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Volume: 5 Issue: 5 | May 2023

Problems and Solutions of Training and Re-Training of Mechanics-Drivers of Combat

Vehicles in Military Units and Training Institutions within the Armed Forces JV

Sarimsakov Madaminjon Fayzilvakhobovich

Senior teacher of the Technical Support Department of the Armed Forces Academy of the Republic
of Uzbekistan
The training of combat vehicle mechanics-drivers should be aimed at achieving high management skills in various
complex conditions, forming will and determination in them, creating a sense of responsibility for the technical
adjustment and combat readiness of vehicles.
The main goal of training mechanic-drivers is to teach them how to fully use the high combat-technical
capabilities of combat and special vehicles in solving the tasks facing modern warfare.
Training of combat vehicle mechanics-drivers is achieved through:
high professional and methodological training of officers and sergeants and effective use of training tools in
timely planning of technical training sessions;
high-quality preparation of educational material bases and machines for training;
strict knowledge of the material part of the machines, operation rules, principles of movement and management
rules of teachers and students;
constant and goal-oriented mental training during training with mechanics-drivers of combat vehicles;
with strict adherence to the conditions of combat and special vehicle exercises, training methods and safety
The main task of training mechanics-drivers of combat vehicles is to be able to fully use the combat and technical
capabilities of vehicles in the performance of tasks in modern combat.
Organizational-methodical instructions for the training of mechanic-drivers.
Training of mechanic-drivers is organized and conducted in accordance with combat training programs of troops
and training programs of military educational institutions, taking into account the special characteristics of the
location of the troops and the places where military operations are conducted.
The system of technical training of mechanics-drivers is carried out in three stages and includes the following:
training of young drivers called up for military service;
retraining drivers for mechanical driving during military service;
improvement of technical training and retraining of mechanic-drivers during military service.
The training of mechanic-drivers is planned and carried out taking into account the following:
study the general structure of combat vehicles;
basic principles of using machines;
learning the rules of the road;

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Volume: 5 Issue: 5 | May 2023

control of combat vehicles.

The study of the rules of movement is taught before the practical driving training, then the training of the structure
of the machine and the training of driving are conducted in parallel.
In military units, mechanic-drivers are trained based on the Combat Training Plan. Also, based on this plan,
technical training plans for the training of junior specialists will be developed. In military units, the technical
training plan is developed by the deputy of the unit commander for weapons and approved by the unit commander.
This plan consists of four sections. The first section is "The structure of combat vehicles", the second section is
"Operation (use) of combat vehicles", the third section is "Study of traffic rules" and the fourth section is
"Management of combat vehicles".
In order to conduct training for mechanic-drivers, the commander (head of training) must not only have
knowledge, skills and qualifications, but also know the forms, principles and methods of training, as well as be
able to apply them in practice.
Teaching forms.
Various forms are used in the organization of classes. The following forms of training are used to conduct training
in the technical training of drivers:
group training, training on simulators, practical training.
Group training is the most common form of training. It is used in almost all types of training in military units and
units. In group trainings, they study theoretical and practical issues, equipment models, their components, use,
maintenance and saving rules. Group training, as a rule, is carried out in a group setting with the method of
storytelling and demonstration using visual aids, posters, literature, and technique sections. Lessons are held in the
group in educational simulators, with the help of existing aggregates, with the method of storytelling and
Weapons maintenance and park days can also be scheduled for practical training. These practical trainings will be
aimed at forming the skills of mastering techniques, repair and maintenance, and implementation of standards.
Such training is conducted after learning the theory, mastering the initial practical skills, and serves as a means of
strengthening the knowledge gained with the help of real types of combat vehicles, simulators.
Not every workout should be the same. Pedagogy offers the leader a number of starting points, using which you
can successfully maintain the educational process. These are commonly called teaching principles or didactic
principles. The principles of personnel training in military units and divisions are determined based on the specific
characteristics of the goals and tasks facing the Armed Forces and are aimed at ensuring the training of skilled
defenders of the Motherland capable of performing combat missions.
The principle of scientific-ideological education. Therefore, military training of personnel should be based on
scientifically proven materials. It requires teaching to be conducted on a strictly scientific basis, taking into
account the latest advances in science and technology. It is very important that this material strictly takes into
account the modern requirements of military affairs.
It is necessary to take into account the level of training of mechanics, their ability to acquire the knowledge
included in the program. They should be developed in such a way that they help drivers to remember previously
acquired knowledge and contribute to their development in a special, military-practical direction. During the
training, each specific term should be explained in detail and memorized. It helps to master the learning material
in depth, makes it easier to use it in practice.

