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Analysis of Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) with Interactive Properties of


Article in International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology · April 2018


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Chiranjeevi Gummadi
National Institute of Technology, Warangal


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Available online at: http://www.ijmtst.com/vol4issue4.html

International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

ISSN: 2455-3778 :: Volume: 04, Issue No: 04, April 2018

Analysis of Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) with

Interactive Properties of Gradation
Gummadi Chiranjeevi

Department of Civil Engineering, Bomma Institute of Technology and Science, Khammam, Telangana, India.

To Cite this Article

Gummadi Chiranjeevi, “Analysis of Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) with Interactive Properties of Gradation”, International
Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 04, Issue 04, April 2018, pp.-83-87.

SMA called stone mastic asphalt. It has been taking over the global asphalt paving market at a remarkably
high speed. Stone Matrix Asphalt was originally developed in Europe as in impervious /highly durable
wearing surface for bridge decks. Based on its performance history “split matrix asphalt” began to be used
as a surface layer for roadways carrying heavy truck traffic throughout Germany and other European
countries. Today, it is the pavement surface of choice where long term performance and durability is needed.
We have studied the effect of gradation on the fatigue life of asphalt mixtures using the SHRP-M009 four
point bending fatigue test. Fatigue test specimens were prepared using a lightweight steel roller compactor
with a target air void level of 7%.All tests were performed at 200C in strain control mode.
Keywords: Mastic, asphalt, bitumen, gradation, rutting, fatigue

Copyright © 2018 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology
All rights reserved.

stone contact between the coarse aggregate

I. INTRODUCTION particles which of us high resistance rutting.
Concept of SMA: Improve binder durability is a result of higher
The study of physical properties of the bitumen bitumen content and also play vital role of
and aggregates used for SMA Mix. SMA samples gradation selection. Previously many mix design
are prepared by varying the binder content in have been developed to achieve desired properties
Marshall Method and Super pave Gyratory such as durability, fatigue resistance, strength and
Compactor (SGC). These specimens are Analyzed stability. Stabilizers are used to reduce the air void
for the density - voids and stability - flow. The present between the aggregates and also to bind
optimum bitumen content for the mix with CRMB - them together so that no bleeding of bitumen can
55 and Terrasil treated aggregates are determined. occur due to which compaction increases and
The laboratory performances of the SMA mixes are drain down of bitumen decreases.
checked for moisture susceptibility, rutting and
repeated load tests. Drainage test was conducted to
check for the binder drainage. Permeability tests
were on ducted to study permeable nature of SMA
mixes with CRMB 55 and treated aggregates.
Moisture susceptibility tests include the evaluation
of Indirect Tensile Strength, Tensile Strength Ratio
and boiling test for stripping.( Figure 1.0).The high
amount of coarse aggregate in the mixture forms a
skeleton type structure providing a better stone on

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Veerraju Vanthala and U. Anjaiah : Transient and Steady State Analysis and Performance of Low Frequency AC
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stripping of SMA mixes with CRMB-55 and
treated aggregates.
 To study the performance of SMA mixes with
CRMB-55 and treated aggregates under
repeated loads.

Stone Matrix Asphalts (SMA) is a gap graded
bituminous mixture containing a high proportion
of coarse aggregates and filler with relatively less
medium sized aggregates. It has high binder
content and low air voids with high levels of macro
texture and laid resulting in water proofing with
good surface drainage. The effect of aggregate
gradation and filer type in properties of SMA.
Hydrated Lime of SMA mixes has been improves air
voids and Moisture Susceptibility in the same
gradations of sample with Crushed Stone.

(Figure 1.1) Division of SMA into Basic components.

(Figure:2.0) vertically loaded grains with side support.

In order to solve this environmental problem

They recommend to use the weight to change in
partly and at the same time to improve the
grade to evaluate the resistance of aggregate
performance of Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA), CRMB
particles to gradations in SMA mixes .Our aim in
-55 was used for the investigation. Another attempt
designing an SMA „s aggregate structure has
of SMA Mix
already been identified a strong skeleton of coarse
using an anti -stripping additive was done. The
grains .lets us now consider what are the
objective of the present investigation is given below:
requirements an aggregate mix as to meet to create
such a desirable skeleton .Gap gradation is a
 To reduce anti-stripping by treating aggregates
disruption in the occurrence of consecutive
using anti -stripping agents. Also study the
aggregate fractions in an aggregate blend ,that
characteristics of SMA mixes using CRMB - 55
disruption results from a lack or minimal amount
binders and a mix using treated aggregates and
of one or more aggregate fractions looking .( Figure
3.0).we can see the formation process of a skeleton
 To evaluate the stability, flow value and
with coarse grains and some of the finest grains
volumetric properties of SMA mixes with CRMB
but without sizes in between .gap gradation
- 55 and treated aggregates by using Marshall
means a lack or minimal share of specified
Method and Super pave Gyratory Compactor.
fractions of intermediate aggregates. The roll of
 To study the indirect tensile strength,
the gap gradation is so essential that lack of
permeability, Rut depth and amount of

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definite size grains must be evident .But which
fraction or sizes of grains or fractions.
Achieving the proper volume of mastic is critical
there must be the amount of mastic to coat the
coarse grains but at the same time to leave some
free, unoccupied space.SMA mixtures belong to a
group of coarse aggregate sand mixtures with a
continues coarse grain matrix that is there
skeletons are formed by interlocked coarse
aggregate particles that transmit loads.
(Figure 4.0): position of gradation curves of aggregate mixture
(solid line-asphalt concrete Dotted line- SMA (gap graded)).

(Figure: 5.0): Grading curves of S; solid line indicates mixes of


The aggregate blends included coarse aggregate,

fine aggregate and medium gradation and to poorly
graded. From this investigation, they conclude that
 Variations in gradation have the greatest effect
(Figure: 3.0): Load distribution among balls in case of uniform when the general shape of the gradation
load distribution and cross section of a sample. curves is changed (i.e. coarse-to-fine &
fine-to-coarse gradations).
Fine gradation produced the highest Marshall
stability, while the fine-to-coarse poorly graded
Gradation curve is the one passing exactly in the
gradation (with hump at sand sized) produced the
middle of the space between the upper and lower
lowest Marshall stability. (Elliot.et al., 1991)
gradation limits. The shape of a design gradation
curve exerts a significant impact on mix properties.
 The actual gradation of the coarse aggregate
Gradation should be expressed in mass
fraction .Distribution of coarse aggregate on
percentages of the total aggregate mix, the
sieves larger than 2mm.
accuracy of the percentages passing. All sieves
 The density of the coarse aggregate particles.
(with the exception of the 0.063 mm sieves) should
 Gradation should be equally sieved in suitable be expressed to 1%. To the 0.063 mm sieve should
I.S sieve. By considering the gradation w.r.to be expressed to 0.1%. the content of binder and
the elasticity loads can be taken in the three additives should be expressed in mass percentage
dimensional system that‟s way it act as strong of the asphalt mixture, with an accuracy of 0.1%.
graded pavement coarse.
The gradation of an SMA mixture should be
established with a minimum of sieves: 0.63,2.0, D,
1.4D, and the characteristic coarse sieve (a
selected sieve between 2.0 mm and D ). Basically,

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