Create and Communicate Information: Recording Sheet Year 5

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Can evaluate a number of websites of a similar nature with regard to layout and presentation Can send e-mails with

a variety of attachments that include documents, images or sounds Can compare & evaluate the use of ICT with traditional methods Can analyse, discuss & evaluate a variety of media/texts/genres Can create hyperlinks Can use tools that enhance layout such as watermarks, borders, and appropriate effects Can create and amend tables Can make appropriate use of layout and text alignment tools to accurately present information Can create templates using Text Frames and Text Flows Can use Higher and Lower settings & Group objects to generate the best layout for presenting text and images Can insert & manipulate images within a document considering layout and purpose Can Plan, Revise & Resave work

Recording Sheet

Year 5

Pupil Name:

Common Skill: Pupils should consider layout & presentation in all aspects of ICT work.

Knows how to remain safe online

Create and Communicate Information

Can create their own turtle environments Can make simple predictions about how changing one variable affects another Can explore patterns using a screen turtle utilising Procedures and Sub-procedures Understands that changing the data in a spreadsheet changes the graph displayed Can create function machines using simple formulae such as the four operators

Find and Analyse Information

Can plot & analyse a variety of graphs Can sort and order a range of cells Can sort, order and copy formulae across a range of cells Can create Spreadsheets that include a variety of formula and cell formats, such as money and decimal places Can use created spreadsheets as live models to investigate "what would happen if?" Can Sort on more than one field Can plot graphs and use tables to analyse findings within a database Can interrogate a database using complex search techniques that include AND, OR, NOT, < > operators Can enter & check the validity of data in a database Can select relevant information from a range of given sources including the Internet

Recording Sheet

Year 5

Pupil Name:

Common Skill: Pupils should consider layout & presentation in all aspects of ICT work.

Can explain choice of clips, effects and structure in resources they have created Can discuss and compare film for effect on audience Can create a video or animation that includes captured and other appropriate resources such as music

Can select appropriate captured images, sounds and narrations to use within a planned project Can use a sound recording device to capture sounds or narrations Understands that the features of a digital camera can enhance images Can use a digital camera/webcam to capture images required for a project Can plan, create, Edit, Save & Retrieve work independently

Recording Sheet

Year 5

Pupil Name:

Common Skill: Pupils should consider layout & presentation in all aspects of ICT work.

Can plan & work collaboratively on a group project or task


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