Word2007 Draft

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Microsoft Word is a word-processor that lets you create a variety of different documents such as letters, single-file reports, multi-file reports, books, brochures, newsletters, and web pages. Word processing software lets you create, edit, format, store, retrieve, and print a text document. Creating is writing and composing the document. Editing refers to making changes to the document to fix errors or improve it. Formatting is making the document look attractive. Storing means saving it on a disk. Retrieving is opening the saved document from disk into computer memory. Printing is producing the document on paper, using a printer connected to the computer. Microsoft Word provides powerful and easy-to-use tools. A few of its capabilities are: checking and correcting spelling and grammar, handling page organization such as page numbers, headers and footers, having auto texts, symbols and clipart, working with tables, and formatting text by one button clicking.


of Word

Microsoft Word can be used at home, at school and at work. At home, one can write notes, memos, letters, labels, envelopes, create cards, stickers or flyers. In schools, Word may be used for writing homework, theses, research notes, time tables or certificates. People working in business may use Word to set up faxes, reports, contracts, business cards or mail merge documents. It is also easy to prepare a resume or CV using Word. Word can create complex or specialized documents that are normally created by more specialized software applications such as: Web pages: Easier to use than Microsoft FrontPage, Word has Web publishing features that let you create Web pages with ease. Brochures, newsletters, and other documents with complex page layouts: Microsoft Publisher might be able to do a better job at creating short, layout-intensive documents. However, Word's improved drawing and layout features make it a highly viable tool for creating these kinds of documents. Printer-ready publications: Dedicated desktop publishing packages (such as Adobe PageMaker, or Quark Press) do a
Introduction to Microsoft Word

superb job of creating printer-ready publications with precise page layouts, cross-references, indexes, tables of contents, and so on. Word is ideal for the initial organizing, writing, editing, and proofreading of a publication. However, you can also do quite a good job in Word of preparing the final printer-ready publication. If your page layout needs are a bit demanding for Word's tools, you can always transfer your Word document to a dedicated desktop publishing program to create the final layout. Tables of numbers or other data: Clearly, Microsoft Excel is the tool of choice for working with numbers, and Microsoft Access for working with databases. However, Word tables can be used to store and display reasonable amounts of numeric or textual data. Word even provides mathematical functions for working with numbers in tables, as well as database tools for working with data fields and records in tables. Why use Word for a task that can be performed with a more specialized software program, perhaps one which is already installed on your computer? The main reason is that you probably already know how to use Word, and the extra features of a more specialized program might not be worth the time required to learn a new software package, especially if you create only an occasional Web page, brochure, or other specialized document. You might also have existing Word documents that you can quickly convert to Web pages or other specialized formats. You can thus use Word to improve not only your current skills, but also your existing collection of documents. Practice Starting the Word Program 1 On the Windows taskbar, click the Start button at the bottom left corner of your screen. 2 Select All Programs and point to Microsoft Office. 3 Move the mouse pointer over and click on Microsoft Office Word 2007.
Introduction to Microsoft Word

Starting the Word Program

Starting the Word Program

Word Window - General Overview

The Office button opens related tasks.

The Ribbon consists of series of tabs.

Insertion Point (Cursor) Shows where the text will be written.

The Ful gives mo screen fo

Print Layout is Word. Documents be on a printed pa Status Bar Displays information about a command or toolbar button, an operation in progress, or the location of the insertion point.

Introduction to Microsoft Word

Title Bar Shows the name of the document and the program name. Minimize-Maximize-Close Closes or changes the Word program windows. Help Shows help for the written text. Split box allows you to work in two parts of your document at the same time

Web Layout view displays the document as it would appear in a web browser.

Outline view enables you to see the sections of a document text. Draft view essentially same as Print Layout view but displays only the text in a document.

Scroll Bar Scroll to another part of the document.

l Screen Reading view re space on the computer r reading documents.

the default view of s appear as it would age.

The Zoom slider lets you choose between zoom levels.

Document Browser Lets you navigate through your document by letting you move between objects. To specify the type of object click the round circle and select the object.

Introduction to Microsoft Word

The Ribbon and Office Button The Ribbon is located at the top of the document area in Word. It consists of series of tabs. Each tab are organized into groups and shows different commands. Practice To switch between tabs; 1 Click on each tab name. Or use the turn scroll button of your mouse

The Ribbon

The Ribbon is context sensitive. It changes depending on selected tab, object or the task. For instance; when a table is selected, the Ribbon shows Contextual tabs related to tables.

The Ribbon showing contextual tabs.

The diagonal arrows in the groups launch dialog boxes. Each command on the ribbon has its own shortcut keys. If you don't know to use which key to activate a command, press the Alt key on the keyboard to show Key Tips. Pressing the associated key on the keyboard activates the command.
Introduction to Microsoft Word


To change the orientation of the document using shortcut keys; 2 Press the Alt key on your keyboard.

Short-cut keys

3 Press P key to open the Page Layout tab, and then O to open Orientation menu.

The Office button opens the Office menu that contains file related tasks; such as open, save, printing, and also Word options. It is located in the top left corner of the ribbon. The Office menu has two panels. The left panel displays the major file tasks. When you move your mouse pointer on a task, the right panel displays a menu related to selected task.

The Office button opens the Office menu.


a New Document

In this exercise, you will type a letter to the President. Microsoft Word is a good choice for this kind of task. But before starting, there are a few things you need to know first; The short, vertical, blinking line at the top of the document is the insertion point (cursor). The insertion point indicates where text will be entered as you type. When typing long lines of text, you do not have to press Enter each time you want to start a new line. Word will automatically start a new line for you when you reach the right side of the page. This feature is called word wrapping.
Introduction to Microsoft Word


By default, Microsoft Word functions in insert mode. That means that any new text you enter in the middle of a line is inserted between existing texts. But if you turn on the overtype mode you can overwrite existing text with any new text that you type in. You can double-click OVR on the status bar or press the insert key on the keyboard to turn overtype on or off. Practice To create a new document; 1 Click the Office button and then select New. The left side of the New Document dialog box contains templates for creating new documents. A preview of the document is displayed in the right pane of the window. 2 In the left pane, click Blank and recent and click Blank Document. 3 Click Create.
The New Document dialog window opens.

Or press Ctrl + N

4 Type Dear President and press Enter twice. 5 Type I am a student at the International High School. Press Enter twice. 6 Continue your letter by typing the following text and at the end of each paragraph press Enter twice.

Creating a new document

Introduction to Microsoft Word


Templates A template is a document; such as brochures, memos, reports, and business letters, which provides a preformatted layout for content with text and graphics. You can customize the content in the template to create your own document. If you are connected the internet you can use a variety of online templates that are stored on the Microsoft Office Online Web site. In the following exercise, you will download a template from Microsoft Office Online. You will need a connection to internet to complete the task. Practice 1 Create a new document. 2 In The New document dialog window, select Flyers. 3 Select a template in the Event pane, and then click Download. 4 Word downloads the template and opens it in a new document.
Choosing a template


a Document

After you've created a document, you must give it a name and save it to a permanent storage device, such as the hard disk, or a flash disk, for future use. Save your document not only at the end of your work but shortly after you first create and as you work on it. In this exercise, you will save your document with the name My Letter in your Documents folder. 1 From the Office Menu, choose Save. Or press Ctrl + S Or click the Save button on the Quick Access toolbar. The Save As dialog box opens because it is the first time that you are saving the document.
Introduction to Microsoft Word

Word opens the template


2 In the File name box, type My Letter. 3 Click the Save button to save your document. To save the file in a new folder; 4 Click the New Folder button in the Save As dialog box. Name the new folder. Your file is saved with the name My Letter.docx in your document folder.

The Save As dialog box

If you want to save your document under a different file name or to a different location, or in a different file format, you can use the Save As option. For example, the Word 97-2003 Document command saves the current document so that it can be viewed in previous versions of Word. In this exercise, you will save your document My Letter with the name on a Flash drive or another hard disk.

1 From the Office menu, choose Save As. Or press F12. 2 In the Folders pane, click the Computer icon, and then select
The Save As dialog box

your Flash drive. 3 Use the New Folder icon to create a folder named MyWork. 4 In the File name box, type My First Letter. 5 Click Save to save the file and the dialog box closes. Your document is saved with the name My First Letter.docx on your Flash drive.


Introduction to Microsoft Word



Word 2007 provides different kind of file types. The .docx file extension is for basic documents with text and graphics. The documents with this extension blocks scripts and macros, making it safe from viruses. A document with .docm file extension contains macros or programming code. Previous versions of Word cannot open .docx and .docm file types.
Basic documents with text and graphics


a Document

When you work with Word you will sometimes need to create a new document from scratch. More often, you will need to work on an existing document that you or someone else has previously created. Also it's often easier and more efficient to create a document by modifying one that already exists, instead of having to retype a lot of information. To open an existing document, 1 Press Ctrl + O Or select the Open command on the Office menu. The Open dialog box displays Documents folder of the current user. 2 Double-click the My First Letter file to open. Or select the file name and click Open.

Documents with macros or programming code

Web documents

The Open dialog box

Introduction to Microsoft Word


The documents you have opened recently are displayed on the right pane of the Office menu. You can pin a document to fix its palace on the Recent Documents pane.
Opening Recent Documents

3 Click on the file name to open it.

A menu with most commonly used commands opens.

The Quick Access Toolbar You can easily access and run a command by clicking its button on the Quick Access toolbar. The Quick Access toolbar contains most commonly used commands. By default, it has three buttons, save, undo, and redo. You can customize the Quick Access toolbar to display the commands you use most often. To customize the Quick Access toolbar; 1 Click the down arrow next to the Quick Access toolbar. 2 Click on the Open command. If you don't see a command on the menu, click the More Commands command. 3 The Open button appears on the Quick Access toolbar. Now, you can open your documents quickly without using the Office button and menu.

Customizing Quick Access Toolbar


a Document

When you open a document created in a previous version of Word, the title bar displays the name of the document, followed by the words Compatibility Mode. Word 2007 contains some formatting features that cannot be available in previous Word versions. Converting documents enables you to use of these new features.

Compatibility Mode Title Bar

Introduction to Microsoft Word


1 Click the Office button. 2 The Office menu displays the Convert command whenever a document with previous version is open. 3 Click the Convert button. The document is replaced with the converted version. 4 Save the document.

Converting documents


a Document

When you have only one document open, clicking the Close button on the title bar will close both the document and the Word program. 1 On the Office menu, choose Close. Or press Ctrl + F4. The Close button closes just the document and leaves the Word program open. When you attempt to close an unsaved document or made any changes to an existing document, Word asks whether you would like to save the document. The Exit Word button in the lower right corner of the Office menu and in the Title bar close all documents and exits the Word program. 2 Click the Exit Word button to close both your document and the Word.
Save Confirmation

The Close button

Introduction to Microsoft Word




Word 2007 has five different documents views, Print Layout, Full Screen Reading, Web Layout, Outline, and Draft. Each view has its own purposes and advantages. In order to change the document view;
The Document Views group

1 Click the View tab; choose one of the Document Views in the Document views group. Or click the document view buttons in the Status bar.

The Document View buttons

Print Layout is the default view of Word. Documents appear as it would be on a printed page. Print Layout view displays as graphics, tables, and headers, footers, and the other objects. Live preview works in Print Layout view. The Full Screen Reading view gives more space on the computer screen for reading documents. Web Layout view displays the document as it would appear in a web browser. It is used to prepare documents for digital publishing on the internet and not suitable for printing pages.

The Zoom group

Outline view enables you to see the sections of a document text. It is ideal for working with long documents with several chapters. Draft view essentially same as Print Layout view but displays only the text in a document. It is useful when you quickly want to write and edit text. The Zoom commands let you choose between zoom levels. Zooming in makes words easier to read and helps prevent eyestrain. Zooming out makes scrolling faster and helps you to see several pages at once. In order to change zoom levels, 1 In the View tab, click the Zoom button in the Zoom group. Or click the number next to the Zoom slider at the right bottom of the Word screen 2 Select between predefined zoom levels or enter a new value in the Percent box.

The Zoom dialog box opens.

Or use the Zoom slider to change zoom level.


Introduction to Microsoft Word


and Sharing Documents

You can share your documents by sending them in an e-mail message. You need an Internet connection to use this feature. If Microsoft Outlook is installed and configured, Word uses it as a default e-mail program. In order to sent a document by an e-mail; 1 Click the Office button. 2 Point to the Send command; click E-mail command on the right side of the Office menu. Default email program opens. 3 The document is in the attach field. Type in the email address you want to sent. 4 Click Send.
Sending Documents



The Help feature allows you to learn to use the basic and advanced features of Word. If you have a connection to the internet you can get up-to-date on line help from Microsoft Office Online. To get help; 1 On the Ribbon, click the button with a question mark. Or Press F1. Or if you see an information box on a button on the Ribbon, press F1. 2 In the text box at the top, type Save a document and then click the Search button. 3 Click on a topic to get help information. 4 Click the Back, Forward, Stop, Refresh, and Home buttons on the toolbar to move around in the Word Help.
Introduction to Microsoft Word

The Word Help window opens.


Case Study
Opening, editing and saving a document


Run the Word Program. On the Windows taskbar, click the Start button at the bottom left corner of your screen. On the Start menu, point to All Programs. Move the mouse pointer up and point to Microsoft Office. Move the mouse pointer over and click on Microsoft Office Word 2007.

Step-2 Step-3

Type the text. Type your name, surname, telephone number and address. Save the document to your floppy disk using the name Case Study 1. On the Quick Access toolbar, click the Save button. The Save Dialog Box will opens on the screen. Type the file name in the file name box and click Save.


Close the document. On the Office menu, click the Exit button.


Open the document again. Open your document from the Recent Documents pane on the Office menu.


Change the telephone number. Change the document by adding a new telephone number or changing the old one. You can insert other text like your birth date or your email.


Re-save the document as an HTML formatted file. On the Office menu, choose File, Save As. The Save As dialog box opens on the screen. In the Save As type box, click the drop-down arrow and select Web Page (HTML). Click Save.


Close the document. When the document is closed without being saved, the Word program will ask you whether you want to save the document. Click Yes on the dialog box and save the document.


Try to repeat steps above without using the mouse.


Introduction to Microsoft Word

Fill in the blank

1. Microsoft Word is ____________________ that lets you create a variety of different documents such as letters, single-file reports, multi-file reports, books, brochures, newsletters, and web pages. 2. Click save or press ____________________ shortcut to quickly save the document. 3. The short, vertical, blinking line at the top of the document is ____________.

True or False
1. If you want to save a saved document to a different location, you can use Save As. True False

2. The shortcut key for the Help command is F1. True False

3. You can convert a Word 2007 file to Word 2003 file end keep all the formatting True False

1. Birthday Card


Create a new file. In the Templates pane select Greeting Cards. Choose Occasions and events, and then download a Birthday Card template. Change the text in the template with your own. Save the document, and then e-mail it to your friend as Birthday Card.

