Auerbach Catalog

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l e r a

a u e r b a c h

sikorski musikverlage hamburg

sik 4/5630

co n t e n t s

LERA AU ERBAC H  (i n e n g l i s h)  ········································ 6

LERA AU ERBAC H  (i n g e r m a n)  ········································· 9

sta ge WO RKS  · ··································································· 12

ORC HESTRAL W O RKS   ······················································· 15
CHAMB ER MU SIC   ······························································· 30
SOLO WORKS   ······································································ 50
CHO RAL W ORKS  ································································ 60
MUS IC FO R THE YO UNG   · ··············································· 71

CHR ONOLOG ICAL i ndex   · ············································· 72

ALPHAB ETICAL I NDEX   ····················································· 77
discog raphy   ··································································· 82

sikorski Musikverlage
20139 hamburg
phone: (+ 49) (0)40 / 41 41 00-0 · fax: (+ 49) (0)40 / 41 41 00-41 · [email protected]

2 4 n o v e mb e r   2 0 2 1

cover photo © friedrun reinhold

l e ra aue rba c h

Lera Auerbach, the Russian-American composer, poet, writer, visual artist and concert
pianist who performs regularly in major halls throughout the world, has published more
than 100 works for orchestra, opera and ballet, as well as choral and chamber music. Au-
erbach was born in the Russian city of Chelyabinsk on the border of Siberia. As pianist and
composer, she graduated with bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the Juilliard School
in New York and received her post-graduate degree as a concert pianist from the Hanover
University of Music, Drama and Media in Germany.

Her compositions are performed worldwide by leading musicians, including violinists Gi-
don Kremer, Leonidas Kavakos, Vadim Gluzman, Philippe Quint, Hilary Hahn, Vadim
Repin, Daniel Hope, Julian Rachlin, Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg and Dmitry Sitkovetsky;
violists Kim Kashkashian and David Aaron Carpenter; cellists Alisa Weilerstein, Gautier
Capuçon and David Geringas; and singers Zoryana Kushpler, Natalia Ushakova, Martin
Winkler, Nikita Storojev and Stella Grigorian, among many others. Auerbach has written
eight string quartets that have been championed by the Tokyo, Borromeo, Parker, Jasper,
Ying, Peterson, Artemis, Granados and RTÉ Vanbrugh string quartets.

Auerbach's works for orchestra are performed by the world’s leading conductors, inclu-
ding Christoph Eschenbach, Vladimir Fedoseyev, Vladimir Spivakov, Neeme Järvi, Vladi-
mir and Dmitri Jurowski, Charles Dutoit, Andris Nelsons, András Keller, Hiroyuki Iwaki,
Osmo Vänskä and Tõnu Kaljuste.

Choreographers and stage directors such as John Neumeier, Aszure Barton, Goyo Monte-
ro, Terence Kohler, Sol León, Paul Lightfoot, Medhi Walerski, Reginaldo Oliveira, Christi-
ne Milietz, and John La Bouchardière have staged Auerbach’s ballets and operas, which
have been produced in major theaters on every continent, including the Hamburg State
Opera, Vienna’s Theater an der Wien, New York‘s Lincoln Center, the National Ballet of
Canada, the National Ballet of China, the Royal Danish Theater, the Nuremberg State The-
ater, the Finnish National Theater, Moscow’s Stanislavsky Theater, the Netherlands Dance
Theatre, the San Francisco Ballet and numerous others.

Auerbach has been composer-in-residence with various orchestras and music festivals,
including the Staatskapelle Dresden (Germany), São Paulo Symphony (Brazil), Orchestra
Ensemble Kanazawa (Japan), Concerto Budapest Symphony Orchestra (Hungary), New
Century Chamber Orchestra (USA), Verbier Festival (Switzerland), Trondheim Festival
(Norway), Marlboro Festival (USA), Musikfest Bremen (Germany), Lockenhaus Festival
(Austria) and Pacific Music Festival (Japan). In 2015, Auerbach is composer-in-residence
at the Trans-Siberian Art Festival and the Rheingau Musik Festival in Germany.
CD and DVD releases of Auerbach's works are available on the Deutsche Grammophon,
ECM, ARTE, PBS, BIS, Capriccio and Cedille labels.
Auerbach is equally prolific in literature and has published three books of poetry in Rus-
sian. Gérard Depardieu, Sergei Yursky and Evgeny Kissin have been reciting her poems in
performances; Sergei Yursky also recorded a poetry CD from her book, Stairs to Eternity,
and has written the foreword for her Hanover Notebooks. Auerbach’s poetry and prose is
included in various anthologies, as well as in the textbook of required reading for Russi-
an high school literature classes. In 1996, the International Pushkin Society in New York
named her Poet of the Year. In 1997, Doctor of philological sciences Vyacheslav Okeansky
published a treatise on her poetry: ‘Concealment as the essence of the poetic word (Lunar
Mysteria in the Poetry of Lera Auerbach)’. She is the author of several librettos and is a
regular contributor to the Best American Poetry blog. In her first English-language book,
Excess of Being, published by Arch Street Press in 2015, she revitalizes the form of aphoris-
ms. Her writing is provocative, dark, ironic and humorous, perceptively dealing with life’s
kaleidoscopic questions.

Auerbach often gives poetry readings (in Russian and English), presentations and talks, as
well as master classes in various venues, including Harvard University, University of Mi-
chigan, Cleveland Institute, Open Society Institute in New York, Tokyo University, World
Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Music Center of Budapest, Hungary and the poe-
try festival of West Cork, Ireland, as well as festivals in Verbier, Aspen, Marlboro, Sapporo
and others.

Auerbach has been drawing and sketching all her life as part of her creative process. In
2009, after a devastating fire destroyed her studio in New York, she started prolifically pain-
ting and sculpting. Her art has been included in several exhibitions and, in 2013, she had
her first solo exhibition in Norway. Her paintings are included in private collections, sold
in auctions, reproduced in magazines, and used on the covers of CDs and books.

Auerbach’s opera, G o g o l , for which she wrote both the libretto and music, received its
highly acclaimed world premiere in Vienna in 2011. Two of her oil paintings, related to this
opera, were sold in the Gogol exhibition held in Moscow that year. Her groundbreaking
a cappella opera, The Blind, has received productions in Germany, Norway, Russia, the
United States and Austria.

Auerbach’s ballet, T h e L i t t l e M e r m a i d , was the winner of a 2012 ECHO Klassik

award for Best Music DVD. It also received two Golden Mask awards and has been per-
formed over 250 times worldwide. Auerbach’s first collaboration with choreographer John
Neumeier, the ballet P r é l u d e s CV, was recently revived to commemorate the 40th an-
niversary of the Hamburg Ballet. In 2014, on a commission by the Hamburg State Theater
and the Moscow Stanislavsky Theater, Auerbach composed a two-act ballet, T a t i a n a ,
after Pushkin’s Evgeny Onegin.
Auerbach has also collaborated with the Netherlands Dance Theatre and its choreogra-
phers Sol León and Paul Lightfoot on S h i n e a L i g h t ; with Goyo Montero on D o n
J u a n and F a u s t for the Staatstheater Nürnberg; with Aszure Barton on W a t c h H e r
for the National Ballet of Canada; with Tim Plegge on M o m o and Reginaldo Oliveira
on M y t h o s for the Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe; and with Terence Kohler on four
ballets: H e r o e s for the Munich State Ballet, T a k e Y o u r T i m e for the Chinese Na-
tional Ballet, 1 1 : 1 1 for the Flanders National Ballet and C i n d e r e l l a for the Finnish
National Ballet.

Other recent highlights include Auerbach’s oratorio, I n P r a i s e o f P e a c e , commissi-

oned for the 20th anniversary of the Verbier Festival, the multilingual R e q u i e m – O d e
t o P e a c e for the Staatskapelle Dresden, the string symphony M e m o r i a d e l a l u z ,
her vast R u s s i a n R e q u i e m , two violin concertos, a double concerto for violin, pi-
ano and orchestra, Symphonies Nos. 1, C h i m e r a , and 2, R e q u i e m f o r a P o e t ,
G a l l o w s S o n g s for saxophone quartet and chorus, and several symphonic poems:
P o s t s i l e n t i u m , E t e r n i d a y and D r e a m s a n d W h i s p e r s o f P o s e i d o n .

Auerbach has received numerous awards, including the prestigious Hindemith Prize, the
Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship, the Deutschlandfunk Young Artists Prize and the ECHO
Klassik award, among others. The World Economic Forum selected Auerbach in 2007 as
a Young Global Leader and in 2014 as a Cultural Leader, inviting her to give presentations
and discussions on the fascinating topic of borderless creativity.

l era aue rba c h

Die russisch-amerikanische Komponistin, Dichterin, Schriftstellerin, bildende Künstlerin

und Konzertpianistin Lera Auerbach, die regelmäßig in den großen Konzertsälen der Welt
auftritt, hat mehr als 100 Werke für Orchester, Oper und Ballett sowie Chor- und Kammer-
musik veröffentlicht. Auerbach wurde in der russischen Stadt Tscheljabinsk an der Grenze
zu Sibirien geboren. Als Pianistin und Komponistin absolvierte sie die Juilliard School mit
dem Bachelor- und Masterexamen und legte das Konzertexamen im Fach Klavier an der
Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien in Hannover ab.

Ihre Kompositionen werden weltweit von führenden Musikern aufgeführt, u.a. von den
Geigern Gidon Kremer, Leonidas Kavakos, Vadim Gluzman, Philippe Quint, Hilary Hahn,
Vadim Repin, Daniel Hope, Julian Rachlin, Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg und Dmitri Sit-
kovetsky, den Bratschisten Kim Kashkashian und David Aaron Carpenter, den Cellisten
Alisa Weilerstein, Gautier Capuçon und David Geringas, den Sängern Zoryana Kushpler,
Natalia Ushakova, Martin Winkler, Nikita Storojev und Stella Grigorian und von vielen
anderen. Auerbach hat acht Streichquartette geschrieben, die von den Tokyo, Borromeo,
Parker, Jasper und Ying Quartets, den Petersen-, Artemis- und Granados-Quartetten so-
wie dem RTE Vanbrugh String Quartet präsentiert wurden.

Auerbachs Orchesterwerke werden von weltweit führenden Dirigenten wie Christoph

Eschenbach, Wladimir Fedossejew, Vladimir Spivakov, Neeme Järvi, Vladimir und Dmitri
Jurowski, Charles Dutoit, Andris Nelsons, András Keller, Hiroyuki Iwaki, Osmo Vänskä
und Tõnu Kaljuste aufgeführt.

Choreographen und Regisseure wie John Neumeier, Aszure Barton, Goyo Montero,
Terence Kohler, Sol León, Paul Lightfoot, Medhi Walerski, Reginaldo Oliveira, Christi-
ne Mielitz und John La Bouchardière haben Auerbach-Ballette und -Opern inszeniert,
die an bedeutenden Häusern auf allen Kontinenten produziert wurden, u.a. an der Ham-
burgischen Staatsoper, am Theater an der Wien, Lincoln Center New York, Kanadischen
Nationalballett, Königlichen Dänischen Theater, Nürnberger Staatstheater, Finnischen Na-
tionaltheater, Stanislawski-Theater Moskau, Niederländischen Tanztheater, San Francisco
Ballet und an vielen anderen Häusern.

Auerbach war Composer in residence bei verschiedenen Orchestern und Musikfestivals,

u.a. bei der Staatskapelle Dresden, dem Sinfonieorchester von Sao Paulo (Brasilien), dem
Orchestra Ensemble Kanazawa (Japan), dem Sinfonieorchester Concerto Budapest (Un-
garn), dem New Century Chamber Orchestra (USA), beim Verbier Festival (Schweiz), dem
Trondheim Festival (Norwegen), Marlboro Festival (USA), Musikfest Bremen, Lockenhaus
Festival (Österreich) und beim Pacific Music Festival (Japan). Im Jahr 2015 ist Auerbach
Composer in residence beim Trans-Siberian Art Festival und beim Rheingau Musik Festival
in Deutschland.
CD- und DVD-Veröffentlichungen von Auerbachs Werken liegen auf den Labels Deutsche
Grammophon, ECM, ARTE, PBS, BIS, Capriccio und Cedille vor.

Auerbach ist in gleicher Weise auch literarisch produktiv. So hat sie drei Lyrikbände in rus-
sischer Sprache veröffentlicht. Gérard Depardieu, Sergej Jurski und Jewgeni Kissin haben
ihre Gedichte in Aufführungen rezitiert, und Sergej Jurski hat Gedichte aus ihrem Buch
,Stufen zur Ewigkeit‘ für eine CD aufgenommen und das Vorwort zu ihren ,Hannover-
Heften‘ geschrieben. Auerbachs Poesie und Prosa sind in verschiedenen Sammlungen
enthalten und zählen zur Pflichtlektüre für Literaturkurse an russischen Oberschulen.
1996 ernannte sie die Internationale Puschkin-Gesellschaft in New York zur Dichterin des
Jahres. Im Jahre 1997 schrieb Vyacheslav Okeansky, Doktor der Philologie, eine Abhand-
lung über ihre Lyrik: ,Das Geheimnisvolle als Essenz des poetischen Wortes (Die lunaren
Mysterien in der Lyrik von Lera Auerbach)‘. Sie hat mehrere Libretti verfasst und liefert
regelmäßig Beiträge zum Blog ,Best American Poetry‘. In ihrem ersten englischsprachigen
Buch mit dem Titel ,Excess of Being‘, erschienen 2015 bei Arch Street Press, wiederbelebt
sie die Form des Aphorismus. Ihr Stil ist provokativ, düster, ironisch und humorvoll und
behandelt scharfsinnig die vielfältigen Fragen des Lebens.

Auerbach gibt oft Dichterlesungen (in russischer und englischer Sprache), führt Präsen-
tationen durch und hält Vorträge sowie Meisterkurse an verschiedenen Orten wie z.B.
Harvard University, University of Michigan, Cleveland Institute, Open Society Institute
in New York, Universität Tokio, beim Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos, im Musikzentrum
Budapest, beim Poesiefestival im irischen West Cork sowie auf den Festivals von Verbier,
Aspen, Marlboro, Sapporo u.a.

Ein Bestandteil von Auerbachs kreativem Prozess ist in ihrem Leben stets das Zeichnen
und das Skizzieren gewesen. Nachdem ein verheerender Brand im Jahre 2009 ihr New Yor-
ker Arbeitszimmer vernichtet hatte, begann sie verstärkt mit Malerei und Bildhauerei. Ihre
Kunst ist Teil mehrerer Ausstellungen gewesen, und 2013 hatte sie schließlich ihre erste
eigene Ausstellung in Norwegen. Ihre Bilder finden sich in Privatsammlungen, werden auf
Auktionen verkauft, in Zeitschriften abgedruckt und auf CD-Covern und Buchumschlägen

Auerbachs Oper G o g o l , für die sie sowohl das Libretto als auch die Musik schrieb,
erlebte ihre viel umjubelte Uraufführung 2011 in Wien. Zwei ihrer Ölgemälde, die sich
auf die Oper beziehen, wurden in der Gogol-Ausstellung verkauft, die in jenem Jahr in
Moskau stattfand. Ihre originelle A-cappella-Oper T h e B l i n d wurde in Deutschland,
Norwegen, Russland, den Vereinigten Staaten und in Österreich inszeniert.

Auerbachs Ballett D i e k l e i n e M e e r j u n g f r a u gewann 2012 einen ECHO Klassik
als beste Musik-DVD. Es wurde auch mit zwei ,Goldenen Masken‘ ausgezeichnet und
weltweit bisher über 250 Mal aufgeführt. Auerbachs erste Zusammenarbeit mit dem Cho-
reographen John Neumeier, das Ballett P r é l u d e s CV, wurde kürzlich anlässlich des
40jährigen Bestehens des Hamburg Balletts wiederaufgenommen. Im Jahre 2014 kompo-
nierte Auerbach im Auftrag der Hamburgischen Staatsoper und des Moskauer Stanislaw-
ski-Theaters das zweiaktige Ballett T a t j a n a nach Puschkins ,Eugen Onegin‘.

Auerbach hat auch mit dem Niederländischen Tanztheater und dessen Choreographen
Sol León und Paul Lightfoot bei der Produktion S h i n e a L i g h t zusammengearbeitet,
ferner mit Goyo Montero bei D o n J u a n und F a u s t am Staatstheater Nürnberg, mit
Aszure Barton bei W a t c h H e r für das Kanadische Nationalballett, mit Tim Plegge bei
M o m o und mit Reginaldo Oliveira bei M y t h o s für das Badische Staatstheater Karlsru-
he. Ferner mit Terence Kohler bei vier Balletten: H e r o e s für das Münchner Staatsballett,
T a k e Y o u r T i m e für das Chinesische Nationalballett, 1 1 : 1 1 für das Flämische Na-
tionalballett und bei C i n d e r e l l a für das Finnische Nationalballett.

