!OSE House Rules Shared v1.6

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The document outlines house rules for character creation and advancement in Old-School Essentials (OSE), including alternative ability score generation, additional classes, simplified attack progression, and rules for multiclassing.

Players can swap any two ability scores, reroll all scores and pick one set, invert all scores by subtracting from 20, or gain a bonus XP amount. This is done before continuing character creation.

The advanced classes from OSE 'Advanced Fantasy' are available: Barbarian, Bard, Druid, Illusionist, Paladin, Gnome, and Half-Elf. Other classes may be allowed at the referee's discretion.

Matt P’s OSE aka B/X House Rules, v1.

These are my house rules for Old-School Essentials
(aka OSE aka Moldvay/Cook B/X D&D). Some are my
Reroll all hit points on level up
own but many are inspired by (or directly lifted When a character levels up and gains a new hit die,
from) excellent OSR resources and blogs online. the player rolls all the character’s hit dice and adds
(CON modifier) x (new level) to get their new hit
point total. If this total is equal to or lower than the
Character Advancement character’s current hit point total, they instead gain 1
max hit point. The player does not do this after the
Ability score generation options character stops gaining hit dice (generally at level 9),
After rolling ability scores for a new character (3d6 at which point HP from hit dice are fixed and only the
in-order), a player may use any one of the below flat bonuses are gained with each level.
options before continuing with character creation:
1. Swap any two ability scores. Smoothed attack progression
2. Reroll all ability scores, then pick one of the two Character THAC0/attack bonus progression is per
full sets of scores to use. the table below instead of per the standard OSE
3. Invert all ability scores by subtracting each tables. Martial classes are those which normally
ability score from 20 (in the unlikely event a advance in THAC0/saves every 3 levels, semi-martial
player does this with an original score of 18, classes those which normally advance every 4 levels,
treat the end result of 2 as 3). and non-martial classes those which normally
4. Start with (1d12 x 100) bonus XP. advance every 5 levels.
This does not replace the 2-for-1 prime requisite Semi- Non-
Level Martial
Martial Martial
score swap after choosing a class, which is still
available to players per the standard OSE rules. 1 19 [0] 19 [0] 19 [0]
2 19 [0] 19 [0] 19 [0]
Advanced classes 3 18 [+1] 19 [0] 19 [0]
In addition to the 7 basic classes from OSE, the 4 18 [+1] 18 [+1] 19 [0]
following 7 classes from OSE “Advanced Fantasy” are 5 17 [+2] 18 [+1] 18 [+1]
also available to player characters: 6 16 [+3] 17 [+2] 18 [+1]
 Barbarian 7 15 [+4] 17 [+2] 17 [+2]
 Bard 8 14 [+5] 16 [+3] 17 [+2]
 Druid 9 13 [+6] 15 [+4] 17 [+2]
 Illusionist 10 13 [+6] 14 [+5] 16 [+3]
 Paladin 11 12 [+7] 14 [+5] 15 [+4]
 Gnome 12 11 [+8] 13 [+6] 14 [+5]
 Half-Elf 13 11 [+8] 13 [+6] 14 [+5]
Other classes may be allowed at Referee discretion. 14 10 [+9] 12 [+7] 14 [+5]
Of the core OSE classes, fighters and demihumans
Multiclassing are “martial”, clerics and thieves are “semi-martial”,
Rules for multiclassing are presented later in this and magic-users are “non-martial”.
document under their own large heading.
XP for extravagant expenditures
Prime requisite XP bonus Characters gain XP on a 1:1 GP:XP basis by recovering
The prime requisite XP bonus is not applied to XP treasure from adventures per the standard OSE rules.
earned. Instead, a lump sum equal to a % of the XP to They can gain additional XP by wasting their wealth
reach the next level is awarded to a character each on extravagant expenditures during the downtime
time they level up (as well as to newly created level 1 between expeditions.
characters). This simplifies accounting for the In order to qualify for this additional XP, an
Referee, and is within 1% of doing it the other way. expenditure should be appropriate for the archetype
of the character but not provide any direct Some common roles and their typical XP values are
mechanical benefits. Buying new weapons and listed below for reference.
armor, stocking up on potions, researching new Role XP value
spells, or creating magic items for use in adventuring
do not qualify as extravagant expenditures. Caller 5%
In general, the specific fictional form of these Chronicler 5%
expenditures depends on the milieu of the character Mapper 5%
in question – players are encouraged to be creative. Provide Meal 2% x (# of people fed)
Regardless of the fictional form, each expenditure
requires roughly a week of downtime. Characters XP for objectives
may make their expenditures in a few different ways At the Referee’s discretion, characters can gain XP for
as shown below, with different ratios of GP to XP completing objectives, such as discovering
depending on the risk undertaken. significant locations or helping important NPCs.
