Research Format Last Najudd Cge Na
Research Format Last Najudd Cge Na
Research Format Last Najudd Cge Na
A Research Paper
Presented to the Faculty of the
STEM Strand Senior High School Department
University of Cebu- Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue Campus
Mandaue City, Philippines
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for
Practical Research 1
Apa, Joshua G.
Mauro, Laurice Faith B.
Ramos, Mel Caesar P.
Viño, Kemp Windel L.
Taporoc, CJ A.
May 2023
Date: __________
This undertaking would have been impossible to complete without the participation and
support of numerous persons, their enthusiasm in guiding us is greatly felt and acknowledged. It
is our greatest pleasure that we are able to express our sincere gratefulness to the following:
First, we give our thanks to God, the Almighty, for showering our minds with wisdom
and knowledge and for providing us with the blessings needed to complete this research.
To our Research Adviser, Ms. Erna B. Sagnoy, for her supervision and expertise, thank
you for the advice you have imparted that helped us in making our paper comprehensive and
accurate. We also give her thanks for her warm disposition, cheerful support, understanding, and
never-ending patience to give us strength in this challenging and new, yet fulfilling task.
To Dr. Daniela B. Patindol, the Assistant Principal of the Senior High School
Department at the University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue, as well as Ms. Gloria P.
Daniega, the School Principal of the Basic Education Department for making UCLM a leading
place for conducting academic research.
This research endeavor is a work born from hard work and countless sacrifices.
The proponents humbly dedicate this study to those special people who have posed as an
We dedicate this study to our respective families, who have been a strong source
of inspiration, the cause for our motivation to fulfill our duties as a student with a sense
of responsibility and strength, especially when our doubts and fears try to overtake us.
This is for them and for the dreams they envisioned for us.
To our classmates, who also worked hard in their respective study. The attitude
and efforts they put in this task have greatly prompted us to finish our own.
And lastly, to our God Almighty, the one who we look up to, this is a fruit of the
guidance, good health, and knowledge, which you have given to us that shall continue to
grow further as we experience more of this vast world.
Approval Sheet i
Acknowledgment ii
Dedication iii
Domains of Inquiry 14
Research Design 17
Research Environment 18
Research Instrument 19
Research Procedure 20
Data Gathering 20
Data Analysis 21
Ethical Considerations 21
A Transmittal Letter 29
B Informed Consent 33
C Survey Questionnaire 36
D Location Map 39
E Researcher’s Bionote 40
Education is a catalyst for the progression of the world and is a man’s tool in
developing oneself. However, education is not accessible for every child all over the
world. According to UNICEF, the number of children who are not attending school has
reached 2.8 million here in the Philippines alone, making Filipino children lag behind.
Thus, some students work extra hard and take scholarship programs to continue their
studies due to various situations, one of them mainly to receive financial assistance. By
having receiving a scholarship, scholars are able to focus in continuing their education
with the assurance of a reduced financial stress. However, scholars need to attain a good
academic performance which allow them to keep their scholarships. In order for them to
maintain their slot, they must develop an effective way of study that results to good
academic performance.
Study habits are useful since it can effectively retain information found in the
learners’ materials. Their efficacy is manifested in good scores that can be found in
quizzes and exams and oral recitations. Hence, it is important to dissect the common
study habits of scholars so that the study can provide insights into what learning
strategies these scholars are using in maintaining their performance and to find out if
these study habits are effective or not.
The 14th congress of the Republic of the Philippines enacted the Senate Bill
No. 2351 or the Education Accountability Act that aligns with the nature between study
habits and academic performance of scholars. In this bill, it emphasized accountability as
“acceptance of the responsibility for improving student performance and taking actions
to improve classroom practice and school performance”. One of the aims of the bill’s
accountability system is to not only encourage the schools but the students as well to use
academic achievement standards for higher performance. These standards can be fulfilled
by the scholars through the use of study habits.
Aduke (2015) also stated that students need to be conscious of their time
when it comes to performing their educational activities for the betterment of their
academic performance. He also found that procrastination, prioritization, and planning
were significant factors that affect the students’ performance.
