Drug Use and Abuse Canadian 1st Edition Maisto Test Bank

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Drug Use and Abuse Canadian 1st Edition Maisto Test Bank

Chapter 1 – Drug Use and Abuse


1. Which science is the field of pharmacology allied with?

a. physics and neurology
b. biochemistry and neurology
c. physiology and psychology
d. biochemistry and physiology
ANS: D REF: page 2 BLM: Remember

2. Which of the following is NOT part of the World Health Organization’s definition of a drug?
a. an agent that is a chemical entity or mixture of entities
b. an agent that alters biological function
c. an agent that is not necessary for maintenance of normal health
d. an agent that is illegal
ANS: D REF: page 2 BLM: Higher Order

3. Which field is concerned with all information about the effects of drugs on living systems?
a. pharmacology
b. psychopharmacology
c. biochemistry
d. biopsychology

ANS: A REF: page 2BLM: Remember

4. Which of the following is NOT a basis for classifying drugs?

a. street name
b. environmental sensitivity
c. mechanism of action
d. origin
ANS: B REF: page 3BLM: Remember

5. Which term best describes using a substance in a particular method, amount, or situation so that the
drug causes problems or greatly increases the chances of problems occurring?
a. sensitivity
b. dependence
c. abuse
d. addiction
ANS: C REF: page 2 BLM: Remember

6. What is the classification for the group of drugs that includes barbiturates?
a. chemical structure
b. mechanism of action
c. origin
d. therapeutic use
ANS: A REF: page 3 BLM: Remember

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7. Which term best describes the means by which any drug may produce its desired effect?
a. origin
b. mechanism of action
c. chemical structure
d. therapeutic use
ANS: B REF: page 3 BLM: Remember

8. According to Rinaldi et al. (1988), which of the following word(s) best describes drug abuse?
a. withdrawal
b. societal mores
c. tolerance
d. consequences of drug use behaviour
ANS: D REF: page 2 BLM: Remember

9. Which drug classification system are you using if you say you like to get high using “poppies” when in
fact you are referring to an opiate?
a. site of drug action
b. mechanism of action
c. origin
d. chemical structure
ANS: C REF: page 3 BLM: Higher Order

10. John has just told his friend he took a drug and consequently his thinking and behaviour have been
affected. What type of drug has John taken?
a. psychoaffective
b. psychoactive
c. psychotropic
d. psychoanalgesic
ANS: B REF: page 4 BLM: Higher Order

11. The DSM-IV-TR does not define addiction as such, but has diagnostic criteria using which of the
following terms?
a. habituation
b. chronic toxicity dependence
c. substance dependence and substance abuse
d. drug-associated disorder

ANS: C REF: page 4 BLM: Higher Order

12. Which term is used in the DSM-IV-TR?

a. drug abuse instead of drug dependence
b. substance abuse instead of drug abuse
c. drug-taking behaviour instead of drug-taking response
d. drug misuse instead of drug abuse
ANS: B REF: page 5 BLM: Remember

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13. Which organization developed the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders?
a. World Health Organization
b. American Psychiatric Association
c. American Psychological Association
d. American Medical Association
ANS: B REF: page 4 BLM: Remember

14. Which of the following is TRUE about the diagnosis of substance-related dependence and abuse in the
a. A person may be diagnosed with both dependence and abuse of any given substance.
b. Separate symptoms have been listed for each individual drug type.
c. The criteria for substance-related abuse centre on consequences in several life areas.
d. Dependence and agues are not considered separate diagnoses.
ANS: C REF: page 5 BLM: Higher Order

15. What term is used to describe the inability of a drug to cause withdrawal symptoms?
a. intolerance disorder
b. abstinence syndrome
c. reactive rebound
d. cross-tolerance syndrome
ANS: B REF: page 6 BLM: Remember

16. Which term describes why the capacity of a drug dose has a diminished effect on the user as it is
repeatedly taken?
a. withdrawal
b. rebound effects
c. dependence
d. tolerance
ANS: D REF: page 5 BLM: Remember

17. In Jason’s first session with his drug therapist, what did he learn must be present to signify physical
a. a set of physical withdrawal symptoms
b. a physical response to the drug
c. a physical change in skin colour
d. a craving for the drug
ANS: A REF: page 4 BLM: Higher Order

