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International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)

ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-8, Issue-12, December 2021

Posture Correction Chair

Jiby Krishna K G

Abstract— Posture Correction Chair is a concept to build an A. Need for Posture Correction
innovative and comfortable chair that provides and promotes
the best 'posture healthy' seating arrangements. This concept To fulfil their jobs, office employees, businessmen and
has come out of the rising need to counter posture related
women, instructors, and accountants must sit for long
problems and diseases. The sitting working professionals were
the target group for this project. Prolonged sitting in the same periods of time.
position not only causes health problems such as back pain,
joint pain, and reduced circulation but also leads to improper The posture can become a source of worry over time.
posture effects such as slouching and slumping. A self- Slouching, straining, long periods of inactivity, and poor
adjustable posture correction chair prototype was developed posture all leave their mark on the back and the rest of the
with inbuilt infrared proximity sensors and ultrasonic
body. It causes an aching body, which might serve as a
proximity sensors to measure the distance of various
demarcated parts of the body from various positions of the breeding ground for illnesses. As a result, moving the neck
chair. The sensors placed at the armrest region along with the becomes difficult, and the neck may become permanently
additional alarm-based reminder will indicate the incorrect stiff. The neck bone is under a lot of stress, which makes it
posture. The smart chair also aims at correcting the posture sensitive. The development of aberrant bone formations in
from the shoulder level by connecting a proximity sensor at the the neck is a possibility.
shoulder level. In a nutshell, the height, armrest, shoulder level
are the primary factors considered for the development of the
prototype.’ When improper posture is maintained for several hours, the
It will pique the curiosity of everyone who works at a desk or in joints, such as the knee, shoulder, wrist, and fingers, begin
a position that requires more time in front of a computer to experience a great deal of pressure. Muscles lose their
screen, whether they are a CEO or a clerk. There are currently mobility with time and become painful. When a normal
no alternatives to the Posture Correction Chair that provide sitting position is not maintained, blood flow and circulation
measures for sitting posture. The majority of chairs on the are affected. This causes muscles to constrict, causing
market are designed to address specific problems and do not
give a "all-in-one" solution to address posture disorders.
choking and making it difficult to breathe. Eventually, the
heart can no longer handle the pressure and lack of oxygen
Index Terms— Self adjustable posture correction, Slouching, and blood, resulting in cardiac arrest.
Healthy posture
Scoliosis, hunchback, rounded shoulder, anterior pelvic tilt,
forward head, digestive difficulties, poor breathing, and
I. INTRODUCTION other illnesses can all be caused by bad posture.
Defining good posture is far less specific than defining bad
posture, since it depends on what you desire and it's 1. Hunchback
effectively impossible to assess progress . A healthy posture People who spend long hours in front of a computer screen
is most likely "dynamic," stressing movement and change. or in a sitting position, especially those who work in an
Keeping active, altering our posture frequently, and office, frequently develop hunchbacks.[3]
experimenting with various methods of moving around the
world are all likely helpful ways to deal with posture 2. Rounded shoulder
uncertainties. The majority of people live sedentary Rounded shoulders are caused by poor posture, particularly
lifestyles and engage in little physical activity on a regular while working in an office, or by following an unbalanced
basis. Even persons who are physically active at work are exercise plan that includes extensive chest pressing.[3]
generally just active in one direction, and they want
variation in their movement. More mobility and diverse 3. Forward hip tilt
positions are a sure bet and an excellent place to start when It is primarily caused by sitting for long periods of time
it comes to improving your posture. without stretching, which shortens the hip flexors.[3]
A variety of postural behaviors will also aid in striking a
balance between taking the path of least resistance and 4. Forward head tilt
exerting obsessive and excessive effort, while remaining When you breathe, the bent back that commonly comes with
neither lazy nor overzealous. poor posture provides less capacity for your lungs to fill up.
Proper posture protects the bones and joints by keeping This can make it difficult to exercise or cause frequent
them in proper alignment, which allows muscles to work shortness of breath. Chronic neck, shoulder, or back pain
effectively. It also helps to reduce abnormal wear of joint can be relieved by improving your posture. Upper Cross
surfaces, which can lead to arthritis, and it relieves stress on Syndrome is frequently caused by a slouched position.[3]
the ligaments that hold the spine's joints together. Beautiful
posture protects the spine from getting stuck in abnormal B. Causes of improper Posture
positions, reduces strain, prevents back soreness and In terms of physiology, "normal" posture is the state in
muscular pain, and helps you look good. which the body functions most efficiently. The natural

