Netball Lesson 5

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(What will the students be doing?) (How – methods) (cues or questions)
- Understand the use of the Final week of netball Netball……….game focus x 3 mins
whistle system - Find out team names x x x x 8.55-
- Understand expectations and - Set scene- game Who remembers what 1 x x x x x x x x x x 8.58
rules competition whistle and 2 whistle means? x xx x x xx xx x x x x
I Expectations T
N - 1 whistle- stop and x x x x
x x
T listen x x x x
R - 2 whistle- meet at x x
O meeting spot
x xx x
Hospital tag Hospital tag - Moving quickly into
C - Have fun and contribute to group - 2 taggers space away from
T dynamics through positive - non taggers avoid taggers x x x x x 5 mins
I participation taggers - Stay within X X 8.58-
O - Agility- moving quickly into - Get tagged once— boundaries x x x x x 9.03
N space and away from taggers hold spot where you - Safety- watch out for
- Develop scanning ability got tagged others
- Participate actively in a group - Tagged twice—hold T
activity that spot as well
- Tagged 3 times
(dead)—have to lay
down with hand up
for high 5.
1) Half court game- introduction of Half court game What are they key cues for
GS and GK - split the court through shooting?
- Technique- passing, receiving the centre circle
and shooting - GS and Gk positions Get the class to think of their T
- Tactics- attack and defence - After goal go back to strengths to use in
E centre circle
- Agility- moving into space tournament
V - Turn over if the ball is x x x
- Defending position x 5 mins
E intercepted or passed x x x x
L out of bounds. - Swap the GK and GS 9.03-
O after a 3 attempts at x x 9.08
goal. x
x x
E Cooperation, Teamwork &
N responsibility
- share the ball around x x

Techniques & game sense ‘in

- Pass to space
- receive using a target

Tactics + agility= make space in

- width (find space wide
of ball
- depth (space in front
and behind the ball)
- keep moving to create
3 v 1 v 1 v 1 go for goal
2) 3 v 1 v 1 v 1 go for goal - 1 defender in each Attacking team:
- Technique- passing, receiving third T
- Move into space
and shooting - 3 attackers start at the - Communication- 10
- Game sense – making base line and try to verbal and target X mins
decisions move the ball down hand D D D X 9.08-
- Agility- moving into space the court having 3 - Scanning and X 9.18
- communication- target hand passes in each third making good
- Reading the play and score a goal. decisions X
- Defending position - No stepping, no D X
obstruction, no Defenders: D D X
E contact - Delay ball by having
V hands up.
E CONDITIONS: - Play in the space.
L - 1 point to the
O defender if they get
P an intercept
M - 1 point for a goal
E - 1 point if 3 passes are
N used within each
T third.

Half court game – 3 5

Half court game Tournament minute games T
- Technique- passing, receiving - split the court through Cooperation, Teamwork &
and shooting the centre circle responsibility 17
- GS and Gk positions x x x
- Tactics- attack and defence - share the ball around x mins
- Using goals x x x x
- Agility- moving into space 9.18-35
- After goal go back to Techniques & game sense ‘in
- Defending position x
centre circle action’ x x
- Turn over if the ball is - Pass to space x x
intercepted or passed - receive using a target x
out of bounds. hand
- 1st game- work on x x
Tactics + agility= make space in
getting into free space attack
- 2nd game- - width (find space wide
communication verbal of ball
and target hand - depth (space in front
- 3rd game – defending and behind the ball)
getting hands up - keep moving to create
- 3 passes before
- 1 point for not stepping
- 3 points for using the 3
- only GS and GK are
allowed in the circle

- Questions about
- Reflect on key learning’s activities and what they - What is one thing you
C have enjoyed have learnt about x
L - Winners prize- 2 netball? x x x x 5 mins
O chocolate eggs and - What did you enjoy
x x x x 9.35-
S everyone else 1 about today’s lesson?
- Where should you aim
x x x x 9.40
U chocolate egg
when shooting? T
E - What foot cant you
- What do you need
to remember when
playing the game?

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