American Lenguage Course Student Book Text 22

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aye Att cCtla) Preface “The American Languoge Course(ALC) sa comprehensive, mltilevel language program for esching Enis for scational and professional purposes, I is designed primarily for intensive English language {runing ina clssoom setting, bt can easly be adaped for slawer-paced instruction, The ALC" cuiculum ths been develope by the Defense Language Infitte English Language Center (DLIELC), whichis US Depurnent of Defense school under the operational contol of te US Ait Force. The primary focus ofthe IAL isto provide language curiculum fra diverse international military population. Yo that end, the parse includes not only general English topics, but ako military topics of a general natrehighighing the ‘plea language military persome wil encounter in their professional and vocational carer feks. The ALC sae owevet, a been very sucessfully sed in ton-miitary learning environments and in US high chooks ‘vith immigrant stden population. Course components “Te coordinated instructional packages for Books 1~30 consist ofthe following > Insiuctortext TT) > Student ext (ST) > Language laboratory activites text with audio sips and answer key (LAT) > Andi recordings > Computer based taining > Quiz kit > Optional ining aids BT) Inquiries and orders Please address inquires and requests fr more information about DLIELC poblisations 10 LIELCILESL 2235 Andeews Avene ASA-Lacklnd, Teas 782368259 E-mail: dil esbworkusatsil ©2010 by Defense Language Institute English Language Center and its iensors, Notice of Rights: II ight {eserved. No pat of this book nay be reproduced or transmitted in any orm or by any means, electronic, thechanical,phatocopying recyding, oF otherwise, without the prior writen permission ofthe publisher. ‘Various photos courtesy of Defenselink, US Fish and Willie Service, Library of Congress, National Science Toundatlon, FEMA Newsphot the US Air Force, ad Jennifer Anderson @ USDA-NRCS PLANTS. Database. ‘Second Fition, January 2016 ith printing, Janoary 2014 a ed | ALC Book 22: Scope & Sequence, Lessons 1-5 1, | Heroes Request and [As fand as thought |» stn, mark, and pronounce whatmatesa |" flr assis | “niroduce avers causoe|” syle orose ugos ao? tance Alcs acts a6 she |, Wite wos to compte > American Lite Ie: 3 ten (6029) Magazine: Per Reviowe yes/no questions |» Soc referents for pronouns sonal narose > Condit nervews and pre: » American Lite ewe present tense | ent ination Magerno Heroes rapreent reesei | frauor questions about a inacton Semuocncal ot Hiking att but ten 2 | Lawentorcement |>-1onityané [Nouns or noun phases _ > Listen ad select he topic =Responangioa | decors |as subject compemonts |” Leten anteaters cat people | iter vers of chosing” parnapae tradesooeon > Handing an ree eaes name Bil cet rterents fr pronouns a > Read outline and select the » The poles report Reduce ajectvecausas |” Ranta nico ‘o.adjoctve prases | Wte words to complete reich Reduce adjective clauses | & text (cloze) > wary poe and To prepostona pases |> Combine sentences Soquence esters before» Wea paraptrase 3 | A wootond pryjeut| > nqure about | vero U0 to stow omphase» Liston and wre man Wea Butsng abi | andenress: | t havent met Tom, Bu] -Litee mer seuione eco house thopunoses | Tao know ms bomen |” Guana and pono Assonting ne | ft | sacs: oun a ajc |» We rrets tr eovure birchouse Matoris”” | withstand fess |x Read outine and select he » Putin th inh Bee | ome Ilan ono Rev, Patna das | coin and rode a tor > Peggy koew that she | Summary ‘ut hetate 0 werk Firearms in| tsnttyand_ [GET passive > Parte ina cussion 4 | America label the parts!» Paul got fired. » White a paraphrase USmitarytres | of BUMS | eg pase: prosont | Eta tnt or takes ame Iosinteuip-| Porto past pert | ison end wie main doa > eose ster: mc” a acm | eit pes beter, was/were going |» Read outne and prove a Gong ain toandbe edi fo |” summary » Amercane epi on gun Sonor 5 {Gn Lesson 5 reviews al vocabulary and stvtues inteducedn Lessons fo ~ AVERICAN LINGINGE COURSE Notes to the Student _ The American Language Course focuses on four components of language learning: vocabulary, grammatical structures, language functions, and skill ‘+The lessons present vocabulary (individual words as well as expressions) that the learner needs to understand and use in order to communicate effectively in English. Each how lesson builds on the vocabulary of the previous lessons, The language included is appropriate for learners working in professional and vocational contexts. A significant feature of the General English phase of the ALC is that military vocabulary is included wherever applicable + ‘The presentation of grammar is carefully sequenced. The grammatical structures presented in the lessons are the forms a language learner needs in order to speak and ‘write standard English, New grammar is often depicted in charts or tables that serve t© focus the learner’ attention on the particular structure being presented. + Language function: are the ways we use a language to communicate, In each lesson, ‘exercises that focus on functions show the learner how and when to use certain words, phrases, and sentences. + Inaddition, language and academic skills exercises are interspersed throughout the lessons, These focus on developing the leamer’s language proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. “The Scope and Sequerce chart Jocated on the previous page shows the content of the current ‘book. The four columns outline the new material as it relates (o the language acquisition ‘components deseribed above. Each lesson begins with a table of contents followed by a preview page. The preview page provides a summary of the new material presented in the lesson, Each ALC book has four lessons introducing new material and one review lesson. These are followed by a homework section and daily evaluation exercises, Various appendices are also insluded. “The homework and the evaluation exercises are at the back of this text, It generally takes ‘about two hours £0 complete the daily homework assignments. The evaluation exercises are short quizzes that give both the teacher and the student feedback on how well students have learned the material “The appendices follow the fifth lesson, Appendix A provides an alphabetical list of new vocabulary presentediin this book. The number ofthe lesson in which each word or phrase is introduced is provided next to the entry. Appendix B presents a list of grammatical structures introduced in the book; a lesson number is provided along with each entry for easy reference. ‘The other appendices are included as reference materials. BOK PERCE USER NoTES - ~ RERICAN CANGUAGE COURSE Book 22 Contents : Principal Parts of Some Imegular Verbs ... Patterns of Irregular Verbs i; American English Sounds : Punctuation and Capitalization 1: Lesson Resources B22L1 #1 Dialogs (Role-play cards) B22L2 #la-b Vocabulary (Information gap texts) 45 B22L242 Speaking skill (Discussion cards) B22L2¥#3 Grammar (Drawings). B22L2#4 Dialogs (Suspect pictures) B221245 Listening skill (Topic texts) B22L2 46a-f Writing skill (Paraphrasing cards) B2213 #la-b Vocabulary (Workshop pictures) B22L3#42 Listening skill (Main idea text) B22L4#1 Listening skill (Main idea text) B22L4 #2a-f Writing skill (Paraphrasing cards) Hl B22L4#3 Speaking skill (Discussion cards) B37 B22L5#1 Vocabulary (Matching cards)... sew 439 B22L5 42 Dialogs (Assistance cards) 143 Ke US Military, Ranks, Grades, and Insignia . oe + Language Functions for Better Communication ....... Li HOMEWoRK: 7 fe HW. EVALUATION EXERCISES: : oe i eee BEL "ANERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE Heroes VOCABULARY: warming: VOCABULARY: READING: GRAMMAR: VOCABULARY: GRAMMAR: READING: piaLoss: SPEAKING: GRAMMAR: WRITING: 00K LESSON ‘What makes a hero? ‘American Life Magazine: Personal Heroes. Interviewing a classmate and giving a presentation American Life Magazine: Heroes in Action Identifying the correct pronoun referent 1ooks asf the teacher isnt feeling well, i ng safety bulletin Review of yes/no questions Mountain Search and Rescue Could you give me a hand? ‘Changes in word stress determined by context Review of simple present and present progressive Preparing an interview for a homework assignment review eT NEW VOCABULARY Nouns Verbs ambulance approach crash breathe favor call on uy choke insect concern object crash poison faint snake nominate stuf pass out shout steal/sole/stolen swallow GRAMMAR STRUCTURES [feel as though I need to take a break, Itsmells as though something s burning, Have you ever met anyone farrous? Do you like American food? 1 call my family every Sunday. We're studying English, Other asit as though atonce conscious critical sive a hand major particular poisonous slight within LANGUAGE FUNCTION Request and ofr assistance. Excuse me. Could you give me ‘hand? Sure, what ean do for you? ~RERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE ‘00K LESSONT ML TICIN | American Life Magazine: Personal Heroes American Life Magazine ¢fipp What does it mean to be a hero? We've asked readers to send in their stories of people who responded bravely in difficult situations, and we found that the word hero often ‘means different things to different people. Here are « few stories about people who can be considered heroes cousin, Captain Mark Lewis, Ms my sons if, dT want thank, Last sumer, ou fa ily had a barbecue to celebrate Matk’s re- {um from active duty overseas. 