Permanent Spells That Augment b0.02
Permanent Spells That Augment b0.02
Permanent Spells That Augment b0.02
This section is about spells that can be made permanent and are of use to people looking to modify their
own bodies. It’s worth nothing that this is not an exhaustive list of permanent spells, but a list of spells that
can be made permanent either on yourself or on others.
Level: Court Herald 5, Magewright 5, Sorcerer/Wizard 5, Time Domain 5, Wu Jen 5
Components: V, S, XP
Casting Time: 2 rounds
Range: See text
Target, Effect, or Area: See text
Duration: Permanent; see text
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell makes certain other spells permanent. Depending on the spell, you must be of a minimum caster
level and must expend a number of XP. You can make the following spells permanent in regard to yourself.
You cast the desired spell and then follow it with the permanency spell. You cannot cast these spells on
other creatures. This application of permanency can be dispelled only by a caster of higher level than you
were when you cast the spell. In addition to personal use, permanency can be used to make the following
spells permanent on yourself, another creature, or an object (as appropriate). Additionally, the following
spells can be cast upon objects or areas only and rendered permanent. Spells cast on other creatures,
objects, or locations (not on you) are vulnerable to dispel magic as normal. The DM may allow other
selected spells to be made permanent. Researching this possible application of a spell costs as much time
and money as independently researching the selected spell. If the DM has already determined that the
application is not possible, the research automatically fails. Note that you never learn what is possible
except by the success or failure of your research.
Editor: The following spells are actually listed out, so the rest of the text has been removed. It should be
noted that Arcane Sight, Comprehend languages, Darkvision, detect magic, read magic, see
invisibility, and tongues are the only spells specifically listed as spells that you can only make
permanent for yourself. It is therefore assumed that the rest of the spells that follow can be cast on
other people and made permanent for them. However, due to the nature of how much easier it is to
dispel a permanent spell cast by someone else on you, it is recommended if you are going to dabble in
permanent spells, only make spells permanent that you can make permanent yourself.
Editor (Dispelling): These spells become permanent. The energy remains as long as the effect does. This
means the spell is vulnerable to dispel magic. Sad, but true. However, the way this spell is phrased,
any spell cast on YOU that is made permanent by YOU can only be dispelled by someone with a
higher caster level. The means to boost caster level for a few minutes is available in a number of ways.
It is recommended that you work to get your caster level as high as possible before making anything
permanent on yourself.
Editor (Scrolls): Of course, the most obvious choice is to cast the permanency from a scroll, that way you
are casting it yourself. Now, the FAQ states that in this case, someone else might prepare the scroll, but
you are still the one paying the XP cost to make the spell permanent. Now here’s where it gets
interesting. The caster level is not yours, and not the caster level of the permanency. The caster level
for purposes of dispelling (and qualification for being made permanent) is the caster level of the spell.
So if you get a bare bones permanency spell in a scroll, then have someone else cast the spell you want
on you at CL 25, but you are the one who reads the scroll, someone would have to be 26th level to
dispel the permanent spell.
Editor (AMF): The energy of the spell is continuous, so it will fail in an antimagic field. However, it will
only be suppressed and regain strength after you exit the field.
Level: Cleric 3, Druid 3, Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Components: S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Living creatures touched
Duration: 2 hours/level; see text
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Tiny bubbles form on your hands as you complete the spell. As you touch each subject, its chest heaves and
shudders, then begins to rhythmically expand and contract.
The transmuted creatures can breathe air freely. Divide the duration evenly among all the creatures you
touch. This spell does not make creatures unable to breathe water.
Arcane Material Component: A short reed or piece of straw.
Permanency Cost (11th): 1,500 xp
Editor (Support): So if you are going to be messing around with critters that can only breath under water,
then this might be of use. But may I suggest that instead you simply start with a creature that breath on
dry land to begin with.
Level: Bard 6, Chaos Domain 6, Cleric 6, Life Domain 6, Limbo Domain 6, Shaman 6
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target: One Small object per caster level; see text
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You imbue inanimate objects with mobility and a semblance of life. Each such animated object then
immediately attacks whomever or whatever you initially designate. An animated object can be of any non-
magical material— wood, metal, stone, fabric, leather, ceramic, glass, or the like. You may animate one
Small or smaller object (such as a chair) or an equivalent number of larger objects per caster level. A
Medium object (such as a coat rack) counts as two Small or smaller objects, a Large object (such as a table)
as four, a Huge object as eight, a Gargantuan object as sixteen, and a Colossal object as thirty-two. You can
change the designated target or targets as a move action, as if directing an active spell. The Monster
Manual has game statistics for animated objects. This spell cannot animate objects carried or worn by a
creature. Animate objects can be made permanent with a permanency spell.
Permanency Cost (14th): 3,000 xp
Editor: Okay, this gets a little strange. Alas, you can only use this on implants that are non-magical, which
means that doesn’t include crafts, but it does include body modifications. So what you do is you get a
tail or limb that you can’t do anything with. You attach a stump knife. Now animate the stump knife.
Now it attacks without you. It can keep attacking, even if you are dead. Use the body modification
rules to implant a suit of non-magical armor under your skin. Now animate it. Now you can command
your body to run around without you. True, the “armor” has to roll separately, but it gets a separate
move and standard action, which means it also gets a really crappy attack. The best choice is to simply
command it to Aid other until something happens, like you get knocked out or killed. Then command
it to run off and find a cleric. Alas, it won’t be able to manipulate anything, but I’d be surprised as hell
if anyone could figure out to sunder the armor under your skin. Worth every XP. Keep in mind that it
will be easier to dispel, if anyone figures it out. Best not to flaunt your secret ally.
Level: Arcane Insight 3, Bardic Sage 3, Beguiler 3, Court Herald 3, Divination Wizard Domain 3, Ebonmar
Infiltrator 3, Hexblade 3, Hoardstealer 3, Knight of the Weave 3, Magewright 3, Sorcerer/Wizard 3,
Trapsmith 1, Wu Jen 3
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
This spell makes your eyes glow blue and allows you to see magical auras within 120 feet of you. The
effect is similar to that of a detect magic spell, but arcane sight does not require concentration and discerns
aura location and power more quickly. You know the location and power of all magical auras within your
sight. An aura’s power depends on a spell’s functioning level or an item’s caster level, as noted in the
description of the detect magic spell. If the items or creatures bearing the auras are in line of sight, you can
make Spellcraft skill checks to determine the school of magic involved in each. (Make one check per aura;
DC 15 + spell level, or 15 + one-half caster level for a non-spell effect). If you concentrate on a specific
creature within 120 feet of you as a standard action, you can determine whether it has any spellcasting or
spell-like abilities, whether these are arcane or divine (spell-like abilities register as arcane), and the
strength of the most powerful spell or spell-like ability the creature currently has available for use. In some
cases, arcane sight may give a deceptively low reading—for example, when you use it on a spellcaster who
has used up most of his or her daily spell allotment. Arcane sight can be made permanent with a
permanency spell.