Type Examples Mechanics GP:XP
Philanthropy, Player chooses XP for magical items
incremental how much to
Characters gain XP for recovering magical items from
magical research, spend, up to adventures. The table below is used as a guideline to
temple offerings. (level x 1000) GP. supplement Referee discretion.
Player rolls up to
Carousing, daring Item XP value
(level) dice of any
Risky magical research, 1:1
kind and spends Weapon (Damage Die) x (Magic Bonus) x 50
spending sprees.
result x 100 GP.
Armor (Base AC Bonus) x (Magic Bonus) x 150
A character who cannot afford to pay the full amount
Shield (Magic Bonus) x 300
owed for a “Risky” expenditure spends all their
available wealth, gain only 33% of the XP they would Scroll/Book (Sum Contained Spell Levels) x 100
normally gain for the option chosen, and is in debt Wand/Staff (Sum Contained Spell Levels) x 1000
for the difference (with potential long-term Potion Between 200 and 1000 based on effect
implications/enemies at Referee’s discretion).
Other Referee discretion, ref 1e DMG & RC
Characters with oaths or vows mandating that they
donate all or a portion of their income will
automatically receive XP from these donations at the Clerics (divine casters)
2:1 “Safe” ratio.
Turn undead interpretation
XP for helpful meta roles Below are some slight differences to and ruling
Players can gain extra XP for taking on various roles interpretations for the OSE rules for clerical
helpful to the Referee or group. The amount of XP invocation of divine power to repel undead monsters.
gained scales with party level, and is equal to a To turn undead, the player rolls 2d6 and adds a
percentage of the XP a fighter of a level equal to the bonus equal to 2x the difference between the cleric’s
average PC’s level would need to level up. These level and the monster’s HD (penalty if negative). On a
values are tabulated below for reference. modified roll of 7 or higher, 2d6 HD of undead are
Avg. party level XP from a 5% award turned, and flee. On a modified roll of 14 or higher,
1-2 100 2d6 HD of undead are annihilated. In mixed groups
the lowest HD monsters are affected first.
3 200
The table below shows the unmodified 2d6 result
4 400 needed to turn and destroy undead at various cleric
5 800 and monster relative levels.
6 1600 Cleric level vs Monster HD
7 2800 –3 –2 –1 = +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
Turn – 11 9 7 5 3 T T T T
8+ 6000
Destroy – – – – 12 10 8 6 4 D
Because abjuring the undead is at its core an or the defender is already fighting another
assertion of divine authority over life and death, a combatant from the other side.
cleric who fails her attempt to turn the undead “Brace” weapons: A combatant wielding a weapon
(demonstrating a lack of authority) cannot turn any with the “Brace” quality (spear or polearm in OSE)
further undead in the same encounter. If different who is not surprised, not already in melee, and has
undead show up or the cleric spends a turn to re- not already acted in the round can forfeit his action
center herself, she may attempt to turn again. to strike simultaneously with a closing opponent –
even if his own initiative has not yet come up. If the
Bonus spells for high WIS closing opponent is charging, this attack does double
Divine casters with WIS of 13+/16+/18+ can learn and damage should it hit. “Brace” weapons can also be
cast an additional 1st/2nd/3rd level spell. This used to attack from behind the first rank (–3 to-hit
additional spell is granted at the character level the penalty if the combatant is smaller than that ally).
character would first gain access to the given spell
Cover clarification: A combatant who is taking
level, not before.
cover is considered to have a level of cover or
Create more divine scrolls! concealment appropriate to the action she took the
Divine casters with the general ability to create last time her initiative came up.
magical items after reaching a certain class level can  Example 1: A thief moves behind a wall to take
create magic scrolls before reaching that class level, as cover during her movement phase, then peers out
long as the spell is not of the highest level of spell from the wall to fire an arrow at a goblin during
they can cast. The OSE rules for creating magical her missile phase. Any foes with line-of-sight to
items otherwise apply. the archer’s location (including the goblin) are
able to target her with return fire (albeit at an
Spontaneous healing appropriate cover penalty) until she acts again.