18. The presence of which of the following is a key factor in psychological dependence?
a. physical withdrawal symptoms
b. craving
c. a decline in one’s sensitivity to pain
d. a heightened sense of well-being

ANS: B REF: page 4 BLM: Remember

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19. What has occurred when an individual must consume increasing amounts of a drug to achieve a
desired drug effect?
a. withdrawal
b. tolerance
c. dependence
d. rebound effect
ANS: B REF: page 5 BLM: Remember

20. Which factor is NOT considered by today’s drug and substance abuse researchers?
a. a culture’s present day norms and laws
b. pharmacological factors
c. characteristics of the drug user
d. environmental factors
ANS: A REF: page 7 BLM: Remember

21. Which statement determines how quickly a drug reaches its site of action?
a. the drug dosage
b. the route of administration
c. the environmental setting
d. the psychological set of the user
ANS: B REF: page 7 BLM: Remember

22. What accounts for the most significant factor affecting how a person will respond to a given dose and
a. pharmacological elements
b. the route of administration
c. the environmental setting
d. characteristics of the drug user
ANS: D REF: page 7 BLM: Remember

23. Which individual would experience the greatest effect from the same drug and dosage?
a. 40 year old male
b. 40 year old female
c. 18 year old female
d. 18 year old male
ANS: C REF: page 8 BLM: Higher Order

24. When given the same drug and dosage, which individual would experience the least amount of a drug
a. 40 year old male
b. 40 year old female
c. 18 year old female
d. 18 year old male
ANS: A REF: page 8 BLM: Higher Order

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25. Which individual would experience the least amount of drug effect when given the same drug and
a. 30 year old male
b. 60 year old female
c. 30 year old female
d. 60 year old male
ANS: A REF: page 8 BLM: Higher Order

26. Which individual would experience the greatest effect from the same drug and dosage?
a. 30 year old male
b. 60 year old female
c. 30 year old female
d. 60 year old male
ANS: C REF: page 8 BLM: Higher Order

27. In pharmacology, what term is used to describe a chemically inactive substance?

a. placebo
b. analgesic
c. endorphin
d. psychoactive drug
ANS: A REF: page 9 BLM: Remember

28. According to the textbook, there are many factors affecting the drug environment. Which of the
following describes one of those factors?
a. prevention programs pertaining to drugs use
b. the immediate physical environment
c. presence of religious institutions
d. perceived relationship between the police and the community
ANS: B REF: page 9 BLM: Remember

29. Which researcher(s) presented the data that young adult males’ beliefs about alcohol and skills on a
motor task would, in fact, affect their performance?
a. Zuckerman, 1979
b. Fillmore & Vogel-Sprott, 1996
c. Pliner and Cappell, 1974
d. Carlin, Bakker, Halpern, and Post, 1972
ANS: B REF: page 9 BLM: Remember

30. Which drug was used in testing done by Pliner and Cappell (1974), which eventually proved that
setting does influence drug use?
a. alcohol
b. marijuana
c. magic mushrooms
d. hallucinogenic drugs
ANS: A REF: page 9 BLM: Remember

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31. According to Pliner and Cappell (1974), which statement describes the outcome of their research on
social and environment factors and drug effects?
a. When subjects drank alone, they mostly reported feeling tense and angry.
b. Subjects who drank the same amount of alcohol but with others said their mood
changed to feeling more aggressive and confrontational.
c. Subjects who drank the same amount of alcohol but with others said their mood
changed to feeling friendly and more pleasant.
d. When subjects drank alone, they mostly reported feeling peaceful and relaxed.
ANS: C REF: page 9 BLM: Higher Order

32. What is the term for a pattern of behaviour characterized by compulsive drug use as evidenced in
overwhelming involvement with a drug, and a strong tendency to resume use of the drug after stopping
for a period?
a. tolerance
b. craving
c. withdrawal
d. addiction
ANS: D REF: page 10 BLM: Remember

33. In a 2007 University of Michigan study, what was the number one threat to children’s and adolescents’
a. smoking
b. drug abuse
c. unprotected sex
d. alcohol
ANS: A REF: page 11 BLM: Remember