By identifying the common study habits that academic scholars use that will be
done at University of Cebu- Lapu- Lapu and Mandaue, the research is able to commit to
its main objective, which will provide necessary insights that further explain the impacts
these said study habits can bring into the academic performance of the respondents. The
main purposes of the study are to enlighten the students that study habits are essential in
acquiring new knowledge and to recommend the most effective strategies to them so that
they may find these useful to attain academic success.
Literature Review
The study is being conducted to find out the study habits of the top performing
academic scholars. The study seeks to answer the research question, "What are the
common study habits of academic scholars?" The goal is to find out the best study habits
used by the academic scholars and if they are effective for non-academic scholars.
This chapter presents the relevant literature that the researchers collected
the relation between the variables study habits and academic performance. This chapter
also shows that there is a lack of literature towards academic scholars and the
aforementioned variables in order to prove their relationship, which shall be answered
through more research. In addition, the study also provides a comprehensive synthesis to
enhance comprehension and gain a deeper understanding of the research conducted.
Study Habits
Developing good study habits is crucial for achieving success in academics. These
habits are formed by combining discipline, passion, and a strong determination to
improve academic performance. (Yap, F., 2019)
In a similar study by Alzahrani et al. (2018), stated that study habits refer to a
collection of abilities that combine various techniques and organizational methods to
effectively complete academic tasks within a designated timeline, while also fostering a
learning-oriented approach that enables students to excel in their academic pursuits.
Academic Performance
Similarly, Tus, J. (2020), states that the academic performance of senior high
school students is influenced by several factors, including stress and motivation. As
students approach college life, performing well academically can lead to more
opportunities in the future.
Lastly, Barcenas & Bibon (2022) recommends that schools, teachers, and students
have been advised to enhance academic performance by implementing effective study
habits such as creating a suitable class schedule, developing better reading
comprehension skills, and utilizing strategic note-taking techniques.
After stating the many literature above, the identified areas of our study that require
further research are: do study habits and academic performance have a relation and
impact towards the scholars? And could these habits be effective for non-academic
scholars? Furthermore, the literature also concludes that there is indeed a significant
relationship between the study habits and the academic performance of the students. As
mentioned above, study habits are a collection of various techniques that enable the
students to complete tasks and excel in their academics, hence by forming and practicing
specific study habits, students become motivated to put their efforts into school and
understand the lessons better. In addition, they will develop skills such as time
management and problem-solving as well as retain information better which are helpful
in manifesting their educational goals.
Study habits refer to the strategies and techniques used by students to enhance
their learning and academic performance. One such study conducted by Chilca, L.
(2017), showed that self-esteem does not significantly impact academic performance, but
study habits do influence academic performance.
The study also added that with an instructor's motivation and help, the learners
can follow and develop effective study habits. This is because there are many students
who do not follow the ideal study habits and need to be motivated so they can self-
regulate like the high achieving students. Moreover, instructors can also help the students
develop their effective study habits by giving regular assignments and quizzes, setting
clear learning objectives, and starting each session with a short recap.
Another study done by Looyeh H. et al. (2017), that shares the same concept
above, stated that the study habits of the students were considered to be at a relatively
good or average level. The study highlights the importance of improving students’ study
habits as there is a significant correlation between study habits and academic
performance. To enhance the students’ study habits and academic performance, education
administrators and planners can incorporate appropriate educational content, especially
focusing on improving students’ note-taking and reading skills.
Similarly, a study conducted by Mallillin, LTD (2020), found that the respondents
were motivated to study and had a desire to learn. However, they were easily distracted
by untoward disturbances which affected their concentration during study sessions.
Breaks or interruptions in their study helped relieve their stress and improved their
interest in studying. The respondents had their own techniques for studying, including
time planning, note taking, and adopting better learning styles and study habits. They also
emphasized the importance of advanced practice tests to master examination techniques
and correct mistakes for better learning. Overall, the study highlights the importance of
motivation, concentration, and effective study techniques in enhancing learning
According to the study by Bentil, J. et al. (2021), it was determined that having
good study habits is crucial in determining the academic performance of Junior High
School students in the Ekumfi District of the Central Region in Ghana. Therefore, it is
essential for students to develop effective study habits if they wish to improve their
academic performance. While gender and age were found to have no significant impact
on the students’ academic performance, the research revealed that their circuits and forms
(JHS1/JHS2) had an effect on their academic performance.
Academic performance has been the subject of numerous studies over the years.
