04 Vetotop CX534 - 141221 JO

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Construction Materials Product Data Sheet

Vetotop CX534
Premixed 20 to 100 mm thick
conventional cementitious mortar.

u Cost-effective cavity filling in non-structural
u Non-structural backing mortar.
u Filling around underfloor heating installations
and mechanical fittings.
u As a bedding mortar for granite and marble.

Product Description
Vetotop CX534 is a single component cementitious backing mortar composed of hydraulic binders, silica sand, and
selected aggregates. It is supplied in bulk as a dry pumpable powder ready to use on-site, once mixed it will form a
mortar applied by trowel in thicknesses between 20 and 100 mm.

Advantages Technical Data

u Factory-controlled pre-blend ensures
Vetotop CX534 Typical Values
consistently high quality.
Appearance Grey & White Powder
u Suitable for Middle East harsh weather Max Aggregate size (mm) 2.8 mm

Technical Data Sheet -Vetotop CX534

conditions. Application thickness 20 - 100 mm
u Easy application enabling high productivity Wet density (Kg/Liter) 2.0 approx.
through pumps and horizontal mixers. Open time @ 25ºC 45 min approx.
u Easy to break and refurbish backing to install Adjustability 10-15 minutes
additional piping and mechanical fittings. Setting time 3-5 hours
Compressive Strength
u Excellent workability. 10 N/mm² approx.
@ 28 days (ASTM C109)
u Replaces conventional site-batched mortars. Flexural Strength
> 2.0 N/mm2 @ 28 Days
u Applied on horizontal damp compacted sand
Bond Strength
and cementitious substrates while providing > 0.2 N/mm2 @ 28 Days
good adhesion. EN 1015 - 12

u It contains a special additive that reduces friction All values are at standard lab conditions at 25ºC
and prolongs the lifespan of the equipment.

Design Criteria Standards Compliance

Vetotop CX534 is designed for pumping machine (HM h ASTM C 150
24) application. It contains a special shrinkage control h ASTM C 207
additive that provides good adhesion. The product is
available in grey and white color and can be applied in h ASTM C 136
thickness from 2 to 10 cm.
Product Data Sheet Construction Materials

Usage Instructions Packaging & Coverage

Surface Preparation Product Pack Size Yield
Substrate should be sound, clean, free from loose Vetotop CX534 50 kg bag 0.5 - 0.6 Ltr / Kg
material, grease, laitance, dirt curing compound, etc. Stated consumption data are for general guidance.
Before Vetotop CX534 application, wet the entire Actual consumption depends on the nature of
surfaces with clean potable water, and the surface substrate, method of application, and wastage.
should look damp at the time of application.
Shelf Life & Storage
Smooth Concrete Surfaces
Vetotop CX534 has a shelf life of 12 months provided
Apply Vetobond PB433 or Vetobond EB430 as a primer it is stored clear of ground in a dry and shaded place
coat or prepare the horizontal substrate by chopping below 35ºC.
or chiseling.

Mixing Health & Safety

For manual mixing, add to the mixing container 9.25 - Vetotop CX534 is highly alkaline; therefore, avoid direct
10 liters of water to each 50kg bag of Vetotop CX534. contact with eyes or skin. Vetobond PB434 is a latex
Add the powder to the water and mix with a mechanical emulsion; it is recommended to use protective gloves
mixer or low-speed electric drill fitted with a suitable and goggles during application. 
paddle for 3-4 minutes until achieving a uniform, lump- Any skin contact should be washed with plenty
free consistency. amount of water. In case of eye irritation, immediately
For application using HM 24 mixing & pumping wash with a copious amount of clean cold water. Seek
machine, the water flow rate should be 300-500 Lit/ medical advice.
hour. Use the mixed material within 1 hour. Vetotop CX534 is non-flammable.
Re-tempering is allowed between 60 and 90 minutes
for one time only.
Additional Information
Saveto manufactures a wide range of construction
Application chemicals and specialty products for various
Apply Vetotop CX534 in a single layer to the desired applications divided into the following product groups:
thickness using HM 24 machine. Rod or screed to a u Waterproofing Systems.
uniform thickness immediately, then follow with the
u Concrete Repairs & Grouts.
Technical Data Sheet -Vetotop CX534

tiles’ installation. To ensure better coverage, increase

the thickness and firmly press on the tile squeezing u Flooring Systems.
the excess out. For better adhesion, you can use the
Saveto product Vetobond PB434. Call Saveto technical u Wall & Facade Systems.
engineer for advice. u Sealants and Joints.

Curing u Renders & Finishes.

Cure Vetotop CX534 by spraying water on the tiles’ u Plasters & Masonry.
surfaces before grouting for 2-3 days. During hot & dry u Tile adhesives & Grouts.
conditions, allow curing for a minimum of 5 days..
u Primers & Ancillary Products.
u Thermal Insulation Systems.
Clean tools with water promptly before material
hardens. Hardened material can be mechanically u Protective Coatings.
removed. u Accessories.
For further information on these products and systems
kindly check our website or contact your local Saveto
Saveto endeavors to ensure that any advice, recommendations, information it may give is accurate and correct. It cannot accept any lia-
bility either directly or indirectly arising from the use of its products because it has no direct or continuous control over where or how its
products are applied, whether or not following any advice, specification, recommendation, or information given by us. Saveto has the right
to change any of the technical datasheets’ specifications upon its discretion without prior notification.
Hard copies of TDSs are printed once or twice a year. Our technical data sheets are continuously updated as per R&D improvements and
new 3rd party testing; kindly refer to our website for the latest updated TDSs.

Ref No.: G3-CF004-05-21 JO www.saveto.com

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