Limiting Factors in Photosynthesis: California

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Plant Physiol.

(1980) 65, 114-120

0032-0889/80/65/01 14/09/$00.50/0

Limiting Factors in Photosynthesis

Received for publication July 10, 1978 and in revised form August 25, 1979

Department of Soils and Plant Nutrition, University of California, Berkeley, Calf'ornia 94720

ABSTRACT thetic performance. The attributes measured included Chl and

The possibility of using Fe stress as an experimental tool in the study of
carotenoid contents, maximum rates of photosynthesis, leaf ab-
sorptance and quantum yield, noncycic ATP formation by iso-
limiting factors was explored. Results show that Fe stress decreased the lated chloroplasts, RuBP2 carboxylase activity, leaf and chloro-
chlorophyl (Chi) a, Chi b, carotene, and xanthophyl content of leaves of plast protein, and numbers and volumes of leaf cells and chloro-
sugar beets (Beta vulgaris L.) and that the maximum rate of photosynthetic plasts.
CO2 uptake (Pm..) per unit area was linearly related to Chi (a + b) per
unit area. Measurements of noncycic ATP formation by isolated chloro-
plasts at light saturation indicate that photosynthetic electron transport MATERIALS AND METHODS
capacity decreased concomitantly with pigment content under Fe stress. Plant Culture. Sugar beets (Beta vulgaris L. cv. F58-554H1)
Iron stress decreased Chi per chloroplast but had no effect on the were cultured hydroponically at 25 C, and illuminated at 35,000
number of leaf cells per unit area, average leaf cell volume, number of lux over a 16-h day. The plants were cultured for 2 weeks following
chloroplasts per unit area, or leaf soluble protein per unit area. Average planting in Vermiculite with half-Hoagland solution. They were
chloroplast volume, protein N per chloroplast, and ribulose bisphosphate then transplanted into a culture solution containing (in mM): 2.5
carboxylase activity were diminished by Fe stress but to a lesser extent Ca(NO3)2, 1.0 KH2PO4, 2.5 KNO3, 1.0 MgSO4, and 0.5 NaCl, and
than ChM per chloroplast. The reduction in pigment concentration with Fe (in ,iM) 23.1 B, 4.6 Mn, 0.38 Zn, 0.16 Cu, 0.052 Mo, and 8.95 Fe
stress led to a relatively small decrease in light absorption, the fraction of (as ferric-sodium EDTA complex). After 2 weeks, the plants were
incident light absorbed remaining high (49%) even at very low leaf ChM transferred to solutions with the same composition as above except
contents. There was no apparent change in the quantum yield of attached for Fe, which was withheld; 2 M NaOH and solid CaCO3 were
leaves at low irradiances, but at high irradiances, the capacity to convert added to raise the pH to 8.5.
absorbed light to chemical energy was greatly diminished in Fe-stressed Most of the measurements described below were carried out on
leaves. young, rapidly expanding leaves which were about 150 to 200 cm2
The results suggest: (a) that P..s per unit area are decreased linearly in area.
with ChM per unit area because of a decrease in photochemical capacity Chi and Carotenoids. Total leaf Chl content was determined as
rather than a change in light absorption; and (b) that the effect of Fe stress described previously (25). The leaf carotenoid content was deter-
may be sufficiently specific for it to be used as an experimental tool for the mined as follows (see ref. 7 for the original method). Fresh leaf
control and study of photochemical capacity in vivo. samples (4 g) were blended in 50 ml of a mixture of acetone and
hexane (2:3, v/v) with 0.1 g of sodium ascorbate and 0.1 g MgCO3.