1 was busy ailing the food and didn’t notice when ‘my son, Bobby, began to choke. Bobby had swallowed something that got stuck in his throat. Mark immediaely noticed that there was a problem. He put his arms around Bobby and pressed hard below his ribs, That forced the object out, and Bob- by began to breathe normally again, Lam so thankful t0 my cousin for his quick ac- tions that day. IF there were an award for hhero of the year, I would certainly nomi nate him. My cousin Mark is not only a ‘military hero, but also my personal hero, Kevin Darcy Burlington, VT he person I think is a true hero is my I neighbor, Nora Banks. I was driv- ing home from the base one after- noon, and T stopped to make a let turn. As T was tuning, a car came from nowhere and crashed into me.I hit my head on the steering wheel and immediately passed ‘out, Nora saw the erash and ran out of her hhouse to help. Neither [nor the other driv- er was conscious, and I had a deep cut on ‘my head. Nora was able to stop the bleed: ing. She called 911, and an ambulance owas there within five minutes to wake the driver of the other vehicle and me to the emergency room. The other driver had only minor injuries and got well quickly. T had more eritical injuries that required longer stay at the hospital. Luckily, we are both doing well today thanks to Nora’s ability to stay calm in an emergency. Tony Dyers Ocean City, NI MESEEIEEEE Liston to each sentence, and cle Yor tue or For fase.) Lot oF 2a ate tee eG Cte "AVERCHN LANGUAGE COURSE BEE tists the word with ts detniton. 1. twchoke a, not serious 2. twnominate b. tohit with force ee e tohave something stuck in your throat en chloe 4. tochoose someone for a position ee cagal fe. avsake and able to think 6 Wwerash f. a thing that can be seen or touched 7. conscious extremely serious BEEEESERA Conpiote cach sentence with a word from the box. passed ott ‘breathe crash within swallow nominated ambulance minor 1. ‘The runner ___ from lack of water during the race 2, Two candidates were {or the supervisor position, 3, Make sure you chew your food well before you ei 4, The city’s population will increase 50% —____ 20 years 5, People cannot ________ under water without special equipment, 6. The flight recorder from the plane ______ hasn’t been found yet. 7. ‘There isa problem with your car, but don’t worry. Its only a _______ene, 8, Drivers must pullover when an with flashing lights is trying to get through traffic. ook LESSON MII ir coe ings pena Match the interview questions (Numbers 1-6) withthe answers (Letters a: Questions — 1. Where did you grow up, Timothy? —— 2. How many brothers and sisters do you have? — 3. Did you play sports as a child? 4. What did you want to be when you grew up? 5. Did you go on summer vacations? ‘SPC Timothy Vilareal 6. What do you miss about being a child? 4 We used to go te the beach in Florida and Mackinac Island in Michigan, b. I'm from Saginaw, Michigan «. Thave two brothers, Mike and Dwayne. 4. A professional baseball player. © Tloved having all that energy. And the freedom! You could do whatever ‘you wanted with no schedule or responsibilities, £. Yes, Idid a lot: taseball, basketball, running, and swimming. [also liked (0 go camping. MESES Propaioin |. Choose a topic. family future plans ‘occupation military Life education Ee eee ore Il. Write five questions about the topic. Ill, Ask your partner each qui | NOTES: [ee IV. Using your notes, give a short presentation to the class. (fea rete wa Book LESSONT MIELE American Life Magazine: Heroes in Action = Complete the chart using the information in the tet American Life Magazine ¢fbp jhe person that I think of as my per- I sonal hero is my best friend, Meg Ferguson. Last Sunday, we’ were hiking im the forest, and T yas bitten by some kind of insect. Later, the area on my leg where the insect had bitter: me became very red, and I got alight headache, [told ‘Meg it was nothing to worry about, but she became very concemed. She said I looked as though I was going to faint. I kept tell- ing her T was fine, but my symptoms got ‘worse and worse, She insisted on taking ‘me to the hospital to have the bite checked at once. Later, I found out that it could have been fatal if I hadn't received medi cal attention so quickly Jenna Scholes Manchester, NH Who .. 1. tied to catch a thief? is probably allergic tobug bites? rushed someone to the hospital? was threatened witha weapon? was hiking in the forest? hhad her camera stolen? y heros Major Jason Garcia, J- Miner ve Telly needed i the most. Two months ago, I was visting: Boston on vacation After a wonderful day of sightseeing and hoping. Tvas walking back to my hotel when a stange man approached me ith aknifeinhishand Before knew what was happening the man ha stolen my earera and bags. {shouted fr help. Major Gara heard me from across these. Hechased the guy for six blocks unt the hie finaly dropped my suff The police never eaught that man, but Pm thankful to Major Garcia forhelping someone he didn't even know IF Jason ever neds favor, he can ell on ie first Linda Evans Sebastian Beach FL Linda MSIF Jenna Meg Be ey El ele) ie JOoo lel By a] [el [EERE tater cach question wih an answer a QUESTIONS . 1. Ate spiders a kind of insect? Can you do me a favor? 3. Did you prepare your tax forms by yourself? 4. What ctines did he commit? 5. Mow will know when to get off the bus? 6, Does Jean speak English well? eR ; : ee (>. Sure, how ae baat Natty) 6 Tie isay \ Thestrest ane ashe) approaches the bus stop (— aNo, they have ( eintegs nts 7. - ne ~ /- 4. Yes, she ©. Hestole some) £ No, Thad to \ slight mistakes. todoit.—/ Use words from this lesson 1. You look ike you want to say something, 2. Lily martid « man fom Los Angeles 3, The dri sergeant yelled at the trans. 4. There isa small chance of rain next week 5. Lneed to move tis couch, Could you help me? 6, The police fold us o leave immediately. 7. I pass out anytire I see blood. EESEESEE Listen tse ca, and select the best word to complete. | o e ° a slight a. sofily a. favor b.minor be quickly b. object critical loudly stuf ° ° e a. steal a crash a choked b. shout > stuff b. nominated approach insect ©. swallowed FESS tet your rartn a story using the words in Box A or B. (OA guy was eating lane, ) (and then A B avy drive Inch approach swallow crash choke critical ambulance conscious = oO “RVERICAN ANGINGE COURSE ICE LIGI I Identifying the correct pronoun referent | ‘Read the texts, and answer the questions. First aid kits can hep you respond to most minor emergencies. They should in- clude treatment items, stich as bandages, tape, and common medicines. 1. ‘The pronoun they inthe firs ine refers to. a, emergencies by. first aid kits . medicines ‘The main sign of heatstroke is a very high body temperature. It is es- pecially dangerous for young children. Special steps should be taken if they Seem confused, feel dizzy, o experience headaches while outside in very hot weather. 2. Inline 1 ittefersto a. heatstroke b. asign ©. hot weather 3, Inline 2, they refers to special steps ’. headaches. ce. young children ‘Most small cuts do not require emergency medical attention, and many minor ones will usually stop bleeding on their own. Ifa cut doesn't stop bleeding, put pressure on it, using a clean clot or bandage. 4, Inline 1, ones refers to a. cuts 'b,_ medical attention cc. bandages 5. Inline 3, itrefers to a, pressure b. the bandage . the eut ‘BOOK LESSONT (C _ What's wrong with the teacher? >) (© He looks as i he is /~ He sounds as, though )¢ feeling well.) (he has a sore throat ~~ clause clause ‘This cake tastes itisn’t completely baked. : | eriotan |__Test re area It smells something is burning, | We use as ifand as though to talk about something which we think may bo true. MESTEXEEEN Unecramite the words to make sentences, 1. _asif/ your engine sounds / there is a problem with the fan / RICAN TANGAGE BEEEEISEEN Conpiete cach sentence with your own words. 