(Oldroyd et al., 2011). Rhizobia differentiate into N2- major crop is soybean. The land type of maximum
fixing bacteroids, which use the nitrogenase enzyme areas was medium lowland (Table 1).
to convert atmospheric N2 to ammonia (Terpolilli.,
2012). While many rhizobia infect roots by the Storage of collected Soybean root nodules:
infection thread, some infect roots through "crack
entrance" or root epidermal cells (González-Sama et When nodules were collected from soybean root
al., 2004; Ardley et al., 2013; Bianco., 2014). mature soybean plants were selected for nodule
collection and the nodules were separated from those
Chemical fertilizers can affect the microbial flora in plants to count their numbers. The counted nodules
the soil and also add high acidity to the soil. As a are then taken in cotton silled tubes containing silica
result, the pH of the soil changes, which can destroy gel and then preserved in the refrigerator at 4oC
some important bacterial types. Due to their high temperature.
water solubility, these fertilizers can also be
dissolved into the groundwater without benefiting the YEMA media preparation
plant. Chemical fertilizers may also promote plant
diseases. The soil becomes harmed if chemical Yeast Extract Mannitol Agar (YEMA) media were
fertilizers are applied often and continuously to the prepared for bacteria culture. Media compositions
same soil (Mishra et al., 2013). Chemical fertilizers were properly measured and taken in distilled water
contain chemical substances whereas biofertilizers containing a conical flask and then kept in a
contain living microbes and other organic matter, magnetic stirrer (a magnetic stirrer is a device widely
which contain the essential nutrients required for the used in laboratories containing of a rotating magnet
growth of plants. Biofertilizers are beneficial for the or a stationary electromagnet to create a rotating
environment, are an excellent source of nutrients, magnetic field). The pH of the solution was also
enhance soil texture, eliminate pathogenic detected by using a pH meter and needed to maintain
components that cause illness, and assist to maintain the range of pH 6.5-7. To increase the range of pH
soil fertility. Overall, biofertilizers are a good source adding NaOH and to decrease the range of pH adding
of the nutrients needed by plants to increase diluted H2SO4 should be needed. Then the media
production and produce healthier harvests. suspension needed to be autoclaved at 1210C 20 min
Rhizobium is a common component of biological at 15 PSI. At the final stage, media suspension was
fertilizers (Saeed et al., 2015). So, the objectives of poured into petridish by maintaining asceptic
this study were (i) to isolate, identify and condition and the media was prepared after 20-30
characterize effective rhizobial strains collected from minutes.
soybean growing areas, (ii) to produce biofertilizers
by those effective strains (iii) to evaluate their Isolation of Rhizobium from nodules:
efficacy on growth and yield of soybean at field level
of soybean growing area of Noakhali region of Collected nodules were then crushed by maintaining
Bangladesh. highly aseptic conditions inside the laminar air flow
at the highly restricted microbiology lab of
MATERIALS AND METHODS Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI).
The following steps should be maintained during the
Collection and Isolation of Rhizobium from crushing of the nodules.
nodules: 1) Nodules are soaked in sterilized
distilled water for 2-3 hours before
Nodules from soybean root (50 samples) were crushing.
collected from different fields of Subarnachar, 2) Wash the nodules 2 to 3 times by
Noakhali, Bangladesh using global positioning sterilizing distilled water in an
system (GPS) record along with crop history (Fig. 1, autoclaved petri dish.
Table 1). The collected nodule samples cover the 3) Soak the nodules in ethanol (just 5
areas of Char Wabda, Char Aminul Haque, Vatior seconds).
Tek, Char Kaji Mokhlec, Char Jubli, East Shoulokia, 4) 6 to 7 minutes soak in calcium
Char Jabber, East Char Jabber, 3 No Char Wabda, hypochloride.
Char Aman ullah, Char kata Bunia, Char Bata, 5) Ten times wash with sterilized
Tajpur, Middle Char Bata and North Koccopia distilled water to remove traces of
villages of Subarnachar, Noakhali District (Table 1). calcium hypochlorite.
The nodules samples which collected from soybean 6) Little amount of distilled water is
plants in different locations taking the information of taken in petridish with a
farmer’s name, father’s name, and address with micropipette.
mentioning mobile number, and existing crop 7) Glass rod burns in the fire and then
information. The major cropping pattern of these crushes the nodules.
locations are Fellow-Rice-Soybean and the existing
8) 0.1 ml of nodules suspension was placed on an electric shaker and shaken at 150 rpm
taken in a yeast extract mannitol speed to enhance rhizobial growth. Depending on the
agar (YEMA) plate by using a growth rate (fast or slow growing), the broth culture
micropipette and then spread into was ready after 2–7 days or when the media in the
the whole plate with a spreader. flasks exhibited dense development. It is known as
9) YEM agar plates have been "mother culture." After being examined for purity
incubated at 300C for 2-3 days for and healthy development, the culture was moved
specific bacterial growth. from tubes to big flasks with sterile liquid media for
2 to 7 days. The rhizobial broth was raised in large
Culture and subculture of Rhizobium from flasks on a horizontal shaker using YEM medium.
mother culture. The broth was examined considering healthy growth
YEMA plate growing bacteria (mother culture) took and if contamination is found it will be discarded.
by a sterile loop to sub-culture 1 plate and We utilized broths when viable cell counts were
after two times sequentially sub-cultured, a single found more than 109/ml.
colony of Rhizobium bacteria was obtained from 2nd
time successfully subculture plate. The isolated Morphological characterization of Rhizobium
strains were purified by the streak plate method. isolates:
Motility test method:
Slunt Preparation Bacterial morphology was detected by microscope.