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Volume: 5 Issue: 5 | May 2023

Teaching what is needed in modern warfare. This principle derives from the essence of the purpose of the Armed
Forces and reflects the natural dependence of the combat readiness and combat capability of the troops on the
quality, content and direction of training. The readiness of the Armed Forces to repel unexpected aggression
requires high training of personnel, the ability to act using various weapons in a complex combat situation.
Modern combat operations require military personnel to have high technical literacy, the ability to use modern
military equipment and weapons, high moral endurance, and the ability to perform their duties under extremely
high psychological stress. For this, it is necessary to organize their training with the aim of instilling high combat
qualities in the personnel. This means that fieldwork and hands-on training should be given a lot of importance
and a large part of the study time should be devoted to it. Simplification, relaxation and routine should not be
allowed in activities that cause serious physical, moral and psychological stress to students.
View of learning. Sensory organs are an information channel and describe the object from different angles. They
provide information about the size, color, taste, smell and other properties of the object. Consequently, the more
sensory organs there are, the richer and more detailed the information for abstract thinking. But different senses
provide different amounts of information. Vision takes the leading role among them. In normal life situations, it
provides 80% information about the surrounding reality. In the learning process, priority is given to the benefit of
hearing, because a large amount of knowledge comes through the teacher's speech. However, in the educational
process, vision remains the leading channel of information, especially when it comes to new, previously unseen
topics, its role increases. During military training, military personnel deal with things and events that are not
familiar to them in everyday life. About most of them they have the most superficial idea from fragmentary,
random stories. Therefore, the principle of appearance plays a very important role. It offers two main types of
didactic visualization: natural and pictorial. Natural visualization in the audience is provided by the use of specific
examples of military equipment, weapons, equipment, various devices and devices. Visual aids include diagrams,
posters, drawings, photographs, models, simulators, presentations, slides, diagrams, educational films. In addition,
verbal visualization is usually distinguished, which is based on the previous experience of learners and is
expressed in a vivid image of events, phenomena and objects with extensive use of comparisons and metaphors.
A natural look is important. It is almost impossible to train a military specialist without providing students with
real samples of military equipment and weapons. Using this type of visualization involves not only seeing, but
also using other senses. In the course of practical training, students are allowed to work directly on equipment and
weapons, put them into motion, disassemble complete and incomplete parts, etc.
Level of difficulty that can be taught. This principle is based on the natural dependence of the volume, content and
depth of knowledge available to learners on their general level of development, life experience and educational
practice. It comes from the perception of knowledge, skills and abilities of each person according to his abilities,
which depends on natural information, his general preparation, life and educational experience. The higher their
level, the greater the volume and depth of knowledge he can master, and vice versa, the lower the level, the lower
the volume and depth of knowledge available for mastering. This explains why the study material is accessible to
some and not to others. The principle of accessibility of education requires that the volume and depth of the
educational material be within the capabilities of the students, and correspond to their general level of
development and existing knowledge.
The principle of existing learning difficulty assumes that the leader of the activity knows the level of preparation
of the students and requires strict adherence to the rules that indicate the observance of teaching from simple to
complex, from known to unknown, from easy to difficult. This principle forces the commander to strictly control
the participation of military personnel in training. Missed sessions will result in subsequent material not being
available for that learner. If there is a gap, then the leader must make sure to fill the knowledge gap. Collectivism
and individual approach to teaching. Training sessions in military units and units have a collective character.