Permanency Cost (11th): 1,500 xp
Alternate Material Component: Ground quartz [Extended] (790 gp)
Editor: It’s a useful spell that allows you to effectively see invisible while you are at it. However, it does
make your eyes glow blue, which might seem a little weird. Then again, if you are using this guide,
chances are you have a giant pulsating forehead and seven arms. When it comes to making detection
spells permanent, this is the one to get first. It covers detect magic and see invisibility and it has many
other useful perks. Also a very good choice if you are going for extra eyes or something.
Level: Cleric 4, Druid 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
This spell functions like blindsight, except as noted above and that the blindsight granted by the spell is
effective out to 60 feet.
Permanency Cost (13th): 2,000 xp
Editor: I find it strange that only the greater version can be made permanent. Blindsight is an excellent
power to pick up. It will also serve as an AMF detector, since you will be unable to see into such an
area. It’s a toss up between this and arcane sight as far as I’m concerned. If you can afford it, take both.
Level: Druid 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
As you touch the subject, mist forms crude wings that cling to his back.
This spell increases the subject’s fly speed by 30 feet. It has no effect on other modes of movement, nor
does it allow the subject to fly if it cannot already do so.
Permanency Cost (10th): 1,000 xp
Editor: So you get a pair of wing grafts then drop the xp to get this and increase your movement by 30 feet.
Level: Adept 1, Apostle of Peace 1, Bard 1, Beguiler 1, Cleric 1, Commerce Domain 1, Court Herald 1,
Ebonmar Infiltrator 1, Emissary of Barachiel 1, Half-Elf Ranger 1, Harper Scout 1, Herald Domain 1,
Knight of the Weave 1, Magewright 1, Meditation Domain 1, Merchant Prince 1, Mind Domain 1,
Sorcerer/Wizard 1, Urban Adept 1, Urban Ranger 1, Vigilante 1, Wu Jen 1
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 10 minutes/level
You can understand the spoken words of creatures or read otherwise incomprehensible written messages. In
either case, you must touch the creature or the writing. The ability to read does not necessarily impart
insight into the material, merely its literal meaning. The spell enables you to understand or read an
unknown language, not speak or write it. Written material can be read at the rate of one page (250 words)
per minute. Magical writing cannot be read, though the spell reveals that it is magical, but comprehend
languages is often useful when deciphering treasure maps. This spell can be foiled by certain warding
magic (such as the secret page and illusory script spells). It does not decipher codes or reveal messages
concealed in otherwise normal text.
Arcane Material Component: A pinch of soot and a few grains of salt.
Permanency Cost (9th): 500 xp
Alternate Material Component: Foreign lexicon [Extended] (250 gp)
Editor: Not really a useful spell as far as grafts are concerned, but included as a general utility spell. It
helps to solve a wide number of problems, especially if you have symbiots that only speak infernal.
Level: Beloved of Valarian 3, Court Herald 2, Duskblade 2, Ebonmar Infiltrator 3, Fatemaker 2, Harper
Scout 2, Hunter of the Dead 2, Justice of Weald and Woe 3, Knight of the Weave 2, Prime Underdark
Guide 2, Ranger 3, Runescarred Berserker 2, Sorcerer/Wizard 2, Telflammar Shadowlord 1, Temple
Raider 2, Vadalis Beastkeeper 3, Vile Darkness Domain 1, Whispered Secrets 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
The subject gains the ability to see 60 feet even in total darkness. Darkvision is black and white only but
otherwise like normal sight. Darkvision does not grant one the ability to see in magical darkness.
Darkvision can be made permanent with a permanency spell.
Material Component: Either a pinch of dried carrot or an agate.
Alternate Material Component: Agate [Extended] (450 gp)
Permanency Cost (10th): 1,000 xp
Editor: If you don’t have darkvision, this is worth picking up. However, it’s better to get it as a graft,
because then it works in an antimagic zone.
Level: Antimagic Wizard Domain 0, Apostle of Peace 0, Bard 0, Beguiler 0, Blighter 0, Cleric 0, Corrupt
Avenger 1, Court Herald 0, Divination Wizard Domain 0, Dread Necromancer 1, Druid 0, Ebonmar
Infiltrator 1, Healer 0, Hexblade 1, Hoardstealer 1, Iuchi School 0, Magewright 0, Merchant Prince 1,
Nentyar Hunter 1, Order of the Forbidding Wasteland 0, Prime Underdark Guide 1, Shaman 0,
Shugenja 0, Sorcerer/Wizard 0, Urban Adept 0, Vigilante 1, Wu Jen 0
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 60 ft.
Area: Cone-shaped emanation
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You detect magical auras. The amount of information revealed depends on how long you study a particular
area or subject.
1st Round: Presence or absence of magical auras.
2nd Round: Number of different magical auras and the power of the most potent aura.
3rd Round: The strength and location of each aura. If the items or creatures bearing the auras are in line of
sight, you can make Spellcraft skill checks to determine the school of magic involved in each. (Make
one check per aura; DC 15 + spell level, or 15 + half caster level for a non-spell effect). Magical areas,
multiple types of magic, or strong local magical emanations may distort or conceal weaker auras.
Aura Strength: An aura’s power depends on a spell’s functioning spell level or an item’s caster level. If an
aura falls into more than one category, detect magic indicates the stronger of the two.
Lingering Aura: A magical aura lingers after its original source dissipates (in the case of a spell) or is
destroyed (in the case of a magic item). If detect magic is cast and directed at such a location, the spell
indicates an aura strength of dim (even weaker than a faint aura). How long the aura lingers at this dim
level depends on its original power: Outsiders and elementals are not magical in themselves, but if they
are summoned, the conjuration spell registers. Each round, you can turn to detect magic in a new area.
The spell can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3
feet of wood or dirt blocks it. Detect magic can be made permanent with a permanency spell.
