The Gospels of Mary

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The C ostic Bible

I kt rJotpet0J t koma! t ne I ltaae sdyltrys0JJetus The

Jcsns 1kt,1 tka Nar' l al$ 0JJesust,1 Htstory dnd chnstotol)

rhe uaghalnoohof ua11ard thelngeh

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Theseiet Teachifilt


THE CoMpANroN oF rEsus

Marvin Meyer
With EsrherA. dc Boer

A D iririon oJHary c{ olli nspltbtirhcrs

Introduction u.l

The GospelsofMark, Matrhe\r Luke,,ohr,
and peter(selections)I

The GospclofMary 16

Thc Cospclof Thomas(selections):3
rHF cospELs or MARY Tl. s.o4 kdition ofMdry Lldfd4lh., th. conptrioi aJ168
Copyright o zoo4by M,Nin Mc)€r Alllights rcserved.rrinted n, thc Unitdd cHAP-tER 4
sr,tcs ofAr€ftr No prft of rh; book mar be 6cd or rcproduccdi. !r-r n,rD'
ncr whrbo€vcr witlour laittcn pernission .xcept in rhc cse of brielquo'
Thc Gospcl of phitip (sclecrions)
tnions cmbodied in .ridcal articles ahd rcvicws For information addrc$
Harpc.Coll;ns Publishc6.lnc. Io Irt tlrd Stcct. Nes NY Ioo:r.
The Dialogucofrhc Savior (rele(rions)
Harpcrcollins booLs ,na) b. plrchs.d for educrtionJ busine$. oL salespro-
morioflal usc. For inform,tion plcas€ Frne Spc.i3l Markes Dcparto.nt. CHA!TER 6
Ha.percollins Publkhes.lnc. ro Est trrd srect, N€w York NY Ioozr Pisris Sophia (selections) 64

Harpercollansweb site:bnp, CHAPTIR 7

Thc Manichaean
ll.rpercollins . C . and Harpcrsrnlrancisco'" a.€ tr.dcnrarks of ilarper- 70
Collint Publishe$.l.c
"ShouldWeAII Tnrn aod fisten
to Her:":
Man Magdalene
in the Spotlight,by [sther A de Boer 74
Library of Congrcs CitaloginS in- Public.tion Datr is aHilable rpon requ*t.
ISDN o 06. 07279r-E Notes 9Z

04 ot ()6 07 08 RRD(H) ro 9 8 76 Bibliography r16


C)r .\l I THE DrscttlEs or ,Esus,none seemsto havebeen as

nrticpcndent,srrong.and closeto]csus as Mary Magdalene.
book presentsEnglish translationsof thc carliest and
most reliablc texts that shed light on this remarkable*'oman
and the literary traditions about her These texts includc selcc-
tions from New Testament Gospels,cxtracanonicalliteraturc,
anclgnostic sources,including the Gospel of Mary-that is, the
Gospel of Mary Magdalenc Within thcsc texrs Mary Mrgda-
lcnc playsa leading role, but often, particularly in the New Tcs-
tanrcnt cospels, the centrality ofhcr role may be obscuredby
rhc interesis of rhe authors of thc Gospels,who advancerhe
c:usc ofthc male disciples(especiallythc t'elve) and rhe place
of I'crer Wlen in Matthcw 16:18lesus is madc to say You arc
lctcr. and on this rock I shallbuild, rhc stageis sct
lor I'cter to assumchis primary placeas the first ofthe apostlcs,
arrd for the mrlc disciplcs to talc thcir apostolic places rvith
Petcr as thc leadcrsof the cmerging orthodox church. Appro-
priatclll thesevcry words, in Latin rransladon,occup,va domi-
naDtposirion on thc cupolaofSt. Peter'sBasilicain Romc. It is
no wonder that in sevcral of thc tcxts translatcd here (thc