Zu den weiteren Höhepunkten der jüngsten Zeit zählen Auerbachs Oratorium L o b d e s

F r i e d e n s , ein Auftragswerk zum 20jährigen Bestehen des Verbier Festivals, das mehr-
sprachige R e q u i e m – O d e a n d e n F r i e d e n für die Staatskapelle Dresden,
die Streichersinfonie M e m o r i a d e l a l u z , ihr großangelegtes R u s s i s c h e s R e -
q u i e m , zwei Violinkonzerte, ein Doppelkonzert für Violine, Klavier und Orchester, die
Sinfonien Nr. 1 (C h i m e r a) und Nr. 2 (R e q u i e m f ü r e i n e n D i c h t e r), G a l -
g e n l i e d e r für Saxophonquartett und Chor sowie mehrere sinfonische Poeme: P o s t
s i l e n t i u m , E t e r n i d a y und D r e a m s a n d W h i s p e r s o f P o s e i d o n .

Auerbach erhielt zahlreiche Auszeichnungen, darunter den angesehenen Hindemith-

Preis, die Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship, den Förderpreis des Deutschlandfunks und
den ECHO-Preis. Das Weltwirtschaftsforum wählte Auerbach 2007 als Young Global Lea-
der aus und 2014 als Cultural Leader, verbunden mit einer Einladung zu Vorträgen und
Diskussionen über das faszinierende Thema einer grenzenlosen Kreativität.

s ta g e w o rk s

T H E BLI ND  Op. 58 2001

A cappella opera for 12 voices. Libretto (in English) by Lera Auerbach based on
Maurice Maeterlinck’s ‘Les Aveugles’
2 sopranos, 2 mezzo-sopranos, 2 contraltos, 2 tenors, 2 baritones, 2
basses (6 leading voices and supporting chorus)
Duration: 35’
Première: 13 October 2011, Berlin (Kammeroper)
Vocalconsort Berlin – Philip Mayers (conductor) – Cornelia Heger (director)

pre lu des c & v 2003

Ballet (Choreographisches Skizzenbuch [Choreographical Sketchbook]) in two
parts by John Neumeier using Auerbach’s Tw e n t y - F o u r P r e l u d e s f o r
V i o l o n c e l l o a n d P i a n o Op. 47 [‘C’] and Tw e n t y - F o u r P r e l u d e s
f o r V i o l i n a n d P i a n o Op. 46 [‘V’].
Dedicated to Catherine Kilser Siebert
Première: 22 June 2003, Hamburg
Soloists and corps de ballet of The Hamburg Ballet – Ani Aznavoorian (violoncel-
lo) – Vadim Gluzman (violin) – Lera Auerbach [Op. 47] and Angela Yoffe [Op. 46]
(piano) – John Neumeier (choreographer, stage design and costumes)

t he litt le m ermai d Op. 80 2004/2007

Ballet in 3 acts by John Neumeier after Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy-tale
Dedicated to John Neumeier
Commissioned by The Royal Danish Ballet
d r a m at i s p e r s o n a e : Poet – Little Mermaid – Edvard / Prince – Henrietta /
Princess – Sea-Wizard
Wedding guests – Magic shadows – Sisters of the Mermaid – The Sea –
Naval Officers – Sailors – School friends of Princess – Nuns, Passengers
– Stewards – Bridesmaids
· copenhagen version

3(picc, recorder, alto fl).3(cor anglais).4(bass cl, alto sax).3(db bn) –

4.3.3(bass tbn).1 – timp. 4 perc (tgl, crot, flex, whistle, temple bl, tam-
bourine, bass dr, ant.cym, bells, tam-t, glsp, xyl, vibr, music saw). 2 harps.
termenvox. piano. hpd. electronic org. strings
Première: 15 April 2005, Copenhagen
Soloists and corps de ballet of The Royal Danish Ballet – Orchestra of The Royal
Danish Theatre – Graham Bond (conductor) – John Neumeier (choreographer)

s ta g e w orks

th e li tt le mermai d , Op. 80  [ c o n t i n u e d ]

· hamburg version

3(picc, 2 recorders, alto fl).3(cor anglais).3(bass cl).alto sax).3(db bn) –

4.3. 3(bass tbn).1 – timp. 4 perc (tgl, whistle, flex, crystal glasses, ant.
cym, rain-stick, temple bl, tambourine, snare drum, bass dr, bells, glsp,
xyl, vibr). harp. termenvox. piano. cel. strings
Première: 1 July 2007, Hamburg
John Neumeier (choreographer) – Soloists and corps de ballet of The Hamburg Bal-
let – The Hamburg Philharmonic State Orchestra – Klauspeter Seibel (conductor)

g o gol  –  opera misteria 2010

Opera in 3 acts with prologue and epilogue by Lera Auerbach (in Russian)
Commissioned by the Theater an der Wien with the support of the Vienna Mozart Year 2006 and
patronage by Gallery Sistema and Viacheslav Sheianov in honor of Rais Sheianova
d r a m at i s p e r s o n a e :
Nikolai Gogol (dramatic baritone) – Bes (dramatic
tenor) – Poshlust / Witch (dramatic soprano) – Death (dramatic contralto)
– Maria / Gogol’s mother / Bride No. 1 (full lyric soprano) – Nikolka (boy
soprano) – Priest / Herr Doktor / Voice of Vij (dramatic basso profondo) –
Bride No. 2 / Voice of Nymph (dramatic coloratura soprano) – Prosecutor
/ Advocate (bass-baritone/falsetto) – Judge (countertenor) – Bride No. 3
Observers, Noses, Gogol Doubles, Mourners, Brides, Children (choir) –
Violinist, Nymph, Gogol‘s demons, Mermaids, Brides, Noses (dancers)
2(picc, alto fl).1(cor anglais).2(bass cl).alto sax.2(db bn) – 2.2.2(bass tbn).1
– timp. perc (crot, temple bl, flex, bass dr, tam-t, bells, vibr, marimba).
harp. cel. piano. strings – boys’ choir, mixed choir
Duration: 135’
Première: 15 November 2011, Vienna
Martin Winkler (Gogol) – Ladislav Elgr (Bes) – Natalia Ushakova (Poshlust) – Stella
Grigorian (Death) – Tatiana Plotnikova (Maria) – Sebastian Schaffer (Nikolka) – De-
yan Vatchkov (Priest) – Anna Gorbachyova (Bride No. 2) – Maria Peniaz (Nymph)
– Falko Hönisch (Prosecutor) – Tim Severloh (Judge) – Iwona Sakowicz (Bride No.
3) – Christine Mielitz (director) – Johannes Leiacker (stage designer) – Arila Siegert
(choreographer) – Kaspar Glarner (costumes) – ORF-Radiosymphonieorchester
Wien – Vladimir Fedoseyev (conductor) – Arnold Schoenberg Chor, Grazer Ka-
pellknaben, Mozartknabenchor Wien

s ta g e w o rk s

tatia n a 2013/2014
Ballet in 2 acts. Idea and libretto by John Neumeier after ‘Eugene Onegin’ by Ale-
xander Pushkin
Co-commissioned by The Hamburg Ballet, The Hamburg State Opera and The Moscow State
Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Music Theatre
d r a m at i s p e r s o n a e : Tatiana – Eugene Onegin – Olga Larina – Vladimir
Lensky – Prince N.
3(picc, alto flute).2(cor anglais).2(bass clar).2(db bn) – 2.1.2(bass trbn).1 –
timp. 4 perc (tgl, flex, temple bl, side dr, bass dr, tam-t, glsp, tubular bells,
marimba, musical saw). harp. piano. cel. strings
Duration: full eve
Première: 29 June 2014, Hamburg
A co-production between The Hamburg State Opera and The Moscow State Sta-
nislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Music Theatre
Hélène Bouchet (Tatiana) – Edvin Revazov (Eugene Onegin) – Leslie Heylmann
(Olga Larina) – Alexander Trusch (Vladimir Lensky) – Carsten Jung (Prince N.) –
Hamburg Ballet – John Neumeier (choreography, stage, ser and costumes) – Ham-
burg Philharmoniker – Simon Hewett (conductor)

o r c h e s tral work s

D I ALOGUE WI TH T IME Op. 39b 1997

for orchestra
Duration: 8’
3(alto).3(cor anglais).3(bass clar).3(db bn) – 4.3.3(bass tbn).1 – timp. 3
perc (tgl, chimes, bass dr, cym, gong, xyl, glsp, vibr). harp. cel. piano.
strings (16/14/12/10/8)
First performance: 13 February 2007, Chicago
Symphony Orchestra of the Chicago College of Performing Arts – Stephen Squires


A ND ORC H ESTRA  Op. 40 1997
Dedicated to Vadim Gluzman and Angela Yoffe
1. Moderato
2. Chorale (Andante religioso)
3. Vivace
Duration: 31’
3(picc).3(cor anglais).2(bass cl).2(db bn) –, 3 perc (timp, tgl, tamb,
snare dr, bass dr, cym, gong, xyl, ratchet, rain-stick, cel). strings
First performance: 13 December 2006, Stuttgart
Vadim Gluzman (violin) – Angela Yoffe (piano) – Radio-Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart
– Andrey Boreyko (conductor)

CONCER TO F O R V IOLIN AND ORC HESTRA No . 1 Op. 56 2000/2003

Dedicated to Philippe Quint
Commissioned by the American Youth Symphony
1. Grandioso
2. Moderato
3. Andante religioso
4. Allegro
Duration: 28’
2(picc).2(cor anglais).2(bass cl).2(db bn) – – perc (timp, tgl,
whistle, flex, temple bl, tamb, bass dr, cym, ant. cym, bells, tam-t, glsp,
xyl, vibr, musical saw). harp. cel. piano. strings
First performance: 22 February 2004, Los Angeles
Philippe Quint (violin) – American Youth Symphony – Alexander Treger (conduc-

or ch e s tral work s

S U ITE conce r ta nte  Op. 60 2001

for violin, piano and strings
Dedicated to Gidon Kremer
Commissioned by Gidon Kremer and the Lockenhaus Chamber Music Festival for its 20th
1. In the Beginning
2. Con spirito
3. Scherzo-noir
4. The Unreachable
5. After the War
6. Dream from Childhood.
7. Toccata of Life and the Silence of the Past
Duration: 30’
strings (minimum 8/7/5/4/2, if possible)
First performance: 13 July 2001, Lockenhaus
Gidon Kremer (violin) – Lera Auerbach (piano) – Kremerata Baltica


for violin, violoncello, piano and string orchestra
Dedicated to Gidon Kremer
Commissioned by Orchestra Ensemble Kanazawa
Duration: 10’
strings: divisi 7(14)/6(12)/4(8)/4(8)/2(4)
First performance: 12 September 2002, Kanazawa
Michael Dauth, violin – Marta Sudraba, violoncello – Andrius Zlabys, piano – Or-
chestra Ensemble Kanazawa – Hiroyuki Iwaki (conductor)
score: sik 8547


Commissioned by Ensemble Kanazawa
one movement: Allegro
Duration: 14’
2(picc).2(cor anglais).2(bass cl).2(db bn) – – perc (timp, tgl, flex,
temple bl, bass dr, gong, vibr). cel. strings
First performance: 21 September 2004, Kanazawa
Akiko Suwanai (violin) – Orchestra Ensemble Kanazawa – Hiroyuki Iwaki (con-

o r c h e s tral work s

d re ams and whi sper s of poseidon 2005

for orchestra
In memory of the lives taken by the sea on December 26, 2004
one movement: Andante – Epilogue (Moderato)
Duration: 16’
3(picc, alto flute).3(cor anglais).4(bass cl, alto sax).3(db bn) – –
timp. 4 perc (tgl, temple bl, bass dr, cym, tam-t, bells, glsp, xyl, crystal
glasses vibr, musical saw). 2 harps. termen vox. cel. hpd. piano. org. strings
First performance: 29 March 2005, Los Angeles
American Youth Symphony – Alexander Treger (conductor)

d ialogues on stabat mate r 2005

for violin, viola, vibraphone and string orchestra after Giovanni Battista
Pergolesi’s ‘Stabat Mater’
Commissioned by Musikfest Bremen and Lucerne Festival
1. Moderato
2. Andante nostalgico
3. Allegro molto
4. Andante
5. Drammatico
6. Agitato
7. Moderato
8. Presto assai
Duration: 39’
First performance: 13 September 2005, Verden
Gidon Kremer (violin and conductor) – Ula Uljona (viola) – Kremerata Baltica
► For an abridged version see S o g n o d i s t a b a t m a t e r (2009)

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s ymphony no. 1   ‘Chimera’ 2006

Commissioned by the Düsseldorfer Symphoniker
1. Aegri somnia
2. Post tenebras lux
3. Gorgoyles
4. Et in Arcadia ego
5. Siste, viator
6. Humum mandere
7. Requiem for Icarus
Duration: 40’
3(picc, alto fl).3(cor anglais).3(bass cl).3(db bn) – 4.3.3(bass trbn).1 – timp.
4 perc (trgl, rain-stick, bass dr, cym, tam-t, bells, crystal glasses [amplified],
glsp, vibr). termen vox (ad lib.). 2 harps. cel. hpd. piano. strings
First performance: 10 November 2006, Düsseldorf
Düsseldorfer Symphoniker – John Fiore (conductor)
score: sik 8584

ic arus  (based on the last two movements of Symphony No. 1 ’Chimera’) 2006/2011
Commissioned by the Düsseldorf Symphony Orchestra
Duration: 12’
3(picc, alto fl).3(cor anglais).3(bass clar).3(db bn) – 4.3.3(bass trbn).1 –
timp. 5 perc (bass dr, cym, tam-t, bells, crystal glasses [amplified], glsp,
vibr). termen vox (ad lib.). 2 harps. cel. piano. strings
First performance: 18 July 2011, Verbier
Verbier Festival Orchestra – Charles Dutoit (conductor)
score: sik 8703

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r e q uie m for a poet   (Symphon y No. 2) 2006

for mezzo-soprano, violoncello, choir and orchestra
Text: Marina Tsvetayeva’s ‘Novogodnee’ [‘New Year’s Letter’] from 1927 (in Rus-
Commissioned by NDR Radiophilharmonie Hannover
1. Agitato
2. Tempo di marcia funebre
3. Chorale
4. Prichet
5. Canon
6. Interlude
7. Tempo die marcia funebre
8. Adagio (Lament)
9. Tempo I
10. Postlude
All sections should be performed without pause.
Duration: 42’
3(alto fl).3(cor anglais).3(bass cl).3(db bn) – 4.3.3(bass trbn).1 – timp, perc
(tgl, crystal glasses, chimes, flex, bass dr, gong, glsp, vibr). harp. piano.
First performance: 8 March 2007, Hannover
Zoryana Kushpler (mezzo-soprano) – Sonia Wieder-Atherton (violoncello) – NDR
Choir – NDR Radiophilharmonie Hannover – Eiji Oué (conductor)
score: sik 8585

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ru s sian requi em 2007

for boy soprano, mezzo-soprano, bass, boys’ choir, mixed choir and large orchestra
Text: Holy Anthems combined with poetry by Russian authors (Anna Akhmatova,
Alexander Blok, Joseph Brodsky, Gavriil Derzhavin, Zinaida Hippius, Georgi Iva-
nov, Mikhail Lermontov, Ossip Mandelstam, Boris Pasternak, Alexander Pushkin,
Irina Ratushinskaya, Viktor Sosnora – in Russian)
Co-commissioned by Musikfest Bremen, Philharmonische Gesellschaft Bremen and Semana de
Música Religiosa Cuenca
Dedicated to the victims of tsarist and communist oppression
1. Prelude – Forgive Us, O Lord  (q = 112, h = 60)
2. Not Under the Foreign Skies [Anna Akhmatova]  (q = 76), Poco più mosso (q = 96),
Adagio molto (q = 60)
3. The Scream [Zinaida Hippius]  Allegro (q = 132)
4. A Prayer for the New Martyrs of Russia  Agitato (q = 144), Adagio (h = q)
The Stars of Death [Anna Akhmatova]  Più adagio (q = 48), Allegro (q = 144),
Adagio molto (q = 48)
5. Forgive me, O Lord [Psalm 50]  (q = 88), Poco meno mosso (q = 60)
6. Pray for Me [Anna Akhmatova, Joseph Brodsky]  L’istesso tempo (q = 60-72)
7. Lord, Thou Hast Been my Dwelling Place [Psalm 90/91]  Più agitato (q = 80),
Poco più mosso (q = 120)
8. Grant Them Rest with the Saints [Zinaida Hippius]  (h = 60), Andante scuro (q = 84)
9. Interlude. Memory eternal [Anna Akhmatova] (q = 100)
10. The Night. Prayers for the Death [Alexander Blok, Viktor Sosnora]  Andante
(q = 84), Più mosso (q = 96), Poco meno mosso (q = 60), Poco stretto (q = 69)
11. All Mighty God Shall Rise and Judge [Gavriil Derzhavin]  Allegro (q = 120),
Poco meno mosso (q = 96)
12. It is Good that there Is no Tzar [Georgi Ivanov, Russian folk song)  Andantino
(q = 86)
13. Troparions – Eternal Rest  (q = 92)
14. I Will Be, O Russia, in your Dreams [Irina Ratushinskaya]  Agitato (q = 100),
Meno mosso (q = 84), Allegro (q = 120), Andante (q = 84)
15. The Country of Slaves, the Country of Masters [Mikhail Lermontov, Alexander
Pushkin]  Tragico (q = 80)
16. Prisoner’s Prayer to the Guardian Angel  (q = 96)
17. That which Has No Name [Georgi Ivanov]  (q = 96)
18. My Soul – Memory Eternal [Boris Pasternak, Osip Mandelstam, Psalm 90]
All sections should be performed without pause.
Duration: 85’
3(picc, alto fl).3(cor anglais).3(bass cl).3(db bn) – 4.3.3(bass trbn).1 – timp.
perc (trgl, flex, crystal glasses, crot, bass drum, cym, tam-t, gong, tubular
bells, glsp, 2 vibr, bass marimba). harp. piano. cel. org ad lib. strings – CD
(ringing of bells)
First performance: 14 September 2007, Bremen
Elzbieta Ardam (mezzo-soprano) – Nikita Storoyev (bass) – Estonian Boys’ Choir
– Latvian State Choir – Bremen Philharmonic Orchestra – Tonu Kaljuste (conductor)
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fragil e so lit udes 2008