Introduction to Microsoft Word


Multiple choice questions

1. What can you create with the Word program? a. Letters c. Tables 2. b. Web Pages d. All of the above 6. Which one does not start a new document? a. Ctrl + N keyboard shortcut. b. Open a document from a flash drive. c. Click New command on the Office menu. Which of the following option provides a document with preformatted layout for content with text and graphics a. Dialog Launchers b. Templates c. Saving As command d. Word Help 3. Choose the sentences that true about the Ribbon. (Choose two answers) a. The Ribbon is context sensitive. b. You can easily add your favorite commands to the Ribbon. c. Pressing Alt key shows short cut keys on the Ribbon. d. The Ribbon contains major file tasks such as Open, and Save. 4. What is the meaning of the text "Compatibility Mode" after a document name in the title bar? a. The document is compatible with all Operating Systems. b. You need to save the file immediately. c. The document was created with a previous version of Word. d. The document contains advanced features of Word. 5. Which of the following can you do on the Microsoft Office Online? a. Download categories. templates in different 9. Which of the following dialog boxes opens when a document is saved for the first time? a. Save All c. Close b. Save d. Save As 8. 7. d. Start the Word program. What is the correct order to save a new Word document to a floppy disk? Choose Flash drive from Save In box. Write the file name. Click the Save button on the Quick Access toolbar. Click Save on the Save dialog box. A document; you just open; displays very small in the Word screen. How can you make it bigger to read or work on it? (Choose two answers) a. Switch to Full Screen Reading. b. Use the Zoom dialog box and Zoom Out. c. Use the Zoom Slider in the Status bar to Zoom In. d. Close the document and open it again.

10. How can you insert a text inside a text line without deleting the existing text? a. Start typing in the overtype mode. b. Locate the insertion point after the line. c. Start typing in the Insert mode. d. Enable the Word Wrapping by pressing Enter key. Introduction to Microsoft Word

b. Convert a document to up-to date Word version. c. Get up-to-date help about a Word topic. d. Download documents views such as page layout, and draft view.



Through a Document

You move through a document to see text and objects that's off the screen, to set the insertion point at a new place, or to select text and objects for changes. There are several ways to move the insertion point in your document: you can use the mouse, the keyboard, or several commands, most notably the Go To command. Practice To move the insertion point to a specific place; In this exercise, you will move the insertion point to the second line. 1 Click Page Number on the Status bar at the bottom of the Word screen Or press Ctrl + G. 2 Select a type of place to go. In the Go to what list, select Line.
Moving the insertion point to the second line

3 Type or select a specific item. In Enter line number type 2. 4 Click the Go To button. The insertion point moves to the second line.

Up or Down arrows Left or Right arrows Home End Page Up or Down Ctrl+Left or Right Ctrl+Home Ctrl+End Ctrl+Page Up or Down

One line up or down. One character left or right. Start of the line. End of the line. One screen up or down. One word left or right. To the beginning of the document. To the end of the document. One page up or down
Working With Text




When you want to perform an action with the text (for example edit, format, or copy), you must first select it. Word makes text selection quick and easy.

Selection bar

Right Pointing Arrow

Selecting a Paragraph

Selection Techniques TO
Select a word Select a line Double click on the word Position the mouse pointer in the selection bar before the line you want to select. When the right-pointing arrow appears, click the mouse. Triple click on any word in the paragraph Select a paragraph



Position the pointer in the selection bar to the left side of the paragraph; when the right-pointing arrow appears, double click the mouse. Position the pointer in the selection bar, when the right-pointing arrow appears, triple click on the document.

Select a document



Press Ctrl + A In the Editing group, click the Select button and then click Select All.

Click where you want the selection to begin. Then, while Select any amount of holding down the shift key, click where you want the selection text to end. Select areas multiple text Hold down the Ctrl key on the keybord and with the mouse select different texts

Working With Text



and Move

There are several ways to copy and move text and graphics from one place to another. Dragging text is the most efficient way to move or copy text and graphics, as long as you can see the destination location on your screen.

Practice Copy and Move with drag and drop In this exercise, you will move a text with drag and drop. First of all, you need to open the letter (My Letter or My First Letter) that you created in the previous chapter. 1 Scroll down until you can see the date and the text Dear President. 2 Position the mouse pointer in the selection, before the date. The mouse pointer changes to a right-pointing arrow. 3 Click to select the date. The selected text changes to white text on a darker background. 4 Position the mouse pointer over the selected text. The pointer turns into a left-pointing arrow. 5 Click and hold down the mouse button. A small, dotted box and a dotted insertion point appear. 6 Drag up until the dotted insertion point is before the text Dear President and then release the mouse button. 7 Click anywhere outside of the selected text to cancel the selection.
Moving a Text

Practice Copy and Move with other techniques The keyboard shortcuts are the quickest and easiest to use the Cut, Copy, and Paste editing commands.


Working With Text

In this exercise, you will copy the whole letter into a new document. 1 Select the whole letter. 2 On the Home tab, click the Select button in the Editing Group and then choose Select All. Or press Ctrl + A. 3 Copy the selected text. Click Copy button in the Clipboard group. Or press Ctrl + C. A copy of the selected text is placed on the Clipboard. 4 Create a New Document. 5 Insert a copy of the letter from Clipboard. Click Paste button in the Clipboard group. Or press Ctrl + V. To move the selected text; 1 Click Cut button in the Clipboard group. Or press Ctrl + X. The Clipboard is an area of memory in which you can store text or graphics temporarily. If you cut or copy text, graphics or other items they will be temporarily stored in the Clipboard ready for use elsewhere in the document. To see the Clipboard contents; 1 Click the Clipboard dialog box launcher in the Clipboard group. Clipboard pane displays left to the document.
The Clipboard Group Selecting all documents


and Redo

The Undo feature allows you to reverse, or undo a recent action. The redo command allows you to repeat a recent action.

Working With Text


Undo the last action You can undo your last action; 1 On the Quick Access toolbar, click Undo button. Or press Ctrl + Z.
Undo and Redo buttons

Redo the last action You can redo your last action; 1 On the Quick Access toolbar, click Redo button. Or press Ctrl + Y. Or press F4.


and Replace

You can use the Find command to search for specific instances of a text in a document, and the Replace command to search for specific instances of text in a document and replace them with new text. In addition to replacing text, you can use the Replace command to replace formats, such as bold and italic. The Find and Replace commands are located in the Editing group.
The Editing Group

Practice Finding and highlighting text In this exercise, you will find and highlight the word "tobacco" in your document My Letter or My First Letter. 1 On the Home tab, click Find button in the Editing group. Or press Ctrl + F. The Find and Replace dialog box opens. 2 In the Find what box, type tobacco. To find all the instances of tobacco; 3 Click the Find in button; and then choose Main Document on the menu.
The Find and Replace dialog box opens.

All the instances of tobacco in My First Letter document are highlighted.

Working With Text


Practice Replacing Text In this exercise, you will search the word tobacco and replace it with the word TOBACCO. 1 On the Home tab, click Replace button in the Editing group. Or press Ctrl + H. The Find and Replace dialog box opens. 2 In the Find what box, type tobacco. 3 In the Replace with box, type TOBACCO. Click Find Next. 4 When Word finds the text; click the Replace button. 5 Click the Replace All button to replace all of instances of the text at once.
The Find and Replace dialog box opens.


and Grammar

Word checks for spelling and grammatical errors as you type. Red wavy lines indicate a word that isn't recognized or is misspelled. Green wavy lines indicate a possible grammatical error. Blue wavy lines indicate correctly spelled words in the incorrect context. Grammar checking Spell checking Contextual Spell Checking Practice Use the Spelling and Grammar Checker In this exercise, you will use the Spelling and Grammar Checker to correct spelling and grammar errors. 1 Type stard instead of start and press spacebar.
Working With Text

You cann use the Find command to search for specific instances of a text. You can uses the Find command to search for specific instances of a text. You cane use the Find command to search for specific instances of a text.


A red wavy line appears under the word stard, because you have typed it incorrectly. 2 In the Review tab; click Spelling & Grammar button in the Proofing group. Or press F7. 3 The Spelling and Grammar dialog box checks each underlined word in your document. In the Suggestion list box, click and select the correct word.
The Spelling and Grammar dialog box opens.

4 Click the Change button to change the word stard with start.

You can also right click on the word once the red underlining displays. A pop-up dialog box displays suggesting alternative, correctly spelled words. Word uses a default dictionary file. If a word isn't in the dictionary; it is also underlined with a red wavy line. You can add a word to default dictionary; 1 Click on the misspelled word.
Spell checking

2 Choose Add to Dictionary option from the popup menu.


Task Pane

The Research panel provides links to Internet research tools that you can use from within Word. To open the Research panel; 1 Click Review tab, and click Research button in the Proofing group. Or press the Alt key and click anywhere within the document. To display the search results, you can either click the Start Searching arrow in the green box, or select a type of reference material from the list box below.
The Research task pane.
Working With Text


2 Use the drop-down menu at the top of the Research task pane to choose references such as Thesaurus. 3 Enter the key words or phrase in the Search for box in the task pane, and click the Start searching button. A quick way to search for materials for a word in the document is to press the Alt key and then click the word. The last service used, Thesaurus or Translation, will display results for the word you clicked. 4 To close the Research task pane, click the Research button in the Proofing group.



The Thesaurus provides a list of synonyms for the text which you look up.

Practice To use the Thesaurus; In this exercise, you will find a synonym for a word. 1 Right-click the word Eventually in My Letter.docx. 2 Point to Synonyms on the pop-up menu. 3 Click to select a synonym. If you need more search, the Thesaurus option in the Research task pane provides more details; 4 Click Review tab, and click Thesaurus button in the Proofing group. Or press Shift + F7. 5 The Research task pane opens. A list of suggested synonyms will display. Move your mouse pointer on a suggested synonym in the list and click the arrow next to it. Select Insert.
Working With Text

Finding synonyms




Word 2007 can easily translate a word into another language, such as Arabic, English, French, or Spanish. To translate a word; 1 Click on the word you want translate. 2 Click the Translate button in the Proofing group. Or right click the word, select Translate option from the popup menu, and choose Translate. 3 Select the languages in the From and To boxes in order to change languages. The results display in the Research task pane under Translation. You can simply move your mouse over a word and a screen tip will show up and translates the word. By default, the option is turned off.
The Translation displays in the Research task pane.

To enable the Translate screen tip option; 1 Click the Translate ScreenTip button in the Proofing group 2 Select the language you want to translate into. 3 Move and hold your mouse on the word you want to translate. Translating the whole document doesnt necessarily give the whole meaning of a document. It should rather to be used to get an idea about the document.

Translation Screentip

In the following exercise you will translate the whole document to French. You need a connection to internet to complete the task. To translate all the text in a document; 1 Open My First Letter.docx file. 2 Click the Translate button in the Proofing group.

The Translation displays.

3 Choose the languages you want to translate in the From and To boxes. 4 Click the arrow under Translate the whole document. A confirmation window displays, click Yes.


Working With Text

Online document translation

The Document is translated and displays in French in a browser window.

Fill in the blank

1. To select a whole document, press________________ 2. To copy with drag and drop you must hold down_____________ while you are dragging the selected text. 3. To Move, press____________

True or False
1. If you want to undo your last action, press Ctrl + Z True False

2. You can select a paragraph by double-clicking anywhere in the paragraph. True False

3. If you want to correct spelling and grammar errors you can use the Spelling and Grammar checker. True
Working With Text



Multiple choice questions

1. How can you quickly recover a text that you just accidentally deleted? (Choose two answers) a. Use the Clipboard. b. Press Ctrl + Z. c. Use the Undo button on the Quick Access toolbar. d. Open the Find and Replace dialog box, and then search for deleted text. 2. If you want to Copy a text and Paste it to another place, which shortcut keys should you use? a. Ctrl + Z and Ctrl + X b. Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V c. Ctrl + C and Ctrl + P d. Alt + C and Alt + P 3. Select the spelling and grammar checking options available in Word. (Choose three answers) a. Contextual spell checking b. Spell checking c. Style checking d. Grammar checking 9. 4. How can you find correct all the instances of a place name you mistyped in a document? a. Create an entry in the AutoCorrect options. b. Use the Research pane, and look for all the instances of the word. c. Select the all text and the Spelling & Grammar button. d. Use the Replace dialog box, and then Replace All. 10. As you read through an astronomy document, you encounter an astronomer named Galileo. How can you get an online help about the astronomer without leaving the document and the Word screen? a. Open Google in an internet browser, and make a search. b. Use the Thesaurus, in the Research pane. c. Hold down Alt key and click on the word. d. Open the Find and Replace dialog box, and click the Search on internet option. Working With Text How can you select all the text and the objects in a document? (Choose all that apply) a. Drag your mouse from the beginning to the end of the document. b. Press Ctrl + A c. In the Editing group, click the Select button, and then Select All. d. Triple-click any word in a paragraph. 6. You can replace a word in your document with another word that is more suitable and has nearly the same meaning; a. By using the Spell Checking b. By using the Grammar Checking c. By buying a dictionary d. With the Thesaurus feature


A spelling error in a document is identified by: a. A green highlight b. A red wavy underline c. A green wavy underline d. A blue wavy underline


What are options available Find and Replace Dialog box? a. Find c. Replace b. Synonyms d. Go To


Select the ways you look for synonyms for a word. (Choose three answers) a. Enable the Translation ScreenTip and hold your mouse on the word. b. Right click the word, and then select Synonyms on the menu. c. Hold down Alt key and click on the word d. Select the Thesaurus in the Research pane, type the word in the Search for box, and then press Enter.




Font Formatting enables you to give the text in your documents different looks and styles. You can change the font face, font size, underline text, and change the color and the spacing between letters.
The Font Group

A font is a set of characters and letters of the same look and styles. Each font has a particular design. The size of a font is called font size. The most preferred fonts are Times New Roman, Arial, and Courier New.

Practice Formatting text in Bold and Italic In this exercise, you will select the text that you wish to format as bold or italic in your document. (My Letter or My First Letter) 1 Select the text Date. 2 On the Home tab, click Bold button in the Font group. Or on the Mini toolbar, click Bold button.
Formatting text in Bold

Or press Ctrl + B. 3 Click anywhere outside the selected text to cancel the selection. 4 Select the text Sincerely, 5 Click Italic button in the Font group. Or on the Mini toolbar, click Italic button. Or press Ctrl + I. 6 Click anywhere outside the selected text to cancel the selection. Whenever you select a text; the Mini toolbar displays just above the selection. It contains a set of formatting commands for changing fonts and paragraphs.

