Consent Letter

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Republic of the Philippines

Region V-Bicol
Divisions of Camarines Norte
Camambugan, Daet

Informed Consent Statement

I, __________________________, parent/guardian of _____________, understood that containing my

child within the premises of our home will secure his/her safety, knowing that this action will serve as a
precautionary measure to avoid the spread of Covid-19 infections. Hence, I will never permit my child to
go outside the premises to conduct any school-related activities. All the performance tasks or written
assessment whether it may be group or individual tasks will be conducted and accomplished
individually, and instead of meeting face to face, virtual meeting/s will serve as an alternative. I
understand that the risk of my child becoming exposed to, or infected by COVID-19 may result from the
actions, omissions, or negligence of Parent, Student, and others, including, but not limited to, Camarines
Norte Senior High School and its employees.

By signing this agreement, I acknowledged the contagious nature of COVID-19.

Parent/Guardian Signature:

Signature over Printed Name Date

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