The stereo microscope can be used to view motility
Slunt was prepared with the corresponding plating in a wet mount by reducing the amount of light that
media technique without adding congo red dye. After passes through the specimen. The small amount (20
mixing slunt composition with sterile distilled water µl) of bacteria culture were taken in slide and put
it burned over bunsen burner until boiled for better small amount safranine to fixed by coverslip. Then
mixing. Then, the cooled suspension was poured into the slide was seen under stereo microscope. This is
slunt tubes and then autoclaved it. The autoclaved the most common method of observing motility. It is
slunt tubes were put in laminar air flow till the quick and inexpensive method.
suspension turned as slunt form. Biochemical characterization of Rhizobium
Purification and preservation of the isolated Gram staining test procedure:
strains: 1. Take a clean, grease free slide.
2. Prepare the smear of suspension on the
A final selection of the bacterial strains was done by clean slide with a loopful of sample.
comparing morphological (colony) characteristics 3. Air dry and heat fix
and transferring them to agar slants. In this process, 4. Crystal violet was poured and kept for about
Rhizobium bacteria took from sub culture purified 30 seconds to 1 minutes and rinse with
plate by using a sterile loop and then put into in slunt water.
media by maintaining aseptic conditions. The 5. Flood the gram’s iodine for 1 minute and
cultured slunt was then incubated for 3-4 days at wash with water.
280C±2 for bacterial growth. The purified slants 6. Then, wash with 95% alcohol or acetone for
strains were separated and preserved as stock culture about 10-20 seconds and rinse with water.
in a refrigerator at 40C. In addition, culture mixed 7. Add safranin for about 1 minute and wash
with 50% (v/v) glycerol was kept in -20 0C for short with water.
time and -800C for long time preservation. 8. Air dry, blot dry and observe under stereo
Preparation of broth cultures
Congo red test method:
Broth was also prepared as like plating media
preparation. Congo red or ager didn’t add in broth Congo red was used in Yeast Extract Mannitol Agar
culture. Congo red was caused for radish media (YEMA) media preparation for bacterial test. Media
color and ager made the media sticky as well as compositions with 10 ml congo red for 1 liter were
solid. The Rhizobium strains were initially sub- properly measured and taken in distilled water
cultured on plates from the test tube stock to create containing conical flask. The conical flask then kept
the broth cultures. Erlenmeyer flasks containing in a magnetic stirrer for proper mixing of the
yeast mannitol broth medium were sterilized for 20 compositions with congo red. The pH of the solution
minutes at 121°C and 15 PSI of steam. A little was also detected by using a pH meter and needed to
amount of Rhizobium culture was aseptically maintain the range of pH 6.5-7. To increase the range
transferred from the plates to the liquid medium in of pH adding NaOH and to decrease the range of pH
the flasks with the use of an inoculating needle after adding diluted H2SO4 should be used. Then the
the media had been cooled. The flasks were then media suspension needed to be autoclaved. At the
final stage, media suspension was poured into capacity materials were contained in the
petridish by maintaining ascetic condition and the polyethylene bags aseptically with the help of a
media were prepared after 20-30 minutes. Then the sterilized syringe in the inoculation chamber and the
bacteria grow in these media by maintaining plate puncture was sealed by adhesive tape. The contents
growing methods. were mixed by rolling in hand, incubated at 28 oC for
two weeks, and then stored at 4oC. Finally, these
Seedling infectivity test: biofertilizer packets were used for soybean
In order to assess Rhizobium's capacity to infect
soybean seedling roots, it was cultivated in yeast Quality checking
extract mannitol (YEM) broth culture at 30°C for 48
hours. After that, one to two seedlings were placed in After an incubation period, the inoculum quality was
a YEM agar slant tube (60 ml glass test tube, checked by counting the viable rhizobia following
diameter 3 cm) with 0.1 ml of this broth culture. The the drop plate method of Miles and Misra (1938)
tube was then kept at room temperature for three to which provides several dilutions and purely surface
five weeks while aseptic conditions were kept in colonies on one plate. The resulting product had at
place, and the nitrogen-free nutrient solution was least 300 million (3 x 108) rhizobia per g of peat
given to YEM agar slant tubes as a source of (Burton and Roberts., 1967). The following were the
nutrients twice in a week. relevant clauses for rhizobial cultures.
Peat was used as carrier material. In Bangladesh, 5. The pH of the inoculants was between 6.0 -
there was a great reserve of peat soil in the greater 7.5.
Faridpur, Khulna and Sylhet districts. It was proved
that there was a great possibility to using them for 6. The inoculants were show effective
the commercial production of peat based inoculum nodulation on all those species/cultivars
(Khanam et al., 1996). After collection, the peat and listed on the packet before the expiry date.
the soil materials were first air-dried thoroughly. The
air-dried materials were ground to a fine powder 7. The carrier material was neutralized with
using a laboratory grinding mill so as to pass through calcium carbonate and sterilized.