Shadowbox for String Quartet and Orchestra
Commissioned by ProMusica Chamber Orchestra of Columbus
1. Adagio misterioso
2. Poco animato
3. L’istesso tempo
4. Poco più energico
5. Allegro moderato, marcato
6. Moderato
7. Andantino sognando
8. Andante
9. Allegro ossessivo
10. L’istesso tempo
11. Andante
Duration: 30’
2(picc, alto fl).2(cor anglais).2(bass cl).2(db bn) – – cel. strings (at
least one double bass with C-string)
First performance: 5 April 2008, Columbus
Borromeo String Quartet – ProMusica Chamber Orchestra of Columbus – Timothy
Russell (conductor)

s o gno d i stabat mate r 2009

for violin and viola, vibraphone and string orchestra
Abridged version of D i a l o g u e s o n S t a b a t M a t e r (2005)
Commissioned by Gidon Kremer
Duration: 12’

e t e rn id ay  (homma ge a w.A. Moz art) 2010

for bass drum, celesta and strings
Commissioned by Staatsorchester Rheinische Philharmonie Koblenz
Duration: 15’
First performance: 25 April 2010, Koblenz
Staatsorchester Rheinische Philharmonie Koblenz – Daniel Raiskin (conductor)

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r e qui em   dresden – ode to peace 2012

for 2 boy sopranos, counter-tenor, baritone, male choir (with boy sopranos) and
Commissioned by Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden and Foundation Frauenkirche Dresden on
the occasion of the anniversary of the destruction of the Frauenkirche
Dedicated to the victims of nationalistic movements around the world
1. Post silentium (Praeludium – Requiem aeternam)  Moderato
2. Psalm 134 (Ein Lied im höhern Chor)  Moderato
3. Vater unser  Poco agitato
4. Kyrie  Agitato
5. Father Judges Gebet  Moderato
6. Psalm 100  Moderato
7. Die Verheißung (Apostelgeschichte 2:17-21)  Allegro moderato
8. De profundis (Psalm 130)  Moderato – Adagio
9. Gradual – Sh’ma Israel  (q = 96)
10. Tuba mirum  Moderato
11. Mizmor l’David (Psalm 23)  Energico
12. Lacrimosa  Adagio
13. Libera me – Ana Beko’ach  (q = 108)
14. In silentium (Ode to Peace)  Adagio
15. Anrufung der Schutzengel  Moderato
16. Frieden, wo Gott wohnt  Misterioso
17-18. Amen  Moderato energico
Duration: 75’
2(picc, alto fl).2(cor anglais).2(bass cl).2(db bn) – – timp. perc (crot,
flex, tubular bells, vibr). harp. cel. piano. strings
First performance: 11 February 2012, Dresden
Richard Pittsinger, Jack Keller (boa sopranos) – Maarten Engeltjes (countertenor)
– Mark Stone (baritone) – Dresden Staatsoprenchor – St. Paul’s Cathedral Choir
London – St. Thomas Choir of Boys New York – Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden
– Vladimir Yurovsky (conductor)

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po st s il ent ium 2012

for orchestra
Commissioned by Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden
Duration: 18’
3(picc).3(cor anglais).3(bass clar).3(db bn) – 4.3.3(bass trbn).1 – timp. perc
(crot, flex, bass dr, tubular bells, vibr). harp. piano. cel. hpd. strings
First performance: 1 July 2012, Dresden
Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden – Sakari Oramo (conductor)

m em oria de la luz 2013

String Symphony No. 1
Arrangement of String Quartet No. 2 ‘Primera Luz’
Commissioned by New Century Chamber Orchestra
1. Primera Luz  Adagio misterioso
2. Monólogo  Moderato
3. Cuatro preguntas  Adagio recitativo
4. Diálogo extático  Poco agitato
5. Trágico  Con moto, ma molto pesante ed intensivo
6. Epílogo  Adagio tragico
Duration: 22’
First performance: 23 May 2013, Berkeley
New Century Chamber Orchestra – Sakari Oramo (conductor)

in prai se o f pea ce   ( l o b d e s f r i e d e n s ) 2013

for soprano, mezzo-soprano, tenor, baritone, mixed choir and orchestra
Commissioned by the Verbier Festival to commemorate its 20th Anniversary as a companion
work to Beethoven’s 9th Symphony
Moderato (q = 72) – Andante (q = 66) – Moderato (q = 96) – Adagio (q = 72) –
Più adagio, sognando – Misterioso (q = 60) – Moderato energico (q = 108)
– Adagio – Più adagio
Duration: 28’
2(picc, alto fl).2(cor anglais).2(bass clar).2(db bn) – – timp. perc
(crot, flex, bass dr, tubular bells, vibr). harp. piano. cel. strings
First performance: 19 July 2013, Verbier
Miah Persson (soprano) – Lilli Paasikivi (mezzo-soprano) – Pavol Bresik (tenor) –
Matthew Rose (baritone) – The New York Collegiate – Verbier Festival Orchestra
– Charles Dutoit (conductor)
Material for this work originates in part from R e q u i e m , scored for solo counter-
tenor, solo bass, male choir and orchestra.
or ch e s tral work s

d r eammu sik 2014

for violoncello and chamber ensemble
Commissioned by Sandra Svoboda in memory of her husband Al
Dedicated to Ani Aznovoorian and Camerata Pacifica
Misterioso (q = 92) · Più mosso (q = 108) · (Più andante [q = 76]) · Più mosso
(q = 92) · Meno mosso (q = 72) · Più mosso, agitato (q = 92) · Più mosso, scher-
zando (q = 104) · Allegro ma non tanto, poco pesante (q = 120) · Meno mosso
(q = 96) · Adagio nostalgico (q = 44) · Più adagio · Più mosso (q = 86) · Miste-
rioso · Sognando, poco agitato (q = 72) · Poco più mosso (q = 86) · (recitativo
libero) · Allegro moderato (q = 136) · Più allegro · Meno mosso, pesante · Più
mosso · Moderato, libero (q = 80) · Meno mosso (q = 84) · Moderato (q = 104) ·
Poco stretto (più mosso) · Poco più mosso · Agitato (q = 112) · (Pesante) ·
Meno mosso (h = 40) · Tragico (q = 88) · Poco meno mosso (q = 76) · Agitato
(q = 96) · Semplice (q = 100) · Andante (q = 76) · q = 92 · Poco meno mosso
Duration: 34’
1(picc).2(cor anglais).1(bass clar).0 – – 1 perc (tubular bells, glsp,
vibr). piano. strings (1/0/1/1/1)
First performance: 6 March 2014, Los Angeles
Ani Aznavoorian (violoncello ) – Camerata Pacifica

d e profund is 2013
C o ncerto for violin and orchestra no . 3
Commissioned by Vadim Repin
1. Andante sognando
2. Allegro marcato
3. Adagio pesante
Duration: 36’
2(picc).2(cor anglais).2(bass clar).2(db bn) – 2.1.bass trbn.1 – timp. 2 perc
(temple bl, tubular bells, glsp, vibr, marimba). harp. cel. piano. strings
First performance: 27 March 2015, Novosibirsk
Vadim Repin (violin) – Novosibirsk Philharmonic Orchestra – Dmitri Jurovsky
D e p r o f u n d i s is based on Lera Auerbach’s S o n a t a f o r V i o l i n a n d
P i a n o N o . 3.

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‘Only through time time is conquered’
1. Moderato
2. Misterioso
3. Allegro marcato, ossessivo
Duration: 44’
3(picc).3(cor anglais).3(bass clar).3(db bn) – 4.3.3(bass trbn).1 – timp, 5
perc (tgl, ratchet, rainstick, templebl, side dr, bass dr, cym, bells, tam-t,
singing saw, xyl, vibr). harp. cel. strings
First performance: 24 November 2015, Stuttgart
Lera Auerbach (piano) – Stuttgart Philharmonic – Dan Ettinger (conductor)
The present work is based on a series of earlier versions of a withdrawn piano concerto,
Op. 39 (originally commissioned by Herbert und Beverly Gelfand) whose first part was
premiered on 18 November 1999 in Newark (Lera Auerbach, piano – New Jersey Sym-
phony – David Commanday, conductor) and which was performed in its entirety on 18
November 2000 in Yaroslavl (Lera Auerbach, piano – Yaroslavl Philharmonic – Murad
Annamamedov, conductor)

or ch e s tral work s

t h e infant mi nst re l and his p eculiar m e na g eri e 2016

Symphony No. 3 for violin, mixed choir and orchestra
Commissioned by the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, the BBC Proms and the Orchestre de la
Suisse Romande
text: ‘Erroneous Anonymus’
1. Overture  Andante sognando, libero (q = 58) · q = 63 · Poco più mosso
(q = 76) · Misterioso sognando (q = 76) · Adagio nostalgico,libero attacca
2. Child-Bard  Agitato con brio (q = 112) · Scherzando (q = 92) · Più andante ·
Scherzando (q = 92) · Tempo primo, con brio (q = 104) · Poco meno mosso
3. Interlude (Promenade I)  Adagio nostalgico (q = 46) · e = q · Tempo I (q = 48) ·
4. Lament for a Common Corporant  Tragico comico (q = 56) · Recitativo
libero · Scherzando (q = 72) · Stretto · Tempo di valse (q = 88) · Tragico
comico (q = 60) · Poco più mosso (q = 76) · Recitativo libero (q = 76) · attacca
5. Who Is Dickery Dare?  Allegretto scherzando (q = 120) · Andante recitati-
vo (q = 76) · Quasi romantico (q = 92) · Poco più mosso (q = 112) · Poco meno
mosso (q = 92) · Andante, recitativo libero e rit. attacca
6. Interlude (Promenade II)  Andantino (q k = 63) · Più mosso (q = 112) · Vivace
(q k = 96) · q k = q attacca
7. Who Plays My Drum?  Allegro (q = 120) · Poco meno mosso, recitativo
e drammatico · Tempo I · Meno mosso, recitativo libero · Tempo I · Poco
mosso attacca
8. Guacamole Treatment  Allegretto, marcato molto · e = q · Meno mosso ·
Tempo I (q k = 73) · e = q · Meno mosso, recitativo libero · Tempo I (e = q)
9. Moon-Rider  Sognando libero (q = 80) · Recitativo · Poco più agitato (q = 88) ·
Tempo I (q = 80) · Poco meno mosso e rit. · Recitativo libero (q = 72) attacca
10. Child-Wanderer  Andante (q = 60) · Poco meno mosso (q = 54) · Poco agi-
tato (q = 60)
Duration: 43’
3(picc, alto flute).2(cor anglais).2(bass clar).2(db bn) – 2.2.2(bass trbn).1 –
timp. 3 perc (wood bl, snare dr, bass dr, bells, glsp, vibr, marimba. singing
saw). harp. piano. cel. strings
First performance: 7 April 2016, Bergen
Vadim Gluzman (violin) – Bergen Philharmonic Choir – Bergen Philharmonic Or-
chestra – Edward Gardner (conductor)
score: sik 8852

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N Yx:  Fractured Dreams 2017

C o ncerto for violin and orchestra no . 4
Commissioned by the New York Philharmonic
Composed for Leonidas Kavakos
1. Sogno I  Libero (q = 56) · Marcato ritmico (q = 112) · Misterioso (q = 56) ·
Recitativo (q = 72) · q = 84 attacca
2. Sogno II  Pesante (q = 72) · Recitativo libero attacca
3. Sogno III  Tragico (q = 56) attacca
4. Sogno VI  Nostalgico (q = 56) · Poco più mosso, nostalgico (q = 72) · Meno
mosso (q = 66) attacca
5. Sogno V  Scherzando meccanico (q = 112) · Adagio (q = 56) · Più mosso
(q = 72) · Adagio (q = 56) · Meno mosso attacca
6. Sogno VI  Allegro moderato (q = 84) · Adagio (e = 92) · attacca
7. Sogno VII  Sognando libero (q = 72) · A tempo, recitativo libero attacca
8. Sogno VII  Nostalgico curioso (q = 92) attacca
9. Sogno IX  Allegro furioso (q = 120) · Adagio e rit. attacca
10. Sogno X  Magico (q = 66) · Interruzione, allegro moderato (q = 88) · attacca
11. Sogno XI  Tragico (q = 92) · (Pesante) · (q = 76) · L’istesso tempo, agitato molto
(q = 76) · attacca
12. Sogno XII  Adagio misterioso (q = 52) · Allegro furioso (q = 140) · Agitato libe-
ro (q = 72) · (Più stretto) · q = 120 · Adagio nostalgico (q = 60) · Adagio · attacca
13. Sogno XIII  Allegro furioso
Duration: 30’
3(picc).2(cor anglais).2(bass clar).2(db bn) – 2.1.2(bass trbn).1 – timp. 4
perc (tgl, wood bl, bass dr, tam-t, bells. glsp. vibr, marimba, musical saw).
harp. piano. cel. strings
First performance: 1 March 2017, New York, David Geffen Hall
Leonidas Kavakos (violin) – New York Philharmonic – Alan Gilbert (conductor)
score: sik 8873

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m o zar t’s t wo fo ld d r eam 2017

