IONYX T2AMicrobial Data Sheet

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Ionyx T2AM is a quartz-based, clear anti-microbial coating that

has two uses: create a long-lasting passive anti-microbial METAL: 640-800 sq. ft. /gal (approximate)
protective surface, as well as protect metal, concrete and
masonry surfaces by creating an integral, long-lasting barrier that CONCRETE: Coverage: 400-600 sq ft./gal (approximate). (Use
provides superior resistance to mold, mildew, moss, rust, Ionyx Quick Seal & Enhance to pre-seal porous unpainted
moisture, corrosion, chlorides & salt spray, acid rain, UV damage, surfaces first. Over unglazed ceramic or porcelain tile mix 25%
oxidation, galvanic corrosion, animal & bird waste damage, gum, Quick Seal & Enhance with 75% T2AM.)
graffiti and ice adhesion. Durable, wear resistant coating avoids
common coating failures like peeling or flaking. SURFACE PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS – METAL

SURFACE TYPES All Metals: Surface must be clean, dry and in sound condition.
Ferrous metals including: Iron, steel, stainless steel, Remove all oil, dust, grease, dirt and other foreign material from
galvanized steel; Non-Ferrous metals including aluminum, metal. Remove scale and light to medium rust using chemical
copper and bronze (raw, powder coated, painted or cleaner. Heavy rust must be sandblasted or ground off.
primed). Concrete walls, structures, floors, masonry Recommended: use a white rag with cleaner to wipe the surface
pavers, unglazed tile, bricks and cement block. Painted to inspect surface condition. If the rag remains white, your surface
surfaces including painted drywall, wood, concrete, metal, is clean. If the rag turns dark or shows evidence of residue, clean
stone, etc. Compatible with all paints* (acrylics, urethanes, away remaining impurities.
epoxies, etc.) except for silicone based paints/sealers.
New Iron & Steel: Sandblast, grind or otherwise remove 100%
*Water-based paints must be completely dry before of slag from hot rolled steel, as surface tension of coatings
coating. adhere to slag and pull away from steel, causing delamination.

PROTECTION If desired, prime bare metal with rust and corrosion primer per
Moisture, corrosion/rust, oxidation, galvanic corrosion, acid rain, manufacturer’s instructions. Apply single coat of T2AM after
food and beverage acids, fuels and oils, wind drag, dirt build up, primer has cured per manufacturer’s instructions. Be sure to
ice buildup and animal and bird waste damage. UV stable. follow primer manufacturer’s application time to allow T2AM to
anchor properly. If application window has passed, abrade the
CHARACTERISTICS surface by sanding with 220 grit sandpaper to achieve suitable
Color: Clear to slight amber to rose (depending on temp and anchor system for the T2AM.
humidity) always dries clear. NOTE: Also available with one of
20 translucent color stains. If applying T2AM over steel or iron that has no primer, apply two
coats of T2AM wet over tack no more than 15 minutes apart to
Finish: Gloss or Satin. ensure micropores are filled properly and completely.
Vehicle Type: Solvent Base
Flash Point: (C Penskey-Martens closed cup) -9C/15F Iron or steel with existing primer or paint: Inspect condition
VOC: less than 100 g/ltr of the primer or paint to ensure it is sound and free of peeling or
Weight per Gallon: 7.36 lb/gallon chips and well adhered to surface. Sandblast to minimum
Non-breathable vapor barrier Commercial Blast Clean SSPC-SP-6 method or abrade off
peeling paint or primer until you reach a solid base coat, or repair
TEST DATA by sanding with 220 grit sandpaper or lower. Re-paint as
Tests performed at ISO 17025 approved 3rd party testing laboratory. needed. Recommended: When re-painted areas are completely
ASTM G85-11, Annex 5 Acidic salt spray 1000 hours: 10 of 10 dry and cured, wipe surface with cleaner, followed by wipe-down
ASTM D4587-11 Fluorescent UV-Condensation 1000 hours: 10 of with a damp rag with fresh water to prevent removal of the
10 existing paint. Once surface is clean and dry, apply one coat of
ASTM D-1654-08 Accelerated Weathering Exposure, 1000 T2AM.
hours: 10 of 10
ASTM D-5894-10 Cyclic Salt Fog UV Exposure of Painted Aluminum, Copper, Brass, Bronze, Galvanized Steel &
Metals, 1000 hours: 10 out of 10 Stainless Steel: Apply one coat of T2AM.
ASTM D-7140-02 (09) Blistering of Paints 1000 hours: 10 of 10
ASTM D-610-08 Rusting on Painted Steel Surfaces: 1000 Powder Coated Metal: Inspect surface to ensure there are no
hours: 10 of 10. breaches in the powder coating. If breach discovered, re-coat or
ASTM D-3363 Film Hardness Taber: 39.11 average prime with matching paint to touch up area. Apply one coat of
ASTM D-2803-03 Procedure B (ISO 4623) Corrosion and T2AM.
Filiform: No Filiform or Corrosion 1,000 hours.
Steel without primer test results: approximately 300 hours APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS – METAL
until rust begins.
*Always obtain independent retest of the static coefficient after applying any coating Metal composition, methods of application and environments
on walking surface to verify new application meets OSHA requirements. vary. It is important to test any coating, including T2AM, in an
inconspicuous location prior to full application to ensure desired
RECOMMENDED SPREAD RATE adhesion and appearance is achieved. Original surface
Wet mils: 2.0-2.5 appearance will be enhanced slightly based on choice of gloss,
Dry mils: 0.7-1.75 satin, or matte finish. Although T2AM is a clear coat, coating may
slightly alter white paints or powder coats. Always test white
COVERAGE surfaces in inconspicuous location to determine degree and
Coverage will vary based on porosity and texture of substrate, acceptability of any potential alteration in color intensity or
and method of application. appearance.
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down pressure on the brush for best results in finish appearance.

