Rorschach Comprehensive System Interpretation

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The Comprehensive System

Aleem Ashraf
Teaching Associate
Institute of Clinical Psychology,
University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan.
[email protected]
Cell: 0343 414 4462 | 0315 416 4462

Table of Contents
Where to Begin the Interpretation? ............................................................................................................................................................................................. II
Order for Reviewing Variables Within Each Cluster ............................................................................................................................................................... IV
1. Control and Stress Tolerance .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2. Situationally Related Stress .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
3. Affect..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
4. Information Processing ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
5. Cognitive Mediation ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27
6. Ideation.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 32
7. Self-Perception ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 38
8. Interpersonal Perception and Behavior ................................................................................................................................................................................. 43

Where to Begin the Interpretation?

Key Variable Search
In order to determine the order in which the clusters should be interpreted, readers should carry out a Key Variable search, using the chart in Table 1.1. To conduct the Key Variable
search, examiners start at the top of this chart and stop at the first positive variable that also appears on the structural summary they are interpreting. That row of the chart displays
the cluster search order to follow.

Table 1.1. Key Variable Search

Positive Variable Typical Cluster Search Routine
PTI>3 Processing>Mediation>Ideation>Controls>Affect>Self‐Perception>Interpersonal Perception
DEPI>5 and CDI>3 Interpersonal Perception>Self‐Perception>Controls>Affect>Processing>Mediation>Ideation
DEPI>5 Affect>Controls>Self‐Perception>Interpersonal Perception>Processing>Mediation>Ideation
D<Adj D Controls>Situational Stress (The remaining search routine should be that identified for the next positive Key Variable or the list of Tertiary
CDI>3 Controls>Interpersonal Perception>Self‐Perception>Affect>Processing>Mediation>Ideation
Adj D is minus Controls>(The remaining search routine should be that identified for the next positive Key Variable or the list of Tertiary Variables.)
Lambda>0.99 Processing>Mediation>Ideation>Controls>Affect>Self‐Perception>Interpersonal Perception
FR+RF>0 Self‐Perception>interpersonal Perception>Controls (The remaining search routine should be that identified for the next positive Key Variable or the
list of Tertiary Variables.)
EB is introversive Ideation>Processing>Mediation>Controls>Affect>Self‐Perception>Interpersonal Perception
EB is extratensive Affect>Self‐Perception>Interpersonal Perception>Controls>Processing>Mediation>Ideation
p>a+1 Ideation>Processing>Mediation>Controls>Self‐Perception>Interpersonal Perception>Affect
HVI Positive Ideation>Processing>Mediation>Controls>Self‐Perception>Interpersonal Perception>Affect
Source: J. E. Exner & P. Erdberg, The Rorschach: A Comprehensive System, vol. 2, Advanced Interpretation, 3rd ed. (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005).



Tertiary Variable Search

However, there are cases where the examinee’s structural summary does not match any of the criteria (the positive variables) in the Key Variable search. In this case, the examiner
should move on to the Tertiary Variable search (see Table 1.2). The process for the Tertiary Variable search is similar to the Key Variable search, in that the examiner goes step by
step down the list and stops at the first positive variable that also appears on the structural summary being interpreted.

Table 1.2. Tertiary Variable Search

Positive Variable Typical Cluster Search Routine
OBS Positive Processing>Mediation>Ideation>Controls>Affect>Self‐Perception>Interpersonal Perception
DEPI=5 Affect>Controls>Self‐Perception>Interpersonal Perception>Processing>Mediation>Ideation
EA>12 Controls>Ideation>Processing>Mediation>Affect>Self‐Perception>Interpersonal Perception
M–>0 or Mp>Ma or Sum6 Sp Sc>5 Ideation>Mediation>Processing>Controls>Affect>Self‐Perception>Interpersonal Perception
Sum Shad>FM+m or (CF+C)>FC+1 or Afr<0.46 Affect>Controls>Self‐Perception>Interpersonal Perception>Processing>Mediation>Ideation
X–%>20% or Zd>+3.0 or<–3.0 Processing>Mediation>Ideation>Controls>Affect>Self‐Perception>Interpersonal Perception
3r+(2) / R<0.33 Self‐Perception>Interpersonal Perception>Affect>Controls>Processing>Mediation>Ideation
MOR>2 or AG>2 Self‐Perception>Interpersonal Perception>Controls>Ideation>Processing>Mediation>Affect
T=0 or>1 Self‐Perception>Interpersonal Perception>Affect>Controls>Processing>Mediation>Ideation
Source: J. E. Exner & P. Erdberg, The Rorschach: A Comprehensive System, vol. 2, Advanced Interpretation, 3rd ed. (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005).

Order for Reviewing Variables Within Each Cluster

Order for Reviewing Variables Within Each Cluster

1. Control & Stress Tolerance 5. Information Processing
Step 1 Adjusted D Score & CDI Prerequisites (L, EB, OBS, HVI)
Step 2 EA Step 1 Zf
Step 3 EB & Lambda Step 2 W:D:Dd
Step 4 es and Adjusted es Step 3 Location Sequencing
Step 5 eb Step 4 W:M
2. Situation-Related Stress Step 5 Zd
Step 1 D Score in relation to es and Adj es Step 6 PSV
Step 2 Difference between D and Adj D Scores Step 7 DQ
Step 3 m&Y Step 8 DQ Sequencing
Step 4 T, V, 3r+(2)/R in relation to History 6. Mediation
Step 5 D Score (re Pure C, M-, M no form) Prerequisites (R, OBS, L)
Step 6 Blends Step 1 XA% & WDA%
Step 7 Color-Shading & Shading Blends Step 2 FQnone
3. Affective Features Step 3 X-%, FQ- frequency, S- frequency
Step 1 DEPI & CDI Step 3a Homogeneity issues
Step 2 EB & Lambda Step 3b Minus distortion levels
Step 3 EBPer Step 4 Populars
Step 4 Right Side eb & variables related to it Step 5 FQ+ frequency
Step 5 SumC’:WSumC Step 6 X+% & Xu%
Step 6 Affective Ratio 7. Ideation
Step 7 Intellectualization Index Step 1 EB & Lambda
Step 8 Color Projection Step 2 EBPer
Step 9 FC:CF+C Step 3 a:p
Step 10 Pure C Step 4 HVI, OBS, MOR
Step 11 Space responses Step 5 Left side eb
Step 12 Blends (Lambda & EB) Step 6 Ma:Mp
Step 13 m & Y Blends Step 7 Intellectualization Index
Step 14 Blend Complexity Step 8 Sum6 & WSum6
Step 15 Color-shading Blends Step 9 Quality 6 Special Scores
Step 16 Shading-blends Step 10 M Form Quality
4. Self-Perception Step 11 Quality of M responses
Step 1 OBS & HVI 8. Interpersonal Perception
Step 2 Reflections Step 1 CDI
Step 3 Egocentricity Index Step 2 HVI
Step 4 FD & Vista (in relation to History) Step 3 a : p Ratio
Step 5 An+Xy Step 4 Food responses
Step 6 Sum MOR Step 5 Sum T
Step 7 H:(H)+Hd+(Hd) & Review Human Content Step 6 Sum Human Contents & Sum Pure H
Step 8 Search for projections in: Step 7 GHR:PHR
Step 8a Minus responses Step 8 COP & AG frequencies and coding
Step 8b MOR responses Step 9 PER
Step 8c M & Human Content responses Step 10 Isolation Index
Step 8d FM & m responses Step 11 Contents of M & FM responses with Pairs
Step 8e Embellishments in other responses

1. Control and Stress Tolerance

Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision
Step 1 Adj D & CDI Adj D = 0 & CDI < 4 The individual’s capacity for control and stress tolerance is like that of most others.
Proceed to Step 2.
Adj D = 0 & CDI = 4 or 5 Personality organization of the individual is somewhat less mature than might be expected. This
tends to create a vulnerability for problems in coping with the requirements of everyday living. Such
difficulties usually manifest in the interpersonal sphere and can easily contribute to problems in
control when they occur.
Adj D > 0 (regardless of CDI) The individual has more robust tolerance for stress than most people and is far less likely to
experience problems in control. However, it does not necessarily mean better adjustment for the
individual. It simply suggests a greater capacity for volitional control of behavior.
Proceed to Step 2.
Adj D = -1 (regardless of CDI) The individual is in a state of chronic stimulus overload. Consequently, his or her control capacity
and ability to deal with stress effectively is less than might be expected. Some decisions and
behaviors will not be well thought through and/or implemented, and a tendency for impulsivity
exists. Although the individual is more control problems or susceptible to disorganization under
stress, those events are less likely to occur in structured, well-defined situations. He or she is more
likely to function adequately in environments with which he/she is familiar, and in which demands,
and expectations are routine and predictable. The risk of losing control increases as demands and
expectations increase beyond levels for which the person is accustomed to.
Proceed to Step 2.
Adj D < -1 (regardless of CDI) The individual is highly vulnerable to loss of control and becoming disorganized under stress. He/she
is vulnerable to make faulty judgments, emotional disruption, and/or behavioral ineffectiveness.
He/she is chronically vulnerable to ideational and/or affective overload and typically functions
adequately for extended periods only in environments that are highly structured and routine and over
which he/she has some sense of control.
Proceed to Step 2.

Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

Step 2 EA EA = Average & Adj D = 0 Step 1 was a reliable and valid index of capacity for control and stress tolerance.
Proceed to Step 3.
Expected EA Values According to Age
EA = 7-11 adults & adolescents
EA = 6-10 age 10-12
EA = 4-9 <10 age
EA = Average & Adj D > 0 It could be misleading and requires further exploration in Step 4.
Proceed to Step 3.
EA =/> Average & Adj D < 0 It is very unusual and requires further exploration in Step 4.
Proceed to Step 3.
EA > Average & Adj D > 0 It is a reliable and valid index of capacity for control and stress tolerance.
Proceed to Step 3.
EA > Average & Adj D = 0 It indicates the capacity for control and stress tolerance and stress tolerance has been greater than
currently indicated. This should be carefully evaluated in Step 4.
Proceed to Step 3.
EA < Average (< 6.5) & Adj D < 0 It indicates very limited available psychological resources. He/she is chronically more vulnerable to
becoming disorganized by many of the natural everyday stresses of living in a complex society.
He/she functions most effectively in environments that are well structured and reasonably free of
Proceed to Step 3.
EA < Average (< 6.5) & Adj D =/> 0 It is possibly misleading, as people with low EA, are chronically more vulnerable to becoming
disorganized by many of the natural everyday stresses of living in a complex society. He/she
functions most effectively in environments that are well structured and reasonably free of ambiguity.
Proceed to Step 3.