Formatting text

The Font Group

Formatting Characters and Paragraphs


To display the Mini toolbar; 1 Select the text and move the mouse pointer just above the selection. 2 Click the buttons on the Mini toolbar to apply formatting to the selection. When you move the mouse away from the text it fades slowly and disappears. Practice Change the Font and Font Size In this exercise, you will change the font and font size of the text. 1 Select the text John Doe. 2 On the Home tab, click the arrow next to Font box and in the Font group. Or use the Mini toolbar. 3 Scroll down and select Lucida Handwriting in the list. The selected text changes to the Lucida Handwriting font face. In the Font group or on the Mini toolbar, 4 Click the arrow next to Font Size box and, and then click 10 in the list. Or use the Grow or Shrink Font buttons to change font size gradually. 5 Click anywhere outside the selected text to cancel the selection. TO
change the font color of a text,
Changing font size Changing font The Mini toolbar displays.

DO THIS click the arrow next to Font box and in the Font group. Or
use the Mini Toolbar.

underline the text, apply any text effect,

increase or decrease character spacing,
Formatting Characters and Paragraphs

select the style of underline from the Underline style list.

select them from the Effects in the Font dialog box. use the Character Spacing tab in the Font dialog box.


Live Preview Live Preview enables you to see formatting of a text without having to apply it first. 1 Select the Date. 2 In the Font group, click the arrow next to Font Color button. 3 Move your mouse on the colors under the Theme Colors.
Live Preview

Clear Formatting You can clear formatting of a text in one step; 1 Select the text. 2 Click the Clear Formatting button in the Font group. Or press Ctrl + Space.

Dialog Box Launchers In the lower-right corner of some command groups, there are Dialog Box Launcher buttons. The Dialog launchers open dialog boxes with more commands. Change the font color, the space between characters and apply text effect.
The Font dialog box

In this exercise, you will change the font color of a text, underline the text, apply text effect and increase the space between characters. 1 Select the text Dear President. 2 In the Font group, click the Font dialog box button. Or press Ctrl + D. The Font dialog box opens. 3 Click the arrow next to Font Color and select the color red. 4 Click the arrow next to the Underline Style box and select Words only.

Formatting a Text
Formatting Characters and Paragraphs


5 Click the Character Spacing tab. 6 Click the arrow next to Spacing box and select Expanded. In the By box, select 5 pt. and click OK. Change Case The Change Case command changes the capitalization of a selected text. 1 Select an Uppercase text. 2 Click the Change Case button in the Font group. Format Painter At the end of your document My Letter.docx, there is a second text President. If you want to format this one like the first one, you must repeat the steps in the previous topic, or you can use a command that copies formatting from text, then pastes it onto the other text selection. This feature is called Format Painter. In this exercise, you will apply formatting using the Format Painter. 1 Click on the text Dear President. 2 In the Font group; double-click the Format Painter button if you're going to copy the formatting to several locations Or just click if you're going to copy the formatting only one time. 3 Click the Format Painter button. 4 Move your mouse pointer to the second text President. 5 Click or drag on the text. Format Painter pastes the formatting to the destination text and turns off.
Format Painter

Sentence case microsoft word lowercase MICROSOFT WORD UPPERCASE Microsoft Word Title Case mICROSOFT wORD tOGGLE cASE
Microsoft word
Change Case options



The format of a paragraph can be changed by setting tabs, indenting, aligning, changing line spacing within and between paragraphs, controlling page breaks etc. All these features allow you to enhance the appearance of your document.
Formatting Characters and Paragraphs


Paragraph Alignment There are four ways to align a paragraph.

The format of a paragraph can be changed by setting tabs, indenting, aligning, controlling page breaks. LEFT Each line of text is aligned left. The format of a paragraph can be changed by setting tabs, indenting, aligning, controlling page breaks. CENTER Each line is centered. The format of a paragraph can be changed by setting tabs, indenting, aligning controlling page breaks RIGHT Each line is aligned right. The format of a paragraph can be changed by setting tabs, indenting, aligning, controlling page breaks. JUSTIFY Each line aligns with the both sides of the typing area.

In this exercise, you will justify the text in your document. 1 Select the whole document 2 Click the Justify button in the Paragraph group. Or press Ctrl + J. Or click the Paragraph dialog box button in the Paragraph group
Justifying Text

3 In General area; click the Alignment dropdown arrow and select Justify. 4 Click OK. Indenting If you do not want all paragraphs to align with the borders of the typing area, you can use the indentation options to indent the text.

Normal Left: 1.25 cm Right: 1.25 cm First line Hanging

The format of a paragraph can be changed by setting tabs, indenting, aligning, controlling page breaks etc. The format of a paragraph can be changed by setting tabs, indenting, aligning, controlling page breaks etc. The format of a paragraph can be changed by setting tabs, indenting, aligning, controlling page breaks etc. The format of a paragraph can be changed by setting tabs, indenting, aligning, controlling page breaks etc. The format of a paragraph can be changed by setting tabs,indenting, aligning, controlling page breaks etc.
Formatting Characters and Paragraphs


To further customize the indentation of the paragraphs, you can also set the following special indentation types;

Practice Indenting Text. 1 Select the paragraph starting with the text I am very concerned. 2 In the Paragraph group, click the Increase Indent button. Or click the Paragraph dialog box button; Or on the Page Layout tab, use the Paragraph group. 3 Under the Indentation, specify the indentation from the left and right margins. Type in the left box: 1.2 cm. Type in the right box: 1.2 cm. 4 Click OK in the Paragraph dialog box. Paragraph spacing You can change the amount of spacing between lines in a paragraph or between paragraphs by using the Spacing section in the Paragraph dialog box. To change line spacing; In this exercise, you will change the amount of spacing between lines in a paragraph. 1 Select the paragraph or click anywhere in the paragraph starting with the text I am very concerned. 2 Click the Line Spacing button in the Paragraph group. On the menu; select 1.5. Or on the Line Spacing menu, click the Line Spacing Options command. The Paragraph dialog box opens.
The Paragraph dialog box opens.

Indenting text

Formatting Characters and Paragraphs


3 Select the Indents and Spacing tab. 4 In the Line Spacing box, click the arrow and select 1.5 lines. 5 Click OK. The line spacing changes to 1.5 lines.

Changing Line Spacing

Practice Changing paragraph spacing. In this exercise, you will change the amount of spacing between paragraphs. 1 Select the first four paragraphs in your document. 2 In the Paragraph group, click the Paragraph dialog box button; Or on the Page Layout tab, use the Paragraph group. 3 In the Spacing section, click the up arrow until 6 pt. in the Before box. 4 In the Spacing section, click the up arrow until 6 pt. in the After box. Line and Page Breaks There are other useful paragraph rules that you can apply by clicking the Line and Page Breaks in the Paragraph dialog box. Such as Widow/Orphan Control, Keep Lines Together etc. These options are summarized as follows.
Option Widow/Orphan control Keep with next Keep lines together Description Prevents the last line of a paragraph from being printed at the top of a page (widow) or the first line of a paragraph from being printed at the bottom of a page (orphan). Keeps the paragraph and the following paragraph on the same page. Keeps all lines of a paragraph on the same page.
Formatting Characters and Paragraphs



and Numbered List

Bulleted and Numbered lists make your document more readable and enable you to point out important parts of a document. Bullets Numbers Special characters, symbols, and pictures Numerals, roman numerals and letters
The Paragraph group

Use Numbers when the ordering of the paragraphs and items is important (i.e. legal documents, instructions, manuals). Use Bullets when the ordering doesnt matter (i.e. a shopping list) The Numbered documents are easy to edit. When you add or remove paragraphs or items, the Numbered list renumbers automatically. For instance, a new paragraph at the end of the list gets the next consecutive number.

Practice Creating bulleted and numbered lists In this exercise, you will create a list from scratch. 1 Locate the insertion point where you want to create the list. 2 Click on the Numbering or Bullets button in Paragraph group. Word indents the line. 3 Type the first item and press Enter. To end a Bulleted and Numbered List; 1 Click on the Numbering or Bullets button in Paragraph group. Or press Enter twice at the end of the list. You can create space between the list items as you do on paragraphs spacing.
Numbered list Bulleted list

Formatting Characters and Paragraphs


Practice Customizing Bulleted and Numbered List In a bulleted list, instead of using regular bullets you can select a different character, a picture bullet, or change indents. You can customize Numbered lists and choose different number styles and fonts like in a bulleted list. In this exercise, you will customize a bulleted and numbered list. 1 Select the list or list items. 2 In the Paragraph group, click the arrow next to Bullets button;
The Define New Bullet dialog box.

3 Choose a new bullet from the Bullet Library. There are seven bullet styles but Word offers you more; 4 Click the Define New Bullet command on the menu. 5 Use the Symbol or Picture button to select a bullet style. 6 Click the Font button, and change the color of the bullet. Click OK. To convert the bulleted list to a numbered list, 1 Select the list.

Bulleted list

2 Click the Numbering button in the Paragraph group. Multilevel Lists A Multilevel List format enables you to organize documents with hierarchical content such as law and scientific literature. In order to create a multilevel list, the paragraphs must be indented. Practice Creating a Multilevel List 1 Click Increase Indent button in the Paragraph group. Or use Tab key. 2 Select the paragraphs. Click the arrow next to Multilevel List button in the Paragraph group. 3 From the List Library menu, choose a list style.

A Multilevel List

Each indentation level gets a different number formatting.

Formatting Characters and Paragraphs



and Shading

You can add borders and shading around pages and text selections to emphasize a section or to enhance the look of the document.

Practice Apply a Border and Shading In this exercise, you will apply a border around a paragraph. 1 Click the paragraph starting with the text Did you know that. In the Paragraph group, click the arrow next the Borders button; 2 From the menu, choose Outside Borders option. 3 Click the arrow next Shading button in the Paragraph group. 4 Under the Theme colors, click the color blue. The background of the paragraph is filled with blue shading.
Applying a Border

Practice Change the Border and apply Shading In this exercise, you will change the color, style and width of a border and apply shading to a paragraph. 1 Click the paragraph starting with the text Did you know that. 2 In the Paragraph group, click the arrow next to the Borders button; 3 Click Borders and Shading command on the menu.
Formatting Characters and Paragraphs

Applying a Shading


The Borders and Shading dialog box enables you to create, modify paragraph and page borders, and shadings. By customizing line styles and colors you can get different border effects. 4 In the Width section, select 3 pt. 5 In the Color section, select the color Dark Blue. 6 Click OK.

The Borders and Shading dialog box opens.

Practice Adding a Page Border In this exercise, you will add Page Borders to your document.

Change the Border and apply Shading

1 In the Borders and Shading dialog box , click the Page Border tab. Or on the Page Layout tab, click the Page Borders button in the Page Background group 2 In the Art section, select any art picture. 3 In the Apply To section, select Whole Document. 4 Click OK.



You can add a background to your document such as Watermark, color or a texture. Page background colors are applied by using Page Color button in the Page Background group. Fill effects command at the bottom of the Page color menu allows you to select effects from four different categories. A watermark is a faint graphic image at the background of a document.
Formatting Characters and Paragraphs


Practice Applying Watermark In this example, you will insert a watermark and apply a page color to your document, 1 Click the Page Layout tab 2 In the Page Background group, click the Watermark button. 3 Click one of the options. Word inserts the watermark on every page of the document. You can also create a custom watermark or insert picture watermark. 4 Click the Page color button in the Page Background group.
The document has a page color and a watermark.

5 Choose a color on the menu. Word applies the background color to the document. To print the background color; 1 Click the Office button; open the Word Options from the Office menu. 2 Click Display on the left side of the menu. 3 Under the Printing Options; check in the box Print Background Color and Images.

You can change the number of columns in a document or a section of a document. You can create newspaper columns, parallel columns and uneven columns before entering text or you can apply columns to existing text.
The document has a page color and a watermark.
Formatting Characters and Paragraphs


Practice Creating columns In this exercise, you will create two columns in a section of your document. 1 Select the paragraph starting with the text Well over 5.000.000 people. 2 Click the Page Layout tab. 3 Click Columns button in the Page Setup group; select Two on the menu.
The Columns dialog box

The Columns dialog box enables you to create and modify the columns with several options. 1 Click Columns button, and then click More Columns option. 2 Check the Line between box to apply a line between the columns. 3 Click OK.

Texts aligned with the space key are displayed improperly when the document is reformatted or transferred to other computers. By using the Tab key and Tab stops you can create and format documents easier and faster.

Tab Styles In Word, there are several Tab types: left, right, center, decimal. Left align tabs are the most used Tab style. By default, Word set left aligned tabs every 1.25 cm. The following example shows how to use tab stops. The dashed line indicates the location of the Tab stop.


Formatting Characters and Paragraphs

Item Left Right Center Aligns text on the left at the tab position Aligns text on the right at the tab position Centers text at the tab position CPU

Price 255$ Left Aligned Right Aligned Center Aligned Decimal Aligned

Mainboard 125$ HDD RAM 100$ 35.4$

Decimal Aligns a column of numbers with the decimal at the tab position Bar tab Inserts a vertical bar at the tab stop.

Setting Tab Stops There are two ways to create tab stops, you can set tabs using the Tabs menu or using the ruler. For more accurate and precise settings use the Tabs dialog box. In this exercise, you will set tab stops using the Tabs dialog box. 1 Create a new document. 2 Locate the insertion point where you start typing. 3 In the Page Layout tab, click the Paragraph Dialog Box Launcher, and then click Tabs button. 4 In the Tab stop position text box, type the tab position as 2 cm. Make sure the left alignment checkbox is selected. 5 Click Set. Repeat the steps for 6 cm, and 10 cm. 6 Click OK. Every time you press the Tab key, the insertion point moves from one Tab stop the other one. 7 Press Tab key, type CPU, press Tab key, type Speed, press Tab key, type Year. 8 Enter the data in separate lines. Practice To set Tabs stops using the Ruler; When you set a tab stop, you can see it on the Ruler and change its location by dragging it.
Formatting Characters and Paragraphs

Setting Tab stops

CPU 8086 80486 Pentium I Pentium IV

Speed 30 MHz 75 MHz 90 MHz 3 GHz

Setting Tabs

Year 1984 1995 1999 2003


1 Locate the insertion point where you start typing. If the horizontal ruler is not visible, click the View ruler button at the top of the vertical scroll bar. 2 Set the tab stops by clicking on the ruler. You can drag tab stops left or right along the ruler to a different position.

The horizontal ruler with different tab stops.

3 To change the tab style click on the Tab style button that is located on the far left of the Ruler. Removing Tabs To remove existing tabs, simply drag them from the ruler to the document area or on the tabs dialog box; select the tab you want to remove and click the Clear button.

A style is a group of paragraph and character formats stored under a name. Style is a time saving feature that you can apply to a text or a document at once. Quick Styles Word provides a gallery with sets of Quick Styles. A gallery is a group of built-in styles and formats. You can simply apply any one of these quick styles by clicking over it. Practice Applying a Style By default, Word applies the Normal style to the text you enter. In order to apply a different style than the Normal style; 1 In the Home tab; move your mouse over one of the styles in the Quick Style gallery in the Styles group. Live preview shows how it will look if you applied the highlighted style.
Formatting Characters and Paragraphs

The Style gallery window displays.