C o ncerto grosso No. 5 for violin, piano and orchestra based on W. A.
Mozart’s Concerto K 299/297c and Andante K 315
Commissioned by ProMusica Chamber Orchestra
1. Andante sognando · Allegro
2. Andantino
3. Sognando libero · Allegro
Duration: 30’
2(picc).2.2.2 – – timp. vibr. strings
First performance: 22 April 2017, Columbus
Katherine McLin (violin) – Lera Auerbach (piano) – ProMusica Chamber Orchestra
– David Danzmayr (conductor)

arct ica 2019

Sympohony No. 4 for Piano, Choir and Orchestra
Commissioned by the National Geographic Society
text: Lera Auerbach (in Inuit)
1. I. Solarstein – Searching for North  Misterioso (q = 60) · Poco meno (q = 52) ·
Più mosso, agitato molto · Poco meno mosso · Tempo I (q = 60)
2. Angakok’s First Flight: Beyond Dreaming  L’istesso tempo, libero (q = 60) ·
Più stretto (q = 69) · Più agitato (q = 80) · Tempo I (q = 60)
3. II. Magic Incantation: Spirits of Light  Scherzando (q = 76) · Scherzando
(q = 100) · Poco meno mosso (q = 84) · Più mosso ed agitato (q = 116) · Miste-
rioso (q = 80) · Meno mosso (q = 60)
4. Angakok’s Second Flight  Misterioso (q = 60) · Più mosso (q = 104) · Più
stretto (q = 120) · Meno mosso (q = 72)
5. III. Magic Incantation: The Spirit of the Wind   L’istesso tempo, misterioso
(q = 72) · Adagio misterioso (q = 48) · Più agitato (q = 56)
6. Angakok’s Third Flight   q = 60
7. IV. Dance of the Men-Bears   Adagio misterioso, libero molto (q = 60) · Alle-
gro rustico (q = 108) · Adagio (q = 42) · Allegro furioso (q = 112) · Poco meno
mosso, pesante (q = 92) · Misterioso libero (q = 54) · Allegro subito, pesante
8. Angakok’s Fourth Flight  Allegro ossessivo (q = 120) · Meno mosso (q = 72)
9. V. Dance-Duel of the Women-Foxes  Furioso scherzando (q = 88) · Meno
mosso, umoristico (q = 66) · Tempo I, scherzando · Quasi romantico, libero
(q = 76) · Scherzando (q = 92) · Vivo furioso (q = 120) · (Molto aggressivo) ·
(q = 132)
10. Angakok’s Fifth Flight: Lament for Mistaking Wife for a Fox  Libero (q = 66) ·
Scherzando (q = 112) · Lamentoso umoristico (q = 66) · q = 72
11. VI. Magic Incantation: The Spirit of the Moon  Adagio sognando (q = 50) ·
Poco più mosso (q = 66) · Più adagio (q = 50) · (q = 66) · Ipnotico (q = 50)

o r c h e s tral work s

ar cti c a  [c o n t i n u e d]
12. Angakok’s Sixth Flight: The World of the Dead  Tragico, recitativo libero
(q = 50) · (q = 56) · Agitato (q = 72) · Più agitato (q = 80) · Pesante, recitativo
(q = 60-66)
13. VII. Magic Incantation: The Great Sedna (The Spirit of the Sea)   Poco più
mosso ed accelerando · Agitato (q = 140) · Misterioso (q = 88) · Più agitato
(q = 100) · Più stretto · Andante pesante (q = 58)
14. VIII. Arctica – The Crystal Mirror  (q = 58) · Poco meno mosso (q = 50) ·
Poco stretto (q = 60) · Adagio (q = 50) · Sognando, libero · (q = 58)
Duration: 44’
3(picc, alto flute).3(cor anglais).3(bass clar).3(db bn) – – timp, 6
perc (crot, flex, whistle, temple bl, side dr, bass dr, tam-t, tubular bells,
glsp, vibr, marimba, theremin, water-drops, ice-drums, waterphone, water-
gong, chrystal glasses). 2 harps. cel. piano strings
First performance: 30 March 2019, Washington, Kennedy Center
Lera Auerbach (piano) – The Washington Chorus – National Symphony Orchestra
of Washington – Teddy Abrams (conductor)

e v e ’s lam ent  ‘O Flowers, That Never Will Grow’ 2019

(e vas klage   ‘O Blumen, die niemals blühen werden’)
for orchestra
Cocommissioned by ORF Radio-Symphonieorchester Wien, Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, Ne-
therlands Radio Philharmonic and the Netherlands Broadcasting Organization Avrotros part of
Foundation Omroep Muziek, Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft with additional funds by The Sorel
Organization in loving memory of Judy Cope
Pesante disperatamente (q = 60) · meno mosso (q = 48) · Più mosso agitato
ed accelerando (q = 92) · h = 60 · Nostalgico (h = 48) · Adagio (q = 60) · più
mosso e stretto (q = 92) · Andante (q = 72) · Agitato ma pesante (q = 92) ·
Adagio (q = 52) · Più adagio (q = 44) · Misterioso · Adagio molto e rit. molto
(q = 44)
Duration: 13’
2(picc).2(cor anglais).2.2 – – timp. 3 perc (tgl, bird-whistle, crot,
cym, tam-t, tubular bells, glsp, vibr, marimba,water-gong aquaphone).
harp. ondes martenot. strings
First performance: 24 October 2019, Vienna
ORF Radio-Symphonieorchester Wien – Marin Alsop (conductor)
The title quotes John Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost’.

c hamb er musi c

pia no T RI O no. 1  Op. 28 1992/1994

Dedicated to Vadim Gluzman, Wendy Warner and Angela Yoffe
Duration: 12’
1. Prélude
2. Andante
3. Presto
First performance: 2 June 1999, Schwetzingen
Vadim Gluzman (violin) – Wendy Warner (violoncello) – Angela Yoffe (piano)
score and parts: s i k 8715

cd: odrcd 350 · Delta Piano Trio

S U ITE f o r vi o lin a nd pia no Op. 46a 1999

Ten preludes from Op. 46
1. Adagio (No. 1)
2. Allegro marcato (No. 6)
3. Andante (No. 8)
4. Adagio (No. 12)
5. Presto (No. 14)
6. Adagio sognando (No. 15)
7. Misterioso (No. 16)
8. Tragico (No. 20)
9. Andante (No. 23)
10. Presto (No. 24)
Duration: 22’
First performance: 15 November 2001, New York
Vadim Gluzman (violin) – Angela Yoffe (piano)

c hambe r mus ic

tw ent y- four PRE LUDES for v iolin and pian o  Op. 46 1999
Dedicated to Vadim Gluzman and Angela Yoffe
Commissioned by Herbert and Beverly Gelfand
1. C major  Adagio mortale
2. A minor  Andante (Tempo di valse)
3. G major  Andantino misterioso
4. E minor  Allegro
5. D major  Allegro moderato
6. B minor  Allegro marcato
7. A major  Allegro moderato
8. F sharp minor  Andante
9. E major  Allegro
10. C sharp minor  Allegro
11. B major  Allegretto
12. G sharp minor  Adagio
13. F sharp major  Allegro moderato
14. E flat minor  Presto
15. C sharp major  Adagio sognando
16. B flat minor  Misterioso
17. A flat major  Vivo
18. F minor  Agitato
19. E flat major  Moderato
20. C minor  Tragico
21. B flat major  Andante
22. G minor  Moderato serioso
23. F major  Andante
24. D minor  Presto
Duration: 52’
First performance (Concert version): 18 March 2004, San Francisco
Vadim Gluzman (violin) – Lera Auerbach (piano)
First performance (Ballet version · Preludes C & V): 22 June 2003, Hamburg
Vadim Gluzman (violoncello) – Angela Yoffe (piano)
score: s i k 8507
cd: bis cd 1242 · Vadim Gluzman (violin) – Angela Yoffe (piano)
►  see: STAGE WORKS P r e l u d e s C & V

c hamb er musi c

t w ent y- fo ur PR E LUDES
f o r v i olonce ll o a nd piano  Op. 47 1999
Dedicated to John Neumeier
Co-commissioned by Tom and Vivian Waldeck and The Caramoor International Music Festival
1. C major  Andante
2. A minor  Allegro
3. G major  Andante misterioso
4. E minor  Allegro obsessivo
5. D major  Moderato
6. B minor  Tragico
7. A major  Vivo ma non troppo
8. F sharp minor  Grave
9. E major  Vivace
10. C sharp minor  Adagio sognando
11. B major  Allegro
12. G sharp minor  Adagio
13. G flat major  Moderato
14. E flat minor  Scherzando
15. D flat major  Allegro con brio
16. B flat minor  Tempo di valse
17. A flat major  Allegro ritmico
18. F minor  Andantino
19. E flat major  Allegro appassionato
20. C minor  Giocoso
21. B flat major  Dialogo
22. G minor  Andante nostalgico
23. F major  Adagio sognando
24. D minor  Vivo
Duration: 46’
First performance (Concert version): 11 July 2008, Caramoor
Alisa Weilerstein (violoncello) – Lera Auerbach (piano)
First performance (Ballet version · Preludes C & V): 22 June 2003, Hamburg
Ani Aznavoorian (violoncello) – Lera Auerbach (piano)
score: sik 8508
►  see: S TAGE W ORKS P r e l u d e s C & V

c hambe r mus ic

S U I TE f or v i olonce llo and piano  Op. 47a 1999

Nine preludes from Op. 47
1. Andante (No. 1)
2. Allegro (No. 2)
3. Andante misterioso (No. 3)
4. Allegro appassionato (No. 19)
5. Tragico (No. 6)
6. Allegro con brio (No. 15)
7. Tempo di valse (No. 16)
8. Adagio (No. 12)
9. Vivo (No. 24)
Duration: 17’
First performance: 1 June 2000, Baltimore
Wendy Warner (violoncello) – Lera Auerbach (piano)

POST LUDE  Op. 47b 1999

Encore for violin and piano
Dedicated to the memory of Saul Barnett
Duration: 2’30”
score: sik 8546
cd: BIS 1242 · Vadim Gluzman (violin) – Angela Yoffe (piano)


Encores for violin and violoncello
Dedicated to Eugene Kalnitsky
Duration: 5’
First performance (Nos. 1 and 2): 14 July 2001, Lockenhaus
Sandis Steinberg (violin) – David Geringas (violoncello)
First performance (No. 3): 18 May 2002, Schwetzingen
Gidon Kremer (violin) – Marta Sudraba (violoncello)

c hamb er musi c


Dedicated to Philippe Quint
1. Grandioso
2. Moderato
3. Andante religioso
4. Allegro
Duration: 23’
First performance: 7 February 2001, Mexico City
Philippe Quint (violin) – Tatiana Goncharova (piano)

F IVE PR E LU DES    [d m i t r i   s h o s t a k o v i c h] 2000

Five Preludes from Shostakovich’s Op. 34 (1933) arranged for violin and piano by
Lera Auerbach. They were conceived, together with Dmitri Tsyganov’s existing
arrangement of 19 preludes, to complete the 24 preludes cycle in a version for
violin and piano.
Commissioned by Grigory Kalinovsky
1. Moderato (No. 4)
2. Andante (No. 7)
3. Adagio (No. 14)
4. Moderato (No. 23)
5. Presto (No. 9)
Duration: 8’
First performance: 5 September 2001 Jerusalem
Grigory Kalinovsky (violin) – Tatiana Stepanova (piano)
score: sik 2392
cd: CENTAUR RECORDS  2636 · Grigory Kalinovsky (violin) – Tatiana Goncharova (piano).
Together with 19 Shostakovich preludes arranged by Dmitri Tsyganov
Lera Auerbach also made two arrangements of Shostakovich’s Op. 34 (com-

plete cycle) for violoncello and piano (2008) and for viola and piano (2010).

c hambe r mus ic

OSK OLKI   (broke n p i e c e s )  Op. 61 2001

for violin and piano
Dedicated to Gidon Kremer
1. Agitato
2. Allegro moderato
3. Adagio
4. Moderato
5. Andante
6. Vivo
7. Andante
8. Allegro moderato
9. Andante
10. Vivo
Duration: 14’30”
First performance: 28 March 2004, Basel, Festival ‘les Muséiques’
Gidon Kremer (violin) – Lera Auerbach (piano)
score: sik 8546


( Se pte mber 11 ) Op. 63 2001
in one movement
Duration: 11’
First performance: 7 October 2003, New York
Philippe Quint (violin) – Adam Neiman (piano)
score: sik 8551
cd: bis cd 1592 · Vadim Gluzman (violin) – Angela Yoffe (piano)


Dedicated to David Finckel and Wu Han
Co-commissioned by Hancher Auditorium / The University of Iowa and the Music in the Park
Series, St. Paul, MN
1. Allegro moderato
2. Lament (Adagio)
3. Allegro assai
4. Con estrema intensità
Duration: 24’
First performance: 19 February 2003, Iowa City
David Finckel (violoncello) – Wu Han (piano)
score: sik 8509
c hamb er musi c

s tri ng quar tet NO. 1 Op. 79 2004

Commissioned by Impresariat Simmenauer, dedicated to Sonia Simmenauer
1. Allegro molto
2. Moderato – Allegro ma non troppo
3. Agitato – Grave funebre
Duration: 16’
First performance: 16 January 2005, Lucerne
Kuss Quartet

e pilogue 2005
for string quartet
Hommage à Edith Wharton
Commissioned by Close Encounters with Music
one movement
Duration: 16’
First performance: 28 May 2005, Tanglewood, Ozawa Hall
Yehonatan Berick, Cornelius Dufallo (violins) – Toby Appel (viola) – Yehuda Ha-
nani (violoncello)


Commissioned by Arizona Friends of Chamber Music ant the Harry and Lea Gudelsky Founda-
tion in memory of H. Paul Gudelsky
1. Adagio tragico
2. Allegro marcato
3. Adagio pesante
4. Allegro assai
Duration: 18’
First performance: 5 February 2006, Tucson
Vadim Gluzman (violin) – Lera Auerbach (piano)
score: sik 8686

c hambe r mus ic

prime ra lu z  (st ring q uartet no. 2 ) 2005

Commissioned by Semana de música religiosa Cuenca
1. Adagio
2. Monologue
3. Four Questions (Adagio)
4. Con moto
5. Con moto, ma molto pesante, intensivo e tragico
6. Agitato
Duration: 23’
First performance: 8 April 2006, Cuenca
Tokyo String Quartet

for violoncello and piano. Arrangement of No. 12 (G sharp minor, Adagio) from
Tw e n t y - f o u r P r e l u d e s f o r V i o l o n c e l l o a n d P i a n o, Op. 47
Duration: 2’30”

c e te ra des unt.   s o n n e t f o r s t r i n g qu a rt e t 2006

( s tring q uartet no. 3 )
Commissioned by Jana Marko and Alexander Gérard
1. Dicis et non es
2. Sic ego non sine te ... (nec tecum vivere possum)
3. Dicis et non facis
4. Nec tecum vivere possum ... (sic ego non sine te)
5. Advenitatis asinus, pulcher et fortissimus
6. Si vis pacem, para bellum
7. Non omnia moriar
8. Cetera desunt
Duration: 21’
First performance: 9 August 2006, Hamburg
Petersen Quartet
cd: cap 71 104 · Petersen Quartet
score: sik 8581

c hamb er musi c

P OStsc rip t um 2006

for piano trio
Duration: 5’
First performance: 29 March 2008, Cologne
Georg Sigl (violin) – Eckard Runge (violoncello) – Lera Auerbach (piano)

fi n dings – s i xteen invent ions 2007

( s tri ng q uar tet no. 4 )
Commissioned by The Caramoor International Music Festival
1. Con moto, marcato
2. Andante
3. Religioso, dolce misterioso
4. Moderato
5. Allegretto
6. Andante
7. Agitato scherzando
8. Recitativo andante
9. Misterioso lento
10. Moderato energico
11. Scherzando
12. Andante, ma con moto
13. Andante misterioso sognando
14. Prestissimo
15. Andante
16. Adagio molto, misterioso, ad lib.
Duration: 27’
First performance: 19 July 2007, Caramoor
Parker String Quartet

c hambe r mus ic

tw ent y- four PRE LUDES for v iol oncello a n d pian o 2008

[d m i t r i   s h o s t a k o v i c h]
Shostakovich’s Op. 34 (1933) arranged for violoncello and piano by Lera Auerbach
Co-commissioned by Norddeutscher Rundfunk Hamburg and the New Orleans Friends of Music,
Drs. Emel and Ranney Mize and Maestro Klauspeter Seibel
1. C major  Moderato
2. A minor  Allegretto
3. G major  Andante
4. E minor  Moderato
5. D major  Allegro vivace
6. B minor  Allegretto
7. A major  Andante
8. F sharp minor  Allegretto
9. E major  Presto
10. C sharp minor  Moderato non troppo
11. B major  Allegretto
12. G sharp minor  Allegro non troppo
13. F sharp major  Moderato
14. E flat minor  Adagio
15. D flat major  Allegretto
16. B flat minor  Andantino
17. A flat major  Largo
18. F minor  Allegretto
19. E flat major  Andantino
20. C minor  Allegretto furioso
21. B flat major  Allegretto poco moderato
22. G minor  Adagio
23. F major  Moderato
24. D minor  Allegretto
Duration: 31’
First performance: 17 July 2008, Reinbek
Alisa Weilerstein (violoncello) – Lera Auerbach (piano)
score: sik 2427
Lera Auerbach also made two arrangements of Shostakovich’s Op. 34 for viola and

piano (complete cycle, 2010) and for violin and piano (Nos. 4, 7, 14, 23, 9 – 2000)

c hamb er musi c

s ix pr e lu des for do ubl e bass a nd pia no 2008

Arrangement of six preludes from Op. 46 (1999)
Dedicated to Rafael DeStella
1. Andante (tempo di valzer lento) (No. 2)
2. Adagio sognando (No. 8)
3. Adagio (No. 12)
4. Tragico (No. 20)
5. Moderato serioso (No. 22)
6. Andante sognando (No. 23)
Duration: 13’

P OStsc rip tum 2009

for mezzo-soprano, violoncello and piano (Arrangement of P o s t s c r i p t u m for
piano trio [2006])
Duration: 5’
First performance: 1 May 2009, Washington
Sasha Cooke (mezzo-soprano) – Alisa Weilerstein (violoncello) – Lera Auerbach

j ob ’s lam ent 2009

for violin and piano
Commissioned by Verbier Festival
Duration: 13’
First performance: 26 June 2009, Verbier
Dmitri Sitkovetsky (violin) – Lera Auerbach (piano)

s p e ak , m emory 2010
for violin and piano
Commissioned by and dedicated to Hilary Hahn
Duration: 3’
S p e a k , M e m o r y is also available in a version for violin solo.