80 mesh sieve. Powdered peat was neutralized with
5% CaCO3 to raise the pH to 6.8. A weighed amount 8. The manufacturer shall control the quality
of inoculant materials was then taken in cotton of broth and maintained records of the test.
plugged erlenmeyer flasks and sterilized in an
autoclave at 121oC and 15 psi of steam pressure for 9. The inoculants were packed in 50 to 75-
40 minutes. Small 0.038 mm dia polyethylene bags micron low-density polyethylene packet or
were sterilized with alcohol. The sterilized materials any other suitable container.
were then transferred into the polyethylene bags and
sealed carefully to avoid any contamination. 10. Each packet was marked legibly to give the
following information:
Inoculation, incubation, and storage
High-count broth cultures were injected into the (a) Name of the product, specifically as
inoculant so as to attain at 40% moisture-holding Rhizobium inoculant (b) Leguminous crop
for which intended, (c) Name and address of and is successfully grown in most soils of soybean
the manufacturer, (d) Type of the carrier, (e) growing areas of Bangladesh.
Batch or code number, (f) Date of
manufacture, (g) Date of expiry, (h) Storage Experimental design
instructions. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized
Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 12 treatments
Methods of using biofertilizers and 3 replications. Ten Rhizobium isolates, with a
reference strains (Rhizobium sp BARI RGm901)
Biofertilizers can be applied to the seed or directly obtained from Soil Science Division, Bangladesh
into the seedbed before sowing. Different methods of Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) and a control
inoculant application with minor variations have treatment were placed in each replication. The
been reported in the literature (Brockwell et al., recommended plot size was 3m x 2m and plant
1995). Many of the methods are quoted by Burton spacing was 30 cm (row to row) x 10 cm (line to
(1979) and some are the U.S. patented. Generally, line).
peat-based inoculants were mixed with minimum
amount of water to form a slurry (sugar or gum Treatments combination are as follows:
arabic) and seeds were added to the slurry so as to T1: Rhizobium sp 01
uniformly coat the seeds with the inoculants. The T2: Rhizobium sp 02
seeds were dried in shade and sown immediately. T3: Rhizobium sp 03
Liquid inoculants were also used in some countries. T4: Rhizobium sp 04
This method was very effective when applied by a T5: Rhizobium sp 05
gravity flow applicator or a sprayer. The method T6: Rhizobium sp 06
worked well with small and large experiments, and T7: Rhizobium sp 07
also for commercial sowing. T8: Rhizobium sp 08
T9: Rhizobium sp 09
Field experiment: T10: Rhizobium sp 10
The experiment was conducted at Subornochor, T11: Rhizobium sp BARI
Noakhali from 10th January to 24th April, 2022. The RGm901
experiment was carried out in Robi season because T12: Control
winter is the best time period for soybean growth.
The experimental site is located about North latitude Seed sterilization
22.74oN and East longitude 90.61oE. The land Seeds were mixed with 5% methyl alcohol and
selected for the experiment was medium high land. shaked properly. Then the seeds were drained and
The experimental details for this trial are given washed out with sterile water. The seeds were settle
below: down for 5 minutes with 0.2% mercuric chloride and
drained off. Finally the seeds were washed with
Field used sterile water by 6 times and dried in the sun.
A farmer’s field was selected for the research trial
at Tereja pul, Subarnachar, Noakhali. The name Inoculation of seeds with Rhizobium
of the field owner was Abu Bakar. Clods were In field tests, the carrier-based (peat) Rhizobium
broken, weeds and unwanted materials were inoculum was employed. All the ten Rhizobium
removed. Initial soil samples from the experimental strains were used in inoculum. At a rate of 1.5 kg ha -
fields, taken at a depth of 0–15 cm, were collected
, peat-based rhizobial inoculum containing 10 9 cells
and subjected to normal procedures for analysis g-1 inoculum was employed. Before planting, seeds
(Table 05). and inoculum were well mixed (20:1 ratio). 75 kg of
Fertilization seeds per hectare were utilized.
Chemical fertilizers were applied according to the
treatments. In the form of TSP, MoP, gypsum, zinc Sowing of seeds
sulphate, and boric acid, respectively, phosphorus, Soybean seeds were sown in line. Field was irrigated
potassium, sulphur, zinc, and boron (100-22-42-40- upto satuaration to allow the soil and inoculum to
5-1 kg N-P-K-S-Zn-B kg ha-1) were utilized. When settle down in the field. After germination of seeds,
preparing the land, P, K, S, Zn, and B were all used. unhealthy plants were uprooted carefully.
growth. No insecticide was used during the colonies which is in agreement with the findings of
growth period. The plants were free from insects Mondal et al., (2016). Congo red was thought to
and diseases. Nodules were collected at the 50% form colored colloidal complex with ions on the cell
blooming stage by carefully removing five sample surface, the colonies absorbed little dye and
plants chosen at random from each unit plot. After remained colorless or became slightly pink after 2
being extracted from the roots, nodules were days of incubation which proved all colonies
counted, oven-dried, and belonged to Rhizobium. By determining bacterial
plate growth activity and study of overall
Harvesting morphological characteristics ten well-characterized
bacteria were selected for further studies.
