Hydrogen Generator

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XM50000 Revision C
HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C





HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C


Electrolysis of water is in principle a simple process. The equipment necessary

to assemble a system that supports the process effectively and efficiently results
in a configuration that is relatively complex. The technology that has evolved at
Teledyne Energy Systems Inc. represents a continuous development effort to
improve systems that support the basic alkaline water electrolysis process. The
HMXT incorporates the latest developments to provide an efficient, reliable and
safe system for the production of hydrogen gas.

The purpose of this manual is to provide the operator with a basic description of
the system and sufficient information to install, operate, and maintain the
equipment. This information is intended for use by qualified personnel. Use of
the information by other than qualified personnel may negate the warranty
extended by Teledyne Energy Systems Inc. to the equipment Purchaser.

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C


The manual contains Teledyne Energy Systems Inc. proprietary information which
may not be used for the benefit of others except by express permission.
Distribution and availability of this manual should be restricted to activities
concerned with operation and maintenance of the equipment described herein.


This equipment is covered by a limited warranty that establishes limitation of

obligations. See form ES-588 Warranty, Gas Generator System.


To avoid unnecessary charges and delays in U. S. Customs, any and all returned
components of the Teledyne Energy Systems equipment should be handled as

1. Notify Teledyne Energy Systems Inc. (Attention to Customer Service

Department) of the need and reason for returning the part. Identify the
part as to catalog and/or part number, name, the purchase order and
equipment serial number under which the part was originally purchased.

2. Supply Teledyne Energy Systems Inc. with Proforma Invoices and copies
of Bills of Lading indicating the part as "Returned U. S. Goods."

3. All shipments should be made to Teledyne Energy Systems Inc., 10707

Gilroy Road, Hunt Valley, Maryland 21031, U.S.A., by way of the Port of
Baltimore, Maryland (for sea) and Baltimore-Washington International
Airport (by air).

4. Failure to clear these returned components through U. S. Customs as

“Returned U. S. Goods" will result in payment of duty which will be to the
customer's account.

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

Table of Contents

1 System Description ............................................................................. 1-1

1.1 Introduction........................................................................................ 1-1
1.2 Electrolyte.......................................................................................... 1-2
1.3 Electrolysis Module............................................................................ 1-2
1.4 Electrolyte Subsystem ....................................................................... 1-3
1.4.1 KOH Pump.......................................................................... 1-3
1.4.2 KOH Reservoirs.................................................................. 1-4
1.4.3 Heat Exchangers ................................................................ 1-4
1.4.4 KOH Filters ......................................................................... 1-4
1.4.5 Flow Switches..................................................................... 1-4
1.4.6 KOH Temperature Sensors ................................................ 1-4
1.4.7 KOH Level .......................................................................... 1-5
1.5 Feed water Subsystem...................................................................... 1-5
1.5.1 Feed water.......................................................................... 1-5
1.5.2 Feed water Quality Monitor................................................. 1-6
1.5.3 Feed water Pump ............................................................... 1-6
1.5.4 Feed water Control ............................................................. 1-6
1.6 Gas Control and Conditioning Subsystem......................................... 1-6
1.6.1 Pressure Transducers ........................................................ 1-7
1.6.2 Production Rate .................................................................. 1-7
1.6.3 Prepressurization................................................................ 1-8
1.6.4 Standby .............................................................................. 1-8
1.6.5 Pressure Release ............................................................... 1-8
1.6.6 Back Pressure Regulator .................................................... 1-8
1.6.7 Differential Pressure Control System.................................. 1-9
1.6.8 Relief Valves....................................................................... 1-9
1.6.9 Vent Valve .......................................................................... 1-9
1.6.10 Condensers and Traps ..................................................... 1-10
1.6.11 Nitrogen Purge.................................................................. 1-10
1.7 Hydrogen Drying ............................................................................. 1-10
1.7.1 Dryers ............................................................................... 1-10
1.7.2 Dryer Valves ..................................................................... 1-11
1.8 Cooling and Condenser Cooling Water Subsystems....................... 1-11
1.8.1 Temperature Regulating Valve ......................................... 1-12
1.8.2 Condenser Cooling and Water Control ............................. 1-12
1.9 System Safety ................................................................................. 1-12
1.9.1 Hydrogen in Oxygen Monitor ............................................ 1-13
1.9.2 Hydrogen Detector............................................................ 1-13
1.9.3 Shutdown Alarms.............................................................. 1-13
1.10 Electrical Power and Process Control Subsystems ......................... 1-14
1.10.1 DC Power Supply ............................................................. 1-14
1.10.2 Programmable Controller.................................................. 1-15
1.10.3 Process Control and Sequencing ..................................... 1-16
1.10.4 Dryer Sequencing ............................................................. 1-18
1.11 Data Display and Process Monitoring.............................................. 1-19
Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

1.11.1 Touch Screen Display....................................................... 1-19

2 Generator Installation ......................................................................... 2-1

2.1 System Classification ........................................................................ 2-1
2.2 Storage.............................................................................................. 2-2
2.3 Generator Mounting........................................................................... 2-2
2.4 Facility Connections .......................................................................... 2-3
2.4.1 Feed water.......................................................................... 2-4
2.4.2 Cooling Water ..................................................................... 2-4
2.4.3 Condenser Cooling Water .................................................. 2-5
2.4.4 Hydrogen and Oxygen Vents.............................................. 2-5
2.4.5 Product Gas Delivery.......................................................... 2-5
2.4.6 Electrical Power .................................................................. 2-6
2.4.7 Nitrogen Purge.................................................................... 2-6
2.5 Power Supply Electrical Connections ................................................ 2-6
2.6 External Alarm Connections .............................................................. 2-7

3 Generator Operation ........................................................................... 3-1

3.1 General.............................................................................................. 3-1
3.2 Initial Startup ..................................................................................... 3-1
3.2.1 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)................................... 3-1
3.2.2 Preliminary Procedures ...................................................... 3-3
3.3 Start Mode......................................................................................... 3-3
3.4 Run Mode.......................................................................................... 3-4
3.5 Standby Mode ................................................................................... 3-4
3.6 Normal Operation .............................................................................. 3-4
3.7 Pressure Release .............................................................................. 3-6
3.8 Shutdowns......................................................................................... 3-6
3.8 Emergency Stop Switch .................................................................... 3-7

4 Maintenance and Calibration Procedures ........................................... 4-1

4.1 General.............................................................................................. 4-1
4.2 Electrolyte.......................................................................................... 4-2
4.2.1 Electrolyte Mixing................................................................ 4-4
4.2.2 Electrolyte Fill ..................................................................... 4-5
4.2.3 Electrolyte Check................................................................ 4-6
4.2.4 Electrolyte Drain ................................................................. 4-8
4.3 Module Inspection ............................................................................. 4-9
4.3.1 External Inspection ............................................................. 4-9
4.3.2 Internal Inspection ............................................................ 4-10
4.3.3 Re-torque Procedure ........................................................ 4-10
4.4 Cross Leak Check ........................................................................... 4-13
4.5 KOH Filter Replacement.................................................................. 4-13
4.6 Feed water Filter Replacement ....................................................... 4-16
4.7 KOH Pump Inspection ..................................................................... 4-18
4.8 Valve and Regulator Maintenance And Calibration ......................... 4-20
4.8.1 Solenoid Valves ................................................................ 4-20
HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

4.8.2 Back Pressure Regulators ................................................ 4-23

4.8.3 Differential Pressure Regulator......................................... 4-26
4.8.4 Check Valve and Relief Valve........................................... 4-26
4.9 Hydrogen in Oxygen Monitor Maintenance and Calibration ............ 4-27
4.9.1 Flow Controller.................................................................. 4-28
4.9.2 Filter Tank......................................................................... 4-29
4.9.3 Temperature Sensor......................................................... 4-29
4.10 Leak Check ..................................................................................... 4-30
4.10.1 Bubble Check ................................................................... 4-30
4.10.2 System Pressure Test ...................................................... 4-30
4.11 Pressure Transducer Calibration Check.......................................... 4-31
4.12 KOH Flow Switch Check ................................................................. 4-32
4.13 Feed water Pump Priming and Purging........................................... 4-34
4.14 Feed water Monitor Check .............................................................. 4-34
4.15 Dryer Maintenance .......................................................................... 4-35
4.15.1 Orifice Maintenance.......................................................... 4-36
4.15.2 Check Valve Maintenance ................................................ 4-37
4.15.3 Molecular Sieve Change................................................... 4-38
4.15.4 Gas Filter Replacement .................................................... 4-39
4.16 Temperature Regulating Valve Check............................................. 4-39
4.17 Cooling Water Maintenance ............................................................ 4-40

5 Troubleshooting Guide ....................................................................... 5-1

6 HMXT Generator Parts List................................................................. 6-1

7 Optional Instruments........................................................................... 7-1

7.1 INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION ......................................................... 7-1
7.1.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 7-1
7.1.2 COMBUSTIBLE GAS DETECTOR..................................... 7-1
7.1.3 HYGROMETER .................................................................. 7-1
7.1.4 TRACE OXYGEN ANALYZER ........................................... 7-2
7.2 INSTALLATION ................................................................................. 7-2
7.2.1 WIRING .............................................................................. 7-2
7.3 OPERATION ..................................................................................... 7-2
7.3.1 GENERAL .......................................................................... 7-2
7.3.2 INSTRUMENT DATA SCREENS ....................................... 7-3
7.3.3 INSTRUMENT OPERATION .............................................. 7-3

8 Appendix............................................................................................. 8-1

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

List of Figures

Figure 2-1 KOH Filter ................................................................................................... 2-6

Figure 4-1 KOH Filter ................................................................................................. 4-15
Figure 4-2 Feed water Filter ....................................................................................... 4-17
Figure 4-3 KOH Pump................................................................................................ 4-19
Figure 4-4 Normally Closed Solenoid Valve............................................................... 4-21
Figure 4-5 Condenser Water Solenoid Valve ............................................................. 4-22
Figure 4-6 Back Pressure Regulator .......................................................................... 4-25
Figure 4-7 Relief Valve Assembly .............................................................................. 4-27
Figure 4-8 Flow Controller.......................................................................................... 4-29
Figure 4-9 Flow Switch............................................................................................... 4-33
Figure 4-10 Dryer Purge Control Assembly................................................................ 4-36
Figure 4-11 Dryer Check Valve .................................................................................. 4-37

List of Tables

Table 2-1 HMX Generator Input Requirements............................................................ 2-3

Table 3-1 Module Voltage ............................................................................................ 3-5
Table 3-2 System Shutdowns ...................................................................................... 3-7

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

1 System Description

1.1 Introduction

The basic HMXT system configuration includes two pieces of equipment, the
hydrogen generator, and the power supply. The hydrogen generator contains all
the mechanical components and plumbing necessary for sustaining the
electrolysis process. The system control and instrumentation functions are
located within the generator. A control panel displays process conditions and
data necessary for efficient operation and monitoring of the system. The HMXT
generator has been designed for operation in a NEC class I, division 2, location.
The power supply contains the equipment for converting an ac power input to dc
power necessary for electrolysis. The power supply is intended for installation in
a separate unclassified area.

The inputs required to operate the system include high purity water and electrical
power for electrolysis, nitrogen for initial purging and cooling water for waste heat
removal. Using these inputs, the system will supply hydrogen at 147 PSIG (10.2
kg/cm2) and oxygen at 120 PSIG (8.3 kg/cm2). The complete generator
installation must include provisions for supplying the feed water, nitrogen, cooling
water, electrical power, plumbing for gas delivery and separate hydrogen and
oxygen vents.

The system is designed for automatic operation. When operation is initiated with
a depressurized system, an automatic start-up sequence brings the system into
operating parameters. The gas production rate responds directly to the user's
demand rate up to the maximum capacity of the generator. If gas delivery is not
required, the system will remain at pressure with minimum production where gas
is instantly available for delivery. All important operating parameters are
continually monitored. Should conditions within the system deviate beyond the
allowable range, system shutdown will occur. If switched off, the system will
purge and depressurize.

The system has been designed for a safe and reliable operation. However, it is
important that preventive maintenance be scheduled and performed to maintain
system reliability. Routine maintenance includes component inspection/
adjustment, electrolyte checks/changes, and controller/instrumentation
calibration. In the event of a component failure, the system display provides
information useful in determining the cause of a system shutdown and in locating
the problem area.

The system description that follows uses letter coded references to individual
components. These references can be found as component labels on the piping
Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

diagram and wiring diagram in the schematics section of this manual. It is

recommended that the reader refer to these diagrams as an aid in understanding
the HMXT system. The physical location of each of the components is illustrated
in the exploded views in Figures A1-A4 in the appendix.

1.2 Electrolyte

Electrolysis of pure water is inefficient because water has a low ionization

constant and a relatively high electrical resistance. Alkaline water electrolysis
uses a strong aqueous alkaline solution to provide an abundance of hydroxyl
ions (OH-) and minimize the electrical resistance between electrodes. When a
voltage is applied and a DC current flows through to the electrodes, an individual
half-cell electrochemical reaction occurs at each electrode. At the anode

4OH-  O2 + 2H2O + 4E-

and at the cathode

4H2O + 4E-  2H2 + 4OH-

the overall reaction is

2H2O  2H2 + O2

The rate of the reaction is directly proportional to the amount of current that flows
between electrodes.

The HMXT system uses an electrolyte, commonly referred to as KOH, which is a

30 weight percent aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide. The Equivalent
Specific Gravity Is 1.288 At 20C (68F). The electrolyte is a strong caustic
requiring specific material for plumbing and components throughout the system.
Adequate safety precautions should be observed when handling KOH. The
solution is harmful and a severe irritant to skin and eyes.

1.3 Electrolysis Module

The heart of the HMXT system is the electrolysis module. This is where the
basic process of separating H2O into its elemental components occurs. The
HMXT electrolysis module seems deceivingly simple from the outside but the
process occurring inside is complex. The configuration requires close tolerances

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

and special equipment for disassembly/assembly.

The module consists of a series of individual electrolysis cells where hydrogen

and oxygen are produced on separate electrode surfaces. Each cell contains a
hydrogen electrode and flow screen, a membrane, and an oxygen electrode and
flow screen. A porous matrix material saturated with electrolyte separates the
electrodes in each cell. When wet, the matrix material provides a gas impervious
membrane, preventing the generated gases from recombining. The thin cells
within the module are electrically connected in series using bipolar plates. All the
cells are compressed between large endplates, using 8 tie rods evenly spaced
around the circumference of the endplates. This configuration usually referred to
as bipolar or filter-press construction, results in a compact and efficient
electrolysis module.

1.4 Electrolyte Subsystem

The electrolyte is continually circulated within a closed plumbing loop. The loop
includes reservoirs, filters, circulating pumps, heat exchangers, flow switches,
temperature sensors, and the module itself. Circulation of the electrolyte through
the loop allows for a continuous supply of water for each cell of the module while
removing the waste heat of the process.

The produced hydrogen and oxygen from each cell is carried away with the
electrolyte and separated in its respective reservoirs. The electrolyte is cooled in
the heat exchangers and solids are removed in the filters. The flow switches and
temperature sensors provide electrolyte flow and temperature monitoring. The
system will shut down as a result of either low electrolyte flow or high electrolyte

1.4.1 KOH Pump

The electrolyte is circulated by means of magnetically coupled centrifugal pumps.

The centrifugal design allows for continuous and long-life operation. The use of
a magnetic coupling between the pump motor and pump impeller provides for
leak-free operation by eliminating rotating seals at the pump shaft. Except for
bearing surfaces, all wetted parts of the pump are stainless steel. The impeller
bearing is a carbon-thermoplastic compound that rotates on a ceramic shaft.
Periodic inspection of these bearing surfaces is recommended as part of the
preventive maintenance schedule. Nominal KOH flow rate is between 8 and 11
GPM (30 and 42 LPM) depending on electrolysis module size and electrolyte
filter condition.

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

1.4.2 KOH Reservoirs

The reservoirs are stainless steel pressure vessels providing storage volume for
KOH within the electrolyte plumbing loop. Tri-Clamp fittings are provided at both
the top and bottom of the reservoirs. The system is filled with electrolyte through
the top Tri-Clamp fitting, while the bottom fitting provides access to the electrolyte
filter in the reservoirs. The reservoirs are located upstream of the KOH pumps
supplying the necessary start-up conditions for the pumps. Produced gases and
electrolyte returning from the electrolysis module are separated within this
volume. The water consumed by electrolysis is also replaced by adding fresh
water to these reservoirs.