Aura Power of Functioning Spell (Spell Level) Faint (0-3rd), Moderate (4th-6th), Strong (7th-9th),
Overwhelming (10th+/Deity-Level)
Aura Power of Magic Item (Caster Level): Faint (1-5th), Moderate (6th-11th), Strong (12th-20th),
Overwhelming (21st+/artifact)
Duration of Lingering Aura: Faint (1d6 rounds), Moderate (1d6 minutes), Strong (1d6x10 minutes),
Overwhelming (1d6 days)
Permanency Cost (9th): 500 xp
Alternate Material Component: Short cold iron rod [Silent and stilled] (275 gp)
Editor: Get arcane sight for 1,000 xp more. Seriously. Don’t bother with this.
Level: Initiate of Arvoreen 1, Sorcerer/Wizard 1, Strength Domain 1, Transformation Domain 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One humanoid creature
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell causes instant growth of a humanoid creature, doubling its height and multiplying its weight by
8. This increase changes the creature’s size category to the next larger one. The target gains a +2 size bonus
to Strength, a –2 size penalty to Dexterity (to a minimum of 1), and a –1 penalty on attack rolls and AC due
to its increased size. A humanoid creature whose size increases to Large has a space of 10 feet and a natural
reach of 10 feet. This spell does not change the target’s speed. If insufficient room is available for the
desired growth, the creature attains the maximum possible size and may make a Strength check (using its
increased Strength) to burst any enclosures in the process. If it fails, it is constrained without harm by the
materials enclosing it—the spell cannot be used to crush a creature by increasing its size. All equipment
worn or carried by a creature is similarly enlarged by the spell. Melee and projectile weapons affected by
this spell deal more damage. Other magical properties are not affected by this spell. Any enlarged item that
leaves an enlarged creature’s possession (including a projectile or thrown weapon) instantly returns to its
normal size. This means that thrown weapons deal their normal damage, and projectiles deal damage based
on the size of the weapon that fired them. Magical properties of enlarged items are not increased by this
spell—an enlarged +1 sword still has only a +1 enhancement bonus, a staff-sized wand is still only capable
of its normal functions, a giant-sized potion merely requires a greater fluid intake to make its magical
effects operate, and so on. Multiple magical effects that increase size do not stack, which means (among
other things) that you can’t use a second casting of this spell to further increase the size of a humanoid
that’s still under the effect of the first casting. Enlarge person counters and dispels reduce person. Enlarge
person can be made permanent with a permanency spell.
Material Component: A pinch of powdered iron.
Permanency Cost (9th): 500 xp
Alternate Material Component: Rare druid-tended beans [Extended] (250 gp)
Editor: One of the ways to increase your reach.
Level: Druid 2, Seafolk Domain 2, Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Willing creature touched
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
The naga’s lower extremities thrash about and slowly transform into humanoid limbs.
This spell transforms tails, tentacles, or finned extremities into humanoid legs and feet. Creatures so
affected lose any natural swim speed they possess, but gain a land speed instead. Transmuted Medium
creatures have a base land speed of 30 feet, Small and smaller creatures have a base land speed of 20 feet,
and Large or larger creatures have a base land speed of 40 feet. The subject loses any natural attacks based
on its tail or tentacles.
Potion: (CL3/SL2) 300 gp
Permanency Cost (10th): 1,000 xp
Level: Cleric 2, Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature with at least two arms or tentacles touched
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Convulsing, the touched subject’s limbs begin to ooze together with a sickening noise like a pot of melted
wax splattering on the floor. With a lurch they form into one pair of massive limbs.
You cause a creature’s multiple arms or tentacles to fuse together into a single pair of stronger limbs. Only
limbs that the creature can use as arms or grasping limbs are affected by the spell (so basilisks and
monstrous centipedes, neither of which use their limbs to attack or manipulate objects, are unaffected). For
every set of limbs fused into the primary set of limbs, the creature gains +4 to Strength when using those
fused limbs (affecting activities that would use those limbs, but not activities relying on its bite, legs, and so
on). For example, a girallon under the effect of this spell would have one pair of arms and Strength 26 for
the purpose of using those arms. A behir, which has three pairs of limbs that it can use as arms, would end
up with one pair of arm-limbs with a +8 bonus to Strength for those arms (its six legs would be unaffected).
The loss of limbs might reduce the number of attacks available to the subject. If the subject has only two
arms or tentacles, they are fused into a single limb, and the creature gains a +4 bonus to Strength on attack
rolls made with that limb.
Potion: (CL3/SL2) 300 gp
Permanency Cost (11th): 1,500 xp
Level: Cleric 3, Druid 3, Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
The touched subject appears to be in discomfort for an instant before arms erupt from its torso with a damp
You give the subject an additional pair of arms. Each of its arms—new and old—ends in a clawed hand
with fingers and an opposable thumb. The creature’s original arms (if any) are its primary arms, and new
limbs are secondary limbs (if the subject had no arms, the arms created by the spell are its primary arms).
The creature gains four claw attacks, each using its base attack bonus + its Str modifier for attack rolls.
Each claw deals 1d4 points of damage + the subject’s Str modifier, and if an opponent is struck by two or
more claws in 1 round, the subject can rend it for an additional 2d4 points of damage + 1-1/2 times its Str
modifier. A creature cannot use normal weapons and the claw attacks in the same round, and the subject
does not gain additional claw attacks from a high base attack bonus.
Material Component: A few strands of girallon hair.
Permanency Cost (11th): 1,500 xp
Editor: You seriously need to look at this and fuse arms.
Potion: (CL5/SL3) 750 gp
Level: Assassin 1, Druid 1, Harper Scout 1, Hathran 1, Initiate of Arvoreen 1, Ranger 1, Runescarred
Berserker 1, Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Components: V, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
You pass your hand over the subject’s eyes and murmur the arcane words. Its eyes grow larger, and when
it opens them, the pupils are speckled with tiny silvers of starlight.
The subject creature gains low-light vision.
Arcane Material Component: A small candle.
Permanency Cost (9th): 500 xp
Potion: (CL1/SL1) 50 gp
Level: Bestial Domain 1, Dragon Domain 1, Druid 1, Ranger 1, Scalykind Domain 1, Vadalis Beastkeeper
1, Windrider (3.0) 2
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Living creature touched
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Magic fang gives one natural weapon of the subject a +1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls.