A divine caster can expend any memorized spell or  Example 2: The same thief is wounded by return
take one hit die of damage to cast a weaker version of fire during the goblin’s initiative, so on her next
cure light wounds that heals for 1d4 instead of 1d6+1 initiative she chooses to stay completely
hit points. This does not cure paralysis. concealed behind the wall, making no attacks.
This spell can be interrupted as usual, with the She is now considered to be out of line-of-sight
memorized spell still being expended or the caster and cannot be targeted by ranged attacks (unless
still taking damage if it is interrupted. an enemy moves to see behind the wall).
Grappling/overbearing: Generally, a situation in
Combat which one or more combatants wishes to move
another combatant against his will (either to hold
Ascending armor class them in place or push/pull) or to push past a
The Referee will use the rules described in OSE for combatant holding a position is resolved by both
ascending armor class and base attack bonuses that groups rolling all their hit dice, with the higher
increase with level, rather than the default of number indicating the winner. This takes place
descending armor class and attack matrix/THAC0. during the melee phase in lieu of a weapon attack;
any combatant also wishing to make a weapon attack
Common combat rulings has their hit die roll penalized by half and makes
Combat is resolved in phases using side-based their weapon attack at –2.
initiative as described in OSE. Below are some  Example: 2 kobolds are trying to push a 3rd-level
standardized rulings and interpretations for fighter back from a doorway he is guarding. They
situations that are left ambiguous in the OSE rules: both roll their hit dice, which unfortunately for
Attacking from behind: In addition to negating any them are only half a hit die (aka 1d4) apiece, and
shield AC bonus, an attack from behind grants a +2 get 2+3=5. The fighter rolls his 3d8 hit dice and
bonus to hit (as if the flanked character was gets 4+7+2=15, easily holding the door.
retreating). Attacks from behind are not usually Monsters with specific rules for grappling (such as
possible unless the attacker is unseen by the defender bears) override this more general ruling.
Held actions: A combatant whose initiative has declare that he wishes to retreat or make a fighting
come up but who wishes to delay his action until withdrawal when his own initiative comes up. If he
later in the combat round may do so by declaring his retreats, this gives his opponent the chance to make a
intentions in the form “if [condition to be met], I will melee attack at the normal +2 bonus during the
[action to be taken]” during the appropriate phase opponent’s melee phase.
for his action. He may then take his action if the
condition is met later in the round, even during Defensive fighting
another side’s initiative. Movement cannot be held. A character who wishes to focus entirely on
Combatants who hold a melee attack for an enemy to defending themselves can, instead of attacking
close distance strike simultaneously with the closing during their melee phase, improve their AC by 1 until
enemy unless they are wielding a weapon with the the start of their next turn, or by 2 if wielding a
“Brace” quality (spear or polearm in OSE), in which shield. Referee will exercise discretion to prevent
case they strike during the closing enemy’s silliness like parrying a spear with a dagger.
movement phase (aka before the enemy can attack). Duels
If the specified condition for a held action is not met In the event of an agreed upon 1:1 duel between two
by the end of the round, the held action is lost – held combatants (can be during a larger fight), this
actions do not carry over to the next round. The optional rule can be used to inject some strategy
Referee will exercise discretion to prevent overly beyond just rolling to hit each round. Each round,
broad or overly vague conditions for held actions. each character secretly decides to Parry, Push, or
 Example 1: A fighter wins initiative and wants to Feint. Compare the fighters’ tactics to see what
shoot the kobold currently hidden behind a rock impact they have this round.
if it exposes itself. She declares this during her
Tactic matchup Result
own missile phase, and can then take her shot
during the kobold’s movement phase if it moves Parry beats Push +3 AC to fighter who parried
out of cover, or during the kobold’s missile phase Push beats Feint +3 damage for fighter who pushed
if it peers out of cover to shoot. Feint beats Parry +3 to hit for fighter who feinted
 Example 2: A fighter wielding a sword wins Both Parry +3 AC to both fighters
initiative and declares he will make a fighting
withdrawal from the orc he is currently fighting. Both Push +3 damage for both fighters
He wants to make an attack if it pursues him, so Both Feint +3 to hit for both fighters
he moves backwards half his movement rate By Emmy Allen, from “Knock!” issue #1.