Researchers have explored various factors that can influence academic performance,
including socioeconomic status, parental involvement, study habits, and more. In one
such study by Afzal, H. et al. (2010), the results revealed that there is a positive and bi-
directional relationship between a students' motivation and their academic performance.
This indicates that students who are highly motivated tend to perform better
academically, and those who perform better become even more motivated.
A study conducted by Tus, J. (2020), found that stress and motivation did not
have a significant impact on the academic performance of senior high school students.
The students had an average stress level and above-average motivation. Their grades
were mostly satisfactory, indicating that they may have good study habits and time
management skills. The study suggested that other factors, such as the schools teaching
strategies and education, may have contributed to their academic performance. The study
recommends maintaining the schools education and guidance programs, and students
should continue their ways of coping with stress. Teachers should also continue their
teaching methods and strategies.
According to a study made by Kusurkar, R.A. et al. (2013), found that the
relationship between Relative Autonomous Motivation, deep study strategy, and higher
study effort has a positive impact on academic performance in medical education,
regardless of the selection procedure used to choose students and gender. This model is
applicable to both male and female students selected through qualitative or weighted
lottery selection processes.
In a study conducted by Neroni, J. et al. (2019), its main objective of this study
was to examine how learning strategies relate to academic performance in distance
education (DE). The results of the analysis showed that effective time and effort
management was the most significant predictor of academic success. In addition, the use
of complex cognitive strategies was also positively related to academic performance,
while interaction with others had a negative impact. However, the study found no
significant correlation between the use of simple cognitive strategies, academic thinking,
and academic performance.
Furthermore, is there any relationship between the factors that influence the academic
performance of the students such as time management and teaching strategies towards the
students? With that being said, future research in these areas may help to inform
strategies and interventions aimed at improving student well-being to produce better
study habits and educational performance.
To sum up the studies listed above, they have made it evident that study habits and
academic performance are interconnected towards a scholar’s academic success. It is
emphasized that learners should develop effective study habits such as seeking for an
instructor’s help, taking care of your health, and using techniques including note-taking,
time-management, and self-regulation in order to produce results like those students who
are high-achieving in order to attain a satisfactory performance in school.
Domains of Inquiry
The goal of the study is to discover the common study habits used by the Top
Performing Academic Scholars in order to identify their impacts to the academic
performance of the Academic Scholars from the Senior High School department under
the STEM track at University of Cebu- Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue in 2nd semester S.Y.
1. What are the common study habits of the STEM academic scholars?
3. Based on the findings, what are the best study habits as perceived or
practiced by the top performing academic scholars?
The study will only focus on the study habits and its relation to the
performance of the students. However, it will exclude the grades of the students and will
only be based on their ranking.
In determining the common study habits, the study will employ the Palsane and
Sharma Study Habits and Inventory (PSSHI) which is a checklist used to assess
and organize the study habits of the students in terms of its domains including reading
textbooks taking notes, studying, memorizing, preparing for tests, and managing their
time. On the other hand, the impacts are the results from the study habits employed by the
The study is conducted to provide information regarding the impact of the study
habits of academic scholars in the senior high school department of University of Cebu-
Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue in A.C Cortes Avenue, Looc, Mandaue City. This study will be
beneficial to the following group of people:
The Academic Scholars. Academic scholars are the benefactors of the study of the
research as the research explores how their study habits affect their academic
The Students. They will be aware of the usefulness of study habits and use them to
develop their own study habits to achieve academic success.
The School Administration. School administrators can provide valuable insights into
the scholars’ learning process, which can be used to bring curriculum development.
The Teachers. The study will be able to identify and address areas for improvement
their teaching styles that align with the scholars’ study habits.
The Parents. The parents understand their children’s learning styles and provide them
an environment where they can practice these study habits effectively.
The Future Researchers. Future researchers may use this as a function for their
references and to contribute in expanding new knowledge in relation to the study.
This part of the study consists of the different elements of the research
methodology which includes the research design, environment, key informants,
instruments, procedure, and ethical considerations.
Research Design
This research study will employ the case study design to further explore the
impact of the study habits towards the academic performance of the academic scholars.
The case study is a research methodology that is flexible in respect of the types of
questions that can be answered, as well as the methods that can be applied in the data
collection (Pearson, 2015).