The spell can affect a slam attack, fist, bite, or other natural weapon. (The spell does not change an
unarmed strike’s damage from nonlethal damage to lethal damage). Magic fang can be made permanent
with a permanency spell.
Alternate Material Component: Specially prepared shark tooth [Extended] (250 gp)
Permanency Cost (9th): 500 xp
Potion: (CL1/SL1) 50 gp
Level: Druid 1, Ranger 1
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Splaying your fingers like a mole’s forepaws completes the spell. With your touch, the target’s digging
appendages increase in size and sharpness.
This spell increases the touched creature’s burrow speed by 20 feet. It has no effect on other modes of
movement, nor does it grant the subject a burrow speed or the ability to burrow through stone if the
creature cannot already do so.
Permanency Cost (10th): 1,000 xp
Editor (Mobility): Holy crap. Unusual movement at first level for 10 min/level. But then, you find out that
the target needs burrowing to begin with. Nutz. It is an untyped bonus, so it’s not useless, but you’re
unlike to ever use it. Ever.
Oil: (CL1/SL1) 50 gp
Level: Adept 0, Apostle of Peace 0, Bard 0, Beguiler 0, Blighter 0, Celebrant of Sharess 1, Champion of
Gwynharwyf 1, Cleric 0, Corrupt Avenger 1, Court Herarld 0, Druid 0, Harper Scout 1, Healer 0,
Hexblade 1, Hoardstealer 1, Knight of the Middle Circle 1, Knight of the Weave 1, Magewright 0,
Merchant Prince 1, Paladin 1, Paladin of Slaughter 1, Paladin of Tyranny 1, Ranger 1, Shade Hunter 1,
Shaman 0, Shugenja 0, Sorcerer/Wizard 0, Urban Adept 0, Vigilante 1, Wu Jen 0
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 10 minutes/level
By means of read magic, you can decipher magical inscriptions on objects—books, scrolls, weapons, and
the like—that would otherwise be unintelligible. This deciphering does not normally invoke the magic
contained in the writing, although it may do so in the case of a cursed scroll. Furthermore, once the spell is
cast and you have read the magical inscription, you are thereafter able to read that particular writing
without recourse to the use of read magic. You can read at the rate of one page (250 words) per minute.
The spell allows you to identify a glyph of warding with a DC 13 Spellcraft check, a greater glyph of
warding with a DC 16 Spellcraft check, or any symbol spell with a Spellcraft check (DC 10 + spell level).
Read magic can be made permanent with a permanency spell.
Focus: A clear crystal or mineral prism.
Alternate Material Component: Mineral prism [Extended] (25 gp)
Permanency Cost (9th): 500 xp
Editor (Utility): Not horrible. A great thing to be able to spontaneously cast.
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One humanoid creature
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell causes instant diminution of a humanoid creature, halving its height, length, and width and
dividing its weight by 8. This decrease changes the creature’s size category to the next smaller one. The
target gains a +2 size bonus to Dexterity, a –2 size penalty to Strength (to a minimum of 1), and a +1 bonus
on attack rolls and AC due to its reduced size. A Small humanoid creature whose size decreases to Tiny has
a space of 2-1/2 feet and a natural reach of 0 feet (meaning that it must enter an opponent’s square to
attack). A Large humanoid creature whose size decreases to Medium has a space of 5 feet and a natural
reach of 5 feet. This spell doesn’t change the target’s speed. All equipment worn or carried by a creature is
similarly reduced by the spell. Melee and projectile weapons deal less damage. Other magical properties
are not affected by this spell. Any reduced item that leaves the reduced creature’s possession (including a
projectile or thrown weapon) instantly returns to its normal size. This means that thrown weapons deal their
normal damage (projectiles deal damage based on the size of the weapon that fired them). Multiple magical
effects that reduce size do not stack, which means (among other things) that you can’t use a second casting
of this spell to further reduce the size of as humanoid that’s still under the effect of the first casting. Reduce
person counters and dispels enlarge person. Reduce person can be made permanent with a permanency
Material Component: A pinch of powdered iron.
Permanency Cost (9th): 500 xp
Alternate Material Component: Turquoise-studded links of iron [Heightened +3] (1,350 gp)
Editor (Debuff): It adds to your AC and some skills. Not bad, but barely worth a slot. Usually seen as a
light buff for casters, this also imposes a –2 penalty to Str, among other melee debuffage. Reducing an
enemy NPC has some potential, but is still probably not worth your time. You might actually get some
mileage out of the Mass version if you’re fighting a bunch of Humanoids. Keep in mind that a lesser
metamagic rod of chaining would allow you to imitate a Mass reduce Person fairily easily, and with a
first level spell.
Potion: (CL5/SL1) 250 gp
Level: Abjuration Wizard Domain 0, Apostle of Peace 0, Bard 0, Champion of Gwynharwyf 1, Cleric 0,
Corrupt Avenger 1, Druid 0, Kuni School 0, Order of the Impenetrable Crucible 0, Order of the
Ineffable Mystery 0, Paladin 1, Paladin of Slaughter 1, Paladin of Tyranny 1, Shaman 0, Shugenja 0,
Sohei (3.0) 1, Sorcerer/Wizard 0, Urban Adept 0, Vigilante 1, Windrider (3.0) 1, Wu Jen 0, Yogo
School 0
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 minute
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
You imbue the subject with magical energy that protects it from harm, granting it a +1 resistance bonus on
saves. Resistance can be made permanent with a permanency spell.
Arcane Material Component: A miniature cloak.
Alternate Material Component: Silk cloak [Extended] (25 gp)
Permanency Cost (9th): 500 xp
Editor (Buff): Cute little buff with nice duration if you don't have a resistance bonus to saving throws. It’s
sort of one of those buffs you throw on the party member who doesn’t have a cloak of resistance right
before you jump someone just cuz.
Potion: (CL1/SL0) 25 gp
Level: Bard 4, Cleric 4, Druid 4, Sorcerer/Wizard 4
Duration: 24 hours
Just as you touch the spell’s subject, a feeling of peace and watchful guardianship fills your being.
This spell functions like resistance, except as noted here. You grant the subject a +3 resistance bonus on
Permanency Cost (12th): 2,000 xp
Editor (Buff): Provides +3 resistance to saves. Unlike Resistance, this buff is good for 24 hours. Although
this spell does NOT stack with a cloak of resistance (and most characters should have at least a +1
cloak by mid levels) – the +3 may be more than the cloak around the level this spell is received – and it
frees up the cloak position for other magic items. The bonus is a little low for the level of spell IMO –
but not bad. Who needs a cloak of resistance?
