Falcon 900LX Spec

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Aircraft DGAC-DMF8002C

July 2010

Falcon 900LX


© Copyright Dassault Aviation, July 2010

DGAC-DMF8002C July 2010


© Copyright Dassault Aviation, July 2010

Dassault Aviation reserves the right to substitute equipment in lieu of that
specified herein, whenever such substitution is deemed necessary to pre-
vent delay in delivery, improve the product, or meet the requirements of the
appropriate airworthiness authorities.

Topic Page
Aircraft Description
General.................................................................................................................................................... 5
Certification............................................................................................................................................. 5
Layout..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Structure................................................................................................................................................. 5
Three view drawing................................................................................................................................. 6
Dimensions............................................................................................................................................. 7
• Airframe..................................................................................................................................... 7
• Cabin......................................................................................................................................... 7
• Landing Gear............................................................................................................................. 7
Limitations............................................................................................................................................... 8
• Weights...................................................................................................................................... 8
• CG Location.............................................................................................................................. 8
• Fuel Quantity............................................................................................................................. 8
• Speeds...................................................................................................................................... 8
• Altitude and Temperatures........................................................................................................ 8
© Copyright Dassault Aviation, July 2010

Guaranteed Performance....................................................................................................................... 9
• Approach Speed....................................................................................................................... 9
• Takeoff Distance........................................................................................................................ 9
• Landing Distance...................................................................................................................... 9
• Range........................................................................................................................................ 9
• Assumptions.............................................................................................................................. 9

Passenger Cabin
Interior layout.......................................................................................................................................... 10
General Description................................................................................................................................ 11
Entryway - Galley.................................................................................................................................... 11
Forward Lounge...................................................................................................................................... 11
Mid Cabin................................................................................................................................................ 11
Rear Lounge........................................................................................................................................... 11
Lavatory.................................................................................................................................................. 11
Baggage Compartment.......................................................................................................................... 11
Interior Finishing..................................................................................................................................... 11

Engines................................................................................................................................................... 12
Thrust Reverser....................................................................................................................................... 12
Fuel System............................................................................................................................................ 12
Hydraulic System.................................................................................................................................... 12
Flight Controls......................................................................................................................................... 12
Landing Gear.......................................................................................................................................... 13
Electrical System.................................................................................................................................... 13
Pneumatic System.................................................................................................................................. 13
Auxiliary Power Unit................................................................................................................................ 14
Ice and Rain Protection.......................................................................................................................... 14
Fire Protection System........................................................................................................................... 14
Oxygen System...................................................................................................................................... 14
Avionics................................................................................................................................................... 15
© Copyright Dassault Aviation, July 2010
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aircraft description

The FALCON 900LX is a long range, high-performance, The FALCON 900LX is built from metal alloys and com-
large cabin business jet designed and produced by posite materials. It relies on a double-swept, Mach-
Dassault Aviation of France. The aircraft is powered optimized profile wing with the addition of advanced
by three Honeywell TFE731-60 turbofan engines. It is blended winglets designed by Aviation Partners Inc.
configured to hold 12 passengers in a standard con- Its tail assembly features a movable tail plane at the
figuration. Its Type III emergency exits qualify it to hold lower third of the fin. The aircraft’s avionics cabinets
up to 19 passengers. are located in the nose cone and under the floor in
the entryway area. The main entry door is located on
the left-hand side of the aircraft behind the flight deck.
CERTIFICATION An emergency exit is located in the mid-cabin on the
right-hand side. A stand-up lavatory and a large bag-
The FALCON 900LX is certified to Transport Category gage area with in-flight accessibility are located in the
Aircraft Standards by the European Aviation Safety aft cabin.
Agency (EASA) and by the United States Federal Avia-
The aircraft’s three engines are mounted at the rear
tion Administration (FAA).
of the fuselage with an "S" duct intake for the center
The FALCON 900LX meets EASA CS-25 and FAR Part engine located forward of the vertical fin. The center
25 Transport Category Aircraft requirements. engine includes a thrust reverser. Fuel is contained in
© Copyright Dassault Aviation, July 2010

The FALCON 900LX is approved for the following kinds structural tanks in both wings, the center wing box and
of operations: two (front and aft) fuselage tanks and one rear tank.