during his movement phase (per the fighting
withdrawal rules) and then declares during his Level drain clarification
melee phase that he will attack the orc if it moves A character affected by level drain re-rolls their
to engage him. If the orc pursues, the fighter and maximum hit points using all their new hit dice,
the orc will strike simultaneously during the orc’s adding (CON modifier) x (new level). If the total is
melee phase. equal to or greater than the character’s current hit
Movement in melee: A combatant engaged in melee point total, they instead lose 1 max hit point.
can usually move 5’ laterally without retreating, as if
making a fighting withdrawal. At the Referee’s No slow weapons
discretion, this may not be possible in certain The “slow” weapon quality is removed from all
circumstances (intentional blocking, heavily weapons in the OSE equipment list.
encumbered) or for characters without combat
training (such as magic-users). Save or die!
Spontaneous retreat: A combatant who did not A character reduced to 0 hit points must make a Save
begin the round engaged in melee, who is engaged in vs Death. On a success, the character survives but
melee before his own initiative comes up in a round, suffers an effect (usually a permanent injury) based
and who wishes to exit melee during his own on the result of the saving throw roll per the table
movement phase must immediately (during the below. On a failure, the character is killed.
movement phase of the opponent who engages him)
d20 Result Effect character is wielding two magical weapons, only the
higher of the two magical bonuses is used.
20 Adrenaline surge Regain 1d6 HP
Magic-users (and any other classes who normally
19 Badass scar Looks cool
improve their THAC0 & saves every 5 levels) do not
18 Weakened Lose 1d8 STR gain this bonus when wielding two weapons.
17 Addled Lose 1d8 INT
Untrained armor use
16 Haunted Lose 1d8 WIS
Characters who wear armor not normally allowed to
15 Hobbled Lose 1d8 DEX
their class only gain half the additional AC bonus
14 Battered Lose 1d8 CON from doing so and move as if they were wearing
13 Disfigured Lose 1d8 CHA armor one step heavier than they are wearing (e.g. a
12 Presto-digit-fenestration Lose 1d3 fingers magic-user wearing leather armor moves as if he was
wearing chainmail).
11 Yarrr!! Lose an eye
Additionally, special class abilities (thief skills,
10 Right in the kisser Lose 1d6 teeth magic-user spells, etc.) may be less effective, have a
9 It’s just a flesh wound Lose a leg chance of failure, or be unusable at the Referee’s
Deal your full HD in discretion. Chances for %-based skills requiring
8 Heroic demise damage to a nearby bodily agility or manual dexterity are typically halved
enemy, then die for each step of armor heavier. Arcane spellcasting in
7 Your arm’s off! Lose an arm armor (for non-Elves) requires a save vs spells with a
Regain full HP, you penalty equal to half the normal AC bonus of the
6 Divine intervention now owe someone in armor + spell level or the spell fizzles and is lost.
Very High Places Shields used untrained do not give an AC bonus
5 Didn’t hear that coming… Lose an ear unless the character forgoes any chance to attack or
4 Sniff no more Lose your nose take other actions on their turn in order to focus on
3 Not as bad as it looked You’re knocked out defense (fighting defensively/parrying, if such rules
are in use, does count).
2 The dwarf died again Die anyway (sorry!)
Healing ability score loss: a character who loses 1d8 Untrained weapon use
points in an ability score (results 13-18 on the table) Characters may wield weapons not normally allowed
can, after 1d4 weeks of dedicated rest and to their class, but make to-hit and damage rolls with
recuperation (no adventuring), regain a point in that “disadvantage” (roll twice and take the lower result).
ability score for every week rested. This can result in a This applies both to “training-based” weapon
higher ability score than before the injury occurred. restrictions and “size-based” weapon restrictions.