At maturity, information on yield and yield Findings of motility test:
components was recorded. The soybean was The motility test declared that all of the bacteria
harvested on 25th April, 2022. The plants were were gram-negative because they contain flagella
carefully uprooted with minimum disturbance of which must be needed for their movement.
roots. The roots were washed with tap water. Gram staining test findings:
Roots and shoots were separated with the help of In case of gram negative bacteria, the cell wall also
a sharp scissors and were preserved after takes up the crystal violet-iodine complex but due to
necessary processing for determining root mass the thin layer of peptidoglycan and a thick outer
and percent root colonization. Shoots were dried layer which is formed of lipids, crystal violet-iodine
in an oven for 72 hours at 700c. complex gets washed off. When they are exposed to
alcohol, the decolorizer dissolves the lipids in the
Statistical analysis cell walls, which allows the crystal violet-iodine
complex to leach out of the cells. Then when again
The data was entered and collated in a MS Excel stained with safranin, they take the stain and appear
spreadsheet and analyzed using Statistix 10 TM pink color. The bacteria in the sample were pink
software. A RCBD design was used to statistically when the stain reacted with them. Isolated ten
examine all the data. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) bacterial strains were showed gram negative under
was used to examine the effects of the treatments on stereo-microscope.
the variables that were assessed, and the least Congo red test findings:
significant difference (LSD) multiple range test, The purity of isolated Rhizobium sp. was tested
which was computed at the 5% level of probability using the congo red method since various strains of
(𝑃 ≤ 0.05), was used to compare the treatment means the bacteria varied in their capacity to hold onto the
(Gomez and Gomez, 1984). dye. Ten bacterial isolates were grown on yeast
extract mannitol agar with congo red in the dark on
RESULT AND DISCUSSION YEMA medium did not hold onto the dye. All of
these bacteria formed whitish color and didn’t
This chapter deals with the presentation of absorb congo red which indicates that they were
experimental results along with their interpretation gram negative. For Rhizobia, yeast extract was a
and discussion in respect of the response of good supply of easily available amino acids, vitamin
Rhizobium inoculant to soybean. B complex, and auxiliary growth agent (Aneja.,
Morphology and biochemical traits of Rhizobium 2007).
A total of 50 bacteria (isolates from soybean root Seedling infectivity test
nodules) were collected from Subarnachar, Noakhali Infection ability was checked in a test tube culture of
area of Bangladesh (Fig. 01 and Table: 01). The soybean. Ten isolates of effective Rhizobium (strain
bacteria were characterized following the standard sp 01 to strain sp 10 of soybean) were used for the
microbiological and biochemical methods. As infection ability test and all bacteria successfully
standard microbiological methods, the morphology produced nodules in soybean roots in both test tubes
and gram staining were investigated. The (Table 7, Fig. 24).
biochemical characteristics such as congo red, gram Olivares et al., (1980) found that the infectiveness of
staining was investigated. The cells of Rhizobium Rhizobium meliloti and Medicago sativa formed
isolates were examined under stereo microscope and many nodules during the infectvity test using a
found that the cells were rod shape and motile. The method that involves mixing tetracycline or without
isolates absorbed counter stain as they were gram tetracycline.
negative bacteria. Aung., (2020) stated that
Rhizobium was gram negative, rod shaped and motile Rhizobium enhances nodulation of soybean:
which was in line with the present study. The isolates
were observed to lack the ability to absorb congo red At 50% flowering stage of soybean, the number of
from YEMA medium containing this dye where nodule was recorded higher in inoculated Rhizobium
colonies were colorless white or very faintly pink bacteria compared to the non-inoculated control. The
highest number of nodules (31.3 plant-1), was with N20. The interaction effect of different rhizobial
recorded with treatment T7 which was similar to strains and N fertilizer on the number of nodules
treatment T2 but differ from all other treatments. The plant-1 revealed that the highest and lowest number of
second highest number of nodules (29.7 plant -1), nodules plant-1 was 30.33 and 5.00 found in the plant
were recorded with treatment T 2 but differ with all inoculated with rhizobial strain-J43×15 kg N ha-1 and
other treatments. The lowest number of nodules (13.3 control treatment respectively. An increase in
plant-1), were recorded with treatment T 12. nodules per plant due to the application of
Bradyrhizobium japonicum (strains B157) inoculated inoculation in combination with nitrogen fertilizer
soybean plant recorded height nodulation 45 pieces was reported by Rashid et al., (1999).
per root compare to non-inoculated soybean Hossain., (2018) found in Lentil (Lens culinaris
(Vorobey et al., 2022). It might be due to the Medik.) that the highest number of nodules (10.29)
capacity of Rhizobium strains with the surrounding was produced in the plants treated with Rhizobium
favourable environment. strain 1, which was significantly different from the
other treatments. The second highest number of
Alam et al., (2015) found that numbers of nodules nodules (7.96) was found in Rhizobium strain 2.
were higher in soybean plants inoculated with Mixed culture of Rhizobium strains 1 and 2 produced
Rhizobium sp. BARIRGm901 than in non-inoculated the lower nodules (7.58) than single strain of
plants. Rhizobium inoculated plants of all genotypes Rhizobium. Urea 50 kg N/ha produced a slightly
yielded significantly (p ≤ 0.05) higher nodule higher number of nodules (3.82) than control (3.14)
numbers and weights than non-inoculated plants in i.e. uninoculated treatment. The lowest nodule
both years (2010 and 2011) of the experiment. Alam number (3.14) was found in uninoculated treatment.
et al., (2015) also mention that BARI soybean6 The maximum dry weight of nodule in gram was
inoculated with Rhizobium sp. BARIRGm901 obtained from Rhizobium strain 1 followed by mixed
produced significantly (p ≤ 0.05) higher nodule culture of Rhizobium strains 1 and 2. The lowest
numbers than other inoculated and non-inoculated nodule dry weight (3.80 g) was observed in the
genotypes across all the treatments in 2010 and 2011, uninoculated treatment.
with the exception of MTD10 + R (“+R” indicates a Correlations were examined the relationship between
genotype inoculated with Rhizobium sp. nodule number with pod plant-1, nodule number with
BARIRGm901) and Shohag + R. In each year, the stover yield and nodule number with seed yield of
nodule numbers on all soybean genotypes correlated soybean. The study revealed a significant and
positively with stover yield (2010: r = 0.691; 2011: r positive correlation between nodule number with pod
= 0.796) and seed yield (2010: r = 0.743; 2011: r = plant-1 (Fig. 26), nodule number with stover yield
0.810) (Alam et al., 2015). (Fig. 27) and nodule number with seed yield (Fig.