1. Thisived teas too sweetto drink Ittastes as if__there is too much sugar in 2. Pedro can see black smoke coming from his neighbor's window. It appears as though. 3, Donald can't keer his eyes open, and he keeps yawning. Donald looks as if —____ 4. have only ten minutes to finish the test I still have to answer 30 questions. Itseems 5 [just listened to a phone message from Mike. He said his mother was in 9 car accident. Mike sounds —____ ith a partner, di Use wi and as though. Ttappeats as if > Ie Tooks as though cS ) Coes Boxe LESSONT it Rock National Park Safety First on the Hiking Trails! PARK SAFETY CONCERNS EVERYONE Inmost cases, snakes are not fa danger to people, but you should know ‘which ones are dangerous in order to protect yeurselt. One Particular snako to look out fr is the rattlesnake, which can 6 found in many areas of the park. The bite of this snake can cause major health problems and even be fatal. I you run into any snake while hiking, the best thing to do is to leave it alone, Never try to pick snake up! Ifyou are bitten rattlesnake by a snake, get medical treatment immediately Flat Rock Park is also home to many types of poisonous plants. ‘Some plants produce a poison which ccan cause a person's skin to become red and swollen. Other plants are poisonous if they are eaten and could cause an upset stomach, dizziness, fr even death. Hikers should learn what the leaves of these plants look like so that they can avoid them, poison ivy Be safe! Always check and recheck the area around you while hiking! "RUERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE EGIL Watch tho word with its definition. - 1. major illness 4. atopic which affects me 2. deadly poison to take somthing that isn't yours 4, asubject hat concerns mec. extremely serious sickness 4. poisonous insect 4. a substance that eam kill 5. tosteal an object, -animal whose bite can make you sick 6. snakes ad fish cold-blooded animals with no legs [EEG complete each sentence with re- and a verb from the box. charge install write use enlist apply 1. If those batteries don’t have any power, you can ——Feeharge_them. 2, If you want to stay inthe military, you'll have to 3. The university didn’t accept Paul, so he's going to ______ next year. 4, Kelly saves plastic bags, because she ean always them later. 5. The dissatisfied teacher told the student to ___ the homework assignment 6. Thave to the software because the computer program isn't working. WEEE wine What should you do if 1, you see someone choking? 2. someone has fallen and is not conscious? a child accidemly swallows a poisonous substance? 4, you are bitten by a poisonous snake? : — (Can you guess wha’s nae — a if most verbs [sunary | subject [main ver] cher wows Doe: | the box’slabel| say | where it’s from? Showd | shake iw Have you weighed | the box? Cant we ‘open itnow? BE verbs | main verb | subject other words is it breakable? MEER Find tho mstokes. write the correct qu 1. Like you listening to county music? 4, Don't you cam play the piano? 2. Was you in the military before 2000? —_5.Your home was built before 1900? 3 HESEEEISSEEN ead tho thought, and write a questi ana] —_— 2 Tender you've ver > > Camm > et anyone fou anyone famous? : one famous. yon fa 1 the Hieutenant was promoted to captain. 2, welll get on the plane and depart soon. 3. you used to play sports when you were a child, 4. the new computers have been installed. 5, new recruits have to wear a uniform on their first day of basic training, BEERS 40% your par questions using the words Change the word order and verb forms as needed. 1, (you / ike baseball) 2. (you speak /Spaish) 3. (you have visit Asia before) 6, (you /be going of travel this year) 4. (you /be Fon time /yesterday) 7. (our teacher /be going o/ give homework) 5. (you/can/ do 10) push-ups) _8. (you/ be accustomed to /cold weather) OOK LESSONT— BESTE Foliow your teacher's instructions, Be sure to cross out the topics after you ask questions about them. — Stare — hobbies food likes and dislikes iy customs in your country past travel ‘experience G Did people in“ past..2_) people's tives 7 in tho future ~ ma poople'stives | — / "iathepet | | vwwwers ‘ . | choice: S — | => L “jp ~~ ANEIGANTINGUAGE COURSE BSE na sch an rece 7] up of professionals @__________ have been trained in mountain search e team volunteered more than 10,000 hours for SAR and training. ‘The members patticipite © ______ missions to find and assist people Who are lost o hurt in the mountains, They also offer training on mountain safety ° ___ people who are interested. MSR operates under the authority of local governments, which ®____ legally responsible for search and rescue in their areas. MSR's services are provided free of charge ® ___ it relies ‘on money contributed by the public. Anyone who has @___ interest in the outdoors and givinga hand to others can volunteer to join Mountain Search and Rescue, axes OSO~*~—~—~—s—sSOSSOSTT””C~«C EEE Could you give me a hand? Read the dialog with your partner living: Exeuse me, Could you help me with something? Eric: Of course. What can I do for you? living Eri Well, Iscem to be lost. Can you tell me where Parker Square is? No problem. Let me give you some directions. Walk three blocks north, unl ‘um left on 2nd Avenue. Go ahead five blocks and its on your left Irving: Great, Thanks so much for your help. © Could you please help >) (C You look like you're hurt ime find my wallet? ~___ Let me help you. Asking for help Offering help suse me, but May Ihelp you? Could you please ...? Can... Sorry to bother you, but was wondering if How can Thelp you? Can you lend me a hand with ...? What can I do for you? Give me a hand with Let me . ‘Would you like me to ...? Help me with Do you need a hand? PTA Changes in word stress determined by context a Usual stress. Change in stress. downtévn Take the déontown biG. “ She's been teaching fr fifteen yedts fitteés 1. Listen and repeat. Listen 1 your instructor ead the dialogs, Then, repeat them, using the stress correctly. L.A: Are you staying overnight? 2 Bs Yes. Its an overnight wip. 2. A: Istheir pool ides? 4 B: Yes. I's an ifdoor pool, Z 3. Ar Is the police station downtown? Z 7 Bz Yes. To get there, you can take the downtown bits, ‘ge Syllable stress in a word can change, depending on its location in a sentence. I, Listen and mark the stress. Listen to your instructor read the dialogs. Mark te stress in Line B. Then, respond to your instructor's questions, sing the stress correctly. 7 1, A: Do you work upstaits? B: Yes, Thave an upstairs office. 4, 2. At Is Jones Sea one-wil? B: Yes i's one-way sheet 3, A: Does Elizabeth ike working overse&? B: No, she doesn’t, She hates overseas work Zz 4, A: Will the party be outdoors? B: Yes. Don’t you love outdoor parties? (BOOK 22 LESSON FEIT versenden pss | From ‘Alex DeLuca Sent’ Wed 21 10:08 PM te: ‘A Fionds and Family Subject Hi ttom FOT ‘Attachments: image 00{jpeg; mage O62jpeg Hello, Friends and Family | aim writing this e-mail so that everyone can kogp up with my Ife here at my follow-on luaining, To be honest, i's very difficult traning. 'm attending a special couse that’s called Pathfinder School wtich teaches us to locate estabsh, and operate military aircraft drop and landing areas, | do atleast 3 hours of PT per day, and the course Fequires us to complete a minimum of 3 parachute jumps in order to graduate | usually study ater class each day but right now my roommate is talking to me, and | cant get anything done! As you can magine, 'm really tred. i write more tomorow. Here are some photos. Alex BESGIEEN List the sinpie present and progressive verbs from the text, Do not list present tense with medals or t-infinitive verbs ‘Simple Present Present Progressive ‘Simple present describes routine actions or general facts. ‘Present progressive describes an action in progress. SS TaN UAGE COURSE [EEEEEISSEN Comoicte th sentences withthe correct form ofthe verb. | Use simple present or present progressive tenses Peter Peter: What ©. Mindi: Well, when a military member in our city @_ Peter: Welcome back to our TV show. 1 @. (be) your host, Peter — (talk) with Mindi Johns: who represents We Lend a Hand, an organization that ©. Gentry, and today we @ (provide) free support to military personnel 365 days a year. ‘Thanks so much, Peter. It @ (be) wonderful to have this opportunity to talk about the work we @ — (@o) at the _____ (be) your organization’s current projects, Mindi? ——(goyona mission (assist) his or her family by providing free yard work and small home repairs. Presently, we oe ‘away from hone, our organization's volunteers © _— Get up) a new program that would also provide pet care services, So owners won't have to worry about their pets while they — (20) on short military assignments. Mindi, your wonderful program @___ (make) life easier for Alot of military families, Thanks for speaking with us today. Mindi: ‘Thanks for imiting me, Peter! ESSE Discuss thet ‘What types of activities do you do every day? 2. Wir do yo tisk ori ies? 2, Whatare he esyonsis of our jb? Mm. wv oe ee BOOK22 LESSONT a a = BI 2 nro ra nonenroomnen | Prepare to interview someone outside of class. 