c hambe r mus ic

tw ent y- four pre ludes 2010

f or vio la a nd pia no  [d m i t r i   s h o s t a k o v i c h]
Shostakovich’s Op. 34 (1933) arranged for viola and piano by Lera Auerbach
Commissioned by the Philip and Mauriel Berman Foundation for the Great Lakes Chamber Music
1. C major  Moderato
2. A minor  Allegretto
3. G major  Andante
4. E minor  Moderato
5. D major  Allegro vivace
6. B minor  Allegretto
7. A major  Andante
8. F sharp minor  Allegretto
9. E major  Presto
10. C sharp minor  Moderato non troppo
11. B major  Allegretto
12. G sharp minor  Allegro non troppo
13. F sharp major  Moderato
14. E flat minor  Adagio
15. D flat major  Allegretto
16. B flat minor  Andantino
17. A flat major  Largo
18. F minor  Allegretto
19. E flat major  Andantino
20. C minor  Allegretto furioso
21. B flat major  Allegretto poco moderato
22. G minor  Adagio
23. F major   Moderato
24. D minor   Allegretto
Duration: 31’
First performance: 10 June 2010, Bloomfield Hills
Kim Kashkashian (viola) – Lera Auerbach (piano)
score: sik 2440
cd: ecm 2375 · Kim Kashkashian (viola) · Lera Auerbach (piano)
Lera Auerbach also made two arrangements of Shostakovich’s Op. 34 for violon-

cello and piano (complete cycle, 2008) and for violin and piano (Nos. 4, 7, 14, 23,
9 – 2000)

c hamb er musi c

s e raphim ca nti cl es 2011

Sextet for two violins, two violas and two violoncelli
Commissioned by ‘Music Accord’ for the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center
1. Prelude
2. Misterioso
3. Andante nostalgico – Agitato – Adagio misterioso
4. Tragico
5. Disperatamente
6. Postlude
Duration: 22’
First performance: 10 April 2011, New York
Erin Keefe, Yura Lee (violins) – Begth Gutgerman, Paul Neubader (violas) – Nicolas
Altstaedt, Fred Sherry (violoncelli)

s tri ng q uartet no. 5   (songs o f alk ono s t) 2011

Commissioned by Staatskapelle Dresden
one movement
Duration: 20’
First performance: 15 September 2011, Dresden
Shostakovich Festival Quartet

Tripty c h – Th e Mirr o r wit h thr ee Faces

( piano t ri o no. 2) 2011
Co-commissioned by Arizona Friends of Chamber Music and the Weiss/Kaplan/Newman Piano
1. Prelude (Left Exterior Panel)  Moderato libero
2. First Unfolding (Left Interior Panel)  Allegro appassionato
3. Second Unfolding (Right Interior Panel)  Tempo di valse
4. Tell’em What You See (Center Panel)  Allegro assai
5. Folding – Postlude (Right Exterior Panel)  Adagio nostalgico
Duration: 23’
First performance: 9 March 2012, Tucson, Leo Rich Theatre
Martin Beaver (violin) – Clive Greensmith (violoncello) – Lera Auerbach (piano)
score: sik 8820
cd: odrcd 350 · Delta Piano Trio

c hambe r mus ic

ab schi ed  (stri ng q uartet no. 6 ) 2012

Co-commissioned by Centro Nacional de Difusión Musical Madrid, basf-Kulturmanagement
and 92nd Street Y New York
Dedicated to the Tokyo String Quartet
1. Prologue
2. Epilogue
Duration: 25’
First performance: 30 November 2012, Madrid
Tokyo String Quartet

piano t rio no. 3 2013/2018

Commissioned by Colmar Festival ‘Les Musicales’
1. Grandioso
2. Andante
3. Andante religioso
4. Allegro brutale
Duration: 28’
First performance: 3 May 2013, Colmar
Marc Coppey (violin) – Liana Gourdija (violoncello) – Peter Laul (piano)

ar ca num  (son ata for viola a nd pia no) 2013

Commissioned by the Vevey Society ‘Arts et Lettres’
Dedicated to Kim Kashkashian
1. Advenio  attacca
2. Cinis  attacca
3. Postremo  attacca
4. Adempte
Duration: 25’
First performance: 23 April 2012, Vevey
Kim Kashkashian (viola) – Lera Auerbach (piano)
score: sik 8821
cd: ecm 2375 · Kim Kashkashian (viola) · Lera Auerbach (piano)

c hamb er musi c

d e sir  (st ri ng quar tet no. 7 ) 2013

Commissioned by Pittsfield South Mountain Concerts
1. Compagnon de silence
2. Agenda de don Juan
3. Rêves et dances de désir
Duration: 35’
First performance: 8 September 2013, Pittsfield
Borromeo String Quartet

s tri ng quar tet no. 8   (sylv ia’s diary) 2013

Commissioned by Hanson Institute for American Music of the Eastman School of Music at the
University of Rochester
Dedicated to Ying Quartet
1. Six Entries from a Diary
(1) “I May Never Be Happy, But Tonight I am Content”  Andante libero (q
= 60) – Più agitato – Tempo I, recitativo libero / (2) “I am Tempted to Write
a Poem, But ...”  Agitato (q = 79) – Tempo di valse lento / (3)“What is More
Wonderful ...”  Andante sognando (q = 60) / (4) “And What am I Against So
Many?”  Allegro ma non troppo, marcato molto (q = 110) – Tempo di valse
– Agitato – Tempo I / (5) “I Have This Demon ...”  Allegro moderato, scuro
(q = 100) / (6) “Whith Me, the Present Is Forever”  Moderato con moto e
marcato energico (q = 89) – Poco meno mosso (q = 79) – Adagio misterioso
(q = 48) – Più mosso, agitato – Tempo I (q = 89) – Adagio più (q = 42) – Adagio
2. “I Talked to God, but the Sky is Empty ...”
Con brio, energico marcato (q = 106) – Meno mosso – Tempo I – Poco
meno mosso (q = 72) – Adagio (q = 56) – Poco più mosso, stretto (q = 100) –
Andante – Tempo I (q = 106) – Adagio – stretto
3. Epilogue (“... and Orion Walkes by and Doesn’t Speak”)  Adagio (q = 56) – Più
Duration: 20’
First performance: 17 November 2013, Rochester
Ying Quartet

c hambe r mus ic

tri o f or violi n, h orn a nd piano 2014

Dedicated to Séverine and Ivan Cohen
1. Libero
2. Pesante
3. Toccata
4. Adagio
Duration: 18’
First performance: 3 July 2014, Geneva
cd: centaur crc 3770 · The Advenio Trio
There is also a version by the composer for violin, tenor saxophone and piano


t ri o fo r vi oli n, vi olonce llo a nd pia n o

[s e r g e i   p r o k o f i e v] 2015
Prokofiev’s Op. 94 (1943) arranged for piano trio by Lera Auerbach
1. Moderato
2. Scherzo  Presto
3. Andante
4. Allegro con brio
Duration: 24’
First performance: 20 January 2015, San Francisco
Philippe Quint (violin) – Joshua Roman (violoncello) – Lera Auerbach (piano)
Lera Auerbach also made a version for oboe, violoncello and piano for the Verbier

Festival 2015.

r o ots 2016
for violin and bayan
Commissioned by Akkordeonfest Hannover
Andante nostalgico (q = 60) · Meno mosso e ritenuto · Tempo I, libero mol-
to · Allegro ossessivo, aggressiv · Meno mosso · Allegro ossessivo · Ada-
gio mistrioso · Più adagio · Tragico (q = 69) · Più agitato, libero · recitativo
libero · Nostalgico · Adagio lamentoso (q = 58) · Più mosso, pesante can-
tabile (q = 76) · Poco più agitato (q = 84) · Adagio nostalgico (q = 60) · Poco
meno mosso · più mosso ed accelarando · Adagio subito · Agitato (q = 112)
· Ossessisvo · Andante (q = 66) · Poco meno mosso, misterioso (q = 56) · A
tempo (q = 60)
Duration: 16’
First performance: 24 November 2016, Hannover
Katrin Rabus (violin) – Elsbeth Moser (bayan)
c hamb er musi c

pia no t ri o no. 4 2017

Commissioned by Concours International de Violon Tibor Varga
Pesante e tragico (q = 60) · Poco meno mosso (q = 52) · Più mosso (q = 69) · Poco
meno mosso (q = 50) · meno mosso · Ossessivo (q = 120) · Adagio nostalgico
(q = 60) · meno mosso, tragico pesante (q = 62) · q = 50 · Adagio (q = 46) · q = 40 ·
Tragico (q = 48) · Adagio sognando (q = 44)
Duration: 15’
First performance: 27 August 2017, Sion

t e n pr eludes for t here min a nd pia no 1999/2017

1. Andante
2. Andante misterioso
3. Andante tragico
4. Vivo ma non tanto e poco agitato
5. Grave
6. Adagio sognando
7. Adagio
8. Allegro appassionato
9. Andante nostalgico
10. Andante sognando
Duration: 17’
First performance: 11 May 2019, Ravinia Festival, Highland Park, Ill.
Thorwald Jørgensen (theremin)
Te n P r e l u d e s f o r T h e r e m i n a n d P i a n o are based on metrial from

Tw e n t y - F o u r P r e l u d e s f o r V i o l i n a n d P i a n o (1999) and Tw e n -
t y - F o u r P r e l u d e s f o r V i o l o n c e l l o a n d P i a n o (1999). The official
première was preceded by a performance of Nos. 1, 5, 6, 9 and 10 with Carolina
Eyck (theremin) and Leonardo Hell (piano) which took place on 17 October 2017
in the Havanna Museum of Fine Arts.

c hambe r mus ic

tw ent y- four pre ludes 2018

f or vio la a nd pia no  wanderer
Commissioned for Camerata Pacifica by May Chung (Nos. 1, 2), Chae Young Ma (Nos. 3, 4),
Sookee Chung (Nos. 5, 6), Karin Nelson, Maren Henle and Rick Hibbs (Nos. 7, 8), Marion
Stewart (Nos. 9, 10),David Robertson and Nancy Alex (Nos. 11, 12), Christina Chung and May
Kim (Nos. 13 and 14), Stuart and Judith Spence (Nos. 15 and 16), Arnold and Gretl Mulder
(Nos. 17, 18), Hyon Chough (Nos. 19, 20), Sook Hee Lee and Seong Ae Kim (Nos. 21 and 22)
and by Diane Henderson (Nos. 23 and 24)
1. The Alps  in C major  Andante misterioso (q = 60)
2. Paris  in A minor  Scherzando grazioso (q = 112) · Andante (q = 60)
3. Prague  in G major  Recitativo libero (q = 88) · Poco meno mosso
4. Berlin  in E minor  Allegro ossessivo (q = 100)
5. Basel  in D major  Allegretto scherzando (q = 100) · Meno mosso, so-
6. Copenhagen  in B minor  Tragico (q = 69)
7. Sion  in A major  Recitativo, libero molto (q = 88) · Meno mosso
8. Mulhouse  in F sharp minor  Allegretto (q = 80) · Poco meno mosso
(q = 66)
9. Bremen  in E major  Con brio (q = 80)
10. Venezia  in C sharp minor  Tempo di valso umoroso (q = 108)
11. Verbier  in B major  Agitato (q = 116) · Meno mosso (q = 72) · Tempo I
(q = 116)
12. Stein am Rhein  in G sharp minor  Adagio nostalgico (q = 52)
13. Schaffhausen  in F sharp major  Sognando (q = 66)
14. Himmelkron  in D sharp minor  Andante magico (q = 72)
15. Hannover  in D flat major  Dialogo · Più agitato · Magico subito (q = 72) ·
meno mosso e rit. · Adagio
16. Salzburg  in B flat minor  Allegro ossessivo (q = 96)
17. Oberpfälzer Wald  in A flat major  Andante misterioso (q = 72)
18. Terezín  in F minor  Tragico (q = 69) · meno mosso
19. Dresden  in E flat major  Agitato (q = 96)
20. Hamburg  in C minor  Con brio, ossessivo (q = 80)
21. Rudersdal  in B flat major  Sognando (q = 76)
22. Raron  in G minor  Moderato (q = 56)
23. Muzot  in F major   Andantino sognando (q = 66)
24. Wien  in D minor   moderato (q = 76) · (meno mosso) · Adagio (q = 56)
Duration: 45’
First performance: 18 April 2018, San Marino, California
Richard O’Neill (viola) – Lera Auerbach (piano)

c hamb er musi c

fract ur ed d ream s  (son ata for violin an d pian o n o . 4) 2019

Co-commissioned by Skaneateles Festival and Kingston Chamber Music Festival
Dedicated to Hilary Hahn
1. Sogno I: Prelude
2. Sogno II: Tragico
3. Sogno III: Recitativo
4. Sogno IV: Monologo libero
5. Sogno V: Misterioso tragico
6. Sogno VI: Nostalgico
7. Sogno VII: Scherzando meccanico
8. Sogno VIII: Adagio
9. Sogno IX: Allegro moderato
10. Sogno X: Sognando libero
11. Sogno XI: Nostalgico curioso
12. Sogno XII: Allegro furioso
13. Sogno XIII: Magico
14. Sogno XIV: Tragico
15. Sogno XV: Solo nervosamente
16. Sogno XVI: Adagio mortale
17. Sogno XVII: Allegro furioso
18. Sogno XVIII: Postlude
Duration: 30’
First performance: 4 August 2019, Kingston
Hilary Hahn (violin) – Lera Auerbach (piano)
F r a c t u r e d D r e a m s is based on musical material from N Y x (2017).

fr ozen d re am s   (gefrorene träu m e)

(s t ring quartet no. 10) 2020
Commissioned by Arizona Friends of Chamber Music and sponsored by Leonid Friedlander and
Elena Landis for the Jasper String Quartet and their project ‘Four Seasons’
1. Praeludium (q = 60)
2. Adagio molto, nostalgico sognando (e = 64)
3. Allegro ossessivo (q = 126)
4. Adagio tragico (q = 60) · poco più stretto · a tempo (q = 60)
5. Allegro moderato (q = 74)
6. Postludium (q = 60)
Duration: 11’
First performance: 26 February 2020, Joplin, Tucson Winter Chamber Music Festival
Jasper String Quartet
F r o z e n D r e a m s is part of the project ‘Four Seasons’ initiated by the Jasper
String Quartet and jointly composed by Akira Nishimura, Chris Theofanidis, Joan
Tower and Lera Auerbach
c hambe r mus ic

s t ring q uar tet no. 9   (danksa gung ) 2020

Cocommissioned by Gewandhaus zu Leipzig, Wigmore Hall, Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft,
Carnegie Hall and Tonhalle-Gesellschaft Zürich for the Artemis String Quartet
Preludium  Adagio (q = 54) · Adagio molto (q = 48) · Andante (ma con moto)
‘Neue Kraft fühlend’ (e = 126) · Adagio molto (q = 48) · Meno mosso, religioso
(q = 40) · Andante (ma con moto) (e = 120) · Adagio molto (q = 48) · Grave (q =
60) · Postludium  Adagio (q = 54)
Duration: 19’
First performance: 21 June 2020, Leipzig
Artemis String Quartet
S t r i n g Q u a r t e t N o . 9 is based on the third movement of Ludwig van
Beethoven's String Quartet No. 15 in A minor, Op. 132.

s ol o w orks

fa n ta s ia 1986
for piano
Duration: 6’
cd: pH 07064 · Ksenia Nosikova

M ONOL OGUE F O R FLU TE  Op. 19 1990

Duration: 7’

A F TER T HE END OF TIME Op. 27 1992

for electronic tape
Duration: 9’
First performance (as a ballet): 21 March 1998, New York
Choreographed by the Juilliard Dance Group
First performance (in concert): 11 December 2006, Darmstadt

m e mento m ori 1992

for piano
1. Requiem – Canon – Requiem
2. Back to Childhood – Let’s Play Grownups – Childhood
3. Adulthood – Memento mori
Duration: 12’
cd: pH 07064 · Ksenia Nosikova

C H ORAL E, FU G U E AND P OST LUDE  Op. 31 1994/2003

for piano
Commissioned by and dedicated to Brigitte Feldtmann
Duration: 10’
First performance: 29 March 2008, Cologne
Lera Auerbach
score: sik 8569
cd: LYRIC RECORDS 101 (Lera Auerbach – only Fugue and Postlude of the 1994 version) · bis cd
1462 · (Lera Auerbach) [This recording was awarded the prize “Choc de la Musique

s o lo w orks

T’ F ILAH  Op. 33 1996

for violin solo
Dedicated to Vadim Gluzman
Duration: 6’30”
First performance: 1 September 1996, Stresa
Vadim Gluzman
score: sik 8545
cd: BIS 1242 · Vadim Gluzman

Duration: 7’
· original version for english horn solo, Op. 33a 1996
Commissioned by Candis Threlkeld
First performance: 1997, Aspen
Candis Threlkeld
· version for bass clarinet or clarinet 2008
· version for alto saxophone 2009
First performance: 9 July 2009, Bangkok
Carrie Hoffman
· version for soprano saxophone 2020
· version for tenor saxophone 2020
· version for baritone saxophone 2020
score: sik 8872 (version for bass clarinet or clarinet)


Commissioned by and dedicated to Rafael Agudelo
Duration: 7’
First performance: 1996, New York
Rachel Calin