Sultana et al., (2014) found that different rhizobial 28) of soybean and followed the regression equation
strains significantly influenced the number of y = -0.3246x + 64.564 (R² = 0.3702***), y = 0.0188x
nodules plant-1 in soybean. The highest number of + 3.247 (R² = 0.0813**) & y = -0.0087x + 2 (R² =
nodules plant-1 (27.58) was observed in plants 0.396**) respectively. It indicates that the nodule
inoculated with Rhizobium strain-J43 which was number helped to increase pod, stover and seed yield
significantly higher than those of other treatments. of soybean.
Strain-102 and mixed strains (J43 and 102)
inoculated plants that produced identical number of
Nodule weight increased by soybean inoculation:
nodules plant-1. On the other hand, the lowest number
of nodules plant-1 (13.83) was counted from control. The nodule weight was recorded higher in inoculated
Nodulation might be due to the effective symbiosis Rhizobium bacteria compare to non-inoculate
between legume and rhizobial strains. Thus, the control. The nodule weight was marked the highest
findings of this experiment are in agreement with (0.66 g plant-1) with T11 treatment which was identical
those of Slattery et al., (2004) who reported that with treatment T7 and differed with other treatment.
Rhizobium leguminosarum bv viciae is responsible The second highest nodule weight (0.61g plant -1),
for the effective nodulation of faba bean, lentils and were recorded with treatment T 7 but differ with all
field pea. Egamberdiyeva et al., (2004) investigated other treatments. The lowest nodule weight (0.19 g
the effect of inoculation with Bradyrhizobium plant-1), were recorded with both treatment T3 & T12.
japonicum S-2492 on soybean nodulation. They
Alam et al., (2015) reported that the weights of
observed positive effects on nodule numbers.
nodules were higher in soybean plants inoculated
Kavathiya and Pandey., (2000) found 69 nodules
with Rhizobium sp. BARIRGm901 than in non-
plant-1 by inoculating mungbean seed with
inoculated plants. Rhizobium inoculated plants of all
Rhizobium. Different levels of N also showed
genotypes yielded significantly (p ≤ 0.05) higher
significant variation with respect to the numbers of
nodule numbers and weights than non-inoculated
nodules plant-1. The highest and lowest number of
plants in both years (2010 and 2011) of the
nodules plant-1 was 25.91 and 17.83 observed with
experiment. Across all treatments, BARI soybean6 +
the treatment N15 and control which was identical
R (“+R” indicates a genotype inoculated with
Rhizobium sp. BARIRGm901) produced
significantly (p ≤ 0.05) higher nodule weight than Rhizobium contribution to shoot biomass of
other inoculated and non-inoculated genotypes in soybean:
both years, with the exception of MTD10 + R and
Shohag + R. The dry weight of nodules of all The shoot weight was recorded higher in inoculated
soybean genotypes were positively correlated with Rhizobium bacteria compareed to non-inoculate
stover yield (r = 0.727) and seed yield (r = 0.728) control. The highest shoot weight (11.00 g plant -1)
only in 2011. was recorded with treatment T3 which was identical
Cassol., (2017) found that Nodule dry weight was with the treatment T5, T6, T7 & T9 but differed with
significantly (P ≤ 0.05) affected by the interaction of all other treatments. The second highest shoot weight
soybean variety and rhizobial strain. Soybean variety (10.80 g plant-1), were recorded with treatment T2
Jalele produced significantly higher nodule dry which was identical with treatment T9 but differ with
weight (0.20 g plant-1) when inoculated with B. all other treatments. The lowest shoot weight (6.46
japonicum strain TAL 379 followed by variety Cheri plant-1), were recorded with treatment T 12 which was
(0.19 g plant-1) with the same rhizobial strain. This is similar with treatment T11 but differ with all other
in agreement with the report of Liu et al., (2011) who treatments.
observed that nodule dry weight was significantly Alam et al., (2015) found that soybean varieties and
dependent on B. japonicum strain and soybean advanced lines inoculated with Rhizobium sp.
variety interaction. BARIRGm901 produced greater shoot weights,
Sultana et al., (2014) found that the maximum and compared with non-inoculated controls in both years
minimum nodule dry weight was 0.19 g and 0.06 g of the experiment. BARI soybean6 + R (“+R”
recorded from the plant inoculated with strain-J43 indicates a genotype inoculated with Rhizobium sp.
and non-inoculated plant. It is clear that there was no BARIRGm901), BGM02026, and BGM02026 + R
statistical difference in nodule dry weight of plants produced significantly (p ≤ 0.05) greater shoot
inoculated with strain102 and mixed strains (102 and biomass in 2010, but BARI soybean6 + R, BARI
J43). Different rhizobial strains increase the soybean6, BGM02026, and BGM02026 + R showed
nodulation of the plant compared to control. Icgen., significantly (p ≤ 0.05) greater shoot biomass in 2011
(2002) conducted a field experiment with five local compared with other treatments genotypes. All
and seven standard strains of Rhizobium and the soybean genotypes were positively correlated with
maximum increase in nodule dry weight was found stover yield (2010: r = 0.970; 2011: r = 0.719) and
in rhizobial infection compared to control in seed yield (2010: r = 0.668; 2011: r = 0.709).
