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F. Parcon St., Pototan, Iloilo

Gov. Recognition Nos. ER-051, ER-052,s.2018 &
Gov. Recognition No. JHR-013, s. 2021
School I.D. No. 440247

Teacher: Ramil P. Apares Jr. Grade Level: VI

Time: 7:30-8:30 Learning Area: ESP 6
Daily Lesson Plan Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
July 31, 2023 August 1, 2023 August 2, 2023 August 3, 2023 August 4, 2023
This lesson aim to enable the
students to;
A. Showed a strong will to A. Practiced good health habits
A. Explained why they should take good care of their life; and proper hygiene.
I. Objectives love and value their life; and,

At the end of the lesson, the
learners must have:

V. Content/Topic
A. Value Focus Respect for Life Respect for Life Respect for Life
Grade 6 Arete Values for Grade 6 Arete Values for Grade 6 Arete Values for Everyday
B. Learning Resources
Everyday Living. Everyday Living. Living.
C. Page Number 14 – 18 21 – 26
D. Learning Materials Book, Blackboard, Monitor Book, Blackboard, Monitor Book, Blackboard, Monitor
III. Procedure
Let them answer the following Let them Perform the Activity on Let them Perform the Activity on
A. Review/Motivation
questions on page 4. Page 5. Page 5.
Discuss to them how we celebrate Discuss to them on how to Practice
Discuss about Respect for Life
B. Lesson Proper/Presentation life. good health habits and proper
and the Celebration of life.
C. Activities a. Write something most a. Let them answer the Answer the following by circling Y
memorable life events following questions on for Yes, N for NO, and NA for Not
you’ve experienced. page 6, B. Aware.
F. Parcon St., Pototan, Iloilo
Gov. Recognition Nos. ER-051, ER-052,s.2018 &
Gov. Recognition No. JHR-013, s. 2021
School I.D. No. 440247

Life if a precious gift. Without life, Life if a precious gift. Without life, Life if a precious gift. Without life,
we cannot do anything. Let us we cannot do anything. Let us we cannot do anything. Let us
D. Generalization show gratitude for this gift by show gratitude for this gift by show gratitude for this gift by taking
taking care of ourselves and by taking care of ourselves and by care of ourselves and by living it
living it well with others. living it well with others. well with others.
Let the learners to answer the
Direct the students to do the following questions about; How
Let the class do the activities on
IV. Evaluation following activities on page s12-13 would they feel in each situation on
page 6 of the book
the pictures shown on the
A. No. of Learners with
B. No of Learners who need
remediation/ reinforcement
V. Assignment

Submitted by: RAmil P. APARES JR. Checked by: LILIBETH P. PEÑAFIEL

Teacher School Directress

Teacher: Ramil P. Apares Jr. Grade Level: VI

F. Parcon St., Pototan, Iloilo
Gov. Recognition Nos. ER-051, ER-052,s.2018 &
Gov. Recognition No. JHR-013, s. 2021
School I.D. No. 440247

Time: 7:30-8:30 ESP 6
Daily Lesson Plan Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
August 7, 2023 August 8, 2023 August 9, 2023 August 10 2023 August 11, 2023
 Make wised
ddecisions by
weighing the
advantages of
This lesson aims to enable  Appreciated
their actions;  Explained
the students to; people who
agree to the the
a. Explain the have showed
 Showed a strong will decisions of the importance
importance of critical courage and
VI. Objectives to stand up for what is majority for the of being a
thinking and open- determination in
right and true; and, good of all; and courageous.
mindedness in making all the things
At the end of the lesson, practice
wise decisions; they do.
the learners must have: fairness and
equality in