The extract was filtered, washed with water, 9 ml acetone added,
and made up to 100 ml with hexane. The pigments were separated
on a chromatographic column packed with equal parts by weight
of activated magnesia and diatomacious earth with anhydrous
Elucidation of rate-limiting steps in photosynthesis has largely Na2SO4 above the column. The separation of the carotenes was
been approached by the use of chemical agents, such as the completed by washing through with 50 ml of 1:9 (v/v) acetone-
electron transport inhibitor DCMU, and by the use of photosyn- hexane mixture. The xanthophylls were washed through with 50
thetic mutants (12). Relatively few investigators (6, 28) have used to 100 ml of acetone-hexane mixture (1:4, v/v). Each eluate was
mineral nutrient stress as a means of studying limiting factors in made up to 100 ml and A-determined at 436 nm for the carotenes
photosynthesis. In our laboratory we are currently exploring the (E436 = 1.05 x 105 1/mol. cm), or 445 nm for the xanthophylls (E445
possibility that the capacity of parts of the photosynthetic appa- = 1.42 x 105 l/
ratus may be varied independently of other factors by withholding The eluates were separated further by TLC. The major constit-
specific mineral elements from the growing plant. It is eventually uent of the carotene fraction was /3-carotene. The xanthophyll
hoped to use mineral stress (in combination with leaf gas exchange fraction appeared to be a mixture of several xanthophylls which
techniques to measure photosynthesis and control leaf environ- were not identified.
ment) to gain useful information on the quantitative effects of Cell Numbers, Cell Volume. Twenty-four leaf discs (each 0.504
specific internal factors on the rate of photosynthesis. cm2) were selected at random from three or four leaves; 10 discs
Here, we report an investigation into the possibility of using Fe
stress to control photochemical capacity, i.e. the capacity of a leaf 2
Abbreviations: RuBP: ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate; Ii, I., I, It: spectral
to convert absorbed light into chemical energy. The approach quantum flux densities for monochromatic light of wavelength A (incident,
employed was to induce Fe stress in sugar beet plants by with- absorbed, reflected, and transmitted, respectively); AX: absorptance at
holding Fe from the culture solution and then follow the changes wavelength A (Ax = I'Ii); Qi, Qa: total quantum flux densities for PAR
in various leaf attributes which might potentially affect photosyn- over the range 400-700 nm (incident and absorbed, respectively); P: rate
of photosynthetic CO2 uptake; Pma: rate of photosynthetic CO2 uptake
This work was supported by the Beet Sugar Development Foundation. measured at 30 C, 1000 yU CO2 11 air and at optimum irradiance.
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Copyright 1980 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.
were used for determination of fresh and dry weight, 10 for Chl, medium for 5 min prior to the addition of RuBP. Soluble proteins
and the remaining four leaf discs were placed in 3 ml of chromic in the enzyme extract were precipitated by 10%o (w/v) trichloro-
acid (5% w/v) and kept at 4 C for 2 days. The four discs were acetic acid for 10 min, and centrifuged for 5 min at 10,000g. The
broken up by mixing on a Vortex mixer for 60 s, made up to 10 protein was dissolved in 2 ml of 2 M NaOH and measured by the
ml, and an aliquot of cells counted using a hemacytometer. The Lowry method (8) using standard solutions of BSA.
number of cells per leaf and the average leaf cell volume were Absorptance and Quantum Flux Density. Leaf absorptance was
determined as described previously (22). measured in an integrating sphere (50-cm diameter) by the method
Chloroplast Numbers. After the sampling for cell numbers, the described by McSwain and Arnon (11). The interior of the inte-
remaining leaf material was cut into 1-cm2 squares and placed in grating sphere was painted with Eastman 6080 white reflectance
3% glutaraldehyde solution for 48 h at 4 C. The fixed leaf was coating. The monochromatic light entering the sphere had a 10
blended for 15 s in a solution of 4% glutaraldehyde and 0.33 M nm bandwidth, which was obtained by Balzers interference filters,
NaCl, filtered through six layers of fine nylon mesh, and centri- and its intensity was measured by a photomultiplier/volt meter
fuged at 200g for 60 s at 0 C. The pellet was discarded and the unit. The intensity of light entering the sphere, equivalent to Ii,
supernatant centrifuged at 800g for 10 min. The pellet, which was set to the arbitrary value of 100. A small portion of an
from microscopic examination appeared to be predominately individual leaf of measured Chl content was then placed in the
composed of chloroplasts, was resuspended in 5 ml of 0.3 M NaCl. sphere. The light remaining in the sphere after absorption was
One aliquot (1 ml) of the suspension was made up to 5 ml with equal to (Ir + It)/Ii, and absorptance was calculated as Ax = l (I,
100o acetone, centrifuged at 10,000g for 10 min to remove parti- + It)/Ii. In some instances Ir/Ij was determined by placing a black
cles, and the Chl content determined. A second aliquot (0.1-1 ml card directly underneath the leaf portion to absorb transmitted
depending on the number of chloroplasts present) was diluted to light.