Level: Druid 2, Order of the Forbidding Wasteland 2, Ranger 1, Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
At your touch, the creature inhales deeply, experiencing a new world of sensory input.
You give the creature touched the scent ability.
Material Component: A sprinkle of mustard and pepper.
Permanency Cost (10th): 1,000 xp
Potion: (CL3/SL2) 300 gp
Level: Adept 2, Bard 3, Beguiler 3, Consecrated Harrier 3, Court Herald 2, Divination Wizard Domain 2,
Duskblade 2, Ebonmar Infiltrator 3, Emissary of Barachiel 3, Harper Scout 2, Hexblade 2, Knight of
the Weave 2, Merchant Prince 3, Mortal Hunter (3.0) 2, Nentyar Hunter 3, Runescarred Berserker 1,
Shooting Star 2, Sorcerer/Wizard 2, Temple Raider 3, Truth Domain 3, Urban Adept 2, Vigilant Eye of
Helm 2, Vigilante 3, Wu Jen 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 10 minutes/level (D)
You can see any objects or beings that are invisible within your range of vision, as well as any that are
ethereal, as if they were normally visible. Such creatures are visible to you as translucent shapes, allowing
you easily to discern the difference between visible, invisible, and ethereal creatures. The spell does not
reveal the method used to obtain invisibility. It does not reveal illusions or enable you to see through
opaque objects. It does not reveal creatures who are simply hiding, concealed, or otherwise hard to see. See
invisibility can be made permanent with a permanency spell.
Material Component: A pinch of talc and a small sprinkling of powdered silver.
Alternate Material Component: Powdered turquoise [Extended] (450 gp)
Spell Synergy: Now, a strange synergy occurs when you start using an Invisible Spell metamagic feat. You
can create an invisible spell continual flame, with no visible spell effects, but to See Invisible, you’d be
able to see by your invisible flame. One could turn invisible then create an invisible Fog Cloud. While
the invisible spell fog cloud would be translucent, and not stop the see invisible user from seeing
normal objects, it would provide cover for you inside the fog (You are both equally translucent). Since
you do not see the invisible fog (you lack see invisible), you are free to sneak about. The see invisible
user does know something is up, but pin pointing you will be difficult.
Editor (Buff): is one of the few spells I recommend making permanment, even if your DM is rude with the
dispels. It's a solid general paranoia spell.
Permanency Cost (10th): 1,000 xp
Level: Druid 1, Ranger 1
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: One living creature touched
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
This spell allows the target to treat all of its natural attacks as silvered weapons. The spell affects slam
attacks, fist or claw attacks, bite attacks, and any other natural weapons the target creature possesses. The
spell does not change an unarmed strike’s damage from nonlethal damage to lethal damage, however.
Silvered claws can be made permanent with a permanency spell.
Permanency Cost (9th): 500 xp
Potion: (CL1/SL1) 50 gp
Editor: An okay spell, and a much better choice then silvered weapon. As a druid you can cast it on
yourself when you wild shape or your animal companion. Plus the duration is much better.
Level: Paladin 1, Ranger 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: One weapon or projectile touched
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (object, harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (object, harmless)
This spell transforms a single weapon or projectile you are holding into a silvered weapon. The weapon
may be magical, masterwork, or non-magical, but it must be in hand when the spell is cast. You can’t cast
this spell on a natural weapon, such as an unarmed strike (instead, see silvered claws). The spell cannot be
cast on more than one weapon or on multiple projectiles. If the weapon targeted by the spell is made of
another special material (cold iron or adamantine, for example), it loses the benefits of its original special
material for the spell’s duration. Silvered weapon can be made permanent with a permanency spell.
Permanency Cost (9th): 500 xp
Oil: (CL5/SL1) 250 gp
Editor: An okay spell, but really should be a cantrip, not a first level spell, especially considering the
duration. Best used in magic poor campaigns when you have to struggle just to get a +1 weapon.
Level: Adept 3, Apostle of Peace 4, Bard 2, Celebrant of Sharess 2, Cleric 4, Cloistered Cleric 3,
Commerce Domain 3, Community Domain 4, Court Herald 3, Draconic Legacy (Brass) 3, Emissary of
Barachiel 2, Fatemaker 3, Fiend of Blasphemy (3.0) 4, Half-Elf Ranger 2, Harper Scout 3, Herald
Domain 3, Magewright 3, Meditation Domain 4, Merchant Prince 3, Shaman 3, Sorcerer/Wizard 3,
Urban Adept 3, Urban Ranger 3, Vassal of Bahamut 4, Vigilante 2, Wu Jen 3
Components: V, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: No
This spell grants the creature touched the ability to speak and understand the language of any intelligent
creature, whether it is a racial tongue or a regional dialect. The subject can speak only one language at a
time, although it may be able to understand several languages. Tongues does not enable the subject to speak
with creatures who don’t speak. The subject can make itself understood as far as its voice carries. This spell
does not predispose any creature addressed toward the subject in any way. Tongues can be made permanent
with a permanency spell.
Arcane Material Component: A small clay model of a ziggurat, which shatters when the verbal
component is pronounced.
Alternate Material Component: Brass model of ziggurat [Extended] (750 gp)
Permanency Cost (11th): 1,500 xp
Editor (Buff): Tongues another spell to be permanencied. Can speak and understand any language (but
only one at a time). Paired with permanent Comprehend Languages, makes you excellent party
translator. Let's not kid ourselves: a lot of people go into divination for forgery. This helps a lot,
assuming that you get to write the language too. Even if you don't it's still a really useful spell.
Potion: (CL5/SL3) 750 gp
Transmutation [see text]
Level: Cleric 3, Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: One weapon
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (object, harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object)
Your hand glows slightly. With a touch, you transfer the glow from your hand onto the intended weapon.
You cause a weapon to gain the ability to deal energy damage in addition to its other abilities, similar to
how a flaming burst weapon deals extra fire damage on a hit or a critical hit. The weapon can deal acid,
cold, electricity, or fire damage, chosen by you at the time of casting. The weapon deals an extra 1d6 points
of damage of that energy type on a successful hit. On a critical hit, the weapon deals an additional 1d10
points of energy damage. If the weapon’s critical multiplier is ×3, add 2d10 points of energy damage
instead, and if the multiplier is ×4, add 3d10 points of energy damage. This spell can be cast on a weapon
that already deals energy damage, and if the weapon already creates the same type of damage as the spell,
the effects stack. For example, if cast on a +1 flaming longsword to give it additional fire damage, the
weapon now deals an extra 2d6 points of fire damage per hit. This spell has a descriptor that is the same as
the energy created by the target weapon. For example, weapon of energy is a fire spell when used to give a
weapon bonus fire damage.