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Volume: 5 Issue: 5 | May 2023

Military personnel acquire their knowledge, skills and competences in the process of collective training. They are
united by the collective form of educational work, the unity of the educational material, the unity of its social and
ideological direction, and finally, the unity of the highest goals of education. If the leader succeeds in forming in
students a positive attitude to the studied issues, the need to study them in depth, the best, a desire to imitate
friendly mutual support and mutual assistance, the educational process will be highly effective. To do this, they set
collective tasks for students, introduce the spirit of competition to training, and contribute to the formation of a
collective opinion and unity of views on fundamental issues. In the course of training, leaders are called to
constantly rely on collective thinking and involve it in more effective mastering of educational problems. At the
same time, the success of the educational process largely depends on the individual qualities of the learners. This
situation requires in-depth knowledge of each learner, his abilities, characteristics, cognitive and volitional
processes, level of general development and level of special training, interests, health and physical development,
military training and attitude to the studied military sciences. The leader's knowledge of the individual
characteristics of each military serviceman makes it possible to carry out educational work clearly and
purposefully. He can choose the right educational task for the student, can choose the right form of imparting
knowledge to him, can inculcate skills and abilities, can use the necessary forms and methods of influencing,
controlling and accounting the results of educational work.
Various training methods can be used for technical training in military units and units. The teaching method is a
set of tools and methods that implement the acquisition of knowledge and the formation of skills necessary for
students' practical activities. The most used methods in training drivers: storytelling, explanation, demonstration,
conversation, training (exercises), independent work, practical management. The choice of teaching methods
depends on the topic, purpose, content and level of training of the students. Several methods can be used in each
training session. A story is a brief description of the material being studied.
It is used in the study of theoretical issues related to the design and operation of machine equipment, the basics of
traffic safety and the rules of machine control. The story, as a rule, takes more than 30 minutes and is used
together with other methods in the audience. For example, a lesson on military equipment can begin with a
discussion about the history of its creation, a description of previous models, its modern role and development
prospects. Then it is necessary to explain its purpose and device. All this should be accompanied by a
demonstration of technology and appropriate visual teaching aids. Field training begins with a story about combat
manual requirements, continues with a hands-on demonstration, and concludes with an exercise. Thus, the story is
used in many practical activities.
Explanation is a type of verbal presentation of material, when the leader of the training seeks to reveal the essence
of the object and phenomenon, answering the questions "What is it?", "Why?", "What is it about?". "What does
that lead to?" . During training on military equipment, the teacher explains the purpose of parts and mechanisms,
their interaction, reveals the connections between nodes and assemblies, tells what happens as a result of certain
actions. Explanation also appears along with the precision method. It is impossible not to explain the interaction of
parts and mechanisms, to show their mutual location at different stages of work.
Demonstration is a teaching method in which the instructor shows some specific actions. Working with weapons
and military equipment requires special equipment. Explaining these methods and how to implement them would
take too long. In this case, the most economical and effective means of teaching is the practical demonstration of
the relevant technique. The success of teaching by this method largely depends on the leader's ability to perform
certain actions, this or that technique reliably, precisely and beautifully.
The training leader must follow the following rules when demonstrating combat techniques: the leader must know
the technique well and control it smoothly; only one aggregate is displayed for display at each individual minute
of the session; must reinforce the teacher's speech when explaining the machine and follow the presentation of
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Volume: 5 Issue: 5 | May 2023

relevant concepts; when demonstrating techniques, you should pay attention to the most important details without
being ashamed to repeat their names; auditoriums should not be overloaded with an excessive number of
educational stands of another nature.
Mastering practical exercises is the development of skills and competencies that require repeated and conscious
repetition of learned techniques and actions. Training (exercises) on technical training is carried out on simulators
and machines. Practical exercises are divided into three stages: preparation, training and testing.
In preparatory exercises, learners are taught the skills and abilities to prepare the car for movement, start it from a
standstill, change gears, make turns, move at different speeds, slow down and stop the car.
In the training exercises, students are taught how to drive vehicles at the maximum possible speed on convoy
roads and roads, in pre-combat and combat order at different times of the year and day.
The test exercise is to improve the driving skills of the vehicle at the highest possible speed while correctly
passing the obstacles in the place suitable for the deployment of the troops.
Hands-on management is a way for learners to put into practice the skills, knowledge and abilities acquired using
standard equipment. Practical management allows not only to strengthen acquired knowledge, skills and abilities,
but also to identify deficiencies in preparation for management. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully analyze the
results of practical management and take measures to improve personnel training based on them.
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