10 ml with 0.3 M NaCl solution, mixed, and the number of The total incident quantum flux density for PAR, Qi, is given
chloroplasts counted using a hemacytometer. The number of by 40017 (Ii)dK. It was measured using a Lambda Instruments
chloroplasts per unit leaf area was obtained from the number of LI- 190S quantum sensor.
chloroplasts per unit volume of suspension, and from the Chl Leaf Gas Exchange. The rate of photosynthetic CO2 uptake per
contents per unit volume of chloroplast suspension and per unit unit area was determined on individual attached leaves in the
area of leaf. manner described by Terry (23). The leaf was inserted in the leaf
Chloroplast Volume. The diameters of chloroplasts isolated by chamber and irradiated at a quantum flux density of 100 t,E m-2
the glutaraldehyde-NaCl procedure were measured by microme- s-1 for 1 h. Measurements were made of CO2 uptake, water vapor
ter. The volume of each chloroplast was calculated from the efflux, and leaf temperature. The leaf was then successively irra-
formula for the volume of a prolate spheroid (an ellipse rotated diated at 500, 1,000, 1,500, 2,000, and 3,000 ,uE m-2 s-1 for 1 h at
about its major axis), i.e. 4/3 7rab2, where a and b are each half of each irradiance, unless the leaf was chlorotic, in which case it was
the lengths of the major and minor axes of the chloroplast, irradiated at lower irradiances ranging from 100 to 1,500 MuE m-2
respectively. Twenty chloroplasts were measured per leaf sample. s-1. The ambient CO2 concentration was maintained at 1,000 50
Chloroplast Dry Weight and Protein N. Chloroplasts were ,u CO2 1-1 air, and leaf temperature at 30 0.5 C.
isolated nonaqueously and the dry weight and protein N content Quantum Yield. Quantum yield was estimated from measure-
per chloroplast determined. Three leaves of uniform Chl content ments of the rate of photosynthetic CO2 uptake by an attached
were cut into 1-cm2 squares and mixed. Half of the squares was leaf, Chl/area and Qi as described below. Leaf CO2 efflux was
used for nonaqueous chloroplast isolation and the other half for measured for 1 h in darkness; then, after illuminating the leaf with
measurement of the number of chloroplasts using the glutaralde- red light (see Fig. 7B for emission spectrum), CO2 uptake was
hyde-hemacytometer procedure. measured for 2 h at 25 MLE m-2 s-1 and for 1 h at 50, 75, and 100
The procedure used to isolate chloroplasts nonaqueously was MuE m-2 s-1, respectively. Leaf temperature was 30 0.2 C.
modified from that of Stocking (20) and only essential differences Ambient CO2 concentration was maintained at 300 1 M1 CO2
are presented here. After lyophilizing, the leaf sample was ground 1-1, both in air during the first half of the measuring interval, and
in a carbon tetrachloride-hexane medium (density 1.44 g/ml), in nitrogen for the second half. Quantum yield was calculated as
filtered through glass wool, and centrifuged at 12,000g for 5 min. the slope of the linear plot of P/area with Qa.Qa, which is given
The chloroplasts were removed from the surface of the medium by 400W (Ia)dc, was estimated from Qi using the relationship of
and resuspended in a second carbon tetrachloride-hexane medium Qa/Qi to Chl/area shown in Figure 8A.