1.4.3 Heat Exchangers

The heat exchanger is a standard plate-type configuration of stainless steel

construction. The heat rejection rate is controlled to maintain a stable electrolyte
temperature into the electrolysis module by varying the cooling water flow rate.
The water flow rate to each heat exchanger is controlled by a proportional valve

1.4.4 KOH Filters

The electrolyte filters are located in the bottom of the KOH reservoirs. The filter
element consists of a stainless steel cartridge. The cartridge is capable of
removing all particles down to 100 microns in size. Keeping the electrolyte
subsystem free of particulate matter is especially important for the electrolysis
module where solids can deposit on charged surfaces and clog intricate flow
passages. Cleaning or replacing the cartridge at regular intervals is part of the
routine maintenance schedule.

1.4.5 Flow Switches

Adequate electrolyte flow to the electrolysis module must be maintained in order

to prevent drying of the matrix material and to prevent overheating of the module.
The flow switches (FS1) and (FS2) are vane-operated devices that are actuated
by the flow of fluid through the device. When the flow drops below the minimum
that actuates the vane, a magnetic switch is activated and the system is shut
down due to low flow.

1.4.6 KOH Temperature Sensors

Three iron-Constantine thermocouples (TC1, TC2 and TC3) are used to sense

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

the electrolyte temperature within the flow loop. Thermocouple TC1 monitors the
KOH temperature leaving the electrolyte heat exchanger before entering the
module. This temperature is used in controlling the heat rejection rate by varying
the cooling water flow to the heat exchanger. The TC2 and TC3 thermocouples
monitor the KOH temperature leaving the electrolysis module to prevent
overheating. If this temperature exceeds a preset maximum, the system is shut

1.4.7 KOH Level

Monitoring the liquid level in the Oxygen KOH reservoir controls the quantity of
electrolyte in the system. As the system consumes water the electrolyte level, as
monitored by a liquid level transmitter, will fall. The transmitter reads the actual
level and takes action at different set points. The low level set point controls feed
water addition to the reservoir. When the level transmitter reaches the low level
set point, the PLC sends a signal for addition of feed water. Feed water is added
by running the feed water pump until the level transmitter is satisfied. There is a
low level alarm set point. When the level transmitter indicates this level KOH
condition, the system is shut down to prevent pump cavitations. There is a high
level alarm set point. When the level transmitter indicates this high level KOH
condition, the system is shut down to prevent overflowing the reservoirs.

1.5 Feed water Subsystem

The feed water subsystem delivers the high purity water required for electrolysis
to the electrolyte in the KOH reservoir. The system includes a feed water quality
monitor, a high-pressure pump, and switches/valves for control.

1.5.1 Feed water

The HMXT system consumes approximately 3 GPH (11 LPH) of water at a

hydrogen production rate of 200 SLM. At other gas production rates, the feed
water consumption rate is directly proportional.

Feed water should conform to the American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM) specification D1193-99 for Type IV water. This water may be prepared
by distillation, ion exchange, reverse osmosis, or electrodialysis. The minimum
allowable electrical resistivity is 200k ohm-cm at 25C (77F). Using feed water
of inferior quality may lead to the formation of deposits in the electrolysis module
which, if extreme, can cause module failure.

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

1.5.2 Feed water Quality Monitor

A water resistivity sensor is used to monitor feed water quality. The flow probe is
located in a plastic tee just inside of the feed water inlet port. The probe has a 4
to 20 mA analog output which is proportional to the resistivity of the feed water.
The resistivity alarm set point is 200 kOhm-cm. If the resistivity drops below the
set point, the system will shutdown.

1.5.3 Feed water Pump

The feed water pump is a positive displacement rotary-vane type pump. It

pumps to a nominal 147 PSIG (10.0 kg/cm2) in the reservoir. Pump capacity
from near atmospheric conditions to the 147 PSIG (10.2 kg/cm2) discharge is
approximately 15 GPH (1.0 LPM). The pump does not require any routine
maintenance. The internal bearings, vanes, and liner are made from a carbon
graphite material. The remainder of the wetted parts is stainless steel. Note:
the pump internals can be damaged if run dry for more than 30 seconds.

1.5.4 Feed water Control

The level transmitter initiates automatic control of the feed water subsystem
components. When the liquid level drops below the low level set point, solenoid
valve SV1 is opened and feed water pump operation begins. Feed water will be
added for only a very short time interval. A button in the system control panel
can be used to manually run the feed water pump. Feed water valve SV1 does
not open during manual feed water pump activation. Manual operation of the
pump is provided only for pump priming or purging of the feed water quality
monitor probe.

1.6 Gas Control and Conditioning Subsystem

The majority of the equipment located in the upper-half of the hydrogen

generator is associated with controlling and conditioning the products of the
process. The gas controls are set to produce hydrogen and oxygen at a nominal
system pressure of 147 PSIG (10.2 kg/cm2). Pressure controls and monitors are
included to maintain system pressure within normal operating range and shut the
system down if pressures diverge out of the normal range. In the event that the
demand for the supply of hydrogen is beyond system capacity, the backpressure
regulator will eliminate the possibility of a low pressure shut down.

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

Hydrogen and oxygen from the KOH reservoirs leave as gases saturated with
water vapor. Both gases flow through separate water cooled condensers and
moisture traps to remove much of the moisture. The condensate from the traps
returns directly to its respective KOH reservoirs.

1.6.1 Pressure Transducers

Pressure control is crucial to the automatic operation of the HMXT system.

Pressure transducers (PT1, PT2) continuously monitor both the hydrogen and
oxygen pressure. The 4 to 20 mA signals from the transducers are input directly
to the programmable controller to provide complete system pressure control.
Two separate pressure transducers (PT3, PT4) are used with the dryer process.
These pressure transducers monitor the hydrogen pressure at the exit of each
dryer assembly.

1.6.2 Production Rate

The HMXT generator uses a separate DC power supply to provide electrical

power for electrolysis. The power supply is matched to provide specific
requirements for the electrolysis module (three sizes available) used in the
generator. The programmable controller in the generator controls the DC current
output to the electrolysis module through a signal to the power supply control

The programmable controller in the HMXT has been programmed to vary the
electrolysis production rate to constantly maintain the nominal system hydrogen
pressure. At hydrogen production demands of 30 to100 percent of the maximum
capacity of the generator, the current to the electrolysis module is varied
proportionally so that the production rate matches the demand while maintaining
the nominal system pressure. At production demands greater than 100 percent,
the generator produces at the maximum rate and the system pressure is allowed
to drop to the set point of a back pressure regulator (BPR2). At production
demands of less than 30 percent, the generator will vent the excess hydrogen
through a back pressure regulator (BPR3) while maintaining system pressure.
RV2 functions as a relief valve for the system. It is set to release system pressure
above 180 psig (12.7 kg/cm2).

In addition to pressure control, the production rate may be limited by the

electrolyte temperature. When the electrolyte temperature is below the
acceptable operating temperature (55C), the maximum production rate is
limited. The limit is proportional to the difference between the measured
electrolyte temperature and the acceptable operating temperature.

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

1.6.3 Prepressurization

When the HMXT system initially starts without any residual hydrogen pressure, a
prepressurization period is required. The system is pressurized with nitrogen to
10 PSIG (0.7 kg/cm2). The system then depressurizes to 5 PSIG (0.35 kg/cm2)
and increases back to 10 PSIG (0.7 kg/cm2) multiple times before hydrogen
production initiates.

1.6.4 Standby

The HMXT has been designed to always remain at pressure during normal
operation, regardless of demand for hydrogen. The nominal hydrogen system
pressure has been factory set for 150 PSIG (10.4 kg/cm2). If there is limited or
no gas demand (the delivery line from the system is closed off), the internal
pressure of the system will begin to increase above the nominal pressure. When
the pressure reaches 160 PSIG (11.2 kg/cm2) the excess hydrogen is vented.
The system will run at its minimum production rate when gas generation is
unnecessary. When the internal pressure of the system drops to the nominal
system pressure, higher generation will begin again.

1.6.5 Pressure Release

A pressure release button is provided to allow the operator to depressurize the

system. Depressing this button shuts the system down and initiates a nitrogen
purge and controlled pressure release through vent valves. Pressure is also
released during several of the automatic shutdowns.

1.6.6 Back Pressure Regulator

There are (3) back pressure regulators, which serve as the upper and lower limit
controls for the system pressure.

Back pressure regulator BPR1 is set to maintain a system pressure of

approximately 130 psig (9.1 kg/cm2) which is below the nominal system (150 psig)
hydrogen pressure. It prevents damage to the electrolysis module in the event of a
hydrogen dryer fill failure. If the system switches into an empty dryer, BPR1 will
prevent a reverse differential pressure on the module.

Back pressure regulator BPR2 is set to maintain a system pressure of

approximately 140 psig (9.8 kg/cm2) which is below the nominal system hydrogen
pressure. It prevents loss of system pressure when the hydrogen demand is
greater than the maximum capacity of the HMXT system.

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

Back pressure regulator BPR3 is set to maintain a system pressure of

approximately 160 psig (11.2 kg/cm2) which is above the nominal system hydrogen
pressure. It allows the system to vent when the hydrogen demand is less than the
minimum capacity of the HMXT system.

1.6.7 Differential Pressure Control System

The differential pressure control system is designed to keep the production gases
at an equal pressure (limit is set at 10 inches of water differential). The system is
comprised of a differential pressure transducer and two differential pressure
control valves, one that vents hydrogen gas and one that vents oxygen gas. Both
valves have electronic actuators that are controlled by the programmable

The differential pressure between the hydrogen and oxygen sides of the system
is continuously measured by the differential pressure transducer. This
transducer sends the signal to the programmable controller which compares the
value with a control set point of near 0 inches of water. If the differential pressure
is too high on the hydrogen side the controller will send a signal to the hydrogen
control valve to vent some hydrogen gas and likewise on the oxygen side of the

1.6.8 Relief Valves

A relief valve (RV1) in the hydrogen delivery plumbing is used to provide a

redundant safeguard against system over-pressure. A second relief valve (RV2)
in the dryer delivery plumbing is used to provide a safeguard against dryer over-
pressure. Both relief valves are set to open at 180 psig (12.7 kg/cm2).

1.6.9 Vent Valve

Solenoid valve SV2 is the system vent valve for depressurizing the generator.
The vent valve releases hydrogen to the hydrogen vent. SV2 activates
automatically during several of the system shutdowns or it can be manually
actuated by depressing the pressure release button on the system control panel.
During venting, the valve pulses to provide a slow, controlled pressure release to
prevent violent pressure fluctuations and possible liquid loss.

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

1.6.10 Condensers and Traps

Conditioning of the product gases begins at the H2 gas/gas heat exchanger and
the condensers. The H2 gas/gas heat exchanger takes the hot hydrogen gas
from the phase separator and transfer some of the heat to the hydrogen gas after
the condenser. This lowers the humidity of the gas which is necessary for the
catalyst in FIL-4 to function properly. The gas/gas heat exchanger and the
hydrogen and oxygen condensers are plate-type heat exchangers.

The cooled gas leaves the condenser at a temperature approaching the cooling
water temperature and the condensate exits into a trap. The volume in the trap
allows the gas and condensate to separate. The condensate from the traps
returns directly to its respective reservoirs.

The effectiveness of the condensers is directly dependent on the temperature of

the cooling water. The HMXT uses a separate cooling water circuit for the
condensers. Using a small chilled water source to cool the condensers assures
a high rate of condensation and delivery of high purity product gases.

1.6.11 Nitrogen Purge

The HMXT generator includes protocols for purging the gas plumbing with
nitrogen at start-up and pressure releases. A forward pressure regulator (FPR1)
reduces the facility nitrogen pressure input to about 100 PSIG (7 kg/cm2). A
solenoid valve (SV6) distributes nitrogen gas to the hydrogen and oxygen side
plumbing of the generator. Check valves (CV3, CV4, CV5 and CV6) prevent the
flow of the product gases back into the nitrogen distribution plumbing when the
generator is producing gas.

1.7 Hydrogen Drying

Dryers are included for further conditioning of the hydrogen delivery gas. The
drying process uses a molecular sieve bead material that removes water vapor
by adsorption. The dryers are capable of drying the gas to an atmospheric dew
point of less than -73C (-100F), corresponding to a volumetric concentration of
less than one part per million. After the adsorption process, the molecular sieve
beads are automatically regenerated using a thermal cycling procedure.

1.7.1 Dryers

The HMXT dryer system contains a pair of internally mounted dryers for
conditioning the hydrogen. The two dryers automatically alternate through a
HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

12-hour adsorption and de-adsorption cycle. After 6 hours of adsorption, the on-
line dryer is switched off-line to begin a 6-hour regeneration process. The dryer
is depressurized and an electric resistance heater within the dryer heats the
molecular sieve beads to release the adsorbed water vapor. A small purge of
product gas is used to drive the water vapor out through the vent gas tubing.
The purge flow is controlled by an orifice located between the dryers (OR1).
After de-adsorption, the heating element is turned off and the dryer is allowed to
cool before going back on line.

The hydrogen dryers also contain a small amount of catalyst that will recombine
any minute amount of oxygen and hydrogen. The recombined product is water
that is adsorbed in the dryer beads.

1.7.2 Dryer Valves

The dryer valve assembly (MV2) is a four-way ball valve. This valve directs the
hydrogen product gas through the active dryer while directing the hydrogen
purge gas from the regenerating dryer to the gas vent. Every six hours the valve
position is alternated, selecting the opposite dryer for product gas conditioning
and dryer purge venting.

A regenerated dryer must be pressurized to system operating pressure before it

goes back on line. This is done to prevent a sudden pressure transient through
the system. Solenoid valve SV4 controls the hydrogen purge vent. This valve
automatically closes before the dryer switch to bring the regenerated dryer up to
system pressure.

The dryer system includes a solenoid valve (SV5) for venting the dryers during a
system pressure release. Check valves (CV7 and CV8) are provided to separate
product gas from the purge gas following the drying process. A back pressure
regulator (BPR2) is used to prevent the loss of dryer pressure when the
hydrogen demand is greater than the maximum capacity of the HMXT system.

1.8 Cooling and Condenser Cooling Water Subsystems

The cooling water, required to cool the electrolyte, and the water, required for
condenser cooling, flow in separate plumbing circuits. This arrangement allows the
operator to use any economical means of cooling for the majority of the heat load
and only a small chilled water source for condenser cooling if necessary. Chilled
water may be necessary for condenser cooling if maximum condenser
effectiveness and maximum specified product gas purity is desired. Using the
cooling water source for condenser cooling is permissible if minimal moisture

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

content in the product gas is not necessary.

The cooling water system includes heat exchangers and a temperature regulating
valve. An externally mounted strainer is recommended to protect the control valve.
The condenser cooling water system includes a solenoid valve (SV3), the
oxygen/hydrogen condensers, and a flow adjustment valve (HV3).

1.8.1 Temperature Regulating Valve

Temperature control of the electrolyte is important for maintaining an efficient

process and preventing premature failure of the electrolysis module. Operating at a
low temperature can be as detrimental as overheating the module. The
programmable controller maintains the temperature of the electrolyte into the
module at a nominal set point of 60C.

The temperature regulating valve controls the electrolyte temperature by varying

the cooling water flow through the heat exchanger. The regulating valve is a
stepper motor driven ball valve. Thermocouple TC1 sends the KOH control
temperature signal directly to the programmable controller. Ball valve actuation is
controlled by the programmable controller and is positioned by varying an analog
signal. The programmable controller monitors the temperature change versus time
response of the TC at the heat exchanger outlet and varies the valve position
proportionally. As long as adequate cooling water is available, the PLC determines
the correct valve position to maintain the KOH temperature set point.

1.8.2 Condenser Cooling and Water Control

Control of cooling water to the condensers is accomplished using two valves. A

solenoid valve (SV3) provides the on and off control and a manual valve (HV3) is
used to adjust the flow. Solenoid valve SV3 opens and allows flow only when the
system is running. The cooling water flow is adjusted as necessary to keep the
cooled gas at or below ambient conditions using HV3.

1.9 System Safety

Operator and system safety has been a primary consideration in the design of the
HMXT system. The system maintains only a small inventory of hydrogen during
operation. This limits any potential danger related to combustible gas storage. The
system is designed to be operated in a well-ventilated environment monitored by a
suitable hydrogen detection device. The system can easily be integrated to the
hydrogen detection device or any other external alarm equipment.