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

Step 3 EB & Lambda Values on both sides of EB > 0 & EA > Indicates EA is a valid and reliable measure of a person’s control and stress tolerance. No need to
3.5 & Lambda < 1 change the postulation in Step 1.
OR EA > 6 & Lambda > 0.99 Proceed to Step 4.
Values on both sides of EB > 0 & EA < 4 EA is probably reliable, but Adj D could be misleading and should be carefully evaluated in the steps
& Lambda < 0.99 4 and 5 in the light of es and Adj es.
Proceed to Step 4.
Values on both sides of EB > 0 & EA > EA is probably reliable, but Adj D could be misleading. Greater than 0 Adj D scores are not valid
3.5 but < 6.5 (adults) and < Average and result because of very low Adj es. The es should be carefully evaluated in Step 5.
(children) & Lambda =/> 1
EA < 4 & Lambda =/> 1 EA should not be considered as reliable, especially when responses are less than 17. In this situation,
the attempt to evaluate and describe person’s control and stress tolerance with reasonable accuracy
should be abandoned and proceed to next cluster.
M side of EB = 0 & Sum C > 3.5 The individual is being overwhelmed and flooded by affect. The intensity of these feelings is
(regardless of Lambda) disruptive and creates a form of lability in which the emotions becomes provocative and
overwhelming. This usually leads to behaviors that might not occur otherwise. Flooding creates a
major impact on thinking, specially the ability to invoke the forms of delay in ideational activity that
are necessary to maintain adequate attention and concentration during decision operations. Thus, the
possibilities of behavioral or ideational impulsiveness increase significantly. He/she is in some sort
of emotional overload which makes his/her capacity for control very fragile and increases the
likelihood that he/she is currently vulnerable to impulsiveness.
In this scenario, Adj D is not a valid indicator of typical capacities for control and stress tolerance
hence the interpretation of Adj D and EA in previous steps must be discarded and review of protocol
for controls and stress tolerance should be discontinued.
M side of EB > 3 & Sum C = 0 The individual is investing considerable energy in massive containment or shutdown of affect. This
(regardless of Lambda) usually requires much more resource than available to the average person, thus the vulnerability to
stimulus overload and consequent disorganization is considerable.



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

In this scenario, Adj D is not a valid indicator of typical capacities for control and stress tolerance
hence the interpretation of Adj D and EA in previous steps must be discarded and review of protocol
for controls and stress tolerance should be discontinued.
Step 4 es & Adj es Adj es = Average (5-9 adults; slightly Adj D is valid and reliable indicator of capabilities of control and stress tolerance.
lower for children under 12) & reliable
Proceed to Step 5.
EA (Step 2)
Adj es > Average & EA is reliable There is a possibility that Adj D is a conservative or underestimates person’s capabilities for control
and stress tolerance and possibly a psychological complexity that needs to be carefully looked in Step
Proceed to Step 5.
Adj es < Average & Adj D > 0 There is a possibility that Adj D overestimates person’s capabilities for control and stress tolerance
which needs to be carefully looked in Step 5.
Proceed to Step 5.
Step 5 eb b > e & es =/> 4 The individual is experiencing some distress.
FM > 5 The individual is experiencing more seemingly random, disconnected pattern of thinking than
normal. Ideational activity such as this is usually provoked by the presence of more ungratified needs
than typically is the case. These needed related demands intrude on more deliberate patterns of
thought and often interfere with attention and concentration.
FM < 2 The individual is not experiencing need states in typical ways and is probably not acting upon as
rapidly as most people do.
SumC’ > 2 There is an excessive internalization of feelings that the person would prefer to externalize. This
psychological process can lead to any of several experiences of subjective discomfort, including
anxiety, sadness, tension, apprehensiveness, and may also contribute to somatic disruption.
SumV > 0 The person is involved in self-inspecting that focusses on the negative features of the self than is
common for most people. This type of introspection frequently leads to the experience of discomfort
and self-deprecation and is often a precursor to depression and self-destructive thinking.



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

SumT > 1 He/she is experiencing some emotional deprivation. This state of loneliness and emotional
deprivation might have a longstanding origin and may be the product of needs for closeness that
exceed the normal parameters experienced in interpersonal relationships.

This person has no obvious problems with issues of control or stress tolerance. He/she appears to have as much resource available as most adults (Step 2) and should have
as much capacity for control as most adults (Step 1). The current stimulus demands that he/she routinely experiences are not unusual, and do not have any noticeable on his/her
control capabilities (step 5).
Emotional overload
There is evidence to suggest that he/she is experiencing more stimulus demands that might be expected for an adult (Step 2). She is currently being overwhelmed by
emotions (Step 3). The intensity of these feelings is quite disruptive and can interfere with thinking and provoke impulsive behaviors. Clearly, his/her capacity for control is very
limited, but it is impractical to speculate about what her more customary capacities for control might be if the current emotional disruption did not exist.



2. Situationally Related Stress

Hypothesis 1: It is assumed that the person is experiencing an increase in stimulus demands as a result of some sort of situationally related stress. As a consequence, some
decisions and/or behaviors may not be as well-organized as is usually the case.
Hypothesis 2: If D Score is in minus range, the person is currently in an overload state and, as a result, may be more prone to some form of impulsiveness than ordinarily is the
Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision
Step 1 D, EA, es, Adj es D < Adj D & Difference b/w es & Adj es If this finding is positive, the likelihood of the false positive difference between the D scores is
& History (if =/> 2 pts remote.
appropriate) Proceed to Step 2.
D < Adj D & es = 1 pt. > Adj es Recheck coding of m and Y determinants. Incorrect coding results in no difference between es and
Adj es and thus no difference between the D scores. If this is true, the hypothesis of presence of
situational stress is incorrect and search for array of related variables should be discontinued.
If m & Y have been coded correctly in Look for situational stresses in the recent history.
the previous step 1. Recent stresses are present in the history: The basic hypothesis is strengthened, and if D score
is in minus range, the potential for impulsiveness remains practical. The search should
continue. Proceed to Step 2.
2. The history is insufficient and lacks adequate detail: in this case the basic (increased stimulus
demand as a result of situational stress) and secondary (stimulus overload and impulsivity)
hypotheses should be tentatively considered as mere speculations and search should continue.
Proceed to Step 2.
3. No evidence for recent stress is present in the history: Look for unusual elevations in SumT
and SumV. Discard the both hypotheses and discontinue with this cluster.
Step 2 Adj D - D D = 1 pt. < Adj D Mild to moderate impact of situational stress is causing some psychological disruption to the
individual but not necessarily resulting in disorganization.
Proceed to Step 3.
D = more than 1 pt. < Adj D The individual is experiencing substantial situational stress. The impact of the stress typically creates
considerable interference in some of the usual patterns of thinking and/or behavior.



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

Proceed to Step 3.
Step 3 m & SumY m and SumY not more than three times The psychological consequences of the stress tend to be diffuse for this individual, impacting both
greater than the other thinking and emotion. (if Y is higher than m): The individual is experiencing considerable discomfort
because of a sense of helplessness, apparently related to his/her current situation. (m & Y both
elevated): His/her reaction to the stress that he/she is experiencing include both noticeable disruption
in attention-concentration, and substantial discomfort because of a sense of helplessness.
Proceed to Step 4.
m = 3 times or more > SumY The stress is having a substantial impact on the person’s ideation. As a result, attention and
concentration are likely to be noticeably impaired.
Proceed to Step 4.
SumY = 3 times or more > m The stress is having a great impact on emotion of the individual. Experiences of anxiety, tension
and/or discomfort for which the person has little or no explanation are quite probable.
Proceed to Step 4.
Step 4 Adj D, D, SumT SumT = Not > 1 & SumV = Not > 0 There is no reason to reconsider the difference between the D scores.
& SumV OR if SumV > 0 & (3r+(2)/R) = Not > Proceed to Step 5.
Egocentricity Cutoff Scores:
Age 14 = .37; Ages 12-13 = .38; Ages 9-11 = .45; Age 8 = .48; Age 5-7 = .52
SumT > 1 OR SumV > 0 & (3r+(2)/R) > The D score value may be misleading, reconsideration of D score value may be warranted. This
.32 decision is based on the history to look for the recent emotional loss if SumT is greater than 1.
Similarly, SumV greater than 0 could mean recent situational stress led to feelings of guilt or remorse
if Egocentricity index is greater than .32. The difference between D scores should be reconsidered
when such evidence of emotional loss or recent guilt or remorse is found in the history. For that
review EA – Adj es formula and remove any points that are more than expected e.g. T > 1 or V > 0
and recalculate D and Adj D.
Step 5 D Score D =/> 0 (D < Adj D): There is a rather modest impact of situational stress on the individual. The stress
tolerance for the person is lower than usual and typical capacities for control may be less sturdy than



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

is customary. (Pure C does not indicate impulsiveness when D score is 0 or higher). (M- and formless
M also do not indicate situationally provoked loss of ideational control in the presence of Adj D of 0
or higher.
Proceed to Step 6.
D < 0 (minus) An overload state exists in which the individual is experiencing more internal demands than he/she
can respond to easily and/or effectively. As a result, the capacity for control is lessened, decisions or
behaviors may not be well thought through or implemented, and a tendency for impulsiveness exists.
(C): Some impulsiveness is likely to manifest in affective displays.
(M- or Formless M): There is a possibility that ideational controls may be impaired because of the
overload state.
D = -1 The individual is expected to function adequately in the environments with which he/she is familiar,
and specially in the situations that are structured and well-defined. On the other hand, there is an
increasing vulnerability to disorganization and impulsive thinking or behavior as situations become
more complex or ambiguous. (This vulnerability increases when EA is less than average).
(C): Some emotional impulsiveness is likely, and it usually manifests in behaviors that are not well
(M- or Formless M): There is a possibility that ideational stress may be clouding judgment or
creating strangeness in thinking.
D < -1 The person is highly susceptible to difficulties in control. The potential for disorganization is
substantial and is highly vulnerable to ideational and/or behavioral impulsiveness. Adequate or
effective functioning is usually quite irregular except in situations that are very structured and
Proceed to Step 6.
Step 6 m or Y Blends m or Y blends > 0 & < 20% of the total There is only a mild increase in psychological complexity because of the stress condition.
Proceed to Step 7.