Lesson 2: On Critical Lesson 3: On

Lesson 2: On Critical Thinking Lesson 2: On Critical Thinking Lesson 3: On Fortitude:
Thinking and Open- Fortitude: Being
X. Content/Topic and Open-Mindedness: and Open-Mindedness: Being Courageous in
Mindedness: Making Courageous in the
Making Wise Decisions. Making Wise Decisions. the Midst of Trials.
Wise Decisions. Midst of Trials.
Critical Thingking and Open- Critical Thingking and Open- Critical Thingking and Courage, determination
A. Value Focus determination and
Mindedness Mindedness Open-Mindedness and Fortitude.
Grade 6 Arete
Grade 6 Arete Values for Grade 6 Arete Values for Grade 6 Arete Values Grade 6 Arete Values
B. Learning Resources Values for Everyday
Everyday Living. Everyday Living. for Everyday Living. for Everyday Living.
F. Parcon St., Pototan, Iloilo
Gov. Recognition Nos. ER-051, ER-052,s.2018 &
Gov. Recognition No. JHR-013, s. 2021
School I.D. No. 440247

C. Page Number
Book, Blackboard, Book, Blackboard, Book, Blackboard,
D. Learning Materials Book, Blackboard, Monitor
Book, Blackboard, Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor
III. Procedure
Let the learners answer Let the learners
Let the learners answer the Let the learners answer
Let the learner answer the the “Perform the answer the “Perform
A. Review/Motivation Exercises on page 15, A and the “Perform the
Exercises on page 17, C. Activities” on page 20- the Activities” on
B. Activities” on page 24.
21. page 22-23.
Discuss to the learners
on how to Make wise
Discus to the
decisions by weighing Explain to the learners
learners how to be
Explain the importance of Discuss to them and Show to the advantages of their that we must
courageous and also
B. Lesson critical thinking and open- them that they must be having actions; agree to the Appreciate people who
what is the
Proper/Presentation mindedness in making wise a strong will to stand up for decisions of the have shown courage
importance of having
decisions in everyday life. what is right and true. majority for the good of and determination in all
courageous attitude.
all; and practice the things they do.
fairness and equality in
giving decisions.
Let them
Let them answer the 3 Let them answer the
Let them answer the Let’s do answer the Let them answer the
C. Activities Questions on page 19. Based Let’s do these
these activities A. “ENGAGEMEN “ENGAGEMENT.
on the story that we discuss. activities.
T A and B”
We should Make wise
decisions by weighing We should learners
Explain to the learners
the advantages of their how to be
We must be a critical thinking that we must
We must be having a strong actions; agree to the courageous and also
and open-mindedness in Appreciate people who
D. Generalization will to stand up for what is decisions of the what is the
making wise decisions in have shown courage
right and true. majority for the good of importance of having
everyday life. and determination in all
all; and practice courageous attitude.
the things they do.
fairness and equality in
giving decisions.
IV. Evaluation Let them answer the Let’s do Let them answer the question Let them answer the Worksheet Worksheet
F. Parcon St., Pototan, Iloilo
Gov. Recognition Nos. ER-051, ER-052,s.2018 &
Gov. Recognition No. JHR-013, s. 2021
School I.D. No. 440247

on page 19.
‘’think of an incident when you
had to make a difficult “ENGAGEMENT C and
these activities B.
decision. Write down what D.”
happened as briefly as you
A. No. of Learners with
B. No of Learners who
V. Assignment

cSubmitted by: RAmil P. APARES JR. Checked by: LILIBETH P. PEÑAFIEL

Teacher School Directress
F. Parcon St., Pototan, Iloilo
Gov. Recognition Nos. ER-051, ER-052,s.2018 &
Gov. Recognition No. JHR-013, s. 2021
School I.D. No. 440247

Teacher: Ramil P. Apares Jr. VI
Daily Lesson Plan Time: 7:30-8:30
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
August 14, 2023 August 15, 2023 August 16 2023 August 17, 2023 August 18, 2023
The learners
people who
Practice the
showed Expressed joy and optimism in
virtue of fortitude Explained the importance of patience and Performed their duties
XI. Objectives courage and fulfilling their duties;
in fulfilling perseverance in attaining success; extraordinarily well faithfully
Their duties, and patiently every day.
At the end of the in all the things
no matter
lesson, the they do
how difficult it
learners must may be.