1. Choose a topic. family job travel hobbies childhood |. Write five questions about the topic. lM. For homework, ask the person you interview each question. Use the space below to take notes. Law enforcement VOCABULARY: GRAMMAR: SPEAKING: READING: VOCABULARY: GRAMMAR: READING: VOCABULARY: GRAMMAR: warming: DiaLocs: SKILLS: VOCABULARY: GOK LESSONE Responding to a call Handling an incident “They elected Kathy Moore vice president Participating in a group discussion Identifying the coreet pronoun referent ‘The police report: An incident description Patients wishing to see the doctor must check in, Summarizing information from an outtine “Military potice and local civilian police Tove freshly baked bread Combining two sentence into one Describing and identifying people Listening forthe topic and writing a paraphrase Review of new words from Lesson 2 34 36 9 40 2 45 46 48 49 MEIN on anon NEW VOCABULARY Nouns Verbs difference arrest entrance catch up with feature declare incident designate jail differ lens identity note run across patience spot suspect, GRAMMAR STRUCTURES ‘They elected him president. tudents taking the test must be quiet ‘The new white sportscar is forsale. Other complex compli due to familiar former huge latter ted patient plain reckless simple yet LANGUAGE FUNCTION Describe and identity people, He's tall with brown hair and green eyes, and he’s wearing a hat, sunglasses, a T-shirt, and jeans, ~FHiERICAN ANGURGE COURSE Neer JAPA) Responding toa call [| Witha partner discuss what you think is happening in the picture. ER > nna ) moe esse — ME INETNEY Handling an incident Read the text and complete the fowehart below: When a possibly illegal activity happens ‘on a military base, the military police take certain steps to handle the incident, This process can be complicated or simple depending on the type of incident, Simple incidents are easy to solve and involve only one person. Complex ones may include many people and are more difficult to solve, For both types, the p-ocess starts when police receive a call about an incident First, notes are taken about the details of the incident. After that, police are contacted by radio and sent tothe location ofthe incident. When they spot the suspect, or person acall is received | L — A ne AE <> EES. / Nee coat peceeeeeees | i Police fill outa =| complete report who may be responsible for the incident, they must identify that person, Once this is done, the police have to decide whether ‘oF not to arrest the suspect. If they decide ‘not to arrest the suspect, then that person is released. If they decide to arrest the suspect, then that person is taken to jail It isn't their esponsibility to declare the suspect guilty ‘or innocent. Finally, after the suspect is either taken to jail or released, the police are required to fill out a complete report, which includes a detailed description of the incident and the people who were involved. ~ERIERY LANGUAGE COURSE complicated jail spot arrest identify incident 1. Which word means a possibly illegal activity? 2. What means difficutt or having many parts? — 3. What means to see someone or something? es 4, Which ver’ means to check identity? 5. What means to take a person by legal authority? — 6. Where do police tase suspects who are arrested”? [EERE conpicie tne tex with words from the gray box note idenity spoded suspect declared simple incident ae You@ _____ THIS PERSON? | tis ye mate 0 ): oo _ outside the home of Dr Wary ee aa the house to be a crime scene after Which was left in place ofthe paintings. The message on the note said, “Art shouldbe forall 1 see.” “This unusual ease hasn’t been a @___one for police to solve. 1f you have any information about this @—____.. report it to the police immediately aooKe2 LESSON? —— KEI ty se vps ‘Read the news antctes. Then, folow your teacher's instructions ‘SUniversmy News S New Sruvent Leanens ELecteo Student Activities Dean, David University students chose two. _-BYoWn, who advises the student govern- ment id, "consider Gain and Moore senior sides thet ne stent gov , tobeston eas who will doer test ernment flicer during the ist week of doth ernment offices dr toma or niversity eter place. The students elected Rob Ga cia Student Government President and fa No Cuasses Frioay Seer. 23 eer ee Univrsiy Presiden George Lee has it z esi declared next Friday a day off for stu- a dent and university personel The fe Rb Gariaand | "UES he department will be checking fire alarms, ene alarm boxes, fire exits, and elevators in esc ambuings. direct object object complement. ] verwotenoosirg| noun ipnasey1 | 2%, | noun pase)2 2 Trey | elected [ . xo Garcia and Moore | See] om ‘Two nouns or noun phrases can follow some verbs of choosing: elect, choose, appoint, name, declare, select, consider, ete. ° The second noun tells the job oF a quality ofthe first noun, % ‘As or to be can be used between the two nouns after some verbs. ~ RERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE [EEE Unscrambie the words to make sentences. 1. chose /as/ My bos / Julia his new seeretry J “My boss chose Juli as his new secretary. 2. aholiday /"The President / Martin Luther King, J's birthday / declared / 3. Barry J choose / captain / Did / as / the soceer team /? 4. Voters / Mrs. Robinson J elected / the new leader / 5. SSgtGreen / Our commander / Airman of the Year / named / 16. the new arlist/ selected / The judges / the award winner / as / 7. appointed / Mi io Lonzano / to be I The President / Secretary of Defense / Has /’? 8. her brother / the strongest person / considers / Meg /to be / that she knows / BEEEEIEEEN Discuss the questions witha partner | -esure to ask your pare the eason forse anaes 1. Who would you same a a great military leader? 2. What day of the year would you declare a holiday? 2, What food would you choose asthe best fod from your city? 4 What seion do you consider toe your favorite ine ofthe Yea? 5, Have you ever named anyone an award winner? aoe LESSON? YT Participating in a group discussion ] Discuss the situation below with your group. Write down who your group chooses and why, ‘You are a member of a special group designated by your city government t0 choose two finalists for this year’s Citizen of the Year Award. Four people have been nominated, The ‘mayor of your eity will declare the winner from the two people your group chooses. Here is information about the four feople. NOMINEES Cheng Elena Suarez - age 14. Gn March 21, Elena was /| 1. g9"the gga walking to school when she saw three young men || 24 M60 yo stealing televisions from a store, She cal on e stealing tel from a wore. She called 911, / 3° iAP ang ty | and after the police entered the store, they found the owner inthe back. He hud been shot and would ~~" have died if Elena hadn't cal ed = Luther Washington — age 80. Mr. Washington isa businessman who works ~ hard tohelp people. Mr. Washington has given a latof money othe city. Last year, he paid for the new hospital and gave money to build the new sports stadium, He won the award three years ago. uth Chen ~ age 50, Ms. Chen works in the city pay office. Last year, she caught hier boss stealing money from the city. Her buss fired her, but she told a reporter, who printed her story. Ms. Chen was rehired by the eity, and her boss was fired. Her actions saved the city more than a million dollars. ‘Sarah Jackson — age 37. Ms, Jackson was a bus driver for the city. On an icy moming in November, Ms. Jackson had 22 people on the bus. She was driving down Market Street, when she found she couldn't stop the bus because of the ice. Ms. Jackson drove the bus into a parked truck on the side ofthe street to avoid a busy intersection. Although her actions saved everyone oa the bus, Ms. Jackson died in the crash. FINALISTS REASONS ee en oe cole ie Tlie Identifying the correct pronoun referent Read the texts, and answer the questions Military haircuts for males must meet certain standards. The hair on top of the ‘head must be neat. [1 should not fall over the ears or the eyebrows. In addition, mates in uniform must keep their faces clean shaven. They cannot have beards, but mustach- tes are authorized. However, they must be short and cannot cover the upper lip. 1. The pronoun ir inthe second line refers to. certain standards '. hair on top ofthe head fe. the top of the head 2. ‘The pronoun shey in the tind line refers to a. uniforms b. cars and eyebrows males in uniform 3. The pronoun