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

The operational features of the system provide for automatic shutdown of the
system should operation deviate significantly from normal parameters.
Temperatures, pressures, and liquid level are continuously monitored throughout
the system to assure system operation within the established design conditions.
Latch-out alarms are used to interrupt gas generation should any of the parameters
which are monitored drift outside the allowable range. The cause for shutdown
must be corrected before system operation can continue.

1.9.1 Hydrogen in Oxygen Monitor

The oxygen produced in the system is continuously monitored to determine the

hydrogen content. The amount of hydrogen in the oxygen is a direct indication of
module integrity. Hydrogen will be present in the oxygen if internal module integrity
fails. When the concentration of hydrogen approaches the lower combustion limit
of 4 percent, the system is shut down.

Detection of hydrogen in oxygen is accomplished using a catalyzed electrode that

chemically combines the two gases. The heat of reaction is proportional to the
concentration of hydrogen in the oxygen. The heat of reaction is indicated as the
temperature rise of the catalyzed electrode (TC4). If the temperature difference
exceeds a preset maximum of 200C, the system is shut down. Only a small
constant flow of the oxygen produced is used for hydrogen detection. This amount
is precisely controlled by a flow controller (FC1) and indicated by a flow meter
(FM1). A filter tank prevents water vapor from entering the flow stream and a flame
arrester prevents a reaction from traveling back into the system.

Oxygen in the Hydrogen is also monitored to assess system integrity. Filter tank
FIL-4 contains catalyst beads which will recombine any Oxygen in the product
stream with the hydrogen to produce water. This process produced heat which is
monitored by a thermocouple (TC6). If the temperature of the tank exceeds 200°C
the system is shut down.

1.9.2 Hydrogen Detector

A hydrogen detector is recommended to monitor the atmosphere surrounding the

HMXT system. The HMXT can be integrated to a compatible hydrogen detector by
using the available external alarm inputs. The hydrogen detector will shut the
system down if a sufficient amount of hydrogen is present.

1.9.3 Shutdown Alarms

There are 25 possible alarms that can be indicated on the system control panel.
The alarms are listed in the trouble shooting section of this manual.
Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

When one of these conditions occurs, the appropriate alarm screen will be
indicated on the control panel and the system will shut down. Some of these alarms
also cause the system to purge and release pressure.

The purge and pressure release may also be initiated by a manual pressure
release from the generator control panel.

The shutdown condition is indicated by a flashing screen on the touch screen

display. The shutdown will continue to flash until the alarm reset button is pressed.
Operation can continue after the condition is corrected and the system start/reset
button is depressed. If system power is lost or turned off during a shutdown, the
shutdown will resume flashing when the power is restored and the alarm indication
will not be lost.

1.10 Electrical Power and Process Control Subsystems

The electrical conversion and control subsystems link all the components required
to carry out the electrolysis process and operate the generator as a working
system. The AC power input is converted into DC power for the electrolysis module
and also stepped down to 115 VAC for system process and control. After facility
power has been applied to the HMXT system and the start/reset touch switch is
pressed, the electrical control system automatically directs all system functions.
The wiring diagrams in the schematics section show the numbered wire runs for the

1.10.1 DC Power Supply

The power supply is contained in a cabinet separate from the hydrogen generator.
It is a current control DC power supply with an output of up to 450 amps DC. AC to
DC conversion is accomplished with a full wave, full control bridge rectifier. A
constant current regulator is used to maintain a steady-state DC output current
within plus or minus 1 percent of rated current. A voltmeter and ammeter are
located on the front panel to display the DC voltage and current applied to the
electrolysis module. The power supply also contains several auxiliary transformers
for supplying 115 VAC for generator control and pump power. Overload protection
devices on the power supply include fuses for the SCRs, temperature switches for
the transformer/SCRs, and several circuit breakers.

Operation of the power supply is controlled from the generator. Terminals for
stop/start, current control inhibit, and variable current controls are available on the
power supply and wired to the generator. A separate main power switch, installed
in close proximity to the generator, actuates the power supply. Current control

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

inhibits the DC power and proportional control of the current is managed by the
generator's programmable controller. Connections from the power supply to the
generator include the 115 VAC output for control and pump power, power supply
alarm signal and the DC power output for electrolysis.

1.10.2 Programmable Controller

The HMXT system uses a programmable controller for managing the operation of
the system. The controller allows the system to operate with no need for an
operator to do manual switching, make adjustments, or continuously monitor the
process. The controller has been programmed to do the switching, make the
adjustments, and monitor the system to maintain efficient and safe operation.
System process conditions (temperature, pressure, and level) are input directly to
the programmable controller and output signals are directed to the process control
devices (power supply, valves, and pumps). All the process functions, such as feed
water addition, cooling water flow, and electrolysis rate, are handled by the
controller. Should process conditions stray beyond the allowable bounds, the
controller will stop gas production and indicate the appropriate shutdown alarm.

The programmable controller consists of a din rail mounted CPU. Input and output
modules are distributed around the generator. Communication between modules
and the CPU is accomplished through a DeviceNet communication system. Internal
PLC memory is backed up by a memory card installed in the main processing unit.

The inputs are either 115 VAC on/off signals, 4-20 mA analog signals or direct
thermocouple voltages. The on/off inputs include the KOH flow switches, two
external alarms (normally open, normally closed), and the power supply alarm.
Five analog inputs are from the hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, dryer 1 and dryer 2
pressure transducers, with additional analog inputs from the differential pressure
transmitter, level transmitter and feed water quality monitor. Six thermocouple
inputs include the temperatures for KOH control, hydrogen side module outlet,
oxygen side module outlet, hydrogen in oxygen catalyst, deoxo catalyst bed, and
internal ambient air.

Outputs from the programmable controller are either on/off, triac 115 VAC power or
4-20 mA analog signals. On/off outputs control the KOH pump, condenser water
valve, feed water pump, vent valves, feed water valve, dryer selection and purge
valves, nitrogen purge valves, dryer heaters and power supply inhibit. Analog
outputs control the power supply current, MV1 valve position and both differential
pressure control valve positions.

The front of each on/off input and output module on the programmable controller
has small LED lights to indicate when an input signal is being powered and when
an output is on. The HMXT operator can use these indicators to monitor system

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

operation, and to check on the input and output functions. Much of the operating
sequence can be reviewed by observing these lights.

The entire operation of the programmable controller can be monitored by either a

hand-held programmer or an IBM PC compatible computer using proprietary
software. Both the programmer and the PC software are available for purchase.
Contact Teledyne Energy Systems, Inc. for more information.

1.10.3 Process Control and Sequencing

The main circuit breaker to the power supply must be closed for the system to
receive electrical power. Turning on the emergency stop switch, which is located
on the control panel of the HMXT generator will activate a contactor that energizes
the circuits in both the hydrogen generator and the power supply.

When the system is at zero pressure the start sequence will include a
prepressurization period. Pressing the "Start Gas Generation" touch switch on the
main screen will begin operation and the following will occur:

1. The "Prepressurization" note displays on the touch screen panel showing

operational data.

2. Solenoid valve SV6 opens to provide a nitrogen purge of the system. An

increase in the pressures should be seen.

3. The system pressure (PT1) rises.

The pressure continues to rise until it reaches 10 PSIG (1.4 kg/cm2). At this
pressure, SV6 will close and the system will begin a depressurize sequence. The
generator will depressurize to 5 PSIG (0.7 kg/cm2) and then reintroduce the purge
gas. It will increase back to 10 and purge down to 5 a few more times before
beginning operation.

After prepressurization the following will occur:

1. The KOH pump is energized and the pump begins to circulate KOH. The
flow switches (FS1, FS2) are actuated to indicate proper flow conditions.

2. The condenser cooling shut-off valve (SV3) is energized and opens to

allow flow through the condensers.

3. The “Restart Delay” note will appear. The restart delay will last a
minimum of 15 seconds and will continue until the KOH control
temperature is less than or equal to 66C.

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

4. The inhibit signal to the power supply actuates and power is applied to the
electrolysis module and gas generation begins.

5. The "Generator Operating" note displays on the touch screen display

showing the hydrogen production rate as a percentage of full capacity.

As operation continues, the system pressure builds at the maximum production rate
allowed by the temperature of the electrolyte. Full 100 percent maximum current is
not available until the electrolyte temperature reaches the acceptable operating
temperature of 55C.

System pressure increases until it reaches the first back pressure regulator (BPR1)
set point. Next, the dryers begin pressurizing. The dryer assembly is filled until the
system pressure reaches the second back pressure regulator (BPR2) set point.
Hydrogen is now available to be delivered. When the internal pressure reaches the
nominal system pressure of approximately 150 PSIG, the production rate is
regulated to meet the demand rate imposed by the user. If the demand for gas
exceeds the production capacity of the generator, the second back pressure
regulator, BPR2, will maintain the internal system pressure and the flow of gas is
limited to the maximum capacity of the generator. If there is no demand for gas,
standby pressure is reached and gas generation is automatically set to 50 Amps.
When demand for hydrogen resumes and the generator pressure drops to the
nominal system pressure, gas generation starts again and the production rate is
regulated to meet the demand. If the generator is turned off during operation, the
system will purge and depressurize.

When the electrolyte reaches operating temperature, the temperature regulating

valve (MV1) will begin actuating. The valve will rotate back and forth until the
correct position is found to maintain the electrolyte temperature within the
acceptable operating range. A control routine in the programmable controller varies
the valve position to maintain the electrolyte temperature over a wide range of
production rates and cooling water conditions. A "Cooling water system" screen,
which is accessed from the main touch screen display, can be used to monitor the
temperature regulating valve position, from zero to 100 percent open, along with
the electrolyte temperature.

During normal operation, feed water is periodically added to the electrolyte. The
feed water valve (SV1) will open and the feed water pump will supply feed water
when the feed water add level is reached. A graphic will display on the touch
screen display during the water add interval. If there is no feed water supply
available and low feed water level does not reset, then the system will shut down
on a low level alarm. Feed water is not added during the start and
prepressurization interval or during a shutdown.

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

1.10.4 Dryer Sequencing

The dryer assembly begins its timing sequence after the online dryer has been
pressurized. The dryers are not pressurized until the generator is running at
pressure and hydrogen can be delivered to the dryers through the generator back
pressure regulator (BPR1). When the pressure transducer (PT3 or PT4) in the
online dryer senses adequate dryer pressure, the dryer sequence begins.

The dryer timing sequence begins with the online dryer delivering hydrogen at
pressure for 6 hours while the regenerating dryer is being heated for 90 minutes at
atmospheric pressure. After 90 minutes of heating, the regenerating dryer is
allowed to cool for four and one half hours before it goes on line. During heating
and cooling a small portion of the dry product gas purges through the regenerating
dryer to the hydrogen vent. Thirty minutes before the regenerating dryer is to go on
line, the vent valve for the purge (SV4) is closed and the regenerating dryer begins
to build pressure. When the dryer valve switches to bring the regenerated dryer on
line, both dryers are at equal system operating pressure allowing for a smooth
transition between dryers. The dryers switch duties for the remaining 6 hours to
complete the 12-hour cycle.

Except for the 30 minute pressurizing period before dryer switch, the actual dryer
sequence will restart wherever the 12 hour cycle was interrupted when the system
was last shutdown. This prevents one dryer from becoming saturated from
repeated, short time on-line duty. When a restart occurs within the 30 minute
pressurizing period, the sequence starts at the beginning of the period to allow time
for both dryers to reach system operating pressure.

The dryer sequence status can be seen by pressing the "Dryer Sequence" touch
button on the main screen. The screen indicates:

 dryer pressures
 dryer sequence (on/off)
 which dryer is online (on/off)
 number of minutes to switch (dryer)
 which heater is on (on/off)
 number of minutes to turn off (heater)
 purge valve (on/off)

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

1.11 Data Display and Process Monitoring

A touch screen display panel and LED lights on the programmable controller allow
the operator to monitor the gas generating process. The status of various process
conditions can be displayed and operational sequences can be observed. Close
monitoring of the generator operation provides the operator with useful information
for determining overall system conditions and detecting possible problems.

1.11.1 Touch Screen Display

A touch screen panel mounted on the front of the generator displays process
conditions. This display is programmed to communicate directly with the
programmable controller to provide operational data monitoring and operator
control input. The display is used to indicate production rate, feed water pump
timing, purge status, prepressurization timing, gas pressures, process
temperatures, elapsed time, system data set points, shutdown alarms and
troubleshooting summaries. The touch screen panel accomplishes all of these
tasks through a series of mimic diagrams.

During normal operation, the main screen displays the hydrogen production rate
from 30 to 100 percent of capacity as regulated by the controller. The pressure
release is manually activated from this screen by pressing the "Generator
Shutdown" button and pressing “Yes” or “No” to confirm. The status of all the
generator components is shown on the mimic diagrams. If a shutdown occurs, the
display will flash and indicate the specific shutdown condition.

The touch screen display can be prompted to indicate the status of all the various
subsystems by depressing one of a series of buttons on each of the screens. The
pressure release is activated from most screens by pressing the "Pressure
Release" button and pressing “Yes” or “No” to confirm. The system information
screen displays the elapsed time the generator has accumulated while generating
gas and contains options which lead to more system related information or

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

2 Generator Installation

2.1 System Classification

The HMXT hydrogen generator cabinet has been designed for operation in Class I,
Division 2, Group B locations as defined by the National Fire Protection Association
(NFPA), Document 70, which is the USA National Electrical Code (NEC). The
generator power supply is separate from the generator cabinet. Unless otherwise
specified, the power supply includes standard electrical components and is
intended for installation in an UNCLASSIFIED area.

NFPA 70 definitions are provided in article 500, and equipment requirements begin
in article 501. Teledyne interprets and follows these requirements based on
knowledge of widely accepted practices, specialized training, and exposure to a
variety of installation situations involving hazardous materials.

Under the NFPA, Class I designates the hazardous material as a gas. Group B
pertains to the properties of hydrogen and similar materials regarding the
requirements of an explosion-containing enclosure. Division 2 defines the area as
one in which flammable material is handled in closed systems and is not normally
present in the environment. Flammable material is present only in the event of a
failure leading to leakage, and such failures are not simultaneous with activation of
exposed ignition sources. The presence of hazardous material is assumed to be
for a relatively short time.

The above is analogous to the IEC requirements as defined in IEC 79-0. The
classification is Group IIC, Zone 2, T6. Group II refers to the application as not
mine related. The C is similar to Group B under the NFPA, and Zone 2 is defined
nearly identically to Division 2. T6 refers to the ignition temperature of the material,
which is handled in the specific requirements of the NFPA. The design
philosophies of the NFPA and IEC are the same, as are most of the equipment
requirements. Teledyne follows the NFPA requirements in detail.

In Division 2 (zone 2) locations, the hazardous gas is not normally present in the
environment. The electrical equipment is specified such that a failure is required to
expose an ignition source. Any device that can provide ignition (arcing or hot
surfaces) under normal operation is required to have isolating or protective design
feature. Devices that are not ignition sources in normal operation are permitted in
Division 2 locations within standard electrical enclosures, and are usually not
required to be especially marked. Wiring in Division 2 locations may be in rigid
conduit or via one of several cable types, including tray cable.

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

2.2 Storage

Prior to shipment the HMXT generator is flushed with de-ionized (DI) water
several times shipping to prevent hazards during shipping and transit. Once the
KOH has been removed, the generator is filled again with de-ionized water to
keep the membranes in the electrolysis module wet. If the generator is to be in
storage for a period longer than 6-12 months, the generator should be drained
and refilled with fresh DI water. When preparing the generator for initial operation
it is best to flush out with DI water again and then fill the generator with 30%
KOH. It is also important to keep the electrolysis module wet if the generator is
to be off or down due to maintenance for more than a few days.

2.3 Generator Mounting

Holes in the generator frame base plates are provided for securing the frame with
½-inch anchor bolts. A floor drain should be provided at the rear of the generator
near the plumbing service panel. A minimum access spacing of 3 feet is required
around all sides of the installation. Enough access should be provided on the front
of the installation to allow for the removal and replacement of the electrolysis

The power supply and the generator are shipped in separate crates. The crates
may contain several smaller packages inside. After uncrating the generator and
power supply, inspect for damage to the external components and fittings. Check
that all pressure gauges, meters, control panel components, and plumbing interface
panel fittings have not been damaged during shipment. Open and inspect all small
packages. Report any damage to the shipper. Replace or repair damaged items
before attempting to operate the system.