2 Click More button next to the Quick Style gallery. 3 Select and click to apply a style.

Creating a Quick Style In this exercise, you will create your own paragraph quick style. 1 Select a paragraph with formatting information; such as font color, size, Align left and italic etc. 2 In the Styles group, click More button next to the Quick Styles. 3 Click Save Selection as a New Quick Style command. Create New Style from Formatting dialog box opens. 4 The current name will be highlighted. Type a new style name in the name box. 5 Click OK.
The Themes Group Creating a Quick Style

Themes A theme applies to the entire document. The purpose of a theme is to change the fonts or colors in a consistent way across a document without redefining the individual styles. 1 Click the Change Styles button in the Styles group. Point to Colors or Fonts menu. Or on the Page Layout tab; click the Theme Colors or Theme Fonts buttons in the Themes group. 2 Select a built-in Theme font or Theme Color.

Themes Gallery

Formatting Characters and Paragraphs


Case Study
Opening, editing and saving a document

Step-1 Step-2 Step-3 Step-4 Step-5 Step-6 Step-7

Display the formatting marks by clicking the Show/Hide button in the Paragraph group. Type the text "Happy Birthday" Select the text "Happy Birthday" and the paragraph mark. To copy text, press Ctrl + C or click the copy button in the Clipboard group. Paste the text two times; press Ctrl + V two times or click the paste button two times in the Clipboard group. Select the first "Happy Birthday" and open the Font dialog box: Click the Font dialog box launcher in the Font group.

Apply the following formats to the first "Happy Birthday" text:



Font: Arial; Font Style: Bold; Size: 24 pt.; Font Color: red Effect: Double Strikethrough Character Spacing: Scale: 150% Select the second "Happy Birthday" text

Align the selected text at center.


Click the center alignment button in the Paragraph group. Open the Font dialog box. Apply the following formats to the second "Happy Birthday"" text: Font: Font Style: Italic, Size: 26 pt., Font Color: blue, Effect: Small Caps Character Spacing: Spacing: Expanded by: 3 pt.

Creating Customized Lists

Step-1 Step-2 Step-3 Step-4 Step-5 Step-6 Step-6 Step-7

Open a blank word document. Type the document title as "World Cup 2010 Countries and Players" Create an imaginary group list of World Cup 2010 football games. There should be 4 different countries. For each country type four player names just below their country names. Select all the country names and player names together. Click the Numbering button in the Paragraph group. A numbered list appears from number 1 to number 20. Select players of the first country in the numbered list. Press the Tab key on the keyboard or click the Increase Indent button in the Paragraph group. A Multilevel list is created and the players get letters instead of numbers in the list.
Formatting Characters and Paragraphs


Step-8 Step-9

Save the document as "Sports.doc" Repeat the steps for the remaining countries in the list.

Setting Tab Stops

Step-1 Step-2 Step-3

Display the Ruler at the top of your document. On the Ruler, create tab stops at 2 cm, 7 cm, 12 cm, and 17 cm. Connect to the Internet.

Fill in the blank

1. You can display formatting marks such as paragraph marks and space on your screen by clicking the_____________ button. 2. To display the Tabs dialog box, click________________ and then click Tabs. 3. A dot or other symbol positioned before text is called a_______________. 4. You can set tabs using Format, Tabs or using the______________.

True or False
1. Superscripted texts are those that appear raised above other text on a line. True False

2. Borders can be applied on all the edges of a paragraph. True False

3. When text is formatted into a bulleted or numbered list, one bullet or number is assigned to each line. True False

4. The Tab key is used to align text in a document. True False

5. You can use images, symbols or special characters to create bulleted list. True False

Formatting Characters and Paragraphs


1. Create an outlined, bulleted document about computer parts, both hardware and software. Give examples about the software and hardware in the list. (Ask your teacher about software's and hardware's.) 2. Create a list about four famous writers from your country. Write down their names and their books. Use tab stops in the list.

Multiple choice questions

1. Which of the format property of paragraphs should be set before applying a multilevel list? a. Tab stops c. Lines b. Indents d. Styles 4. When a new paragraph is inserted in a numbered list_________ a. A new numbering sequence starts from the insertion point. b. Word asks you to enter a number for the new paragraph. c. The paragraph automatically takes a number in the list. d. Word starts a new paragraph without a number.


What are the advantages of using tab stops? (Choose two answers) a. The documents aligned with tab stops display improperly when transferred to other computers. b. Tab stops make text alignment very easy. c. Documents are created more accurately. d. Tab stops with the space key make typing faster.


A_________ is a list that contains several levels of items, with each level displaying a different numeric, alphabetic, or bullet symbol. a. Bullet level list b. Multilevel list c. Table list d. Style list


How can you end numbering in a list? (Choose two answers) a. Press enter twice at the end of the list. b. Restart the computer. c. Click the Numbering button at the end of the list. d. Press the Tab at the end of the list.


Which one of the following statements is false? a. Numbers are useful for items in a particular order. b. You can change the color of the bullets in your list. c. You can separate items in a list by beginning each item with a bullet or number. d. Bullets are useful for items in a specific order, such as a recipe. Formatting Characters and Paragraphs



How can you remove a tab stop from the ruler? a. Double-click on the tab stop. b. Drag and drop the tab stop on the Standard toolbar. c. Drag and drop the tab stop on the document area. d. Right click on the tab stop and choose clear.

11. Select the statements that are true about paragraph borders. (Choose two answers) a. You can apply borders to all sides of a paragraph. a. Paragraphs cannot contain border and shading together. a. Borders should be applied to each paragraph separately. a. A paragraph can have different border line styles and colors at a time.


Which of the followings are true? (Choose three answers) a. A Tab stop is a position you set for placing and aligning text on a page. b. A Tab stop is a place at which one page ends and another page begins. c. You can easily move a tab to a different position on the ruler. d. When you no longer need a tab, you can remove it from the ruler. 12. Which of the following actions change the formatting of a paragraph? (Choose two answers) a. Clicking the Show/Hide button in the Paragraph group. b. Clicking the Format Painter in the Clipboard group. c. Aligning the paragraph with Align Text Right button in the Paragraph group. d. Indending the paragraph.


Which of the following text alignments are done with tab stops? (Choose two answers.) a. Left Tab style aligns text on the left at the tab position. b. Right Tab style aligns text to the right side of a document page. c. Center Tab style aligns text at the tab position. d. Justify Tab style aligns text on both sides of tab stops. 13. Which of the following indents all the text in a paragraph except the first line? a. Hanging indent b. First line indent c. Right paragraph indent d. Decrease indent

10. Which of the following properties can be formatted using the Paragraphs dialog box? (Choose three answers) a. Line space between paragraph lines b. Space between paragraphs c. Indent space of paragraphs d. Page size of documents

14. Select the properties you can set in the Column dialog box. (Choose two answers) a. Set the number of columns. b. Change the spacing between columns. c. Change the font formatting of column text. d. Set the paragraph alignments in columns.

Formatting Characters and Paragraphs


15. What is the Orphan Control? a. It keeps the paragraph and the following paragraph on the same page. a. It keeps all lines of a paragraph on the same page. a. It prevents the first line of a paragraph from being printed at the bottom of a page. a. It suppresses the line numbering.

18. Which of the following happens after apply Ctrl + U and Ctrl + I short-cuts to a format clear text? a. The text becomes bold. b. The text becomes italic. c. The text becomes italic and underlined. d. The text becomes underlined.

16. Which feature of Word enables you to see formatting of a text without having to apply it first? a. Paragraph dialog box b. Format Painter c. The Mini Toolbar d. Live Preview

19. How can you change the case of a text with all capital letters to sentence case without retyping it? a. Edit, Undo end Redo b. Select the first character of the text and Insert, Drop Cap. c. Select the text and choose Edit, Change Case. d. Use Tools, Autocorrect.

17. Select the sentences which are true about Font formatting. (Choose two) a. The Format painter copies the format of a text to other text. b. Applying a new font type to an Italic text, clears it's Italic formatting. c. You can change the capitalization of a selected text. d. You cannot apply more than two formatting to a text.


Formatting Characters and Paragraphs



The Page Setup group

Page Setup group in the Page Layout tab contains commands for page formatting such as margins, page orientation and paper size. Margins Margins are the white areas between text and the edges of a page. Margins can be changed to make more text fit on a page, or to add extra space for binding documents. Practice Changing Margins In this exercise, you will change the page margins. 1 Click Page Layout tab.

The Margins gallery.

2 Click the Margins button in the Page Setup group. 3 Select the Moderate option. To set custom margins; 1 Click the Page Setup dialog box launcher in the Page Setup group; Or click the Custom Margins button on the Margins menu. The Page Setup dialog box opens. The Page Setup dialog box is used to define the margins, paper options, and layout properties of pages in the document.

The Page Setup dialog box.

2 Under the Margins; change the size for the Top, Bottom, Left and Right margins to 3 cm. Click OK.

Moderate margins

Custom margin settings

Page Setup


Orientation Portrait (vertical) orientation is used for traditional printing like letters, reports and notes. Landscape (horizontal) orientation can be used for slides, title pages or for the objects which don't fit in the document using portrait orientation. To set the page orientation as landscape; 1 Click Orientation button in the Page Setup group. Or in the Page Setup dialog box; 2 Select the Landscape option. Paper Size A document can be printed on different sizes of paper. Different paper types like flyers, envelopes and poster papers can be used for printing. A4 (21 cm x 29.7 cm) is one of international standard size papers. Letter is the standard size for the North American countries. In order to change the paper size of a document; 1 Click Size button in the Page Setup group. Select A4 size on the Size menu. Or on the Size menu, click More Paper Sizes option. The Page Setup dialog box opens. 2 Click the Paper tab and then select the new size under Paper size. Layout The Layout tab allows you to change the location of headers and footers in the margin area. You can also align the whole text in a page. Practice Changing the alignment of the page. 1 Click the Layout tab in the Page Setup dialog box. 2 In the Page section, click the vertical alignment drop-down arrow and select "Bottom". 3 Click OK.
Page Setup

Landscape layout

Paper Size gallery

The text moves to the bottom of the page.




Print Preview enables you to see your document on the screen exactly as it will look when it is printed. It should be used before printing any document. The printing process is expensive; it needs paper, ink, and time. To save them, Print Preview is a very good command. By default Print Preview button is not visible on the Ribbon. To print preview a document; 1 Click the Office button, move to Print command, and select Print Preview. Or customize the Quick Access toolbar;
The Print pane opens in the Office menu.

2 Click the arrow next to the Quick Access toolbar; select Print Preview command on the menu. The Quick Access bar displays the Print Preview button. 3 Click the Print Preview button.

The document opens in the Print Preview window and the ribbon changes to display the Print Preview tab which lets you to view, change page properties, and print the document. 4 Use the Two Pages button to see two pages in the Print Preview window. 5 Use the Zoom group to zoom in or zoom out, and to displays several pages at a time. 6 Shrink One Page button helps you fit a document with two pages into a single page. To return to editing, click the Close Print Preview button in the Preview group.

The Print Preview


Page Setup

Settingup a Printer One of the most important functions of Word is printing a finished document. The computer must be connected a local and network printer device to print documents. To see the available printers; 1 Click the Start button on the taskbar 2 Open Control Panel, and then click the Printer link. If the printer device is not available in the Printers window, use the Add Printer Wizard to add the Printer. 1 Click the Add a printer button in the Printers window. Follow the steps.
Control Panel

Printing documents in Word is very easy. You can print all pages, just the page containing the insertion point, or selected pages In the Print dialog box. Clicking the Quick Print button in the Print menu prints the entire document. By default Quick Print button is not visible on the Ribbon. Customize the Quick Access toolbar to display Quick Print button. Printing Specific Pages and Selecting the Number of Copies. Practice In this exercise, you will print pages 3, 5, 6 and 7 two times. 1 Open a document with more than one page. 2 Click the Office button, click to Print on the Office menu. OR press Ctrl + P . If you have more than one printer; 3 In the Printer section from The Name drop-down list, select the target printer. 4 In the Page range section, select the Pages option and type 3, 5-7 5 In the Number of copies box, in the Copies section type 2. Click OK.
Page Setup

Adding a Printer

Printing specific pages


Multiple choice questions

1. Select the commands in which you can switch page orientations. (Choose three answers) a. Under orientation in the Page Setup dialog box. b. Print dialog box c. Page setup group in the Print Preview window d. The Orientation button in the Page Setup group 6. How many margins are on a page? a. Two (header and footer) b. Four (top, bottom, right, left) c. Two (landscape and Portrait) d. Two (top and bottom)


Which of the following shortcut keys opens the Print dialog box? a. Ctrl - V c. Ctrl - C b. Ctrl - P d. Shift - P


A text document with two pages has a small amount of text on the second page. How can you print it on a single page? (Choose all that applies) a. Click the Shrink to fit button in the Print Preview. b. Change the Page alignment in the Page dialog box.


How can you switch a Letter-size document to an A4size paper? a. Select Shrink to A4 size in the Print Preview. b. Change the orientation to A4 size. c. Switch to paper size to A4 in the Size menu in Page Setup group d. Open Print dialog box, and then select Print to A4 size. 8.

c. Set custom margins and reduce the margin spaces to fit all the text on the first page. d. Zoom out in the Print Preview.

On the Printing dialog box, you can change the _________. (Choose two answers) a. Page margins b. Number of copies of a print document


Which of the following can be customized to display the Quick Print and the Print Preview buttons? a. The Ribbon b. The Print Preview window c. Page Setup group d. The Quick Access toolbar 9.

c. Size of a document d. Printing range of a document

Your document consists of 6 pages. Which of the following page ranges prints page1, page2 page3, page5, and page6 of the document? a. 1-3, 5-6 c. 1-6 b. 1-6, 4 d. 1, 2, 3-6


A document in portrait mode prints: a. Fewer characters per line than the same document in landscape b. The same characters per line with the same document in landscape c. More characters per line than the same document in landscape d. Smaller fonts in order to fit the same amount of characters per line as landscape

10. The printer properties button on the Print dialog box provides. (Choose two answers) a. Print Quality c. Paper Source b. Print Range d. Number of copies Page Setup


Word includes an Equation editor which enables you to use and insert mathematical equations, and scientific functions in documents.

Practice Creating an Equation In the following exercises you will create an equation object. 1 2 Place the insertion point where you want to insert the equation. On the Insert tab, click the arrow next to the Equation button in the Symbols group.

The Equation gallery displays.

The Equation gallery displays commonly used equations on which you can click to insert in a document. 3 Scroll down on the menu and click to insert the Quadratic Formula. 4 The selected equation is inserted in an equation text box at the location of the insertion point 5 Use the Symbols and the Structures on the Equation Tools Design tab. You can edit an equation as an ordinary text. When you are done, click anywhere inside the document, and outside the equation object. To create an equation from scratch; 1 Place the insertion point where you want to insert the equation.