Gospcl of Mary the Gospel of Thomas Pistis SoPhia) Petcr storiesabout Mary Magdalene,and a closereadingofthese stories
himself refuses to accept the tcaching and the leadership of discloscsfeaturesofhcr life. As bestwc can reconstructher back,
Mary Magdalene.While this hostility of Pcter toward Mary ground, Mary Magdalenewas a Jcwishwomar from the city of
may not derive dircctly from thcir historical relationship. it Mggdalaon tic rvestcrnshoreof thc SeaofGalilcc,and her nick-
does reflect conflicting attitudes regarding womcnt roles and name ( Mrgdalene) refers to her hometown. Magdala was wcll
womens leadership in the church ln Peter's world past and known for fistungand ffsh salting.Thus, the Aramaicnamc of rhe is difffcult to acceptthe important placeofawomrn, cltv is M igdrl Nunya (or the likc), .Towcr of Fish,,.and the city wrs
Mary as teacherand lcader givenrhe crcek namc larichea (in Latjn,Taricheae),..SaltedFish.,,
In his no!€l Tle Da vt ct Co&, Dan Brown has Leigh Teabing Somc havcsought to derivc Ma4, .sn ickname .Magdalene" directly
and Sophic Neveu discussthcsc vcry matters raised by Peter frorrr thc Aramaic word for'tower,,' nigdaLand to suggestthat
and others in the early Christian texts' Ma4" Magdalene"n Mary'the Towcr,,.but this ;sa dificult inrer,
''The woman theyare spcakingo[" Tcabingexplained prctatlon.'Sheis sirnpll Mary Magdalene.Mary of Magdalafrom
"is Mary Magdalcnc.Peteris jealousofher" thc city Magdala,or, in hcrArarnaicname,Miryam ofMagdala.
Mary Magdaleneis on the scenein the Ncw Tesrament
"Bccausc.fesrtsprelerred Maryl" in
Luke 8. whcre she is an independcnt woman traveling
"Not only that. Thc stakeswcre far greatcr dran mcrc with
affection.At this point in the gospels )esussuspectsIlc fesus,along rvith two orher womcn. as part ofthe
Jewisi lesus
moyemcna.There is no menrion ofhusbands or
will soon be captured and crucified So He gives Mary family mem_
bersaccompanyingthesewomen. Thcy are on
Magdaleneinstructions on how to carry on Hjs Church their own, with
fesusand fricnds. All three women are said by Lule to havc
after He is gonc. As a result, Pcter expresscshis discon-
been restorcd to health through
tent over playing second fiddlc to a woman l daresa)' Jcsus,md of Mary it is said
that resuscast sevendemons from her. This statement
Peterwas something ofa sexist" employs
the languageofmagic, miraclc,and exorcism,
Sophicwas trying to ke€Pup "This is s,i'lr Peter'The and it reflects the
tntercstsofthe author ofthe Gospel. Ifthe
rockon shich Jcsu'built His ehurch accountreflectsany
historical rcaliq: it may imply that Mary faced
"Thc samc.except for one catch-According to thesc social,mentaj, oi
spiritual issues,and that
unaltered gospcls,it was not Petelto whom Christ Save lesus helped her addressthose needs.
5cl,.itis intimated, Mary Magdalencbecomcs
dircctions with which to cstablishthc Christian Church a discipleofJesus,
and her statusin the.ircle ofthose aroundJesus
It was xaty Magfuleae."(217 18) is ailudcd to by
the fact that she is ncarly alvays listcd
first among the women
ln the texts translatedin thc Presentbook. Mary Magdalene rouowingresus.The singleexccption
to this pattcrn in the New
emergesfrom the shadowsof orthodox church tradition as m resram€ntis lohn r9r25,where thc
concern seemsto lre that
inlluential discipleand apostlcof ]esra. In the Nc'w Testament rvomcn of
ksui family be listcd first. Furthcr. according to
Gospels,along with the GosPel of Peter,wc find a ferv fascinating Lukc, Mary Magdalcncand herwonrcn
frienos provide support
TllE co\ftL5 (\F \l \ll\ INTROI)UCTIoI\