with a density of 1.31 g/ml. After determination of Chl content,
the suspension was centrifuged at 3,000g for 5 min; the supernatant
was removed, and its Chl content determined. The Chl content of RESULTS
the pellet was calculated by difference; the pellet was dried at 70 Pigment Composition and Photosynthesis. In control plants the
C and weighed. The chloroplast dry weight/Chl ratio (w/w) was concentration of Fe (see ref. 26 for method of measurement) in
determined. the leaf blade usually ranged from about 2.0 to 3.5 ,umol g-' dry
Soluble nitrogen compounds in the chloroplast pellet were weight, while Chl contents were from 40 to 60 Mug cm2. Values
extracted with 10%o (w/v) trichloroacetic acid. After 10 min the below 40 ,ug cm-2 were obtained by withholding Fe hydroponically
extract and chloroplasts were diluted with distilled H20 and for periods of 3 to 10 days. Young leaves began to develop a
centrifuged at 3,000g for 5 min. The pellet was digested in a chlorotic appearance within 3 to 4 days after Fe was withheld,
solution of equal volumes of concentrated H2SO4 and saturated and by 6 or 7 days most of the young leaves were completely
potassium hydrogen sulfate. The protein N content was deter- yellow. The quantitative relation between Chl content and leaf Fe
mined by liberating N as ammonia from the digest with 40%o (w/ concentration is shown in Figure 1. Chl/area decreased sharply
v) KOH, and titrating with 0.02 N HCI (5). with leaf Fe concentration below 2 ,umol g-'. The ratio of Chl a/
The dry weight per chloroplast was calculated from the ratios Chl b did not change during Fe stress and remained at about 3.2
of chloroplast dry weight/Chl (w/w) and chloroplast numbers/ (w/w).
Chl. Carotene (mainly fl-carotene) and xanthophyll contents de-
RuBP Carboxylase and Soluble Protein. The RuBP carboxylase creased linearly with Chl content during Fe stress (Fig. 2). In
extract was prepared from a chopped leaf sample and its activity control leaves (40-60 ug Chl cm-2) the average molar ratio was
measured according to the method described previously (25) about 0.091 for carotene/Chl and 0.11 for xanthophyll/Chl; as
except that the enzyme was activated in the presence of the assay leaves became severely Fe-stressed these ratios increased to 0.15
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Copyright 1980 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.
116 TERRY Plant Physiol. Vol. 65, 1980
0 and 0.47, respectively. These data show that there was a concom-
itant decrease in the per unit area amounts of all photosynthetic
pigments (Chl a, Chl b, carotene, and xanthophyll) with Fe stress,
N 6C F- 0 but that xanthophyll decreased relatively less than the other
0 0 0 pigments (the proportion of xanthophyll increasing from 6 to 22%
I- 0
by weight).
=L 50k- 0 The rate of photosynthetic CO2 uptake per unit leaf area was
0 000 0 measured at 30 C under optimal conditions of irradiance, CO2
0 0
0 0 supply, nutrition, and leaf age; it is referred to as Pm., and was the
zw 0~~~~~~~~ maximum rate obtainable under these specified experimental
0 401- conditions. The level of irradiance at which P.. was attained

o0 0 0~~

~~~0 varied with the Chl content of the leaf: leaves with smaller ChM
m contents tolerated less irradiance than those with higher Chl
+ 0
30 F- 00 contents (Fig. 3). P. data were, therefore, obtained at irradiances
-J 00 0 appropriate to the Chl content of each leaf. The high ambient CO2
-J 0 00 concentrations used in the photosynthesis measurements (1,000
a. 00 6 ,ul CO2 I1 air) ensured that rates of photorespiration were minimal.
0 20k The data show that Pm./area is linearly related to Chl/area
I 0~~~~
(Fig. 4A). The linear regression of the data is significant to P =
) 0b00 0.001 with a correlation coefficient of 0.95. For ease of discussion
1o0 e 00 the relationship between P./area and Chl/area is referred to as
"lineai" but it should be pointed out that it is almost certainly
slightly curvilinear. Statistically, the fit to the data was improved
s 0 I I
significantly by the addition of a quadratic term to the regression.
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Furthermore, the quadratic regression (y = -4.93 + 2.57 x -
0.014 x2 yielded a negative rather than a positive intercept; a
LEAF Fe CONCENTRATION(pmol g-1 dry wt) negative intercept is more appropriate since P would attain a
FIG. 1. Relation between Chl content and leaf blade Fe concentration negative value (i.e. respiration) when leaves reached very low Chl
(y = 2.29 X3 - 20.1 X2 + 63.4 x - 16.7). contents (<2 lag cm-2).
Although Fe stress decreased the rate of photosynthesis per unit
area, it did not decrease the rate of photosynthesis per unit Chl
A. (Fig. 4B). The rate of photosynthetic CO2 fixation remained high
at 437 98 ,umol CO2 mg Chl-M h-1 throughout the range of leaf
N 4.01- Chl contents. These data suggest that the photosynthetic apparatus
Eu associated with Chl functioned efficiently even at the very low leaf
C3% Chl contents associated with severe Fe stress.