the) in the fourth line refers to 1 mustaches b. beards c. faces Service members may carry civilian gym bags while in uniform. They may carry them by band or using a shoulder strap. All bags should hang on the same side of the body as the shoulder strap, and zhey should be black oF gray. 4, Inline 1, they refers to — a, civilians b. soldiers c. gym bags 5, Inline 3, they veers to a. bags >. bodies c. the shoulderstrap aooKze LESSON MEL TNIETN The police report: An incident description Oakridge City Police Department Date: August 13 Region: Oskiidge Hills Time: 2330 Location: 1634.N, Tail D:ive Incident: money stolen Summary: On 08-13-09 a: 2330, Oakridge officers were called to Quick Fill Gas Station, 1634 North Trail Drive, because approximately $1008 had been stolen from the cash register. A man entered the gus station and demanded money in aloud voiee. The man quickly lost patience with the cashier ‘and took the key from the cashier’s hand, He then took the money from the register and ran out the store entrance. The station owner, who is & former police officer, followed alter him, trying to eateh up with him, but the suspect jumped into a black four-door vehicle and drove away recklessly, almost hitting a pedestrian. The suspect is described as a White male, mit-20s, wearing glasses with thick lenses, a plain white ‘T-shirt, and bive jeans. An unusual physical feature is @ huge tattoo of a snake covering his entire right arm. The cashier said the suspect looked familiar ani that perhaps he had run across the suspect earlier that day. The cashier could smell alcohol on the suspect’s breath und suggested his actions were possibly due to heavy drinking, Robert Green is the officer who is designated to this case, Contact him With any infornation which concerns this incident. Pariner, ask and answer questions about the text. 1 ow i the man denn none? Ae errr ¢ ? fiancee ‘What did the suspect's ‘T-shirt look like? i What might have caused the suspect's actions? { Which officer is responsible for this ese? 3 4 5. What unusual feature di the suspect have? 6. 2 RGN ANTE COURSE EGRESS sex entrance running across ject a word from the gray box to fil in the blank. | When I went to the store yesterday, I noticed a woman who looked very @_ standing near the @ 1 coaldn’t see her eyes because she was wearing glasses with dark fomer but herother © reminded familigr me of someone from my past. I decided to say hello and ask her what feaures het wame was, She immediately recognized me and said she was Sandra, lenses one of my @_ college roommates. What were the chances of @_____-my classmate after 20 years? ite a sentence using the word(s) in parentheses. I Answers will vary, 1, (former) 2. (patience) 3, (forum across) 4, (feature) — [ESERIES Wite the word that goes with each set of phras } familiar former — patience -—=—stens-—=—=— simple spot |= —_— explanation plan | |_ title with someone ame a Sea | | | manager contact something wnusuat_ | | Book LESSON na ~~ Bxcuse me, are those the (© patients who are waiting wo) 7 ee De Roth? ents wishing to see the doctor must checkin. | mame oe Clauses with BE who [is | taking | the test may feave the room, taking the test may Teave the room, ] ne_| taking (cass Tat are | — parked? —[ on he pase mst be moved [cars | parked ‘on the grass must be moved, a Propositional phrase (Cathe phone [whieh | is ‘on the desk | doesn’t work. [the phone [om thedesk T doesn’t work. Reduce adjective clauses to adjective phrases by removing who, that, or which and the BE verb, RICAN CANGAGE COURSE Clauses with HAVE [tetas] (eter ‘a star on it belongs to the general. star on it belongs tothe general | fp. To reduce an adjective clause with HAVE, remove who, that, or which and use within place of the HAVE verb. Use withoutin negative sentences. IEEE Cross out words to reduce the adjective clases to phrases. | Be sure to change the HAVE verbs to with. 1. The food that is served in the mess hall is good. 2, What isthe name af the crop which is being raised in that field? 3. Can you hand me that screwdriver that is on the shelf? 4, This job requires someone who has a college education. 5. Anyone who is not feeling well should go to sick call right now. 6, Do you have a car that has automatic transmission? 1. "The post office won't deliver mail that doesn’t have a stamp. HEE Finn |. Were the injuries that were received by the pilot serious? ks with the reduced phrase. Were the injuries _ by the pilot serious? 2. ‘The new store that is near the airport is huge. ‘The new store — ____ is huge. 3, Who wrote the note which was on the bulletin board? Who wrote the note 4. Do you know the person who is waving to us? Do you know the person. tous? 5, I’m looking for an apartment that has two bedrooms Tm looking for an apartment. ___ two bedrooms. 6. Have you read the new book which was written by Arnold Wilson’ Have you read the new book by Amold Wilson? coxa LESSON MEEEEGEGN ite sentences using the phrases. 1, books / borrowed from the library — Books borrowed from the library must be retumed in two weeks, the boys / swimming in the river 3. a house /with a swimming pot 4. the people /on the train MEEEXEISSN Foto your teacher's instructions. o ( Isitaboat \ sinking in the ocean? \ sinking ~ rc COURSE <-Tellati Summarizing information from an outline Select the best summary othe outline. CAUSES OF BAD BREATH 1. Food A. Vegetables—garlic and onions B. Milk products Health problems A, Tooth or gum B. Stomach Way of life A. Smoking, B. Not brushing or flossing teeth ‘SUNIMARY: | Bad breath isa problem that can be caused by certain foods, health issues, or a person’s way of life ‘Bad breath isa social problem that many people are not comfortable discussing. Bad breath can result from choices that a person makes in his or her life, such as smoking, eating garlic, or drinking milk products ML INETN Military police and local civilian police ] Read the text and complete the eutine. Military and local civilian police forces both have the responsibilty to proteet and serve their communities. However, they Aiffer in two major ways, The first difference is where they have auority to. make arrests. Military police hhave authority to arrest miliary personnel ‘only on US military bases in the United States or overseas. On the other hand, local police forces have authority to arrest anyone within the limits of their assigned city, county, or state, Another difference between military police and local law enforcement is the set of laws which they ate responsible for enforcing, The former group enforces the laws contained in the Uniforri Code of 1. Where they have authority A. Military police: DDI DIDIID, ee ‘A. Military police; B. Local police: IIL. Both protect and serve Military Justice (UCM), while the latter force follows city, county, and state laws, Military police and local police forces hhave major differences, yet both have the responsibility of protecting and serving the United States and its citizens. US Air Force Security Forces Member City of San Antonio Police Officer Differences between military and local police forces B. Local police: within city, county, or state limits ‘oral summary of the text using your outline. ays “The two main differences, between military police and) local police are... _// 7 wocabulary word similar to the word(s) in aie. | 1. Military and local police ave not the same. ‘There are two ways in which they are different. —_— Of mititary and local police, the first Foree ean arrest on base only. 2. 3 4. ‘The second force can arrest people outside of military bases 5, Laws are often complicated and have many different parts ee 6 Both military and local police carry weapons, but their uniforms are very different. ‘Write the correct word to complete the sentence. 