M ONO LOGU E F OR V IOLA  Op. 38 1997

Duration: 5’ 30”
First performance: 14 July 2001, Lockenhaus
Vladimir Mendelssohn

s ol o w orks


Dedicated to Tom and Vivian Waldeck
Co-commissioned by Tom and Vivian Waldeck and the Caramoor International Music Festival
1. C major  Moderato
2. A minor  Presto
3. G major  Moderato
4. E minor  Appassionato – Nostalgico
5. D major  Andantino sognante
6. B minor  Chorale
7. A major  Andante
8. F sharp minor  Presto
9. E major  Allegretto
10. C sharp minor  Largo
11. B major  Misterioso
12. G sharp minor  Allegro bruto
13. F sharp major  Andante
14. E flat minor  Allegretto
15. D flat major  Moderato
16. B flat minor  Allegro ma non troppo, tragico
17. A flat major  Adagio tragico
18. F minor  Grave
19. E flat major  Adagio religioso
20. C minor  Misterioso
21. B flat major  Allegro moderato
22. G minor  Andante
23. F major  Allegretto
24. D minor  Grandioso
Duration: 39’
First performance: 23 July 1999, New York
Lera Auerbach
score: sik 8536
cd: bis cd 1462 · (Lera Auerbach – This recording was awarded the prize ‘Choc de la Musique
crc 3441 · Eli Kalman

s o lo w orks

S U I TE F O R PIA NO Op. 41a 1999

Nine preludes from Op. 41
1. Andantino (No. 5)
2. Allegretto (No. 14)
3. Presto (No. 8)
4. Grave (No. 18)
5. Allegro moderato (No. 21)
6. Misterioso (No. 20)
7. Moderato – Allegro ma non troppo (No. 16)
8. Adagio (No. 17)
9. Grandioso (No. 24)
Duration: 15’
First performance: 12 July 2001, Lockenhaus
Lera Auerbach

TEN DR EAM S Op. 45 1999

for piano
Commissioned by Tom and Vivian Waldeck
1. Allegro ma non troppo
2. Andante
3. Andante misterioso
4. Allegro ma non troppo
5. Tempo di un lamento
6. Lento assai
7. Allegro assai
8. Moderato
9. Vivo misterioso
10. Allegro moderato
Duration: 16’
First performance: 13 July 2008, Plön
Lera Auerbach
score: sik 8612
cd: bis cd 1462 · (Lera Auerbach –This recording was awarded the prize ‘Choc de la Musique
crc 3441 · Eli Kalman

s ol o w orks

M E MORY O F A TA NGO  Op. 64 2002

Encore piece for double bass solo
Commissioned by Rafael Agudelo
Duration: 1’40”
First performance: 17 August 2002, New York
Rafael Agudelo


for carillon
Duration: 7’
First performance: June 2006, New York


for violin solo
Dedicated to Vadim Gluzman
1. Dancing with Oneself
2. Boredom
3. No Escape
4. Imaginary Dialogue
5. Worrisome Thought
6. Question
Duration: 9’
First performance: 16 March 2004, San Francisco
Vadim Gluzman
score: sik 8545
cd: bis cd 1592 · Vadim Gluzman
gen 15339 · Zhi-Jong Wang

s o lo w orks


Dedicated to Christophor Miroshnikow
1. Prélude  –– · Moderato energico (q = 84) · Agitato, con moto · Moderato
energico · Poco agitato
2. Andante sognando (h = 63)
3. L’istesso tempo (q = 126) · Meno mosso, lamentoso · Tempo I (q = 126) ·
Lento misterioso
4. Interlude  q = 80 · meno mosso (q = 69) · a tempo (q = 80) attacca
5. Vivo con brio  q = 126 · meno mosso attacca
6. Allegro ma non troppo, con fuoco (q = 104)
Duration: 12’
First performance: 9 February 2004, Athens
Christophor Miroshnikov
score: sik 8911
cd: ms 1371 · Anthony Arnone


for vibraphone solo
1. Allegro grandioso e tragico – Andante nostalgico
2. Allegro marcato (ma non troppo)
3. Molto meno mosso – Andante – Poco meno mosso
Duration: 4’

la f en ice  (Sonata for Piano No. 1) 2005

Commissioned by Ksenia Nosikova
1. Anzi che introduzione  Moderato
2. I cavalli di San Marco  Allegro ma non troppo
3. Riflessioni  L’istesso tempo
4. La prigione di Casanova  Moderato ma con moto
5. La Fenice  Andante
6. Corale per la chimera  Adagio religioso
Duration: 20’
First performance: 8 October 2007, Lawrence
Ksenia Nosikova
cd: pH 07064 · Ksenia Nosikova

s ol o w orks

il s egno  ( S onata f or P iano No. 2 ) 2006

Commissioned by Deutschlandfunk, Cologne
1. Adagio tragico
2. Toccata  Allegro
3. Grave
4. Allegro – Molto meno mosso
Duration: 17’
First performance: 3 July 2006, Bonn
Lera Auerbach
cd: pH 07064 · Ksenia Nosikova

c a denz a s 2006
to W. A. Mozart’s Piano Concerto in D minor, K. 466 (first and third movement)
Duration: 6’
1. Allegro
2. Agitato – Adagio misterioso, tragico
First performance: 26 July 2006, Kiel
Gerhard Oppitz

lu d wi gs alp t raum 2007

for piano
Commissioned by Deutsche Telekom for the Second International Beethoven Competition for
Piano Bonn 2007
Duration: 7’
First performance: 11 December 2007, Bonn
score: sik 8559
cd: sacd 0701 · Keiko Hattori (recorded live from the Second International Beethoven Com-
txa 15068 · Georg Michael Grau

s o lo w orks

p a r.ti.ta 2007
for violin
Commissioned by Bachwoche Ansbach 2007
1. Adagio libero (Preludio)
2. Moderato
3. Andantino scherzando
4. Serioso
5. Andante libero
6. Vivo scuro
7. Adagio tragico
8. Grave
9. Allegro ossessivo
10. Adagio (Postludio)
Duration: 25’
First performance: 29 July 2007, Ansbach
Vadim Gluzman
score: sik 8860

milking d arkness 2011

for piano
Commissioned by ARD Music Competition 2011
Duration: 10’
First performance: September 2011, Munich
score: sik 8694

c a denz a s 2014
to W. A. Mozart’s Flute Concerto in D major, K. 314
Commissioned by the National Symphony Orchestra of Washington for Aaron Goldman
1. Allegro aperto
2. Andante ma non troppo
3. Allegro [Cadenza and intrata]
Duration: 5’
First performance: 13 November 2014, Washington
Aaron Goldman (flute) – National Symphony Orchstra of Washington – Christoph
Eschenbach (conductor)

s ol o w orks

la sui te de l s oce lls  hommage à pablo c a s a l s 2015

for violoncello
Commissioned by Washington Performing Arts supported by Jane and Calvin Cafritz
Dedicated to Amit Peled
1. Preludio. Nostalgico sognando
2. Moderato ma poco agitato
3. Con brio
4. Adagio sognando
5. Moderato
6. Allegretto grazioso
7. Sognando libero
8. Fuga
Duration: 23’
First performance: 8 November 2015, Washington
Amit Peled

c o nte mplati on 2015

for double bass
Dedicated to Rafael De Stella
Duration: 3’

s akura no yum e 2016

for piano
Dedicated to Yukihisa Miyayama
Duration: 4’
First performance: 27 March 2016, Tokyo
Lera Auerbach

s o lo w orks

labyrint h 2018
for piano
Inspired by The Book of Imaginary Beings and other writings by Jorge Luis Borges
Commissioned by San Francisco Performances
1. A Bao a Qu (the Tower of Chitor)  Adagio, sognando libero · q = 60 · Poco
meno mosso (q = 52) · Stretto e più agitato · (Poco meno mosso)
Traumwanderer: First Passage  L’istesso tempo, libero (q = 60) · Agitato,
poco più mosso (q = 69) · Stretto lametoso (q = 80) · Tempo I (q = 60) attacca
2. Simurgh (The Bird Parliament)  Con brio (q = 76) · Allegretto sognando,
libero molto (q = 100) · Poco meno mosso · Tempo I · Poco più mosso,
agitato molto · Poco meno mosso, misteriosoo (q = 80)
Traumwanderer: Second Passage  q = 72 · q = 96
3. The Norns  Misterioso (q = 72) · Adagio I (q = 48) · Più agitato (q = 56) · (poco
meon mosso, ad lib.)
Tramuwanderer: Third Passage  q = 60
4. The Chord of Fenrir  Misterioso libero · Allegro moderato, marcato (q = 92) ·
Meno mosso, libero · Furioso (q = 112) · poco meno mosso, pesante · Mi-
sterioso libero · Allegro subito, pesante attacca
Traumwanderer: Fourth Passage  Allegro ossessivo · (più agitato) · (Meno mosso)
5. Swedenborg’s Angels  Con moto, libero (q = 84) · Meno mosso, sognando ·
(Tempo I)
Traumwanderer: Fifth Passage (Swedenborg’s Demons)  q = 60 · q = 72 · più
mosso (q = 84) · più mosso (q = 100) · q = 60 (poco a poco più stretto) · La-
mentoso I (q = 84) · Stretto agitato (q = 96)
6. The Kilkenny Cats  Furioso scherzando (q = 96) · Poco meno mosso, libero ·
Tempo I, furioso · più agitato · Vivo furioso · Più stretto
Traumwanderer: Sixth Passage (The Squonk Mourns the Kilkenny Cats)
q = 90 · q = 116 · Libero
7. Haniel, Kafziel, Azriel and Aniel  Allegro moderato, con brio (q = 132) ·
Moderato (q = 80) · Con brio (q = 132) · Pesante (h = q) · Sognando (q = 56) ·
Poco più agitato (q = 63) · Misterioso · Tempo I, con brio (q = 132)
Traumwanderer: Seventh Passage  q = 66 · meno mosso (q = 86) · Tempo di
valse (q = 100)
8. An Afternoon of a Minotaur  Umoristico (q = 168)
Traumwanderer: Eighth Passage  Grave funebre (q = 54) · Meno mosso (q = 42)
9. La liebre lunar  L’istesso tempo, libero molto · (Poco più mosso) (q = 56) ·
q = 60 · (Tempo I) · (q = 50) · (Poco agitato) (q = 60) · Meno mosso
10. El aplanador  Largo pesante (q = 60)
Traumwanderer: Ninth Passage (El golem)  (q = 56) · (Poco agitato) (q = 69) ·
Tragico (q = 60) · (Tempo I)
11. Bahamut  poco a poco accelerando · Agitato (q = 120) · (Poco meno mosso) ·
(q = 100) · Andante

s ol o w orks

labyrint h  [c o n t i n u e d]
12. The Library of Babel  (q = 63) · Poco meno mosso (q = 52) · (più stretto) ·
Adagio libero · (q = 58)
Duration: 50’
First performance: 27 March 2018, San Francisco
Lera Auerbach

d iabellic al waltz 2019

for piano
Cocommissioned by Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde Wien, Gewandhaus zu Leipzig, Brucknerhaus
Linz, Philharmonie de Paris, Gulbenkian Foundation Lissabon, Klavierfestival Ruhr, Tonhalle-
Gesellschaft Zürich, supported by Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung
Grave funebre (q = 48) · Grotesco scuro (q = 56) · q = 92 · Tempo di valse (q =
120) · Sognando nostalgico (q = 80) · Grave funebre (q = 44)
Duration: 4’
First performance: 3 March 2020, Vienna
Rudolf Buchbinder
D i a b e l l i c a l W a l t z is part of the ‘Diabelli 2020’ project initiated by Rudolf
Buchbinder and jointly composed by Jörg Widmann, Toshio Hosokawa, Krzysztof
Penderecki, Tan Dun.

t rout no more 2019

for double bass
Dedicated to Rafael De Stella
Duration: 3’

c h oral wo rk s

PS ALM   23  Op. 42 1999

for mixed choir (in Hebrew)
Dedicated to Tom Waldeck
Duration: 3’20”

PS ALM 100  Op. 43 1999

for boys (or children’s) choir (in Hebrew)
Dedicated to the memory of Melanie Silverman
Duration: 3’
First performance: 17 May 2009, Berlin
Women’s Choir of St. Matthäus-Kirche – Lothar Knappe (conductor)

PS ALM 130  Op. 44 1999

for mixed choir (in Latin)
Dedicated to Page and Elizabeth Johnson
Duration: 4’ 30”

TH E BLI ND Op. 58 2001

A cappella opera for 12 singers. Libretto (in English) by Lera Auerbach based on
Maurice Meaterlinck’s ‘Les Aveugles’
2 sopranos, 2 mezzo-sopranos, 2 contraltos, 2 tenors, 2 baritones, 2 basses (6
leading voices and supporting chorus)
Duration: 55’

L U LLABY Op. 66 2002
for mixed choir
text: William Blake’s ‘Cradle song’ (in English)
Duration: 3’
First performance: 21 November 2004, Vienna
Chamber choir ‘Vox humana’, Gumpoldskirchen

c h oral work s

g algen li ede r   ( g a l l ows s o n g s ) 2013

for saxophone quartet and female choir on poems by Christian Morgenstern (in
German – English version by May Knight)
Co-Commissioned by Westdeutscher Rundfunk, KorVest Choir, Philomela Choir and Zurich
1. Das ästhetische Wiesel
2. Der Seufzer
3. Geburtsakt der Philosophie
4. Zwischenspiel I
5. Gespräch der Hausschnecke mit sich selbst
6. Zwischenspiel II
7. Fisches Nachtgesang (Thema und Variationen)
8. Galgenkindes Wiegenlied
9. Die Schildkrökröte
10. Zwischenspiel III
11. Das Gebet
12. Denkmalswunsch
13. Das Wasser
soprano sax. alto sax. tenor sax. baritone sax. female choir (s/s/a/a)
Duration: 32’
First performance: 25. May 2013, Cologne
Christine Rall (soprano sax) – Elliot Riley (alto sax) – Bruce Weinberger (tenor
sax) – Kenneth Coon (baritone sax) – Members of WDR Choir – Nicholas Kok
There is also available a version for saxophone quartet and two-part children’s
choir, performed for the first time in Dresden on 9 May 2015 by the Dresden Phil-
harmonic Children’s Choir, conducted by Gunter Berger.

c h oral wo rk s

7 2 a nge ls. In splendore lucis 2016

for choir and sayophone quartet
text: 72 angels’ names (in Hebrew)
Co-Commissioned by Nederlands Kamerkoor, Radiokören Stockholm, Cracow Singers, Chor-
verband Steiermark – Vocalforum Graz, Collegium musicale Tallinn, CHOREOS Osnabrück,
Zürcher Sing-Akademie and Collegium Vocale zu Franziskanern Luzern
1. Vehevyah  Andante lamentoso, libero molto (q = 60) · Più agitato
2. Eliel  q = 80 · A tempo, recitativo libero
3. Sitael  Energico (q = 80) · A tempo, appassionato lamentoso
4. Elemiyah  q = 80
5. Mahashiyah  Molto moderato (q = 104) · Meno mosso, recitativo libero
(q = 66) · Più mosso, agitato (q = 80)
6. Lelahel  Andante (q = 60) · poco con moto (q = 80)
7. Ahaiyah  Allegro, disperatamente (q = 100)
8. Kahetel  Poco meno mosso (q = 88) · Più mosso (q = 96)
9. Haziel  Lirico (q = 80)
10. Aladiyah  Allegro scherzoso (q = 120)
11. Laviyah  Allegro (q = 120)
12. Ahayah  Agitato drammatico (q. = 96) · meno mosso e rit.
13. Yezelel  Andante, sognando (h = 58)
14. Mebahel  Moderato energico (q = 79)
15. Hariel  Con brio (q = 112) · Poco meno mosso, misterioso e libero · Con
brio (q = 112)
16. Hakamiyah  Poco agitato (q = 104)
17. Leviyah  Allegro moderato (q = 84)
18. Kaliel  Recitativo libero (q = 80) · Sognando (q = 72)
19. Lavavyah  Agitato molto, misterioso e libero
20. Pahaliyah  Allegro, disperatamente (q = 104) · meno mosso e rit.
21. Nelkael  Allegro moderato (q = 96)
22. Yeyael  Recitativo (q = 72)
23. Melahel  energico con brio (q = 96)
24. Hahevayah  Moderato (q = 80)
25. Nitayah  Andante (q = 84)
26. Haayah  Adagio (q = 58)
27. Yoratel  q = 96
28. Sheeyah  Con brio e marcato (q = 120) · meno mosso
29. Reyiel  Lamentoso, libero (q = 88)
30. Ormael  Libero (q = 76)
31. Lekabel  Con moto (q = 116)
32. Vasariyah  Con brio (q = 120)
33. Yehaviyah  Pesante (q = 96)
34. Lehaviyah  Andante (q = 96)
35. Kavakiyah  L’istesso tempo
36. Manadel  Adagio misterioso