and assistrncefor the JcsLrsmov('nrcnt ftom thcir pcrsorral Gospcl of Philip. thc l)i:rloguc ofthc' Savior,ancl pistis Sophi,r
r.sourccs. Some inter-prercrshave sLrSgested rhat N{iq s life- ,ll dcpicrJesus3sso.irtingcqualll.rviftrnenarrc{ thc
sqlc and cconomic rneansnravindicate that she is tidorved or Gospcl of l'honras 6r. Salonc obscr.vcs that Jcsush.rsclinbecl
divorccd:or perhrps she is a self-suflicicntand sclfirclinnt onro hcr couch (or bcd) .rnd h:rs earel from her rablc. and shc
rvoman living on hcr own. n s Carolyn Osick puts it in woftct l, saysto Jcsus. I an your discipic."lesus in turrr spcakswords ol:
s./,pnrr. fhis lvas I strong (r:z) s.ndonr rnd Lnouli'dgc to hcr In all rhesc other rexts t\,{arv
Accorcling to the Gospcls of N{rrk, Mrttheq Luke John, \ l - r ; J . r l . r .r . ' . i , r r c , r r c d . r , , r d i r r r p l r r r J . rbnc J d d r . \ , e d r l ,
and I'etcr ]\f.rr1 N4ngda1enc rem.rinsloyal to Jesuscvcn during disciplcoflesus.and .rttimcssheis acchimedto bc thc disctplc
thc final dil'ficult days,anclshe is prcsent at thc crucifix;on and Jesus locs nrost.l drc Cospetofphilip not onlr is ir s.ridthar
thc tomb of |csus.In sonc Cospcl.rccounts. thc nrlrlcdisciplcs ,esus lolcs Mrry M:tgdrlenc nlore rhan rhc other disciplesl
run for thcir lncs rlhen lcsus is clucificd but l4rr1 and other ti,hI is also crllcd tht- co,npanion,prrmc,r or consort of
womcn lnrger in thc vicinitl of rhc site of the exccLLtion()n and drc rcrt srxtcsrhat fcsuskissedMrry.freqrcndl:
Sundaynrorning, the accorrntsmaintain, l\4rr,! Magdalenegoes Lr thc Iighrofsuch statemt-nts, it secmstnrl|cri,approprlarc
to the tonb of lcsus, sornetincs rvith one or nrore othcr to c.rll l\l:n l\lagdalcnc a bel<x,cddisciple That tirlc is nrosr
u,oren, to cmbalm rhe body and moLrrnftrr Jesus And in drc familirr fiom the Gospcl ofJohn. *.hcr.cthc beloveddisc;ple
longcr endingof Mark (I(':9 Ir). and in John :o,t I8, Nlaq ar ;npo.tanr ifvague figurc h rhe Johannnrestor,r.line.
A great
Magdalenc'becorncs rhe first person to.n.orntt'r the rrsen dcal of ,rrk has been spillcd in scholarll efforts ro
Christ and proclain the good nervsof thc 'csurrcction In the and idcnti{, thc belorcd dtsciple in thc Gospcl
of )ohn Hc
Cospel olfohn, thc accountof this mcetingof Mary Nlagdalcne orshc mar bc r fictionalchar:rctcr (so I tans_Martin
and Jesusis tendcr and loving, rvith a gently erotic tone Jcsns rtlcal figurc' (so Ruclolf Bulrnano) or .r
synbol of the
s:rys, lr'Iaqr" and Maq rcsponds, lubbouni. Ilaq depalrs to oerrflcr (so ttal rnond L Broqr) Thc siruation
is cornplicated
rn th.' Cospcl of ]ohn. horveve,r,
rnnourcc the rcsurrcction to the other disciples,ancl fron this and thc beiovcd disciple also
scelnrro take on thc responsibil;t).of
act she h'rsbecomc'knorvnin thc tradition .rsthe apostJcto the el.cwrtness and c\.en
r,ospcl :rurhor and rvirhour.r doubt
thc beloveddiscipieis
rclatccl.literalh to Lazarts, and through
In drc other tcxtspublishcdb this book.the sign;ficlncc'of lazaftrs to thc,youth
rn rhe cospel of Mark :tnd Sc,crt
rht'rolc of Maq l\4rgdJenc as a disciple ofiesus and a bc'lorcd Mark s.ho is rlso said to be a
disciple,bccomescven nrorc ipprrent ln rhe New Testanrent
Cospels thc inncr group ofdisciplcs oftcn takeson the charac- Furthcrororc. othcl Christiantcxts:rlsodcpict belovcildis-
crPl.s.ind rhcsc tcxrs often idend$
tcr of a male-only club. uith rcstricted rnembership Other rhc beiovccldisciplc *.ith
one Pc'rsonor:rnorhcr. ln
tcxts. horucrcr, show that this was not thc cise. According to the Sccrct Rook (or Apocwplron) of
l r r n ' . 1 , ' 3 , 1 , I. r r . rr n d s " c o n t 1 . \ p o c . r t r p s r . .
rh€setexts. therc \\€rc both rnalc :rnd fenrrie disciplesaround o t t . r r n cfsr u r r r h c
'fhomas, 'r:p
the I l . r r r r m r dl r b r . r r l . r n r erst r , l l r r h e b r o r h e r o f l r * r . s
Jcsrrs,and thc tiospel of Mary thc CosPel of r.