soybean. Bhuiyan et al., (1998) stated that
inoculation with Rhizobium increased nodule dry
weight. When treated with different N levels 15 kg N
ha-1 showed the highest (0.154g) and control showed Rhizobium influence to root biomass of soybean:
the lowest (0.09g) nodule dry weight plant-1. The
results from the interaction effect of rhizobial strain The root weight was recorded higher in inoculated
and N fertilizer showed the highest and lowest Rhizobium bacteria compare to non-inoculate
nodule dry weight was 0.23g and 0.01g obtained control. The highest root weight (1.82 g plant -1) was
from a treatment combination of strain-J43 × 15 kg N recorded with treatments T6 that was identical with
ha-1 and control. The rhizobial strain treatment in treatments T4, T5 & T11 but differ with all other
conjunction with N level influenced the nodule dry treatments. The second highest root weight (1.77 g
weight of the plant. plant-1) was recorded with treatments T4 that differ
with all other treatments. The lowest root weight
A correlation study was done to examine the (1.05 g plant-1) was recorded with treatment T 2 that
relationship of nodule weight with pod plant-1, nodule was identical with treatment T10 but differ from all
weight with stover yield and nodule weight with seed other treatments.
yield of soybean over unicoculated control. The
study revealed a significant and positive correlation Akter et al., (2019) found that root dry weight of
between nodule weight with pod plant -1 (Fig. 30), Mungbean was influenced significantly by the
nodule weight with stover yield (Fig. 31) and nodule application of phosphorus with Rhizobium. The
weight with seed yield (Fig. 32) of soybean and results of root dry weight at 30, 45, 60 and 75 DAS
followed the regression equation y = -0.4487x + have been found. The highest dry weight of root
57.705 (0.316, 0.451, 0.570 and 0.717 g) plant-1 was found
(R² = 0.0005***), y = 1.3773x + 3.1443 (R² = in 40 kg P ha-1 with Rhizobium inoculant and the
0.3085**) & y = 0.1236x + 1.7365 (R² = 0.0154**) lowest dry weight of root (0.148, 0.208, 0.368 and
respectively. It indicates that the nodule weight 0.422 g) plant-1 was found in T1 (control) treatment.
helped to increase the seed yield of soybean. Similar results were reported by Khan et al., (2017)
and Erman et al., (2009).
Alam et al., (2015) found that soybean varieties and The correlation study was done to examine the
advanced lines inoculated with Rhizobium sp. relationship of plant height with stover yield and
BARIRGm901 produced greater root weights plant height with seed yield of soybean. The study
compared with non-inoculated controls in both years revealed a significant and positive correlation
of the experiment. Root biomasses were significantly between plant height with stover yield (Fig. 36) and
(p ≤ 0.05) higher in BARI soybean 6 + R (“+R” plant height with seed yield (Fig. 37) of soybean and
indicates a genotype inoculated with Rhizobium sp. followed the regression equation y = 0.04x + 1.3501
BARIRGm901) and BGM02026 + R plants in 2010, (R² = 0.3097**) & y = 0.0165x + 0.8339 (R² =
and in BARI soybean6 + R, BGM02026 + R, 0.3254**) respectively. Non-significant and effects
MTD10 + R, and MTD10 plants in 2011, compared of rhizobial strains on soybean also performed
with other treatments genotypes. Root biomass of all positive correlation. It indicates that the plant height
soybean genotypes were positively correlated with helped to increase seed yield of soybean.
stover yield (2010: r = 0.983; 2011: r = 0.991) and
seed yield (2010: r = 0.771; 2011: r = 0.998). Rhizobium contribution to pod formation of
Rhizobium contribution to plant height of
soybean: The pod length was recorded non-significant with all
of the treatments. The lowest pod heights ranged
The plant height was recorded higher in inoculated from 10.8 to 20.4 cm (4.3 to 8.0 inches), on average,
Rhizobium bacteria compare to non-inoculate across all varieties at St. Adolphe. At Morris, the
control. The highest plant height (64.5cm) was lowest pods ranged from 9.7 to 17.2 cm (3.8 to 6.8
recorded with treatments T 10 which were identical inches) from the ground. Shome et al., (2022) found
with treatment T3 & T7 but differ with all other that Rhizobium and PSB significantly affected pod
treatments. The second highest plant height (64.4cm) length and 100-seed weight (p < 0.01). Pod length
were recorded with treatments T3 which were ranged from 3.66 cm to 5.11 cm due to different
identical with treatment T7 but differ with all other Rhizobium treatments and 4.03 cm to 4.72 cm due
treatments. The lowest plant height 47.7cm was to Pseudomonas treatments. The longest pod was
recorded with treatments T12. given by 50% of recommended N with Rhizobium
japonicum inoculant, while 75% P and Pseudomonas
Alam et al., (2015) found that soybean varieties and
striata produced that which was the longest.
advanced lines inoculated with Rhizobium sp.