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-8, Issue-12, December 2021
posture of a population is more difficult to assess
structurally. Most drawings depict "perfect" posture rather
than "average" posture. The ground surface, heat and cold,
sickness and health, sadness and joy, clothes, and societal
traditions all cause posture to vary constantly to rest active
muscles and adapt to diverse conditions.[5]

There are a few factors that determine human posture and

they are:[5]

(1) gravity;
(2) environment, eg, occupation, weather;
(3) architecture of the vertebral column, upper and lower
appendages, organs and tissues that attach to or are Fig. 1(b) Seating Dimension positions
suspended from the spinal column;
(4) physiology, normal and abnormal,
(5) pathology,
(6) emotional states; and
(7) pain.


A. Sample Selection and Measurements
Following is the anthropometric Data collected from a paper
on “Anthropometric Design Of Furniture For Use In
Tertiary Institutions In Abeokuta, South-Western
Nigeria”[1] Fig. 1(b) Seating Dimensions

The University of Agriculture (UNAAB), Moshood Abiola

Polytechnic (MAPOLY), and Federal College of Education
(FCE, Osiele), all of which are located in the Abeokuta
metropolis, were chosen to participate in the study. Seven
hundred and twenty (720) students were chosen at random
from first to final year students, with 240 students (120 boys
and 120 girls) from each participating institution. The
students ranged in age from 17 to 27 years old (mean 22.85
years, SD 2.05 years). Based on a study, each student's body
size was determined using standard anthropometric
measurement techniques. Prior to the start of the measures,
the students' consents were sought. The subjects were
measured in light clothing, in a relaxed and erect posture,
and without shoes. The measurements were obtained on a
level floor in one of the selected universities' classrooms. In Fig. 2 Anthropometric Measurements
the month of April of 2010, measurements were taken every
working day for 20 days with the assistance of a data-
(i) Sitting Height: The person sits up straight with his head
recording person. The data-recording person and a helper
in the frank fort plane, arms at his sides, and hands on his
were taught on the use of anthropometers and other
thighs. A stadiometer was used to measure the vertical
measuring instruments in the laboratory, and trial runs were
distance from the seat surface to the vertex of the head with
undertaken to ensure the accuracy of the data. During the
the hair pulled down.[1]
trial runs, the measurements were examined for consistency
and accuracy. The information on/regarding age and sex was
(ii) Sitting Elbow height With the elbow in 900 degrees of
also entered alongside the measurements. The averages of
flexion, the vertical distance from the bottom of the tip of
three replications of the measurements were recorded. The
the elbow (olecranon) to the sitting surface is measured. The
accuracy of the measurements was also double-checked.
subject is dressed lightly and sits fully upright, with his
thighs fully supported and his lower legs dangling freely.
B. Description of Measurements The forearms are horizontal and the upper arms swing freely
Following are the measurements taken into consideration for downward. The armrest height is determined by the height
the prototype development. of the sitting elbow.[1]