Healing loss of limb: magic capable of raising the
dead can also restore loss of limb, though with the Dwarfs/Halflings
same permanent loss of CON involved (roll on the
OSE: Advanced Fantasy “chance of successfully Halfling initiative bonus
raising the dead” table, lose 1 point of CON after each When using side-based initiative rather than
roll, continue until a success is achieved). individual initiative, a halfling may choose to add +1
Massive damage: if the excess damage after to her own initiative roll to act before the rest of the
reducing the character to 0 HP exceeds the party (and before the monsters if there was a tie!).
character’s max HP, the character instead dies
instantly with no save. Size-based weapon restrictions
Dwarfs cannot use two-handed swords, polearms or
Two-weapon fighting longbows. Halflings cannot use two-handed swords,
A character wielding a melee weapon in each hand polearms, or longbows, and they must wield spears
gains +1 to hit and rolls whichever weapon’s damage and (normal-sized) swords with two hands (they do
die is higher (but only one die) on a hit. If the not receive any damage bonus for doing so).
Exploration Healing
Encumbrance and treasure Binding wounds
A variant of “basic encumbrance” from OSE is used, Within 1 hour (6 turns) of combat or some other
with movement rate determined solely by armor type event that causes HP damage, characters with access
and whether or not the character is carrying “a to basic medical supplies can take 10 minutes (1 turn)
significant amount of treasure” as determined by the to bind their wounds and take a breather, regaining
Referee. The movement by armor worn table from 1d4–1 hit points. This healing cannot exceed the
OSE is replaced by the table below. damage taken in the most recent damaging event.
Armor MV w/o treasure MV w/ treasure Faster natural healing
None 120’ (40’) 90’ (30’) When resting in a safe location with reasonable
Leather 120’ (40’) 90’ (30’) amenities, such as an inn, characters regain hit
Chainmail 90’ (30’) 60’ (20’) points equal to 25% of their full hit point total for
each full day of rest. One night’s sleep in a non-safe
Plate mail 60’ (20’) 30’ (10’)
location (dungeon or wilderness) heals 1d3 hit
The weight of weapons and misc. adventuring gear points.
do not affect movement rate… for now.
Each member of the party is assumed to be able to Raise dead limitations
carry a max of 1500 coins worth of treasure. Magic such as raise dead permanently weakens the
recipient. When such magic is employed, the
Repeated searches recipient must roll on the OSE: Advanced Fantasy
Search and listen checks of various kinds may “chance of successfully raising the dead” table, losing
generally be attempted more than once, but each 1 point of CON after each roll – continue rolling until
attempt costs a turn. a success is achieved.

Wandering monsters
At the Referee’s discretion, wandering monsters may
Hired Help
be rolled every turn on a d12 rather than every other Fewer loyalty checks
turn on a d6 (w/ encounter on a 1). No safe turns!
Loyalty checks for retainers do not occur after every
You can rest when you’re dead adventure as described in OSE, but will occur at the
Referee’s discretion if the retainer feels the party has
Adventuring parties do not need to rest 1 turn for
treated them unfairly, if they have been put in a
every 5 turns spent exploring a dungeon. Can’t stop,
significant amount of danger, if they have witnessed
won’t stop, gotta get that treasure.
something terrifying, or if the party has pursued
goals not in keeping with their interests.
Paying for spell casting
Cleave action Hiring an NPC to cast a spell for the party (such as
After killing a monster with HD equal to or less than cure disease or raise dead) generally costs a sum of gold
their level, a fighter may make one additional melee or incurs some other debt per Referee discretion and
attack against any enemy in range of his weapon. the fictional situation (1e AD&D DMG as a guideline).
There is no limit to how many times a fighter can use
this ability in a single round (other than how many
creatures are in reach of his weapon).
Magic-users (arcane casters)
Deadly mastery Bonus spells for high INT
Arcane casters with INT of 13+/16+/18+ can learn and
Fighters gain +1 to all weapon damage and hit rolls
cast an additional 1st/2nd/3rd level spell. This
(melee and ranged). Demihumans do not gain this
additional spell is granted at the character level the
bonus, only fighters.
character would first gain access to the given spell Spell books can be scrolls
level, not before.