• Day/night VFR Standard exterior items

• IFR and automatic approaches down to Category I
and II. • White paint with two color stripes
• Flight into known icing conditions • Single-point pressure refueling/defueling
• Extended overwater and uninhabited terrain flight. • Dayton-Granger static discharge system
• Pulsed wing root landing lights
The FALCON 900LX meets EASA CS-36, ICAO Annex
16 Vol1 Chapter 4 and FAR Part 36 Stage 4 with the • Red upper and lower anti-collision lights
following noise levels (EPNdB): • Wing ice detection lights
• Wing tip and tail navigation position lights
Flyover .......................................................... 78.2
• External baggage and internal servicing lights
Lateral ........................................................... 90.3
• Three white light strobe system (wings and tail)
Approach ...................................................... 92.1
• Taxi light on the nose gear
The FALCON  900LX and all systems are capable of
the following types of operations: Minimum Naviga-
tion Performance Specifications (MNPS) and Reduced STRUCTURE
Vertical Separation Minimums (RVSM) standards oper-
ations in the North Atlantic (NAT), Domestic US and The FALCON 900LX employs mainly high-strength alu-
Europe Airspace Regions, B-RNAV/RNP 5, P-RNAV, minum alloys in its structure. The structural design is
RNP 0.3, RNP-10 and GPS Non-Precision approach based on fatigue and damage tolerance requirements.
Wing planks are manufactured from solid blocks of
aluminum. Kevlar or glass composites are selected for
nose cone, horizontal stabilizer (carbon and titanium),
rear cone, fillets and similar secondary structure com-

Three view drawing

2.50 m
98.4 in
70 ft 2 in
21.38 m

© Copyright Dassault Aviation, July 2010

24 ft 9 in
7.55 m

25 ft 11 in - 7.90 m
66 ft 4 in - 20.21 m

14 ft 7.2 in
4.45 m
aircraft description


Overall length 66 ft 4 in 20.21 m
Overall height 24 ft 9 in 7.55 m
Overall height with optional fin tip radome 25 ft 2 in 7.67 m
Span 70 ft 2 in 21.38 m
Sweep at quarterchord 29°/24° 50’
Gross wing area 527.4 ft2 49.00 m2
Aspect ratio 7.66
Mean aerodynamic chord 113.7 in 2.89 m
Cross Section (external) 98.4 in 2.50 m

Cabin height 74 in 1.88 m
Cabin width (maximum) 92 in 2.34 m
© Copyright Dassault Aviation, July 2010

Cabin width (floor) 75.2 in 1.91 m

Cabin length
(cockpit separator to baggage door) 33 ft 2 in 10.11 m
Cabin volume
(cockpit separator to baggage door) 1,264 ft3 35.80 m3
Cockpit volume 132.4 ft3 3.75 m3
Baggage volume
(internal/external access) 127.0 ft3 3.60 m3
Entry door size 31.5 in x 67.7 in 0.80 m x 1.70 m
Emergency exit size (Type III) 21.0 in x 36.0 in 0.53 m x 0.92 m
Cabin window size 15.1 in x 11.8 in 0.38 m x 0.30 m
Baggage door size 37.4 in x 29.5 in 0.95 m x 0.75 m

Landing Gear
Wheelbase 25 ft 11 in 7.90 m
Track 14 ft 7.2 in 4.45 m
Minimum turning radius
(with nose wheel steering at 60°) 47 ft 9.0 in 14.55 m
aircraft description