The generator weighs approximately 1300 LB (590 kg). A floorwalker or

conventional lift truck is recommended for moving the frame. Remove the two
splash trays from the bottom of the generator before attempting to move generator
with a fork truck. Standard fork clearance has been provided at the base of the
frame. When moving, be certain the forks protrude all the way under the frame
structure so that the tips are visible on the other side.

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

2.4 Facility Connections

All of the plumbing connections to the HMXT system are made at the plumbing
interface panel located at the rear of the generator. The electrical interconnections
from the power supply to the generator are routed through the rear of the generator
frame. Installation of these connections should conform to the local plumbing and
electrical codes that prevail. The input requirements for the facility connections are
summarized in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1 HMX Generator Input Requirements

Generator Capacity
HMX50 HMX100 HMX200
Feed water
Minimum resistivity 200k ohm-cm
Maximum consumption
liter per hour 3 6 11
gallon per hour 0.8 1.6 2.9

Process Cooling Water

Max allowable temperature 40C (104F)
Max allowable pressure 100 PSIG (7 kg/cm2)
Max required flow 40 liter/min (11 GPM)
Pressure drop at max flow 5 PSIG (0.35 kg/cm2)
Maximum heat load
kW 8 15 25
kBtu/hr 27.3 51.2 85.4

Condenser Cooling Water

Max allowable temperature 40C (104F)
Max allowable pressure 100 PSIG (7 kg/cm2)
Required flow 4 liter/min (1 GPM)
Pressure drop at max flow 7 PSIG (0.5 kg/cm2)
Maximum heat load 1 kW (3 kBtu/hr)

Electrical Power Supply

Nominal Input voltage Universal or Made to match supply voltage
(380 Volt Minimum)
Phase Three phase
Nominal AC KVA 27 49 90
Recommended Breaker Size 60 110 200

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

Generator Capacity
HMX50 HMX100 HMX200
Ambient Temperature Range
Minimum allowable 0.6C (33F)
Maximum allowable 50C (120F)

Nitrogen Purge
Pressure Range 50 to 350 PSIG (3.5 to 25 kg/cm2)
Consumption 100 Std liters / day dependent on number of off / on

2.4.1 Feed Water

The feed water may be prepared by distillation, ion exchange, reverse osmosis or
electrodialysis and must conform to the American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM) specification D 1193-72 for Type IV water. The minimum allowable
electrical resistivity is 200k ohm-cm (maximum conductivity of 5.0 microS/cm) at
77F (25C). A minimum static head of 8 feet (2.5 m) of water is required at the
feed water connection.

The feed water connection at the lower rear of the generator is a 3/8-inch Swagelok
bulkhead union. A feed water filter assembly supplied with the generator should be
attached directly to the feed water connection. The feed water source can then be
connected to the filter inlet. All feed water tubing should be either stainless steel or
polypropylene. Steel, black iron, galvanized iron, or copper are not acceptable
materials for feed water supply tubing.

2.4.2 Cooling Water

A source of clean cooling water is required to cool the HMXT generator. The
maximum allowable inlet temperature is 104F (40C). At this temperature the
system requires approximately 11 GPM (40 LPM) of cooling water. At 11 GPM (40
LPM), the inlet to outlet pressure drop is about 5 PSIG (0.4 kg/cm2).

The cooling water inlet and outlet connections are 3/4-inch NPT pipe fittings. A
strainer should be installed in the inlet line to protect the temperature regulator and
heat exchanger from dirt, scale, or foreign matter that could interfere with the
seating of the valve or clog the heat exchanger. It is also recommended that
isolation valves be fitted in the facility cooling water supply for maintenance

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

2.4.3 Condenser Cooling Water

The condensers use approximately 1 GPM (4 LPM) of water. Generally, the

cooling water source can be used for condenser cooling. However, chilled water
will provide maximum condenser effectiveness and in special cases, may be
required to ensure specified gas purity.

The condenser cooling water inlet and outlet connections are 3/8-inch Swagelok
bulkhead unions.

2.4.4 Hydrogen and Oxygen Vents

Hydrogen and oxygen vent gas must be directed outside before being released to
the atmosphere. The vents should exhaust at least 10 feet (3 m) above the outside
ground level and should be positioned to provide protection of property and
personnel from contact with caustic mist or liquid (KOH) in the event of a system
malfunction. The hydrogen and oxygen vents should be separated by a minimum
of 10 feet (3 m). In locations subject to freezing temperatures, water vapor in the
vent gas may condense and freeze. Installation of a thermostatically controlled
heating tape along the vent tube is required to prevent vent blockage. Care should
be taken so that the electrical heating tape does not provide a source of ignition for
the venting hydrogen.

All vent lines should be stainless steel tubing. The hydrogen and oxygen vent
connections are each 3/8-inch Swagelok bulkhead unions. Vent line length should
be minimized to prevent excessive flow restriction during system shutdown. When
using 3/8-inch tube for hydrogen or oxygen vents, each vent line should be no
longer than 33 feet (10 m).

2.4.5 Product Gas Delivery

The hydrogen delivery connection on the upper rear panel is a 1/4-inch Swagelok
bulkhead union. The dryer delivery port is also a 1/4-inch Swagelok bulkhead
union connection. It is recommended that stainless steel tubing be used for all
product gas delivery lines.

Initially the H2 gas product from the generator will have some impurities. The
impure gas should be vented to the atmosphere until the customer purity
requirements have been established. Figure 2-1 shows the recommended valve
arrangement after the hydrogen delivery connection at the generator. Needle
valves are preferred in order to limit pressure surges.

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

Figure 2-1 Hydrogen Delivery Valve Configuration

2.4.6 Electrical Power

A high in-rush capacity breaker or fused switch box for the appropriate sized
service is required for interfacing the generator power supply to the facility main
power service bus. Emergency stop switches are located on the Generator and the
Power Supply.

2.4.7 Nitrogen Purge

Nitrogen gas is used as the pressure source for purging. The nitrogen should be of
a high purity industrial grade. A pressure regulator must be used to maintain the
pressure at the connection to the HMXT generator to between 50 to 350 PSIG (3.5
to 25 kg/cm2. Purges are used in two situations for safety, during initial start-up and
during a shutdown. The consumption of nitrogen for any individual purge event is
approximately 25-40 standard liters. The nitrogen gas connection is a 1/4-inch
Swagelok bulkhead union. It is recommended that stainless steel tubing be used to
connect the generator to the nitrogen gas source.

2.5 Power Supply Electrical Connections

The electrolysis power cables, control power wires and several control circuit wires
must be connected between the generator and the power supply to complete the
installation. Connect the power cables to the DC output terminals in the power
The generator frame must be grounded to the power supply cabinet. Ground pads
are provided for this purpose.

The Motor power, Heater power and control circuit wires are all contained in several
multi-conductor cables. They are connected between the power supply and junction
box 7 on the generator. See the field wiring diagram for the proper connections.

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

2.6 External Alarm Connections

The HMXT has connections available for either normally open or normally closed
external alarm contacts. Please connect all external alarms to box #6.

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

3 Generator Operation

3.1 General

Successful operation requires that the generator be provided with the correct input
sources and output connections. These installation requirements are described in
Section 2. A preliminary check to verify that facility sources and connections are
proper should be made before every startup. Before the initial startup of a
generator, several additional checks are also required.

The startup and run operations of the HMXT generator are fully automatic. The
start\reset and pressure release buttons on the touch screen display are the only
manual inputs required to operate the system. The process control and
sequencing that directs the generator start and run operation is described in
Section 1.

All operational conditions are continually monitored to provide automatic shutdown

should conditions deviate from the norm. If system shutdown should occur during
the start or run modes of operation, the problem should be investigated and
corrected before restarting the system. A troubleshooting guide for each shutdown
is available on the touch screen display and also presented in Section 5 of this
manual to help identify the cause of shutdown problems.

3.2 Initial Startup

3.2.1 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

The UPS features a LED display to indicate either load

percentage or battery capacity depending on the mode of
operation. It also includes self-diagnostic tests, a combination
On/Alarm Silence/Manual Battery Test button, a Standby
Button, User Configurable Program, and two levels of alarms
(Factory set by TESI) when the unit is operating on battery.

In the unlikely event of a UPS malfunction, the UPS

automatically transfers the connected load to bypass. Bypass
operation is indicated by an alarm (which will shut down the
generator) and illuminated Bypass LED (other LEDs may be
illuminated to indicate the diagnosed problem).

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

During normal operation, utility power provides energy to the UPS and the UPS
maintains the batteries in a fully charged state. The four green LEDs indicate an
approximate level of load in 25% increments.

CAUTION: Turning off the UPS while in battery mode will result in loss of
output power. Never turn the UPS OFF while the system is pressurized. A
loss of power to the system when pressurized could result in damage to
the equipment.

ON Button

This button controls output power to connected load(s) and has three functions:

 ON - Pressing this button will start up the UPS in order to provide conditioned
and protected power.
 Alarm Silence - To silence alarms, press this button for at least one second.
After the alarm is silenced, the UPS will reactivate the alarm system to alert of
additional problems
 Manual Battery Test – Refer to the manufacturer’s manual for details of this

Manual Bypass/OFF Button

This button controls output power to connected load(s) and has dual functions:

 Manual Bypass - Pressing this button once will cause the load to be transferred
to bypass power.
 OFF - Pressing this button twice within 4 seconds will turn power OFF to the
output receptacles and connected loads. Perform all necessary shutdown
procedures on connected loads before pressing this button twice.

CAUTION: Pressing the Manual Bypass/OFF button once will cause the
load to be transferred to bypass power. Pressing the Standby/Manual
Bypass button a second time within 4 seconds will turn power OFF to the
output receptacles and connected loads. Perform all necessary shutdown
procedures on connected loads before pressing this button twice.

The UPS provides an alternate path for utility power to the connected load in the
unlikely event of a UPS malfunction. Should the UPS have an overload, over
temperature, or UPS failure condition, the UPS automatically transfers the
connected load to bypass. This also causes the generator to shutdown and

Bypass operation is indicated by an alarm and illuminated Bypass LED (other

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

LEDs may be illuminated to indicate the diagnosed problem). An alarm signal is

sent to the PLC to initiate a pressure release. The system cannot be restarted
until the UPS is returned to normal.

To manually transfer the connected load from the inverter to bypass, press the
Standby button once.

3.2.2 Preliminary Procedures

To ensure safe operation during the initial startup of a generator or following an

extended shutdown, several preliminary procedures should be completed. These
preliminary checks are necessary to verify that system integrity has been
maintained during shipment or during prolonged periods of shutdown. The checks
are standard procedures that are described in Section 4. The procedures to be
completed before initial startup are listed below:

 System Pressure Test

 External Module Inspection
 Electrolyte Fill or Check
 Feed water Pump Priming

3.3 Start Mode

The start mode allows the system to build up the internal pressure required for
hydrogen to be delivered at pressure. The system goes through pre-pressurization
only when starting from a zero or near zero pressure condition.

Facility power, cooling water, nitrogen purge gas, and feed water must be available
to the system before operation. The main circuit breaker to the power supply must
be closed for the system to receive electrical power and the UPS must be in the
operate mode. Press the "Start/Reset" button on the generator screen.

System operation begins with a nitrogen purge of the plumbing of the generator.
Following the purge, the generator is pressurized to establish pre-pressurization.
When system pressure reaches 10 PSIG (.7 kg/cm2) the KOH pump turns ON to
circulate electrolyte and the “Restart Delay” is displayed. The system always
goes through at least a 15 second restart delay. If the KOH temperature is
above 66C, the delay continues until the control temp is equal to or less than

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

3.4 Run Mode

Following the restart delay, DC electrical power is applied to the electrolysis module
as indicated by the voltmeter and ammeter on the power supply and the production
rate indicated on the "Generator” screen on the display. The hydrogen and oxygen
pressures will increase until the nominal system pressure is reached. The system
is now in the run mode ready to deliver gas. The nominal system pressure is set at
approximately 150 PSIG.

The generator has been programmed to control the electrolysis production rate in
relation to both system pressure and temperature. The maximum production rate
of the HMXT is limited until the electrolyte control temperature is within the
operating control range. The limitation is proportional to the difference in
electrolysis module inlet temperature and minimum electrolyte control temperature.
The electrolysis production rate is varied to constantly maintain the nominal system
hydrogen pressure. At hydrogen production demands of 30 to 100 percent of the
maximum capacity of the generator, the current to the electrolysis module is varied
proportionally so that the production rate matches the demand while maintaining
the nominal system pressure. At production demands of less than 30 percent, the
generator can match the demand by venting any excess hydrogen through BPR3. .
At production demands greater than 100 percent, the generator produces at the
maximum rate and the system pressure is allowed to drop to the set point of back
pressure regulator BPR2.

3.5 Standby Mode

If the internal pressure of the system rises beyond the Pressure Set Point (150
psig), gas generation is set to a minimum production. The gas not sent to delivery
is vented through BPR3 when pressure rises above the set point (160 psig). The
system will remain at pressure ready to deliver hydrogen on demand. When the
internal pressure of the system drops to the nominal system pressure (150 psig),
normal generation will begin again.

3.6 Normal Operation

During operation, the ammeter on the power supply should indicate a module
current of between 75 and 450 amps depending on the gas demand required by
the user. The corresponding module voltage will depend on the module size and
several operating factors. The module voltmeter should indicate within the range
listed below in.

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

Table 3-1 Module Voltage

Module Size Voltage Range
HMXT 50 75-92
HMXT 100 140-173
HMXT 200 140-173

As the system runs, the temperature increases. The temperature regulating valve
opens to control the KOH temperature leaving the heat exchanger (TC1). The
default KOH control temperature set point is 60C. The temperature regulating
valve, MV1, will open and close as required to maintain this temperature. Valve
position and electrolyte temperature can be monitored on the "Cooling water
system" screen, which is accessed from the main screen on the display.

The feed water subsystem will intermittently add water during normal operation.
Feed water is periodically added to the reservoir when required as shown by the
control panel display. The frequency of feed water addition is dependent on the gas
delivery demand and the rate of electrolysis. The feed water quality monitor should
be indicating an acceptable green-light condition for a minimum 200k ohm-cm

The Hydrogen in oxygen temperature rise should be less then 90C when the
generator is operating and delivering gas at or near full capacity. The temperature
rise will be significantly more when the system running at low demand. The
Hydrogen in oxygen sensor requires a constant 100 cc/min flow of oxygen.

At least one dryer pressure gauge should be at pressure during normal operation.
Dryer sequence status can be monitored by pressing the "Dryer Sequence" touch
switch on the main screen. Except for the 30 minute pressurizing period before
dryer switch, the screen shows the dryer purge valve open. The screen will also
indicate which dryer is on line and indicate when a dryer heater is on.

A data or log book should be assigned to the generator for documenting daily
operating data. This data should include at least the following:
Generator elapsed time,
Production rate,
Dryer status,
Cooling water valve position,

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

DC current and
DC voltage.
Any shutdown(s) should be recorded as well as any corrective actions. The
recorded data provides useful information for routine maintenance and general
diagnostics of operating problems. The information should be recorded on at least
a 24-hour interval.

3.7 Pressure Release

Generator operation can be stopped at any time by simply pressing the emergency
stop switch. To manually relieve system pressure, the pressure release switch must
be pressed (and confirmed). The touch screen will display the “Purge” and then
"Pressure Release" note on the bottom of the screen.

3.8 Shutdowns

The critical operating parameters of the HMXT generator are monitored to maintain
safe and reliable operation. There are 25 conditions that cause system shutdown
while running. Each shutdown condition is identified by a flashing shutdown note
on the display. Although the shutdown condition is known, the actual cause may
require additional investigation. Pressing the "Help" touch screen on the shutdown
screen provides possible causes for the specific shutdown condition. Also, Section
5 of this manual is provided as a troubleshooting guide for determining the origin of
a shutdown. The shutdown conditions are listed in Table 3-2 with the origin and
the set point for the alarm as initially programmed.