(iii) Sitting Shoulder height The person sits up straight,

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-8, Issue-12, December 2021

arms at his sides and hands on his thighs. The vertical time without support for this curve causes slouching
distance between the acromion process at the apex of the (flattening the natural curve) and strains the lower spine
shoulder and the persons' feet.A stadiometer was used to tissues. An ergonomic chair should include lumbar
measure the vertical distance from the top of the shoulder at adjustment (both height and depth) so that each user can
the acromion process to the students' sitting surface. This find the right fit to support the lower back's inward curve.
measurement is crucial in determining the Backrest Height [4]
(iv) Backrest: An ergonomic office chair's backrest
(iv) Thigh Clearance The person sits tall and calm, his legs should be 12 to 19 inches wide. If the backrest is not
spread. A vernier calliper was used to measure the vertical attached to the seat, it should be height and angle adjustable.
distance from the sitting surface to the top of the thigh at its It should be able to accommodate the natural curve of the
intersection with the abdomen. The table height must be spine, with particular care dedicated to good lumbar support.
determined by taking into account the thigh clearance, If the seat and backrest of the office chair are one piece, the
popliteal height, and shoe clearance.[1] backrest should be adjustable in forward and back angles,
with a locking mechanism to prevent the backrest from
(v) Sitting Knee Height The vertical distance between the moving too far backward once the user has selected the
floor and the topmost point on the knee is measured here. proper angle. [4]
The patient was sitting upright on a chair with his knee at a
correct angle. A stadiometer was used to take the (v) Seat Material: The padding on the seat and back of the
measurements.[1] office chair should be sufficient to allow you to sit
comfortably for long periods of time. A breathable cloth
(vi) Popliteal height The vertical distance between the foot fabric is preferred than a tougher surface. [4]
resting surface and the posterior surface of the knee,
measured with 900 degrees of knee flexion (popliteal space). (vi) Armrests: Armrests on office chairs should be
The patient sits fully supported, with the sitting surface adjustable. They should let the user rest their arms
reaching as far as feasible into the hollow of the knee and comfortably and relax their shoulders. While typing, the
the lower legs dangling freely. The distance between the elbows and lower arms should be lightly rested, and the
measuring block and the forward edge of the seating surface forearm should not be resting on the armrest. [4]
is calculated. The measurement is required to determine the
seat height.[1] (vii) Swivel: Any traditional or ergonomic chair should be
able to rotate freely so that the user can reach various parts
(vii) Stature: With the hair pressed down, this is the vertical of his or her desk without straining. [4]
distance from the floor to the vertex of the head. The
subjects are fully erect with their feet together and their
heads in the Frankfurt Plane. The stadiometer was used to III. BLOCK DIAGRAM
take measurements[1].

C. Ergonomic Chair Features Distance Proc Progr Al

When it comes to the "traditional" office chair, there are a from the essor ammi ert
few features that an ergonomic chair should have, including: ng
Fig. 3 Block Diagram of Posture correction Smart Chair

(i) Seat height: The seat height of an office chair should be

A block diagram is a diagram of a system in which the
freely adjustable. The simplest method is to use a pneumatic
adjustment lever. Most people should be able to sit significant parts or functions are represented by blocks
comfortably at a seat height of 16 to 21 inches off the connected by lines that show the relationships of the blocks.
This product is ergonomic .It has a mechanical part as chair
ground. This enables the user to sit with his or her feet flat
and the electronic part sensors for the awareness for
on the floor, thighs horizontal, and arms at desk height.
Seat depth and width The seat should be wide and deep maintaining a bad posture.In the mechanical part,it is
enough to comfortably support any person. The standard is specifically designed to be comfortable and easy to use,
physically and psychologically. Ergonomic products are
usually 17-20 inches broad. [4]
often advertised as reducing fatigue and repetitive strain,
(ii) Seat width and depth must be sufficient for the user to and boosting productivity. Unlike other types of chairs, the
sit with his or her back against the ergonomic office chair's smart chair offers a strong support for the lower back. [2]
Ergonomic drafting chairs differ from ergonomic office
backrest while leaving roughly 2 to 4 inches between the
back of the knees and the seat. The seat's forward or chairs because they are raised up to allow the user to easily
backward tilt should be adjustable. [4] access a drafting table, which sits much higher than an
office desk. The arms of this smart chair are adjustable away
from and toward the seat to provide you with enough hip
(iii) Lumbar support: The importance of lower back support
in an ergonomic chair cannot be overstated. The lumbar room while sitting in the chair. An ergonomic desk chair
spine has an inward curve, and sitting for lengthy periods of should have a seat that is thick enough to remain

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-8, Issue-12, December 2021
comfortable over long use and wide enough to provide you
4 Hi-Power LED DC9-12 V 1
with a little extra space on each side while seated.[2]
The electronics part of this smart chair consist of three IR 5 ActI-Tape 1
sensors .They are placed at the shoulder point , lower spine
and one at the neck region .The sensors senses the presence 6 Connecting wires 1
and if the posture does not match the proper posture it gives
an alarm as vibration. The comparing is done using the A. Arduino UNO R3
arduino programming.If any of the position is improper it
gives the vibration.or an alert.