Weights Speeds
Maximum ramp weight............. 49,200 lb 22,315 kg Maximum Operating Speed (VMO).... 370 - 350 kias
Maximum takeoff weight.......... 49,000 lb 22,225 kg Maximum Operating Mach (MMO)..... .87 - .84
Maximum landing weight......... 44,500 lb 20,185 kg VFE: SF1 (Slats + flaps 7°)................. 200 kias
Maximum zero fuel weight....... 30,864 lb 14,000 kg VFE: SF2 (Slats + flaps 20°)............... 190 kias
Equipped empty weight*.......... 24,740 lb 11,220 kg VFE: SF3 (Slats + flaps 40°)............... 180 kias
* Based on standard configuration including unusable VLO: Landing gear operating............. 190 kias
fuel, engine oil, basic interior, standard avionics and
VLE: Landing gear extended.............. 245 kias
Airbrakes operating or extended........ no limitation
CG location
Altitude and Temperatures
CG limits: From 31% of Mean Aerodynamic Chord
(MAC) aft to 13% of MAC forward. Maximum operating altitude................ 51,000 ft
Airport pressure altitude (maximum)... 14,000 ft
Fuel Quantity

© Copyright Dassault Aviation, July 2010

Operating temperatures at
The approximate total usable fuel capacity is 20,905 lb sea level......................................... -54°C to +50°C
(9,482 kg) or, at a 6.7 lb/US gallon (0.803 kg/l) fuel den- ....................................................... -65°F to +122°F
sity, 3,120 US gallons (11,808 l).
aircraft description

Takeoff Distance Assumptions
Balanced Field Length The performance data are based on these conditions:
(Maximum Takeoff Weight, Sea Level, ISA)
• Equipped empty weight: 24,740 lb (11,220 kg) with
49,000 lb (22,225 kg)....................... 5,360 ft (1,633 m)** standard configuration including paint.
• In accordance with EASA CS-25 and FAR Part 25
Range Transport Category Aircraft requirements, takeoff and
Basic Operating Weight landing performance data are calculated on the basis
(6 passengers, 2 crew, Sea Level, full fuel, NBAA IFR of a smooth, hard, dry-surfaced runway with zero
reserves LRC*, ISA, no wind) wind, no slope, and an anti-skid system in operation.
25,815 lb (11,710 kg)................. 4,750 nm (8,800 km)** • Range is determined by using the NBAA IFR fuel
reserves performed in still air at standard atmo-
Approach Speed (Vref) sphere. Includes climb, cruise at three flight levels
(maximum), and descent.
(FAR 91, 6 passengers, 2 crew, Sea Level, NBAA IFR • The fuel quantity allows (in addition to the planned
reserves) distance flown): 10 minutes of taxiing, 1 minute of
28,960 lb (13,136 kg).................. 110 kias* takeoff, and NBAA IFR reserves [(one approach,
© Copyright Dassault Aviation, July 2010

one go-around, holding for five minutes at 5,000 ft

Landing Distance (1,524 m), a flight of 200 nm (370 km) to an alternate
airport, and holding for up to 30 minutes at 5,000 ft)
44,500 lb (20,185 kg)....................... 3,670 ft (1,118 m)** (1,524 m)].
(Maximum landing weight) (sea level, ISA) • The fuel is assumed to have a heating value of
28,960 lb (13,136 kg)........................ 2,415 ft (736 m)** 18,400 BTU/lb (42,800 kN/kg) and a density of
(FAR 91, 6 passengers, Sea Level, NBAA IFR reserves) 6.7 lb/US gallon (0.803 kg/l).

* Guaranteed Performance (±3%)

** Guaranteed Performance (±5%)
passenger cabin

Interior layout

Flight Deck R/H Flight Deck

Fire Extinguisher Closet

L/H Flight Deck 25 in Closet with

Closet Curtain close-out

Portable Oxygen Bottle 36 in Galley-Bar

Entryway Acoustical
Curtain Service Ledge Storage
Oxygen Bottle
Table Storage
30 in Auxiliary Galley/
Entertainment Cabinet

© Copyright Dassault Aviation, July 2010

Fire Extinguisher

Magazine Rack

Single Seats
(20 in wide)

Folding Stowable Multi-Purpose
Console Table Storage Cabinets
(28 in x 24 in)

Dining Seats
(20 in wide)
Executive Console
High/Low Dining/ Table (28 in x 18 in)
Conference Table
(46 in x 28 in)
Single Seat
Armrest Storage
Magazine Rack
3-Place Divan (76 in)
with Berthing Extension
& Life Raft Storage
Fire Extinguisher
Armrest Storage
Electric Flushing
Vanity Cabinet with Toilet with
Hot & Cold Water External Servicing
& Storage
passenger cabin

