased substrate saturation level of the enzyme as mal physiological and biochemical patterns of leaf se-
governed by K^, (CO,). nescence.
RuBP carboxylase may be involved in several differ-
ent ways in suppression of photosynthesis in Picea abies
needles by air pollution. However, only those effects of Acknowledgements - Gabriele Schweyen assisted in harvesting
environmental stress can be recognized, which cause a the field samples. Valuable advice was obtained from Dr W.
Knabe (Landesanstalt fur Okologie. Landschaftsentwicklung
change in the amount of enzyme or which irreversibly und Forstplanung. Nordrhein-Westfalen) and from Dr B. Prinz
inactivate it. In vitro estimations of RuBP carboxylase (Landesanstalt fur Immissionsschutz. Nordrhein-Westfalen)
activity, carried out under conditions of substrate and with regard to the selection of the field sites. Many local forest
cofactor saturation are not adequate, though, to obtain management authorities were helpful in giving access to spe-
cific timber stands. Financial support was given by the Minister
reliable information about the actual in vivo carboxyla- fur LJmwelt. Raumordnung und Landwirtschafl des Landes
tion rates - unless the in situ metabolic concentrations Nordrhein-Westfalen. To all individuals and institutions who
of all reactants and effectors are known as well. contributed to this work we want to express our gratitude.

Phvsiol. Plantarum 70. 1987 671

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Edited by C. Larsson

672 Phvsiol. Plantarum 70. I9S7

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