Quadratic Formula

Equation box

2 On the Insert tab, click the Equation button in the Symbols group. A blank equation box is inserted. 3 Type the equation by using the mathematical symbols, structures in the Symbols and Structures groups on the Equation Design Tools tab.


Inserting and Formatting Objects

To change the symbols displayed in the Symbols group; 1 On the Equation Design Tools tab, click the More button in the Symbols group. 2 Click the down arrow next to Basic Math to view all the categories. You can add your equation into the Equation gallery;
Entering Symbols

1 Click the equation, and then click the arrow next to the equation. 2 Select Save as New Equation on the menu. 3 Click OK. The equation is now available in the Equation gallery. To edit an equation; 1 Click the equation. 2 Use commands Equation Design Tools tab to edit the equation object. To remove an equation from a document; 1 Select the equation by clicking on it. Press Delete key.
The Create New Building Block dialog box. Equation box

You can insert characters and symbols which are not present on the keyboard such as a copyright or trademark TM symbols into documents. You can format the symbols just like any other text in a document.

Practice Insert Special Symbols In this exercise, you will insert a copyright symbol into a document.
The Symbol gallery displays commonly used symbols
Inserting and Formatting Objects


1 On the Insert tab, click Symbol button in the Symbols group. 2 Click the copyright symbol. The copyright symbol is inserted at the location insertion point. The Symbol dialog box enables you to select from various symbol types. 3 Click More Symbols in the Symbols menu. 4 Select a symbol and click Insert button to insert into your document. Depending on the number of Fonts installed on your computer, there are many symbols available to use such as: Windings: Includes decorative symbols which you can use for a bulleted list. Webdings: Small pictures specifically designed to be used on Web Pages. 5 On the Symbols tab of the dialog box, click the arrow next to the Font box, and click Webdings in the list. The Symbols dialog box displays symbols available in Webdings font face.

The Symbol dialog box


Cap Letters

Drop Cap is an enlarged, decorative capital letter that appears at the beginning of a paragraph. Drop caps are suitable for newspaper or magazine styles, and multiple columned texts.

Drop Cap gallery

Practice Applying a Drop Cap In this exercise, you will apply a Drop Cap to a paragraph. 1 Click over the paragraph where you want to apply a Drop Cap.

Drop Cap

2 On the Insert tab, click Drop Cap in the Text group. 3 Click Dropped or In Margin commands.
Inserting and Formatting Objects




The Cover Page button provides 15 different templates for cover page designs Practice 1 Click the Insert tab. 2 Click the Cover Page button in the Pages group. 3 Choose a template from the Built-in menu.
The Pages group

Cover Pages gallery Page Numbers gallery

The Cover page is inserted as the first page of the document. 4 Type in and replace the text in the page with your own text. Removing a Cover Page You can remove a cover page or insert a different one; 1 Click Cover Page in the Pages group. 2 Click the Remove Current Cover Page command at the bottom of the Built-in menu.

Inserting and Formatting Objects




Page numbers will be very helpful to identify each page in the document which is longer than one page. You can insert page numbers in different formats and place them at the top or bottom or margins of each page.

Practice Inserting Page Numbers In this exercise, you will create a simple page numbering; 1 On the Insert tab, click the Page Number button in the Header & Footer group. Specify the position and alignment of the page numbers. Each option on the menu displays a gallery. 2 Select Bottom of Page option and click Plain Number2 in the gallery. A page number is inserted at the bottom of each page in the document.
Page Numbers gallery

The Page Numbers dialog box enables you to further format the page numbers. 3 Click the Format Page Numbers command on the Page Number menu. The Page Numbers dialog box opens. 4 Click the Number format arrow and click the number format you want in the list.


and Time

Page Number Format dialog box

You can insert the today's date and time as regular text or as a field into a document. A field is a placeholder for information that is inserted and updated from another source. Word gets the today's date and time from the computer's clock.
Inserting and Formatting Objects


Practice Inserting Date and Time In this exercise you will insert a data which updates itself whenever the document is opened; 1 Locate the insertion point where you want the date or time to appear, 2 On the Insert tab, click Date & Time button in the Text group. The Date and Time dialog box opens. 3 In the Available formats list, choose a Date and Time format. The Update automatically option inserts the date and time as a field. 4 Click Update automatically checkbox. Whenever you open this document, Date and Time in the field will be updated and show the current date and time. 5 Click OK.
The Date and Time dialog box

Fill in the blank

1. _____________changes the capitalization of a selected text 2. _____________is used to identify pages in a document 3. _____________are small pictures specifically designed to be used on Web Pages

True or False
1. You can format the function inside the Equation editor and the text outside the Equation edit or together. True False

2. You cannot use special characters in a document, such as "", if they are not present on the keyboard. True False

3. A Drop Cap can be applied to more than one line in a paragraph.. True False

Inserting and Formatting Objects


Multiple choice questions

1. A ____________ is a large dropped capital letter that you place at the beginning of a paragraph. a. Graphical start letter b. Starting letter c. Drop letter d. Drop cap 6. If you want to update an inserted date to the current date each time you open a document, you need to a. Right click over the date and choose update. b. Check the "update automatically" option when you insert the date for the first time. c. Use Windows, and Word update. d. Change the date settings of your computer. 2. Which of the following options can be changed in the Page Numbers dialog box? (Choose three answers) a. Page number format b. Page number alignment c. Chapter number d. Starting page number 7. Which of the following are true about the Drop Cap menu? (Choose two answers) a. You can use more than 3 lines for a Drop Cap. b. Dropped text can be placed in the margin area of a document. c. A Drop Cap has a fixed format so its font color never changes. d. You can use up to 3 Drop Caps in a page.


How can you add an equation into the Built-in equation gallery? a. Use the New Equation command on the equation. b. Type the equation in the Built-in equation gallery c. Open the symbols gallery and select Add Equation command. d. Use the commands on the Structures group.


Select the sentences true about Symbols? (Choose two answers) a. Symbol only can be formatted in the Symbols dialog box. b. Special symbols such as ? can be inserted by typing with the keyboard. c. All the fonts have the same symbol characters. d. You can insert symbols with short-cut keys.


Select the locations in which a page number is displayed. (Choose tall that applies) a. In the left and right margins b. At the top and bottom of a page c. In the first line of the document d. On the title bar


A time field shows the incorrect time in a Word document. What should you do to correct it? a. Open Date and Time dialog box and select another time format. b. Manually type the time in the field. c. On the field right-click; and select Update Field command on the pop-up menu. d. On the Internet or News; learn the current time, and set the correct time in computer's clock.


Which of the following is true about an equation object? a. Double click over an equation to modify it. b. Use the symbols menu to create special mathematical characters inside the Equation editor. c. You can continue typing in a document as you create an equation. d. You can right click over an equation object and change its font color. Inserting and Formatting Objects


A table enables you to arrange text, data, and numbers in columns and rows. The items in a table are easier to edit and are precisely positioned on a document. By using tables you can create forms, sort data, track information and to make mathematical calculations.
Tables button

Practice Creating a Table Word lets you create a table in several ways. Before creating a table, you must plan your table: how many columns and rows you will need, if you will use functions, what the table borders will look like, etc. In the following exercises, you will insert a table into a document in different ways. To insert a table by using the insert table button; 1 Position the insertion point where you want to insert a table 2 Click the Insert tab; click the Table button in the Table group. The Table button enables you to create a table using several methods, such as selecting the number of rows and columns on a grid, or using Insert Table dialog box. 3 Move your mouse on the grid to select the table size. Word highlights the cells as you drag across them. Make a selection of 4 rows and 4 columns. Live preview shows the table at the insertion point in the document.
Table with 4 rows and 4 columns

Creating a Table

4 Click the lower-right cell in the selection. A blank table by 4 rows and 4 columns is inserted in your document.

The Table Tools Design tab and Layout tab



To insert a table by using the Insert Table dialog box; The Insert Table dialog box is useful when creating large tables, or tables that require a specific number of columns and rows beyond the scope of the Insert Table menu. 1 Click the Insert tab; click the Table button in the table group. 2 Select Insert Table command on the menu. The Insert Table dialog box opens. 3 Enter the number of columns and the number of rows. 4 Click OK.The table is inserted in the document. Entering Data into a Table You may enter data in a table by keyboard, or copy it from another document or table. To enter data into a cell, click in the cell and type the data. Use Tab key and arrow keys or the mouse to switch between cells. Pressing the Tab key moves the insertion point one cell to the right. Formatting the Text of a Table You can apply all text formatting options; font formatting, text alignment etc.; to a table's text like any other text in a Word document. Selecting Tables In order to modify the table contents or borders you need to know how to select tables, cells, rows, and columns. 1 On the Table Tools Layout, click the Select button in the Table group. Click a command. TO select a table select a cell DO THIS click the table move handle
To select a table To select a column To select a cell

The Insert Table dialog box.

Entering data into a table

Selecting tables

click on the left side of the data in the cell click the outside area of the table just above select a column the column click the outside area of the table to the left select a row of the row click the first cell, hold down the Shift key, select multiple cells and press the arrow keys to select adjacent cells in a column or row.

To select a row

Selection techniques




The Table Styles gallery is the quickest way to format a table and enables you to choose from many built-in styles. In this example you will apply a preformatted style to your table. 1 Click the table to apply a style and click the Table Tools Design tab. You can simply apply a style to your table by clicking one of the styles in the Styles gallery To see all the available styles; 2 Click the More button next to the Style gallery. 3 To select a style, click the mouse on the option. The style of the table changes.
The Table Style gallery

Modifying Table Styles You can change some of the style options, such as colors and borders, apply additional formats, and create your own style. 1 Select the table, and then click the More button next to the Style gallery. 2 Select Modify Table Style command. Modify Styles box displays currently applied style. 3 Use the Formatting area to change the border color, fill color, font formatting, etc. Click OK.

Applying Styles



Word automatically creates point black borders around every cell of a table. Editing and customizing table borders are pretty much same as editing paragraph borders. Practice Changing Borders In the following exercise, you will change a table's borders. 1 Select the table, and then click the down arrow next to Borders button.
Table borders


2 Click the Borders and Shading command. The last border option under Setting enables you to define custom borders. To set custom borders, you need to click the custom button then select border lines in the preview window. 3 Click OK.

Apply Shading You can use shading to emphasize some parts of a table. Shading enhances a table's design. To apply shading; 1 Select the cells where you want to apply shading. 2 Click the down arrow next to the Shading button in the Table Tools Design tab. You can choose different colors or create a custom shading color. 3 Click your mouse to select a color.

Border and Shading dialog box


Columns and Rows

The Cell Size group enables you to change the height and width of rows and columns. You can enter size by using the Width and Height boxes. 1 Click inside a cell. 2 On Table Tools Layout tab.; type the new cell size in the boxes in the Cell Size group. The cell adjusts to its new size. You can also resize a row or column, by dragging its border. 3 Use the Distribute Rows and Distribute Columns buttons to set all rows or columns to the same height or width.

The Cell Size group



and Moving Tables

A table can be resized or moved. A four headed moving arrow and a resizing handle will displays on the corners of the table when it is selected. 1 To move the table, click and drag the four sided arrow to the place where you want the table to be, and then release your mouse.
Resizing Tables

1 To resize the table drag the resizing handle. Inserting / Deleting Cells, Columns, and Rows As you edit the information in a table, you might need to add and delete cells, rows and columns. Practice Inserting Cells In this exercise, you will insert new cells into your table. 1 Click in a cell.

The Insert Cells dialog box

2 On the Table Tools Layout tab, and click the arrow button to open Table Insert Cells dialog box in the Rows and Columns group. 3 Choose the Shift cells right option.

Inserting new cells

4 Click OK. Practice Insert Rows and Columns In this exercise, you will insert a column to a table. 1 Place your insertion point in the cell you want the new column or row to be adjacent to. 2 On the Table Tools Layout tab; click the Insert Right button in the Rows and Columns group.

Inserting columns



3 Type Average Speed in the first cell of the column.

Delete Cells, Columns and Rows To remove empty or unwanted cells, rows or columns, or a table; 1 Select the cells, columns or rows that you want to delete. 2 In the Rows & Columns group, click the Delete button and then select a command.

Inserting columns

Merge and Split Cells The Merge Cells command combines several cells into a single cell. To merge cells; 1 Select the empty cells in the Average Speed column. 2 On the Table Tools Layout tab, click Merge Cells button in the Merge group. The selected cells become a single cell. The Split Cells command does the opposite of the Merge Cells and divides a single cell into many cells. 1 Select the cell you've created with the Merge Cell command. 2 Click the Split Cells button in the Merge group. 3 In the Number of columns box, type 1 and in the Number of rows box, type 3. Click OK. The selected cell splits into 3 cells.

Deleting columns

The Merge group

Merging Cells

Calculating Tables
You can calculate values and use functions such as functions like Sum and Average in a table. However, it is better to use a worksheet program such as Excel to carry out more complicated functions.
The Split Cells dialog box.



Practice Calculating Values in a Cell In this exercise, you will calculate values in a cell; 1 Click in the cell at the end of the second row. 2 On the Table Tools Layout tab, click the Formula button in the Data group. A formula consists of an equal sign followed by a function name such as SUM, AVERAGE. 1 Click the Paste function down arrow, and select AVERAGE from the list.
Calculating Tables

Creating a Formula

2 Type LEFT between the parentheses for the location of the cells on which you want to perform the calculation. 3 Click OK. 4 Calculate the average of the remaining rows.

Sorting Tables
Word has the ability to sort items in a table. You can easily reorganize and reorder your data; sort paragraphs and numeric values by alphabetical, numerical or chronological order. Practice Sorting Data in a Column In this exercise, you will sort values in a column of your table.
Sorting data

1 In the table, click inside the column you want to sort. 2 On the Table Tools Layout tab, click Sort button in the Data group. The Sort dialog box opens. 3 Under Sort by, and select Average Speed.

Sorting tables

4 Click the arrow next to Type box, and select Number. 5 Select the sort order as Ascending. Click OK.



Case Study
Creating, Editing and Calculating a Table. Step-1 Step-2 Step-3 Step-4 Step-5 Step-6 Step-7 Step-8 Step-9 Use the Insert Table button to create a 65 table (6 rows, 5 columns). In the first row of the table, define the column titles as Cities, January, March, August, and November. In the Cities column, enter the names of 5 cities in your country. Connect to the National Weather Service site of your country on the Internet. Get the average temperature of each city for the given months. Enter these data to your table. On the Tables and Borders toolbar, select Insert Columns to insert a new column on the right side of the table. Name the title as "Average". Use functions to calculate the yearly average for each city in the Average column. Insert three more rows at the bottom of your table. Name the rows as Country average, Minimum average, and Maximum average. Format the table borders using Table AutoFormat, select Table Contemporary style. Calculate country averages, Minimum averages, and Maximum averages in the related cells.

Step-10 Save the document as Mytable.doc.