Once a caster has read the spell book of another
Cantrips for casters caster using read magic, they can cast spells from the
spell book as if it were an arcane spell scroll. Just as
Binding an arcane spell to a mortal mind requires
with arcane spell scrolls, spells cast in this way
years of training, and even then it is common for
disappear from the spell book. Arcane casters can
arcane energy to “leak” out in sometimes unexpected
even do this with their own spell book, but the spell
ways. With practice, magic-users can harness this
will disappear from their book and need to be
leakage to produce minor magical effects (often
recovered per the usual OSE rules for doing so before
called cantrips) related to the spells they currently
they can memorize it again!
have memorized. For example, an MU with sleep
memorized might be able to make a humanoid Spell book clarification
creature yawn, or an MU with fire ball memorized
The spell book of each arcane caster is entirely
might be able to produce tendrils of smoke from their
unique, with the spells notated in some combination
of esoteric ciphers, multi-dimensional geometrical
Except in cases of extreme ingenuity, these effects figures, mad gibberish, and/or chaotic scribbles that
should not provide significant combat advantages or allows that particular caster to conceptualize the
replicate class features or levelled spells. spell well enough to capture the spell and force it
Elves, due to their natural affinity for magic, are into their mind for later use.
ironically unable to create these cantrips as their fey Casting read magic and reading another caster’s spell
minds leak magical energy less readily. book allows an arcane caster to gain a cursory
Create more arcane scrolls! knowledge of the effects of the spells within, but not
to memorize them herself unless she takes the time
Arcane casters with the general ability to create to learn the spell permanently by adding it to her
magical items after reaching a certain class level can own spell book, in her own idiosyncratic style.
create magic scrolls of their known spells before
reaching that class level, as long as the spell is not of Spontaneous missiles
the highest level of spell they can cast. The OSE rules An arcane caster can expend any memorized spell or
for creating magical items otherwise apply. take one hit die of damage to cast a weaker version of
Learning new spells magic missile that deals 1d4 instead of 1d6+1 damage
per missile. Multiple missiles can be created if the
Per the standard OSE rules, an arcane caster can only caster is 6th+ level, but all must be fired immediately.
have intimate knowledge of a limited number of
This spell can be interrupted as usual, with the
spells at once – equal to the total number of spells
memorized spell still being expended or the caster
they can memorize in any given day.
still taking damage if it is interrupted.
When an arcane caster gains a level and thus
increases the number of spells they may know, they Weapons for wizards
can learn new spells through: Magic-users are considered “trained” with staffs and
1. Magical research (as described in OSE) slings in combat in addition to daggers.
2. Consulting a guild/mentor (limited selection)
3. Copying a scroll (consumes the scroll)
4. Copying from another magic-user’s spellbook
(consumes the spell from the book) A character who wishes to gain abilities from another
class and who has a reasonable in-fiction
Read magic clarification justification and means of doing so (as determined
Read magic has a range of touch and can be cast on by the Referee) can choose to level up as a member of
others, not just the caster. Note that the arcane a different class than the class they started the game
formulae for magical spells will still be mostly as, henceforth referred to as “gaining a level in that
incomprehensible to those who are not spellcasters, class”. This works as follows:
even with this spell cast on them. Related blog post
Ability score requirements: a character must meet Semi- Non-
Level Martial
all normal ability score requirements of a class and Martial Martial
must also have at least a 9 in all prime requisites of 1 19 [0] 19 [0] 19 [0]
the class in order to multiclass into it. 2 19 [0] 19 [0] 19 [0]
XP requirement: the XP requirement for a character 3 18 [+1] 19 [0] 19 [0]
to gain a level in a class is equal to the increase in XP 4 18 [+1] 18 [+1] 19 [0]
required to go from the class level equal to their 5 17 [+2] 18 [+1] 18 [+1]
current character level to the class level equal to their 6 16 [+3] 17 [+2] 18 [+1]
next character level. 7 15 [+4] 17 [+2] 17 [+2]
 Example: Brown Leaf the 5th level fighter recently 8 14 [+5] 16 [+3] 17 [+2]
discovered a mystical tome in a dark dungeon, 9 13 [+6] 15 [+4] 17 [+2]
and he wishes to learn how to use magic from 10 13 [+6] 14 [+5] 16 [+3]
Quincy, the party’s magic-user. She agrees to 11 12 [+7] 14 [+5] 15 [+4]
teach him magic in exchange for his share of the 12 11 [+8] 13 [+6] 14 [+5]
next expedition’s treasure haul, and the Referee 13 11 [+8] 13 [+6] 14 [+5]
approves. A magic-user normally requires 20,000 14 10 [+9] 12 [+7] 14 [+5]
XP to advance from 5th level to 6th level. Reynaldo
must gain 20,000 XP to gain his 6th character Martial classes are those which normally advance in
level as a magic-user. His total XP at character THAC0/saves every 3 levels, semi-martial classes
level 6 will be 20,000 + 16,000 = 36,000 XP. He those which normally advance every 4 levels, and
requires 40,000 XP to advance to 2nd level magic- non-martial classes those which normally advance
user, or 32,000 XP to advance to 6th level fighter. every 5 levels.