I 3.01- 0 Leaf and Chloroplast Attributes. There are several possible
-J ways in which P,../area might be causally related to Chl/area.
0i 0 First, Fe stress might reduce the number or size of cells resulting
I 0
in less leaf tissue per unit area, thereby decreasing both Chl and
0 0 0 photosynthetic capacity per unit leaf area. Second, Fe stress might
reduce the number or amount of chloroplasts per unit volume leaf
z 1.0 H tissue. A third possibility is that Fe stress might diminish the
x c amount of light-harvesting and electron transport apparatus (i.e.

0 I l Il I -

B. 400
100C) 80
N 4.0 t-
E u 60
Lu 3.0 Un
U) 40
z 0
o 2.0 0

z 20
ci: 0
0 4.0 e
0 0
a0 0A -20
oII I I 0 4000 2000 3000 4000 5000
(.Lg cm-2) FIG. 3. Relation between the rate of photosynthesis and irradiance for
FIG. 2. Relationship between carotenoid pigment content and Chl a high Chi (50 yg cm-) control leaf and for a low Chl (6.4 jtg cm-) Fe-
content under conditions of Fe stress. A: xanthophyll (y = 1.27 + 0.0436 stressed leaf. Photosynthesis was measured as leaf CO2 uptake at 30 C at
x; r = 0.85); B: carotene (y = 0.182 + 0.0508 x; r = 0.94). saturating levels of CO2 supply (1,000 ,ul CO2 1` air).
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Copyright 1980 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.
Table I. Effect of Fe Stress on Some Leaf and Chloroplast Attributes
120 A
Control Fe-stressed Severely Fe-
0 Leaves Leaves stressed
>40 jig Chl 20-40ug Chl <20 ug Chl
1001- 0 cm-2 cm-2 cm-2
WI 0
N= 14 N= 12 N=8
80s- No. of cells/leaf area (106 1.30 +0.30 1.21 0.19 1.35 0.28
.-- 0 C cm2)
l IE
.4Q 00
0 9 00 Mean leaf cell volume (10-8 2.64 0.75 2.78 0.61 2.75 0.90
00 cm3)
No. of chloroplasts/leaf area 1.02 0.19 0.91 0.21 0.89 0.18
0~~~~~ (108 cm-)
00 No. of chloroplasts/cell 72 32 77 9 83 24
Average chloroplast volume 42 8.3 37 12 21 7.3
0 (A)
20 Soluble protein/leaf area (mg 0.57 0.08 0.56 0.07 0.53 0.07
N=6 N=6 N=7
I l I Nonaqueously isolated:
B Dry wt/chloroplast (pg) 30.1 5.2 23.0 4.8 17.4 8.1
E Protein N/chloroplast (pg) 1.88 0.37 1.34 0.25 1.24 0.46
E 800 0
_ 600
x 400 0.8
4 _ 0-o 0
0- o 200
U- 0
l I I I I
10 20 30 40 50 60 0.61 o
FIG. 4. Relationship between maximum photosynthesis and Chl con- 0

tent under conditions of Fe stress. A: rate expressed per unit leaf area (y 0
cx 0.4
= 4.97 + 1.69 x; r = 0.95); B: rate expressed per unit Chl (y = 482 - 1.53 -J,
x; r = -0.26). C-)
membranes, pigments, reaction centers and electron carriers, etc.)
per chloroplast. The latter possibility might result in a reduction 0 00
in light absorption, or, photochemical capacity. These possibilities
were explored experimentally.