Fill in the blank

1. In the Insert Table dialog box you can enter the number of ________ and the number of _________ 2. When additional columns or rows are needed, place your insertion point _________ you want your column or row adjacent to 3. A _________ is the intersection of a column and a row in a table.


1. Create the weekly lesson schedule of your class. 2. Design a table to list and sort the hobbies of your classmates. 3. Design a table for a student's report card. Show each term's marks and averages on the table.

Multiple choice questions

1. Which of the following cell formulas is valid? a. Average (right) c. =Sum (all) b. =Sum (average) d. =Sum (left) 6. What is the minimum number of rows and columns that a table can have? a. 2 Rows and 1 Column c. 1 Row and 1 Column 2. What is the quickest way to format a plain table? a. The Table Styles gallery b. The Borders and Shading dialog box c. The Format Painter d. 8. 3. How can you sort items in a table? a. Select Format, Sort from the menu. b. Select Tools, Sort from the menu. c. Click the Sort Ascending (A to Z) button on the Standard toolbar. d. Select Table, Sort. 9. Select the ways to make cell, row, column, and table selections. a. b. c. d. Click the table move handle. Use the Select button in Table group. Double-click in the cell. Press Ctrl + A in the table to select all the cells. 7. b. 2 Rows and 2 Columns d. 1 Row and 2 Columns

Which option should you use to delete a cell and move the rest of the cells up in a table? a. Delete cells up c. Delete cells down b. Shift cells up d. Shift cells down

Which are the methods that you can use to create a table? (Choose three answers) a. Click the Table button, and drag the table size on the menu. b. Click the Table button, click Insert Table command and then enter the table dimensions. c. Click the Table button, click Draw Table command and then draw the table d. Click the Table button, and select Convert to List command.


To merge cells in a table, use the ______ on the Tables and Borders toolbar. a. Merge tables command b. Table command c. Merge cells button d. Merge rows and columns button


Select the sentences that are true about tables. (Choose all that apply) a. You can resize and move tables. b. A table can be converted into a text list. c. You cannot insert and delete rows or columns from a table that contains data. d. Formulas are used in tables.

10. Which of the following commands convert a table to a list or via verse? (Choose three answers) a. Convert Table to Text b. Draw a List to Table c. Converts Text to Table d. Auto Convert Text to Table Tables



and Drawings

Pictures and drawings make your documents interesting, easy to read, and well-supported. There is a lot of difference between a document with only text, and a document with pictures and drawings. Most of the tools you need for working with pictures and drawings are located in the Illustrations group in the Insert tab. The steps for inserting and formatting drawings are basically the same for Pictures, Clip art etc.



Word comes with its own Clip Art gallery of images, sounds, and animations. All the clips are categorized to make them easy to find. The Clip Art task pane enables you to search online for various clips. Practice Inserting ClipArt In this exercise, you will insert Clip Art from the Clip Art task pane. 1 Click the Insert tab; click Clip Art on the Illustrations group. 2 In the Search for box, type a Clip Art category or the specific Clip Art name that you want to use. 3 Click Go button. There are also online clips on the Microsoft Office Online website. If it is the first time you use search on the Clip Art pane, Word displays a confirmation message. 4 If you have a connection to the Internet, then click Yes to include online search results. The search results matching the search criteria displayes in the Clip Art task pane. The art is inserted at the location of the insertion point.
The Picture Tools Format tab
Pictures and Drawings

Searching for ClipArt



5 Use the scroll bar to move through search result. Hold your mouse on a ClipArt to get information about it. 6 Double-click the Clip Art that you want to insert. Or click the large down arrow next to the clip art and then select Insert. Microsoft Clip Organizer Clip Organizer contains all of your images, sounds, and videos in one place. You can catalog and organize your clips, create new categories, and search for more clips on your computer or on the Internet with Clip Organizer. 1 Click the Organize clips command on the Clip Art task pane.

Clip Organizer



Pictures are graphics that is created outside of Word. You can insert pictures created with other programs such as Paint, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator. There are photo galleries on the internet where you can search for pictures. You can also use a digital camera as your picture source. Practice Inserting a picture In the following exercise, you will insert a picture in a document. 1 Locate the insertion point where you want to insert the picture. 2 Click the Insert tab; click Picture button on the Illustrations group. 3 Select the file location and name and then click Insert. The picture is inserted in your document. To insert a picture from a digital camera; 1 Click the Picture button; in the Insert Picture dialog box, and select the location of the digital camera.
Insert Picture
Pictures and Drawings

The Insert Picture dialog box opens.




The Adjustments group enables you adjust picture color properties, compress the pictures in a document, and remove the all applied formats from pictures.
The Adjust group

Practice Picture Brightness & Contrast The ratio of light to dark in a picture is called brightness. You can adjust the brightness level of a picture; 1 Double-click the picture to select and activate the Picture Tools Format tab. 2 In the Adjust group, Brightness button. click the

3 To increase the brightness, choose a command up on the menu; to decrease it, choose a command down on the menu. Contrast is the difference between light and dark. 1 In the Adjust group, click Contrast button.



2 Click a command to increase or decrease the contrast level of the picture. Picture Corrections Options command on the Brightness or Contrast menu allows you more precise adjustments. 3 Click the Picture Corrections Options command on the Brightness menu. 4 Use the Brightness and Contrast sliders to get your desired effect. Click Close. If you want to restore the original picture, click Reset Picture to discard any changes you have made.
The Format Picture dialog box opens.
Pictures and Drawings


The Compress Pictures button decreases a documents file size by compressing and reducing the quality of the pictures in the document. 1 Click the Compress Pictures button in the Adjust group. Use the Options button to change compression setting. 2 Click OK.
Compressing Pictures


and Cropping Pictures

A picture is displayed in its full size when inserted into a document. Sometimes the size is too large to fit into your document, or cannot be seen clearly. Sometimes you need to use only part of the picture. To change the size of a picture, resize it, and to change the amount of the picture displayed, crop it. Practice Resizing a Picture In this exercise, you will resize a picture. 1 Select a picture by clicking over it. The Sizing handles will be displayed on the borders of the picture. You can resize your picture by dragging any of the sizing handles on the borders of the picture. 2 Position your mouse over one of the sizing handles. To increase the size, drag your mouse away from the center of the picture, to decrease the size, move the mouse towards the center of the picture. As you resize the picture, both the original sized image and a faint copy of the new size is displayed. 3 Release the mouse when you get the desired size. To specify the size of the picture precisely; 1 Click in the Height and/or Width boxes in the Size group. 2 Type the new width or height value. Resizing pictures doesn't change the documents file size. 1 Click the Reset Picture button which removes all formatting on the picture and returns it to its original size in Adjust group.
Pictures and Drawings

Compression Settings

Resizing a picture

The Size group


Cropping a picture If you need only some part of a picture; 1 Select the picture that you want to crop. 2 Click the Crop button in the Size group. 3 Drag a cropping handle. When you are done, release the mouse. 4 Press Enter to finish cropping.
Cropping a picture

You also use the Size dialog box dialog box for resizing, rotating, scaling, and cropping pictures. 1 Click the Size dialog box launcher in the Size group. The Size dialog box opens. 2 Use the boxes in the dialog box.

The Arrange group


and Dragging Pictures

To rotate a picture; 1 Select the picture and click the Rotate button in the Arrange group. 2 Click Rotate Left 90 command. You can adjust the picture to any angle with free rotating. To free rotate the picture;
The picture rotates 90 degrees to left

3 Position your mouse on the green handle on the top edge of the picture. The mouse pointer changes to a curved arrow. 4 Drag your mouse to rotate the picture. You can move a picture by dragging and dropping anywhere in the document. If you hold down the Ctrl key while dragging a picture, you can get a copy of the picture. To move a picture; 1 Select the picture.

The picture rotates 90 degrees to left

2 Drag it to the location where you want it.

Pictures and Drawings




World inserts pictures with Inline with the Text option which places a picture in a separate line from the text. Positioning enables you to position a picture to a different location than default. The Text Wrapping button is used to control how text is placed around a picture in the document. Practice Positioning a Picture 1 Insert a picture in a paragraph. 2 Click the Position button in the Arrange group. 3 Click More Layout Options. 4 Click the Square wrapping style. In the Wrap text area, select the Both sides option. The text wraps the picture on both sides The commands on the Picture Position tab control the location of the picture in the document. 1 Under Horizontal, select the Alignment command. In the box, select Right. 2 Under Vertical, change the Absolute position setting to 0". 3 Click OK. The picture is positioned so that it is aligned with the top and right of the paragraph.
The Advanced Layout dialog box opens Position menu

Wrapping a picture in a paragraph

Pictures and Drawings

Aligning a picture



Styles and Effects

The Picture Styles Gallery provides a variety of different styles. 1 Select the picture. Or Double-click the picture to select and activate the Picture Tools Format tab. 2 Click the More button. As you move through the options, Live preview displays the new style of the picture. 3 Select Rotated, White option. You can apply additional effects to your picture by using the Picture Effects tool. With the combination of Picture Styles, you can get thousands of effects on the picture. 1 Select the picture. 2 Click Picture Effects button in the Picture Styles group.
The Picture Styles group

The Picture style gallery

3 Apply a shadow effect to your picture Word provides basically the same formatting tools for all illustrations, such as Pictures, Clip Art, Shapes, and Word Art.

A drawing is an object such as a shape, a diagram, a line, that you create using drawing tools within Word. Word is a word processor program, so it has limitations in drawing detailed graphics. To draw detailed graphics you need to use an advanced graphic drawing program such as Corel Draw or Adobe Illustrator. Practice Inserting Shapes 1 In the Insert tab, click Shapes button in the Illustrations group. The Shapes gallery enables you to insert a several preformatted shapes.
Pictures and Drawings

Shapes gallery


2 Click the Can shape under Basic Shapes in the Shapes gallery 3 Click the document where you want the drawing object Or drag the mouse on the document to create it. To draw a shape with keeping its proportions, down the Shift key while you drawing. 4 By default, a drawing floats over the text. If necessary; position the drawing in the Arrange group When you finish drawing a shape, it is selected and the Ribbon displays Drawing Tool Format tab.
Creating shapes

Drawing Tool Format tab

The Drawing Tool Format tab enables you to fill color, change the border properties, apply 3-D effects and etc. Add Text to Drawings You can convert a drawing object to a textbox to display text inside it. In this exercise you will insert a text inside a drawing object. 1 Click on the drawing. 2 Click the Edit Text button in the Insert Shapes group. 3 The drawing is converted to a text box and the insertion point is located inside the object. 4 Type in the text. You can format the text inside a shape like any other text in a document. Drawing Canvas If you work with several drawings, the Drawing canvas helps you to keep all the drawing objects together and separates them from the rest of the document. In the following exercise, you will create a program algorithm using Flowchart shapes.
Pictures and Drawings

Adding Text


1 Place the insertion point in a blank line where you want to insert the drawing canvas. 2 In the Insert tab, click Shapes button in the Illustrations group and then click the New Drawing Canvas. The Drawing Canvas displays with a frame like boundary. The area inside the frame is the drawing area. Practice Adding Shapes To add a shape to the Drawing Canvas; 1 Click Drawing Tools Format tab. In the Insert Shapes group, click the More button. 2 In the Flowchart section, click Flowchart: Preparation shape.

Drawing Canvas

Drawing Canvas

Drawing Canvas

Drawing Canvas

3 Click inside the Drawing canvas to add to shape. 4 Add a second shape Flowchart: Data and draw a line between the two shapes. 5 Click on the arrow shape. Drag the up handle to the first shape. The arrow shape attaches to the first shape. Drag and attach the second handle to the second shape. 6 Add the shapes to finish your drawing as you see in the picture.
Drawing Canvas
Pictures and Drawings



Shape Styles

1 Hold Ctrl key and click on each shape to select them. Or hold down the left mouse button and drag a rectangle around the drawings. 2 In the Shape Styles group, apply a style to the shapes. 3 Select the first shape in the Drawing Canvas. 4 In the Insert Shapes group, click Edit Text button. Type in the shape.
The Shape Styles group

Selecting shapes

Typing in shapes



1 Click the Advances Tool dialog box launcher in the Shape Styles group. Or right click on the shape, and select Format AutoShape. The Format AutoShape dialog box opens. You can resize, change line and fill colors, and the layout of a drawing in the Format AutoShape dialog box.

Format Autoshape dialog box

Pictures and Drawings


Ordering Pictures and Drawings Pictures or drawing objects might obscure each other. 1 Click the drawing object that you want to change its ordering. 2 Right-click the drawing; select Order, and then click Send Backward. Grouping and Ungrouping Pictures and Drawings You can group several shapes so that you can treat them as a single object. To group and ungroup drawing objects; 1 Select all the drawings that you want to group. 2 Click the Group button in the Object group. Or right-click on the selection; select Grouping and then click Group command.
Ordering shapes

You can ungroup objects so that you can modify each separately. Select the group. 3 Click the Group button in the Object group, and then select Ungroup command. 4 Click Drawing Tools Format tab and apply a shape style from the Shape Styles group.

Grouping shapes

Two shapes as a shape

Formatting shapes together


Pictures and Drawings

1. Draw the floor plan of your school. It should be a full page in size. Label all of the items that you create. Show the fire exits with large arrows. Print this page and place it on the bulletin board of your class. 2. Create two business cards that represent your ideas. The cards should have the name of the business, your photo, phone number etc 3. Create an imaginary business flyer. Your flyer should have: The business logo of your company, something to get people's attention, the list of products you sell and their names.

Fill in the blank

1. _________ contains all of your images, sounds, and videos in one place. 2. The ratio of light to dark in a picture is called _________ . 3. _________ is an object such as a shape, a diagram, a line, that you create using drawing tools within Word.

True or False
1. Word doesn't let you draw outside the drawing canvas. True False

2. You cannot insert a ClipArt from Internet into a document. True False

3. In order to select several drawing objects click CTRL key. True

Pictures and Drawings



Multiple choice questions

1. How can you resize the width or height of a picture in a document? (Choose three answers) a. Use the sizing handles that appear at the edges of the picture. b. Change values in the height and width boxes in the Size group. c. Drag the green handle at top of the picture. d. Right-click on the picture and choose the Size command. 7. How can you minimize the size of a document with pictures for sharing on the internet? a. Resize each picture. b. Crop the pictures. c. Use Compress Pictures command. d. Recolor pictures to Grayscale. 6. What does Cropping command do? a. It changes the size of a picture b. It is a color adjustment command. c. It changes the amount of a picture displayed. d. It positions a picture to a different location.


What happens when a picture is inserted in a text document? a. Text is wrapped around the image. b. The image is treated as text and stays in line with the text. c. The image appears behind the text d. The image floats over the document 8.

What is a Drawing object? a. It is an object that you create using drawing tools within Word. b. It is drawing is graphic that is created outside of Word. c. It contains all of your images in one place. d. It provides a variety of different styles.