1. [don’t mind waitng in long lines because I'm a ___ person familiar/ patient 2. Police think the man guilty, but he hasn't been = arrested released yet 3, Did you receive the boss's ____ about the meeting?” notify /note 4, Thad never spoken to her before, so I didn’t recognize her ——_____. former/ voice 5, Anew type of bird was —_ by scientists last month, identification identified 6 behavior is not acceptable in the military Reckless/Careful 7. The lieutenants argued because their opinions —_ greatly differed difference ook WESSON? Listen to the advertisement, and write the missing words. ‘Simply push a few buttons and pour our ) Now you can with @ ino | aa the machine the night before, and let @ —__ dl the work for you! Vi 7 ‘fe We describe nouns using noun phrases. Noun phrases are made up of determiners, * adverte, adjectives, and nouns. They usualy occur In the order Below, [o Cee) | e ° determiner | adverb | adjective | adjective | noun | main noun quantifier | | opinion | fact, physical | used as an | ronan iudgment | “deseipton | acjeaive | | | tte vey | tently | Ae | ] is | extremely | | old Japanese | | books BESTE abet each word witha fete rom the chart above. | Boe 1. freshly baked bread 43, excellent natural ingredients 2. our wonderful automatic bread maker 4. this efficient electric machine Ss very day [have the same routine (routine / same J the) 2, Isitat __— and look for jobs in the newspaper. (stmal/ table / my / kitchen) 3, Yesterday morning I saw a (want / very /ad /interesting / a) 4. Twas for ______ (exciting /an / company / new) 5, ‘The company wants — = (young / smart /a/ graduates / college / few) 6. ‘They want rave! agents to send people to a (beautiful / countries / foreign) 7, But it sounds lite —— tome. (office /a/ job / boring) BSEREEEGN Se ec the best answe | ‘pave have more than one sjectve to give a physical description, we usualy use the following order: i ‘adjective (fact/physical description) ‘main noun size | age | color | origin | material large | new | blue | French | wooden | doors 1, Tike your 3, Tanya bought a boots Italian black a. silver Japanese car new ’._ black Italian boots new silver Japanese car ¢. Italian black boots cc. car silver new Japanese 2, He's wearing ain that picture. 4. bought six —— 1, green wool sweater b. green sweater wool cc. wool sweater green BOK LESSON? — 1, plastic clear cups small '. clear plastic small cups small clear plastic cups ory. | determiner jective ject quantifier sdverb (opinion (tact, physical pronoun Judgment) description) |. With a partner, take turns describing the nouns with three words from the categories above, (atou vey ai mae E z re 1. soccer players 4, test result A gocver players.) 2. concert 5. military uniforms 3. summer vacation 6, c'assmate L MESTEIEEESN improve the advertisoment by adding more dea Use the words from the gray box and/or your own words ive words. attractive famous popular terific dependable interesting special beneficial great powerful wonderful 1, CAR: —A powerful new red European sports ___caris on sale now, 2. BIKE: Are you looking for ike 3. VACATION: §— Do youneed vacation? 4. PLE Travelio eae pi 5, STORE: store is opening soon, (6, FURNITURE: — furniture is forsale. Write a sentence by combning two sentences and removing any unnecessary wor 1. Read the directions. They are atthe top of the page, Read the directions atthe top of the page. —_____ 2. alike to take a nice vacation. I'd like fo take a Tong vacation. 3, just bought a new refrigerator. Ithas an iee-maker. 4, Thave a cousin, He’s living in Jamaica, 8, He bought a gold ring for his wife, I's very beautiful, 9. Can you read this note? I's written in Spanish. 10, ‘The students need to go to the book room. They don’t have books. PIE NEM Describing and ‘identifying people Choose a suspect from Appendix. and fl out the chart ee Oakridge City Police Department Suspect Description Form [sex Jace: WEIGHT: HEIGHT: | veWELRY. —JeLASSES | [ | HAIR COLOR: JEYECOLOR. |SKNGOLOR. | WEAPON rc on |e | al Z 5) mesium | [| no Fane HAIR LENGTH: | FACIAL HAIR: | IDENTIFYING MARKS & at “SHIRT: i LOCATION fates, sets ee) L_| long [5 mci Fans short lorie \OICE DESCRIPTION cont SHOES Tow, high, etc): < juspect to your partner. He appears to be \_- : one a y Ist suspect weatinga dark colored ( amber fo? { “hat reading glosses, } ae een Tshirt, / Jaman tems // [EEE ead the ctog win a partner. Operator: Neighbor: 91-1, What's your emergency’? Operator: What did the man look like? Neighbor Operator: Neighbor: 1 just saw aman break my neighbor's window and enter the house. He was pretty tall, about six feet, and he was wearing a black shirt and jeans Can you remember any other details, like hair color or approximate weight? He was faraway, so I couldn’t see him very well. But, I think he had browa. hair and was thin, maybe 150 pounds. [EEEEEETEGN For iy the totowing situations in groups of three. Mesnksecasansace A) Me Smith B Operator Ic Police officer Mr. Smith calls police about his missing clderly father, The operator asks fora full physical description of Mr. Smith's father and when he was las: seen. The operator then reports the information to a police officer. A Ms. Jones B_ Operator | © Police oftcer Ms tones calls the police about someone Covering her garage and stealing bet ca in operatass fo a fll dessipton af the nspect andthe cat The operator then ger the infomation oa pice cet | Choose a person from the gray bos, a former instructor your bestfriend ‘a sports coach a former boss. your commander relative childhood friend a co-worker Booka LESSON My cousin is a tall man with brown hair and brown, ( ee a eyes. He's a lawyer in ae I ence tsesnne | |. Listen. Then select the topic of the text. the history of farming b, method of farming called slash and burs protecting the earth's environment Listen. Then write the topic of the text. TOPIC: MESES write «paraphrase. ‘Real test three mes, Retel the text to three different people: then, write the paraphrase below: ‘AMERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE NYeLAVIELAE Feview of new words from Lesson 2 | Complete the test with words from the gray box. latter notes. due to. —_ former patience Hank and Betty Clark met in @ high schoo! chemistry class where they — to each often got in trouble for passing @ other. After graduation, they decided to get married and were pronounced husband and wife on August 9, 1960. They recently celebrated their SOth wedding anniversary, and they believe that a happy marriage is @ two things: accepting one another's faults, and having © with one another. Betty and Hank say the @_ trying to change each other, ‘The © __ reason means that they stopped reason means that they learned 1 listen more and argue less. [EIEN tat he wo parts to mate statoments and questions. | 1. Mike received a ticket fora, not very simple 2, Themulesof baseball are —_b. you should only eat plain food. 3. Tmextremely tired, this computer program? 4. Are you familiar with 4. reckless driving 5. ityourstomachis upset, e, yet don’t fee ike going to sleep, [EEEEEIEDE biteuss those questions in smal groups 1. Ifyou could change one physical feature about yourself, what would it be? 2. Of all your former jobs, which one was the most interesting? 3, If your boss designated you fora special job, what would you Tike it to be? 4, Do you consider yourself patient person’? Why or why not? mse SSS~S—t~—SO”~—”~—OCS MEEIESEE Setoct the Dost answe When Ben turned 19, he finally his older brother in height. spotted b. declared ©. ran across caught up with We are celebrating tonight due to 4 John didn’t get promoted b. John was arrested c. John’s promotion 4. John’s problem Your walls are too You need ‘o put up some photos or paintings. a. plain b. huge ©. later d. reckless The math problem is quite complex. Wil wo solve, a be difficult b. take no time ©. be no problem 4. take litle thought ‘After yelling for hours dering a soccer game, Jeff lost his. a note b. voice © entrance difference My —__ lens is broken need to have it replaced, b gun d. camera 1 | During the murricane, city officials thatthe situation was an emergency, a spotted b. differed declared nominated People say I'm patient because 1 ‘4. enjoy working with children never wait long for anything always drive fast get angry easily ‘There was a huge traffic accident. ‘cars were involved. a. Few b. Twenty ©. Two @. Not many Jim was found guilty of stealing a car and has been in for two years, jail b. note feature suspect ‘The hotel's main _ north side of the building, a object b. patience entrance ambulance fon the Mr. James was to lead the meeting, a. choked . shouted ©. arrested designated ee A weekend project READING: Identifying the correct pronoun referent... 3 VOCABULARY: Building a birdhouse . ee GRAMMAR: Tbetieve (that) you are right. cee 38 VOCABULARY: Assembling the birdhouse. ose eee o READING: Summarizing information from an outline 6 GRAMMAR: He doesn’t have a car, but he does have a boat... 66 VOCABULARY: Putting the finishing touches onthe birdhouse... 68 ‘SPEAKING: Changes in word stress determined by contest... . 71 GRAMMAR: Adding -ful and -Less to make adjectives n DIALoss: Are youahandyman? ... 2. + . 