c h oral work s

7 2 ANGELS   [ c o n t i n u e d ]
37. Aniel  Con moto, libero (q = 66)
38. Haamiyah  L’istesso tempo (q = 66)
39. Rehael  Agitato (q = 96)
40. Yeyazel  L’istesso tempo (q = 96)
41. Hahael  Recitativo libero (q = 80)
42. Mikael  q = 88
43. Vevaliyah  q = 90
44. Yelahiyah  q = 120
45. Sealiyah  Recitativo (q = 60) · Poco meno mosso
46. Ariel  q = 60
47. Asaliyah  Con brio (q = 88) · meno mosso
48. Mihael
49. Vehevel  Andante (q = 76)
50. Daniel  Allegro marcato (h = 84)
51. Hahashiyah  L’istesso tempo (q = 168)
52. Imamiyah  L’istesso tempo
53. Nanael  q = 144 · Poco meno mosso, recitativo libero
54. Nitael  Recitativo libero (q = 80) · Sognando, nostalgico (q = 72)
55. Mebahiyah  Lento (q = 58) · Poco più mosso (q = 63)
56. Poiel  q = 88
57. Nemamiyah  L’istesso tempo
58. Yeyelel  Andante recitativo (q = 72) · Recitativo nostalgico
24. Harael  Recitativo libero (q = 84) · Poco meno mosso, sognando (q = 76)
59. Mizrael  Con spirito, marcato (q = 96)
60. Vamabel  Allegro marcato (q = 144) · Meno mosso, ma agitato (q = 96) ·
a tempo (q = 144) · Lamentoso, agitato · Poco meno mosso
61. Yehael  Libero (q = 72)
62. Anayuel  Energico (q = 88)
63. Mehiel  Pesante (q = 72) · Agitato poco (q = 80) · poco meno mosso (q = 72)
64. Damebiyah  Recitativo libero (q = 60)
65. Manakel  Animato (q = 120) · Poco meno mosso
66. Eyael  Adagio magico (q = 46)
67. Habahiyah  Energico (q = 84)
68. Rehel  Allegro (q = 132) · Marcato
69. Yabamiyah  Moderato energico (q = 108)
70. Hayael  Semplice (q = 108)
71. Mevamiyah  Andante ad libitum (œ = 168) · poco stretto · meno mosso ·
Adagio · Adagio molto (œ = 60)
72. Epilogo: Amen  q = 60
Duration: 89’
First performance: 3 November 2016, Amsterdam, Muziekgebouw aan’t IJ
Nederlands Kamerkoor – Raschèr Saxophone Quartet – Peter Dijkstra (conductor)

c h oral wo rk s

g o etia . 72 – In umbra lucis 2016

for mixed choir and string quartet
text: 72 demons’ names (in Hebrew)
Co-Commissioned by RIAS Kammerchor, Nederlands Kamerkoor, Cracow Singers and Zürcher
Prelude – Psalm 90 (91):1-16
1. Baal
2. Agares
3. Vassago
4. Samigina
5. Marbas
6. Valefor
7. Ammon
8. Barbatos
9. Paimon
10. Buer
11. Gusion
12. Sitri
13. Beleth
14. Leraje
15. Eligos
16. Zepar
17. Botis
18. Bathin
19. Sallos
20. Purson
21. Marax
22. Ipos
23. Aim
24. Naberius
Psalm 90 (91):1-3
25. Glasia-Labolas
26. Buné
27. Ronové
28. Berith
29. Astaroth
30. Forneus
31. Foras
32. Asmoday
33. Gaap
34. Furfur
35. Marchosias
36. Stolas
37. Phenex
38. Halphas
c h oral work s

GOET IA  [ c o n t i n u e d ]
39. Malphas
40. Raum
41. Focalor
42. Vepar
43. Sabnock
44. Shax
45. Vine
46. Bifrons
47. Uvall
48. Haagenti
Psalm 90 (91):5-11/13
49. Crokel
50. Furcas
51. Balaam
52. Allocas
53. Caim
54. Murmur
55. Orobas
56. Gremori
27. Ose
58. Amy
59. Orias
60. Vapula
61. Zagan
62. Valax
63. Andras
64. Haures
65. Andrealphus
66. Kimaris
67. Amdusias
68. Belial
69. Abraxas
70. Seere
71. Dantalion
72. Andromalius
Duration: 90’
First performance: 24 May 2019, Berlin, Pierre Boulez Saal
RIAS Kammerchor – Michelangelo Quartet – Kaspars Putnins (conductor)


TW O SONGS  Op. 10 1986/1988

for soprano and piano
Text: Federico García Lorca (in Russian)
1. Song of Solitude (1988)
2. When I Die (1986)
Duration: 5’
First performance: 1988, Chelyabinsk
Ludmila Shenderova (soprano) – Lera Auerbach (piano)

t he S A D BIR C H Op. 15 1990

for soprano (f minor) or mezzo-soprano (c minor) and piano
Text: Afanasy Fet (in Russian)
Dedicated to Lina Tetruashvili
Duration: 3’
First performance: 1 April 1996, New York
Lina Tetruashvili (soprano) – Lera Auerbach (piano)

B UTTE RFLY Op. 22 1992

Encore for soprano and piano
Text: Joseph Brodsky (in Russian)
Duration: 3’
First performance: 23 July 1999, New York
Lina Tetruashvili (soprano) – Lera Auerbach (piano)

OCTO BE R T UNE Op. 23 1992

for tenor or mezzo-soprano and piano
Text: Joseph Brodsky (in Russian)
Dedicated to the memory of Alichka
Duration: 4’
First performance: 18 March 2003, Chicago
Julia Bentley (mezzo-soprano) – Andrea Swan (piano)


W E C A NNOT R EM EMBER TH EM  Op. 26 1992

for soprano and piano
Text: Mark Strand (in English)
Duration: 5’15”
First performance: 1 April 1996, New York
Lina Tetruashvili (soprano) – Lera Auerbach (piano)

Dedicated to Sonia Simmenauer
P OETRY  Op. 36 1997
for soprano and piano
Text: Hilan Dov Warshaw (in English)
Duration: 5’
First performance: 1997, New York
Lina Tetruashvili (soprano) – Lera Auerbach (piano)
PRAY E R Op. 37 1997
for soprano and piano
Text: Hilan Dov Warshaw (in English)
Commissioned by the Aspen Jewish Congregation
Duration: 3’
First performance: 7 October 1997, Aspen
Lisa Layman (soprano) – Lera Auerbach (piano)
TO T HE WORL D Op. 71 2003
for soprano and piano
Text: Hilan Dov Warshaw (in English)
Duration: 4’
First performance: 18 March 2003, Chicago
Julia Bentley (mezzo-soprano) – Andrea Swan (piano)


DA NCE OF DAV ID Op. 50 2000
for boy soprano or soprano and piano
Text: Arseny Tarkovsky (in Russian)
Duration: 2’
First performance: 14 July 2001, Lockenhaus
Yulia Korpacheva (soprano) – Lera Auerbach (piano)
P OOR FI SHERMA N Op. 51 2000
for boy-soprano or soprano and piano
Text: Arseny Tarkovsky (in Russian)
Duration: 2’
First performance: 14 July 2001, Lockenhaus
Yulia Korpacheva (soprano) – Lera Auerbach (piano)

P R OPH EC Y Op. 67 2002

for tenor (or soprano) and organ (or piano, 2010)
Text: Bible, Acts 2:17-21 (in English)
Commissioned by and dedicated to Elyssa Lindner
Duration: 7’
First performance: 20 October 2004, Dietzenbach
Fernando del Valle (tenor ) – Gabriele Urbanski (organ)
In 2010 the composer produced a version of P r o p h e c y for tenor (or soprano)
and piano which was performed for the first time on 11 July 2010 in Los Angeles by
Timour Bekbosunov (tenor) and Mary Au (piano).

L AST L ETTE R Op. 76 2003

for mezzo-soprano, violoncello and piano
Text: Marina Tsvetaeva ‘Novogodnee’
Commissioned by Yehuda Hanani and Close Encounters with Music through its Music Com-
missioning Project
Duration: 20’
First performance: 26 October 2003, Great Barrington
Francis Ginsberg (mezzo-soprano) – Yehuda Hanani (violoncello) – Lera Auerbach


s ix p oem s o f mari na tsveta eva   [d m i t r i   s h o s t a k o v i c h] 2005

Arrangement of Shostakovich’s song cycle Op. 143 (1973) for contralto and string
quartet by Lera Auerbach (in Russian)
Co-commissioned by the Festival ‘Les muséiques’, Basel, and the NDR concert and broadcasting
series ‘das neue werk’, Hamburg
1. My Poems  (Largo)
2. Whence Such Tenderness?  (Allegretto)
3. Hamlet’s Dialogue with His Conscience  (Largo)
4. The Poet and the Tsar  (Moderato)
5. Not the Drum Sounded ...  (Allegretto)
6. To Anna Akhmatova  (Largo)
Duration: 23’
First performance: 1 June 2006, Basle
Zoryana Kushpler (contralto) – Petersen Quartet
cd: cap 71 104 · Zoryana Kushpler (contralto) – Petersen Quartet

s o ngs o f no return 2007

for soprano and piano on words by Lera Auerbach (‘Diary of the Unknown Self’),
Sylvia Plath (‘Lady Lazarus’ from ‘Ariel’) and Maxine Kumin (‘Revisionist Dream’)
Commissioned by KölnMusik
part i. Diary of the Unknown Self
1. I am only a Shadow of my Words  (Andante)
2. Writer’s Block  (Allegro agitato)
3. A Childhood Memory  (Andante sognando)
4. First Kiss  (Allegro ma non troppo, molto marcato)
5. The Darkness  (Allegro assai)
6. Time and its Mirror  (Moderato energico, marcato)
part ii. Lady Lazarus  (Con brio, energico marcato)
p a r t i i i . Revisionist Dream
(She Didn’t Kill Herself that Afternoon)  (Andante)
Duration: 26’
First performance: 6 January 2008, Cologne
Angela Denoke (soprano) – Roger Vignoles (piano)

mu s i c  f or  the you ng


Twelve character pieces for piano
Dedicated to Page and Elisabeth Johnson
1. Question
2. What a Story!
3. Dialogue
4. Quarrel
5. An Old Photograph from the Grandparents’ Childhood
6. After the War (The Field of the Dead)
7. Decision
8. Family Holiday
9. Stubborn
10. E-Creatures
11. Shadows on the Wall
12. Prayer
Duration: 11’
First performance: 8 April 2001, Boston
score: sik 2405
cd: pH 07064 · Ksenia Nosikova
crc 3441 · Eli Kalman
txa 15068 · Georg Michael Grau

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– Fantasia   · ······················································································· 1986········ 49

10 Two Songs   ················································································ 1986/1988···· 66

15 The Sad Birch   ··············································································· 1990········ 66

19 Monologue for Flute   ································································· 1990········ 49

22 Butterfly   ······················································································· 1992········ 66

23 October Tune  ·············································································· 1992········ 66
26 We Cannot Remember Them  ·················································· 1992········ 67
27 After the E nd of Time  ······························································· 1992········ 49
– Memento mori   · ··········································································· 1992········ 49
28 Piano Trio No. 1   · ··································································· 1992/1996···· 30

31 C horale, Fugue and Postlude   ············································· 1994/1999···· 49

33 T ’filah   ···························································································· 1996········ 50

33a Prayer   ···························································································· 1996········ 50
34 Monolgue for Double Bass   ······················································ 1996········ 50

36 Poetry   (part of Songs of Rebirth)  ············································· 1997········ 67

37 Prayer   (part of Songs of Rebirth)  ·············································· 1997········ 67
38 Monologue for Viola   ································································· 1997········ 50
39b Dialogue with Time  ··································································· 1997········ 15
40 Double C oncerto for Violin, Piano and O r c h e s t r a  · ········ 1997········ 15

41 Twenty-Four Preludes for Piano   ············································ 1999········ 51

41a S uite for Piano   · ·········································································· 1999········ 52
42 Psalm 23   ······················································································· 1999········ 60
43 Psalm 100   ····················································································· 1999········ 60
44 Psalm 130   ····················································································· 1999········ 60
45 Ten Dreams   ················································································· 1999········ 52
46 Twenty-Four Preludes for Violin and Pia n o  ······················· 1999········ 32
46a S uite for Violin and Piano   · ····················································· 1999········ 30
47 Twenty-Four Preludes for Violoncello an d P i a n o  ············ 1999········ 32
47a S uite for Violoncello and Piano   ············································ 1999········ 33
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47b Postlude   ························································································ 1999········ 33

50 Dance of David   (part of Two S ongs)  ········································ 2000········ 68

51 Poor Fisherman   (part of Two Songs) ········································· 2000········ 68
52 Images from C hildhood   · ·························································· 2000········ 70
54 T hree Dances in the Old Style   · ············································· 2000········ 33
56 C oncerto for Violin and O rchestra No. 1   ······················ 2000/2003···· 15
57 S onata for Violin and Piano No. 1   ······································· 2000········ 34
– Five Preludes   [s h o s t a k o v i c h]   ············································· 2000········ 34

58 T he Blind   ······················································································ 2001···· 12/60

60 S uite Concertante   ······································································ 2001········ 16
61 O skolki   (Broken Pieces)   · ······················································· 2001········ 35
63 S onata for Violin and Piano No. 2   (S ep t e m b e r 11)  ········· 2001········ 35

64 Memory of a Tango   · ·································································· 2002········ 53

65 Prelude, Toccata and Postlude   ·············································· 2002········ 53
66 Lullaby   ·························································································· 2002········ 60
67 Prophecy   · ····················································································· 2002········ 68
68 S erenade for a Melancholic Sea  ············································ 2002········ 16
69 S onata for Violoncello and Piano No. 1   ····························· 2002········ 35
70 Lonely Suite (Ballet for a Lonely Violini s t )   ······················· 2002········ 48

71 To the World   (part of Songs of Rebirth)  ································· 2003········ 67

72 S onata for Violoncello   ····························································· 2003········ 54
75 Prelude, Toccata and Postlude   ·············································· 2003········ 54
76 Last Letter   ···················································································· 2003········ 68
– Preludes C & V   ··········································································· 2003········ 12

77 C oncerto for Violin and O rchestra No. 2   ·························· 2004········ 16

79 S tring Quartet N o. 1  · ······························································· 2004········ 36
80 T he Little Mermaid   ································································ 2004/2007···· 12

– Dialogues on Stabat Mater   ····················································· 2005········ 17

– Dreams and Whispers of Poseidon   ······································· 2005········ 17

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– Epilogue   ························································································ 2005········ 36

– La fenice   (Sonata for Piano No. 1 )  ···································· 2005········ 54
– Primera luz   (String Quartet No. 2 )  · ·································· 2005········ 37
– Six Poems of Marina Tsvtaeva   [s h o s t a k o v i c h]   ·············· 2005········ 69
– Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 3   ······································· 2005········ 36

– C adenzas   to W. A. Mozart’s Piano Concerto K. 466  ····················· 2006········ 55

– C etera desunt. Sonnet for S tring Quartet
( String Q uartet No. 3 )   ······························································ 2006········ 37
– Il segno   (S onata for Piano No. 2 )  · ····································· 2006········ 55
– Postlude   for violoncello and piano  ··············································· 2006········ 37
– Postscriptum   for piano trio  ························································· 2006········ 39
– Requiem for a Poet   (S ymphony No. 2)  ································ 2006········ 19
– Symphony N o. 1  'Chimera’  ························································ 2006········ 18

– Findings – Sixteen Inventions

(String Q ua rtet N o. 4 )  ······························································ 2007········ 38
– Ludwigs Alptraum   ······································································ 2007········ 55
– par.ti.ta   ························································································· 2007········ 56
– Russian Requiem   ········································································ 2007········ 20
– Songs of No Return   ··································································· 2007········ 69

– Fragile Solitudes   ········································································ 2008········ 21

– Six Preludes for Double Bass and Piano   ····························· 2008········ 40
– Twenty-Four Preludes for Violoncello an d P i a n o
[s h o s t a k o v i c h]   · ······································································· 2008········ 39

– Postscriptum   for mezzo-soprano, violoncello and piano  ············ 2009········ 40

– Sogno di Stabat Mater   ······························································ 2009········ 21
– Job’s Lament   ················································································ 2009········ 40

– Eterniday   ( Hommage à W. A . Mozart)   ·································· 2010········ 21

– Gogol   ····························································································· 2010········ 13
– Speak, Memory   ··········································································· 2010········ 40

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– Twenty-Four Preludes for Viola and Pian o

[s h o s t a k o v i c h]   · ······································································· 2010········ 41

– Icarus   (last movement of Symphony No. 1 'Chimera’)  ·············· 2006/2011· ··· 18

– Milking Darkness   ······································································· 2011········ 56
– Seraphim C anticles   · ·································································· 2011········ 42
– Songs of Alkonost ( String Quartet No. 5)  ··························· 2011········ 42
– Triptych – T he Mirror with three Faces
(Piano Trio N o. 2)  ······································································· 2011········ 42

– Post silentium   ············································································· 2012········ 24

– Requiem  Dresden – O de to Peace  ······································ 2012········ 23
– Abschied (S tring Q uartet N o. 6 )  ··········································· 2012········ 43

– Arcanum (S onata for Violin and Piano N o . 4)  ··················· 2013········ 43

– Piano Trio No. 3  · ······································································· 2013········ 43
– Memoria de la Luz   · ··································································· 2013········ 23
– Désir (S tring Quartet No. 7 )   ·················································· 2013········ 44
– In Praise of Peace   ( Lob des Friedens)   ································· 2013········ 23
– Galgenlied er (G allows Songs)   ················································ 2013········ 61
– String Q uartet No. 8 (Sylvia’s Diary)  ·································· 2013········ 44

– Dreammusik   · ··············································································· 2014········ 24

– Trio for Violin, Horn and Piano   ············································ 2014········ 45
– Tatiana   ·························································································· 2014········ 14
– C adenzas   to W. A. Mozart’s Flute Concerto K. 314  ······················ 2014········ 55

– C oncerto for Piano and O rchestra

‘Only through time time is conquered’  ············································· 2015········ 25
– C ontemplation   ············································································ 2015········ 58
De profundis.