Dortrxycd as a beloved disciplc' and in the Gospcl

of Thomas conseqlrcnccsfor our genetal perspecciveon Mary Mag,
,nd the Book ofThomas, elso from thc Nag Hammadi libragr dalene. She would have had disciples, hcr testimony
and a beloveddisciple Simi- would have fomcd a communiry hcr accountsnot only
JudasThomas is the twin of Jcsus
lar$ in the Gospel of Mrry thc CosPelofthilip' and
elsewherc ofthc dcath and resurrectionof Jesus,but also ofhis life
Mary Magdalene is understood and identified as
a bcloved and rcachings.would have been preservcd.But not only
rhat. hcr words would have been canonized and taught
A de Bocr through thc ages,and spreadover the world.
And possiblyeven rle beloved disciple, ifEsther
is correct. ln her essay"Mary Magddene and thc Disciplc Jesus
lf Mary Magdaleneis a beloved disciple, possibly even r/re
Loved," de Boer arguesthat Mary Magdalene is very Possibly
by noting belovcddisciplc, how was shebeloved ro JesuslIfthe portrayal
thc beloveddisciplein the Cospclof.lohn' Shebegins
as the ofrntirnacy berween Mary and Jesusapplics to their historical
prcvious ar$tmcnts that idcntifi Mary Magdalene
and she rclationship, werc they physically intjmare with each othcr?
teloved disciple and the author of the Gospel ofJohn
of jnterPretation ln John Therc ccftainlyare eroric hints throughout the litcrar)-sources
'19.25on to off.r ""btl. Points
in Iohn 2o. in tbe cospelofMary and particularlyin the Gospel
27,lor instance, Jesussccs his mother al]d the belovcd
his of lhilip. And while a reasonablecasecan be made that Jesus
disciplc, and he tatLs to them from the cross He addrcsses
mat havc bccrr sexuallyactivc and perhaps even maried, and
mother as woman" (in Greck.3Tnal)and saysto hcr"'Woman'
disciplc as that Mary Magdalcne,thewoman who wasclosestto him, is the
look, your son," but he ncver addressesrhc beloved
'son." This leadsde Boer to thc conviction that when lesustclls singlcbcst choicc ofawoman who may havebecn his lover, the
Mary eviderce rcmains inconclusive.The inrimate tone of
his mother to look at her son, he actually means that _lohn2<l
"The Ldtimxtc endswith a rcquestof fcsus:" Do not touch mc.,,The love bet,,,,een
should look at her son Jcsus Dc llocr cofltinues
to Maryanc{Jcsusin the GospelofMary sccmsmore platonic arrd
importanceofthe scenein 19:26 27lies in Jesus'invitation
in 'p"iru.rl Thc krsinS rnd lor ing of rhe comprnron\
his mother to look ar,'ayfrom her dying son to {ifld him alivc or paJrncrs
the tn thc (iospcl of Philip is describcd within thc context
thc disciple he loved " Thc vcil ofanonymiq that obscurcs ofthe
fronr rePres- sPiritual:rnd sacramcrtal intercsts of rhc tcxt. In all thcse
beloveddisciplein John de Bocr nraintains,stems pas,
sagcs,of coursc. a spiritual understanding
siue in 1oh., .lcmcnts that question the authoriry of of lovc could have
"I.*" fig- Deenimposcd upon rhc texts by authors
femalc discipleship,and as a rcsult it is hard to pcrceiverhe and cditors who pre-
rerred .r lex physicalsort of love and
ure of Mary Magdalenein the bclovcd disciple De Boerwntes: intimacy with Jesus.So,
Maq and lesusmay indeed haveexperienced
physicallove with
kh othcr, or they may not. We cannot know
I conclude that Mary Magdaleneshould bc seen as a '-o.Dcl^F
After all, as the
thilip rcmrnd.u,. No lonc canl hnow when hLrs
serious candidate for the idcntification of thc anony- lr
oandl .rndwrfc
mous disciple Jesuslored in the Gospel of John lf we havescr e:rceprrho.e rwo. for marrirgein rhe
world is a nrystery
indeed lookupon hcr asan imPortant c'ndjdate' this has for those married.,