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

m or Y Blends b/w 20-30% of the total There is moderately significant increase in psychological complexity as a result of situational stress.
Blends (Specially when D is in minus).
Proceed to Step 7.
m or Y Blends > 30% of the total Blends There is a substantial increase in psychological complexity as a result of situational stress.
Proceed to Step 7.
Step 7 Color-Shading No combination of Color-shading Blend Stress condition may have created some modest emotional confusion.
Blends with T, V, or C’ & 1 Color-shading Proceed to the next Cluster.
Blend with Y
At least 1 Color-shading Blend with T, Pre-existing confusion about emotions exists and it has been increased by the situational stress
V, or C’ & 1 Color Blend with Y condition.
Proceed to the next Cluster.
0 Color Blend with T, V, or C’ & > 1 Stress condition has created considerable emotional confusion. (if D minus): This confusion about
Color Blends with Y feelings greatly increases the likelihood of disorganization and impulsiveness.
At least 1 Color Blend with T, V, or C’ The situational stress condition has substantially intensified a pre-existing confusion about emotions.
& > 1 Color Blend with Y This confusion about the feelings increases the vulnerability for episodes of psychological
disorganization. (If D is minus): The magnitude of this confusion escalates the likelihood of
impulsiveness rather markedly.



Example 1
Ordinarily, his/her capacities for control and tolerance for stress are like that of most adults; however, they have currently become more limited because of situational stress
(Step 2). The result is a marked potential for some psychological disruption and tendency for impulsiveness (Step 2 and 4). He appears to feel somewhat helpless about his
situation (Step 3). It also seems that he is feeling lonely and may be experiencing a sense of guilt or remorse (Step 4). He probably functions adequately in structured or familiar
situations but is likely to be less effective in complex or ambiguous circumstances. In effect, he is vulnerable to being overwhelmed by his feelings and, if that occurs, they will
tend to drive his behavior, regardless of how effective or ineffective the behaviors might be (Step 5). Another byproduct of the situational stress is a moderate increase in his
psychological complexity, and also in a tendency that he has to become confused by some of his feelings (Steps 6 and 7).
Example 2
Ordinarily, his/her capacities for control and tolerance for stress are like that of most adults; however, they have currently become more limited because of situational
stresses. The impact creates a potential for substantial psychological disruption and tendency for impulsiveness (Step 2). Although this disruption will tend to be diffuse, affecting
both her emotions and thinking (Step 3), some of the findings indicate that the stress is affecting her feelings rather markedly (Step 5). The stress situation has also caused her to
become much more complex psychologically than usually is the case (Step 6), and there is a reason to suspect that it exacerbates a more chronic tendency to become confused
about her feelings. This is likely to increase her potential for disorganization and impulsiveness (Step 7).
Example 3
He usually has very study capacities for control and tolerance for stress, but situationally related elements have caused some modest impairment to those features (Step 2).
The stress that he is currently experiencing appears to be very substantial. It does not disorganize him (Step 5), but it does have a significant impact on both his emotions and
thinking (Step 3 and 4). He is probably more distracted than is customary. He also seems to harbor a sense of loneliness and helplessness, and both give rise to feelings of
discomfort (Step 3 and 4). At times, he finds his feelings confusing and seems unable to contend easily with them. As a consequence, some of his decisions or behaviors may not
be as well-organized as is usually the case.



3. Affect
Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision
Step 1 DEPI & CDI DEP = 6 or 7 & CDI < 4 A significant and potentially disabling affective problem exists. There is a possibility for the presence
of distress and/or depression and behavioral dysfunction.
DEPI = 5 & CDI < 4 Personality organization of the individual includes a potential for frequent experiences of affective
disruption. Complaints of recurring bouts of depression, tension, moodiness and anxiety might be
present, however, the periodic episodes involving negative emotional experiences are less likely but
they are still probable.
DEP = 6 or 7 & CDI = 4 or 5 A state of emotional disarray is likely to exist. However, the affective problem usually is secondary
to a more pervasive difficulty in creating and maintaining effective and rewarding interpersonal
relationships. This person tends to struggle in his/her social environment because the relations with
others usually are superficial, tenuous, and unrewarding. Thus, episodes of disappointment, distress,
or even despair are common, and the emotional disarray that appears during these episodes is similar
to that of chronic depression. However, this person tends to be psychologically different from typical
person with affective disorder, because of the changing nature of emotions as a result of weak or
strong support systems.
DEP = 5 & CDI = 4 or 5 There is a tendency for affective problems because of difficulties in social adjustment.
Step 2 EB & Lambda EA < 4 & 0 on either side of EB No distinctive coping style is present.
Proceed to Step 4.
0 on left side of EB & > 3.5 on right The person is being overwhelmed or flooded by emotion, but it might not be persistent because of
unusual and transient emotional circumstances. There is an indication that very strong emotions
interfere markedly with thinking and are specially impairing to the abilities necessary for attention
and concentration during decision making. The intensity of these emotions is quite disruptive and,
typically, ideational and/or behavioral impulsiveness is likely.
Proceed to Step 4.
0 on right side of EB & > 3 on left The protocol signals a massive containment or constriction of affect, but it might not be persistent
and denotes the current affective state of the individual. It is an unusual circumstance in which the
individual commits considerable energy to ensure that emotions are stringently concealed and



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

controlled. The persistence of this affective state may result in displacement of affect. However,
unless the emotions are discharged, the individual is likely to become overwhelmed by increasing
intensity of affect and thrust into a labile state.
Proceed to Step 4.
Style = Extratensive & Lambda < 1 Ordinarily, the person tends to intermingle feeling with thinking during problem-solving or decision-
making activities. The person is prone to use and be influenced by emotion, and, generally, disposed
to test out postulates and assumptions through trial-and-error behaviors. In that trial-and-error
behavior is a routine for extratensive individuals, who are inclined to become more tolerant and less
concerned when problem-solving errors occur. This person is more prone to display feelings openly
and tends to be less concerned about carefully modulating or controlling those displays.
Proceed to Step 3.
Coping Styles (There is no 0 on either side of EB)
Introversive style Left side of EB 2 or more pt. > right side when EA < 10 OR > 2 pts > right side when EA > 10
Extratensive style Right side of EB 2 or more pts > left side when EA < 10 OR > 2 pts > left side when EA > 10
Ambitent style Difference between E and A < 2
Avoidant style Lambda > 0.99
Style = Extratensive & Lambda > 0.99 An avoidant-extratensive coping style exists. Ordinarily, this person is more prone to use and be
influenced by emotions than others, and generally, prefers to test out postulates and assumptions
through trial-and-error behaviors. However, the presence of avoidant style increases the likelihood
that complex emotional experiences will not be differentiated very thoroughly. In those situations,
when the person intermingles feelings with thinking during decision-making, the feelings may be
afforded either much more or much less influence than appropriate for the situation. In other words,
the avoidant-extratensive individuals often can become negligent about controlling emotional
displays and may seem to be impulsive at times.
Proceed to Step 3.
Style = Introversive & Lambda < 1 The person usually prefers to keep feelings at a more peripheral level during problem-solving and
decision making. The person avoids trial-and-error behaviors whenever possible and relies on



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

internal evaluations rather than external feedback in formulating judgments. He/she is more prone to
be less tolerant of problem-solving errors than non-introversive people and, because of this, usually
exercises more caution in decision making than others. He/she is willing to display feelings openly
and are also likely to be more concerned about modulating or controlling those displays.
Proceed to Step 3.
Style = Introversive & Lambda > 0.99 An avoidant-introversive style exists. The person is usually disposed to keep feelings at a more
peripheral level during problem-solving and decision making. The person avoids trial-and-error
behaviors whenever possible and relies on internal evaluations rather than external feedback in
formulating judgments. However, the presence of the avoidant style can reduce the overall
effectiveness of this ideational orientation. When such a conflict occurs, the avoidant styles usually
overrides the introversive orientation and leads to more simplistic, less thorough forms of thinking,
which increase the possibility of flawed judgments. The persons with this coping style tend to
overcontrol emotional displays or avoid them altogether.
No clear coping style & Lambda < 1 The person tends to have an ambitent coping style. Individuals with ambitent coping style, who have
not developed a consistent approach to problem-solving or decision making. Emotions of the
ambitent tend to be inconsistent in terms of their impact on thinking, problem-solving, and decision-
making behaviors. The lack of consistency can also lead to erratic forms of emotional display. In
some instances, the display will be closely modulated while in similar situations the display may be
less well-controlled and much more intense.
Proceed to Step 4.
No clear coping style & Lambda > 0.99 He/she has a very marked disposition to simplify complexity and ambiguity by ignoring or denying
its presence. He/she is probably very inconsistent in approach to problem-solving or making
decisions. This lack of consistency is also likely to affect how he/she handles emotions. At times they
may be overcontrolled while in similar instances they may not be controlled appropriately for the
Proceed to Step 4.



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

Step 3 EBPer Style = Extratensive & EBPer < 2.5 The person is prone to mix feelings with thinking much of the time when coping is required.
However, the person is somewhat flexible in the use of extratensive style and instances will occur in
which feelings are put aside in favor of a more clearly ideational approach.
He/she is somewhat flexible and, at times, will identify instances in which it seems better to put aside
his/her routinely intuitive approach to decision making in favor of a more ideational approach.
Proceed to Step 4.
Style = Extratensive & EBPer =/> 2.5 The individual is usually somewhat less concerned about modulating displays of emotion, and very
little decision making occurs that is not markedly influenced by emotions.
Proceed to Step 4.
Style = Introversive & EBPer < 2.5 He/she typically uses an ideational style involving delay while keeping feelings in abeyance before
reaching a decision, instances will often occur in which feelings are permitted to merge more directly
with thinking and contribute significantly to decisions.
Style = Introversive & EBPer =/> 2.5 In most instances, emotions will play a very limited role in decision making activity. It is also likely
that most emotional displays will be closely modulated and more intuitive trial-and-error approaches
to problem-solving or decision-making will be avoided, even though such an approach might be
much more effective.
Proceed to Step 4.
Step 4 Right Side eb Left of eb > Right side & SumT =/< 1 & No specific hypothesis is warranted.
Value SumC’ =/< 2 & SumV < 0 & SumY =/< Proceed to Step 5.
Left of eb > Right side & Unexpected (SumY > 2): The person is experiencing negative feelings with a sense of helplessness.
values in SumT, SumC’, SumV, or (SumT > 1 & No recent emotional loss): The person is experiencing chronic feelings of loneliness or
SumY emotional neediness.
(SumV > 0 & No recent guilt or regret provoking incident): The protocol indicates a disturbing or
negative feeling that is being generated by a persistent tendency to criticize or degrade oneself.