BARIRGm901 increased plant height, compared
Rhizobium contribution to pod yield of soybean:
with non-inoculated controls in both years of the
The highest Pod plant -1 (62.87 plant-1) was recorded
experiment. Plant height was significantly (p ≤ 0.05)
with treatment T5 which was identical with the
increased in BARI soybean6 + R (“+R” indicates a
treatment T8 & T12 but differ with all other
genotype inoculated with Rhizobium sp.
treatments. The second highest Pod plant -1 (61.40
BARIRGm901) and BGM02026 + R plants in 2010,
plant-1) was recorded with treatment T8 which was
and in BARI soybean6 + R, BARI soybean6, and
identical with the treatment T12 but differ with all
BGM02026 + R plants in 2011, compared with other
other treatments. The lowest Pod plant-1 (52.17 plant-
treatments genotypes. Plant heights, of all soybean 1
) was recorded with treatment T2.
genotypes were positively correlated with stover
Gedamu et al., 2021 established that the number of
yield (2010: r = 0.987; 2011: r = 0.910) and seed
pods plant-1 was affected by the inoculation of the all
yield (2010: r = 0.902; 2011: r = 0.911).
EAL17, EAL1018 and EAL1035 rhizobium strains.
Sultana et al., (2014) found that different rhizobial
Accordingly, inoculation of those three faba beans
strains and N interaction on plant height was
brought statistically significant (P ≤ 0.05) difference
significant result. The highest and lowest plant height
compared to the non-inoculated treatment. This
was 86.58 cm and 73.08 cm observed in strain-J43
increment in could be attributed to the increment of
and control. The variation in plant height might be
faba bean plant height. The research conducted by
due to the rhizobial inoculation. The above results
Yohannes Desta et al., (2015) reported that rhizobial
are in agreement with the findings of Solaiman.,
strain alone could significantly increase the number
(1999). When treated with different N levels the
of pods/plants.
highest (83.41 cm) and lowest (76.16 cm) plant
height were recorded from N15 and N0.
Alam et al., (2015) developed the inoculation of
soybean roots with Rhizobium sp. BARIRGm901
According to Tena et al., (2016), the Rhizobium
resulted in higher pod plnat -1, compared with yields
inoculants produced the tallest plants and more
of non-inoculated plants, in both 2010 and 2011.
branches per plant than the control. In the case of
BARI Soybean6 + R (“+R” indicates a genotype
chickpea, Maurya and Sanoria., (1986) found same
inoculated with Rhizobium sp. BARIRGm901) plants
produced significantly (p ≤ 0.05) higher pod yields
(2010: 40.94 pods plant−1; 2011: 48.0 pods plant −1) The 100 seeds weight was recorded as non-
than plants from other treatments and genotypes. significant with all of the treatments. Shome et al.,
Sajid et al., (2011) established that the treatments had 2022 found that Rhizobium and PSB significantly
a significant effect on the number of pods plant -1. affected 100-seed weight (p < 0.01). An 18%
However, the maximum number of pods plant -1 increase in seed weight was observed due to the
(79.80) was produced by inoculated plants, minimum application of 50% N with R. japonicum, while the
of pods (56.40) was produced by uninoculated plants. increase was 12% for 75% P and P. striata
Maximum pods plant-1 in the inoculated plants may inoculation. Shome et al., (2022) also mention that
be due to the increased number of bacteria due to treatment combinations significantly impacted the
synthetic inoculation. It might also be due to more number of seeds pod−1, in R. japonicum and P.
leaves and shoots plant-1 which enable the plant to striata (R2P2).
produce and sink more photosynthates/carbohydrates
to the lower parts and thus more pods plant -1 was Seed Yield:
produced. Among the cultivars, maximum pods The seed yield was recorded higher in inoculated
plant-1 (85.30) were produced by cv. Chakori, while Rhizobium bacteria compared to non-inoculate
less pods plant-1 (51.90) were produced by cv. KS-1. control. The seed yield (2.06 t ha-1) was recorded in
This may be due to the genetic potential of these the highest with treatment T7 which was identical
cultivars. with treatment T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T8 & T9 but
differ with other treatments. The second highest seed
Rhizobium contribution to stover yield of soybean: yield (1.90 t ha-1) was recorded with treatment T4
The stover yield was recorded higher in inoculated which was identical with treatment T1, T2 & T3 but
Rhizobium bacteria compared to non-inoculate differ with all other treatments. The lowest seed yield
control. The highest stover yield (4.23 t ha-1) was (1.45 t ha-1), was recorded with treatment T12.
recorded with treatment T7 which was identical to Alam et al., (2015) settle that inoculation of soybean
treatment T10 but differed with treatments T9 & T12. roots with Rhizobium sp. BARIRGm901 resulted in
The second highest stover yield (4.06 t ha-1) was higher seed yields, compared with yields of non-
recorded with treatment T10 which was identical with inoculated plants, in both 2010 and 2011. Alam et al.,
treatment T7 but differ with all other treatments . The (2015) also found that when inoculated with
lowest stover yield (2.69 t ha-1), was recorded with Rhizobium sp. BARIRGm901, three of the four
treatment T12. soybean genotypes tested BARI soybean 6 + R
Alam et al., (2015) reported that inoculation of (“+R” indicates a genotype inoculated with
soybean roots with Rhizobium sp. BARIRGm901 Rhizobium sp. BARIRGm901), MTD10 + R, and
resulted in higher stover yields, compared with yields BGM02026 + R showed significant increases (p ≤
of non-inoculated plants in both 2010 and 2011. 0.05) in seed yields (3.60, 3.08, and 3.22 t ha −1,
BARI Soybean6 + R (“+R” indicates a genotype respectively) compared with plants of other
inoculated with Rhizobium sp. BARIRGm901) plants treatments genotypes in 2010. In 2011, plants of
produced a significantly higher (p ≤ 0.05) stover BARI soybean 6 + R and BGM02026 + R each
yield (4.83 t ha−1) than plants from other treatments produced significantly higher (p ≤ 0.05) seed yields
genotypes in 2010. Likewise, in 2011, BARI (3.84 and 3.56 t ha−1, respectively) compared with
Soybean6 + R and BGM02026 + R plants showed other inoculated and non-inoculated soybean
significantly higher (p ≤ 0.05) stover yield (3.85 t ha varieties and advanced lines (Alam et al., 2015).