The data show that Fe stress did not affect the number of cells/ 2.4
leaf area or average leaf cell volume, nor did it change the number 0 0~~~~~~ 0
of chloroplasts/area or per cell (Table I). In an earlier experiment
it was observed that for sugar beet leaves of comparable size and 4.6 [ _0 00
development, Fe stress had no effect on fresh weight/area, leaf 0
thickness, or leaf tissue volume, i.e. volume exclusive of leaf Q-j
intercellular air space (24). Collectively, these data imply that Fe ~-0
stress did not diminish Chl/area and photosynthetic capacity via
an effect on the amount of leaf tissue, or the number of chloro-
plasts per unit area. cr-0~~~~~
There was some evidence that Fe stress reduced the size of 24 00 0O0B0
chloroplasts. Direct measurement of the radii of the individual 8 O
chloroplasts yielded an estimated volume which was smaller for 00 00
severely Fe-stressed than for mildly stressed or control leaves 161 ~jN 00
(Table I). In order to obtain an alternative measure of chloroplast 0 0,1 01 1 l
size, chloroplasts were isolated nonaqueously and the dry weight
per chloroplast determined; these data show a progressive decrease 8

in chloroplast weight with Fe stress (Table I). However, chloro-

plasts isolated in this manner may have variable amounts of
starch, which complicates interpretation of the data. In an attempt
to overcome this problem, the amount of protein N per chloroplast 10 20 30 40 50 60
was measured to provide a measure of chloroplast size, which was CHLOROPHYLL (A+B) CONTENT (p. cm-2 )
independent of fluctuations in starch content; these data show that
Fe stress had less effect on chloroplast protein N content (34% FIG. 5. Changes in three chloroplast attributes with leaf Chl content
decrease) than on chloroplast dry weight (42% decrease). under conditions of Fe stress. A: amount of Chl per chloroplast (y 0.025 =

The reduction in Chl/area was due to a decrease in Chl/ + 0.01 x; r = 0.88); B: amount of protein N per chloroplast (y 0.99 + =

chloroplast (Fig. 5A). Thus, the relation of P,/area with Chl/ 0.016 x; r = 0.65); C: per unit leaf area rate of CO2 fixation by extracted
area is more specifically a relation between P../area and Chl/ RuBP carboxylase (y = 12.5 + 0.13 x; r = 0.65).
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118 TERRY Plant Physiol. Vol. 65, 1980



664 ~~~~~~~~~E

0.2 630
m522 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LLJ
0L 10 20 30 4 0 6

0 IZ
0 10 20 30 40 50 60


(p.g cm-2 )
FIG. 6. Relation between leaf absorptance and Chl content at different
wavelengths of monochromatic light. Except at 699 nm, data points are
excluded for clarity.
400 500 600 700
chloroplast. Both of these latter two attributes decreased by about WAVELENGTH (nm)
80% as Fe stress became severe. The decreases in chloroplast FIG. 7. Spectral distribution of quantum flux density. A: white light
protein and RuBP carboxylase activity were less, about 301% (Fig. source; B: red light source used in determining quantum yields. The
5, B and C), while leaf-soluble protein, up to 45% of which may estimated spectral distribution of absorbed quantum flux density, Ia, is
be RuBP carboxylase (16), exhibited no decrease (Table I). These shown for two leaves irradiated with white light. Leaf I was a control leaf
data imply that the decrease in Pma/area was more likely to have containing 54 ,jg Chl cm-2 while leaf 2 was an Fe-stressed leaf of similar
been related to an effect of Fe stress on the light-harvesting and size and development containing 6.8 jug Chl cm-2.
electron transport apparatus than to an effect on the capacity of
the stromal enzymes for CO2 fixation and reduction. more efficient absorbers of light energy than are pigment solutions
Light Absorption and Photochemical Capacity. The apparent of comparable concentration. This is because of the increase in
correlation between Pm./area and Chl/chloroplast under condi- the effective path length which results from the multiple reflections
tions of Fe stress suggests that photosynthetic capacity may have and scattering of light as it passes through the leaf (1). The results
been causally related to light-harvesting pigment content in two of the present work are consistent with those obtained by Bjork-
possible ways. First, the reduction in pigment content could have man (1) who obtained absorptances (at 673 nm) of 0.89 and 0.85
diminished photosynthesis by decreasing light absorption. The at Chl contents of 49 and 25 ,ug cm-2, respectively. In the present
second possibility is that Fe stress reduced the amount of the investigation, comparable absorptances of 0.93 and 0.88 at corre-
entire light-harvesting and electron transport apparatus, including sponding Chl contents were obtained (Fig. 6).
reaction centers and electron carriers, and that photosynthesis was P.. was measured using a xenon arc illumination system which
decreased because of a decrease in photochemical capacity. Thus, provided a source of white light. The emission spectrum of the
Fe-stressed leaves with low pigment content may have absorbed white light source (and the red light source in the case of quantum
light energy at a fairly high rate but perhaps were less able to yield) was obtained using an ISCO spectroradiometer (Fig. 7).