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

(SumC’ > 2): The protocol indicates the presence of irritating or negative feelings that have been
created because of an unusual tendency to inhibit the release of emotions and suppress their impact.
Proceed to Step 5.
Right of eb > Left side & Left side > 3 The person is in some form of distress.
OR (Review the unexpected values of SumT, SumC’, SumV, or SumY to identify the nature of distress).
Right of eb > 3 & Left side < 3 Proceed to Step 5.
Step 5 SumC’:WSumC WSumC >/= SumC’ (regardless of No interpretative hypothesis can be formed.
coping style)
SumC’ > WSumC The individual is inhibiting the release of emotions much more frequently than most people and, as a
result, is burdened by more irritating feelings than should normally be the case.
Step 6 Affective Ratio Afr = Average The individual seems as willing as most others with (their particular coping style; or age in the case
of children) to process and become involved in emotionally toned stimuli.
Proceed to Step 7.
Expected Afr Values According to Age & Style
Extratensive Adults & Adolescents = 14 and older .60 to .89
Introversive Adults & Adolescents = 14 and older .53 to .78
Ambitent Adults & Adolescents = 14 and older .53 to .83
Avoidant Adults & Adolescents = 14 and older .45 to .65
Children ages 5 and 6 .57 to 1.05
Children ages 7 to 9 .55 to .92
Children ages 10 to 13 .53 to .83
Afr > Average The person is very attracted by emotional stimulation and apparently quite interested in emotional



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

(Higher than average for avoidant): The protocol reflects a stronger interest in emotional stimuli than
is common for a person who tends to simplify inputs and avoid complexity. In that he/she may have
problems with emotional control, this openness to affective stimuli would simply exacerbate those
Proceed to Step 7.
Afr > .43 and < Average The person is less interested in, or less willing to process, emotional stimuli.
(Lower than average for introversive): The person is less interested in, or willing to process,
emotionally toned stimuli. This is not surprising in light of his/her tendency to inhibit emotional
expression (Step 4 and 5).
Proceed to Step 7.
Afr < 0.44 The protocol indicates a marked tendency to avoid emotional stimuli. People such as this are quite
uncomfortable when dealing with emotion. As a result, they become much more socially constrained
or even isolated.
(More significant sign in developing children or adolescents).
(Lower than average for extratensive): The person is prone to avoid emotional confrontation at
almost all costs. This finding is specially important because it implies that he/she has as sense of
distrust or fearfulness about his/her own coping style that involves the use of emotional experience
routinely as an important source from which to guide decisions.
Proceed to Step 7.
Step 7 (2Ab + Art + Ay) (2Ab + Art + Ay) < 4 No interpretive meaning.
(2Ab + Art + Ay) = 4 to 6 The person is inclined to deal with feelings on an intellectual level more often than most people.
Although this person reduces or neutralizes the impact of emotions, it also represents a form of denial
that tends to distort the true meaning as well as the impact of a situation.
Proceed to Step 8.
(2Ab + Art + Ay) > 6 The person uses intellectualization as a major defensive tactic in situations that are perceived as
affectively stressful. People such as this tend to become more vulnerable to disorganization during



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

intense emotional experiences because the tactic becomes less effective as the magnitude of affective
stimuli increases.
Proceed to Step 8.
Step 8 Color Projection CP > 0 The individual often denies the presence of irritating or unpleasant emotion or emotional stimulation
by substituting and inappropriately positive emotion or emotional value to the situation. This
indicates individual’s concerns over his/her adequacy to deal with negative feelings. The person
might have problems in modulating his/her own affective displays. Consequently, he/she is prone to
bend reality to avoid dealing with perceived or anticipated harshness in the environment.
Step 9 FC:CF+C Ratio FC at least 1 pt. > CF+C OR twice the The person controls or modulates emotional discharge about as much as most adults.
value of CF+C & Pure C = 0 This is unusual for people less than 15-year-old and indicates tight control over emotions.
Proceed to Step 11.
FC > twice but < thrice than CF+C & A tendency exists to exert more stringent control of emotional discharges than is typical of most
Pure C = 0 people.
Proceed to Step 11.
FC > 3 or more times CF+C & Pure C = The person is much more overcontrolling of emotional displays than most people. This finding may
0 indicate fearfulness or mistrust of being involved in more intense affective displays and suggests a
likelihood of emotional constriction.
Proceed to Step 11.
FC at least 1 pt. > CF+C OR twice the The person modulates emotional discharge about as much as other adults most of the time. However,
value of CF+C & Pure C = 1 in some instances modulation lapses occur during which discharges are less well controlled than is
the case for most adults.
Proceed to Step 10.
FC > twice CF+C & Pure C > 1 In most instances, the emotional displays are tightly modulated but the stringent controls are
vulnerable to failure.
Proceed to Step 10.



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

FC at least 1 pt. > CF+C OR twice the The person strives to modulate emotional discharge effectively, potentially serious lapses in
value of CF+C & Pure C > 1 modulation occur frequently.
This is very unusual finding in the adult protocol and review the controls issues. This finding is
expected in children.
Proceed to Step 10.
CF+C = FC OR CF+C = 2 pts. > FC & The individual is less stringent about modulating emotional discharges than are most adults. The
Pure C < 1 person tends to be more obvious or intense in expressing feelings than the average individual.
Proceed to Step 10 if Pure C is present
Proceed to Step 11 if Pure C is not present.
CF+C = FC OR CF+C = 2 pts. > FC & It indicates potentially serious problems with modulating affect. The person tends to be overly
Pure C > 1 intense in emotional displays and frequently conveys impressions of impulsiveness. This could
indicate less mature psychological organization in which the modulation of affect is not regarded as
being very important.
Proceed to Step 10.
CF+FC > three or more times FC & Pure The person modulates emotional discharges much less than others.
C=0 Proceed to Step 11.
CF+FC > three or more times FC & Pure It reflects significant negligence in modulating emotions. This might reflect impulsiveness and the
C>0 person might be seen by others as overly emotional or less mature.
Proceed to Step 10.
Step 10 Pure C Pure C = Defensive/pseudo-intellectual See The Rorschach: A Comprehensive System, vol. 2, Advanced Interpretation, 3rd ed., page 301 for
(abstract art/decoration) description. They should be considered as CF responses and represent subtle problems with
modulating affect.
Proceed to Step 11.
Pure C = Primitive (blood splattered, fire, This indicates that when modulation lapses occur, the resulting behaviors are likely to be
muscle, organ tissue) inappropriate and likely to be maladaptive.



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

Proceed to Step 11.
Step 11 Space Responses S<3 The finding is not significant.
Proceed to Step 12.
S = 3 & All of them on the first 2 cards The person was probably not prepared to take the test and responded negativistically to the demands
of the situation. It reflects some oppositional tendencies; however, those tendencies are more likely
to be transient.
Proceed to Step 12.
S = 4 or 5 & all on first 3 cards The person is quite irritated by test situation. This reflects a tendency to be excessively oppositional
when confronted with unwanted challenges but could also reflect a more enduring negative set
toward authority.
Proceed to Step 12.
S = 3 & at least 1 came after card 2 The person tends to have a disposition to be negativistic or oppositional toward the environment than
are most people. This may interfere with making harmonious social relationships.
Proceed to Step 12.
S > 3 & at least 1 came after card 3 It indicates the presence of considerable anger. Usually, the anger is generalized and has a marked
effect on attitudes toward the environment. This is a trait like feature that affects psychological
functioning of the individual. It may interfere with decision making and coping strategies of the
individual and may interfere with sustaining meaningful interpersonal relationships.
Proceed to Step 12.
Average Percentages of Blends
Average % of Blends when Lambda < 1.0
Introversives 20% to <25% Blends (Average No. of Blended Responses: 13% to 16%)
Extratensives 25% to 33% (Average No. of Blended Responses: 19% to 33%)
Ambitents 25% to 35% (Average No. of Blended Responses: 16% to 36%)



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

Average % of Blends when Lambda > 0.99
Avoidants < 15% Blends (Average No. of Blended Responses: 8% to 14%)
Step 12 Blends, EB, & % of Blends = Average in relation to The level of psychological complexity of the individual is like those who have similar stylistic
Lambda coping style and Lambda orientation.
Proceed to Step 13.
% of Blends < Average in relation to It suggests the psychology of the person is less complex than expected from the person with this
coping style and Lambda stylistic orientation. The individual tends to show behavioral difficulties when confronted with
complex emotional situations.
Proceed to Step 13.
% of Blends > Average in relation to The psychological functioning of the person is more complex than expected from the typical person
coping style and Lambda with this stylistic orientation.
Proceed to Step 13.
Step 13 Blends Related to Recalculated Blends = % of Blends in Situationally related stresses have created more complexity in psychological functioning for the
Situational Stress different range than in Step 12. (i.e. the individual than ordinarily is the case and less complexity can be expected when those situationally
new % is often less than the previous) related factors are not present.
Proceed to Step 14.
If the number of Blends created exclusively by the presence of m or Y variables is greater than 1,
subtract all but one of those Blends from the total and recalculate the proportion of Blends to total
Step 14 Unusual More than one-fourth of Blends contain 3 At times, the psychological functioning of the person is inordinately complex. This added complexity
Complexity determinants OR one or more Blends is almost always the result of emotional experience.
contain 4 or more determinants Modify the interpretation from Step 12 if this condition is met.
Proceed to Step 15.



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

Step 15 Color-Shading Color-Shading Blend with C’, T, or V = The person is sometimes uncertain or confused by emotion or emotional situations. For people with
Blends 1 with Extratensive or Ambitent style extratensive orientation, occasional episodes of uncertainty about feelings are likely to be somewhat
Color-Shading Blend with C’, T, or V = (Extratensive/Ambitent): The person is often confused by emotion or emotional situations. The
1 with Introversive or Avoidant style OR person tends to experience feelings more intensely than others and sometimes have more difficulty in
> 1 with Extratensive or Ambitent style bringing closure to emotional situations.
(Introversive or Avoidant):
The person is often confused by emotion or emotional situations. The person tends to experience
feelings more intensely than others and the impact of this confusion is often quite disruptive and may
have greater difficulty in seeking resolution of the issue further intensifying the distress.
Color-Shading Blends with Y > 0 Some uncertainty or confusion about the feelings does exist for the person that is probably the result
(regardless of the style) of some situationally related stress.
More disruptive for introversive and avoidant people.
Proceed to Step 16.
Step 16 Shading Blends Shading Blends (e.g. FT.FC’, FV.FY The protocol indicates the presence of very painful emotions. The presence of this very intense
etc.) > 0 irritation creates a very disruptive impact on most of the psychological functioning of the individual.
Attention and concentration usually are affected, and judgments can be markedly influenced because
of the annoyance that is present.