Nikos Kazarrtzakisstrugglcswith thesc questionsin Ttc renpration of Jesus,and the last tcrnptarion of Kzantzakjs,
'renptdtionoJChist\lhen he narrateshis version of the relation- pemorablc as it is in the novel and the fiLn basedon thc novel.
b.twe.n Mary Magdalenc and lesx In Iczantzak's stals in thc rcalm of imaginarioD.Iesus imaginesthe relation,
"hii childhood
,,ou.l, M"ry i, x whorc who hxs known Jesusfrom ship with Mary Magdalene,and Mary.rnd Martha, and in the
scenesin the
and rvho bccomes a followcr' ln one of thc last end he doesnot give in to drc ternptation. He rejectsthe every,
his last
novel lesus swoons on the cross afld fantasizcsabout dai life ofnrarriage md children and accep* thc cross.
remptation. the everydaylife ofscx and family th€ otdinaq'lifc Uhimarcl)l in the texrs consideredin rhis book. the qucsrion
ofthe flesh rvith Mary Magdalcne: oIsex is not the most significant thing abour Mary and Jesus.In
his rhesetraditions, it is ncithcr sex nor.gendcr that deffnes Mary
Purring, Mary Magdalcne hugged thc man kcpt
But for Pctcr in the stories about his aninrosity toward Mary
body glued to hers specificrily deffncd by her gendcr For I'erer, M.ry is x
"No man hasever kissedme l have nevcr felt a man s
rvoman uho does not knou.her place. And for those intcr,
bcard over my lips and cheeks noru mans knees
Arc pretcrswho idcnti$ Mary Magdalcnewith rhc Lrnnamedwoman
bctwcen rny knees.This is the day of my birthl
of Lukc 7 36 5o, said to be l woman of sin, who washcs
you crying. mY childl" lcsus,
fcct rvith hcr tears, dries tLc.m with hcr hair md kissesand
"Betoved*ife, I nevcr knew the rvorld was so bcauti-
ano;ntshis feet with perfurnc. Marl,Magdalene is also defined
lirl or the flesh so holy lt too is a daughter of God a
joys of by scx and gcnder In this interpretation she is a rvhore who
gracefulsistcr ofrhe soul I never knew that the
' corncsto Jcsusand to rcpenrance,but she rsa whore, and much
the body were not sinful
ofthe litcrature regarding Mary Magdalenc,like K_azantzakis,s
"Why did you set out to conqucrhcavcn and sigh' and
I a\ t ?,11ptotnn
o.lchr6t. retlccrsthrs inrerprcrarion.
seckthe miracr ouswater of eternal lifc? I am that watcr
Are you srill The portrair ofMary in lircrature and art as reformed whorc
You havc stooped drunk. found peace
ts imprcssivc,bur it is mistaken in tetms ofhistorical
sighing,my child; What are you thinking about?' accuracy
''My hcrrt is a withercd rose of lericho which revivcs xnd litcriry interprctation. It may also havc the
effect of mar-
Srn3liz;ngMxry Magdalenc by reducing hcr role to thar of a
and opens up again whcn placed in water' Women is a repentantprostirute, end such an
cffort at margjnalizing Mary
founrain of immortal water Now I undcrstand ('{5o) nny harc bccn delibcrate. Ir was
not until thc late sirth ccnrury
ln Kazantzakis'snovcl, in thc accountofthis sceneofdrcam that Pope Grcgory the Grc;rt
formally idenrified Mary Magda,
and hallucination. Mary Magdalenc dics. and Jesusgocs lene rlrth rhc prostitutc
of Luke 7 and thc idcntificatjon stuck.
Mary thc sister of Lazarus ln the humid half darknessthe rnerc is, in facr, no good
rcasor ro idcnti$, Mary Magdalenc
facesofMary Magdalorc and Mary sister of Lazamswerc mfl- wrth thc lnnamed
prostirurc of Luke Z just as there is no good
red'onro idcoriR
ing, beco,r'i,igon." (+sz) icsus lives wlth and loves Mary and Mary Vagdalenewirh rhc unnamedwo,nJn
Martlu, arrd they have children Yet this narration of the last or Lieh.rrvir
Mrrk r4 or M.rryof Berhx.r). .i\(er of t araru5 irr

