Grade 8 Cur Map

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August Expression The learner The learner is able OFFLINE ONLINE
s and demonstrates to formulate real- ACQUISITION
Equations understandin life problems A1. A1. A1. A1. A1. - Character
g of key involving factors, factors completely Completing the Complete -Videos on (Ability to work
concepts of of polynomials, different types of Table the Table Google independently)
factors rational polynomials Classroom
of algebraic (polynomials with -Math 8 Module -Competence and
polynomials, expressions, common monomial Matching Type Sorting and Online matching -Textbooks Accuracy
rational linear equations factor, difference of classifying Type  Our (Ability to
algebraic and inequalities two squares, sum World of understand the
expressions, in two variables, and difference of Math 8 concepts, solve
linear systems of two cubes, perfect Completion Test Fill in the (Vibal) accurately, and
equations and linear equations square trinomials, Blanks communicate
inequalities in and inequalities and general - (Link for Online through
in two variables trinomials). Matching type) formulating real-
and linear M8AL-Ia-b-1 life scenarios)
functions, and A2. A2. A2. A2. A2.
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illustrates rational Identification Identifying Identifying Videos on Google
linear solve these
algebraic rational rational Algebraic Classroom
equations and problems
expressions. Algebraic expression -Math 8 Module
inequalities in accurately using
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variables and strategies. is rational given World of
linear the value of x) Math 8
functions. (Vibal)

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rectangular exercise (You will see a red Classroom
coordinate system circle on the grid, -Math 8 Module
and its uses. M8AL- enter the co- -Textbooks
Ie-1 ordinates)  Our
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A5. A5. A5. A5. A5.

illustrates linear True or False True or False Identification Videos on Google
equations in two Activity (Identifying Classroom
variables. M8AL-Ie-3 whether the given -Math 8 Module
points are solution -Textbooks
to the equations)  Our
World of
Math 8

A6. A6. A6. A6. A6.

Illustrates and finds Hands-on Applying the Multiple Choice Videos on Google
the slope of a line Operation Formula Test Classroom
given two points, -Math 8 Module
equation, and graph. -Textbooks
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World of
Math 8

A7. A7. A7. A7. A7.

Writes the linear Matching Matching Matching Type Videos on Google
equation ax +by =c Type Classroom
in the form -Math 8 Module
y=mx+b and vice -Textbooks
versa M8AL-If-1  Our
World of
Math 8
A8. A8. A8. A8. A8.
describes the graph Fill in the blanks Fill in the Fill in the blanks Videos on Google
of a linear equation blanks Classroom
in terms of its -Math 8 Module
intercepts and slope. -Textbooks
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World of
Math 8
A9. A9. A9. A9. A9.
finds the equation of Matching Matching Matching Type Videos on Google
a line given (a) two Type Classroom
points; (b) the slope -Math 8 Module
and a point; (c) the -Textbooks
slope and its  Our
intercepts. World of
M8AL-Ig-1 Math 8

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illustrates a system True or False True or False Identification Videos on Google
of linear equations in Activity (Identifying Classroom
two variables. M8AL- whether the given -Math 8 Module
Ih-1 points are solution -Textbooks
to the equations)  Our
World of
Math 8
A11. A11. A11. A11. A11.
categorizes when a Identification Sorting and Sorting and Videos on Google
given system of classifying classifying Classroom
linear equations in -Math 8 Module
two variables has -Textbooks
graphs that are  Our
parallel, intersecting, World of
and coinciding. Math 8
M8AL-Ih-3 (Vibal)

M1. M1. M1. M1. M1. - Character
solves problems C-E-R Table C-E-R with Problem Analysis -Videos on (Ability to work
involving factors of Guided Google independently)
polynomials. M8AL- Generalizatio Classroom
Ib-2 n -Math 8 Module -Competence and
-Textbooks Accuracy
 Our (Ability to
World of understand the
Math 8 concepts, solve
(Vibal) accurately, and
formulating real-
M3. M3. M3. M3. M3. life scenarios)
performs operations Solving Solving Online Quiz -Videos on
on rational algebraic problems problems on Google
expressions. M8AL- rational Classroom
Ic-d-1 algebraic -Math 8 Module
expressions -Textbooks
 Our
World of
Math 8

M4. M4. M4. M4. M4.

solves problems C-E-R Table C-E-R with Problem Analysis -Videos on
involving rational Guided Google
algebraic Generalizatio Classroom
expressions. M8AL- n -Math 8 Module
Id-2 -Textbooks
 Our
World of
Math 8

M5. M5. M5. M5. M5.

graphs a linear Graphing Hands-on Online graphing -Videos on
equation given (a) Activity graphing of of linear equation Google
any two points; (b) linear Classroom
the x– and y - equation -Math 8 Module
intercepts; (c) the -Textbooks
slope and a point on  Our
the line. World of
M8AL-If-2 Math 8
M7. M7. M7. M7. M7.
solves problems C-E-R Table C-E-R with Problem Analysis -Videos on
involving linear Guided Google
equations in two Generalizatio Classroom
variables. M8AL-Ig-2 n -Math 8 Module
 Our
World of
Math 8

M8. M8. M8. M8. M8.

graphs a system of Graphing Hands-on Online graphing -Videos on
linear equations in Activity graphing of of of system of Google
two variables. M8AL- system of linear equations Classroom
Ih-2 linear -Math 8 Module
equations -Textbooks
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World of
Math 8

M9. M9. M9. M9. M9.

solves problems C-E-R Table C-E-R with Problem Analysis -Videos on
involving systems of Guided Google
linear equations in Generalizatio Classroom
two variables by (a) n -Math 8 Module
graphing; (b) -Textbooks
substitution; (c)  Our
elimination. World of
Math 8

T1. Performance T1. T1. T1.
formulate problems Task Scaffold Scaffold Activities -Videos on
involving Factoring Activities 1, Google
of Polynomials, 2, 3, and 4 Classroom
Rational -Math 8 Module
Expressions, Linear -Textbooks
Equations, and  Our
Systems of Linear World of
Equations Math 8

Goal: Formulate 10 problems involving Factoring of Polynomials, Rational Expressions, Linear
Equations, and Systems of Linear Equations.

Role: As a commissioned teacher in Mathematics.

Audience: School Principal

Situation: As improvements are carried out during the implementation of K to 12 during this
time of pandemic, DepEd called out for teachers all around the country for special assignment.

Product: 10 problems printed in a short bond paper with detailed step-by-step solution with
comprehensive discussions.

Standards: Realism of the Prepared Items, Appropriateness of the items for the Learners, and
Accuracy of the Provided Solutions and Answers.

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