Grade 9 - Health - LC 3

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Health

Grade 9
Quarter Two Week ____
A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of the dangers of
substance use and abuse on the individual, family
and community.
B. Performance Shares responsibility with community members
Standards through participation in collective action to prevent
and control substance use and abuse.
C. Learning Discusses risk and protective factors in substance
Competencies/Objectiv use, and abuse (H9S-IIb-16)
II. CONTENT Factors That Influence Substance Use and
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Health 9 Teachers’ Guide pp 15-17
2. Learner’s Materials -Physical Education & Health Learner’s Material
Pages by Doria, Gonzales, Sedilla, Cagulang, Mabiling,
Yap & de la Torre pp 278-282
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials -Addictive and Dangerous Drugs Part 2. A&E.
from the LR Portal NFE Accreditation and Equivalency Learning
DepED. 2001. pp. 5-18
5. Other Learning Video clip “MMK Episode Effects of Drugs.”
A. Reviewing the previous Read in chorus the following statements flashed
lesson or presenting the on the board. Do double thumbs up for the correct
new lesson statement and thumbs down while shaking your
head for incorrect statement.

1. Drugs are any substances or chemicals

which when taken into the body either
though nasal, oral, transdermal or
intravenous way have psychological,
emotional and behavioral effects on a
person. (correct)
2. Drugs of abuse are drugs commonly
abused by users. (correct)
3. In the Philippines the three drugs of abuse
are shabu, cocaine and inhalants.
4. Drug dependencies a cluster of
physiological, behavioral and cognitive
phenomena of variable intensity in which
the use of a drug takes on a high priority
thereby creating a strong desire to take the
substance. (correct)

RegionV/Daily LessonPlan/2019-2020
5. Drug misuse is the use of a substance
incoherent or inconsistent with the
prescribed dosage or frequency of use.
6. Drug abuse is the use of a substance for
non-medicinal purposes. (correct)
7. Abuse leads to organ damage like brain
damage and liver damage, addiction and
troubled behavioral patterns. (correct)
8. Drug tolerance is the condition of the body
to adapt to the effects of substances to the
body thus requiring an even larger amount
of the substance to experience the same
physiological and mental effect
experienced when taking the smaller
dosage. (correct)
B. Establishing a purpose Activity: Risk and Protective Factors
for the lesson
Teacher should prepare meta-cards where in the
risks and protected factors in substance use and
abuse are written on it. Distribute the meta-cards
to the learners.

From the meta-cards that you are handling,

identify whether it is a protective or a risk factor in
substance use and abuse. Post the meta-cards for
the risk factors on one side of the board and the
meta-cards for the protective factors on the other
C. Presenting What do we mean when we say protective
examples/instances of the factors?
new lesson How about risk factors?
D. Discussing new Activity: Reading Time!
concepts and practicing Read activity 9: Risk and Protective Factors for
new skills #1 Drug Use, misuse, abuse, and Dependence on
page 279-282 of P.E. & Health Learner’s

What are the factors that surround a person to

either increase or decrease his possibility to use
E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing
new skills #2

F. Developing mastery Let the learners watch the video clip “MMK
(Leads to Formative Episode Effects of Drugs.”
Assessment 3)

In the video clip, what are the factors that

contribute to Jeck’s abuse of drugs?

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If you were Jeck, what will you do to avoid the risks
of abusing drugs? or you can just present the
situation below:

Richard now roams the streets. He has no home.

His problems seems to disappear when he uses
drugs. His favorite is the 40 ml cough syrup called
Phydol because it is cheaper than siopao. Richard
says that the cough syrup is better if he drinks beer
or brandy afterward.

RegionV/Daily LessonPlan/2019-2020
From the given situation, what do you think are the
risk factors that contribute to Richard’s abuse of

If you were Richard, what will you do to avoid the

risks of abusing drugs?
G. Finding practical How can you protect yourself from getting
application of concepts addicted to or using drugs?
and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations What are the factors that surround a person to
of concepts and skills in either increase or decrease his possibility to use
daily living drugs?

Give example of protective factors and risk

I. Evaluating learning For Advance Group:
Analyze the situation and answer the questions
that follow.

RegionV/Daily LessonPlan/2019-2020
1. How does Amalia temporarily solve her
2. What are the reasons why she use addictive
and dangerous drugs?
3. Is there a remedy for her addiction?


Match column A with column B. On column A are

risk factors that may cause someone to take
drugs, and on column B are protective factors that
will help the person avoid taking drugs.

1. Experimentation a. sense of belonging
2. Feeling of b. self-control behavior
isolation c. positive family
3. Poor family ties relationship
4. Prefer to be with d. active community
friends than with programs & projects
for the youth
e. invite friends at home
5. Poor community to know the family
organization &

b 2. a 3. c 4. e 5. d
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation

RegionV/Daily LessonPlan/2019-2020
A. No. of Learners who earned
80% on the formative
B. No. of learners who require
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lesson/s
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did this work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
nt head help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

Other Sources Used:

RegionV/Daily LessonPlan/2019-2020

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