This study also adopted a mixed-method design as the research includes the
use of a statistical tool. A study by Sharma, L. R., et al. (2023) stated that mixed-method
research design combines quantitative and qualitative data in a single study or series of
investigations. When examining complex research problems that cannot be fully
addressed by a single study design, this design can be especially useful. Additionally, a
mixed methods design is required to study the interactions between several factors
because doing so just through a single research methodology is not practical.
Research Environment
This study is being conducted to determine the study habits and the impacts
these habits bring towards the academic scholars’ performance at the University of
Cebu-Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue (UCLM) during the second semester of the school year
The University was founded in the year 1964 by Atty. Augusto W. Go. In
May 1995, a satellite campus of UC was opened in the vicinity of Lapu-Lapu and
Mandaue. UCLM is a university that is dedicated to provide students with an education
that is built on the values of humanity, nationalism, and academic success. It is an
institution in Cebu that values accessibility to quality education for all; its gates
welcome deserving students into its scholarship and study grant programs, resulting in
the university graduating a sizable number of grant recipients and scholars.
The picture below shows the aerial view of the school campus.
Figure 1. Geographic Location of the Study
Furthermore, the study will select five (5) students to participate in this case
and mixed-method study so the researchers can gather more in-depth data. The scholars
are selected with the approval from the coordinator of the scholarship office.
Research Instrument
The researcher plans to gather data on the study habits of the top performing
academic scholars and its impact on their academic performance using a semi-structured
survey questionnaire. This questionnaire consists of a well-organized set of questions
that have been meticulously crafted to elicit information and are meant to be answered
by the top performing academic scholars about their study habits and its impacts on
their academic performance. The researcher wants one (1) participant every interview.
This approach is implemented to encourage participants to provide detailed
responses and to facilitate the asking of additional questions related to their answers in
the questionnaire. This is also carried out to ensure that the researcher can explain each
question in simple words, in case any participants encounter difficulties
in understanding it.
Self-assessment skills tool, developed and standardized by Palsane and
Sharma, was used in this study for assessing the study habits of the top performing
academic scholars. Palsane and Sharma Study Habits and Inventory (PSSHI), is a self-
assessment questionnaire which consists of six domains, namely: reading textbooks,
taking notes, studying, memorizing, preparing for tests, and managing your time. Each
domain has 5 statements and a total of 30 statements in the tool. Options given for each
statement are rarely, sometimes, and often. Necessary instructions were given prior to
the administration of the test and the participants were given enough time to mark their
responses against each questionnaire.
Research Procedure
Data Gathering
Phase 1: In order to conduct the study, a letter will be drafted and submitted
to the principal of the Senior High School.
Phase 2: Once the letter is approved, the researcher will approach the desired
participants and seek their informed consent.
Phase 3: Upon receiving consent from the participants, the researcher will
distribute the questionnaires.
The researcher will collect the questionnaires, ensuring the accuracy of the responses
and the retrieval rate.
Phase 5: The researcher will maintain strict confidentiality and assume full
responsibility for all collected materials containing the data. Following that, the
gathered data will undergo a methodical assessment and be organized in preparation for
data analysis.
Data Analysis
The study will utilize SPSS Statistics 13 software for statistical analysis used
by a study conducted by V, Sreelekha & Indla (2016). The research will utilize a
thematic analysis approach to analyze the data. Initially, the gathered data will be
transcribed and thoroughly examined to develop a thorough understanding of the
participants’ study habits and how it affects their academic performance. Following this,
the data will be organized through coding, where key themes and patterns will be
identified and labeled. By analyzing the coded data, relationships and connections
between different themes will be explored, providing insights into the factors that
contribute to high academic performance among the participants. The researcher will
ensure that the data is consistent by cross-verifying the interpretations and conclusions
or by seeking feedback and input from the participants themselves or consulting
colleagues to ensure accuracy and minimizing any potential biases. Finally, the
conclusions will be drawn by interpreting and synthesizing the findings from the data
analysis. The research findings will be reported in a comprehensive and clear manner to
contribute to the existing knowledge on study habits of the top performing academic
scholars and its impact on academic performance.
Ethical Considerations
Below are the simplified technical terms employed in this project for
further comprehension.
Study Habits- it is how one studies and plays a crucial role in determining his or
her level of academic achievement.