General Description
The passenger cabin is soundproofed and insulated, and Mid cabin
measures 33 ft 2 in (10.11 m) in length including an aft
lavatory. It is configured with 12 passenger seats. Each On the left-hand side is a lounge including two pairs
individual passenger seat is provided with an ashtray and of 20-in seats separated by a 46 in x 28 in folding and
cupholder module, a cold air outlet and a reading light. A electrically hi-lo operating coffee/dining table. On the
stowable, folding console table is installed for each pair of right-hand side are multipurpose storage cabinets.
facing seats and the aft right-hand single seat.
Aft Cabin
Two indirect lighting systems provide general lighting
throughout the cabin. Table lights are also provided. On the left-hand side is a three place divan convertible
for berthing. On the other side is a 20-in seat, identical
Emergency equipment, including a first-aid kit, smoke
to those in the forward lounge, with a folding stowable
hood, life jackets vests and life rafts, are provided on
28 in x 18 in console table.
the aircraft. Oxygen masks are installed for all passen-
gers and in the lavatory.
A maintenance ladder is installed in the baggage com-
partment. The lavatory is equipped with an electric flushing toilet
on the right-hand and a vanity cabinet on the left-hand
Entryway - Galley side of the compartment. The vanity cabinet includes a
sink with hot and cold running water.
© Copyright Dassault Aviation, July 2010

The aircraft main entry door is located on the forward, The external toilet-servicing connector is located on
left-hand side of the fuselage. Two crew closets, one the right-hand side of the compartment. The galley and
left-hand and one right-hand, are installed forward of the lavatory are supplied through a centralized water
the door. system, which can be drained externally. It also has an
A 36-in galley-bar cabinet and a 25-in main cabin internal filler cap and gauge.
closet are located on the right-hand side of the cabin To ensure privacy, the lavatory compartment is sepa-
and opposite the entry door. It offers adequate work rated from the cabin by a door.
surfaces and includes:
• an automatic cappuccino/espresso coffee machine with Baggage Compartment
hot/cold water spigot and dedicated remote water tank,
• an extra wide high temperature oven The compartment’s volume is 127 ft3 (3.6 m3). Access
• two chests (ice and cold) to the baggage compartment is available from inside
or outside the aircraft. The compartment is lined and
• storage drawers
features garment hanger racks in the forward area and
• a trash container folding shelves to maximize baggage storage.
• a sink supplied with hot and cold water supply
• glass storage racks. Interior Finishing
On the left-hand side, beside the door, is a 30 in auxil- The cabin provides generous proportions for comfort
iary galley/entertainment cabinet which includes: and ease of movement during lengthy flights. Each
• Entertainment equipment interior is finished with:
• Microwave oven
Headliner, Flight deck: .................... Ultra Leather/suede
• Storage drawers
Headliner, Main Cabin: ................... Ultra Leather/suede
• 4 Atlas tray carriers
Window Panels, Shades: ....Fabric/Ultra Leather/suede
Forward Cabin Service Ledges, Main Cabin: ............................. Leather
Lower Sidewalls, Main Cabin: . ...............Leather/Fabric
The forward lounge features four (20 in wide) individual Carpet:.................................... High-Quality, 100% Wool
seats arranged in facing pairs on the left and right-hand Bulkheads & Doors: . .................................Wood Veneer
sides of the cabin. Cabinetry: ............................ Wood Veneer & Laminates
Each seat includes floor tracking, base tracking, side Metal Finish: .................................... Brushed Aluminum
tracking, swivel, full flat recline (berthing), integral Tables: .............................Composite with Wood Veneer
headrests and retractable armrests, electrically con- Seats: .................................................Fabrics or Leather
trolled lumbar.
Closet/Baggage Compartment Lining: .......... Grospoint
Each pair of seats is provided with a folding, stowable
28 in x 24 in console table.