Lesson 3: On Lesson 4: On Patience and Lesson 4: On

Fortitude: Being Perseverance: How determined are Patience and Lesson 4: On Patience and Lesson 4: On Patience and
XV. Content/Topic Courageous in you? Perseverance: How Perseverance: How determined Perseverance: How
the Midst of determined are are you? determined are you?
Trials. you?
Patience and Patience and Perseverance Patience and
A. Value Focus Patience and Perseverance Patience and Perseverance
Perseverance Perseverance
Grade 6 Arete Grade 6 Arete Values for Everyday Grade 6 Arete
B. Learning Grade 6 Arete Values for Everyday Grade 6 Arete Values for
Values for Living. Values for
Resources Living. Everyday Living.
Everyday Living. Everyday Living.
F. Parcon St., Pototan, Iloilo
Gov. Recognition Nos. ER-051, ER-052,s.2018 &
Gov. Recognition No. JHR-013, s. 2021
School I.D. No. 440247

Book, Book, Blackboard, Monitor

D. Learning Book, Blackboard,
Blackboard, Book, Blackboard, Monitor Book, Blackboard, Monitor
Materials Monitor
III. Procedure
Let the leaners Let the learners answer the following Let the learners
Let the learners answer the
A. recall what is the questions on page 36. answer the Let the learners answer the
following questions on page
Review/Motivation last topic is all following questions following questions on page 37.
about. on page 31.
Discuss to the student that we must
know that The maze activity teaches
us about life and us, highlighting the
importance of patience and
perseverance in facing challenges.
People aspire for a good future, but life
Explain and discuss
is not easy and simple. Success is
to them
everyone's goal, and we feel inspired
What are the Discuss to the learners on how we Discuss to them on how we
to continue despite challenges.
B. Lesson importance of Expressed joy and optimism in must Performed our duties
Patience is a virtue of enduring without
Proper/Presentation patience and fulfilling their duties; extraordinarily well faithfully
complaining, exercising forbearance
perseverance in and patiently every day.
towards others' faults and infirmities.
attaining success;
Perseverance is steadfastness with
hope, based on an attitude of
confidence, and demonstrating
patience and determination to reach
our goals. By embracing these
qualities, we can overcome challenges
and achieve our goals.
Let them answer the Performance in Let them
page 39. answer the
Let the learners answer the Let the learner answer the
C. Activities performance
exercises on page 43. Engagement on page 45.
activities on
page 3 9 B.
F. Parcon St., Pototan, Iloilo
Gov. Recognition Nos. ER-051, ER-052,s.2018 &
Gov. Recognition No. JHR-013, s. 2021
School I.D. No. 440247

The student must know The maze We must learn what They must learn on how we
activity teaches us about life and us, are the importance must Performed our duties
highlighting the importance of patience of patience and extraordinarily well faithfully
and perseverance in facing challenges. perseverance in and patiently every day.
People aspire for a good future, but life attaining success;
is not easy and simple. Success is
They must
everyone's goal, and we feel inspired
Practice the
to continue despite challenges. They must learn how they
virtue of fortitude
Patience is a virtue of enduring without Expressed joy and optimism in
D. Generalization in fulfilling
complaining, exercising forbearance fulfilling their duties;
Their duties, no
towards others' faults and infirmities.
matter how
Perseverance is steadfastness with
difficult it may be.
hope, based on an attitude of
confidence, and demonstrating
patience and determination to reach
our goals. By embracing these
qualities, we can overcome challenges
and achieve our goals.
Let the learners answer the following Let the learners answer the
Let them do the Let the learner answer the activity
IV. Evaluation Worksheet on page 37. Engagement B and C on
activity on page 41. B on page 44.
page 46.
A. No. of
Learners with
B. No of Learners
who need
V. Assignment

cSubmitted by: RAmil P. APARES JR. Checked by: LILIBETH P. PEÑAFIEL

Teacher School Directress
F. Parcon St., Pototan, Iloilo
Gov. Recognition Nos. ER-051, ER-052,s.2018 &
Gov. Recognition No. JHR-013, s. 2021
School I.D. No. 440247

