Q3 DLL-ARTS9-Week2

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Teacher: EUGENIO C. DIALINO JR. Learning Area: MAPEH (Arts)

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Week 2 Quarter: THIRD
In MAPEH-9 Time:



The learner…
A. Content 1. art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills
Standards: 2. the arts as integral to the development of organizations, spiritual belief, historical events, scientific discoveries, natural
disasters/ occurrences, and other external phenomena
The learner…
1. perform/participate competently in a presentation of a creative impression (verbal/nonverbal) from the Neoclassic and
B. Performance
Romantic periods
2. recognize the difference and uniqueness of the art styles of the different periods (techniques, process, elements, and
principles of art)
 compares the  creates artworks  describe the influence  participates in an Answer the
characteristics of guided by of iconic artists exhibit using Summative Test in
artworks produced in techniques and belonging to the completed artworks Arts
C. Learning the Neoclassic and styles of the Neoclassic and with Neoclassic and comprehensively.
Competencies/ Romantic periods Neoclassic and Romantic periods Romantic periods
Objectives: (A9PLIIIh-4) Romantic periods (A9PRIIIc-e-2) characteristics
(e.g., linear style (A9PR-IIIg -7)
and painterly style)

II. CONTENT Characteristics of Artworks in Carving from the Past The Influence of Neoclassic and Art Exhibit Summative Test in Arts
Neoclassical and Romantic Romantic Artists to Philippine Art 9
Period Forms
Author: Eugenio C. Dialino Jr. (Master Teacher I, Llorente NHS, Eastern Samar)
YouTube: Teacher Eugene email: [email protected]
A. References
1. Teacher’s
None None None None None
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s
Music & Arts LM Music & Arts LM
Materials Music & Arts LM pages Music & Arts LM pages Music & Arts LM pages
pages pages
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning CO_Q3_Arts 9_ Module 1
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing Let the students recall The teacher will ask Let the students recall the The teacher will group Ask the students
previous from previous lesson the the students to Neoclassic and Romantic the class with 4-5 to prepare for the
lesson or distinct features of Neo- prepare their art artist they’ve studied. members each and test.
presenting the classic and Romantic materials for the Match the following artists asked them to prepare
new lesson arts. Performance Task. in column A with their their artworks for the
(ELICIT) (5 mins) corresponding artworks in whole quarter.
This will also be their column B.
chance to find time to Ask them also to
those who did not able Column A assign one
to bring the materials. 1. Delacroix videographer for each
2. Barye group to document
(5 mins) 3. Gericault their output and
4. Goya interviews.
5. David

Column B
A. Charging Chasseur B.
The Burial of Sardine C.
Liberty Leading the People
D. Theseus Slaying
Author: Eugenio C. Dialino Jr. (Master Teacher I, Llorente NHS, Eastern Samar)
YouTube: Teacher Eugene email: [email protected]
E. Napoleon Crossing the
(5 mins)
B. Establishing a Picture-Analysis! To create an own Say Something about the Make an art exhibit To answer the
purpose for Direction: Compare the sculpture, either Styles! about the Neoclassical summative test
the lesson two artworks below human, mythological, Direction: Compare the and Romantic period comprehensively
(ENGAGE) according to their or animal figures. two artworks below: using own artwork.
characteristics. (see the attached
Picture A summative test)

Liberty Leading the People

(Eugene Delacroix)

Picture B

Spolarium by Juan Luna

(5 mins)