convert the absorbed light to chemical energy. The absorption spectrum for a leaf of a given Chl content was
The effect of pigment content on light absorption was investi- then estimated using the Ax values. Absorption spectra determined
gated by measuring absorptances of leaves with different Chl in this way are shown for two different leaves in Figure 7A. By
contents. Absorptance of monochromatic light at all wavelengths integrating the spectral quantum flux density (from the area under
decreased with decrease in the content of Chl and carotenoids, the each curve) over 400-700 nm wavelength it was possible to obtain
extent of the reduction depending on the wavelength of incident a value for Qa/Qi, the proportion of the total incident quantum
light (Fig. 6). The absorption of green light (e.g. 546 nm) and the flux density which was absorbed.
longer wavelengths of red light (e.g. 699 nm) was strongly dimin- The ratio, Q1/Qi, was calculated for leaves of different Chl
ished with decrease in pigment content while the absorption of contents (Fig. 8A). The absorption of white light was substantial
blue light at 437 nm and red light at 661, 673, and 683 nm was far even in leaves with very low ChM contents (Fig. 8A), e.g. an Fe-
less affected. stressed leaf with 5 jig Chl cm-2 absorbed 49%o of the incident
It is perhaps surprising that absorptance decreased so little, quantum flux compared to 81% for a control leaf with 10 times
especially at red wavelengths, with the large reduction in Chl the Chl content. These data suggest that it is unlikely that the
content (Fig. 6). However, although the Beer-Lambert Law for
light absorption by a homogeneous pigment solution indicates
that absorbance increases proportionately with pigment concen- that absorbance (logio Ii/It) is equal to ecb, where e = molar absorption
tration, absorptance is not proportional3. Furthermore, leaves are coefficient,c = pigment concentration, and b = path length of light.
However, absorptance for such a solution (i.e. [Ij - It/li) is equal to I -
3The Beer-Lambert Law for a homogeneous pigment solution states 10"b and is therefore not directly proportional to c.
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Copyright 1980 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.
ecule' s-' and fixed only 0.020 molecules C02/absorbed quan-
tum. Thus, at a fairly high irradiance of 1,000 ,uE m 2 S (about
m -~xs ~~one half of full sunlight), the Fe-stressed low Chl leaf absorbed
1RED LIGHT SOURCE quanta faster per Chl than the high Chl leaf, but was much less
0.6 / -~ efficient in utilizing the absorbed quanta in photosynthesis.
10 The rate of noncycic ATP formation by isolated chloroplasts
at light saturation was not diminished by Fe stress, and there was
0 no uncoupling of photophosphorylation from electron transport.
The rate expressed per unit leaf area, however, decreased curvilin-
0.2 early with Chl/area (Fig. 8C). This suggests that as Fe stress
o decreased Chl/area, there was a concomitant decrease in the per
0~~ unit leaf area capacity for photosynthetic electron transport. This
l I may have been responsible for the decrease in Pm.,/area with
0 0 Chl/area.
O 0 0<2 >_
.100 0 O 000 0 0 B CM/area. DISCUSSION
a Iron stress has a pronounced effect on the formation of the
light-harvesting and electron transport apparatus of the chloro-
a-) plast. Iron stress diminished the per chloroplast amounts of all
photosynthetic pigments, there being correlative decreases in Chl
0 C a, Chl b, carotene, and xanthophyll. Similar correlative decreases
in Chl and carotenoid pigments with Fe stress were observed in
0 0 potato (3) and barley (10). The reduction in light-harvesting
Z-6 pigment content was accompanied by an apparent reduction in
photosynthetic electron transport, suggesting that Fe stress may
, 0 O O have decreased the content of electron carriers along with pig-
<Z _
0 ments; subsequently, P700 and Cyt f were shown to decrease
0 0 proportionately with ChM/area under Fe stress (19). Electron
0 microscope studies show that Fe stress markedly reduces the
O." number of granal and stromal lamellae in chloroplasts of corn
l0 20 30 40 50 60 (21), tomato, spinach, and maize (27) and Xanthium (2), as well as
sugar beets (19), while Machold (9) showed that Fe chlorosis was
CHL-OROPHYLL (A+ B) CONTENT (rig cm2) associated with a substantial reduction in Chl-protein complexes.