4. Information Processing
Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision
Step 1 Zf Zf = 9-13 & Lambda < 1.0 The processing effort of the person is like that of most people.
Proceed to Step 2.
Zf = > 13 & Lambda < 1.0 The person invests more effort than most people into processing information.
Proceed to Step 2.
Zf = < 9 & Lambda < 1.0 The person is rather conservative in information processing and invests less effort than most people
into processing information.
Proceed to Step 2.
Zf = 6-10 & Lambda =/> 1.0 The person is rather cautious and conservative in processing information because of his/her tendency
to avoid complexity. This, however, does not mean that the person has inadequate information
processing ability.
Proceed to Step 2.
Zf = > 10 & Lambda =/> 1.0 The person invests more effort than expected in information processing.
Proceed to Step 2.
Zf = < 6 & Lambda =/> 1.0 The person’s information processing ability is very limited which may create problems with
adjustment to the environment.
Proceed to Step 2.
Step 2 W:D:Dd 1:1.3 to 1.6: Dd < 4 The person uses information processing strategies and efforts like that of most people.
Tentative interpretation until confirmed by Step 3.
Average Frequencies:
W = 8.28, D = 12.88, Dd = 1.16
Proceed to Step 3.
Inconsistent values then the above There is something unusual about the person’s information processing effort and or strategy.



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

Proceed to Step 3.
W > 8 & Dd =/< 3 The person invests more effort into information processing than might be typically expected.
W > 8 & Dd > 3 There could be three possible interpretations of high Dd responses:
An obsessive-like tendency toward perfectionism may exist that causes the person to become
unnecessarily preoccupied with the details of the stimulus field. People such as this, usually feel
uncomfortable about their decision-making abilities and find it easier to deal with less complex, more
easily managed stimulus field.
The person is very guarded or mistrustful and tries to minimize involvement with any perceived
This reflects a negativistic mindset that reflects a kind of emotional disarray.
D > 13 (or twice or more times > W) & The person tends to be very economical in his/her effort to processing information. An approach such
Dd < 4 as this may signify a lack of confidence, or a refusal to become involved in new experiences.
Step 3 Location W’s are mostly either as first answers or The person tends to be consistent in processing new information.
Sequence as last answers.
W responses scattered OR Dd’s as last The person tends to be inconsistent in processing new information.
Inconsistent location sequencing of W’s The processing effort and strategy during problem-solving or decision-making tends to be irregular
and Dd’s which reflects a lack of efficiency in habits of information processing.
Step 4 W:M W > M & DQ+ < 7 The person may be striving to accomplish more than may be reasonable considering current
functional capacities. This increases the probability of failures to achieve objectives and may lead to
the experience of frustration.
Expected proportions of W:M according to style orientations:
1.5:1 introversives
2:1 ambitents
3:1 extratensives



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

W < M & Zf > 9 The person is very cautious or overly conservative when defining objectives for achievement.
1.2:1 or lower for extratensives/ambitents Proceed to Step 5.
0.75:1 for introversives
W < M & Zf < 9 The person is very economical or may even be careless when defining objectives for achievement.
Proceed to Step 5.
Step 5 Zd Zd = -2.0 to +3.0 The scanning efficiency of the person is like that of most people.
Proceed to Step 6.
Zd < -3.0 The person possesses an under-incorporative form of scanning habits. The person scans hastily and
haphazardly, and often may neglect critical bits or cues that exist in a stimulus field leading to faulty
decisions or errors in judgment or behaviors.
Proceed to Step 6.
Zd > +3.0 The person possesses an overincorporative form of scanning habits and exerts more effort in
scanning activities. This motivation to exert effort comes from avoidance of being careless. This
style is an asset because of the thorough scanning of the stimulus field ensures that all stimulus cues
are included in the input.
Proceed to Step 6.
Step 6 Perseverations PSV = 1 & within card PSV At times, the person has some difficulty shifting attention. This can produce less efficient processing
Proceed to Step 7.
Within card PSV > 1 The person has significant in difficulties shifting attention.
Proceed to Step 7.
Step 7 DQ Distribution DQ+ = Average & Combined value of The quality of person’s processing is usually adequate.
DQv and DQv/+ =/< 1 for introversive or
ambitent, or =/< 2 for extratensive



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

Expected ranges according to styles:
DQ+ = 5 to 8 for ambitents and extratensives
DQ+ = 7 to 10 for introversives
DQ+ = 5 to 8 for children younger than 12
DQv < 1 for introversives and ambitents
DQv = 1 to 2 for extratensive
DQv = 4 for children under the age of 10
DQv/+ = 0
DQ+ = Average & Combined value of The quality of person’s processing is usually adequate. However, at times the processing activity
DQv and DQv/+ > 1 for introversive or falters to a less adequate or less mature level.
ambitent, or > 2 for extratensive Proceed to Step 8.
DQ+ > Average & Combined value of The person has a good or probably rather complex quality of processing.
DQv and DQv/+ =/< 1 for introversive or Proceed to Step 8.
ambitent, or =/< 2 for extratensive
DQ+ > Average & Combined value of The person has a good or probably rather complex quality of processing. However, at times, the
DQv and DQv/+ > 1 for introversive or quality of processing activity becomes very flawed and less mature forms of processing result.
ambitent, or > 2 for extratensive Proceed to Step 8.
DQ+ < Average & Combined value of The quality of person’s processing is probably adequate but more conservative and economical than
DQv and DQv/+ =/< 1 for introversive or most people.
ambitent, or =/< 2 for extratensive Proceed to Step 8.
DQ+ < Average & Combined value of The person’s quality of processing is often less than adequate, especially in complex situations.
DQv and DQv/+ > 1 for introversive or Proceed to Step 8.
ambitent, or > 2 for extratensive



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

Step 8 DQ Sequencing DQ+ as first responses to a blot Processing is routinely marked by very good quality. This however, does not mean that the person is
also efficient at information processing but merely tends to process at a high-quality level.
DQ+ as last answers to a blot The person perseveres until the task is scanned and organized rather thoroughly. This also indicates
that in routine situations the person is less accustomed to striving for higher quality when processing
DQ+ with S The person is involved in higher quality information processing mainly when negative or hostile
perceptive of the environment is active.
DQv as first response to a blot 1) It reflects cognitive impulsiveness that prompts a decision before a well-established image is
formed and reviewed.
2) The person may have some difficulty creating and/or maintaining an image in short-term memory.
People such as these often have problems is sustaining their focus of attention.
DQv as middle or last answers to a blot The person has difficulty in maintaining an image in short-term memory.

Example interpretation:
She seems to be somewhat cautious and tries to be economical when processing new information (Step 1 and 2). This may result from a lack of confidence or may reflect a subtle
refusal to become involved with new experiences. Whatever the cause, she does not work very hard to process (Step 3 and 4). In fact, she is inefficient and often hasty in her
processing effort (Step 5) and, at times, she may have difficulty shifting her attention appropriately (Step 6). These features seem to pose significant liability for her, especially her
proneness to neglect cues in her environment that can be important to her decisions and behaviors. In spite of these negative features, there is no reason to believe that the quality
of her processing effort is less than adequate (Step 7 and 8).



5. Cognitive Mediation
Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision
Step 1 XA% & WDA% XA% = .78 to .90 & WDA% =/> XA% It indicates that basic ingredient necessary for conventional reality testing is intact.
Proceed to Step 2
XA% > .90 & WDA% =/> XA% It indicates that the individual makes special efforts to ensure that mediation is appropriate for the
Proceed to Step 2
XA% =/> .78 & WDA% < .75 This is rare and probably because of calculation error. If calculation is correct, then:
It reflects a processing problem or the individual attempts to simulate serious disarray.
Proceed to Step 2
XA% = .70 to .77 & WDA% =/> .80 It suggests that the mediational translations are generally appropriate in obvious situations but tend to
become less appropriate under other circumstances. The loss of mediational effectiveness (reality
testing) can be caused by numerous elements. Typically, emotional or ideational interferences cause
this to occur but, at times, problems in processing can also lead to misidentifications.
Proceed to Step 2
XA < .70 & WDA% =/> .80 It indicates that reality testing tends to falter significantly in situations where cues to appropriate
translations are not obvious.
Proceed to Step 2
XA% = .70 to .77 & WDA% = .75 to .79 It indicates a moderate level of mediational dysfunction.
Proceed to Step 2
XA% < .70 & WDA% = .75 to .79 It indicates a substantial level of mediational dysfunction.
Proceed to Step 2
XA% < .70 & WDA% < .75 It reflects a significant mediational impairment.
Proceed to Step 2



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

WDA% = .65 to.74 The dysfunction is serious and reality testing will be noticeably affected.
WDA% = < .65 The dysfunction is severe and reality testing will be markedly affected.
Difference b/w XA% & WDA% =/> .10 The dysfunction will be more noticeable in circumstances where cues to mediation are less obvious.
Difference b/w XA% & WDA% < .10 The mediational impairment is global, that is, the dysfunction tends to occur regardless of how obvious distal cues may be.
Step 2 FQxnone FQnone =/> 2 Effectiveness of the mediational activity is impeded at times by the interference of ideational sets (if
no form movement answers are present) or strong affects (if other types of no form answers have
The finding from step 1 need to be discarded in favor of this one.
Step 3 X-%, FQx-, X-% < .15% & minus answers = 1 to 3 Events of mediational dysfunctional occur no more frequently than for most people.
FQxS-, Dd with Review S-% to determine if negativism or anger contributes significantly to these occasional events.
Proceed to Step 3a
X-% = .15% to .20% There is a moderate elevation in the incidence of the mediational dysfunction.
Proceed to Step 3a
X-% = .21% to .25% There may be some pervasive tendencies to mediational dysfunction.
The values for R, the frequency of minus answers, the location areas (W/D vs Dd), and the S-
frequency must be reviewed to understand this finding.
X-% > .25 or > .30 It signals the likelihood of a more serious mediational impairment. The person is suffering from
some disabling problem because the basic ingredient of adequate reality testing is seriously impaired.
X-% =/> .70 It is very likely that the person is attempting to exaggerate or malinger symptoms.
Proceed to Step 3a
Step 3a Homogeneity All minus responses occur within the It is likely that the dysfunction is in reaction to the test situation; that is, the person became anxious
Issues first 3 cards as a reaction to testing.
When most of the minus responses also It is probable that some of the mediational dysfunction is the product of an affective problem having
involve S to do with anger and negativism.