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

Table 3-2 System Shutdowns

Shutdown Condition Action Alarm Input Set Point

1 High KOH Temperature H2 side Shut Down Pressure Release TC2 75C
2 High KOH Temperature O2 side Shut Down Pressure Release TC3 75C
3 High Hydrogen In Oxygen Temperature Shut Down Pressure Release TC4 200C
4 High De-Ox Filter Temperature Shut Down Pressure Release TC6 200C
5 Low Ambient Temperature Shut Down TC1 5C
6 High Ambient Shut Down TC5 55C
7 High Hydrogen Pressure Shut Down Pressure Release PT1 170 PSIG
8 Low Hydrogen Pressure Shut Down PT1 80 PSIG
9 High Oxygen Pressure Shut Down Pressure Release PT2 170 PSIG
10 Low Oxygen Pressure Shut Down PT2 80 PSIG
11 High Delta Pressure Shut Down Pressure Release DPT1 +/-10 inches H2O
12 Low Nitrogen Pressure Warning Only PT5 40 PSIG
13 High KOH Level Shut Down Pressure Release DPR2 17.5”
14 Low KOH Level Shut Down Pressure Release DPR2 6.0”
15 Low KOH Flow Shut Down Pressure Release FS1,FS2 3 LPM
16 Power Supply Alarm Shut Down Pressure Release Power Supply
17 Loss Of Power Shut Down PLC
18 Low UPS Battery Shut Down Pressure Release UPS
19 UPS On Battery Shut Down Pressure Release

20 Low Feed water Resistance Shut Down RES1 5mS

21 External Alarm Shut Down Pressure Release

22 Dryer Cycle Failure Shut Down PT3, PT4 < 15psi Diff
23 Dryer Purge Failure Shut Down PT3, PT3
24 Dryer Switching Failure Shut Down PT3, PT3
25 Under-voltage Failure Shut Down Pressure Release Power Supply 130 VDC

3.8 Emergency Stop Switch

The HMXT generator is equipped with an emergency stop switch located on the
front of the generator. When this button is depressed hydrogen generation is
stopped and all power is removed from the Module. Power is still supplied to the
control system to provide Pressure control and Purge and Pressure Release
control. Pulling the button out resets the switch and restores power to the
generator. The generator will indicate a loss of power alarm. When this is reset
on the power supply the generator will run normally.

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

4 Maintenance and Calibration Procedures

4.1 General

Regular scheduling of certain maintenance and calibration procedures is necessary to

assure a reliable and safe operating system. This section lists and describes the
maintenance and calibration procedures with which the operator should become familiar.
Some of the procedures that follow are diagnostic techniques that are used to troubleshoot
operational problems. Other procedures should be regularly scheduled for preventive
maintenance. A service interval is suggested for those procedures that are recommended
as part of the regular maintenance schedule. The maintenance schedule is summarized
in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1 Regular Maintenance Schedule

Interval Maintenance or Calibration Procedure Index Ref

Weekly Bubble Check for Gas Leaks 4.10
Check Nitrogen supply

1 Month (during Indoor storage only. Fill or top off DI water in module
storage only) to make up for evaporative losses. 4.2.2

Every 3 Months Electrolyte Check (specific gravity) 4.2.3

(2000 Hrs) Hydrogen in Oxygen Temperature sensor Check 4.9.3
External Module Inspection 4.3.1

Every 6 Months Electrolyte Change 4.2.2, 4.2.4

(4000 Hrs) Internal Module Inspection 4.3.1
Feed water Filter Replacement 4.6
Cooling Water Strainer Maintenance
Bellville Washer Check / Re-torque 4.3.3

12 Months KOH Filter Cleaning or Replacement 4.5

(8000 Hrs) KOH Pump Inspection 4.7
Differential Pressure Regulator Inspection 4.8.3
Check and Relief Valve Maintenance 4.8.4
Hydrogen in Oxygen Filter Tank Maintenance 4.9.2
KOH Flow Switch Check 4.12
Dryer Orifice Maintenance 4.15.1
Dryer Gas Filter Replacement 4.15.4

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

There are four general precautions that should be observed before working
on the system:

1. Always turn the electrical power off at the facility breaker. The AC to DC
power supply circuit breaker may still be on line when the system is turned
off at the power supply contactor control switch. A defective electrical part
could allow DC power into the gas generator with the unit turned off. Turn
off the UPS to shut off control power.


Ensure the unit has totally depressurized before turning off the UPS.
Failure to follow this procedure can damage the module.

2. Allow the system to cool down to room temperature. The electrolyte

subsystem operates at elevated temperatures that could cause burns.

3. Check that the system hydrogen and oxygen pressures are at zero.
Operational failures can occur which may trap gas in the system.

4. Adequate safety precautions should be observed when handling KOH.

The solution is harmful and a severe irritant to skin and eyes.

Subcomponent manuals may need to be utilized for trouble shooting individual

component problems. These manuals are found in the XM50000 CD included
with this bound manual.

4.2 Electrolyte

The interval of electrolyte change depends mainly on the quality of the feed water
supplied to the system. Acceptable electrolyte purity is based on feed water with a
minimum allowable electrical resistivity of 200k ohm-cm at 25C (77F). If
electrolyte purity is not maintained, system fouling may result, leading to possible
electrolysis module damage. Checking the electrolyte specific gravity periodically is
recommended as a method of monitoring electrolyte concentration. If the specific
gravity is not within the allowable range, the electrolyte should be changed or the
concentration corrected.

The KOH used in the electrolyte solution must be the equivalent of a reagent grade
chemical. When mixed to a 30 weight percent solution, the electrolyte must have a
potassium carbonate (K2CO3) content of less than 0.6 weight percent and a total
iron and heavy metals content of less than 10 PPM. Generally, commercial or
industrial grades of KOH do not meet these requirements. Acceptable grades of
KOH are usually available as a 45 weight percent liquid or as 85 weight percent

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

pellets. The American Chemical Society (ACS) requirements for reagent

potassium hydroxide in the solid form are:

Potassium hydroxide (KOH) Not less than 85.0%.

Potassium carbonate (K2CO3) Not more than 2.0%.
Chloride (Cl) Not more than 0.01%.
Nitrogen compounds (as N) Not more than 0.001%.
Phosphate (PO4) Not more than 5 PPM.
Sulfate (SO4) Not more than 0.003%.
Ammonium hydroxide precipitate Not more than 0.02%.
Heavy metals (as Ag) Not more than 0.001%.
Iron (Fe) Not more than 0.001%.
Nickel (Ni) Not more than 0.001%.
Sodium (Na) Not more than 0.05%.

At 45 weight percent the above requirements would translate into the following:

Potassium hydroxide (KOH) Not less than 45.0%.

Potassium carbonate (K2CO3) Not more than 1.1%.
Chloride (Cl) Not more than 0.005%.
Nitrogen compounds (as N) Not more than 5 PPM.
Phosphate (PO4) Not more than 3 PPM.
Sulfate (SO4) Not more than 0.002%.
Ammonium hydroxide precipitate Not more than 0.011%.
Heavy metals (as Ag) Not more than 5 PPM.
Iron (Fe) Not more than 5 PPM.
Nickel (Ni) Not more than 5 PPM.
Sodium (Na) Not more than 0.026%.

Containers of a suitable material must be used for handling and storing KOH.
Aluminum, zinc, brass, bronze, copper, and glass are attacked by KOH and are not
suitable for use. Stainless steel or polypropylene containers are recommended.

Adequate eye protection and rubber or plastic gloves should be worn when
handling KOH. Sufficient ventilation should be available, particularly when handling
hot KOH, which can produce noxious fumes. A safety shower and an emergency
eye wash should be conveniently located in the event of a major KOH spill. It is
recommended that a 5 to 10 liter (1 to 3 gallons) container of saturated boric acid
solution be available for emergency use on skin irritations. The solubility of boric
acid at room temperature is approximately 50 grams (35 cc) per liter of water. The
boric acid solution may also be used as a wash to neutralize KOH on components
or parts that have been removed and must be handled.

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

4.2.1 Electrolyte Mixing

The HMXT system requires a 30 weight percent aqueous solution of KOH for
proper operation. The weight percentage of the freshly mixed electrolyte may vary
by two percent, from 29 to 31 percent. The equivalent specific gravity range at
20C (68F) is 1.275 to 1.300. When measuring the specific gravity, the
temperature of the solution must also be measured. The specific gravity of KOH
solution at various temperatures is listed in Table 4-2.

Table 4-2 Specific Gravity of KOH Solution at Various Temperatures

Wt.% 10oC 20oC 30oC 40oC 50oC 60oC
20 1.191 1.186 1.181 1.177 1.172 1.166
21 1.201 1.196 1.191 1.186 1.181 1.176
22 1.211 1.206 1.201 1.196 1.191 1.186
23 1.221 1.216 1.211 1.206 1.201 1.196
24 1.231 1.226 1.221 1.216 1.211 1.206
25 1.241 1.236 1.231 1.226 1.221 1.216
26 1.251 1.247 1.242 1.237 1.231 1.226
27 1.262 1.257 1.252 1.247 1.241 1.236
28 1.272 1.267 1.262 1.257 1.252 1.246
29 1.283 1.278 1.272 1.267 1.262 1.256
30 1.293 1.288 1.283 1.278 1.272 1.267
31 1.304 1.299 1.293 1.288 1.283 1.277
32 1.314 1.309 1.304 1.299 1.293 1.287
33 1.325 1.320 1.314 1.309 1.304 1.298
34 1.336 1.331 1.325 1.320 1.314 1.308
35 1.347 1.341 1.336 1.331 1.325 1.319
36 1.358 1.352 1.347 1.341 1.336 1.330
37 1.352 1.363 1.358 1.352 1.347 1.352
38 1.380 1.374 1.369 1.363 1.357 1.351
39 1.391 1.385 1.380 1.374 1.368 1.362
40 1.402 1.396 1.391 1.385 1.379 1.373

Diluting concentrated KOH to 30 wt % will require a container of stainless steel or

polypropylene for mixing. A hydrometer with a range of 1.100 to 1.400 and an
appropriate sampling container are required for determining the specific gravity. A
thermometer is needed to determine the temperature at which the specific gravity is
measured. The water used for mixing must be of a quality equivalent to the feed
water required for the system.

The required electrolyte volume for each of the various size HMXT systems is listed
below in Table 4-3. Also listed are the KOH and water quantities required to mix the

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

electrolyte volume from either the 45 wt % liquid or the 85 wt % solid. The 45 wt %

solution is diluted in a ratio of 0.73 liters of water per liter of 45 wt % KOH. The
solid KOH pellets are mixed in a ratio of 1.84 liters of water per kilogram of 85 wt %

Table 4-3 Electrolyte Quantities

Electrolyte Volume 45 wt % Mix 85 wt % Mix
30 KOH Water KOH Water
wt %
HM Model Liters liters liters Kg liters
HMX-50 25 14.5 10.5 11.3 20.8
HMX-100 29 16.8 12.2 13.2 24.2
HMX-200 37 21.4 15.6 16.8 30.8

Heat will be produced when diluting concentrated KOH, particularly when solid
KOH pellets are used. Combine the two ingredients slowly, adding the KOH to the
water to prevent a violent reaction. It is recommended to mix with all but a small
amount of the required water quantity and allow this solution to cool. After cooling,
the concentration can be adjusted with water while measuring the specific gravity
until the required 30 wt % is obtained.

4.2.2 Electrolyte Fill

The HMXT is filled with electrolyte through the KOH reservoirs. The fill procedure
requires the proper 30 wt % solution of KOH.

Filling the system with electrolyte proceeds as follows:

1. Loosen the wing nut and remove the hinged Tri-Clover clamp securing the
cap to the top port of the oxygen separator.
2. Place a funnel in the top port of the reservoir.
3. Fill the system with the specified volume of 30 wt % electrolyte (see Table
4. Remove the funnel. Check that the gasket on the reservoir port is in the
proper position. If the gasket has been damaged it must be replaced.
5. Replace the cap on the oxygen separator. Attach and hand tighten the
hinged Tri-Clover clamp.

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

4.2.3 Electrolyte Check

The specific gravity of the electrolyte should be periodically checked. Also at this
time all the electrolyte plumbing should be inspected for any evidence of leaks. A
significant leak in a fitting or component will usually be obvious as evident by
wetness in the general area. A leak of this size should be attended to immediately
as the situation will only get worse with time. A less significant leak is evident by a
white crystalline deposit right at the source of the leak. This potassium carbonate
deposit is a result of a very small KOH discharge. The condition is not serious but
should be corrected during the next scheduled maintenance period.

The procedure for checking the electrolyte specific gravity requires a container that
will hold a one-half liter sample and also accommodate the hydrometer. The
hydrometer must have a range of 1.100 to 1.400. A thermometer will be needed.
A funnel and a short drain line with a 3/8-inch Swagelok fitting are also required.

The procedure is as follows:

1. Release all gas pressure from the system before opening the reservoir.



2. Loosen the wing nut and remove the hinged Tri-Clover clamp securing the
cap on the oxygen separator. Remove the cap.
3. Attach the drain line to the KOH drain port located in the lower rear of the
4. Using the drain valve (HV1), remove about 500 cc of electrolyte.
5. Measure and record the specific gravity and temperature of the electrolyte
6. Return the electrolyte sample to the reservoir through a funnel placed in
the reservoir top port.
7. Remove the funnel. Check that the gasket on the reservoir port is in the
proper position. If the gasket has been damaged it must be replaced.
8. Replace the cap on the oxygen separator. Attach and hand-tighten the
hinged Tri-Clover clamp.
The KOH weight percentage of an electrolyte sample from an operating system
may vary by 4 percent, from 28 to 32 percent. The equivalent specific gravity range
at 20C (68F) is 1.267 to 1.309. Table 4-2 Specific Gravity of KOH Solution at
Various Temperatures can be used to determine acceptable specific gravities

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

measured at other temperatures. If the specific gravity is not within the allowable
range, the electrolyte must be drained and replaced or adjusted. Table 4-4 Mixing
Ratios and Quantities for Producing 30% Solution provides a guide for adjusting
an out of tolerance solution. Mixing ratios and quantities to produce 1 liter are listed
for mixing a 30% solution by either diluting a concentrated solution or increasing the
concentration of a weak solution.

Table 4-4 Mixing Ratios and Quantities for Producing 30% Solution
Diluting Concentrated Solution with Water
To produce 1 liter
of solution use:
Existing Mixing Ratio cc cc
KOH % cc Water/cc Existing Existing Water
31 0.043 958.5 41.5
32 0.087 919.7 80.3
33 0.132 883.4 116.6
34 0.177 849.3 150.7
35 0.224 817.3 182.7
36 0.270 787.2 212.8
37 0.318 758.7 241.3
38 0.366 731.9 268.1
39 0.416 706.5 293.5
40 0.465 682.4 317.6

Increasing Concentration with 45% KOH

To produce 1 liter
of solution use:
Existing Mixing Ratio cc cc
KOH % cc KOH/cc Existing Existing KOH
15 0.784 560.5 439.5
20 0.545 647.1 352.9
21 0.495 668.9 331.1
22 0.444 692.7 307.3
23 0.391 718.7 281.3
24 0.338 747.3 252.7
25 0.284 778.7 221.3
26 0.229 813.4 186.6
27 0.173 852.2 147.8
28 0.126 888.3 111.7
29 0.059 944.5 55.5

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

Increasing Concentration with 85% KOH

To produce 1 liter
of solution use:
Mixing Ratio
Existing cc grams
grams KOH /cc
KOH % Existing 85%
15 0.310 890.1 275.5
20 0.215 918.9 197.8
21 0.195 925.5 180.8
22 0.175 932.4 163.3
23 0.154 939.6 145.2
24 0.134 947.2 126.5
25 0.112 955.2 107.1
26 0.091 962.9 87.2
27 0.068 971.7 66.5
28 0.050 909.1 45.1
29 0.023 989.8 23.0

4.2.4 Electrolyte Drain



Using a drain line with a 3/8 Swagelok fitting, drain the system as follows:

1. Attach the drain line to the KOH drain port located in the lower rear of the
2. Using the drain valve (HV1), slowly begin draining the electrolyte.



3. When the electrolyte stops flowing freely (a partial vacuum has

developed), close the drain valve.
4. Loosen the wing nut and remove the hinged Tri-Clover clamp securing the
cap on the oxygen separator. Carefully remove the cap on the oxygen
5. Open the drain valve to allow the electrolyte to start draining again.
6. After completely draining the system close the drain valve and remove the
drain line.

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

4.3 Module Inspection

Periodic inspection of the electrolysis module is recommended as a means of

monitoring module integrity and performing preventive maintenance for longer
module life. The three procedures that are described here are included in the
regular maintenance schedule. The external inspection is a simple procedure that
should be performed frequently. The module must be drained for the internal
module inspection and so it is convenient to schedule this procedure during the
electrolyte change.