FIG. 8. ChangesinlLight absorption, quantum yield, and photosynthetic Thus, Fe stress may affect the entire light-harvesting and electron
electron transport with leaf Chl content under conditions of Fe stress. A: transport apparatus, including lamellae, pigment complexes, re-
proportion of incident total quantum flux density absorbed by leaves of action centers, and electron carriers.
different Chl contents (the relation of Qd/Qj ChM/area
with for red light, The Fe stress effect on the light-harvesting and electron trans-
broken line, was used to estimate quantum yield);B: quantum yield of port apparatus appeared to be remarkably specific, as Fe stress
attached leaves irradiatLed with red lightin the absence of 02; C: per unit had no effect on several attributes of leaf growth. The number of
leaf area rate of light ,-saturated noncyclic ATP formation by isolated cells per unit leaf area, average leaf cell volume, soluble leaf
chloroplasts (potassium Lferricyanide as electron acceptor [25]). protein, and numbers of chloroplasts per unit leaf area were not
affected even by severe Fe stress. Iron stress did decrease chloro-
plast volume, chloroplast protein content, and RuBP carboxylase
decrease in light ab.sorption which accompanied the 10-fold de- activity to some extent, but to a much smaller degree than it
crease in Chl/area would be large enough to account for the decreased pigment content or photosynthetic electron transport.
observed reduction iin Pmax/area under conditions of Fe stress. Iron stress effects may be more severe than those reported here.
The effect of Fe stress on the photochemical conversion of Shetty and Miller (17) and Perur et al. (14) showed that Fe stress
absorbed light was e:xplored by determining the quantum yield of considerably reduced the protein content of chloroplasts (but not
attached leaves irradliated with red light (Fig. 8B). The data show cytoplasmic protein), while Stocking (21) found that RuBP car-
that quantum yield, which was about 0.10 mol C02/E, was not boxylase activity was much reduced in corn. Oquist (13) showed
altered by Fe stress even
4 though Chl/area decreased to less than that Fe stress impaired several photosynthetic components of
20%o of the control. 1rhus, at low values of Qi severely Fe-stressed Anacystis nidulans. These apparently wide ranging effects of Fe
leaves were able to a bsorb a fairly high proportion of the incident stress could be attributed to differences between species in their
quantum flux and 1photochemically process it as efficiently as response to Fe stress, or to the severity of Fe stress imposed. On
control leaves. the other hand, Bottrill et al. (4) and Spencer and Possingham
As Qi increased, hi owever, Fe-stressed leaves, while still absorb- (18) found that Fe stress did not depress photosynthetic activity
ing a high proportiora of Qi, were less able to utilize photosynthet- per unit Chl in spinach and tomato, respectively.
ically the incoming quanta. This may be illustrated by considering Price and Carell (15) showed that although the rate of Chl
the photosynthesis d;ata for the high and low ChM leaves shown in synthesis in Euglena gracilis was rapidly affected after Fe was
Figure 3. At a Qi of ] 1,000 ,uE m-2 s- , the high Chl leaf fixed CO2 withheld, the rate of growth and the activities of several enzymes
at a rate of 38.2 pmoA CO2 m-2 s-1 while the rate for the low Chl proceeded normally. A similar study with sugar beets showed that
leaf was 10.6 utmol C 02 m-2 s-'. Using the relation between Qa/Qi Chl production by young leaves ceased almost immediately when
and Chl/area for wh ite light (Fig. 8A), one can estimate that the Fe was withheld but that the leaves continued to expand at a
high Chl leaf probalbly absorbed about 810 ,IE m-2 s-' and the constant rate; when Fe was resupplied the leaves regreened within
low Chl leaf 530 ,uE m s From calculations based on these 48 h (24). These two studies illustrate both the specificity of the
data, one can show that the high Chl leaf absorbed 1.45 quanta Fe stress effect, and that it is reversible.
per molecule Chl peir second and fixed 0.047 CO2 molecules per Since Pl,,1/area was determined under essentially nonlimiting
absorbed quantum. I rhe low ChM leaf absorbed 7.35 quanta mol- environmental conditions, the rate of photosynthesis was limited
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Copyright 1980 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.
120 TERRY Plant Physiol. Vol. 65, 1980
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