Fig. 5 Pin out Diagram of Arduino UNO R3

An AC-to-DC adapter (wall-wart) or a battery can provide

external (non USB) power. A 2.1mm center-positive plug
can be plugged into the board's power jack to connect the
Fig. 4 Generic Flowchart adapter. Battery leads can be placed into the POWER
connector's GND and Vin pin headers. The ATmega328 has
The smart chair works on the principle that whenever a 32 KB of memory (with 0.5 KB occupied by the boot
person sits on the chair,the load cell will give out a voltage loader). There's also 2 KB of SRAM and 1 KB of EEPROM
which is compared with the reference voltage by the on board. A computer, another Uno board, or other
comparator.Then the comparator gives an output voltage to microcontrollers can all be communicated with via the Uno.
the proximity sensor.It senses the position of sitting and On digital pins 0 (RX) and 1 (TX), the ATmega328 supports
then if he/she maintains the incorrect posture for a time UART TTL (5V) serial connection (TX). This serial
period greater than 20 minutes then it will give an alert communication is channelled through USB by an
.Time is set by the timer which it gives alert if time exeeds ATmega16U2 on the board, which appears to software on
than 20 minutes the PC as a virtual com port.
B. Infrared Sensor

The Posture Correction Chair will be inbuilt with infrared

proximity sensors and ultrasonic proximity sensors to
measure the distance of various demarcated parts of the rear
end of the body from the rails of the chair. The sensors will
indicate the incorrect posture using LEDs placed at the
armrest region of the chair and an additional alarm based
Fig. 6 IR Sensor
reminder to indicate to the seat occupant that person is
sitting incorrectly.
An infrared sensor is an electronic instrument which is used
Table 1 Components and specifications to sense certain characteristics of its surroundings by either
emitting and/or detecting infrared radiation. Infrared sensors
No Component Name and Specification Quantity are also capable of measuring the heat being emitted by an
object and detecting motion.All objects which have a
temperature greater than absolute zero (0 Kelvin) posses
1 Infrared Inductive Proximity sensors 1 thermal energy and are sources of infrared radiation as a
M12DC result.Sources of infrared radiation include blackbody
radiators, tungsten lamps and silicon carbide. Infrared
sensors typically use infrared lasers and LEDs with specific
2 Strain Gauge Load cell 1
infrared wavelengths as sources.A transmission medium is
required for infrared transmission, which can be either a
3 Bi-Colour LED CN600SD 1 vacuum, the atmosphere or an optical fiber.

A proximity detector is a device that detects when

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-8, Issue-12, December 2021

something is close by. Using IR LEDs and IR consists of four strain gauges. There are also load cells with
phototransistors, you may make a proximity detector in two one strain gauge (quarter bridge) or two strain gauges (half
methods. The first step is to align the IR LED and bridge). The electrical signal produced is typically a few
phototransistor so that they are facing each other. The millivolts, and it must be amplified by an instrumentation
phototransistor then detects the infrared light. When an amplifier before it can be used. The force exerted to the
object gets in the way of the IR LED and the transducer can be calculated by scaling the output of the
phototransistor, the light is blocked and the phototransistor transducer. A high-resolution ADC, typically 24-bit, can be
shuts off. used directly in some cases.In our project we are giving the
power supply to the excitation terminal .The output is
fetched from the signal terminals.

D. Opamp as a comparator

A voltage comparator is an electrical circuit that compares

two input voltages and determines which is higher. Because
the polarity of the op-output amp's circuit depends on the
Fig.7 (a) Basic Infrared circuit diagram polarity of the difference between the two input voltages,
making a voltage comparator from an op amp is simple.

Fig.7 (b) Circuit Diagram of IR sensor

Fig.9 Opamp as a comparator
To converge or concentrate infrared radiation, optical
components such as quartz, CaF2, Ge, and Si optical lenses, E. Timer IC
polyethylene Fresnel lenses, and Al or Au mirrors are
utilised. Band-pass filters can be used to limit spectral The 555 timer IC is a type of integrated circuit (chip) that
response. The radiation that has been concentrated is then can be used to make timers, pulse generators, and
detected using infrared detectors. Pre-amplifiers and circuits oscillators. The 555 can be used as a timer, oscillator, and
are necessary to further process the incoming signals flip-flop element. In one package, derivatives can have up to
because the output from the detector is usually quite modest. four timing circuits.
It provided circuit designers with a relatively cheap, stable,
and user-friendly integrated circuit for both monostable and
C. Strain gauge load cell
astable applications.Since the device's initial commercial
release, a slew of new and unusual circuits have been built
and published in a variety of trade, professional, and hobby
magazines. Some manufacturers have discontinued
producing these timers in the last 10 years due to
competition or other factors. Other firms, such as NTE (a
Philips subsidiary), carried up where others stopped off.
Although the CMOS version of this IC, such as the
Motorola MC1455, is more commonly used these days, the
conventional form is still accessible; however, the circuitry
has undergone many modifications and alterations.
Fig.8 Typical Load cell schematic However, all types of plugs are pin-to-pin compatible. In our
project we are setting the time as 15 minutes so that his
In industry, the most common load cells are strain gauge sitting posture is maintained after 15 minutes if he is in the
load cells. The force being sensed deforms a strain gauge wrong posture.
due to a mechanical construction. The strain gauge detects
deformation (strain) as a change in electrical resistance, 15 Minute Timer Circuit
which is a measure of strain and thus applied forces. In a 15*60 = 1.1*R1*1000 uF
Wheatstone bridge arrangement, a load cell normally R1 = 818.2 k ohm
As per above calculations, for a 15 minute timer circuit, we