34. In 2007, a University of Michigan study asked adults to identify what they believed was the most
serious threat to children’s and adolescents’ well-being. At what rank did drug abuse appear?
a. first
b. second
c. third
d. fourth
ANS: B REF: page 11 BLM: Remember

35. In 2007, a University of Michigan study asked adults to identify what they believed was the most
serious threat to children’s and adolescents’ well-being. At what rank did alcohol appear?
a. first
b. second
c. third
d. fourth
ANS: D REF: page 11 BLM: Remember

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36. In 2007, a University of Michigan study asked adults to identify what they believed was the most
serious threat to children’s and adolescents’ well-being. At what rank did smoking tobacco appear?
a. first
b. second
c. third
d. fourth
ANS: A REF: page 11 BLM: Remember

37. Which findings were presented regarding overall drug use in Canada in the 2009 Canadian Alcohol
and Drug Use Monitoring Survey (CADUMS)?
a. alcohol is number one, followed by marijuana
b. marijuana is number one, followed by alcohol
c. alcohol is number one, followed by ecstasy
d. marijuana is number one, followed by ecstasy
ANS: A REF: page 13 BLM: Remember

38. Which profile most accurately depicts the drug use results from the 2009 Canadian Alcohol and Drug
Use Monitoring Survey (CADUMS)?
a. Those 25 years of age and older reported the highest prevalence of alcohol.
b. Individuals aged 15–24 reported the highest prevalence of illicit drug use.
c. Those 25 years of age and older reported the highest prevalence of marijuana.
d. Individuals aged 15–24 reported the highest prevalence of alcohol use.

ANS: B REF: page 14 BLM: Higher Order

39. Which region of Canada was excluded from the 2009 Canadian Alcohol and Drug Use Monitoring
Survey (CADUMS)?
a. Quebec
b. Newfoundland
c. Prince Edward Island
d. Yukon Territories
ANS: D REF: page 14 BLM: Remember

40. Despite efforts made to collect data for the 2009 Canadian Alcohol and Drug Use Monitoring Survey
(CADUMS), some data provided was not usable. Which province produced the most useful data?
a. Newfoundland
b. Manitoba
c. Prince Edward Island
d. New Brunswick
ANS: B REF: page 14 BLM: Remember

41. When Martin responded to the 2009 Canadian Alcohol and Drug Use Monitoring Survey (CADUMS),
he indicated he frequently drank alcohol, smoked marijuana, and would occasionally do speed with his
friends. Which term best describes Martin?
a. co-dependent
b. cross dependent
c. polydrug user
d. co-morbid dependency
ANS: B REF: page 14 BLM: Higher Order

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42. Sarah said, “The only way to overcome a drug problem is through abstinence.” According to a 2008
Canadian survey, what proportion of Canadians would agree with Sarah?
a. 1/3
b. 2/3
c. 1/2
d. 1/4
ANS: B REF: page 16 BLM: Higher Order

43. According to a 2008 Canadian survey, what do most Canadians think is the most common reason why
people use drugs?
a. availability
b. family problems
c. psychological distress
d. poverty
ANS: A REF: page 16 BLM: Higher Order

44. According to a 2008 Canadian survey, which group did over half of those surveyed believe to be most
at risk for drug use?
a. youth
b. seniors
c. those recently unemployed
d. anyone
ANS: D REF: page 16 BLM: Higher Order

45. Which drug has research determined to be the main contributor to crimes and violence?
a. cocaine
b. heroin
c. alcohol
d. marijuana
ANS: C REF: page 18 BLM: Remember

46. Which statement best represents the connection between drug use and crime?
a. Crimes committed by heroin addicts are typically violent and are brought about because of
the effects of the drug.
b. Most crimes associated with alcohol are assaultive.
c. Drug use causes crime.
d. With regard to all drug use, the use of hallucinogens shows the strongest association with
ANS: B REF: page 18 BLM: Higher Order

47. Which country reported the highest lifetime rate of alcohol use in the Vega et al. (2002) international
a. Canada
b. the United States
c. the Netherlands
d. Mexico
ANS: C REF: page 18 BLM: Remember

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48. According to a study done by Vega et al. (2002), which person who would have the highest lifetime
use of alcohol or other drugs?
a. an adult male living in Mexico
b. an adult male living in Canada
c. an adult male living in the Netherlands
d. an adult male living in the USA
ANS: C REF: page 18 BLM: Higher Order