Select the options which are use to change the layout of a picture. (Choose two answers) a. Picture Position c. Text Wrapping b. Picture Styles d. Picture Effects


How can you select several drawing objects in a document? (Choose two answers) a. Hold down the Ctrl key as you select each drawing. b. Hold down the left mouse button and drag a rectangle around the drawings. c. Use Edit, Select all drawings. d. Press Alt and then click on the drawings.


How can you resize, or move more than one drawing object together? (Choose two answers) a. Select and group the drawing objects. b. Select and order the objects. c. Create the objects in a drawing canvas. d. Select and use Shape Styles gallery.


Choose the sentences which define Brightness and Contrasts commands. (Choose two answers) a. The ratio of light to dark in a picture is called brightness. b. Brightness reduces a documents file. c. Contrast is the difference between light and dark in a picture. d. Contrast changes a picture to Black and White.

10. Select the formatting which you can apply on a drawing object. a. 3-D effects b. Shadow effects c. Brightness and Contrast d. Shape Styles Pictures and Drawings


A chart or a Diagram can make a document more understandable and capture the interest of readers. Microsoft Graph Chart provides a wide variety of chart options from Bar graphs to 3-D graphs.

The Illustrations Group

Practice Creating a Chart A chart consists of two parts: a graphic chart and a datasheet. In the following exercise, you will create a chart that shows personal computer sales in 4 different cities.
The Object dialog box

1 Place the insertion point where you want to insert the chart. 2 In the Insert tab, click the Chart button. Or click Object button in the Text group. The Object dialog box opens. 3 Select the Microsoft Graph Chart in the Object type. The Insert Chart dialog box displays different types of chart styles.

Insert Chart dialog box opens.

4 Select a chart style and click OK. The graphic chart displays in Microsoft Word to the left the screen; the datasheet is opened in Microsoft Excel to the right of the screen. The datasheet is made up of columns and rows and contains sample data. In the Datasheet, rows represent a label or category; columns contain numerical values for each label. As the data change in the cells; the data points in the chart is updated.

In the datasheet, enter your own data by typing it in. 1 Click on the cells, and type in your data.
Inserting a chart

2 Close Excel program.

Charts and SmartArt Graphics


The data you enter is stored in an Excel 2007 worksheet that is incorporated into the Word file. Microsoft Graph redraws the chart. The Ribbon displays Chart Tools Design, Layout, and Format tabs. Use the Chart Tools tabs to edit the chart.

Typing data into the datasheet

Creating a chart

Editing Chart Data If you want to update the data for a chart, you will need to reopen the datasheet. 1 Click the Chart Tools Design tab. 2 In the Data group, click the Edit Data button. The datasheet opens in Excel on the right side of the screen. 3 Edit and update the chart the data. 4 Close Excel to return the document. Changing Chart Type Word offers many different chart types for different presentations. If you want to change the type of chart, you do not need to create it from scratch. 1 Click on the chart. 2 Click the Chart Tools Design tab, and Change Chart Type button in the Type group. 3 Select the new chart type and click OK.
Charts and SmartArt Graphics

The Data group

The Type group

The Change Chart Type dialog box



the Chart Layouts and Formats

Chart Tools Layout tab displays tools for changing the layout of the chart elements, such as the chart title, the legend, and the data labels.

Chart Tools Layout tab

The Chart Tools Format tab enables you to change the formats of the chart elements, such as you can apply WordArt effect to the legend, or change the fill color of data series. In a chart, all the chart elements can be formatted;

Chart Tools Format tab

Practice In this exercise, you will format a data series in your chart. 1 Click on the chart and click the Chart Tools Format tab. To customize a specific element, you first need to select it.
The Shape styles group

2 Click the arrow next to the Chart Elements box in the Current Selection group. 3 Select the chart element by clicking the on it. Or in the chart, click the chart element. 4 Click "Year 2006" data series. 5 In the Style shapes group, click the More button. Select a style on the menu. 6 Click the Chart Layout tab. In the Labels group, click the Legend button. 7 Select None on the menu. Or select the Legend and press Delete key on the keyboard. The Legend is removed from the chart.
Charts and SmartArt Graphics

Formatting data series




The SmartArt feature enables you to insert preformatted diagrams. A SmartArt diagram is a special type of graphic with text that represents an item, such as the manufacturing steps of a product or to illustrate hierarchical relationships.
The Illustrations group

Practice Creating a SmartArt Graphic In the following exercise, you will create a SmartArt for a Volleyball tournament. 1 Place the insertion point where you want to insert the SmartArt. 2 In the Insert tab, click SmartArt button in the Illustrations group. The Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box opens. The left side of the dialog box displays the categories. The List pane displays the diagrams in a category. A preview of the currently selected SmartArt appears on the right side of the gallery. 1 Click the Hierarchy option. 2 Select the Labeled Hierarchy and click OK. The Ribbon displays the SmartArt Tools Design tab and Format tab. Design tab enables you to edit the style of the diagram, and the Format tab enables you to format with specific components of the diagram. To enter text for the SmartArt diagram; 1 Click in the Text Pane and start typing. Or type it directly in the diagram. As you type the Text Pane, text is displayed in the corresponding SmartArt component. 2 Click outside the diagram to return your document.
Entering text in a SmartArt
Charts and SmartArt Graphics

The Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box

The SmartArt diagram with a Text pane



and Delete SmartArt Shapes

You can add and delete shapes and edit its text by making changes in the text pane. To insert new shapes into the diagram;

1 Click the shape that you want to add a new shape after, or below. 2 In the SmartArt Tools Design tab, click Add Shape button in the Create Graphic button.

The Create Graphic button

3 Select Add Shape After command. The Shape is inserted into the diagram. 4 Type in the text in the shape. To delete a shape; simply click on it and press the Delete key.

The Create Graphic button


a Diagram

You can format components of the diagram such as change colors, add shading and 3-D effects. In the following exercise, you will change the diagram style and colors. 1 Click the diagram to select it.
Changing SmartArt style

2 Click the More button in the SmartArt Styles group. 3 Select a 3-D effect in the gallery. 4 Click the Change colors button in the SmartArt Style group. 5 Select a theme color in the gallery.

Changing SmartArt color

WordArt enables you to create special text effects. WordArt is actually a graphic text, so you can bend, add shadows, stretch, or rotate it. In the following exercise, you will create a WordArt text. 1 Position the insertion point where you want to insert WordArt.
Charts and SmartArt Graphics

The Text group


2 On the Insert tab, click WordArt button in the Text group. 3 On the WordArt style gallery, click a style. 4 Replace the sample text with your own.

The WordArt style gallery

Replacing the WordArt Text

5 Select a Font type and Font size. You can later edit and change these options. 6 Click Ok. The WordArt object is inserted in the document. The Ribbon displays WordArt Tools Format tab. You can format properties of the WordArt using WordArt Tools Format tab. Editing a WordArt Text You can edit the WordArt text such as change the text spacing, alignment, and orientation, and add special effects such as shadows and 3-D. In this exercise, you will change the shape of a WordArt text. 1 Click on the WordArt. 2 Click the Change WordArt Shape button in the WordArt Styles group. 3 Under Warp, click a shape style.
The WordArt styles group Creating WordArt

Changing WordArt shape

Charts and SmartArt Graphics

WordArt shapes




A text box is a moveable box is used to change the text direction or rotate text or add text to a drawing. The text inserted in a text box can effectively highlight a key point of the document. Text boxes can be formatted as drawing objects. Practice Creating a Text Box In this exercise, you will create a text box.
The Text Box gallery

1 On the Insert tab; click Text Box button in the Text group. The Text Box gallery opens. 2 Select a preformatted style. Depending on the styles format, the text box is positioned in the document. The Text box is created and floats in the document.

The Text Box Tools Format tab enables you to format t a text box.

3 Start typing your text in the Text box. A Text box's text and paragraphs can be formatted just like text anywhere in a Word document. The Text box automatically resizes to fit its contents. 4 Position the text box using the Position button in the Arrange group. To create a text box from scratch;
The Text box

5 Click Draw Text Box command at the bottom of the menu. 6 Click and drag your mouse to draw your text box.

Aligning a text box


Charts and SmartArt Graphics

Case Study
From the Menu bar, select Picture, Charts menu. Step-1 Step-2 Step-3 Step-4 Step-5 Step-6 Step-7 Open the Mytable.doc document you created in the previous chapter. Use the data to create a chart. Enter the field names and data in the datasheet. Return to your main document. You should have a 3-D chart object in your document. Change the page layout to landscape from the Page Setup menu. Resize the chart to fit a full page. Save the document as Mychart.doc.

Fill in the blank

1. ______________is a graphic that you create using drawing tools in Word. 2. The Drawing helps you to arrange and resize a drawing in your document. 3. ______________ allows you to position text with a different orientation from the other text in the document.

True or False
1. A WordArt object can be formatted like any other text in a Word document.. True False

2. In a chart datasheet, columns represent a category and rows represent data points for each category. True False

3. In a chart, you can only format the data points and the chart background. True False

1. Connect to the Internet. Search for the Olympic Games. Find the top three medal winning athletes in the latest Olympic Games. Create a chart that shows this data. 2. Create a list of your monthly expenses. Create a Pie style chart using 5 items in the list. Show the percentage of each item in the chart.
Charts and SmartArt Graphics


Multiple choice questions

1. Which of the following format features can be used in a text box? (Choose three answers) a. Font c. Indent b. Page Numbers d. Alignment 6. Which of the followings are true about chart objects? (Choose two answers) a. To rotate a chart, click over it and use the rotate handles. b. You can create custom chart types of your own. c. To change the chart type, first double-click over the chart. 2. Select the basic parts of a chart object. (Choose two answers) a. A Graphic Chart c. A Datasheet b. A Legend d. Data Labels 7. To show the yearly growth in sales of a product, the best illustration is____ . a. A WordArt Text b. A SmartArt diagram 3. Which of the following program opens to enter data when you create a new chart object? a. Microsoft Word b. Microsoft Excel c. Microsoft Graphic chart d. Microsoft SmartArt 8. How can you enter text for a SmartArt diagram? (Choose two answers) a. b. c. d. Click in the Text Pane and start typing. Convert the diagram into a text box. Use the WordArt Text dialog box. Type it directly in the diagram. c. A 3-D Column Chart d. A Bulleted List d. For all chart types 3-D view is available.


Which of the following is not true about WordArt objects? a. You can format a WordArt like any other text in a document. b. WordArt lets you create vertical text. c. You can fill WordArt text with a picture. d. You can format the text of a WordArt object in Word Tools Format tab. 9.

What can you do with a Text box? (Choose all that applies) a. b. c. d. Apply 3-D and shadow effects to the text. Change the text direction. Add a text to drawing objects. Create special graphic text.


In order to resize, angle, or rotate a WordArt object, you can use______. a. Rotation handles b. WordArt Gallery c. Sizing handles d. Object order and grouping

10. Select the formatting you can apply on a WordArt. (Choose two answers) a. Change the text direction. b. Rotate the text. c. Apply 3-D and shadow effects. d. Link Text to other WordArt objects. Charts and SmartArt Graphics


Headers and Footers

A Header or Footer is information such as text or graphics that is displayed at the top or bottom of every page in a document. You can use the same header and footer throughout a document or have different header and footer for a part of the document.

Practice Inserting Headers and Footers In the following examples, you will insert Headers and Footers to your document. 1 2
Inserting Headers and Footers

Click the Insert tab. Click Header button in the Header & Footer group. The built-in Header Style gallery opens.

Select the Blank style.

Creating Header

The insertion point is placed in the Header area and the rest of the document content is dimmed. You can enter information in the header and footer areas the same way you enter an ordinary text. 4 5 Click the Date & Time button in the Insert group. Select a Date and Time format and click Ok. Scroll down to bottom of your page. The footer area is located at the bottom of your page. Click inside the Footer area. Click the Page number button in the Header & Footer group. Select the Current position, and click Accent Bar 2 option.

Creating Footer



7 Double-click anywhere outside the Footer area. Or click the close Header and Footer button in the Close group. The current Date and Time is displayed on the top and the page numbers is displayed at the bottom of each page in the document. To edit the Header area; 1 Double click inside the Header area. Or select Edit Header command at the bottom of the Header menu. To remove a header and footer; 1 Click Header or Footer button in the Header & Footer group. 2 Choose Remove Header or Remove Footer at the bottom of the menu.


Header & Footer

Footnotes and Endnotes

Footnotes and endnotes are used to explain, comment on, or provide references in a text document. Footnotes appear at the bottom of each page in a document, while endnotes appear at the end of a section or document. Practice Inserting Footnotes In this exercise, you will insert a footnote into your document. 1 Place the insertion point after the text you want to footnote. 2 On the References tab, click Insert Footnote command in the Footnotes group. A reference mark with a superscript number indicates that a footnote is inserted. The insertion point moves to the bottom of the page. 3 Type the footnote text.

Footnotes group

Reference Mark


Reference Mark & Footnote


Formatting Footnotes and Endnotes You can format your footnotes and endnotes in the Footnote and Endnote dialog box. 1 Click the Footnote & Endnote dialog box launcher in the Footnotes group. You can change the style and location of the Footnotes & Endnotes numbers in the Footnote and Endnote dialog box. 2 Under Format, click the Number format arrow, and then select the number format you want.

The Footnote and Endnote dialog box


You can apply different formatting such as different header and footer, numbers of text columns, and margin and orientation to different parts of your document. Use section breaks to divide a document into sections, and then format each section in the way you want.

Practice Breaking a document into sections To insert a section break follow these steps; 1 Locate the insertion point where you want the new section to begin. 2 On Page Layout tab; click breaks button in the Page Setup group. 3 Choose the Next Page break type on the Page Breaks menu. A section break is inserted and the next page starts after the section break. You can only see section break as a double-dotted line with the words Section Break in Draft view.

The Page Breaks gallery



To apply a different layout to new section; 1 Click anywhere inside the new section. 2 Click Orientation button in the Page Layout group, and select Landscape orientation. Word changes the layout of the pages in the new section.
Each section enables you to apply different page orientation.

Hyperlinks and Bookmarks

A Hyperlink is a text or a graphic which is linked to a file, a page, a location in a document, or a page on the internet or intranet. A hyperlink is usually indicated by a colored and underlined text. You can create both text and graphic hyperlinks. To create a text hyperlink; 1 Select the text you want to use as hyperlink. 2 On the Insert tab; click the Hyperlink button in the Links group. The Insert Hyperlink dialog box opens. 3 Type"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_effects_of_tobacco _smoking" in the Address area. Click OK. The Hyperlink is inserted at the location of the insertion point. 4 Press Ctrl key and click the mouse on the Hyperlink to follow the link. A Bookmark is a link to different section within the same document. Bookmarks are quite helpful when browsing content in a long documents.

Inserting a hyperlink


Hyperlink in the document



To create a bookmark; 1 Position the insertion point at the location or select the text that you want to jump. 2 On the Insert tab; click Bookmark command in the Links group. 3 Type a new name to create a bookmark. 4 Click the Add button. To go to a bookmark; 1 Open the Bookmark dialog box from the Links group. Or click the Page in the status bar. Click Go To tab. Enter the bookmark name, or browse it in the drop down menu. Click Go To.