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-8, Issue-12, December 2021
need the value of resistor to 818.2 kohm.

Fig.10 Timer IC Circuit

F. Circuit Diagram and Working

The project of a posture correction chair consists of strain

gauge load cell,comparator,proximity sensor,flip flop and an

Fig.12 Circuit diagram of Posture correction chair

The strain gauge measures the deformation (strain) as a

change in electrical resistance, which is a measure of the
strain and hence the applied forces. Then the comparator
gives an output voltage to the proximity sensor. The
proximity sensor senses the position of sitting and the
current posture of the seat occupant.If he/she maintains the
incorrect posture for greater than 20 minutes then it will
give an alert.The time limit is kept as 20 minutes since it is
the time period that a person can maintain a bad posture and
still not suffer from any poor posture related health issue.
Time is set by the timer which gives an alert if time exceeds
20 minutes.

People no longer have time to take care of their health and
hence require frequent reminders to perform important
activities. The posture correction chair can be changed and
made useful in numerous areas. The posture correction chair
concept can be used in a variety of situations, including:

A. Office Chairs
In offices where employees and employers must sit for
Fig.11 Detailed Flow Diagram
lengthy periods of time, frequently in front of a computer
screen, posture correction chairs can be extremely
The following describes the basic principle in detail. beneficial. According to surveys, most people who work at
a desk have bad posture, which can contribute to posture-
The load cell detects the presence of human .Whenever a related disorders later in life.
person sits on the chair, the load cell will give an output
voltage which is compared with the reference voltage by the B. Aeroplanes
comparator. The comparator is a device that compares two Frequent users of long-distance plane travel have back
voltages or currents and outputs a digital signal indicating problems. The chair can also be utilised to solve this
which of the two compared values is larger. problem at a later stage in its development.

C. Medical Domain

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-8, Issue-12, December 2021

Longer exposure to the posture correction chair will aid in

the reversal of incorrect postures and related health

D. Gymnasiums
The posture correction can be integrated into a gym setting,
which will raise awareness of the importance of keeping a
healthy posture in addition to physical activity.

VI. RESULT Fig.14 3 Dimensional Design of Posture correction chair

The posture correction chair project was executed after
assuming a certain threshold value for distance of human
body from that of the chair. It was found that there are Posture correction chair was developed with the help of
certain points of the human spine that need to physically a. Programming in arduino
have contact with the chair body.The root cause for b. PCB Designing and fabrication using Orcad
conditions like hunch back, rounded shoulders, forward c. Design of the chair using Rhinocerous (3D Model)
head tilt etc is mainly due to lack of awareness of the seat Posture correction chair was developed with the following
occupant of the gradual decrease in quality of his/her features
posture. a. Adjustable backrest
b. Adjustable thigh rest
c. Motor - used for the movement.
d. Alarm for alerting the user

The posture correction chair is successful in removing the

problem caused due to lack of awareness of the seat
occupant by providing timely reminders to the seat
occupant.It was found that continued exposure to greater
than 20 minutes of incorrect posture would double-fold
increase the rate of attaining posture related issues.