Luke ro and John rr I z The facesmix and blend in Kazantza- Sophia.Mary prcscntcd as thc most prominent ofalt the disci_
kis's fantaslr,and in Pope Grcgoryt identificarion. and such ples,providcs ilsightful interprerations ofsayings ofJesus and
mixing of Mary Magdalenewith otherwomen is just as much a passages ofscripturc. and sheproclaimsthe nature and mcaning
mattcr of fantasyin other inrerpreten. ofsa|'arion Jesustclls Maq: ,.you are one whose heart is set oi
Ifthe imagc of Mary Magdalenein many ofthc tcxts gath- hcarcn's kingdorr rnorc than all 1,our brothers,' and he says
ered here transcendsthe issucsofsex and gender,the implica- again. You arc morc blcsscdrhan all *,omen on earth." Mary is,
tions for thc ongoirrg discussionof sex and gender in socicty Jesusinsisrs, "pure spiritual wonlan tor..pure spirtturJ onc,,
and religion arc clcar. In the world of Mary Magdalcnc, past (fcm); in Coptic, tepncunatikt .nhilihi
es)."And in the Mani_
and present,sex and gender do not define a penon or limit a chaean I'salms of Hcraclcides.Mary is prarsedas ttre one who
pcrson'sparticipation in societyand reiigion. cast the nct to gather rhc lost disciples,and shc is, rhe
What is most significant $out Mary Magdalcncin the early dcciares, thc spirit ofwisdorr ',
literary sourccsis that she is a closefollower and bclovcd disci- Karcn l King providcsan excellentsummaryofthe
ple oflesLrs,and she assumesthc role ofan articulate advocate tcr of NIary Magdalcncas tcacher and leadcr in her
for the gospel,and an eloquent leader ofthe faith, regardlessof All the Controversy) Mary in the GupeloJuary.:
her gcnder.ln the Gospel of Marl: when thc other disciplesare
weeping and are discouragedat the departure of Jcsus,it is ponrait of Mar1,Magdalcnenr rhe cofil oJtMdrt
Mary who is strong. She lifts thcir spirits by assuringthcm that offers an alrcrnatirc to sole relianceon apostolic
the graceofJesus will remain with them and protect them. She as the source of authoriq. Although she, too,
knew the
encouragesthem to praise the greatness of Jesus. and to nlstoflcat .Jesus,was a wimess ro rhc resurrection,
remembcr that they have been rnade adeguatcfor what is to received instruction from the Savior,these
come. They are true humen beings, Mary proclaims. In other are not rvhat s* hcr apart from the others.
Mary is
words, the Gospel of Mary says,"she turned their hearts to the clearty portraycd throughout tire Gospda.san
good." lt is Mary who recountsand understandsthe revelatory drsciple.Shedoes not falterwhen the Savior
vision ofthc soul and its fate, and shecommunicatesthis visiofl steps into his placc after his departure,
to the rest ofth€ disciples.In contrast to the beliigerenceof strengthening,and instructing the others.
Het spiritual
Peter and his brother Andreq it is Mary who is the modelof comprehensionand spiritual maturity are demonstrated
the spiritual tcachcr n her<almbeha,ior rnd cspecr.rJh in her visionrryexpe
Appropriatcly in the Dialogue of the Savior, Mary nence. Thesc at oncc provide cvidcnce of
her spiritual
describedas a leading disciple in conversationwith )csus and maturiq and form rhc basisfor herlegitimate
the other disciplcs,utters wisdom sayingsattributed elsewhere authorirl'in instruding the othcr disciples.
She does not
to ,esus, and shc is described who undcrstood teach in hcr own nanrc but passeson
thc words of the
€venthing lor "conrplctcly" (in Coptic, eptsif)].' ln Pisris Sarior, calmirrg rhe disciplcs, and turning
their hearts

towrrd thc Good. I lel characrc'rprovcs rhc tluth ofhcr of ll.rrr nral reflccr thc closc'rclationship bcnveen illary ;rnd
rcccption ofte.rchingsfrom JcsLrs,
teaching,,rr,db,vcxtcnsionaurhorizcsthc terchingofthc lesus.rndrhe thc briefeccount