4.3.1 External Inspection

Before proceeding, be sure there is no pressure on the generator. Turn off the
power to the generator at the facility breaker. The outside of the module should be
inspected for the presence of any white crystalline deposits. These potassium
carbonate deposits are a result of a minor KOH discharge. The condition is not
serious but should be corrected. Remove the deposits by wiping the outside of the
module with a boric acid solution followed by distilled or deionized water.
Thoroughly dry the module. After cleaning, the compression and the tie rod
resistance of the module should be checked using the procedures outline below.

The power cable connections to the module end plates should be removed and
inspected. Clean the contact surface of the end plates and the connector lugs with
sandpaper or similar material to remove any oxide layer. Examine the area where
the lug is attached to cable for evidence of corrosion. If required, clean these
surfaces. Reinstall the cable lugs to the end plates and tighten the set screws if

The electrical resistance between each tie rod and the end plate should be checked
to be sure the tie rod insulation is adequate. A megohmmeter operating at 250V
minimum (1000 V maximum) is required to make this measurement. Attach one
lead of the megohmmeter to either end plate. Remove the protective cap on each
tie rod end and measure the resistance. The electrical resistance of each tie rod to
the module end plate should be greater than 50 megohms. If a tie rod fails this
requirement, the insulating washers must be removed and cleaned or replaced.
Only remove and replace washers from one tie rod at a time. Re-torque the tie
rod following the retorque procedure (4.3.3) before loosening another. If one or
more tie rods are loosened for servicing, the compression of the module should be
checked using the module re-torquing procedure.

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

4.3.2 Internal Inspection

While the system is operating, impurities from the feed water may begin to deposit
in the KOH ports of the negative end plate. If the deposits become large, they may
dislodge into the inlet manifold of the module. Periodically, the inside of the module
should be inspected for accumulation of these deposits and cleaned out if

The system must first be drained of KOH. After draining, be sure the power has
been turned off at the facility breaker. Remove the KOH outlet piping to the
electrolysis module. The outlet pipe runs from the module endplate to the KOH
reservoirs. Remove the tube from the hydrogen outlet fitting.

Using a flashlight, inspect the module outlet end plate ports. If a deposit is present
at the ports, clean this area using a soft absorbent cloth over a rubber-gloved finger
or a soft round bristled brush. Avoid pushing the material into the module manifold.

Inspect the O-ring in the each of the fittings before reinstalling the KOH piping.
Replace the O-ring if it is cut or deformed. After reinstalling the KOH piping,
thoroughly clean and dry the module as outlined in the external inspection

4.3.3 Re-torque Procedure

The module compression should be checked as part of the 6 month regular

maintenance schedule and following any service work in which a tie rod has
been loosened. Before proceeding, be sure there is no pressure on the generator
and that the module is cool. Turn off the power to the generator at the facility
breaker. A deep well socket with a 3/8-inch drive is provided with the generator
for tie rod tightening. A Belleville washer gauge is provided (ES-XM70029-001)
to confirm the Belleville washer stack height. The Belleville washer gauge is
placed on the washers between the two insulators. If the gauge fit is loose, the tie
rod should be tightened. Using the socket and a wrench, tighten the nut one
quarter turn at the Belleville washer stack while holding the nut at the opposite
end of the tie rod. Insert the gauge and the gauge should not fit. If the gauge fit is
loose, tighten an additional one quarter turn. Photos 1 and 2 show the gauge
position when a tie rod needs tightening or is acceptable. Proceed to the next tie
rod once the gauge no longer fits. Each tie rod should be checked and the check
is to proceed in an alternate sequence. A recommended sequence is: 1, 5, 3, 7,
2, 6, 4, and 8 as shown in the following figure.

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

Gauge Distance
Bellville Washer Stack

54.107mm (2.130")


Belleville Washer Pattern (positive endplate)

8 2

7 3

6 4

Distance should be fairly constant for all eight tie rods

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

Photo 1: Gap between Belleville Washer Gauge and insulators: need to tighten

Photo 2: Belleville Washer Gauge does not fit; compression is acceptable.

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

4.4 Cross Leak Check

The cross leak check is a diagnostic procedure used to determine the extent and
location of a suspected hydrogen to oxygen cross leak. This procedure is not part
of any regular maintenance and is recommended to be done only when there is a
suspected problem. A cross leak can occur in the electrolysis module. The
procedure requires a supply of inert gas, such as nitrogen, as a low pressure

The cross leak check proceeds as follows:

1. Drain the system using the electrolyte drain procedure.

2. Temporarily remove the KOH inlet lines from the lower connections.
3. Temporarily remove the KOH outlet lines from the module.
4. Plug the inlet tubes.
5. Slowly fill the Oxygen side with DI water.
6. Install the outlet fitting test adaptors.
7. Run a flexible tube form the oxygen outlet to a container filled with about
15 liters of DI water and submerge the end of the tube in the water.
8. Slowly pressurize the hydrogen side with 1 PSIG of inert gas.
9. Allow 10 minutes for gas from a module leak to bubble from the tube of
the oxygen side. If gas flow is observed, measure the flow rate to
determine the extent of the leak. This measurement can be made by
simply measuring the water displaced in an inverted graduate over a
specific time interval.
10. After checking for leaks, remove the plastic tubes, reconnect the KOH inlet
and outlet lines, drain the DI water and refill the system with electrolyte.

4.5 KOH Filter Replacement

The electrolyte filter elements should be changed or cleaned periodically, coinciding

with the recommended electrolyte change. The elements are located in the bottom
of the Separator tanks. The procedure for changing the KOH filter element is as

1. Drain the system using the electrolyte drain procedure.

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

2. Place a plastic basin or tub under the bottom of the separator tanks and
the KOH pump head large enough to fit the piping run between the two.
Loosen and remove the large nut on the CPV fitting on the inlet to the
KOH pump. Loosen the wing nut and remove the hinged Tri-Clover
clamps securing the KOH filter assembly to the bottom port of the tanks.
Carefully remove the filter assemblies from the reservoirs.
3. Refer to the parts diagram, Figure 4-1 KOH Filter. Remove the nut,
washers, and center locating retainer from the center shaft. Remove and
clean or discard the filter element.
4. Install a new or cleaned filter element with new EPT gaskets. Install the
center retainer, washers, and nut. Tighten the nut.
5. Inspect the gasket for the bottom reservoir fitting and the O-ring for the
pump inlet fitting. If the gasket or O-ring has been damaged it must be
6. Reposition the filter assembly into the reservoirs. Position the pump inlet
fitting and tighten the CPV fitting nut. Attach and hand tighten the hinged
Tri-Clover clamps.

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

Figure 4-1 KOH Filter

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

4.6 Feed water Filter Replacement

The feed water filter is located outside of the gas generator cabinet on the plumbing
service panel. Figure 4-2 shows all the parts of the filter.

The procedure for changing the element is as follows:

1. After turning off the feed water supply, drain the filter by opening the drain
valve at the bottom of the filter bowl.
2. Remove the hex nut supporting the bowl and remove the bowl.
3. Slide the element retainer off the tie rod. Remove and discard the filter
4. Place a new filter element over the centering boss in the head of the
housing and slide the element retainer onto the tie rod.
5. Place the bowl and the head O-ring against the filter head and thread the
hex nut with O-ring onto the tie rod. Finger tighten the hex nut
approximately one turn after the O-rings have begun to compress.
Be sure the feed water pump is primed as described in the priming procedure
before starting the system. Note: The pump internals can be damaged if run
dry for more than 30 seconds.

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

Figure 4-2 Feed water Filter

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

4.7 KOH Pump Inspection

It is recommended that the KOH pump be periodically inspected for wear. The
procedure requires complete disassembly of the pump and is most conveniently
scheduled during the electrolyte change. Pump inspection may also be necessary
if operational problems within the pump are suspected.

The procedure for removing and disassembling the KOH pump for inspection is
listed below. Refer to the parts diagram, Figure 4-3.

1. Drain the system using the electrolyte drain procedure.

2. Remove the KOH filter assemblies as described in the KOH filter
replacement procedure.
3. Loosen the CPV fitting on the pump outlet.
4. Remove the four screws holding the connecting bracket to the pump
motor. Separate the connecting bracket from the pump motor and remove
the pump housing with the connecting bracket from the generator.
Considerable resistance will be felt when separating the magnetic
coupling between the drive and driven magnets.
5. Place the connecting bracket and pump head assembly on a flat surface,
laying the motor connecting flange of the connecting bracket down flat on
the surface.
6. Remove the 6 screws from the pump head and carefully remove the pump
head. The bonded spindle assembly is attached to the head and is easily
7. The bonded spindle assembly is connected to the pump head using a left-
hand threaded insert. Rotate the hex head on the insert clockwise to
remove the spindle.
The pump is now apart and can be inspected for excessive wear. Check the
impeller bushing for wear on the thrust bearing surface and within the internal
diameter of the bushing. Check that the bond on the spindle assembly is tight.
Replace any broken or excessively worn parts.

The assembly and reinstallation procedure for the KOH pump is the reverse of the
steps listed above. The spindle assembly can be tightened into the pump head by
using a 3/4-inch (19 mm) socket slipped over the spindle and tightening by hand.
Inspect the rubber O-ring for the pump housing before reinstalling and replace if
defective. Also inspect the O-ring seals in the inlet and outlet CPV fittings and
replace if either is cut or deformed. Tighten the 6 pump head screws to 50 inch
pounds (6 Nm). Be careful when reassembling the connecting bracket to the pump

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

motor. The motor and connecting bracket may bang together from the force of the
magnetic coupling. Tighten the 4 bracket connection screws to 75 inch pounds (8.5

Figure 4-3 KOH Pump

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

4.8 Valve and Regulator Maintenance And Calibration

There are several different valves and regulators used in the HMXT system.
Regularly scheduled inspection and maintenance is recommended only for the
differential pressure regulators. Procedures for the remaining valves and regulators
are used when required as a result of operational problems or component failure.

4.8.1 Solenoid Valves

The majority of the solenoid valves in the system are constructed of stainless
steel and are a 2-way normally closed (without power) design. These include:
the feed water add valves (SV1), the vent valve (SV2,), the dryer purge and vent
valves (SV4, SV5) and the nitrogen purge valve (SV6).

The H2 in O2 purge valve (SV9) is a stainless steel 3-way solenoid valve. When
this valve is energized, flow is diverted from the exhaust port to the outlet.

The condenser cooling water valve (SV3) is constructed of brass and is a 2-way
normally closed valve. It differs from the other solenoid valves in the system due
to the diaphragm arrangement.

Replacement coils are available for all the solenoid valves. The valve coil is easily
replaced with the valve remaining in line. A repair kit is available to rebuild each
solenoid valve. The internal core, gaskets, and springs can be replaced to restore
a defective valve to working condition.

Both the stainless steel and brass solenoid valves are similar in construction and in
the procedure for repair. Figure 4-4 and Figure 4-5 show the parts and assembly
sequence for these valves. To replace a coil, first remove the top on the junction
box and disconnect the electrical connections. Remove the retaining clip and lift off
the complete solenoid assembly. Replace the solenoid assembly on the valve,
rewire to the electrical connections, and replace the top on the junction box.

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

Figure 4-4 Normally Closed Solenoid Valve

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

Figure 4-5 Condenser Water Solenoid Valve

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

Inspecting and rebuilding a solenoid valve requires removing the valve from the
system. Remove the top on the junction box and disconnect the electrical
connections. Remove the retaining clip and lift off the complete solenoid assembly.
Loosen the Swagelok fittings and remove the valve from its location. Loosen the
solenoid base using a wrench on the hex shaped shoulder and remove the
subassembly. The internal parts of the valve can now be inspected. Valve SV3
also includes a valve bonnet held down by four screws. To inspect the diaphragm
subassembly, remove the screws and the bonnet.

Clean and inspect all the internal parts. If there is any evidence of KOH or
potassium carbonate (white crystalline deposits), clean the valve body and the
parts with a boric acid solution followed by distilled or deionized water. If any part is
found defective, it is recommended to replace all the parts that are available in the
spare parts kit.

Prior to reinstalling the valve, check for operation and leakage. Connect live
electrical power to the terminals in the junction box and listen for a metallic click that
indicates that the solenoid is operating. Apply a 100 PSIG (7.0 kg/cm2) gas source
at the valve inlet port and check for leakage with the valve closed. The valve will
leak if an internal part is defective or the parts have not been reassembled in the
correct sequence.
After reinstalling the regulators in the system, check for proper operation and
leakage during system operation. As the system begins to generate gas and
system pressure rises, the pressure differential should remain less than 10” of
water. After the system is in the run mode, check each regulator for external leaks
using a liquid leak detector solution or soap solution.

4.8.2 Back Pressure Regulators Regulator Adjustment

There are 3 back pressure regulators (BPRs) on the HMXT generator. Periodic
adjustment may be necessary to maintain the correct set point. This adjustment
should be done when the generator is running in automatic with H2 gas going to

BPR 1 Instructions:
Open BPR 2 (turning counterclockwise) slowly until the online dryer pressure
drops to less than 80 psig (5.6 kg/cm2). Observe System Pressure (H2) and
then adjust BPR 1 for to 130 psig (9.1 kg/cm2). . Make adjustments to all
BPRs in very small increments. Allow a few minutes for system pressure to

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

BPR 2 Instructions:
Adjust BPR 2 to 140 psig (9.8 kg/cm2). . Allow a few minutes for system
pressure to stabilize.

BPR 3 Instructions:
Close the H2 delivery valve. The system should increase above 150psig (10.5
kg/cm2) . The generator should decrease gas production to minimum. Allow time
for the generator pressure to stabilize. Adjust BPR 3 to 160 psig (11.2 kg/cm2)
while the generator production rate is in minimum.
Open the delivery line (slowly to prevent a delta P or KOH level alarm) and
resume normal operation. BPR Repair

The back pressure regulators BPR1, BPR2 and BPR3 are identical. A spare parts
kit is available for rebuilding the back pressure regulators. If a regulator is
defective, it should be removed for repair or replacement.

The procedure for removal and repair is listed below. Refer to the parts diagram,
Figure 4-6.

1. Remove the hand knob by turning it all the way out.

2. Disconnect the Swagelok fittings on the regulator and remove the
3. Loosen the bonnet ring using a 2-inch wrench. Remove the bonnet ring.
The internal parts of the regulator can now be inspected.
4. The diaphragm subassembly can be disassembled by removing the
threaded diaphragm button from the diaphragm backup washer.
5. The stem O-ring is removed from the diaphragm button after removing the
retaining ring.
6. The valve seat is removed by unthreading the seat retainer from the
regulator body using a large screwdriver.
7. Clean and inspect all the internal parts. If there is any evidence of KOH or
potassium carbonate (white crystalline deposits), clean the regulator body
and all the parts with a boric acid solution followed by distilled or deionized
8. Replace all the parts available in the spare parts kit.

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

Figure 4-6 Back Pressure Regulator

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

The assembly and reinstallation procedure for the back pressure regulator is the
reverse of the steps listed above. The valve seat is installed with its chamfered
side towards the diaphragm assembly. The threaded bonnet ring should be
tightened to 50-55 foot-pounds (68 - 75 Nm).

Adjustment of the back pressure regulators is made with the system running at
operating temperature. Turning the knob clockwise raises the set point and counter-
clockwise lowers the set point.

4.8.3 Differential Pressure Regulator

Adjustment and maintenance of the differential pressure regulator can be

categorized in two parts; actuator and valve. The actuator is a 24 VDC powered
electric motor with a NEMA II classified enclosure. This unit is maintenance free
and cannot be serviced at the field. Please contact the factory for more
information and/or assistance with the Belimo actuator.

The valve was designed for ease of maintenance. All parts of the valve assembly
can be serviced or inter-changed. If a leakage is noted from the valve please
follow the directions outlined in Appendix A for trim set and packing replacement.

4.8.4 Check Valve and Relief Valve

The check valves and relief valves (RV1 and RV2) in the generator are both the
same type of spring loaded poppet valve. There is no routine maintenance for the
check valves. If a problem is suspected with a check valve, it must be replaced.
The relief valves in the generator (RV1) and also in the dryer system (RV2) are
simply adjustable versions of the check valve.

The relief valves should be periodically checked to assure that the 180 PSIG (12.65
kg/cm2) set point is maintained. The valve is best checked by removing it from the
system. After removing the valve slowly apply a pressurized gas source to the inlet
fitting on the valve and check for gas flow through the valve at 180 PSIG. If flow is
not evident at 180 PSIG or the valve opens at a lower pressure, then the valve
must be readjusted.

The procedure for adjustment follows:

1. Refer to Figure 4-7. Insert a 5/32-inch hex key wrench into the locking
screw at the valve outlet and loosen the locking screw.