Reading textbooks- it is one of the domains or the study habits of the Palsane and
Sharma Study Habits and Inventory (PSSHI) questionnaire where the student reads
textbooks to gain more comprehension of the lessons.
Taking notes- one of the domains or the study habits found in the PSSHI
questionnaire. It is the act of summarizing what you are hearing that helps you
understand and remember the information later.
Studying- it is the act of reading carefully with the intent to remember and acquire
knowledge on a subject.
Memorizing- to learn something so that you will remember its content exactly the
way it is.
Preparing for tests- it is the preparation done to appear for any standardized test
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Dear Ma’am,
The goals of our study is to determine the common study habits of the top performing
academic scholars from Grade 11 Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM),
explore the impacts of these habits to the academic performance of the students, as well as
provide the best study habits that the students can apply to obtain academic success.
In this respect, we ask for your approval to conduct our research project here in the
University of Cebu-Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue. It is rest assured that we will perform our research
in accordance with the rules and regulations of the university regarding conducting research.
Sincerely yours,
Apa, Joshua G.
Mauro, Laurice Faith B.
Ramos, Mel Caesar P.
Taporoc, CJ A.
Viño, Kemp Windel L.
Dear Madam,
In partial fulfillment of the requirements in Practical Research 1, we, the
researchers from Grade 11 STEM-P7 under the Senior High School Department, request
for your approval to allow us to conduct our research paper regarding the "Study Habits
of the Top Performing Academic Scholars: Its Impact to their Academic Performance", to
five (5) Grade 11 academic scholars from the STEM track as our key informants in our
case study.
We would like to request for information regarding profiles and the ranking of
the selected Grade 11 STEM scholars. Furthermore, we would like to involve them in our
study through interview questionnaires for our study essentially requires their
participation and answers.
This study is done to determine the common study habits of the academic
scholars and its impacts to the performance of the scholars. It is with confidence to state
that our study would be a great benefit to all the students, particularly the scholars, since
it would help them to acquire study habits that are effective and helpful in achieving their
academic pursuits.
If you will grant our request, we will comply with any of the terms and
restrictions you may pose on us. Here’s trusting that this request will merit your favorable
Sincerely yours,
Apa, Joshua G.
Mauro, Laurice Faith B.
Ramos, Mel Caesar P.
Taporoc, CJ A.
Viño, Kemp Windel L.
We, the researchers from the Senior High School STEM students of the
University of Cebu, Lapu-Lapu, and Mandaue Campus, would like to sincerely
acknowledge your presence to participate in a research study. Involvement in the study is
voluntary, and you are entitled to your right to decide if you will participate in the study
or not. Moreover, you may approach us anytime if you have any questions and
clarifications about the study.
I have read the information letter and obtained a copy of it. The researchers
also gave me the chance to ask questions concerning this research project and have
received detailed responses. I understand the general objectives, risks, and methods of
this research.
I give my full consent to contribute in the research project and the following
has been explained to me:
Participant Status. An informed consent form describing the study's purpose will be
presented to them, so they will be aware of their rights if they ever decide to participate in
this study. The participation of the informants is voluntary, and their consent will be
validated through their signatures found on the consent form.
Study Goal. The researchers will inform the informants about the study's purpose and
goals so they will be made aware of the general idea of the study.
Type of Data. The informants will be informed about the sort of information that will be
collected from them, such as the study habits they utilize and the impacts their habits
have brought to their performance.
Procedures. They will be made aware that the data gathering will be done through the
study habits checklist, while the interview questionnaire is utilized to identify the impacts
of the study habits to the performance of the students. For the safety of the informants,
their responses and profiles will be carefully protected by keeping them strictly
Nature of Commitment. The researchers will adjust to informants’ availability and the
best time for them to respond to all of the questionnaires found in the study.
Sponsorship. The researchers will take charge of all the costs spent with the study.
Participants Selection. The study utilizes a purposive sampling and will take five (5)
participants to be involved in the project.
Potential Risks. At the time of this study's completion, no major risks will have been
Potential Benefits. One of the potential benefits the informants can receive is the
capacity to help the researchers give out the best habits that must be employed.
Incentives and Compensation. A word of gratitude and appreciation will be given to the
informants for their time and participation for the questionnaires through giving out fifty
pesos cash to each of them.