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

Most minus responses occur within Affective problems probably are contributing somehow to the tendencies toward mediational
chromatic cards with color determinants dysfunction.
Most minus responses contain =/> 1 Some sort of strange thinking is contributing to reality distortion.
movement determinant
M- > 1 It signals that a form of disordered thinking is impacting on mediation.
Most minus responses include FM or m It indicates that peripheral mental activities generated by need and/or stress experiences are
interfering with affective mediation, probably by disrupting attention and concentration and intruding
into logical patterns of thought.
Most minus responses include rF,Fr or The interference in the mediation dysfunction is related to the self-image issues.
FQ- > 3 & most minus responses are The avoidant style is ineffective and being maintained by reality distortions.
Pure F & Lambda > 0.99
FQ- > 3 & most minus responses are It represents a more deliberately defensive distortion of reality.
Pure F & Lambda < 1
FQ- > 3 & most minus responses are first It signifies a careless or hasty approach in mediation. It can be because of processing problems or
responses to the blot may also indicate a tendency toward mediational impulsiveness.
Step 4 Populars P = Average It signifies that expected or acceptable responses are likely to occur when cues for those responses
are obvious.
Proceed to Step 5
Expected Ranges for Populars
If R = 17-28 then P = 5-7 for adolescents and adults
If R = 17-28 then P = 4-7 for children under the age of 12
If R < 17 then P = 4-6 regardless of age
If R > 28 then P = 6-9 regardless of age



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

P > Average It may signal an unusual concern for conventionality and correctness. The person may be
overinvolved with the detection of cues related to socially expected or acceptable behaviors.
Proceed to Step 5
P < Average The person may have a persistent tendency to disregard social conventions or expectations in favor
individual needs or wants.
Proceed to Step 5
Step 5 FQ+ FQ+ = 0 No firm conclusion can be drawn
Proceed to Step 6
FQ+ = 0 & the examinee is well educated Form quality needs to be reviewed again because the absence of FQ+ can signal a defensive and
impaired mediational approach.
Proceed to Step 6
FQx+ = 1-3 The individual is oriented to be somewhat precise in mediating stimulus inputs and probably has
been well motivated in taking the test.
Proceed to Step 6
FQx+ > 3 It signifies a marked orientation to be precise and correct, which indicates the person may be
excessively cautious in decision making.
Proceed to Step 6
Step 6 X+% & Xu% X+% = .70 to .85 & Xu% = .10 to .20 The person has substantial tendency to formulate behaviors that are in accord with social demands or
X+% = .70 to .85 & Xu% < .10 It indicates some sort of mediational dysfunction occasionally interferes with this orientation.
X+% >.85 regardless of Xu% It indicates unusual commitment to conventionality, which may signal an excessive preoccupation
with social acceptability that can lead to sacrifice of individuality. It may also reflect a tendency
toward obsessiveness and/or perfectionism.



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

X+% = .55 to .69 & Xu% =/> .20 The person tends to take more mediation decisions that disregard social demands or expectations
than do most people. This may indicate a conflict with the environment and/or system of values that
varies considerably from those usually endorsed by the environment.
X+% = .55 to .69 & Xu% =/> .20 & L > It may represent social alienation or social defensiveness, that is, the individual tends to avoid
0.99 (Avoidant style) convention as a way of maintaining distance from an environment that is perceived as threatening.
X+% < .55 & X-% > .20 There is a substantial likelihood of more atypical or even inappropriate behaviors that might be
X-% =/< .20 & Xu% > .25 OR X-% < It indicates that a person is not very much influenced by the social demands or expectations, and it is
.15 & Xu% =/> .30 likely that many behaviors will be formulated that disregard or avoid issues of social convention.

Example interpretation 1:
She appears to experience a moderate level of mediational dysfunction at times (Step 1). In fact, some evidence suggests a pervasive to selectively distort reality (Step 3). She
seems prompted to do so because of emotional factors that tie together with concerns for her physical well-being (Step 3a) and, on occasion, this can lead her into serious distortion
of reality (Step 3b). She seems oriented toward being conventional and making acceptable responses or behaviors (Steps 5 and 6), but preoccupations about her health or well-
being often circumvent that orientation and cause her to perceive the world through a more personal, and not very realistic, set of psychological lenses.
Example interpretation 1:
His mediation seems to be quite appropriate in most circumstances (Step 1), and there is no evidence to suggest that he distorts inputs more often than most people (Step 3).
However, he does not translate obvious cues as conventionally as do most people (Step 4). Rather, he seems to have a marked tendency to disregard social demands or expectations
(Step 6). This does not necessarily mean that his behaviors will be asocial or unacceptable, but it does indicate that his behaviors will not be very conventional. This suggests that
his system of values may vary considerably from those usually endorsed by the environment.



6. Ideation
Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision
Step 1 EB, Lambda Introversive style & Lambda < 1.0 The person relies heavily on conceptual thinking. The person is inclined to think through things and
delay behaviors until has considered various options. He/she is prone to trust internal evaluations
more than external feedback and tries to avoid being overly influenced by emotions. He/she is
cautious, strive for precise logic when making decisions, and prefer not to become involved in trial-
and-error behaviors.
Proceed to Step 2.
Introversive style & Lambda > 0.99 The individual is an avoidant-introversive. The person is ideationally oriented, although he/she is
prone to delay decisions while considering various options, the domination of the avoidant style
usually causes the process to be less thorough and his/her conceptual activities are likely to be
marked by much more simplicity. The person usually keeps feelings at a more peripheral level during
problem solving and/or decision making, but he/she is more vulnerable to emotional intrusions in
their thinking when confronted with complexity or ambiguity. He/she generally favors system of
logic that are uncomplicated and usually avoids engaging in trial-and-error explorations whenever
Proceed to Step 2.
Extratensive style & Lambda < 1.0 The person is inclined to merge feelings and thinking during problem solving or decision making.
Whereas the introversive person usually relies heavily on “thoughtfulness” in forming concepts and
making judgments, the extratensive relies much more on feelings. This means that the impact of
emotions on ideation often gives rise to more complex patterns of thought. The person is more likely
to count on external feedback for reassurance, and his/her judgments are often based on results of
trial-and-error behaviors.
Proceed to Step 2.
Extratensive style & Lambda > 0.99 The person is an avoidant-extratensive. The person depends a great deal on external feedback and
often becomes involved with trial-and-error behavior when confronted with decision making
necessities. The dominance of the avoidant style, however, increases the probability that he/she will
not fully differentiate emotional experiences, and his/her feelings often become overly influential on
thinking. When he/she becomes careless about modulating feelings, this negligence easily gives rise



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

to impulsive-like thinking. This often results in flawed and simplistic logic, which can easily lead to
decisions and/or behaviors that are less effective or even appropriate for the situation.
No introversive or extratensive style & The person is an ambitent. Sometimes, he/she approaches a decision using a style of thinking similar
Lambda < 1.0 to the introversive. He/she pushes feelings aside and tends to delay while thinking through various
issues. At other times, the approach is more intuitive and very influenced by feelings, much like the
extratensive. As a result, he/she is more vulnerable to errors in judgment and are more likely to
reverse previous judgments.
Proceed to Step 3.
No introversive or extratensive style & The person is an avoidant-ambitent. The person is much more vulnerable to less sophisticated
Lambda > 0.99 thinking and more frequent incidents in which emotions are less well modulated. The person has
considerable difficulties adapting effectively in a complex environment.
Step 2 EBPer Introversive style & EBPer < 2.5 While the person typically uses ideational style involving delay, instances will occur in which
feelings contribute significantly to decisions.
Proceed to Step 3.
Introversive style & EBPer =/> 2.5 It is likely that emotions will play only a very limited role in the decision-making activity of the
subject, even in situations in which a more intuitive or trial-and-error approach would be preferable.
Proceed to Step 3.
Extratensive style & EBPer < 2.5 The person is prone to merge feelings with thinking most of the time, but instances will occur in
which feelings are pushed aside in favor of an ideational approach that affords careful consideration
of various options.
Proceed to Step 3.
Extratensive style & EBPer =/> 2.5 It is likely that emotions will almost always have a considerable influence on patterns of thinking,
even in situations in which this intuitive approach may be less effective.
Proceed to Step 3.
Step 3 a:p Sum of a:p ratio = 4 & one value = 0 The thinking and values of the person tend to be less flexible and more well fixed than is ordinarily
the case for most people.



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

Proceed to Step 4.
Sum of a:p ratio > 4 & the value on the Ideational sets and values of the person tend to be reasonably well fixed and would be somewhat
other side is more than two times and as difficult to alter.
much as three times greater than the Proceed to Step 4.
value on the other side
Sum of a:p ratio > 4 & the value on the Ideational sets and values of the person are well fixed and relatively inflexible. People such as this
other side is more than three times find it very difficult to alter attitudes or opinions, or to views issues from a perspective different than
greater than the value on the other side that which they hold.
Proceed to Step 4.
Step 4 HVI, OBS, MOR Positive OBS The person usually tries to take great care in forming concepts and applying them. Because of the
complexity of conceptual thinking, he/she tries to be precise and is often more “wordy” than others.
Positive HVI It is likely that his/her thinking is less flexible than desired. It is also probable that some of his/her
conceptualizations may be less logical than typically expected.
MOR =/> 3 The person has a pessimistic world view. This negative set probably intrudes into most of his/her
cognitive activities, and the sense of doubt and expectation of failure that it has a substantial impact
his/her thinking.
Step 5 Left-Side eb (FM, Left side of eb = 3 to 6 & m > FM It indicates that the unusual level of peripheral ideation is being increased by situationally related
m) stress.
FM < 2 The person somehow minimizes or avoids many of the natural mental intrusions caused by need
Proceed to Step 6.
Left side of eb < 3 & No Avoidant style It is likely that the person defensively merges peripheral thought into a directed conceptual
framework of thinking.
Proceed to Step 6.
Left side of eb < 3 & Avoidant style It is likely that the person tends to react quickly to avoid the irritations created by the intrusions of
peripheral thoughts.