The hydraulic system provides power to operate flight
The FALCON  900LX operates with three Honeywell
controls, landing gear, brakes and thrust reverser. The
TFE731-60 engines with 5,000 lb uninstalled thrust (at
FALCON 900LX operates with two main independent
sea level, up to 32°C) each. The engine is a two-spool
and simultaneous hydraulic systems for added safety.
turbofan with a front mounted single stage fan.
The hydraulic system operates with MIL-H-5606
The FALCON 900LX’s three engines are controlled by hydraulic fluid under a working pressure between 2,750
a digital electronic engine computer (DEEC) in normal psi (19 MPa) and 3,100 psi (21.4 MPa).
mode. In manual mode, hydromechanical control pro-
• The No. 1 system is powered by Engine 1 and Engine
vides overspeed protection. The engines meet EPA
3 hydraulic pumps
Part 87 requirements for emissions. Engine param-
eters are displayed on each Primary Display Unit and • The No. 2 system is powered by the Engine 2
into a dedicated synoptic on a Multifunction Display hydraulic pump and by an electrically driven stand-
Unit. by pump.
Autothrottle function is provided. When powered by the stand-by pump, the N° 2 system
operates between 1,400 to 2,250 psi (9.5 to 15.5 MPa).
The stand-by pump assists in flight, in case of pressure
THRUST REVERSER drop or replaces in case of failure, the right system
hydraulic generation. The stand-by pump can be oper-
The center engine is fitted with a hydraulically operated ated by a mechanically operated valve to supply either
“Clam Shell” thrust reverser for ground use only. of the dual hydraulic systems and to operate flight

© Copyright Dassault Aviation, July 2010

controls, landing gear and the brakes, for maintenance
The thrust reverser is designed to be used down to
operations on the ground.
full stop without reingestion. It can be used also for
Flight Controls
FUEL SYSTEM The FALCON 900LX is controlled in flight using con-
ventional flight control surfaces:
The fuel system consists of three distinct subsystems
that control the front and aft fuselage tanks, center • Two ailerons for roll.
section tanks, wing tanks, and rear tank. • Two elevators and a movable horizontal stabilizer for
The lateral engines are supplied from their respective
• A rudder for yaw.
wing tank plus a half of the center section tanks. The
center engine is supplied from the front, aft and rear • Four mobile leading edge slats and four double-slot-
fuselage tanks. The rear tank is automatically and fully ted Fowler flaps for takeoff, approach and landing.
transfered into the center tank as soon as an equivalent • Six airbrakes for aerodynamic braking.
volume is available, by gravity and through a perma- The airplane’s primary flight controls incorporate an AFU
nently activated jet pump. Fuel flows from pressurized (Artificial Feel Unit) on each axis.
tanks to the engines by brushless booster pumps
installed in a sump, supplied by jet pumps. Pressurizing On the aileron and pitch controls, feel force return to
the fuel tanks permits the engine to continue drawing pilot’s control is variable:
fuel if the booster pumps fail during maximum demand • In the aileron control system, a fully electrical “Arthur Q”
on takeoff. Interconnecting the wing tanks enables fuel unit causes the artificial feel system to vary with the air-
levels to balance. FALCON jets are designed so any speed.
fuel tank can feed any engine. • In the elevator control system, an “Arthur Q” unit slaved
to the horizontal stabilizer position is used to main-
The total usable fuel capacity is 20,905 lb (9,482 kg) tain the stick force per “g” to a nearly constant level
or, at a 6.7 lb/US gallon (0.803 kg/l) fuel density, 3,120 throughout the flight envelope.
US gallons (11,808 l).
In the event of failure, the aileron and elevator feel sys-
tems are returned to their lowest values to ensure safe
surfaces displacement whatever aircraft speed.
The elevator, rudder and ailerons are controlled by push-
pull rods that drive dual-barrel hydraulic servo-actuators.