15 VOCABULARY: Review of new words from Lesson 3. pera LISTENING: ‘Writing the main idea ce * MII rs ov nanan 7 oe | NEW VOCABULARY Nouns saw Other sim scissors back and forth beauty shovel bare board tip blunt bolt workshop clockwise carpenter coarse Verbs device counterclockwise aril adhere (10) & fas entry Dore a a dightugiaug = goggles asi stationary eae deive/droveddriven ae enable ‘motion lve ‘nail Lich pliers in rust on sandpaper saw GRAMMAR STRUCTURES LANGUAGE FUNCTION Scientists believe (that) the sir will Inq about and express he purpose of become cleaner, too devices, and mater. He doesn’t have a car, but he does have a ‘What tools and materials do I need ost. to builda fence? The flags are very colorful ‘You need boards and nails, You Water isa colorless liquid need a saw to eu the boards and a hhammer to drive the nails Le RRC TANGURGE COURSE ; Ie Identifying the correct pronoun referent Read the texts, and write she word that each pronoun refers to When traveling in a military vehicle, the following procedures must be followed: “The vehicle can be operated only by a qualified driver. /1 must be inspected every 24 hours. Also, Form 2878 must be filled out. 11 includes questions about the location of the spare tre, tre-changing equipment, the first-aid kit, and the fire extinguisher. 1. The pronoun it inthe second line refers to 2, The pronoun it inthe third line refers to Ifa vehicle breaks down during an operation, first attempt to repair it If the vehicle cannot be repaired, tow it. Ifthe vehicle cannot be towed, two people must remain to defend the vehicle, Be certain that shey have the necessary equipment, food, and water If the vehicle could fall into enemy hands, destroy or disable it 1, The pronoun it in the first Fine refers to —_—_________— ‘The pronoun they in the third line refers to —________ 3. ‘The pronoun it inthe fourth line refers to —_______—. mace LESSONS MLE LAVIETNIE Building a birdhouse Introduction This birdhouses a dot yousel project for ‘beginning carpenters ofallages. requires @5) some basic tools and woodworking skis ‘and ust fw hous inthe workshop. The ‘nished birdhouse wil rng beauty to your backyard. More importantly t wil atract colorful birds with ther ively songs and interesting behaviors. Hoe is what youl ‘need to get state. a as Required: Optional: power drill pliers screwdriver scissors (for metal) hammer shovel hhand saw or circular saw oi ~ AVEROCAN LANGUAGE COURSE _Materials & Equipment Required: Optional: safety gogales 2 bolts with nuts nails 8 metal pole wood glue bird-safe paint sandpaper paint brush, 2 small hinges copper sheet metal a small latel aboard 1/2" thick (See diagram.) Look at lctures, and write down what you have on hand. Then, check the tools, materials and e items you sill need. Tan hand rd Za l @ -quipment lists from the previous pages. Write the required hinges and latch ith pariner, compare the workshops from Appendix J. /~ No, Thave a circular (saw. Is there @ hammer jn your workshop? _// Do youhavea (nan sin your \ ON Norhogt ee [EENEEGEN conpicte each adverisemont witha word rom the box. | carpenters bolt sandpaper @ FLOORING WORLD®) It youte ted of arp in your ving room, ty beaut hardwood ‘oot Stop by cur store o see out vatity of natural wood and artical glue boards goggles ‘workshop beauty ‘Does your skin feel more tke ee than the smoath skin you were born with? Experience sot, healthy skin today with cournew skin-care products CLEANING MADE EASY ‘re you looking fora cleaning product that can remove and oer sticky substances? Get immediate results with “Stick No More? Increase the = cof your home by using our Greencare yard system. We keep your grass green and yout yr beaut, ° FSAPETY FIRST. ‘Check aut aur selocton of safely produc online You could win apa of protective just for ving our website! BOOK LESSONS Garage Solutions | Tun your disorganized garage into ater = | Purchase ‘our shelves and tables to hold all your tools and equipment. $€ 808's HARDWARE We havea huge secton ol \ypescl soe Pucrase ty me pice arty the box at untenable pes 3S Help Wanted! $$ ‘Wet looking for siled ‘to make kitchen cabines Good hours and great pay! I beliove (that) you are right. npg with Mie nes wa SS, (( Ghcitneon eueethor ae) the jury decided about ‘he case? 7 te E z a \ oe the jury decided >, [ ‘main clause direct object (that) noun clause [aubject main verb wubject] ver [other words tae tk Scientists atl aoe the air | will become | cleaner, | 2areaaine 3

) A Bey isonty skin deep” means?) _~< i ice ate COURSE Change in word stress determined by context | Usual sress Change in sess / impote He's an polite bd, Z 7 2 ouvotatite Thave an oitof state Hiense | |. Listen and mark the stress. Listen to your instructor ead the dias. Mark the stress in Line B. Then respond fo your instractor's questions, using the stress correctly 1. Ar Is your igh overnight? Bs Yes, its an oseright fight, a 2, A: Are you hardworking? B: Yes, I'm ahardworking guy. Zz 3. A: Can we swim indodrs? B: Sure. The hotel has an indoor-pool Zz 4, A: Can [take a shower downstairs? B: Yes. We have a downstairs bathroom. IL. Mark the stress and read the dialogs witha partne L.A: Doesthisstet go twos? B: Yes, i's a two-way street. > Isyourktehen ups B: Yes, we have an upstairs kitchen 3,_A: Have you ben ovens? Bs No, ve never taken an overseas rp Z 4. A: Ts your daughter foutcen? B: Yes, she « fourteen- year-old gil ox 2 LESSONS MEI rsa acne + Goodbye to Chi On Tuesday, the Air Forze will lose ‘one of its most hardworking zirmen when Chief Master Sergeant Juin Salgado officially retires. Chief Salgado is respected by his co- workers for his thoughtful management Of personnel and general he pfulness 10 The Lewis AFB Flyer oe ief Salgado His commanding officer, Colonel Joseph P. Rushdon said, “T know that Chief Salgado has been feeling restless, wanting 10 spend his days fishing and Playing with his grandchildren, but we Will miss him. He's had a successful tour of duty here and the work he's done for our organization has been priceless.” Noun Adjective ed ie Adjectives with the -ful hel helpful > Suffix mean full of or : oe characterized by. meaning ‘meaningful care careless > Adjectives with the -iess ie + tess = Sleepless sutfix mean without. Penny penniless Use the word in the parentheses. ‘Some nouns canbe flowed by bot ul and 4ess. The meanings are opposite, power thought hope ‘meaning pain doubt ~ AVERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE 1. Lt Bayovis (care) in his work. He never checks it. 4 2. These flags are so ___ (olor) They're really beautiful! 3, There's nothing we can do. The situation is ___ (hope). 4, Kate's jobis_________ (meaning) beeause she teaches children 5. I may have broken my ankle. I's really —— ain) 6, Tdon’t make big decisions at work. hm ___ (power) there. 7. Jack remembered my birthday. He’s a thought) person. 8. ‘Tom missed his flight. Its tomorrow. (Goubt) that he'll ative [EES Write the adjective form of the word in italics. ‘Some words can be flowed only by fu. beauty play success forget” force plenty ‘wonder peace "Forget isa verb, tut ful is commonly added toi 10 make an adjective ‘Some words canbe folowed ony by ess. blame lite guilt price bottom point heart sense 1, Bveryone talks about Mary's beauty. She's a ____ woman, 2, Nancy had no bleme for the accident. She was ——_________ 3, There's no ponrin doing this easy exercise, It seems 4, Destroying that house makes no sense. The destruction is 5. Oscar has had a lot of success inthe sir foes, He's 6. Capt Gove forges everything you tell him. He's aman aK LESSONS = BEEIEEEAN ici the acjoctive that best competes the sentence. | ‘Some words canbe flowed by both ful and ess, bul the meanings are not opposites help lw mind rest thank® * Thank is verb, bu ful and less are commonly added to it to mae adjectives 1, You don't need to think to do this work because it's mindfal/ mindless, Lawrence doesnt know how to fix his car. He fels eli / helpless, 3. Col Collins had a great vacation, It was very resid / restless 4. Debbie is shanff / thankless forthe wonderful lf she has 5. This town has many criminals t's « lawless /lanfial place 6 Teouldn't slep lastnight because I ele too res restless. 7. Adictionary isa very helpful helpless book. 8 House cleanings 2 anf thankless job. No one seems to appreciate it 9. Jenny is mindful / mindless of Mike's food allergies when she cooks. 10. Soldiers must always follow lawful / lawless orders. BEERS describe someone using adjectives with fufand eas. | Use the words inthe boxes in this presemtation to describe a friend or classmate ta a parmer — My cousin, (ty fiend, Caro, > | SS ee isalwaysfendly ] smarter’ and heft careless with think his stomach his homework is botomiess. He He thinks it’s Toves teat pointes qf is ~iERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE Ea. + ee ser, describe each item and Pa MEEEIREGHN eos each statement, and check yes tits tue and nolf isn't] es ce A ‘own more than 50 tools 2. have your own workshop. jz a 3. enjoy fixing things around the house. [ ] 4. would rather do it yourself than hire someone, Oo O 5. visit home-improvement sores atleast once a week. oO 6. get calls from your friends and family to fix their things, [ oO So, ARE You 4 HaNovMAN? 