Fig.13 Posture Correction chair prototype
The smart chair is primarily designed for IT professionals
who spend a lot of time sitting at their desk. The mechanical
Initially, the prototype was created using Rhinocerous (3D
component is created with ergonomics in mind. Even though
Model) software and 3D printed prototype.The
the smart chair is ergonomically constructed, the people who
programming and electronics were done concurrently.
sit in it may not have the same understanding of appropriate
Following the successful deployment of the 3D model, the
posture. We used the electronic portion for the posture
smart chair's mechanical model was designed.
correction in the analysis. It is accomplished through the use
of IR sensors and arduino programming to process the
data.As a result, the smart chair for posture correction was
successfully developed anthropometric data collection and
analysis from the reference paper.

Arduino programming code is as mentioned below:
int set1 = 7;
int set2 = 8;
int set3 = 9;// This is the input pin
int out1 = HIGH;
int out3 = HIGH;
int a = 2;
int b = 3;

int c = 4;
void setup() {
pinMode(a, OUTPUT);
pinMode(b, OUTPUT);
pinMode(c, OUTPUT);

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-8, Issue-12, December 2021
pinMode(set1, INPUT); year award for the years 2016-17, 2017-18. Best Curriculum Project
Winner for the years 2014-15, 2016-17. The Project on Diabetic Foot
pinMode(set2, INPUT); Ulcer: Diabetic Wound Healer was the best research work exhibited during
pinMode(set3, INPUT); the final year. Correspondingly, the paper presentation and publication in
Serial.begin(9600); ICCISCON Conference and published in IJAERT publication.
} An active IEEE Volunteer since 2014. Recipient of the IEEE Kerala
Section Outstanding Student Volunteer Award 2017-18 and IEEE Kerala
void loop() { Section Outstanding WiE Volunteer Award 2020-21. Currently holding the
out1 = digitalRead(set1); position of WiE Secretary, IEEE Kerala Section.
out2 = digitalRead(set2); IEEE Kerala Young Professionals Publication Team 2020 Coordinator:
Works on blogs for publishing in our esteemed site. The blogs are divided
out3 = digitalRead(set3); into three broad categories namely, Industry, Academia & Research.
if ((out1 == HIGH)&&(out2 == HIGH)&&(out3 ==HIGH)) Published 18 blogs during the period Feb 2020-21.
{ Venus Campaign Coordinator: It is an IEEE Wie initiative since March
2020. The campaign focuses on digital empowerment of women led micro
Serial.println("ON POSITION"); startups Currently serving 100+ entrepreneurs.
digitalWrite(a, HIGH); Biomed Campaign Coordinator: It is a collaborative initiative with HTSS
digitalWrite(b, HIGH); [Healthcare Technology Systems and Services Society] since May 2020.
digitalWrite(c, HIGH); This brings out a resourceful detail on every medical equipment which not
only aims at authentic information but also focuses on upliftment of
} Biomedical Engineers. Currently serving 94 biomedical students.
Serial.println("NOT IN POSITION");
digitalWrite(a, LOW);
digitalWrite(b, LOW);
digitalWrite(c, LOW);

TThe author would like to thank our Project Coordinator,
Asst Prof.Reshma Jose, supervising guide, Asst.Prof. Kiran
Philip Isaac and HOD of BME Department, Dr.Yuvraj
Veluswamy for their constructive comments which greatly
improved the scientific quality of the manuscript.

[1] “Anthropometric Design Of Furniture For Use In Tertiary
Institutions In Abeokuta, Southwestern Nigeria”S. O. Ismaila 1 – A. I.
Musa2 - S. B. Adejuyigbe3 – O. D. Akinyemi4
[2] “Study Of Parameters For Designing A Chair For Proper
Sitting Posture Of Human Working In Front Of Desktop” Biswaranjan
Rout1, Dr. Rati Ranjan Dash2
[3] Posture and Body Mechanics Mayfield Clinic
[4] “Choosing the Right Ergonomic Office Chair” Rodney K.
Lefler, DC
[5] “Clinical Biomechanics: Musculoskeletal Actions and Reactions
Book”, R. C. Schafer


Jiby Krishna K G, currently working as Senior Research and Development

Engineer at Agappe Diagnostics Ltd. Graduated in Biomedical Engineering
from Sahrdaya College of Engineering and Technology, Kerala, in the year
2018 and a University Rank Holder Calicut University 2014-18. Recipient
of the Diamond Ring for the Best Student of the 2014-18 batch, Sahrdaya
College of Engineering and Technology, from the honourable Bishop Mar
Pauly Kannookadan. Also, the award winner for the Best Student of the


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