Permanency Cost (13th): 2,000 xp
Oil: (CL5/SL3) 750 gp
Level: Cleric 8, Sorcerer/Wizard 8
Components: V, S, M, XP, Archon
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Target: One corporeal creature of lawful or neutral alignment that is native to the Material Plane
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
This spell transforms the target into an axiomatic creature—a perfect version of itself. The spell rids the
creature of noticeable flaws, makes its fur or scales appear shinier, and so forth. Animals touched by this
spell become magical beasts, but otherwise the creature’s type is unchanged. If the target has an
Intelligence of 2 or less, the spell imbues the target with an Intelligence of 3. As an axiomatic creature, the
target gains the following special attack:
Smite Chaos (Su): Once per day, the target can make a normal attack to deal extra damage equal to its HD
total (maximum +20) against a chaotic opponent.
The target gains the following special quality:
Linked Minds (Ex): The target can communicate telepathically with other axiomatic creatures of its type
within 300 feet. If one in the group is not flat-footed, none of them are, and no axiomatic creature in
the group is considered flanked unless they all are.
The target also gains darkvision with a range of 60 feet, spell resistance equal to double its HD (maximum
25), and resistance to cold, electricity, fire, and sonic attacks based on its HD, as shown below:
Resistance by HD: 1-3 5, 4-7 10, 8-11 15, 12+ 20
Material Component: A diamond wand worth at least 10,000 gp.
XP Cost: 1,000 XP.
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Ancestor Domain 8, Shaman 8
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
You force the subject of the spell to change alignment, specifying the creature’s new alignment. Creatures
whose alignments are listed as “always” a specific alignment, and characters who would lose class abilities
if they changed to the alignment you specify, gain a +4 bonus on their saving throws against the spell.
Outsiders with an alignment-based type modifier (Chaotic, Evil, Good, or Lawful) are immune to the
effects of this spell. Alteration in alignment is mental as well as moral, and the individual changed by the
spell thoroughly enjoys his new outlook. If the subject’s comrades have an alignment outlook that differs
significantly from his, he may abandon them or even take actions against them. This is up to the discretion
of the DM; the spell has no effect on determining this, as it is more a matter of conscience. Another compel
spell, a wish, or a miracle is required to reverse the effects of the spell; the subject makes no attempt to
return to the former alignment. In fact, he views the prospect with horror and avoids it in any way possible.
Thus, if a spellcaster were to cast compel upon him again, causing him to revert to his former alignment or
following a new one, he would again receive a saving throw as outlined above.
Editor: 3.0 Spell and may be disallowed by your DM.
Editor (Controller): Holy Crap. So this is how they make those helms of opposite alignment.
Necromancy [Chaotic]
Level: Cleric 5, Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Components: V, S, M, XP
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One demon and one willing creature
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will negates; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes
You painstakingly create two magic circles. In one stands a demon, and in the other stands your willing
subject. After an hour-long ritual incantation, you pull a roiling black cloud of demonic essence out of the
demon and channel it into the willing recipient.
You transfer a portion of a demon’s essence into a willing creature, enhancing one of its ability scores or
skills. The demon must be either allied and willing or captured and constrained (as if by a planar binding
spell). An unwilling demon can make a Will save to negate the effects of the spell. Both the recipient and
the donor demon must remain within specially prepared circles inscribed on the floor for the entire casting
time. These circles are similar to summoning circles and can be integrated into a summoning circle without
impacting the function of either spell, but neither the demon nor the recipient need be summoned
specifically into the circle for this spell’s circle—each needs only to stand within it during the casting. The
benefit granted by this spell can be applied to one of the recipient’s ability scores (as an enhancement
bonus) or to one of his skills (as a competence bonus), as you designate. Once this decision is made, it
cannot be changed, and the effect cannot be dispelled except by a caster of higher level than you were when
you cast the spell. If you wish, you can increase the save DC for this spell by allowing the demon power
over the target. The specific concessions you can make to the demon and the corresponding increases to the
save DC are given below.
+1 Increase: The donor demon can track the recipient’s location and condition, effectively gaining the
effect of a constant status spell on it.
+3 Increase: The demon can see through the recipient’s eyes and hear through its ears.
+5 Increase: The demon can telepathically communicate with the recipient as if by Rary’s telepathic bond.
+7 Increase: The demon can use demand on the recipient once per day as a spell-like ability (caster level
equals your caster level at the time you cast extract gift). The effects of the concessions are cumulative,
but the save DC increases do not stack. Thus, allowing the demon to track the recipient, use its senses,
and communicate with it telepathically would increase the save DC by 5. Increasing the save DC in
this manner is an evil act, since it grants the demon more than the usual opportunity to work its evil.
Thus, using this option adds the evil descriptor to the spell.
Ability Bonus: The recipient gains an enhancement bonus to one ability score of your choice. The value of
this bonus depends on your caster level and the abilities of the donor demon, as given below. The
maximum value of the bonus you can grant is one fourth of your caster level (rounded down). Thus,
you could grant the recipient up to a +2 enhancement bonus at 9th level, or up to a +5 bonus at 20th
level. You can always choose to grant a bonus lower than your maximum. The donor demon’s ability
modifier for the corresponding score must be at least twice that of the granted bonus. Thus, to grant a
+2 bonus to Dexterity, you must extract essence from a demon with a Dexterity score of at least 18
(such as a marilith). To grant a +5 bonus to Charisma, you need a demon with a Charisma score of at
least 30 (such as a lilitu).
Skill Bonus: The recipient gains a competence bonus on checks made with one skill of your choice. The
value of this bonus depends on your caster level and the abilities of the donor demon, as given below.
The maximum value of the bonus you can grant is one-half your caster level (rounded down). Thus,
you could grant the recipient up to a +4 enhancement bonus at 9th level, or up to a +10 bonus at 20th
level. You can always choose to grant a bonus lower than your maximum. The donor demon’s ranks in
the selected skill must be at least twice the granted bonus. Thus, to grant a +5 bonus on Disable Device
checks, you must extract essence from a demon with at least 10 ranks in Disable Device (such as a
babau). To grant a +10 bonus on Bluff checks, you need a demon with at least 20 ranks in Bluff (such
as a balor).