C oncerto for Violin and Orchestra No. 3  · ·························· 2015········ 24
– Trio for Violin, Violoncello and Piano   [p r o k o f i e v]   · ····· 2015········ 45
– La Suite dels ocells   ··································································· 2015········ 57

c hr o n o l o g ic al i ndex

o p u s

– Goetia – in umbra lucis   ··························································· 2016········ 64

– T he Infant Minstrel and His Peculiar Me n a g e r y   ·············· 2016········ 26
– Sakura No Yume   ········································································· 2016········ 57
– Roots   · ···························································································· 2016········ 45
– 72 Angels. In splendore lucis   ················································· 2016········ 62

– NYx   ································································································ 2017········ 27

– Zweifacher Traum  ······································································ 2017········ 28
– Piano Trio N o. 4   · ······································································· 2017········ 46
– Ten Preludes for Theremin and Piano   ····························· 1999/2017· ··· 46

– Twenty-Fou r Preludes for Viola and Pian o   ························ 2018········ 47

– Labyrinth   ······················································································ 2018········ 57

– Arctica.
Sympohony No. 4 for Piano, C hoir and Orc h e s t r a  ··········· 2019········ 28
– Diabellical Waltz   ······································································· 2019········ 59
– Eve’s Lament   · ·············································································· 2019········ 29
– Fractured Dreams.
S onata for Violin and Piano No. 4   ········································ 2019········ 48
– Trout N o More   ············································································ 2019········ 60

– String Q uartet N o. 9 ( D anksagung )  · ···································· 2020········ 49

alphab e t i c al index

A b s chied   (S tring Quartet N o. 6 )  · ····································································· 44

A f t er the End of Time Op. 27  · ············································································· 4
A r c anum   ( S onata for Viola and Piano )  ··························································· 43
A r c tica.  Sympohony N o. 4 for P iano, C hoir an d O rc h e s t r a  · ···················· 28

B a l let for a Lonely Violinist (Lonely S uite)  Op. 70  ····································· 54

Th e Blind  Op. 58  · ······························································································ 12/61
B r o ken Pieces (Oskolki)  Op. 61  ········································································· 35
B u t terfly  Op. 22  ····································································································· 67

C a denzas to W. A. Mozart’s Flute Concerto in D major, K. 314  · ······························· 57

C a denzas to W. A. Mozart’s Piano Concerto in D minor, K. 466  ······························· 56
C e t era desunt. Sonnet for String Quartet   (Stri n g Qu a r t e t N o . 3)  · ········ 37
C h orale, Fugue and Postlude  Op. 31  ······························································· 50
C o ncerto for Pian o and O rchestra ‘Only through time time is conquered’  · ····· 25
C o ncerto for Violin and Orchestra No. 1  Op. 56  ········································ 15
C o ncerto for Violin and Orchestra No. 2  Op. 77  ········································ 16
C o ncerto for Violin and Orchestra No. 3   (De p r o f u n d i s)   ······················· 24
C o ncerto for Violin and Orchestra No. 4   (NYx )   · ········································ 27
C o ntemplation   ········································································································ 59

D a nce of David  Op. 50  (part of Two S ongs)  ······················································ 69

D e profundis. Concerto for Violin and Orchestr a N o . 3  ···························· 24
D é sir  ( S tring Quartet No. 7 )  ············································································ 44
D i a bellical Waltz   ··································································································· 60
D i a logues on Stabat Mater   · ················································································ 17
D i a logue with Time Op. 39b  ·············································································· 15
D o uble Concerto for Violin, Piano and Orches t r a Op. 40  ······················· 15
D r eammusik   ············································································································· 24
D r eams and Whispers of Poseidon   ··································································· 17

E p i logue   ···················································································································· 36
E t e rniday   ( Hommage à W.A. Mozart )  ······························································ 21
E v e ’s Lament (O Flowers, That Never Will Grow)  ··················································· 29
E v a s Klage ( O Blumen, die niemals blühen wer d e n )  ···································· 29

F a n tasia   ····················································································································· 50
L a fenice   (S onata for Piano No. 1)   ································································· 55
F i n dings – S ixteen Inventions   (S tring Quartet N o . 4)   ······························ 38
F i v e Preludes   [s h o s t a k o v i c h]   ········································································· 34
F r a ctured Dreams (Sonate for Violin and Piano N o . 4 )  ······························ 48
alphabe t i cal index

F r a g ile S olitudes   · ··································································································· 21

F r o zen D reams   (G efrorene Träume)   (S tring Qu a r t e t No . 1 0)  · ··············· 48

G e f rorene Träume   (F rozen Dreams)   (S tring Qu a r t e t No . 1 0)  ················ 48

G a l genlieder   (Gallows Songs )  · ·········································································· 62
G o e tia – in umbra lucis   ······················································································· 65
G o g ol  ························································································································· 13

H o mmage à W.A. Mozart   ( Eterniday)   ······························································ 21

I c a r us  (last two movements of Symphony No. 1 ‘Chimera’)  · ····································· 18

I m a ges from C hildhood  Op. 52  ········································································· 71
I n P raise of Peace   ( Lob des F riedens) ······························································· 23
Th e Infant Minstrel and His Peculiar Menagerie ··········································· 26

J o b ’s Lament   ············································································································ 40

L a b yrinth   ·················································································································· 58
L a s t Letter  Op. 76  · ································································································ 69
Th e Little Mermaid  Op. 80  ················································································· 12
L o b des Friedens   (In Praise of Peace) ······························································· 24
L o n ely S uite   (Ballet for a Lonely Violinist)  Op. 70  · ··································· 54
L u d wigs Alptraum   ·································································································· 56
L u l l aby Op. 66  ········································································································ 61

M e mento mori   ········································································································· 50

M e moria de la Luz   ································································································· 23
M e mory of a Tango  Op. 64  ················································································· 54
M i l king Darkness   · ·································································································· 57
M o nolgue for Double Bass  Op. 34  ··································································· 51
M o nolgue for Flute  Op. 19  ················································································· 50
M o nologue for Viola Op. 38  · ············································································· 51
M o z art’s Twofold Dream   ······················································································ 28

N Y x   ( Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No. 4)   ··········································· 27

O c t ober Tune  Op. 23  ···························································································· 67

O s k olki ( B roken Pieces)  Op. 61  · ······································································· 35
alphab e t i c al index

p a r.ti.ta   ····················································································································· 57
P i a no Trio N o. 1  Op. 28  ······················································································ 30
P i a no Trio N o. 2   (Triptych – The Mirror with t h r e e F a c e s)  ······················· 42
P i a no Trio N o. 3   ····································································································· 43
P i a no Trio N o. 4   ····································································································· 46
P o e try  Op. 36  (part of Songs of Rebirth)  ·························································· 68
P o or Fisherman  Op. 51  (part of Two Songs)  · ···················································· 69
P o s tlude   for violin and piano Op. 47b  ···································································· 33
P o s tlude   for violoncello and piano  ········································································· 37
P o s tscriptum   for piano trio  ···················································································· 39
P o s tscriptum   for mezzo-soprano, violoncello and piano  ······································· 40
P o s t silentium   ········································································································· 23
P r a yer  Op. 33a  · ······································································································ 51
P r a yer  Op. 37  (part of Songs of Rebirth)  ··························································· 68
P r e lude, Toccata and Postlude  Op. 65  ···························································· 54
P r e lude, Toccata and Postlude  Op. 75  ···························································· 55
P r e ludes C & V  · ······································································································ 12
P r i mera luz ( String Quartet No. 2)   ··································································· 37
P r o phecy  Op. 67  ···································································································· 69
P s a lm 23  Op. 42  ····································································································· 61
P s a lm 100  Op. 43  ·································································································· 61
P s a lm 130  Op. 44  ·································································································· 61

R e quiem  Dresden – Ode to P eace  ·································································· 22

R e quiem for a Poet   (S ymphony No. 2)  ····························································· 19
R o ots  ·························································································································· 45
R u s sian Requiem   ···································································································· 20

Th e S ad Birch  Op. 15  ··························································································· 67

S a k ura No Yume   ····································································································· 58
I l s egno (Sonata for Piano N o. 2)  · ···································································· 56
S e p tember 11 ( Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 2) Op. 63  · ······················ 35
S e r aphim Canticles   ······························································································· 42
S e r enade for a Melancholic Sea Op. 68  ························································ 16
S i x Poems of Marina Tsvetaeva   [s h o s t a k o v i c h]   ········································ 70
S i x Preludes for Double Bass and Piano   ························································· 40
S o g no di Stabat Mater   ·························································································· 21
S o nata for Piano No. 1 ( La fenice )  ··································································· 55
S o nata for Piano No. 2 ( Il segno)  · ···································································· 56
S o nata for Viola and Piano   ( Arcanum )  ··························································· 43
S o nate for Violin and Piano No. 1  Op. 57  ····················································· 34
S o nate for Violin and Piano No. 2 ( September 11) Op. 63  · ······················ 35
S o nate for Violin and Piano No. 3   · ·································································· 36
S o nate for Violin and Piano No. 4 ( Fractured D r e a m s )  · ····························· 48
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S o n ata for Violoncello  Op. 72  ··········································································· 55

S o n ata for Violoncello and Piano No. 1  Op. 69  · ········································· 35
S o n gs of Alkonost   (String Quartet No. 5 )  ······················································· 42
S o n gs of No Return   ······························································································· 70
S o n gs of Rebirth   ····································································································· 68
S p e ak, Memory   ······································································································· 40
S t r i ng Quartet N o. 1  Op. 79  ·············································································· 36
S t r i ng Quartet N o. 2 ( Primera luz )  · ································································· 37
S t r i ng Quartet N o. 3   (C etera desunt . S onnet fo r S t r i n g Q u a r t e t)  ············ 37
S t r i ng Quartet N o. 4 (Findings – Sixteen Invent i o n s)  ································· 38
S t r i ng Quartet N o. 5 (Songs of Alkonost)  ······················································· 42
S t r i ng Quartet N o. 6   (Abschied )  ······································································· 43
S t r i ng Quartet N o. 7 (D ésir)  ··············································································· 44
S t r i ng Quartet N o. 8 (Sylvia’s Diary)  ······························································· 44
S t r i ng Quartet N o. 9 (D anksagung )  ·································································· 49
S u i t e concertante  Op. 60  ···················································································· 16
L a S uite dels ocell s  H ommage à Pablo Casals   ············································ 58
S u i t e for Piano  Op. 41a  · ······················································································ 53
S u i t e for Violin and Piano  Op. 46a  ·································································· 30
S u i t e for Violoncello and Piano  Op. 47a  ························································ 33
S y l v ia’s Diary (String Quartet No. 8 )  ······························································· 44
S y m phony No. 1   ‘Chimera’  ···················································································· 18
S y m phony No. 2   (Requiem for a Poet)  ····························································· 19
S y m phony No. 3   (The Infant Minstrel and His P e c u l i a r M e n a g e r y)  ······· 26

Ta t i ana   · ····················································································································· 14
Te n Dreams  Op. 45  · ······························································································ 53
Te n Preludes for Theremin and Piano   · ···························································· 46
T’ f i l ah  Op. 33  ········································································································· 51
Th r ee D ances in the Old Style  Op. 54  ···························································· 33
To t he World  Op. 71  (part of Songs of Rebirth)  ··············································· 68
Tr i o for Violin, Horn and Piano   ········································································ 45
Tr i o for Violin, Violoncello and Piano   [p r o k o f i e v]   ··································· 45
Tr i p tych – T he Mirror with three Faces   (Piano Tr i o N o . 2)  ······················· 42
Tr o ut No More   ········································································································ 60
Tw e nty-Four Prelu des for Piano  Op. 41  ························································· 52
Tw e nty-Four Prelu des for Viola and Piano   · ··················································· 47
Tw e nty-Four Prelu des for Viola and Piano   [s h o s t a k o v i c h] ····················· 41
Tw e nty-Four Prelu des for Violin and Piano  Op. 46  ···································· 31
Tw e nty-Four Prelu des for Violoncello and Piano  Op. 47  ·························· 32
Tw e nty-Four Prelu des for Violoncello and Piano   [s h o s t a k o v i c h]   ······· 39
Tw o S ongs   · ··············································································································· 69
Tw o S ongs  Op. 10  ·································································································· 67

alphab e t i c al index

We C annot Remember Them  Op. 26  ································································ 68

7 2 Angels. In splendore lucis   ············································································· 63

d is c o g raphy

C h o rale, Fugue and Postlude for piano solo

■ Auerbach.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bis  1462

F a n t asia for piano solo

■ Nosikova. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . profil - g hänssler  7064

F r a g ile S olitudes. Shadowbox for String Quartet and Orchestra

■ Borromeo String Quartet · Pro Musica Chamber Orchestra.. . summit records  287228-2

I m a ges From Childhood for piano solo

■ Nosikova. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . profil - g hänssler  7064
■ Kalman.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . centaur  3441

Th e Little Mermaid. Ballet by John Neumeier after Hans Christian Andersen

■ San Francisco Ballet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (dvd) arte  708608

L o n ely S uite (Ballet For a Lonely Violinist ) for violin solo

■ Gluzman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bis  1592

M EMento m ori for piano solo

■ Nosikova. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . profil - g hänssler  7064

M EM ORY O F A TANGO for double bass solo

■ Styffe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . psc 1324

p a r. ti.ta for violin solo

■ Gluzman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bis  1972

P i a no Trio No. 1
■ Lincoln Trio.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cdr  900000-126

P o s tlude for violoncello and piano

■ Aznavoorian, Auerbach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cdr  900000-137

P o s tlude. Encore for violin solo

■ Gluzman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bis  1242

P o s tlude for violin and piano

■ Malikian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . npm classics  911

d i s c o graphy

P r a yer for alto saxophone solo

■ Perconti.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . crc  3243

■ Koffman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (catalogue  26134279)

S i x Poems of Marina Tsvetaeva    [d m i t r i   s h o s t a k o v i c h]

Arrangement of Shostakovich’s song cycle Op. 143 (1973) for contralto and string
quartet by Lera Auerbach
■ Petersen String Quartet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cap  71 104

S o g no di stabat mater for violin and viola, vibraphone and string orchestra
■ Kremer, Ulijona · Kremerata Baltica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nonesuch  287228-2

S o nata for Piano No. 1 ‘La Fenice’

■ Nosikova. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . profil - g hänssler  7064

S o nata for Piano No. 2 ‘Il Segno’

■ Nosikova. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . profil - g hänssler  7064

S o nata for Violin and Piano No. 2

■ Gluzman, Yoffe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bis  1592

S o nata for Violoncello and Piano

■ Aznavoorian, Auerbach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cdr  900000-137

■ Finckel, Wu.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . artistled  11001

S o nata for Violoncello solo

■ Arnone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . msn¦ ms  1371

S u i te for Violoncello and Piano

■ Thomas, Berrut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fuga libera

Te n Dreams for piano solo

■ Auerbach.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bis  1462

■ Kalman.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . centaur  3441

T’ F ilah for violin solo

■ Gluzman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bis  1242

Tw enty-Four Preludes for Piano

■ Auerbach.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bis  1462

■ Kalman.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . centaur  3441

d is c o g raphy

Tw e nty-Four Prelu des for Violin and Piano

■ Hope, Ammon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dg  4790571
■ Gluzman, Yoffe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bis  1242

Tw e nty-Four Prelu des for Violin and Piano    [d m i t r i   s h o s t a k o v i c h]

Arrangement of Shostakovich’s song cycle Op. 34 (1933) for violin and piano by
Dmitri Tsyganov and Lera Auerbach (Nos. 4, 7, 9, 14 and 23)
■ Kalinovsky, Goncharova.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . centaur records 

Tw e nty-Four Prelu des for Violoncello and Pian o

■ Aznavoorian, Auerbach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cdr  900000-137


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