The rudder and ailerons can be trimmed using electri- The FALCON 900LX’s electrical system is a 28-Volt DC sys-
cal actuators that adjust the neutral position of the AFU tem. Electrical generation is provided by three 9 kW engine-
on the respective linkages. To accomplish pitch trim, two driven starter generators (one on each engine), a 9 kW
electric motors drive a jackscrew that displaces the sta- starter generator driven by the APU (Auxiliary Power Unit,
bilizer around a hinge point. on ground only), by external power and by two batteries.
The airbrakes and slats are hydraulically actuated. The Sources available in flight are:
flaps may be operated in increments by a jackscrew - Three engines-driven starter generators
powered by a hydraulic motor. - Two batteries
At high angles of attack, automatic extension and/or Batteries will provide electricity for a 73 minutes flight in
retraction of outboard and inboard slats is actuated by case of electrical starter generators total loss.
two angle of attack transmitters. A 28-Volt DC ground power receptacle with over-volt-
Airbrakes feature an automatic extension control age protection enables electricity to be supplied from
device upon landing. an external power source for routine maintenance pur-
poses and as an alternate method for starting engines.
The two 36 A/h nickel-cadmium batteries provide for on
LANDING GEAR ground APU and in-flight engine starts.
The three engine-driven starter generators supply power
The landing gear is a retractable tricycle-type with dual
to three independent bus bars (LH, RH and starting bus),
© Copyright Dassault Aviation, July 2010

wheels on all landing gear. It is electrically controlled

which serve as a conduit to distribute power to the air-
and hydraulically actuated.
craft’s various systems. The LH and RH buses can be tied
The main gear retracts by swinging laterally inward. It or untied by a switch located on the overhead panel.
is fitted with 29 x 7.7 - 15 in. - 225 mph radial tires (tire
pressure: 200 psi/1,380 MPa).
The main landing gear is equipped with a brake heat-
ing system.
The pneumatic system relies on LP (low-pressure)
The nose gear retracts by swinging forward. Before and HP (high pressure) bleed air drawn from the three
retraction, the nose wheels are mechanically centered. engines or from the APU, which it supplies to the
The nose gear is fitted with 17.5 x 5.75 - 8 in. - 225 mph cabin, engine inlets, S-duct and the leading edges of
conventional tires (tire pressure: 151 psi/1,042 MPa). the wings. HP bleed is regulated by an electrical valve
The hydraulic system powers the nose wheel steer- controlled by the bleed air system computer (BASC).
ing, which is electrically controlled from the left-hand The air conditioning system supplies the cabin with
pilot’s station. In the event of failure, a shimmy damper a mixture of cool and warm air on demand. Cool air is
maintains nose wheel directional stability, steering is provided by a two-wheel bootstrap air cycle cooling unit
obtained through differential braking. connected to primary and secondary heat exchangers
The standby landing gear extension, with an emer- and a condenser. A turbofan provides circulation through
gency hydraulic extension handle on the front panel, the exchangers when the aircraft is on the ground or fly-
operates hydraulically and does not include electrical ing at low speed.
sequencing. Manual override handles in the flight deck Temperature in the passenger and crew compartments
allow the landing gear to free fall into a down and can be controlled by automatic and independent tem-
locked position in an emergency. perature control systems and by a back-up manual
The landing gear’s carbon disk brakes are powered control system.
independently by two hydraulic systems. Both systems The pressurization system can maintain cabin and baggage
incorporate an anti-skid system. The N° 2 hydraulic compartment pressures up to the rated pressure differential
system provides back-up braking with an accumula- of 9.3 psi (642 hPa) for all flight altitudes below 51,000 ft
tor for parking and emergency braking. A temperature (15,545 m), ensuring a maximum cabin altitude of 8,000 ft
sensor is fitted on each brake. The braking system (2,438 m). Cabin pressure is controlled by two outflow
also provides a signal for automatic airbrake activation valves. The nose cone is also pressurized from the cabin air.
upon touchdown or landing.
The pneumatic system also controls pressurization of
the fuel tanks.
A catalytic ozone-removal system is installed.