5-6 times, youre a real handyman, so get work, senate | ee What tools do you need to do that? Here's how you repair chair: First, you ‘Then, you Alter that, NS eee Sonnac OE a ~ review of new words from Lesson 3 Select the best answer. 1 ook LESSONS broke the of my pencil, so I had to sharpen it. a. tip b. device ‘The sand on this beach is very a. bare b. blunt . fine ‘Tighten the bolts by turning them —_. a. clockwise back and forth c. counterclockwise Willian’s a device b. motion All a. tips boards c. entries js to graduate from college in three years ust be closed during the security exercise. ‘The rough surface needs to be Have you ever rdden a bicycle? counterclockwise ». stationary c. bare ‘Some types of birds can holes in trees. a dig b. bore = Lor 7 Listen, and write the main idea ofthe text, Answers may vary _ ee Firearms in America VOCABULARY: SKILLS: GRAMMAR: READING: VOCABULARY: GRAMMAR VOCABULARY: SPEAKING: DIALogs: GRAMMAR: wrITwne: VOCABULARY: READING: moore eSNe US military firearms Firearms and ammunition Listening for the main idea and weting a paraphrase 1 got fired. Summarizing information from an outine Going toa gun show Reported speech: Present perfect to past perfect Americans opinions on gun contol Pariipatng in a group discussion Identifying firearm pars Modal review Editing your writing Review of new words from Lesson 4 Identifying the correct pronoun referent eel - 82 85 86 89 2 96 100 tol 102 10s 107 108 NEW VOCABULARY Nouns ammunition barrel @ bolt bullet cartridge casing chamber citizen ease firearm firing pin ‘magazine pin point powder round, GRAMMAR STRUCTURES set @ sig @ tendeney wiger Verbs eck of detect discharge fire ignite risk tend troubleshoot ‘My flight got canceled because of bad ‘weather, ‘asked her if she had read the new book. 1 was going to wash my clothes, but Iran ‘out of laundry detergent. Prefixes it Other adequate essential make sure fon account of outer thorough upper LANGUAGE FUNCTION dontty and abel the parts ot handguns, ris, and firearm equipment. The bullet travels through the barrel ata very high speed. ‘The magazine holds the cartridges that will be fed into the weapon. "AMERICAN LANGLAGE COURSE cme ‘ook LESSON ML JINELNM Firearms and ammunition ne ene Common US Miltary Firearms The US military arms many of its personnel with the MI6 rifle or M4 car- bine. Both firearms are gas operated and ‘magazine fed. These models can be fired ‘on automatic, burst, and semi-automatic. ‘The M16, which was developed in the 1960s, provided soldiers with a lighter ‘weapon that fired faster than those used in the past. ‘The M4 carbine is similar to the M16, but it is lighter and equipped with a shorter barrel. The length of the M¢ can bbe changed by adjusting the stock. These features make the M4 easy to handle and allow soldiers to rapidly engage targets Several different sights can be used on Parts ofthe M16 Flo LOWER RECEIVER ‘BOLT CARRIER ASSEMBLY fing pin ee ke __| the M4 and the MI6 to permit effective night and long-range shooting. ‘The M9 pistol is another common military firearm. It uses a 9-millime- ter cartridge, and the pistol’s maga ine holds 15 of these rounds, ‘The M9 is now widely used in place of 45- and 38-caliber pistols because of its higher ‘capacity magazine, Pars ofthe MS Pistol chamber oo ‘UPPER REGEWER bolt carr ~ RERICAD ANGLAGE COURSE ‘Ammunition Before the shooter loads his weapon, he should check the ammunition he is going to use. The point of some bullets may be ‘marked with a particular color to help iden- Lify them. The shooter should make sure the cartridge easing, or shel, is not dented or rusty, The bullet shold fit tightly in the casing. Once the magazine is inserted, the shooter must charge the weapon. This ac- tion makes the bolt go forward. The bolt drives the cartridge into the chamber where it remains until itis discharged, When the trigger is pulled, the firing pin strikes the primer, which ignites the gunpowder. The gunpowder explodes, ccusing the bullet to ‘ravel out ofthe barrel and toward the target. BEEEEEEGEN Write T for true or F for false Parts ofa @-Milimeter Round oureR view ner view ust 1. The US military arms many personnel with the M4 fle 2. The shooter should check the ammunition before discharging his weapon, 3. The shoot should make sure the cartridge shell isnot dented or ust. 4, The bullet should bea litle loose inthe easing 5. Thesights are found on the upper part ofthe M16, 6, The firing pin strikes the bottom pat ofthe bullet 1. The chamber san inner part ofthe M16, 8 The Md is equipped with a longer barrel than the M16. 9. A firearm ean be discharged by removing the magazine. 10. Pulling th: trigger eauses the chamber to explode. BOOK 22 LESSON = Write answers for the questions about firearms. 1. From where are cartridges fed into the M16 and M4? 2. In what three ways can tne M16 and Mé be fired? According to the text, how is the M4 different from the M16? 4, How many cartridges can the M9 pistol magazine hold? 5. What should a shooter cieck before firing his weapon? 6. What happens when the firing pin strikes the primer? BEEEXGIEIG atch cach weapon or ammunition part with Ws onetion. ee —— 2 easing —— 3. fixing pin ae Sa Sela —— 6. chamber 7. team —— & bolt Ie strikes the primer during firing Apart which permits night and long-range shooting, Paling this prt starts the fring process ts movement drives the eae into the chamber. ‘The part ofthe round which exits the barrel ‘A.weapon, such a fle or pistol, thats fred Ieholds the cartridge until the gun i discharged. ‘The part of a round that holds a bullet and the gunpowder. "RERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE Listening for the main idea and writing a paray yhras Listen, and then write the main idea ofthe text. Answers may vary La « auwipga; ‘Read a tex three times. Retell the text to three diferent people; then, write the paraphrase below. Andrew: Dan: Andrew; Dan Andtew; Dan: Thad the worst day of my lie yesterday. ‘Why? What happened? 1 got fired from the job I'd only had for one week. Then, as I was leaving the parking fat in ‘my wife’s car, I got hit by another car. Now her car has $2,500 in damage, Thats erie! Dutta rat. Aer ttsdaoierea;t VE realized Td forgtter to pick up my children, WL. Tdrove too fast near their school, and I got N pulled over by the police, When I finally ci arrived home and tod my wife what happened, she became very upset. She says she's thinking about getting divorced! You're right. That really was a bad day. What happened to Andrew? (Use GET + a verb from the dialog) 4. Finally, his wife says she's thinking about Passive | _ ey ee by My boss SUBJECT ‘> GET passive is very common in informal conversation. It usually emphasizes {unexpected or unplanned actions that happen to someone or something, ee (EEE match each question with an 1. Why is your brother inthe hospital? 2 Is your dausbter planning to have a big wedding next summer? 3. Why haven't you been driving to workin the last few weeks? 4. have a lotof bills to take care of. When is our next payday’? 5. What happened to the window in the front of your house? a. No, she's geting married later this month b. ve lost my license because 've gotten stopped for speeding several times, . He gothity a car when he tied to cross the steet 4. Ie-got broken by some children when they kicked a soocer ball Uhrough it fe, We'll get paid next Friday. ESERIES Uncertine all parte of the active and passive verbs. Then wit A for active ad for passive _P_ 1, Pete got iin the head during the football game 2. Pete got ngry during the football game 4. Rachel got elected as vice present by her classmates, 4. My parents’ car got diy 5. My parents’ car got palfed out ofthe snow. 6 id Josh gt blamed for the accident? 7. Did Josh get upset about the accident? moore ESSE IEEE Compictethe sentencos using the GET passive. Use the words in parentheses ee (promote) before other employees with more experience because the toss liked her ideas, 2. Has Jim _____assign) to a new department within the company? 3. Peggy ___aceuse) of stealing expensive items from the clothing store 4. The meeting has (ancel) several times, Did your fight ____ (postpone) because of bad weather near the airport? 6, Right now my bags are 6 the plane before we tske off, — (inspect). They will be put 7. ‘The man floated in the ozean for hours after his boat sank. Luckily, he ——_______freseue) by a passing ship. HEEEEEEGEET catovorize vorbs that are commonly used with GET pas Write the past participle form of each verb in a category Some may go in several categories za sheet cancel fired inspect. award promote fssign attack steal accuse -—_postpome break ‘Work Crime Travel shot REAGAN LANGE COURSE I

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