As with most metal finishes, spray application of T2AM is Apply light strokes using the tip brush to smooth out coating if
recommended to achieve optimum finish and appearance. necessary. Desired wet film thickness (WFT) is approximately 2.0
Always mask off any adjacent surfaces to protect from drips or to 2.5 mils.
accidental coating.
Dip Application: Apply a blanket of nitrogen gas over T2AM in
dip tank to prevent flashing of solvents and evaporation of
If surface configuration or location make spray application product. Dip and agitate items (back and forth, up and down);
unfeasible, coating may be brushed using a fine China bristle
remove to dry rack.
brush, high-density, rolled on using a ultra-smooth foam roller, or
dip coated. Alternate applications will not yield the same Staining Metal Finish: Ionyx Metal Stain can be added during
coverage nor result in optimum smooth finish achieved through the application process by mixing 8 oz. of Ionyx Metal Stain into
spray application. 1 gallon of T2AM. Spray application is recommended. Apply very
thin mist coats, wet on wet. Application of Metal Stain may require
Spraying is the recommended method of application. Mask off 3-5 coats (wait five minutes between coats) to achieve desired
adjacent surfaces and items to prevent accidental drips or appearance. Do not apply thick coats to avoid improper flow,
coating. Ambient temperature should be between 45° F and 105° puddling or fish eye distortions. When desired stain appearance
F, relative humidity 90% or less with no chance of precipitation is achieved and the coating is tack-dry, apply one thin clear coat
(including morning dew) or dampening surface for a minimum of of T2AM. If stained coats dry completely prior to final clear coat,
5 hours after the estimated time of process completion. wait 24 hours, lightly abrade with 220 grit sandpaper, remove all
dust and apply final clear coat. Ionyx Metal Stain is not opaque.
Stir contents of T2AM container thoroughly to re-suspend Different substrates will reveal varying shades of final color, and
nanoparticles that may have settled to the bottom, typically ¼”, to may vary from representative color stain chart. Methods of
application will also vary the color. Test stain in small
ensure optimal coating performance. Re-stir every 15-20 minutes
inconspicuous area of substrate prior to before performing full
prevent settling of nanoparticles during the application process.
application to ensure color is acceptable.
Spray Application: Apply using high volume low pressure Drying Time @ 77 F, 50% RH: Drying time is temperature,
sprayer (HVLP) with a 1.0-1.3 spray tip and air pressure set at 25 humidity and film thickness dependent. Higher humidity results in
to 30 psi. Spray test pattern on cardboard or paper to ensure faster dry time.
suitable 8“to 10” elongated spray pattern is achieved
(approximately 1 ½” wide in the middle and fluid enough to cover DRY / CURE TIME
but not puddle). Apply two thin coats, wet-on-tack, 2-3 WFT each, Touch: 2-3 hours
top to bottom, then right to left, keeping a wet edge. Second coat Through: 3-5 hours
must be applied within 10-15 minutes while first coat is still tacky Full Cure: 7 Days
for optimum results.
REMEMBER: DO NOT ALLOW THE FIRST COAT TO DRY Dry coated areas look similar in appearance to untreated areas;
FOR MORE THAN 15 MINUTES OR SECOND COAT WILL may be difficult to determine the difference if work is interrupted.
NOT ADHERE AND WILL PEEL OFF. AFTER COMPLETION Recommended: plan for interruption of work by stopping at an
OF COATING, DO NOT LAUNCH FOR A FULL 48 HOURS. obvious marked point so work to avoid untreated areas.
Recommencing: If final edge of previous work is dry, sand edge
Blowing wind will affect the quality of the finish, may disrupt the to 220 grit and wipe free of dust to allow coating to anchor.
spray pattern from the HVLP sprayer and can contribute to
contamination of the finish. Recommended: erect a windscreen CARE & MAINTENANCE
to protect the area prior to beginning the coating application. Wash surface with a low-pressure hose or wipe down with damp
rag to remove dirt and spills. Although T2AM is highly scratch
CAUTION resistant, it is not scratch- proof. Do not use abrasive cleansers or
If using spray application method in an enclosed space, tent off abrasive scouring pads. If an area gets damaged or is
spray area using plastic tarps to prevent spray mist or overspray mechanically abraded, lightly sand the area with 220 grit
from adhering to unintended surfaces or objects. Use fans to sandpaper and reapply touch up to T2AM. If substrate is damaged,
supply positive fresh air and ventilate exhaust to outside enclosed make necessary repairs first, then re-apply T2AM.
or tented area. To avoid ignition or explosion of fumes or vapors,
never conduct spray application near an open flame or possible SURFACE PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS – CONCRETE
source of ignition such as pilot light, or anything may create
sparks. OSHA rules dictate an observer should monitor applicator All Concrete: Surface must be clean, dry, and in sound
for any signs of physical distress when applying coatings in condition. Remove oil, dust, grease, dirt and other foreign
enclosed areas. material. Surface that has retained oil must be completely free
from further wicking action which will prevent a proper coating