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

Proceed to Step 6.
Left side of eb = 7 & most of them = FM Internal need states are causing the person to experience the person a substantial level of peripheral
OR Left side of eb > 7 & FM > 5 mental activity than typically the case for most people, and this may cause frequent problems in
attention and/or concentration.
Left side of eb = 7 & FM < 4 OR Left The person is experiencing an increase in peripheral mental activity because of situationally related
side of eb > 7 & FM < 5 stress. Ordinarily, this will be a transient condition, however, it is important to note that attention and
concentration activities can be reduced significantly during its duration.
Proceed to Step 6.
Step 6 Ma:Mp Mp 1 pt > Ma The person has a distinct tendency to defensively substitute fantasy for reality in stressful situations
more often than do most people.
Mp 2 or more pt > Ma The person relies extensively on fantasy as a way of denying or contending with realities that the
person prefers to avoid dealing with directly. It also suggests that he/she may be overly dependent on
others as a source of reinforcement, or for the resolution of distasteful circumstances.
Step 7 Intellectualization Int Index > 6 The person is prone than most people to intellectualize feelings. This suggests the individual may
Index adapt or accept a distorted form of conceptual thinking that serves to deny the true impact of a
Proceed to Step 8.
Int Index 4 to 6 The person uses intellectualization as a major defensive tactic in situations that are perceived as
stressful. It is a pseudo-intellectual process that permits denial, and, as a result, reduces the likelihood
that feelings will be dealt with directly and/or realistically.
Proceed to Step 8.
Step 8 Sum6 & WSum6 WSum6 =/< 6 & Age =/> 14 & includes This is unremarkable finding and there is no reason to question the clarity of conceptual thinking.
only Level 1 DV, INCOM or DR
There are no CONTAM responses & Ideational clarity is probably similar to that of most in his/her age group.
WSum6 =/< 8 Ages 11 to 13 Proceed to Step 9.



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

WSum6 =/< 10 Ages 8 to 10
WSum6 =/< 12 Ages 5 to 7
WSum6 =/< 6 & Age =/> 14 & includes The thinking tends to be marked by faulty judgment or ideational slippage more often than is
either a FABCOM or ALOG response & common. This does not necessarily reflect a thinking problem, but does suggest that thinking is less
does not include CONTAM or Level 2 clear than might be expected and some of the conceptualizations of the individual are less mature or
responses less sophisticated than is typical.
Proceed to Step 9.
R =/> 17 & Age =/> 14 & WSum6 = 7 to Ideational activity is marked more often by slippage and/or faulty judgment than is common. This
10 & does not include CONTAM or does not necessarily a thinking problem but does signify that the thinking tends to be less clear and
Level 2 responses considerably less sophisticated than is typical.
R =/< 16 & Age =/> 14 & WSum6 = 7 to Ideational activity is marked more often by slippage and/or faulty judgment than is common. This
9 & does not include CONTAM or Level does not necessarily a thinking problem but does signify that the thinking tends to be less clear and
2 responses considerably less sophisticated than is typical.
There are no CONTAM responses & Ideational activity is marked more often by slippage and/or faulty judgment than is common. This
does not necessarily a thinking problem but does signify that the thinking tends to be less clear and
WSum6 = 9 to 12 Ages 11 to 13
considerably less sophisticated than is typical.
WSum6 = 11 to 14 Ages 8 to 10
WSum6 = 13 to 15 Ages 5 to 7
R =/> 17 & Age =/> 14 & WSum6 = 11 There is an indication of a serious thinking problem. Episodes of ideation discontinuity or faulty
to 17 conceptualization that cloud thinking and promote faulty judgment are more common than desirable.
As a result, the probability of flawed decision making is increased substantially.
R =/< 16 & Age =/> 14 & WSum6 = 10 There is an indication of a serious thinking problem. Episodes of ideation discontinuity or faulty
to 12 conceptualization that cloud thinking and promote faulty judgment are more common than desirable.
As a result, the probability of flawed decision making is increased substantially.
WSum6 = 13 to 17 Ages 11 to 13 There is an indication of a serious thinking problem. Episodes of ideation discontinuity or faulty
conceptualization that cloud thinking and promote faulty judgment are more common than desirable.
WSum6 = 15 to 19 Ages 8 to 10
As a result, the probability of flawed decision making is increased substantially.



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

WSum6 = 16 to 20 Ages 5 to 7 Proceed to Step 9.
R =/> 17 & Age =/> 14 & WSum6 > 18 The thinking is likely to be seriously disturbed. When conceptualization is impaired at this level, the
reality testing of the individual is usually marginal, at best. Thinking tends to be disorganized,
inconsistent and frequently marked by very flawed judgments.
R =/< 16 & Age =/> 14 & WSum6 > 12 The thinking is likely to be seriously disturbed. When conceptualization is impaired at this level, the
reality testing of the individual is usually marginal, at best. Thinking tends to be disorganized,
inconsistent and frequently marked by very flawed judgments.
WSum6 > 18 Ages 11 to 13 The thinking is likely to be seriously disturbed. When conceptualization is impaired at this level, the
reality testing of the individual is usually marginal, at best. Thinking tends to be disorganized,
WSum6 > 19 Ages 8 to 10
inconsistent and frequently marked by very flawed judgments.
WSum6 > 20 Ages 5 to 7
Proceed to Step 9.
Step 9 Evaluation of Qualitatively review special scores and See The Rorschach: A Comprehensive System, vol. 2, Advanced Interpretation, 3rd ed., page 418
Critical Special adjust interpretation if needed.
Step 10 M Form Quality All M responses with FQ +, o or u No interpretive significance
Proceed to Step 11.
M- = 1 & M FQnone = 0 It represents some peculiarities in thinking that is created by a preoccupation that interferes with
mediation or the clarity of thinking. The person could also be in some sort of an ideational disarray.
M- = 0 & M FQnone = 1 The results signify problems with ideational control that interfere with the clarity of thinking.
M- & M FQnone =/> 2 It is very likely that thinking is very peculiar or disturbed. It reflects a broader form of ideational
Step 11 The Quality of M Qualitatively review M responses. See The Rorschach: A Comprehensive System, vol. 2, Advanced Interpretation, 3rd ed., page 421 for
Responses description



7. Self-Perception
Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision
Step 1 OBS, HVI OBS Positive The person is preoccupied with perfectionism. The person maintains strong values regarding
correctness or precision and tends to have a disdain for those who do not share those values. The
person harbors a sense of insecurity because he/she questions his/her own adequacy. The striving for
perfectionism is a way of controlling the worries about being insecure and, even more, it is a way of
avoiding the dreaded mistakes that might validate the sense of inadequacy. The person views
him/herself more negatively than typically is the case for most individuals.
HVI Positive The person is preoccupied with vulnerability that stems from a mistrusting attitude toward the
environment. The person is very concerned with safeguarding his/her personal integrity and tends to
attribute the causes for difficulties or failures to external forces, regardless the realities of the
situation. The sense of uncertainty about his/her actions and reactions of others fosters a heightened
concern about being prepared to ensure that his/her own behaviors will be appropriate and that they
will avoid being degraded or manipulated. The person is not very flexible about this state of
guardedness and invests considerable energy to maintain it.
Proceed to Step 2.
Step 2 Reflections Fr+rF > 0 It indicates an exaggerated self-involvement, and an inflated sense of personal worth that tends to
dominate the individual’s perception of the world. The person may find it difficult to establish and
maintain deep and meaningful interpersonal relations.
Proceed to Step 3.
Step 3 Egocentricity Egocentricity Index > .45 & Fr+rF > 0 The individuals tends to much more involved with himself or herself than are most others, and
Index for adults narcissistic-like feature is strongly embedded in the psychology of the person and is sustaining
favorable judgments concerning the self in relation to others.
Egocentricity Index > .45 & Fr+rF = 0 The person has an unusually strong concern with the self, which easily leads to a neglect of the
for adults external world. This strong concern may signal a dissatisfaction with the self.
Proceed to Step 4.



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

Average Egocentricity Index for Younger Persons
Age 5 .55 to .83 Age 11 .46 to .58
Age 6 .52 to .82 Age 12 .46 to .58
Age 7 .52 to .72 Age 13 .41 to .55
Age 8 .48 to .74 Age 14 .37 to .54
Age 9 .47 to .69 Age 15 .33 to .50
Age 10 .47 to .61 Age 16 .33 to .48
Egocentricity Index = .33 to .45 for an The individual is no more or less self-involved than most others.
adult and Average range for younger
Egocentricity Index = Average & Fr+rF Narcissistic-like feature breeds and excessive preoccupation with the self. The person has some
>0 awareness that the presumption of high personal worth may be faulty, and issues of self-doubt might
be present.
Egocentricity Index < Average Individual’s estimate of personal worth tends to be negative. The person regards himself/herself less
favorably when compared to others.
Egocentricity Index < Average & Fr+rF The person is in serious conflict regarding self-image and personal worth.
>0 Proceed to Step 4.
Step 4 FD and SumV R =/> 17 & FD & Vista = 0 The person may be less involved with self-awareness than is usually the case.
Proceed to Step 5.
SumV = 0 & FD = 1 or 2 The person engages in self-inspecting behaviors somewhat routinely, which might lead to a more
realistic sense of self.
Proceed to Step 5.
FD > 2 & SumV > 0 The person is involved in unusual self-inspecting behavior.



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

Egocentricity Index = Average & FD > 2 The person is involved in unusual self-inspecting behavior. Such concern may be positive if it relates
& SumV = 0 to strivings for betterment.
Egocentricity Index < Average & FD > 2 The person is involved in unusual self-inspecting behavior. Such concern may be counterproductive
& SumV = 0 if it merely relates to rumination about oneself.
SumV > 0 regardless of FD The person is preoccupied with features perceived to be negative, and this is yielding painful
SumV > 0 & Fr+rF > 0 The person has a serious conflict concerning self-image. The individual is attempting to contend with
the issue of high self-worth versus perceived negative features of the self.
Proceed to Step 5.
Step 5 An+Xy An+Xy = 2 Some body concerns may be present.
An+Xy > 2 with FQ- OR MORBID There is a greater likelihood that the person is concerned about his/her body.
Proceed to Step 6.
An+Xy =/> 3 regardless of Form Quality The person is preoccupied with body concerns.
or MOR Proceed to Step 6.
Step 6 Sum MOR MOR = 2 The person has a pessimistic view of self, probably because of the perceived negative features in the
Proceed to Step 7.
MOR =/> 3 The self-image of the person is marked by negative attributions and, in general, thinking often
includes a much more pessimistic view of the self than is expected.
Proceed to Step 7.
Step 7 Human Content
Response Coding
Step 7a H:(H)+Hd+(Hd) Human Content =/> 3 The self-image of the person is based more on experience than imagination. Social interactions have
probably contributed significantly to formulations regarding the self.



