Silo - Tips - Basic Concepts of Medical Informatics
Silo - Tips - Basic Concepts of Medical Informatics
Silo - Tips - Basic Concepts of Medical Informatics
The second definition comes from another highly respected source for
biomedical informatics material, the textbook Biomedical informatics: computer
applications in health care and biomedicine. Shortliffe defines biomedical
informatics as “”the scientific field that deals with biomedical information, data, and
knowledge – their storage, retrieval, and optimal use for problem solving and
decision making.” As a field of study, Shorliffe states biomedical informatics is
“concerned with the broad range of issues in the management and use of biomedical
information, including biomedical computing and the study and nature of biomedical
information itself.”
The chapter The computer meets medicine and biology: the emergence of a
discipline, from the textbook Biomedical informatics: computer applications in
health care and biomedicine edited by Edward Shortliffe with James Cimino as
associate editor contains a description of biomedical informatics which is represented
by the diagram shown above.
Informatics is viewed as four subfields, public health informatics, clinical
informatics, imaging informatics, and bioinformatics each with a specific focus as
represented by the left hand side. The right hand side lists the component sciences in
biomedical informatics which includes computer science, clinical science, basic
biomedical science, cognitive science, bioengineering, management science,
epidemiology, and statistics.
To begin, Shortliffe defines biomedical informatics as “the scientific field that
deals with biomedical information, data, and knowledge – their storage, retrieval, and
optimal use for problem solving and decision making.”
As a field of study, Shorliffe states biomedical informatics is “concerned with
the broad range of issues in the management and use of biomedical information,
including biomedical computing and the study and nature of biomedical information
Clinical Informatics
Imaging Informatics
Biomedical Informatics
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