Roller Application: Use a high density ultra-smooth foam roller bond.
or ¼” nap roller to apply the coating in an up and down then left
to right pattern to ensure complete coverage of the surface. Avoid IMPORTANT; REMOVE SILICON & EXISTING COATINGS.
overworking coating. Apply coating thinly, 2.0 to 3.0 wet film Ionyx T2AM will not adhere to silicone or polymer-modified grout.
thicknesses (WFT) and continue forward. Avoid down pressure Conduct a simple test to determine if surface previously sealed
on the roller for best results in finish appearance. or coated, sprinkle water onto the surface. If water is absorbed
Brush Application: Use high-quality China bristle to apply T2AM and surface becomes darkens, it has not been sealed. If water
in a cross-pattern; up and down, then left and right as quickly as beads, coating or sealer exist and must be removed before
possible. Avoid overworking coating, as it dries quickly. Avoid applying Ionyx T2AM. Use appropriate cleaner to remove silicon
or existing sealer. Rinse with fresh water and allow to dry until
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moisture content is below 13% (level of dryness required for the first coat. If a second coat is necessary, wait 24 hours for the
coating bonding). surface to dry, abrade the surface with 220 grit sandpaper, clean
floor of dust and reapply.
Pre-seal unsealed or porous concrete with quality no-silicon
sealer to prevent concrete surface from absorbing abundance of Roller Application: Using a high-density ultra smooth roller, roll
Ionyx T2AM, and rendering it ineffective. Recommended: Ionyx onto surface in a cross-pattern; left to right, then up and down,
Quick Seal & Enhance. always keeping a wet edge. Keep roller saturated at all times. Do
not apply a second coat unless there is a flaw in your application
New Concrete or Masonry: Inspect for sound condition. Clean of the first coat. If a second coat is necessary, wait 24 hours for
the surface of all foreign material, dirt, dust, grease, oil, loose the surface to dry, abrade the surface with 220 grit sandpaper,
particles, laitance, sealers, curing or release agents. Rinse with clean dust and reapply.
fresh water and allow to dry until moisture content is below 13%
(level of dryness required for coating bonding). Smooth surfaces DRY TIME
should be abraded with 220 grit sandpaper, sand/bead blasted or Drying Time (@ 77 F, 50% RH):
ground with a floor machine. Test surface for proper ph (7 to 9). Drying time is Temperature, humidity and film thickness
dependent. (The higher the humidity, the faster the dry time)
Previously Painted Surfaces: Inspect for sound condition. Touch: 2-3 hours
Clean the surface of all foreign material, dirt, dust, grease, oil, Through: 3-5 hours
loose particles, or sealers. Rinse with fresh water and allow to dry Walk on: 8 to 12 hours Full Cure: 7 Days
until moisture content is below 13% (level of dryness required for
coating bonding). If existing paint is peeling or badly weathered, INTERRUPTION OF WORK
repaint may be necessary. If re-paint is required proceed with that Dry coated areas look similar in appearance to untreated areas;
process outlined by the paint manufacturer then apply Ionyx may be difficult to determine the difference if work is interrupted.
T2AM, following the paint manufacturer’s cure time. If re-paint is Recommended: plan for interruption of work by stopping at an
not necessary, abrading paint to 220 grit before applying Ionyx obvious marked point so work to avoid untreated areas.
T2AM. Recommencing: If final edge of previous work is dry, sand edge
to 220 grit and wipe free of dust to allow coating to anchor.
APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS – CONCRETE Prevent any traffic on the area for a minimum of 5 hours. Keep
moisture away from repaired area and let cure for 7 days.
Due to the wide variety of texture and porosity of concrete and
masonry surfaces and the various methods of application and CARE & MAINTENANCE
environments, test Ionyx T2AM in an inconspicuous location to Clean with a mop mild cleaner, or rinse with water. On large
ensure adhesion, and determine that the desired look is commercial type floors, a floor machine can be driven over the
achieved. There will be a slight enhancement or change in surface in wash mode only using mild cleaning agent. A soft, non-
appearance from the natural surface, along with a shine, either abrasive pad may be used to buff the floor if desired. Do not wax.
gloss or satin, depending which finish is chosen. If an area becomes damaged, re-abrade the area using 220 grit
sandpaper and apply touch-up T2AM to affected area. Prevent
Ionyx T2AM can be applied with an acetone/alcohol proof pump traffic on the area for a minimum of 8 hours. Keep moisture away
sprayer with a grey or red fan tip, or rolled on using a high-density from repaired area and allow to cure for 7 days.
ultra-smooth roller. Mask off any adjacent surfaces to avoid
inadvertent drips or coating. Ambient temperature should be CLEAN UP
between 45° F and 105° F, relative humidity 90% or less with no Clean tools and flush equipment with acetone immediately after
chance of precipitation (including morning dew) or dampening use. Cleanup must occur before coating is dry. Once coating is
surface for a minimum of 5 hours after the estimated time of dry, neither acetone or any other solvent will successfully clean
process completion. tools and equipment.