Material Component: The circles in which the donor and recipient stand during the casting must be
inscribed with expensive paints made from powdered diamonds, cold iron, blood, and various rare and
exotic pigments. Each circle must also be decorated with five flawless sapphires, which serve as
conduits between the donor demon and the recipient. The total cost of these pigments and gems
depends on the nature and magnitude of the bonus to be imparted. For an ability bonus, the cost equals
the bonus squared times 1,000 gp (1,000 gp for +1, 4,000 gp for +2, 9,000 gp for +3, 16,000 gp for +4,
and 25,000 gp for +5). For a skill bonus, the cost equals the bonus squared times 100 gp (100 gp for
+1, 400 gp for +2, 900 gp for +3, 1,600 gp for +4, 2,500 gp for +5, 3,600 gp for +6, 4,900 gp for +7,
6,400 gp for +8, 8,100 gp for +9, and 10,000 gp for +10).
XP Cost: You must spend XP equal to 1/25 the required cost of the Material Components when you cast
this spell.
Level: Artifice Domain 7, Magewright 4, Sorcerer/Wizard 6
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: One item of a volume no greater than 10 cu. ft./level; see text
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (object)
You rub your hands along the length of the object, intoning the spell. A warm red glow emits from your
hands, strengthening the object.
This spell increases the hardness of materials. Paper becomes harder to tear, glass becomes harder to break,
wood becomes more resilient, and so on. For every two caster levels, add 1 point of hardness to the
material targeted by the spell. This hardness increase improves only the material’s resistance to damage.
Nothing else is modified by the improvement. A hardening spell does not in any way affect a substance’s
resistance to other forms of transformation. Ice still melts, paper and wood still burn, rock still becomes
transmutable to mud with the proper spell, and so on. of material per level of the caster. If cast upon a metal
or mineral, the spell affects only 1 cubic foot per level.
Example: A longsword (hardness 10) affected by a hardening spell cast by a 12th-level caster would have
a new hardness of 16 for purposes of ignoring damage caused by an opponent's successful sunder
attempt. The sword's hit points, attack and damage modifiers, and other factors are not affected.
Material Component: An ointment made with 50 gp of diamond dust per 10 cubic feet of material.
Editor (Buff): Otherwise known as the "sunder this, bitch" spell. A unique spell with a very important
purpose: making walls that can’t be effectively breached by anything short of an adamanite weapon.
Level: Demonologist (3.0) 4, Sorcerer/Wizard 6
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One possessing creature
Duration: Permanent (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
The caster renders one creature that can possess or inhabit other creatures, or a creature that can move its
mind out of its body, powerless within the host it currently inhabits. Potential targets include possessing
demons, malevolent ghosts, and a caster currently using a magic jar spell. The only action the subject can
take is to leave the body it currently inhabits. This spell, in conjunction with imprison possessor, is one of
the best ways to deal with a possessing fiend.
Editor: 3.0 Spell and may be disallowed by your DM.
Level: Demonologist (3.0) 4, Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One possessing creature and its host
Duration: Permanent (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
The caster traps one creature that can possess or inhabit other creatures, or one that can move its mind out
of its body, within the creature it currently inhabits. Potential targets include possessing demons,
malevolent ghosts, and a caster currently using a magic jar spell. The possessing creature cannot leave the
body it is currently in, whether or not it is its own, by any means.
Editor: 3.0 Spell and may be disallowed by your DM.
Necromancy [Evil]
Level: Cleric 1, Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Components: V, S, Location
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Target: One living creature
Duration: Permanent (see below)
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
The caster absorbs the life force and physical form from a living subject and uses it for himself. The victim
must be rendered helpless to cast this spell upon her. For that day, the caster heals at twice the normal
natural rate and does not need to eat. The subject, on the other hand, does not heal naturally that day and
takes 1 point of Constitution damage. As long as the caster touches the subject once per day, he gains the
benefits and the subject takes the Constitution damage. If the caster does not touch the subject within 24
hours of the last time he touched her, the spell ends. Villains often use this spell on prisoners, who are
sometimes sustained by lesser restoration spells so they can serve for years as evil sustenance.
Location Component: An area under the effect of a desecrate or unhallow spell.
Editor: 3.0 Spell and may be disallowed by your DM.
Level: Cleric 7, Sorcerer/Wizard 7
Components: V, S, M/DF, XP
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Touch
Target: One humanoid with Int 4 or higher
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
You turn the subject into a half-fiend by imbuing it with the essence of the infernal planes. The subject can
have no more character levels than you do, and it must either be willing to undergo the transformation or be
restrained in some manner. Upon completion of the spell, the subject can attempt a Will save to avoid
gaining the half-fiend template. In addition, the subject’s type changes to outsider, and the moral
component of its alignment changes to evil. For the purpose of this spell, treat the half-fiend template as an
acquired template rather than an inherited one. The newly created half-fiend also gains a +4 level
adjustment, raising the XP required for it to achieve its next character level. For example, a 5th-level
sorcerer who becomes a half-fiend by means of this spell becomes a 9th-level character who needs 45,000
XP to gain his sixth class level. You cannot cast Nar fiendbond on yourself.
Arcane Material Component: Precious gems with a total value equal to the XP cost of the spell.
XP Cost: 500 XP per character level of the half-fiend created.