Confidentiality Pledge. The informants will be made aware at first that their privacy will
be protected throughout the entire process of executing the data gathering. The majority
of the participants who agreed to remain anonymous will have their information
Voluntary Consent. The participants possess the right to decide if they want to
participate in the study or not. Anyone who refuses to provide their consent shall not give
them any penalty.
Right to Withdraw and withhold Information. Informants are notified at first that they
have the option to withdraw information or refuse to participate in the study if they need
to due to particular reasons.
Contact Information. For further questions, clarifications, and information, the research
informants may approach the researchers.
Dear respondents,
Thank you for spending your time answering our survey questionnaires regarding
the topic “Study Habits of the Top Performing Academic Scholars: Its Impact to their
Academic Performance”. Rest assured that the information you will be giving will remain
confidential. Lastly please answer the following question honestly.
Section 1.2: Read the sentences that correlate to each number in the following list, then
put a check mark (✓) that best represents your response. Please reply with
the utmost sincerity and honesty.
Reading Text Books Rarely Sometimes Often
1 I browse the headings, pictures, charts, questions, and
summaries before I start reading a chapter.
2 I make questions from a chapter before, during, and after
reading it.
3 I try to get the meaning of new words as I see them for the
first time.
4 I look for familiar concepts as well as ideas that spark my
interest as I read.
5 I look for the main ideas as I read.
Taking Notes Rarely Sometimes Often
6 I take notes as I read my text books.
7 I take notes during class lectures.
8 I rework, rewrite, or type up my notes.
9 I compare my notes with a classmate.
10 I try to organize main ideas and details into a meaningful
Studying Rarely Sometimes Often
11 I study where it is quiet and has few distractions.
12 I study for a length of time then take a short break before
returning to studying.
13 I have all my supplies handy when I study, such as pens,
paper, and calculator.
14 I set study goals, such as the number of problems I will do
or pages I will read.
15 I study at least two hours for every hour I am in class every
Memorizing Rarely Sometimes Often
16 I try to study during my personal peak energy time to
increase my concentration level.
17 I quiz myself over material that could appear on future
exams and quizzes.
18 I say difficult concepts out loud in order to understand them
19 I summarize my notes into my own words, for better
20 I try to create associations between new material I am trying
to learn and information I already know.
Preparing for tests Rarely Sometimes Often
21 I study with a classmate or group.
22 When I don’t understand something, I get help from tutors,
classmates, and my teachers.
23 I do all homework assignments and turn them in on time.
24 I can easily identify what I have learned and what I have not
yet learned before I take a test.
25 I anticipate what possible questions may be asked on my
tests and make sure I know the answers.
Managing your time Rarely Sometimes Often
26 I use a planner (or other method) to write down upcoming
academic and personal activities.
27 I use a “to do” list to keep track of completing my academic
and personal activities.
28 I start studying for quizzes and tests at least several days
before I take them.
29 I start papers and projects as soon as they are assigned.
30 I have enough time for college and fun.
Laurice is described as hardworking, creative, and collaborative with others. She is an
academically focused student and involves herself with many extracurricular activities
such as clubs that focus on societal issues and literature and monthly competitions. She
was also given awards such as Best Artist, Best in Spelling, Top 3 and 2 during her
Elementary years, and recently, the Alphonsian Academic Citation Award. She is
determined to continuously strive for growth and improvement not only as a Senior High
School student, but also as a person with refined characteristics, talents, and values.
Laurice hopes to pursue her dream college program, BA International Relations at the
University of San Carlos after she graduates from Senior High School.
Mel Caesar P. Ramos is a 17-year-old
Filipino Grade 11 student, currently studying
at University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and
Mandaue pursuing the strand Science
Technology Engineering Mathematics. He
graduated Elementary at Blessed Trinity
Elementary School and Junior High School
at Blessed Trinity College. Ramos as a
person can be described in three words; kind,
responsible and goal-driven.
A responsible son to his parents, and his studies, kind with those people around him and
most importantly, works hard to achieve his goals in life. He also believed in the saying,
“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal”.
That’s why he sets his eyes on his goal clearly, as he wants to fly to the skies when he’ll
become a Pilot someday.
commendable accolades for his performance in subjects such as Science, English, and
Mathematics. Kemp is a fantastic person that inspires their friends and the larger school
community with his persistent tenacity.