49. According to a study done by Vega et al. (2002), which person who would have the lowest lifetime use
of alcohol or other drugs?
a. an adult female living in Mexico
b. an adult female living in Canada
c. an adult female living in the Netherlands
d. an adult female living in the USA
ANS: A REF: page 18 BLM: Higher Order

50. According to a study done by Vega et al. (2002), after alcohol, which profile indicates the second most
prevalent drug used, and by whom living in which country?
a. opiates; adult male living in Canada
b. cannabis; adult male living in the USA
c. cannabis; adult male living in Mexico
d. hallucinogens; adult male living in the Netherlands
ANS: B REF: page 19 BLM: Higher Order


1. Calling amphetamines “speed” is an example of drug classification by therapeutic use.

ANS: F REF: page 3

2. It is felt that the newest version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, DSM-IV, will be the final

ANS: F REF: page 4

3. The action of a drug on the body is referred to as a psychoactive response.

ANS: F REF: page 4

4. For a substance dependence diagnosis, the DSM-IV requires at least eight of the ten criteria be present.

ANS: F REF: page 4

5. A diagnosis of drug dependence in DSM-IV requires that tolerance and withdrawal be observed.

ANS: F REF: page 5

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6. Tolerance exists when an increased amount of a drug is needed to achieve the same drug effect that
had originally been experienced.

ANS: T REF: page 5

7. Tolerance refers to the ability to take more of a drug in order to achieve a better high.

ANS: F REF: page 5

8. It is possible to relieve a person’s withdrawal symptoms from a drug by administering the same drug.

ANS: T REF: page 6

9. The term “withdrawal” refers to a definable illness that occurs with a cessation or decrease in use of a

ANS: T REF: page 6

10. Abstinence syndrome is another term for physical dependence.

ANS: F REF: page 6

11. Biological and psychological differences are thought to be the least influencing element when
determining how people react to a drug dose.

ANS: F REF: page 7

12. A negative relationship exists between sensation seeking and drug and alcohol use.

ANS: F REF: page 8

13. Placebos are a common type of stimulant.

ANS: F REF: page 9

14. The fact that the majority of Americans use alcohol or other drugs on a regular basis is best explained
by the fact that they have very permissive attitudes regarding drug and alcohol use.

ANS: F REF: page 11

15. The Canadian Alcohol and Drug Use Monitoring Survey (CADUMS) was a one-time survey,
sponsored by Health Canada, which randomly interviewed Canadians about alcohol and illicit drugs.

ANS: F REF: page 11

16. The Canadian Alcohol and Drug Use Monitoring Survey (CADUMS) was notorious in the field of
research because it was the first drug research that gathered data from at least one high school class in
every high school across Canada during a one year period.

ANS: F REF: page 11

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Drug Use and Abuse Canadian 1st Edition Maisto Test Bank

17. When Canadians were asked to give their perspectives on drug abuse, 78.0 percent of Canadians stated
they preferred prevention and treatment to law enforcement and incarceration as a means of addressing
drug issues.

ANS: T REF: page 16

18. According to the Vega et al. (2002) data on lifetime use of illicit drugs, Mexico reported rates
comparable to those reported in the United States.

ANS: F REF: page 18

19. According to a study done by Vega et al. (2002), a woman living in Mexico would more frequently
use cannabis compared to a man living in the Netherlands.

ANS: F REF: page 18

20. Alcohol intoxication has a high correlation with criminal activity.

ANS: T REF: page 18


1. List and describe the six most common systems of classifying drugs.

ANS: Student answers will vary. REF: page 3

2. List and describe the criteria for a DSM-IV diagnosis of substance use disorder. What factors are
involved in making this diagnosis?

ANS: Student answers will vary. REF: pages 4–5

3. What are the various factors that combine to produce the human drug experience?

ANS: Student answers will vary. REF: pages 7–10

4. Briefly describe what is meant by the term “drug expectancy.”

ANS: Student answers will vary. REF: page 9

5. Briefly describe the The Canadian Drug and Alcohol Monitory Survey (CADUMS) (2008), and
identify what and why most Canadians think people use drugs.

ANS: Student answers will vary. REF: pages 11–13

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