Teacher: Ramil P. Apares Jr. Grade Level: VI

Time: 7:30-8:30 Learning Area: ESP 6
Daily Lesson Plan Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
August 21, 2023 August 22, 2023 August 23 2023 August 24, 2023 August 25, 2023
A. Identified and
Understand the
Objectives importance of Purity;
A. Practiced the virtue
B. Showed a strong will
of purity in thoughts,
At the end of the and to keep
words, and deed.
lesson, the themselves pure and
learners must to practiced building
have: peace;

Lesson 5: On Peace: Pure Lesson 5: On Peace: Pure

Thoughts, Words, and Thoughts, Words, and



II. Content/Topic
Actions that Lead Us to Actions that Lead Us to

Peace Peace
A. Value Focus Purity and Peace of Mind Purity and Peace of Mind
B. Learning Grade 6 Arete Values for Grade 6 Arete Values for

Resources Everyday Living. Everyday Living.
D. Learning Book, Blackboard, Monitor
Book, Blackboard, Monitor
III. Procedure
A. 1. Teach the class the Let the learners answer the
Review/Motivation "Mirror Exercise." activity on page 50 of the
2. Let each student find a book.
partner. Have each pair
form a circle and then agree
as to who will act and who
will pretend as the mirror.
F. Parcon St., Pototan, Iloilo
Gov. Recognition Nos. ER-051, ER-052,s.2018 &
Gov. Recognition No. JHR-013, s. 2021
School I.D. No. 440247

(Or you may ask the

students to play the roles
3. Ask the students to share
their insights about the
Discuss to the learners that
God bless my mind that
only clean thoughts run
through it every day. God
Discuss to the learners that
bless my mouth that only
Purity is the state of being
comforting words come out
clean in thoughts, words,
of it every time. God bless
and deeds. It means
my ears that only positive

keeping our thoughts and
stories are heard by them
actions under control. 2.
frequently. God bless my
B. Lesson Purity comes from the
eyes that only clean
Proper/Presentation genuine love of God which
pictures and other good
helps a person to love all
sights will be seen by them
things. When a person
often. God bless my hands
loves all things properly,
that only good deeds will be
there is no malice in him or
done by them all the time.
her; purity tones down the
And God bless my feet that
passions in him or her.
they may lead my body to
go where your graces will
prevent me from sinning.
C. Activities Let the students perform the A. Have the students read
activities on page 48 of the the story about calmness on
textbook. page 50 of the book.
B. Ask them to answer the
questions on the story on
F. Parcon St., Pototan, Iloilo
Gov. Recognition Nos. ER-051, ER-052,s.2018 &
Gov. Recognition No. JHR-013, s. 2021
School I.D. No. 440247

pages 50-51.
C. Explain the message of
the story. Then direct the
students to work on the
activities on pages 51-52 of
the book.
Develop a meaningful What are some concrete
discussion on this question: ways that you can do to
How can you be pure at remain pure at all times? I
home, in school, and in any will keep myself pure by
place, you go? doing worthwhile things like
At home and in school, we reading good books,
show genuine love to our watching good movies,
parents, brothers, sisters, practicing my skills, and
classmates, friends, discussing useful topics
relatives, and other people. with my family and friends. I
2. We always see to it that will dress modestly and be
D. Generalization
our thoughts, words, and a good example to all.
deeds are decent and pure.
Whenever we see others
behaving indecently, we try
our best to be brave in
correcting them. 3. One way
of being pure is to lead a life
of prayer. It is difficult to
remain pure in our society

IV. Evaluation A. Allow the students to Tell the class to answer the
give their opinions activities on pages 55-56 of
about these the book.
F. Parcon St., Pototan, Iloilo
Gov. Recognition Nos. ER-051, ER-052,s.2018 &
Gov. Recognition No. JHR-013, s. 2021
School I.D. No. 440247

1. What is purity?
2. Why is the virtue of
purity important?
A. No. of
Learners with
B. No of Learners
who need
V. Assignment

Submitted by: RAMIL P. APARES JR. Checked by: LILIBETH P. PEÑAFIEL

Teacher School Directress

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