cospdoJ xaq and it does so by opposing hcf to thosc seerusro developthcseideas'n drc direction ofthe sort ofliber-
rirc sr{nl that lpiph.rnius lovesto teli abour rbe \r,ickcdgnostics
apostlcsrvho rcjcct rvomens authorio and Preach an-
he s.)s he is cxPosin8
ot)rcr gospel, laying doln larvs beyond that rvhich thc
Thcrc .rre numcrousothcr later t; es and legends:rbout
Saviol r.nght (73 74)
Mrr.y Magddene.crrriousand intriguing lcgcrrdsrhlrr arc incor,
poratcd in l/re Da Vlnci Code,ir rrob Blood,r ra! crail, and nt The
ln addition to tht'c.rrl,r'Christiantertr prcscntedin dtis
\\b"un th theAlabdster-ltr: In thcsc texts ir can bc said thar lcsus
book, thcrc are morc tcxts and tr.rrlitions thar crPand uPon thc
:rnd lvl:rryMagdalcnerverc marricd, that thcy had childrcn, that
story of Nlrrri-Nf:gdalcne'and dcvclop ir in intriguirg and sorrc-
rhe hoh grail (san-ryaal) is actu.rllythe royal bloodlinc (ang raol)
times spcctaculardircctions In thc i\cts of I'hiliP, I ccltlin
olJcsus :rnd that thc descendanrsofJesus hale had a pou.ertul
sonran Marl (lt{rriamne) c.rllcdthe sistcr" ofthe apos-
impr.r opon histor\r PerhapsM;rry herselfis thc ho\ grail pcr,
tlc Phil;p. is a lcading figure in drc sccond halfof the tcxt. and
hapsJcsusdid not rcallydie on thc cross,asuggcstiondso made
shcis involvedin hcrling her s.rlivais the hcrling agent 'rnd
ingnosric and lslanic sorrccs I)crhapshis *,ifc. Mary and rheir
teaching,r'rd administcrnrg sacftirncnts.Ph;liP baPtizes nrcni
childrcn mored to M:rrseillesor clservhcrein l.rance.o.cntuallr.
Nlaq brptizcs rvomen. Maq is arrcstcd lor her bcliefsand pr:rc-
ro rrtlrcnce rh. r.r:l hou'e. dt tu,ope. ^rrd pcrhrp. M.r11
tices,but before shc can be strippcd and humili:rtcd,hcr body is
)v{agd.rlcne has a codcd name thar. b,vgemarria.identifi€s hcr as
transfornrt'dinto a box ofglass l'rrnqois Bovon.who hassnrdicd
a lcnilio goddessor r sacrcd nranifestatiorrof
the Acts of Philip cxtcnsivell: is convinced that this Mari or
lenalc scrualiqr Pcrhapsshervasa priestcssof Ishtar or Inanna
Nhriamne is Ntaq Nt.rgdalenelfthat is tme. thc stories in thc
or Isis Pcrhapsshc is linled ro Ven$ and tlrc hiero,
Acts of fhilip may indicrte a continuation oftrrlditions conccrn- lanos ot
ing the role of Maly Magdalene.rstcachcrand lcadcrin the carly
lcrhaps.Or perhapsnot
church According ro Lpiphannrsof Sdanls.;r hcrcsiologistwho
I h, 'our.esebotrrMan i\t.rgd.rJene publrsh<Jher,.rrr:l ,ror
often sc'crnsboth nalvt and nlcan'sPirited. thcre sa-s rnothcr ,
o e . r \l h u b o \ r n r . r . o l r h c s , l.a r c rl e g c r r d b. u r r n , . 1r n .
tcxt. enrided Great Qcstiofls of Mrr)r in *'h;ch JcsushasI rev- ",rne
h o r l r r r \ n v ^ r r h ). r :s r r n e . \ c r. L ,r h c f . g u r e o i M r n
e)atorycncounter rvith Mary apprrcntlv Mary Magdalenc and a n Jl i r c r r l
'r'rdr'r"r)\rbour Vrrl And
rhcl rre prur,,rarrrecr,,ugh I
per{ormsan actbascdon the strn} of El€ scPrrrting from Adam tnescsoLrrces Mar1.Magd: enc confronrs us ancrr..ancrner prcs,
in Gencs;s2 lpiphannLsclaims that in the rc\t ,csusseParatcsa errccrnd proclam.rrionarc
conrpcllnrg.h is said that shc knerv
womrn 6'om his sidc.hassexwith lrcr,and tlkcs his scmen asthc resusrntimarel,vand spoj<eon his bchal{ and
is shockedand col-
seedoflifc' to bc Lrscdritually Mrryr it is s:Licl, shc continucs to
sPeckin rvords .Do
recordcd in thc Cospel of t\4:rr1.: no r,cep
lapses, but Jcsusraiscshcrand sa1s.\Ift1 didloLrdoubr.louof or gricrc or
be in doubt. for his gracc vill bc wirh
littlc f.rithi While rhcsestatemcntsfrom rhc Creat Qllcstions 1ou all and