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

2. Turn the locking screw until the hex key wrench slides through into the
adjusting screw.
3. Turn both screws until the 180 PSIG set point is reached. Turning
clockwise increases the set point.
4. Retract the hex key wrench into only the locking screw and lock it against
the adjusting screw.
5. Reinstall the relief valve in the system.

Figure 4-7 Relief Valve Assembly

4.9 Hydrogen in Oxygen Monitor Maintenance and Calibration

Accurate monitoring of hydrogen in oxygen requires a constant 100 cc per minute

flow rate of product oxygen through the probe. A regulator (FC1) reduces the
system pressure to a stable pressure between 5-10 PSIG. A flow meter (FM1) is
provided to monitor the flow rate and verify the accuracy of the flow controller
(FC1). Periodic replacement of the filter tank is necessary. Checking the sensitivity
of the temperature sensor (TC4) should also be included as part of the regular
maintenance schedule.

Under certain conditions, a concentration of hydrogen may accumulate in the

residual gas after system shutdown. During subsequent startup, venting of the high

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

concentration of hydrogen will cause a momentary high hydrogen in oxygen

temperature and may shut the system down. An immediate restart of the system
should be successful, if the condition persists, the possibility of module cross leak
should be investigated.

4.9.1 Flow Controller

The FC1 is forward pressure regulator set to provide a constant low pressure to
FM1 so the flow will remain constant without frequent adjustment.

If the flow controller is defective, it should be removed for repair or replacement.

With the system down and depressurized, remove the tube between FC1 and FM1.
Loosen the Swagelok fittings to the inlet of the controller and remove the unit.

All the parts within the controller are shown in Figure 4-8. To inspect the internal
parts, use a large wrench to unscrew and remove the bonnet ring. If there is any
evidence of KOH or potassium carbonate (white crystalline deposits), clean the
controller body and all the parts with a boric acid solution followed by distilled or
deionized water. If any part is found defective, it should be replaced.

There is a repair kit available for this regulator. Contact Teledyne Energy Systems
customer service.

The assembly and reinstallation procedure for the flow controller is the reverse of
the above procedure.

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

Figure 4-8 Flow Controller

4.9.2 Filter Tank

Periodic replacement of the filter tank is necessary if it restricts the flow to the flow
meter. Since the clamp over the filter tank helps support other components, it is
best to remove FC1 and any tubing on top of the filter before loosening the clamp
and replacing the filter.

4.9.3 Temperature Sensor

The hydrogen in oxygen temperature reading with the generator operating at or

near full capacity will be approximately 50C. The reading is affected by both the
hydrogen percentage and the gas flow rate. The probe has been calibrated with a
known standard to provide a temperature rise of approximately 100C above
ambient when there is 2 percent hydrogen in the oxygen.

A simple check of probe sensitivity should be made periodically. With the system
running, remove the cover over the metering value on the flow controller (FC1).
Using the hex key wrench, increase the oxygen flow rate through the controller and
monitor the temperature reading on the pyrometer. The temperature should begin
to rise, verifying that the catalyzed probe is still active. If there is no response, the
probe must be replaced. Readjust the flow controller so that the flow rate is 100
cc/min as measured by the flow meter (FM1). Replace the metering valve cover.

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

4.10 Leak Check

4.10.1 Bubble Check

A preventative maintenance schedule should be created to periodically check all

of the gas fittings and valves in the hydrogen plant for leaks. We recommend
that valves and fittings be leak checked once every week. Leak checks should be
done while the generator is operating or when pressurized with nitrogen. Simply
apply soapy water to the valves and fittings and inspecting for bubble formation.

Leaks found on compression fittings can be tightened while the system is

operating. If a valve’s packing or other type of fitting (o-ring sealed) is found to
leak, pressure must be taken off the valve or fitting in order to complete the
repair. Fittings should be hand tightened until snug and then tightened slightly
with a wrench. Ball valves with the following identification can be repaired in the
field: SS-43 (HV1, HV2, HV6, HV7), , and SS-45 (MV1, MV2). Remove the
actuator (plastic handle or motorized actuator) and tighten the packing nut.
Reapply pressure to the valve or fitting and bubble check again for leaks. For
more serious pressure losses or after major maintenance, a system pressure test
should be performed.

4.10.2 System Pressure Test

The system pressure test is a diagnostic procedure that is used to verify system
integrity before the system is started. It is typically only performed at
commissioning, after a major repair or maintenance event when significant
plumbing and fittings have been disturbed (normally once a year), or if the system
is experiencing pressure loss issues.

The extent and location of a suspected gas leak on an operating system can be
determined by simply turning the power off, observing the pressure gauges, and
using a liquid leak detector or soap solution to locate the leak. The procedure listed
below requires a source of pressurized inert gas such as nitrogen.

The pressure test proceeds as follows:

1. Drain the electrolyte following the Electrolyte drain procedure

2. Disconnect the hydrogen and oxygen vent lines at the bulkhead fittings on
the rear of the generator.
3. Using a Tee connection attach a single source of inert gas to the oxygen
and hydrogen bulkhead fittings on the rear of the generator.

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

4. Using a 3/16” (5mm) Hex wrench inserted in the top of the DPR1 Open the
valve by turning counter clockwise. The valve is open when the stem of the
valve has been raised .25” from the full down position
5. Repeat step 4 with DPR2.
6. Slowly apply nitrogen pressure until the pressure both the oxygen pressure
and hydrogen pressure gages read 100 psig.
7. Isolate the system by closing the nitrogen supply valve
8. If the pressure in the system drops use snoop to check fittings for leaks

4.11 Pressure Transducer Calibration Check

The accuracy of the pressure transducer calibration must be checked using a very
accurately calibrated pressure gauge. The gas gauges inside the generator
assembly give an approximate indication of the system pressures and can be used
to determine a failed pressure transducer. However, these gauges should not be
relied on to check the pressure transducer calibration. The calibration procedure
requires a calibrated pressure gauge and a source of pressurized inert gas such as

The pressure transducer calibration check is as follows:

1. Press the "Pressure Release" touch switch to release the system

2. Remove the pressure transducer from the Swagelok tee in the generator
and hook it up to the pressure source with the calibrated gauge.
3. Press the “Generator” or “Dryer” button on the touch switch to display the
appropriate pressure transducer reading. With no pressure applied, the
transducer should read 0 PSIG +/- 2 psig.
4. Pressurize the transducer up to 150 PSIG. Compare the calibration
gauge reading with the pressure reading on the touch screen display. The
transducer should read 150 PSIG +/- 2 psig.
The pressure display reading should be within two PSIG of the calibration gauge
reading throughout the entire pressure range. A pressure transducer that fails the
calibration check must be replaced.

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

4.12 KOH Flow Switch Check

The KOH flow switch (FS1) is located in the KOH plumbing between the heat
exchanger and the electrolysis module. The flow switch is a vane-operated device
that is actuated by the flow of the KOH electrolyte. If the switch is suspected of
being defective, it should be removed to check that the vane is free to actuate.

1. Drain the system using the electrolyte drain procedure.

2. Loosen the wing nut and remove the hinged Tri-Clover clamp securing the
flow switch assembly to the tee in the KOH plumbing.

3. Remove the flow switch and check that the vane is free to move.

4. Check that Generator Display screen, FS1should turn green, when the
switch is manually actuated. If the vane is free to move but the switch
does not activate, the internal switch assembly can be replaced.

A parts diagram of the flow switch is shown in Figure 4-9. Note that the
alignment of the switch within the flow switch housing is critical.

5. Mark the orientation of the internal switch assembly before removing it

from the housing.

6. Loosen the set screw using an Allen head wrench and gently pull on the
wiring to remove the switch assembly.

7. After replacing the switch, reinstall the switch assembly to the original
orientation and tighten the set screw.

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

Figure 4-9 Flow Switch

Check the flow switch actuation before replacing the flow switch in the system.
Check that the gasket on the Tri-Clover fitting is in the proper position. If the gasket
has been damaged it must be replaced. Insert the flow switch assembly into the
tee in the proper direction. An arrow engraved on the body of the flow switch
housing must be oriented in the direction of the electrolyte flow (towards the
module). Attach and hand-tighten the hinged Tri-Clover clamp.

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

4.13 Feed water Pump Priming and Purging

The feed water pump should not be allowed to run dry for more than 90 seconds or
internal damage may occur. Priming the feed water pump assures that the pump is
supplied with water to prevent damage. This procedure is also used to purge the
feed water plumbing of inferior water after a low feed water resistivity shutdown
alarm. The cause of the inferior water must be corrected or the shutdown will be

Priming the feed water pump and feed water purging proceeds as follows:

1. Attach a drain line to the feed water drain port located in the lower rear of
the unit.
2. Open the feed water purge valve HV6.
3. Press and hold the "Manual Feed water Pump Switch" touch button on the
Feed water screen to manually run the pump. When water flows out of
the drain port, the pump has been primed. If the system is shutdown on
low feed water resistivity, allow the pump to run until R1 changes from red
to green. Note: Do not allow the pump to run dry.
4. Close valve HV6 and remove the drain line.

4.14 Feed water Monitor Check

A feed water probe that is suspected of not indicating correctly should be removed
and checked. Turn off the feed water supply and open the feed water drain port to
drain the feed water plumbing. Remove the probe by unthreading it out of the
plastic tee. A dry probe in air should indicate green on the Feed water touch
screen. If not, the probe should be replaced.

To check that the probe responds, dip the end of the probe into a container of tap
water. The R1 indicator on the feed water screen should turn red. If not, the probe
should be replaced.

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

4.15 Dryer Maintenance

Proper dryer regeneration requires an accurately controlled purge rate. The orifice
and check valves must be periodically removed and cleaned to assure the correct
purge rate is maintained. Components for controlling the dryer purge are all
arranged in a preassembled dryer purge control assembly, shown in Figure 4-10.
Removing the entire assembly provides the easiest access to the individual
components within the assembly.

Periodic replacement of the molecular sieve beads in the dryers is not necessary.
However, if misused, the beads can become saturated to a state in which complete
regeneration of a dryer is not possible. The dryers should then be repacked with
fresh molecular sieve. Monitoring product gas humidity will give the operator a
direct indication of the condition of the dryer beads. If the operator is not measuring
product gas humidity and is still concerned about maintaining minimum moisture
content, then periodic molecular sieve replacement is recommended.

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

Figure 4-10 Dryer Purge Control Assembly

4.15.1 Orifice Maintenance

The dryer orifice is located in the dryer purge control assembly (Figure 4-11)
adjacent to the dryers. The orifice connects the output plumbing of the two dryers
just below the dryer filters. To service the orifice, first remove the dryer purge
control assembly. The orifice is in the union fitting connecting the two tees at the
filter outlets. Remove and inspect the orifice fitting. Clean the orifice and the
interconnecting tubing. After cleaning, reassemble all the parts of the assembly

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

and reinstall in the system.

Figure 4-11 Dryer Check Valve

4.15.2 Check Valve Maintenance

The check valves which follow the dryer filters (CV7 and CV8) should be serviced
once a year or sooner if a problem is suspected. The yearly service interval allows
the dryer check valves to be cleaned and repaired at the same time the dryer filters
are replaced. After removing the dryer purge control assembly (Figure 4-10), the
valves can be removed for service. Two special tools, an adjusting tool and a nut
driver, are supplied for servicing the check valves. Figure 4-11 shows all the parts
of the check valve.

The cleaning and repair procedure for all of the check valves is as follows:

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

1. Fit the adjusting tool over the spring guide (3-fingered spider) in the outlet
end of the valve. Place the nut driver inside the adjusting tool, loosen, and
remove the lock nut.
2. Insert a screwdriver into the slot in the head of the poppet and use the
adjusting tool to remove the spring guide.
3. Remove the spring and poppet.
4. Clean and inspect all the parts. If there is any evidence of KOH or
potassium carbonate (white crystalline deposits) clean all the parts with a
boric acid solution followed by distilled or deionized water.
5. The "Q" ring under the poppet head and the valve spring are available as
replacement parts and should be replaced.
The assembly of the check valve is the reverse of the steps listed above. One side
of the spring guide has a recess on each finger of the spider to center the spring.
The threaded stem of the poppet should be exposed about 1/16 of an inch (1.6
mm) after the lock nut is in place. This will result in a cracking pressure of about 1
PSIG (0.07 kg/cm2).

4.15.3 Molecular Sieve Change

The dryers must be removed from the system to change the molecular sieve beads
and de-oxo catalyst pellets. Before removing, ensure that the internal pressures
are reduced to atmospheric and that dryers are cool. Remove the orifice/filter
assembly from the Swagelok tees near the top of the dryers. Disconnect the tees
from the dryers and loosen the Swagelok fittings at the bottom inlet port of the
dryers. Remove the protective cover over the heater terminals and disconnect the
electrical leads. Loosen the clamps securing the dryers to the frame assembly and
lift the dryers out of the system.

Refilling a hydrogen dryer requires approximately 14-15 pounds (6.5 kg) of

molecular sieve and 1 pound (0.45 kg) of catalyst. The two materials are filled in
alternating layers. A 1000 ml graduate is required to measure the quantity of each
layer. When handling the molecular sieve beads, avoid contact with water. The
beads become very hot when wet.

The procedure for changing the molecular sieve is as follows:

1. Remove the one-inch fill port on the top of the dryer, invert the dryer, and
empty the contents.
2. Wash the interior of the dryer with clean water to remove dust and broken
beads. Allow the interior to dry before refilling.

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

3. Using an ohmmeter, check the continuity of the dryer heater. Also, check
that there are no electrical shorts between the heater and the dryer vessel.
4. Pour 575 ml of molecular sieve into the dryer. The first layer of molecular
sieve should be poured in slowly with the dryer tilted at about 45 degrees.
Upright the dryer in a vertical position after the first layer is poured.
5. Pour 55 ml of catalyst in the dryer.
6. Keeping the dryer vertical, repeat the above two steps until 8 layers of
molecular sieve and 8 layers of catalyst have been added to the dryer.
7. Fill the remaining portion of the dryer with molecular sieve until the level is
3.5 inches (9 cm) below the upper edge of the fill port.
8. Apply two turns of Teflon pipe-sealant tape to the threads of the fill port
plug and install the plug.
Reinstalling the dryers in the system is the reverse of the removal procedure. Keep
the dryer in a vertical position at all times. When positioning, ensure that the small
support bracket welded to the dryer is resting on the rail assembly at the lower
dryer clamp.

4.15.4 Gas Filter Replacement

There is a product gas filter in the outlet plumbing of each dryer in the system.
These filters should be changed once a year or sooner if an acceptable product gas
delivery pressure cannot be maintained.

To replace the filters, first remove the dryer purge control assembly (Figure 4-10).
Remove and replace each filter. Reinstall the completed assembly into the system
and tighten all Swagelok connections.

4.16 Temperature Regulating Valve Check

Maintaining precise position control of the temperature regulating valve is crucial for
accurate cooling water control. The operation of the temperature regulating valve
can be monitored on "Cooling Water System" screen.

Accurate zero positioning of the valve can be checked when the electrolyte
temperature is below the operating control range and the valve position shown on
the touch screen is 0 % open. Verify that the valve is fully closed.

Close the facility cooling water valve. Restart the generator. As the temperature

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

increases, the valve will begin to open. When the valve position shown on the
touch screen reaches 100%, verify the valve is fully opened (allow for a time lag in
the valve). Slowly open the facility cooling water valve. After a few minutes, the
temperature and valve position should stabilize.

4.17 Cooling Water Maintenance

Facility cooling water flows through the heat exchangers and condensers; hence,
the inside surfaces are subject to deposits that interfere with flow and heat
transfer. Because such conditions are strongly dependent on quality of the facility
cooling water, the maintenance interval for this procedure should be adjusted

Certain locations may be subject to poor water quality and it is highly

recommended that these sites have cooling water filters installed upstream of the

To remove the scaling on the heat exchangers the system must be OFF,
depressurized, and purged with nitrogen, since the hydrogen side will be opened.
Remove condenser and inspect the ports. Back flush through the water
connections. If the water ports indicate a lot of fouling, clean with a diluted nickel
scale remover solution. A 5% phosphoric acid or oxalic acid solution may be used.
When back flushing the units, do not heat the acid solution. Flush the condenser
with fresh water after cleaning.

If the KOH heat exchangers are dirty on the KOH side, they can be also be back-
flushed with DI water, however the acid solution should not be used.