Transmutation [Ectomancy]
Level: Druid 4, Renewal Domain 4, Savage Bard 6, Shaman 4
Components: V, S, M, DF
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Target: Dead creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
With this spell, you bring back a dead creature in another body, provided that its death occurred no more
than one week before the casting of the spell and the subject’s soul is free and willing to return. If the
subject’s soul is not willing to return, the spell does not work; therefore, a subject that wants to return
receives no saving throw. Since the dead creature is returning in a new body, all physical ills and afflictions
are repaired. The condition of the remains is not a factor. So long as some small portion of the creature’s
body still exists, it can be reincarnated, but the portion receiving the spell must have been part of the
creature’s body at the time of death. The magic of the spell creates an entirely new young adult body for the
soul to inhabit from the natural elements at hand. This process takes 1 hour to complete. When the body is
ready, the subject is reincarnated. A reincarnated creature recalls the majority of its former life and form. It
retains any class abilities, feats, or skill ranks it formerly possessed. Its class, base attack bonus, base save
bonuses, and hit points are unchanged. Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores depend partly on the
new body. First eliminate the subject’s racial adjustments (since it is no longer of his previous race) and
then apply the adjustments found below to its remaining ability scores. The subject’s level (or Hit Dice) is
reduced by 1. If the subject was 1st level, its new Constitution score is reduced by 2. (If this reduction
would put its Con at 0 or lower, it can’t be reincarnated). This level/HD loss or Constitution loss cannot be
repaired by any means. It’s possible for the change in the subject’s ability scores to make it difficult for it to
pursue its previous character class. If this is the case, the subject is well advised to become a multiclass
character. For a humanoid creature, the new incarnation is determined using the following table. For
nonhumanoid creatures, the DM should create a similar table of creatures of the same type or simply
choose the new form. A creature that has been turned into an undead creature or killed by a death effect
can’t be returned to life by this spell. Constructs, elementals, outsiders, and undead creatures can’t be
reincarnated. The spell cannot bring back a creature who has died of old age. The reincarnated creature
gains all abilities associated with its new form, including forms of movement and speeds, natural armor,
natural attacks, extraordinary abilities, and the like, but it doesn’t automatically speak the language of the
new form. A wish or a miracle spell can restore a reincarnated character to his or her original form.
Material Component: Rare oils and unguents worth a total of least 1,000 gp, spread over the remains.
D% Str Dex Con Type
1 +4 +2 +2 Bugbear
2-13 +0 +0 +2 Dwarf
14-25 +0 +2 -2 Elf
26 +4 +0 +2 Gnoll
27-38 -2 +0 +2 Gnome
39-42 -2 +2 +0 Goblin
43-52 +0 +0 +0 Half-elf
53-62 +2 +0 +0 Half-orc
63-74 -2 +2 +0 Halfling
75-89 +0 +0 +0 Human
90-93 -4 +2 -2 Kobold
94 +2 +0 +2 Lizardfolk
95-98 +4 +0 +0 Orc
99 +0 -2 +4 Troglodyte
100 ? ? ? DM’s Choice
Level: Cleric 4, Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Metal or metal object touched, up to 10 cu. ft. + 1 cu. ft./level
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
As stone shape, except as noted above and that you affect metal instead of stone. You may employ this
spell in combat with a successful melee touch attack. Shape metal successfully used in this way against a
target’s armor reduces the armor’s protection by 1d6 points of Armor Class (armor such as studded leather
that mostly made of nonmetal materials take half damage from this spell). If used against a shield, weapon,
or metallic creature, the spell deals 1d6 points of damage per 2 caster levels, bypassing the target’s
hardness (or damage reduction in the case of a creature). Touching an unwilling creature or an item held by
an unwilling creature requires a melee touch attack and provokes an attack of opportunity from the
defender. You may ready an action to touch a creature, its armor, its shield, or its weapon when it attempts
to strike you; this does not provoke an attack of opportunity (you are using the creature’s movement to
come into contact with it).
Arcane Material Component: A piece of wire, bent approximately into the desired shape and touched to
the metal while the verbal component is uttered.
Editor: 3.0 Spell and may be disallowed by your DM.
Transmutation [Earth]
Level: Artifice Domain 3, Cleric 3, Craft Domain 3, Draconic Legacy (Copper) 3, Druid 3, Earth Domain
3, Kobold Ranger 3, Magewright 4, Order of the Perfect Sculpture 3, Shade Hunter 4, Shugenja 4,
Sorcerer/Wizard 4, Stone Domain 3, Tamori School 3, Trapsmith 2, Wu Jen 5
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Stone or stone object touched, up to 10 cu. ft. + 1 cu. ft./level
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You can form an existing piece of stone into any shape that suits your purpose. For example, you can make
a stone weapon, a special trapdoor, or a crude idol. Stone shape also permits you to reshape a stone door to
make an exit where one didn’t exist or to seal a door shut. While it’s possible to make crude coffers, doors,
and so forth with stone shape, fine detail isn’t possible. There is a 30% chance that any shape including
moving parts simply doesn’t work.
Arcane Material Component: Soft clay, which must be worked into roughly the desired shape of the
stone object and then touched to the stone while the verbal component is uttered.
Editor (Utility): Pretty darned useful in natural terrain and stone walls. As with all open-ended creative
spells, the limits are based on the user. It’s a poorman’s passwall. It’s a instant fortification reinforcer.
It’s an ammunition creator for the catapult you made with shape wood. If you have a prisoner, you can
trap him in solid rock. If you have a Stone support for something, you can collapse it.
Oil: (CL5/SL3) 750 gp
Level: Artifice Domain 2, Craft Domain 2, Druid 2, Wu Jen 2
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: One touched piece of wood no larger than 10 cu. ft. + 1 cu. ft./level
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (object)
Spell Resistance: Yes (object)
Wood shape enables you to form one existing piece of wood into any shape that suits your purpose. For
example, you can make a wooden weapon, fashion a special trapdoor, or sculpt a crude idol. This spell also
permits you to reshape a wood door to make an exit where one didn’t exist or to seal a door shut. While it is
possible to make crude coffers, doors, and so forth, fine detail isn’t possible. There is a 30% chance that
any shape that includes moving parts simply doesn’t work.
Editor: Oh seriously? When does this not become useful? It’s an instant baracade. The bard summons a
double bass and you turn it into a canoe. The wall now has a door. The trapped chest no longer has a
bottom so if you lift it, all the treasure just spills out onto the floor. You can make arrows. You can
make a ballista. Yes. 30% chance it won’t work, but 70% chance it will. Do you have any idea how
much a ballista is worth? You can break the bank making crap with this spell. Of course it’s up to the
DM to reign that in. But imagine if you gave a druid a week to fortify a town and then you showed up
to find the wall bristling with light ballista. How is that not pure win? Check with your DM to see what
you can get away with.
Transmutation [Earth]
Level: Cleric 4, Druid 4, Sorcerer/Wizard 6
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Stone object touched, up to 10 cu. ft. + 1 cu. ft./level
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You can change an existing piece of rock to another type of rock. For instance, you can make crumblestone
into granite, substantially strengthening it. Precious and semiprecious gems cannot be manufactured with
this spell, and its effect does not change the monetary value of the affected stone object.
Arcane Material Component: A grain of talc and a chip of obsidian.
Editor (Utility): If you want to make your wall of stone spell into something you can see through, this is
the spell for you.