A self contained APU (Auxiliary Power Unit) is installed The FALCON 900LX is equipped with a fire-detection
in the aft fuselage. It is designed for ground operation system that includes audio and visual warnings. Fire
and is used to assist the batteries for engine starts and detectors are located in Zones 1 and 2 of each engine
to deliver bleed air to the air conditioning system when area, in the APU shroud and in the main landing gear
the aircraft is on the ground. A 9 kW starter generator wheel wells.
starts the APU itself and also supplies power to air-
Five fire extinguishers are provided and dedicated to
craft systems and is fitted with an APU Fault Detection
the following:
- Engine 1, 2 and 3: two shots each
- APU: one shot
Ice and Rain Protection - Baggage compartment: one shot
In addition, two portable fire extinguishers are located
The ice-protection system is intended to permit safe in the passenger cabin as well as one in the flight deck.
flight into and through intermittent or continuous maxi- A smoke detector is installed in the baggage compart-
mum icing conditions. ment.
Hot bleed-air from the engines is used to anti-ice fol-
lowing items:
- Engine air inlets OXYGEN SYSTEM
- S-duct Engine 2

© Copyright Dassault Aviation, July 2010

- Heat exchanger RAM air intake In case of depressurization, drop-down masks are
- Wing leading edges automatically released (or can be manually released)
so passengers can breathe low-pressure oxygen from
The windshield, pitot probes, temperature probes, a 77.7 ft3 (2,200 l) bottle.
static ports and angle-of-attack sensors are electri-
cally heated for ice protection. The inner surface of Oxygen flow is regulated by cabin altitude.
the windshield panels can be defogged using air The oxygen system is fitted with an electronic com-
from the air conditioning system. The side windshield puter capable for an airport pressure altitude up to
panels and the pilot’s sliding window are electrically 14,000 ft (4,267 m).
defogged. The cabin windows can be kept free of fog
by preventing moisture from accumulating in the air- Oxygen is continuously provided to the crew on
space between the window panes. demand. The flight deck is equipped with quick-don-
ning masks with built-in regulators.
Independent, electrically operated wipers help keep
the front windshields free of rain.

The FALCON 900LX is equipped with the FALCON EASy Flight Deck which is based on the Honeywell Primus EPIC
platform. The avionics system encompasses:

Description Quantity Vendor

EASy/Honeywell Primus EPIC Platform

Modular Avionics Unit 2 Honeywell
Electronic Display and Management, inc.: 1 Honeywell
• 4 each 14.1” LCD Display Units
• 2 each Multifunction Keyboards
• 1 each Reversionary Controller
• 2 each Cursor Control Devices
• 2 each Checklist Controllers
Electronic Checklist 1 Honeywell
Automatic Flight Control System 2 Honeywell
Auto throttle System 1 Honeywell
© Copyright Dassault Aviation, July 2010

VHF Communications system 2 Honeywell
HF Communications system 2 Rockwell Collins
Flight Deck audio system 2 Honeywell
• inc. Radio, Intercom and SELCAL functions
Microphone 2 LEM
Headset 2 Telex
Emergency Locator Beacon (Tri-frequency) 1 Elta

VOR / ILS / Marker Navigation System 2 Honeywell
ADF 2 Honeywell
Global Positioning Systems (GPS) 2 Honeywell
Flight Management Systems (FMS) 2 Honeywell

Weather Radar 1 Honeywell
DME 2 Honeywell
Mode S Transponder 2 Honeywell
Radio Altimeter 1 Honeywell

Reference Sensors
Air Data System 2 Honeywell
Standby Magnetic Compass 1 Smiths
Secondary Flight Display 1 Meggitt
Micro Inertial Reference Unit 2 Honeywell

Cockpit Voice Recorder 1 Honeywell
Solid-State Flight Data Recorder 1 Honeywell

Complementary Systems
Central Maintenance Computer 1 Honeywell
Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning 1 Honeywell
Rechargeable Flashlight 2 DME

© Copyright Dassault Aviation, July 2010

FALCON Cabin Management System 1 Rockwell Collins

Réalisé par Armon@ - Paris

Imprimé en France – Juillet 2010 - Cover picture not contractual

armon@ - +33 (0) 663 426 552 - Juillet 2010

Dassault Falcon Jet

Teterboro Airport, Box 2000, South Hackensack, NJ 07606
Phone: (1) 201-440-6700
Fax: (1) 201-541-4469

Dassault Aviation
Cedex 300 - 92552 Saint Cloud Cedex - France
Phone: 33 (0) 1 47 11 82 82
Fax: 33 (0) 1 47 11 89 17

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