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

Proceed to Step 7b.
1a Introversive Style & Pure H = 2 pts > Other Human Contents
1b Not Introversive & Pure H =/> Other Human Contents & R = 17 to 27
1c Not Introversive & R < 17 or > 27 & Pure H =/> or more than 1 pt < Other Human Content
Human Content =/> 3 The self-image of the person is based more on imaginary impressions or distortions of real
experience. The person tends to be less mature and frequently has distorted notions of him/herself.
Proceed to Step 7b.
2a Introversive Style & Pure H < 2 pts > Other Human Contents
2b Not Introversive & Pure H < Other Human Contents & R = 17 to 27
2c Not Introversive & R < 17 or > 27 & Pure H = 1 or more pt < Other Human Content
Means for Human Content Scoring Categories plus Some Frequency Data for 500 Nonpatients Subdivided by Range of R and Response Styles
R = 14 to 16 R = 17 to 27 R = 28 to 55
Response Styles* Response Styles* Response Styles*
Category N= I A E L I A E L I A E L
18 22 17 16 116 54 129 38 33 16 24 17
H 3.8 1.8 1.6 1.7 4.8 2.5 2.5 1.8 7.1 3.7 2.1 2.9
(H) 1.0 1.2 1.3 0.7 1.2 1.7 1.1 1.0 1.2 0.9 2.0 1.4
Hd 0.4 0.5 0.6 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.8 1.6 1.7 2.7 1.4 2.6
(Hd) 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.1 1.3
All Human Content 5.3 3.6 3.6 4.0 7.0 5.3 4.7 4.9 10.4 7.7 5.6 8.2
* I = Introversive; A = Ambitent; E = Extratensive; L = Avoidant



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

Step 7b Human Content Qualitative review of Human Content The table below provides a tentative guide when Human content depicts a positive self-image and
Response Coding negative
Generally Positive Generally Negative
W or D locations without S Dd locations or S in W or D responses
Form Quality of + or o Form Quality minus
M in Pure H responses M in (Hd) responses
FC when chromatic color is used Pure C when chromatic color used
Absence of chiaroscuro (shading or pure black) features Presence of these features, especially Vista or achromatic color
No color-shading or shading blends Presence of color-shading or shading blends
Absence of contents: An, Bl, Ex, Hx Presence of contents: An, Bl, Ex, Hx
Absence of special scores except COP Presence of special scores other than COP, especially MOR, AB, INCOM, FABCOM, ALOG, CONTAM
Step 8 Searching for
Step 8a Minus responses These responses are likely to reflect internal psychological sets that may have influenced the
mediational activities of the individual.
Step 8b MOR responses These responses typically reveal projections.
Step 8c M or H responses These responses reflect some of the characteristics with which the individual identifies or
Step 8d FM or m The type of movement attributed to animals or inanimate objects could also reveal about individual’s
responses projection.



8. Interpersonal Perception and Behavior

Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision
Step 1 CDI CDI =/> 4 The person is less socially mature than might be expected. The person is limited in social skills and is
disposed to experience frequent difficulties when interacting with the environment, especially the
interpersonal sphere. Relations with others are likely to be more superficial and less easily sustained.
The person might be regarded as others as being distant, inept, or helpless in his/her dealings with
people, and tends to be less sensitive to the needs and interests of others.
Step 2 HVI HVI Positive The person tends to be overly cautious and conservative in relations with others. The person tends to
feel quite vulnerable and formulates and implements behaviors very cautiously. He/she is
preoccupied with issues of personal space and is very guarded in interpersonal relationships. He/she
typically does not have sustained close relationships unless feels in control of interactions. He/she
tends to become suspicious on gestures of closeness by others.
Proceed to Step 3.
Step 3 a:p ratio p more than 1 pt > a Generally, the individual assumes a more passive, though nor necessarily submissive role in
interpersonal relations. The person may prefer to avoid responsibility for decision making and is less
prone to search out new solutions to problems, or initiate new patterns of behavior, especially when
the possibility exists that others will assume the necessary responsibilities.
Proceed to Step 3.
Step 4 Food responses Fd > 0 for adolescent and adults and Fd > The person tends to show many dependency behaviors than is typically the case for most people. The
1 for children person tends to rely on others for direction and support and tends to be rather naïve in his/her
expectations concerning interpersonal relations.
p more than 1 pt > a & Fd > 0 for Passive-dependent feature is an important core component in the personality organization of the
adolescent and adults and Fd > 1 for person.
children Proceed to Step 5.
Step 5 SumT T=1 The person probably acknowledges and expresses needs for closeness in ways similar to most people.
The person is usually amenable to close relationships and open to routine tactile exchanges as one
way of creating and sustaining those relationships.



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

Proceed to Step 6.
T = 0 & there is at least 1 other shading The individual is more conservative than might be anticipated in close interpersonal situations,
response especially those involving tactile exchange. The person is more likely to be concerned with personal
space, and much more cautious about creating or maintaining close emotional ties with others.
Proceed to Step 6.
T>1 The person has strong unfulfilled needs for closeness. This could either be because of a recent
emotional loss or a more persistent state that might have been provoked by emotional losses or
disappointments that have never been adequately compensated or replaced. The person is harboring
an irritating sense of longing or loneliness. This need for closeness makes him/her quite vulnerable to
the manipulations of others.
Proceed to Step 6.
Step 6 Sum Human Human Contents = Average & Pure H Individual is as interested in others as much as most people, and probably conceptualizes them in a
Contents and Pure more than half of the sum & Introversive way that is reality based.
H style, considering R Proceed to Step 6.
Expected Range for the Sum of Human Content and the Average for Pure H Based on Data for 500 Nonpatients Subdivided by Range of R and Response Styles
R = 14 to 16 R = 17 to 27 R = 27 to 55
Expected Values & Response Styles* Expected Values & Response Styles* Expected Values & Response Styles*
N= 18 22 17 16 116 54 129 38 33 16 24 17
All Human Content 4-6 2-4 2-4 2-5 5-8 4-7 3-6 4-7 7-11 5-9 4-7 5-9
Average Pure H 3.8 1.8 1.6 1.7 4.8 2.5 2.5 1.8 7.1 3.7 2.1 2.9
* I = Introversive; A = Ambitent; E = Extratensive; L = Avoidant



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

Human Contents = Average & Pure H at Individual is as interested in others as much as most people, and probably conceptualizes them in a
least half of the sum & NOT Introversive way that is reality based.
style, considering R Proceed to Step 6.
Human Contents = Average & Pure H Individual is as interested in others as most people, but probably does not understand them very well.
=/< half the sum & Introversive Style OR The person may have a tendency to misread people, and frequently misinterprets social gestures.
< half the sum for other styles, Proceed to Step 7.
considering R
Human Contents > Average & Pure H > The person has a substantial interest in people, which is based on an understanding of them and that
half the sum & Introversive Style OR at tends to be grounded in reality.
least half the sum for other styles, Proceed to Step 7.
considering R
Human Contents > Average & Pure H The person has a strong interest in other people, but the person does not understand people very well.
=/< half the sum & Introversive Style OR This lack of understanding can often lead to unrealistic expectations concerning relationships and/or
< half the sum for other styles, social blunders that alienate others.
considering R Proceed to Step 7.
Human Contents < Average, considering Individual is not interested in others as much as most people. The individual might be emotionally
R and Style withdrawn or socially isolated from his/her environment.
Proceed to Step 7.
Step 7 GHR & PHR Sum of GHR & PHR =/> 3 & GHR > The individual generally engages in forms of interpersonal behaviors that are likely to be adaptive for
PHR the situation.
Proceed to Step 8.
Sum of GHR & PHR =/> 3 & PHR =/> The individual generally engages in forms of interpersonal behaviors that are likely to be less
GHR adaptive for the situation than might be desirable.
Proceed to Step 8.



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

Step 8 COP & AG COP = 0 & AG = 0 or 1 The person does not anticipate positive interaction among people as a routine event. The person is
prone to feel less comfortable in interpersonal situations, and may be regarded by others as being
more distant or aloof.
Proceed to Step 9.
COP = 0 & AG =/> 2 OR COP = 2 & The person perceives aggressiveness as a natural part of interpersonal relationships. The person
AG > 2 might be noticeably forceful and aggressive in everyday behaviors.
Proceed to Step 9.
COP = 1 or 2 & AG = 0 or 1 The person usually anticipates positive interactions among people and is interested in participating in
Proceed to Step 9.
COP = 2 or 3 & AG = 2 The person is open and interested in positive interactions among people, but many of the interactions
are marked by forceful or aggressive forms of exchange. The person tends to perceive forms of
aggressiveness as a natural mode of exchange among people but also anticipates those exchanges
generally will be positive.
Proceed to Step 9.
COP =/> 3 & AG = 0 or 1 OR COP > 3 The person may be usually regarded by others as likeable and outgoing. The person sees
& AG =/< 2 interpersonal activity as a very important part of daily routine and is commonly identified by those
around them as among the more gregarious in group interactions. The person may regularly
anticipate or seek out harmonious interactions with others.
Proceed to Step 9.
COP =/> 3 & AG > 2 The person tends to be confused regarding the appropriate mode of interpersonal behavior. The
person does not understand others very well and is prone to be less consistent and/or predictable in
interpersonal routines.
Proceed to Step 9.
Step 9 PER PER = 2 or 3 The individual tends to be somewhat defensive in interpersonal situations than are most people, and
often relies on displays of information as a way of maintaining security in those situations.



Step Variables Possible Values Interpretation and Decision

Proceed to Step 10.
PER > 3 The person is unsure about his/her personal integrity in interpersonal situations, and is prone to
become defensively authoritarian as a way of fending off perceived challenges to the self that arise in
those situations. The person may be regarded by others as rigid or narrow minded and, as a
consequence he/she often has difficulties in maintaining close relations, especially with those who
are not submissive to them.
Proceed to Step 10.
Step 10 Isolation Index Isolation Index = .26 to .32 The person tends to be less active in social interactions than might be expected. The person is less
interested or reluctant to be involved in social intercourse routinely.
Proceed to Step 11.
Isolation Index =/> .33 The person is more socially isolated. The person finds it difficult to create and/or sustain smooth or
meaningful interpersonal relationships. The person does not connect well with others and often finds
himself or herself relatively void of rewarding relationships.
Proceed to Step 11.
Step 11 M or FM Qualitatively review these responses.
responses with (2) See The Rorschach: A Comprehensive System, vol. 2, Advanced Interpretation, 3rd ed., page 585 for

J. E. Exner & P. Erdberg, (2005). The Rorschach: A Comprehensive System, vol. 2, Advanced Interpretation, 3rd ed. (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.).


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