Level cap: the sum of all a character’s class levels Additionally, multiclassed characters have a “half
(aka their character level) cannot exceed the level cap attack bonus” at certain levels. A character with
of the character’s starting class. multiple half attack bonuses (from different classes)
gains an additional +1 attack bonus for each two half
Prime requisites: a character applies the prime attack bonuses.
requisite XP bonus from their highest level class to
any experience gained (use higher bonus if tied). Class type Levels with half bonus
Martial 2, 4, 10
Demihumans: humans cannot gain levels in
demihuman classes. Demihumans may at the Semi-Martial 3, 5, 7, 11
Referee’s discretion gain levels in one or more human Non-Martial 4, 6, 9
classes, but must still respect their demihuman  Example: Hrothgar the dwarf decided partway
character level cap. Size-based weapon use through his adventures to join the holy orders of
restrictions apply regardless of weapon training the clerics, and is currently a 4th level dwarf and a
gained by multiclassing. 3rd level cleric. He calculates his attack bonus by
Hit points: prior to character level 9, a multiclassed adding the +1 bonus from being a 4th level dwarf
character who gains a level simply gains a hit die of to the +0 bonus from being a 3rd level cleric. Since
whatever class they are gaining a level in. After he also has a half attack bonus from both of those
character level 9, they instead gain whatever flat hit classes, he adds another +1 bonus for a total of +2
point bonus the class in question would gain from attack bonus (or THAC0 of 17).
increasing in level beyond 9. Multiclassed characters Saving throws: multiclassed humans use the saving
are still limited to 9 total hit dice. throws of their highest level class at its class level as a
THAC0/attack bonus: the attack bonus of a baseline (player picks if tied), then add any saving
multiclassed character is equal to the sum of the throw increases gained by their other classes at their
attack bonuses of their individual classes at their respective class levels (e.g. a fighter normally gains
respective class levels, using the “smoothed” attack +2 to all saves at 4th level) to calculate final saving
bonus progression shown below. throws. Demihumans always use the saving throws of
their demihuman class at its class level as the
baseline, and otherwise function the same.
Spells, skills, special abilities: these generally hide in shadows, fading away into the darkness
progress on a class level (not character level) basis. behind a pillar or in the corner of a room.
Spell knowledge and memorization is tracked
separately for each class that grants spells. Special
cases (such as two different classes each giving
access to the ability to turn undead) will be
adjudicated by the Referee on a case-to-case basis.
Weapon and armor restrictions: a multiclassed
character is proficient with all weapons or armor any
of their classes is proficient with, but spells and skills
may be less effective when wearing armor heavier
than the class that granted them can wear. %-based
skills requiring agility are typically halved for each
armor level heavier. Casting a spell while wearing
armor the spellcasting class could not use requires a
save vs spells at a penalty equal to half the normal AC
bonus of the armor + spell level or the spell fizzles
and is lost.

Thieves (and skills)

Ability bonuses for skills
Thieves and other characters with percentage-based
skills gains bonuses to their %-based skills based on
ability scores per the below table.
Ability Bonus at
Thief Skill
Score 13+/16+/18+
Climb Sheer Surfaces STR +1%/+2%/+3%
Find/Remove Traps INT +5%/+10%/+15%
Read Languages INT +5%/+10%/+15%
Tracking INT +5%/+10%/+15%
Hide in Shadows DEX +5%/+10%/+15%
Move Silently DEX +5%/+10%/+15%
Open Locks DEX +5%/+10%/+15%
Pick Pockets DEX +5%/+10%/+15%
Tightrope Walking DEX +5%/+10%/+15%
These bonuses cannot raise the character’s skill
beyond the skills of a character 1/2/3 levels higher.
Back-stab improvement
The thief’s 2x damage multiplier from back-stab
increases to 3x/4x/5x at 5th/9th/14th level.
Extraordinary skills
Thief skills are generally interpreted as almost
supernatural abilities: any character can move quietly
(standard 2-in-6 chance to surprise) but a thief can
move absolutely silently (no surprise roll needed);
anyone can hide behind something but a thief can

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