and 3.60 t ha−1, respectively) compared with those of According to Bremer et al., (1990) Rhizobium
other treatments genotypes (Alam et al., 2015). improved lentil seed output by 135%. Seed yields
after bradyrhizobia inoculation of soybean cultivar
TGX 1485–1D at Igbariam ranged between 1.20 and
Rhizobium contribution to seed yield of soybean: 2.18 t ha–1 which had seed yields of 1.05 t ha–1 in
uninoculated plants, the poorest yield response after
No seed pod-1: inoculation with Bradyrhizobia strains was observed
The treatment of Rhizobium in no seed pod-1 was in soybean cultivar M-351, with a seed yield ranging
recorded non-significant with all of the treatments. from 0.60 to 0.98 t ha–1 (Okereke et al., 2001).
Gedamu et al., (2021) found that inoculation of Inoculation of soybean seed with Rhizobium
rhizobial strains statistically affected the number of significantly improved the grain yield of soybean.
seeds pod-1 as compared to the un-inoculated Inoculated plants produced grain yield that is 35%
treatment. This finding disagreed with the finding of higher than non-inoculated ones (Adeyeye et al.,
Zerihun and Abera., (2014) who indicated that 2017).
inoculation of rhizobial strain did not impose a Sultana et al., (2014) commence that when treat with
significant difference over the un-inoculated one. different rhizobial strains the highest grain N content
was 7.05% and maximum grain N uptake was 103.48
100 seeds weight: kg ha-1 obtained from strain-J43 and the lowest grain
N content (6.38%) and the minimum grain N uptake
was 79.38 kg ha-1 obtained from the control treated the highest shoot weight and treatment T6 gave the
plant. Seneviratne et al., (2000) and Zhang et al., highest root weight than other treatment
(2002) reported a significant increase in seed and combinations. The highest number of pods plant -
shoot N of Soybean inoculated with B. japonicum. 1
found in treatment T5. The treatments of pod length,
The findings of this experiment is in agreement with number of seed pod-1 & 100 seeds weight showed
those of Kantar et al., (2003) who reported that non significant results. Among the treatment
bacterial inoculation increased total N content (%) combinations, treatment T7 produced both highest
significantly compared to control in chickpea. When stover yield and seed yield. The application of
treated with different N levels the highest N content, Rhizobium inoculum significantly increased most of
grain N uptake was 6.98%, 99.54 kg ha-1 and lowest the parameters of soybean measured this study. It is
N content, grain N uptake was 6.24%, 80.78 kg ha-1 therefore concluded that Rhizobium sp 07 containing
observed from treatment N15 and control group biofertilizer application increases the growth and
respectively. yield of the soybean and Rhizobium sp 07 is the most
A correlation study was done to examine the efficient bacterial strain. The correlation study
relationship between nodule number with root revealed a significant and positive correlation with
weight, shoot weight and plant height. The study all the parameters. It indicates that the nodulation by
revealed a significant and positive correlation Rhizobium bacteria helped to increase the seed yield
between nodule number with root weight, nodule of soybean compared to the uninoculated control.
number with shoot weight and nodule number with The result of Rhizobium inoculation was very
plant height of soybean and followed the regression encoring in respect of nodulation, growth and yield
equation y = 0.4447x + 47.993 (R² = 0.2343***), y = of soybean.
0.0358x + 8.3305 (R² = 0.0221***) & y = -0.0171x
+ 1.7987 (R² = 0.1547***) respectively in (Fig. 44). SUPPLEMENTARY DATA:
It indicates that the nodule number helped to increase
root weight, shoot weight and plant height of Overall data finding in Statistic 10TM softwere of
soybean which also increase soybean seed yield. soybean inoculated by Rhizobium strains.
Means followed by common letter are not
In conclusion, all the Rhizobium isolates obtained significantly different at 5% level by DMRT.
from different soybean plants were not absorbed in
congo red and showed negative reaction with the LIST OF ABREVIATIONS
gram staining test. These bacteria were also rod
shaped, motile and produced nodules in soybean CV Coefficient of Variation
roots. The conducted field experiment with soybean SE Standard Error
(variety BARI Soybean-6), at the farmer’s field of LEVEL SIG. Level of Significance
Tereja pul, Subarnachar, Noakhali showed results EC Electrical Conductivity
that Rhizobium inoculation to soybean legume OM Organic Matter
increase the significant effect on plant height, MEQ Miliequivalent
nodulation, shoot biomass, pod number, pod yield, R Regression
grain yield, 100-seed weight. The treatment T7 pH Potential of Hydrogen
produces the highest number of nodules plant -1 over t ha-1 Ton Per Hectare
all other treatment combinations. Treatment T 3 gave p p -value