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

5 Troubleshooting Guide

The following troubleshooting guide is presented to provide the operator with possible
causes and recommended action for diagnosing and correcting system malfunctions.
The guide references many of the maintenance and calibration procedures described in
Section 4. Subcomponent manuals may need to be utilized for trouble shooting
individual component problems. These manuals are found in the XM50000 CD included
with this bound manual.

The malfunctions are divided into two categories, those directly indicated by the digital
display, and those not directly indicated by an alarm condition. The indicated system
shutdowns are presented first.

Indicator Possible Corrective Index

Cause Action Ref
High KOH temperature Inadequate cooling water. Check facility cooling
water source and supply
Temperature regulating valve Check ball valve and
(MV1) failure (closed). motor actuator and
repair or replace.
KOH control thermocouple Check and replace
(TC1) defective. thermocouple.
Module outlet thermocouple Check and replace
(TC2, TC3) defective. thermocouple.
Clogged module preventing See internal module
electrolyte circulation. inspection. 4.3.2
High KOH level Reservoir overfilled. See electrolyte fill
procedure. 4.2.2
Level transmitter DPT2 Check, calibrate, or
defective. replace level transmitter.
Low KOH level Feed water supply restricted. Check feed water
source and supply
Feed water pump not primed. See feed water pump
priming procedure.
Feed water pump contactor Check and replace feed
defective.(In Power Supply) water pump contactor.

Feed water pump failure. Check and replace feed

water pump or motor.

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

Indicator Possible Corrective Index

Cause Action Ref
Level transmitter DPT2 Check, calibrate, or
defective. replace level transmitter.
Feed water valve SV1 failure. See valve and regulator
maintenance and
calibration; solenoid
valves. 4.8.1
Feed water check valve Check and replace feed
(CV1, CV2) failure. water check valve. 4.8.1
Low KOH flow H2 side KOH filter clogged. See KOH filter
Hydrogen Side replacement procedure. 4.5
H2 side KOH pump See KOH pump
damaged. inspection procedure. 4.7
H2 side KOH flow switch See KOH flow switch
failure. FS1 check.
H2 side KOH pump Check and replace KOH
Contactor defective.(In pump. Contactor
Power Supply)
Low KOH flow Oxygen O2 side KOH filter clogged. See KOH filter
Side replacement procedure. 4.5
O2 side KOH pump See KOH pump
damaged. inspection procedure. 4.7
O2 side KOH flow switch See KOH flow switch
failure.FS2 check.
O2 side KOH pump Check and replace KOH
Contactor defective.(In pump. Contactor
Power Supply)
High hydrogen pressure Hydrogen pressure See pressure transducer
transducer (PT1) defective. calibration check.
Hydrogen vent line blocked. Open Hydrogen vent
High oxygen pressure Oxygen vent line blocked. Open oxygen vent line.
Oxygen pressure transducer See pressure
(PT2) defective. transducer calibration
check. 4.11
Oxygen regulator (DPR2) See differential pressure
failure. regulator manual.

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

Indicator Possible Corrective Index

Cause Action Ref
Low hydrogen or Back pressure regulator Increase BPR setting.
oxygen pressure. (BPR1) setting incorrect (too
Gas plumbing leak. See system pressure 4.10
test procedure.
System vent valve (SV2) See valve and regulator 4.8.1
failure. maintenance and
calibration; solenoid
System relief valve (RV1) See valve and regulator 4.8.4
failure. maintenance and
calibration; relief valve.
Back pressure regulator See valve and regulator 4.8.2
failure. maintenance and
calibration; back
pressure regulator.
Differential pressure See differential
regulator (DPR1 or DPR2) pressure regulator
failure. manual
Pressure transducer (PT1 or See pressure transducer 4.11
PT2)) defective. calibration check.
Low Nitrogen Pressure Low Supply Pressure Check supply pressure
Nitrogen regulator failure Adjust regulator or repair
Nitrogen pressure Replace pressure
Transducer Failure (PT5) transducer

High differential Vent line blocked. Open vent lines.

pressure Differential pressure differential pressure
regulator (DPR1 or DPR2) regulator manual
Module cross leak. See cross leak check. 4.4

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

Indicator Possible Corrective Index

Cause Action Ref
Low prepressurization Hydrogen plumbing leak. See system pressure 4.10
test procedure.
Low Nitrogen Pressure Check Nitrogen supply
Module cross leak. See cross leak check. 4.11
Hydrogen pressure See pressure transducer
transducer (PT1) defective. calibration check. 4.28
Hydrogen regulator (DPR1) See valve and regulator
failure. maintenance and
calibration; differential
pressure regulator.
High hydrogen in High hydrogen concentration See hydrogen in oxygen
oxygen at start-up. monitor maintenance
and calibration. 4.9
Not enough Purge Repeat Purge
Hydrogen in oxygen flow rate See hydrogen in oxygen
incorrect. monitor maintenance
and calibration; flow
controller. 4.9.1
Hydrogen in oxygen See hydrogen in oxygen
catalyzed sensor (TC3) monitor maintenance
defective. and calibration;
temperature sensor. 4.9.3
High DeOx Filter Module cross leak. See cross leak check. 4.4
Temperature Air in Hydrogen side at start- Repeat Purge
Not enough Purge Repeat Purge
DeOx Filter thermocouple Check and replace
(TC6) defective. thermocouple.

Power supply alarm Check power supply for See power supply
cause. manual.

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

Indicator Possible Corrective Index

Cause Action Ref
Low feed water Poor quality feed water See feed water priming 4.14
resistivity and purging
Feed water monitor See feed water monitor
defective. check.
External alarm External alarm Check for alarm signal
from external source.
Missing jumper on normally Replace NC jumper.
closed external alarm circuit.
High ambient Excessively hot. Conditioned space
temperature required for generator
Ambient air thermocouple Check and replace
(TC5) defective. thermocouple.
Low ambient Excessively Cold. Conditioned space
temperature required for generator
KOH Inlet thermocouple Check and replace
(TC1) defective thermocouple.
Dryer Cycle Failure 4-way dryer valve (MV2) See valve and regulator 4.8.1
failure. maintenance and
calibration; solenoid
Dryer pressure transducer See pressure transducer 4.11
(PT3 or PT4) defective. calibration check.
Dryer vent valve (SV4) See valve and regulator 4.8.1
failure. maintenance and
calibration; solenoid
Vent line blocked. Open vent lines.

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

Indicator Possible Corrective Index

Cause Action Ref
Dryer Purge Failure Clogged Orifice (OR1) See orifice maintenance. 4.15.1
Dryer pressure transducer See pressure transducer 4.11
(PT3 or PT4) defective. calibration check.
Dryer vent valve (SV4) See valve and regulator 4.8.1
failure. maintenance and
calibration; solenoid
Dryer Switching Failure Dryer Switching Valve (MV2) Check linkage of valve
not switching to operator
Dryer Switching Valve (MV2) Check Operator
Operator failure
Power not applied to UPS Check for 120 volts at
Under Voltage Failure Short circuit on module tie Inspect and clean tie rod
rod. and module.
Short circuit on positive end Inspect DC wire loop.
of DC circuit.
Power supply current or Increase potentiometer
voltage potentiometer set to value.
low value.
UPS on Battery UPS has been on battery Restore power and let
UPS Recharge
Low UPS Battery UPS Battery has failed Replace UPS Battery

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

The remaining malfunctions are not directly indicated and will not cause system
shutdown. These problems are generally not as severe as the preceding
shutdowns. However, the symptoms should be recognized and the problem

Possible Corrective
Indicator Cause Action
Power supply does not Power supply main circuit Reset circuit breaker.
come on. breaker open.
Power supply start Check and replace
contactor defective. contactor.
Power supply control circuit Check and replace fuse.
fuse open.
Power supply temperature Allow power supply to cool
switch open. off.
Generator does not start. Programmable controller Switch controller to run
not in run mode mode.
Program not installed in Load program into RAM or
controller. install EEPROM.
No dc power for electrolysis Power supply on/off relay Check and replace relay.
Power supply SCR fuse Check and replace fuse.
Power supply SCR or diode Check and replace failed
failure. components.
Power supply control board Check and replace control
failure. board.
Cannot produce full Restriction in facility Check facility delivery
capacity delivery line. plumbing.
Temperature regulating See temperature
valve (MV1) out of position. regulating valve check.
Temperature regulating Check ball valve and
valve (MV1) failure (open). motor actuator and repair
or replace.
Power supply SCR fuse Check and replace fuse.
Power supply SCR or diode Check and replace failed
failure. components.
Power supply control board Check and replace control
failure. board.

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

High voltage operation. KOH concentration See electrolyte check

incorrect. procedure.
Module power cable Clean and tighten cable
connections defective. connectors.
Voltmeter inaccurate. Check and replace
High moisture content Dryer heater not Check heater circuit and
functioning. solid state relay.
DeOx Tank not effective. Dry or replace catalyst.
Molecular sieve not Replace sieve.
Abnormally high cooling Improve site temperature
water or air temperature. condition.
Abnormal differential Vent line blocked. Open vent line.
Differential pressure See differential pressure
regulator (DPR1 or DPR2) regulator Manual
High Differential Pressure DPR2 or DPR1 Is wide Open Vent valve on
at start up open due to vacuum on DPR1to relive vacuum
opposite side of system Allow sufficient time for
DPR1 or DPR2 to fully
close before restarting

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

6 HMXT Generator Parts List


4-1 3 E-104234 GASKET, 3.0”




4-3 1 ES-550A1230101-071 O-RING (EPT)

4-3 4 ES-551A1400097-009 PUMP INSERT ASSEMBLY

4-3 5 ES-551A1400133-005 STD IMPELLER & MAGNET ASSY.

4-3 6 ES-550A1230101-031 O-RING (EPT) KOH PUMP

4-3 7 ES-551A1400132-001 IMPELLER MAGNET HOUSING

4-3 11 ES-XM20033-009 MOTOR, KOH PUMP

4-4, A1 SV6 ES-050013 VALVE, SOLENOID

4-4 SV2, ES-002735 VALVE, SOLENOID

4-5 SV-3 ES-104777 VALVE, SOLENOID


4-7 RV1, RV2 ES-103117 VALVE, RELIEF

4-8 FC1 ES-104618 REGULATOR

4-10 1 FIL1, FIL2 ES-002064 GAS FILTER

4-10 2 CV7, CV8 ES-001507 VALVE, CHECK

4-10 3 OR1 ES-XM20077-001 ORIFICE PLATE

A-1 1 TC4 ES-M14174-009 PROBE ASEMBLY


A-1 5 FIL3 ES-002064 GAS FILTER

A-1 6 SV9 ES-002411 VALVE, SOLENOID, 3 WAY



Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual



A-1 10 RV2 ES-103117 VALVE, RELIEF


A-1 12 FPR1 ES-103237 REGULATOR

A-1 13 FM1 ES-104109 FLOW METER



A-1 16 FC1 ES-104618 REGULATOR



A-2 6 ES-XM14014-001 CONDENSER


8 PMP-1101, ES-XM20030-009 KOH PUMP ASSEMBLY



A-2 13 CV1 – CV6 ES-001507 CHECK VALVE





A-3 1 D1101, D1102 ES-M14115-009 DRYER ASSEMBLY, H2 AND O2



A-3 4 PG3, PG4 ES-XM34003-003 PRESSURE GAUGE

A-3 5 FIL1, FIL2 ES-002064 FILTER


A-3 7 CV7, CV8 ES-102765 CHECK VALVE

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C





A-4 3 PG1, PG2 ES-XM34003-003 PRESSURE GAUGE




A-4 7 RV1 ES-103117 RELIEF VALVE






ES-104233 GASKET, 1.5”









Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual


ES-550A1230101-065 O-RING, 0.563

ES-550A1230101-067 O-RING, 0.813

ES-550A1230101-071 O-RING, 1.0














RES1, RES2, ES-103926 RESISTOR, 499 OHM
IO6 – IO9 ES-103477 AC OUTPUT

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C


RES1 (BOX 6) ES-100067 RESISTOR, 121 OHM

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

7 Optional Instruments



A combustible gas detector, a hygrometer, or a trace oxygen analyzer can be

added to the generator as options. One, two or all of these instruments can be
connected to the generator. They each transmit a 4-20 mA signal and are wired
directly to the PLC. The data is then displayed on the touch screen of the generator.
The data is also compared with warning and alarm set points to initiate these if


The combustible gas detector uses a catalytic bead sensor to monitor the
presence of hydrogen in the room. The sensor uses two alumina beads surrounded
by platinum wire and heated to a high operating temperature. One bead is catalyzed
to promote reaction with the combustible gas. The other bead does not react with
combustibles and serves as a reference. The two beads are placed in separate legs
of a wheatstone bridge circuit and are exposed to same conditions. The electrical
resistance of the catalyzed bead increases as the bead heats up in the presence of a
combustible gas. The output of the wheatstone bridge changes to signal the
combustible concentration. The sensor output is 4-20 milliamps corresponding to 0
to 100 percent of the lower explosion limit (LEL) of hydrogen in air. The combustible
gas detector is interlocked with the HM generator, shutting down the generator in the
event of a combustible alarm.

The combustible detector is calibrated with a hydrogen in air mixture. A

calibration kit with a calibration gas is available. More information on the sensor and
the calibration kit can be found in the manufacturer’s manuals.


Moisture in the hydrogen product from the generator is monitored with an in-
line hygrometer. The hygrometer uses an aluminum oxide moisture sensor. Water
molecules which are absorbed on the oxide structure of the sensor affect the
electrical capacitance of the material. The amount of water absorbed is a function of
the vapor pressure of the gas being sampled which corresponds to electrical
impedance measured by the sensor. The sensor output is 4-20 milliamps
corresponding to -100 to 0 degrees C dew point. The hygrometer can be interlocked
Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

with the generator to shutdown the generator in the event of a high-moisture alarm.
More information on the hygrometer can be found in the manufacturer’s manual.


An oxygen analyzer is used to monitor trace amounts of oxygen in a sample of

the hydrogen before going to storage. The analyzer uses an electrolytic fuel cell
which produces an electrical output proportional to the amount of oxygen being
consumed. The instrument can be selected to operate within 2 different scale
ranges. The ranges are 0-25% and 0-10 ppm. The instrument output is 4-20
milliamps corresponding to the full range of the selected scale. The oxygen analyzer
can be interlocked with the generator, shutting it down in the event of a trace oxygen

The analyzer can be calibrated with ambient air. LED readout on the
instrument is provided for local display. More information on the analyzer can be
found in the manufacturer’s manual.


7.2.1 WIRING

Refer to the individual instrument instruction manuals for installation and

wiring details. Individual instruments should be wired to the HMXT generator in
accordance to the schematic section of this manual.



The instruments each send signals to the PLC and the data is displayed on
the touch screen panel. The PLC also compares the signals to previously set warning
and alarm set points. When activated the alarms will shutdown the generator. The
instrument screens are accessed using touch buttons.

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C


Refer to the TITAN HMXT generator screens manual.


The manufacturers’ instruction manuals with the attachments provide

operational specifications for each of the instruments. COMBUSTIBLE DETECTOR

The combustible gas detector is a self-contained instrument. Calibration of
the instrument should be performed periodically. See the detector and the calibration
kit manual for instrument calibration procedures. HYGROMETER
The hygrometer is a self-contained instrument. Field calibration of the
instrument is not possible. See the hygrometer information sheet for factory
calibration information.

Proper operation for the hygrometer requires a very small sample flow. To set or
verify a suitable flow rate, break the tubing connected downstream of the metering
valve (V013). Connect temporary tubing to the outlet of the valve and submerge the
other end of the tube in a container of water. Apply approximately 10 kg/cm2
pressure to the inlet of the hygrometer and watch for bubbles in the container. Adjust
the flow as necessary to achieve 1-2 bubbles per second and record the meter
reading on the valve (it should be near zero). Leave the valve at this setting and
reconnect the permanent plumbing. The valve setting should not be disturbed after

The oxygen analyzer requires a specific sample rate which is controlled at the
local analyzer panel. Set the flow rate to the 1 SCFH level on the flow meter. See
the instrument manual for the specific pressure requirements.

Rev. C XM50000 HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual

HMXT Generator Operations and Maintenance Manual XM50000 Rev. C

8 Appendix

Figure A-1 Gas System

Figure A-2 Liquid System

Figure A-3 Dryer System

Figure A-4 H2 and O2 Pressure System

Installation Drawing - XM21000

Piping and Instrumentation Drawing – XM21001

Field Wiring Diagram – XM38008

Electrical Schematic – XM40000


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