(5 mins)
C. Presenting Venn Diagram! The teacher will show Match It Up! The teacher will ask
examples/ Direction: With the use example of sculptural Direction: Match the students to give a brief
instances of of the Venn diagram, work in Additive following artworks to the discussion/description
the new lesson write the similarities and method and Filipino artists of their artworks.
(EXPLORE) differences in the Subtractive method.
characteristics of arts in COLUMN A
Neoclassical and 1. Felix Hidalgo
Romantic periods. 2. Juan Luna
Author: Eugenio C. Dialino Jr. (Master Teacher I, Llorente NHS, Eastern Samar)
YouTube: Teacher Eugene email: [email protected]
3. Fernando Amorsolo
4. Guillermo Tolentino
5. Napoleon Abueva
a. Oblation
b. Spolarium
c. Planting Rice with
(5 mins) Mayon Volcano
d. Siyam na Diwata ng
e. Christian Virgins
Exposed to the
(5 mins)
D. Discussing The teacher will discuss The teacher will The teacher will discuss Let all learners visit
new concepts briefly about the discuss briefly the about the Neoclassicism each station on the
and practicing Characteristics of process on the and Romanticism in the exhibit. Other groups
new skills #1 Artworks in Neoclassical following: Philippines may have their
and Romantic Periods  Additive interviews to whom
(see ADM Module 2 Method (see LMs pages 242-245) they visit and
pages 11-13)  Subtractive (20 mins) documents.
(10 mins) Method
(see ADM page 7)
E. Developing Ask students to describe Carving from the Neoclassicism
mastery (leads the distinct characteristics Past! Techniques in the
to formative of the two eras. Procedures: Philippines
assessment) NEOCLASSIC ROMANTIC 1. Use knife or cutter Direction: Ask the student
Mythological Human in carving-out your to compare the following
(EXPLAIN) Characters world
Religious Natural art piece. artworks.
Characters World 2. Design should
Portraying Dynamic reflect the style of
discrete and the Neo-classic and
sexual emotional Romantic period.
Nude flesh Animal 3. You may also use
Themes patterns that shows
1. What can you say about
your regional
Neoclassical and
(10 mins) identity.
Philippine paintings?
4. Exhibit/Display your
2. Compare each artwork
according to their
Author: Eugenio C. Dialino Jr. (Master Teacher I, Llorente NHS, Eastern Samar)
YouTube: Teacher Eugene email: [email protected]
respective techniques
and styles.

1. Which work shows a
technique? Why?
2. How did the
technique influence
Philippine sculptures?
3. Give other examples of
sculptures with
influences of the
sculptural techniques
of Romanticism art in
our country.
(10 mins)
F. Making Reflection: Reflection “Artists’ Techniques and Reflection:
generalization Questions: Styles” 1. What did you feel
s and Task 1: Formulate 2 1. What sculpting Direction: Fill in the table as you were making
abstractness essential questions you technique did you below. your masterpiece?
to the lesson want to ask about use to show the ARTIST TECHNIQUE STYLE 2. Does your artwork
(ELABORATE) Neoclassical and style of the visibly convey the
Romantic periods. Neoclassicism/ characteristics or
Romanticism? Tolentino ideas of
Task 2: Write your 2. Why do you think Abueva neoclassicism or
reflections about the the subject in your Amorsol romanticism?
important aspects of work is reflective of 3. How does your
artworks in Neoclassical Neoclassicism/ artwork illustrate the
1. Among the artists listed
and Romantic periods Romanticism style? idea of such issues
in the table, who would
3. How did you apply you have decided to
be your best choice?
(5 mins) the elements of arts work on?
And why?
to show the distinct
2. If you would be an artist,
technique of the
what would be the
Author: Eugenio C. Dialino Jr. (Master Teacher I, Llorente NHS, Eastern Samar)
YouTube: Teacher Eugene email: [email protected]
Romanticism art theme of your artworks?
style? And why?
(10 mins)
learning Direction: Fill in with the  Quality of Work 1. He was hailed as EXHIBIT:
(EVALUATION) correct information that  Visual Impact National artist for  Quality of Work
describes the two-art era.  Punctuality Painting (Amorsolo)  Visual Impact
 Neatness 2. The Father of  Punctuality
Philippine Arts  Neatness
(see the attached (Tolentino)
rubric) 3. A political activist (see the attached
who owned the rubric)
famous Spolarium
(5 mins) (Luna)
4. Father of Modern
Philippine Sculpture
5. He inspires
members of the
Philippine reform
H. Additional Remind the students to Remind the students to Remind the students to
activities for bring the following bring their checked artwork review for the
application materials: modeling clay, for the whole quarter for summative test.
and soap, piece of wood, the exhibit.
remediation rock, wire or any usable
(EXTEND) and pliable medium.


A. Number of learners
who earned 80% in the
evaluation: _________

B. Number of learners
who scored below 80%
Author: Eugenio C. Dialino Jr. (Master Teacher I, Llorente NHS, Eastern Samar)
YouTube: Teacher Eugene email: [email protected]
who needs additional
activities for
remediation: _________

C. Did the remedial lesson

work? No. of learners
who have caught up
with the lesson:

D. Number of learners
who continue to require
remediation: __________

E. Which of my teaching
strategy/ies worked
well? Why did this

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by:

Author: Eugenio C. Dialino Jr. (Master Teacher I, Llorente NHS, Eastern Samar)
YouTube: Teacher Eugene email: [email protected]
EUGENIO C. DIALINO JR. ____________________________
Master Teacher I Dept. Head

Author: Eugenio C. Dialino Jr. (Master Teacher I, Llorente NHS, Eastern Samar)
YouTube: Teacher Eugene email: [email protected]

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