will protect you. Rather. let rLspraise his greatness,for he has irller context for the prcsentariofl of Mary Magdalene The
preparcd us and made us trulyhuman. selecrio'rsfrom the New TestamentGospelsdo tot provide as
61ch additional materiai beyond the referencesto Mary Mag
1r! E+
dalene,sjncethesebiblical texts are readily availableand oaybe
lsoJMarl becauseit prcsentscarly
This book is entitled TheGo.spe easilyconsulted.Rclerant mrmbers ofchapters, r.erses,sayings,
sourcesthat proclaim the good nervs,or the gospel' according and Coptic manuscript pages, cnclosed in pucntheses, are
to Mary Magdalenc,in the litemry traditions that rellect upon included lor the salc ofease ofreference. Within the transla,
her. The literary sollrceson Mary Magdalene prescnted here tions,squarebracketsindicare textrralrestorationsand pointcd
nrclLrdethe Gospel of Mary and sclectionsfrom the Cospeis of brackcts indicate textual emendations. Notes arc added to
Mark, Matthet Lule, lohn, Peter,Thomas, and Philip from explaindifficult passagesand to refer to parallel passages
the Dialogue ofthe Savior,and from Pisris Sophia,asrvell as a
+' xe
song from the ManichaeanPsalmsof Heracleides Three other
texts, ts,o of which are from thc Nag Hammadi library also I rvould likc to expressmy gratitude to Chapnan Univcrsiq,
make mcntion of Mary but the teferencesare briel general andthc criset Chair in Bible ind Christiar Srudicsfor thc con-
and somewhatrncertain ln the lpistle of the Apostles (Epis- tinucd gcrerous support ofmy research,includirrg the rcsearch
tula Apostolorum, rr), Mary tclls thc disciplcsabout the resur- on this book. Sercral ofthe translationsin this book havebecn
rection ofChrist in xway that recallsMary Magdalenein other undcrtaken is a part of a larger rcsearchproject on the Nag
cospclaccounts, j,lcluding the Gospel of Marv ln rhe fragmen- Flamn,adi library and for that projecr lohn Loudon and
tary First ApocJypse of lames it is claimed that lesus had HarpcrSanFranciscohave becn particLrlarlyhclpful. Scverrl
welr-e mrle disciples and scven fcmde disciples and Mary is collaboratorsin that project, including Wolf-peter Funh, Birger
mcntioned by n:rme (l'tariam. 4<l) ln thc Wisdom of Icsus A. Pearson,Paul-Hubert Poiriea JamcsM Robinson,and
D. Ttrncr havc oflered insightful comments on some of the
Christ (or the Sophia of JesusChrist). Mar,v (Mar;arnme) is
transiationspublished here. Final\r I thank Isther de llocr for
said to havc askedtlr-o questions of lesus, one regarding how
trcr valuablcessayincluded in this book. As shc concludcs,
the disciplescan come to knowledge (18) the other regarding rhc
'fhcse textspublished here rer.ealthat Mary Magdrlcre.nas
the naturc ofthc life ofdiscipleship (r14) thrcc texts add a cruciai
orscipleofJesuswith hcr o*.n distinct role and Gospel,,'and
little more than this on Mary and they are not includcd in the the
studl ofthcse texts, canonicaland non,canonical,..a1lows
translationsthat follo*r though thc three tcxts are discussedin Mary
finally to cmergeftom the shadowsofhisto,l
the essaybyEsther de Boer
jnto Inglish by
The tcxts prcsenredhcre are all trarlsl.rted
the author The selcctionsfrom thc Gospcl of Thomas, the
Gospel of Philip, and the Dialogue of the Savior incorporate
somewhatmore material fron thosc texts in order to provide a

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