Stir contents of T2AM container thoroughly to re-suspend CAUTION

nanoparticles that may have settled to the bottom, typically ¼”, to Always wear OSHA approved 1910.134 and ANSI Z88 2
Respiratory protection. Fresh air and exhaust are required in the
ensure optimal coating performance. Re-stir every 15-20 minutes
work area. If inhaled, remove affected person to fresh air. Call
prevent settling of nanoparticles during the application process.
physician immediately if physical difficulties occur. Wear butyl-
rubber gloves and skin protection to avoid contact. In the event
Pump Spray Application: Use an SP acetone/alcohol proof
of contact with skin, wash skin thoroughly with soap and water.
pump sprayer or equivalent with red fan tip and an even amount
Chemical safety goggles or splash shields are required. Do not
of pressure while spraying. Recommended: hook sprayer up to a
wear contacts without eye protection. Immediately flush eyes with
compressor and air hose with a quick release to the valve steam
water for 15 minutes after contact and get medical attention. If
on SP sprayer to supply a constant 35 PSI for more even flow
accidentally swallowed, rinse mouth thoroughly and obtain
and finish. Begin flow with tip in a separate container to avoid
immediate medical attention. OSHA rules dictate an observer
initial spitting of product onto surface from air trapped in the spray
should monitor applicator for any signs of physical distress when
wand. Remember to release flow into separate container when
applying coatings in enclosed areas.
you stop spraying to avoid drips onto surface after handle is
released. Hold the tip perpendicular, at a distance of 10″ to 12”
from surface you want to coat. Move wand smoothly in a right to
Manufacturer guarantees Ionyx T2AM to be defect free. Product
left, then up and down pattern to fully cover surface. Product
proven to be defective will be replaced in like quantity by the
should go on thin and; do not allow puddling. Recommended:
manufacturer within I0 years of date of purchase with proof of
spray on few trials onto cardboard to ensure spray coverage and
purchase, provided it has been applied according to the
thinness is achieved before attempting an actual project. Do not
instructions on container and data sheet along with other related
apply a second coat unless there is a flaw in your application of
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guidelines posted on website. This warranty only extends to the be defective for the first 3 years then the product replacement will
owner of the property upon which the product is applied and is be prorated every year until year 10. This warranty is given in lieu
non-transferable. This warranty does not cover wear and tear. of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including any
This warranty is for manufactured defects only. Any warranty warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
claim must be made in writing and sent to seller with supporting The remedy stated herein is an exclusive remedy and Seller shall
materials and access to the property for inspection and testing as not be responsible for any other damages, including labor or any
requested by seller. Seller will thereafter provide 100% incidental, consequential, special or punitive damages, whether
replacement product for product found to be defective for the first based on breach of express or implied warranty, negligence,
3 years then the 100% replacement product for product found to strict liability or other legal theory.

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