The Bookmark dialog box opens.

Making Comments

A comment is a reference mark, a note, or a suggestion that an author or reviewer adds to a document. Word displays comments in a balloon in the margin of the document or in the Reviewing Pane.
Comments group

To create a comment; 1 Place the insertion point where you want to insert a comment. Click the Review tab; 2 Click New Comment button in the Comments group. The selected text is highlighted. In the right margin, the markup area displays. 3 Type the comment in the comment balloon in the markup area.

Inserting Comments

To remove a comment from a document; 1 Click on the comment, and click the Delete button in the comments group. Or right click on the comment, use the pop-up menu.



Tracking Document Changes

When two or more people work on a document as a team, the changes made by each user can be recorded without the original text being lost. The document displays all the changes in a special format. In the end, an administrator accepts or rejects the changes to create a final document. By default, the changes appear in a different color from the original text. To track changes; 1 Open My Letter.docx document. Click the Review tab; 2 Click Track Changes button in the Tracking group.

Word keeps both words. Deleted text is displayed by strike though. 3 Share your documents with your friends. Allow them to make changes.

Tracked changes made by different authors appear in different colors.

Accepting and Rejecting Changes You may or may not agree with some of the changes other people make in the document. To accept or reject changes, 1 Click the lower part of the Accept button in the Changes group. 2 To accept all the changes, click Accept All Changes in Document. Or click Accept Change to approve the changes one by one.

Accept button



Or right click on the change. Select Accept or Reject Change on the menu. When you accept or reject a change, Word removes the markup formatting, the vertical bar from the left margin and associated balloon, and moves to the next change.

Final document after accepting changes

Mail Merge

Mail Merge is used to send identical documents to different people at once except for certain information such as name, surname, and address. By using Mail Merge, you can create mass e-mail and letter distributions, envelopes, labels, and faxes. A Mail Merge requires two documents: A Main Document and a Data source. The Main Document contains the information that is the same for each merged document. The Data List contains the information, address lists, or records, to be inserted into the Main Document during Mail Merge.

Starting Mail Merge

Selecting the Document Type In this exercise, you will select a document type that you will use to merge with your data source. 1 Create a blank document. 2 Click the Mailings tab; and then click the Start Mail Merge button in the Start Mail Merge group. 3 Click Step-by-Step Mail Merge at the bottom of the menu.



The first step allows you to identify the document to be used as the main document. 4 Select the Letters document type. This menu also enables you to select E-mail messages, Envelopes, Labels, and Directory document types. The Mail Merge Task Pane follows the same steps for each these documents. 5 Click Next: Starting document link to move on to the next step.

Select Starting Document The Main Document contains the content that is the same on each letter you send. You can create the Main Document from your current document, from a template, or use an existing document. 6 Select Use the current document. 7 Click "Next: Select Recipient".

Mail Merge Task Pane opens to the right to the document.

Select Recipients In the third step, you need to select the recipients for the mail merge. You can get recipients from an existing data list, from outlook contacts, or type a new list. 8 Select Type a new list. The Create link appears in the Type a new list section. 9 Click the Create... link. The New Address List dialog box opens.
Selecting document

Selecting recipients



Enter the recipient's First Name, Last Name, and Address in the first row. To create a full profile, fill the remaining cells in the same row. The recipient is entered in the Data List.


Click the New Entry button to add another recipient. Enter the data for each recipient. Click Ok. Save the Recipient list. By default, Word saves the file in your My Data Sources folder. The Mail Merge Recipients dialog box opens.


Entering recipients information

The Mail Merge Recipients dialog box allows you select, sort, and filter the recipients that will be used in your Mail merge. You can include or deselect recipients by clicking the check box by the name.
13 14

Click Ok. The Edit Recipients List button and some other buttons displays in the Ribbon. When you click the Edit Recipients List, The Mail Merge Recipients dialog box displays. Click Next: Write your letter at the bottom of the Mail Merge.


Mail Merge Recipients dialog box

The Ribbon showing Mail Merge commands



Write Your Letter This step is used to type body of your letter and to add fields that include recipient's information to the letter. 1 Place the insertion point where you want to start your letter. 2 Type the text "Dear" and press the space bar. The Write & Insert Fields group allows you to insert fields for merging with the recipients list. The Address Block button opens a dialog box; you can select or customize one of the preformatted address elements. The Greeting Line allows you to insert and modify a greeting line. The Insert Merge Field opens a menu to select various fields such as First Name, and Last Name. 3 Click the Insert Merge Field button. 4 Select the First Name field. Click Insert. The << First_Name>> field appears next to the text "Dear". 5 Click Close to return the document.
Inserting fields The Write & Insert Fields group

6 Press the Space bar. Insert the Last Name of the recipient from the Insert Merge Field. 7 Press the Enter key a couple of times. Start typing the body of the letter. You can format the fields like a text in a document. When you are finished with typing, click "Next: Preview your letters" on the Mail Merge pane. Preview Your Letters The Preview Results enables you to view the merged documents, navigation thorough recipients, and checking for errors. By clicking the Preview Result button, you can switch between the preview view and merge field view.
Typing the letter


1 Click the Navigation buttons to the right of Preview Results button to switch between merged letters. Or click the buttons in the Preview your letters section on the Mail Merge pane.
Preview Results group

2 In the make changes section, click Exclude this recipient button to remove the current recipient from mail merge. 3 Click "Next: Complete the merge" on the Mail Merge pane. Or click the Finish & Merge button in the Finish group. Complete the Merge In the last step, you can print, send, or save your letters. If you want to print all merged letters; 1 Click Print on the Mail Merge pane. Merge to Printer dialog box will display so you can choose the letters you want to print. 2 Click All option to print all the Letters. Click Ok.

Mail Merge letters

Previewing and comleting Mail Merge

Merge to Printer


Case Study
Creating Merged Letters Step-1 Step-2 Step-3 Step-4 Step-5 Step-6 Step-7 Step-8 Step-9 Open a Blank document. Open Mail Merge on the Task pane. Select the Letters document type. Click Next: Starting Document Select Use the current document. Click Next: Select Recipient. If you don't have an existing data list, select Type a new list otherwise select Use an existing list. Click Write your letter Write a letter to celebrate your friends New Year. Leave the First Name, Last Name, and Address areas empty. Click more items on the Mail Merge pane and insert these fields. Click Next: Preview Your Letter. Move between the merged letters, using the previous and next navigation buttons on the Mail Merge pane. Click Next: Complete the

Step-10 Merge. Step-11 Print your letters. Creating Sections Step-1 Step-2 Step-3 Step-4 Step-5 Step-6 Open a blank document. Title the document "Environment Issues". Save the document as "Sections.docx". Write a text with three paragraphs about Air, water, and Water pollution. Use the same names as titles for each section. Use a different Heading 2 style on each title except the main document title "Environment Issues". Insert Section breaks after each paragraph. Format each section with different margins, page layouts, and Headers and Footers.

1. Open the Business Flyer document you created in a previous chapter. Send this document as a promotional letter. Create a list for 20 customers. 2. Include their addresses, home phones, and e-mail addresses in the letter. 3. Create a birthday party invitation. Send this letter to your classmates by email.


Multiple choice questions

1. Which of the following document contains all data records for mail Merge? a. Source document c. Directory b. Data List d. Data document 7. What happens when a text deleted or added in Track Changes mode? (Choose all that applies) a. Added text is underlined. b. Deleted text is mark up by strike through c. A vertical bar appears in the left margin. d. A change is explained in a red balloon. 2. Select the documents which are needed to create a mail merge. a. Outline document b. Main document with the content for each mail merge c. Data List with recipients information d. Body Document 9. 3. Which of the following is not a document type created by using Mail Merge? a. Faxes c. Envelopes b. Folders d. Letters 10. When you type an e-mail address or web site link in a document, the text is converted to a______. a. Hyperlink 4. ______ contains the information that is the same for each merged document. a. Merge document c. Main document b. Data source d. Form letter 11. Which of the following enables you to display all reference sources in a document? a. Bookmarks 5. Each data field has a unique name, called a______. a. Data source c. Field name b. Primary name d. Title 12. How can you create links between different sections of a document? a. Track Sections 6. Why are Headers and Footers used in a document? a. To enhance the overall appearance of the document b. To mark the starting and ending of a page c. To make large documents more readable d. To allow Page headers and numbers to appear on the document when it is printed 13. Which of the following feature enables you to create links to internet pages? a. Bookmarks c. Anchors b. Hyperlinks d. Jumpers Tables c. Use Bookmarks b. Inset Endnotes and Footnotes d. Use comments c. Track Changes b. Hyperlinks d. Citations and a Bibliography c. Cross-Reference b. Bookmark d. Footnote Select the options you can use in a Header. (Choose three answers) a. Date and Time c. Page breaks b. Page Numbers d. ClipArt 8. Which of the features provide references at the end of a page or at the end of a document a. b. c. d. Headers and Footers Endnotes and Footnotes Sections and Page Breaks Main document and Data List




You can customize Word to change how document content is displayed on your screen, autocorrect and format options, save options and etc 1 Click the Office button. 2 At the bottom of the Office menu, click Word Options. The Word Options dialog box opens. The left panel displays the major file tasks. Popular, Display, and Advanced command change how document content is displayed on a screen. 1 In the Popular window, uncheck the Enable Live Preview checkbox. The Live Preview feature is disabled. You can change the colors of Word screen such as the Ribbon, document area, scroll bars, and etc 2 Click the arrow next to the Color scheme box. 3 Select Black on the menu.
Changing color scheme

The Word Options dialog box.

Word applies black color scheme. 4 Click the Save command. 5 Click the arrow next to Save files in this format box. 6 Select Word 97 -2003 Document (*.doc) to save new documents with previous version of the Word. AutoCorrect Entry The AutoCorrect feature corrects the most common typing errors as you work through your document. For example, the most common misspelling of "the" is "teh". AutoCorrect will automatically fix this error as soon as you press the spacebar or begin a new paragraph after the misspelled word. You can also add your own AutoCorrect entries and use it to replace abbreviations or codes that you create to automate typing certain words, i.e. "eu" becomes "European Union".

Customizing Save menu

Customizing Word and Securing Documents


Practice Adding an entry to the list of AutoCorrect In this exercise, you will add an AutoCorrect entry to automate insertion of often-used text. 1 Click the Office button. 2 Click the Word Options button at the bottom of the Office menu. Select Proofing. 3 Under AutoCorrect options, click the AutoCorrect Options button. 4 In the Replace box, type eu and press the Tab key.
Adding a new entry

5 In the With box, type European Union. 6 Click Add and then OK. Return to your document. 7 Type eu and press spacebar. The text automaticly eu changes to European Union.

Trust Center A Word document containing programming code (macros) can be harmful to your computer. Documents that are downloaded from internet or not from a trusted source may have malicious programming code. Before you realize someone may delete your files or reads your personal information such as credit cards. By default Word 2007 does not open word documents with programming code (.docm extensions). To change the default setting to open .docm files; 1 Click the Office button, and then click the Word Options. The Word Options dialog box opens. 2 Click the Trust Center command on the Word Options dialog box. 3 Click the Trust Center Settings button under the Microsoft Word Trust Center section. 4 Select the Enable all macros under Macro Settings.
Customizing Word and Securing Documents

The Trust Center

Changing Macro settings




You can inspect a document for any remaining private or inappropriate information; restrict access, or add a digital signature. The Prepare menu on the Office menu provides necessary options to make documents safe for sharing and distributing. Protecting Documents from Changes You can give other users limited access on your documents to edit such as tracking changes, comments. To set restrictions on a document; 1 Click the Review tab.
The Prepare menu

2 Click the Protect Document button in the Protect group. Select Restrict Formatting and Editing command on the menu. The Restrict Formatting and Editing pane opens to the left side of the Word window. The Pane shows three sections. 3 Check the Allow only this type of editing in the document under Editing restrictions section.

Protect Document menu

The Editing restrictions and Start enforcement sections show more options. 4 Click the arrow button next to No changes (Read only) box and then from the menu select Comments. Start Enforcing Protection dialog box opens. 5 Enter a password for protection. The users will only be able to edit comments in the document. 6 Click Yes, Start Enforcing Protection to apply restrictions. To stop the protection; 1 Click Stop Protection button on the Restrict Formatting and Editing pane.

Restrict Formatting and Editing pane

2 Enter the password.

Customizing Word and Securing Documents


Inspecting Documents While you work on your document, Word automatically saves personal information and hidden data. The Document Inspector finds and removes all extraneous and potentially confidential information. 1 Click the Office Button; click Prepare, and then Properties. The Document Information Panel shows the information saved with the file. The name of the author is saved to the file by Word. 2 Close the Document Information Panel. In order to remove personnel information from the document; 3 Click the Office Button, point to Prepare, and then click Inspect Document. The Document Information Panel shows the information saved with the file. The name of the author is saved to the file by Word. 4 Close the Document Information Panel. In order to remove personnel information from the document; 5 Click the Office Button, point to Prepare, and then click Inspect Document. 6 By default all the options are checked in the Document Inspector dialog box. 7 Click Inspect. To remove the Document Properties and Personal Information from the document; 8 Click the Remove All button next to that line.
Removing Document Properties and Personal Information
Customizing Word and Securing Documents

Displaying document properties

The Document Inspector dialog box


Finalizing Documents Before you share a document with other people, you can use the Mark as Final command to make the document read-only and prevent changes to the document. 1 Click the Office Button, point to Prepare, and then click Mark as Final.

Conformation window

A window shows that document will be marked as final and then saved. 2 Click OK. A message tells you that the document has been marked as final and that typing, editing commands, and proofing marks are turned off. 3 Click OK. Word disables the commands on the Ribbon.

Finalizing document

Signing Documents Digitally A Digital Signature is an electronic certificate of authentication in a Word document. You must have a digital ID from the commercial web sites use a digital signature. Otherwise a digital signature can only be confirmed on the computer it is issued. In the following exercise, you will add a digital signature into a document; 1 Click the Signature Line button in the Text group. Or on the Office menu; point to Prepare and then click Add a Digital Signature command.
The Signature Setup dialog box

2 Fill the boxes in the Signature Setup dialog box. 3 Click OK.


Customizing Word and Securing Documents

A Sign box is inserted at the location of the insertion point. 1 Double-click on the Sign box. Select an image such as scanned image of your signature or a logo. 2 Click Sign. After you sign a document, the document is locked for editing until the signature is removed. The signature becomes invalid if the document is modified.

Selecting an image as signature

Digital Signature

Fill in the blank


True or False

Customizing Word and Securing Documents


Multiple choice questions

1. What is a Digital Signature? a. It is a faint image which appears on the background of a document. b. A scanned image of a signature inserted in a document. c. It is a special character on the Symbols dialog box. d. It is an electronic certificate of authentication in a document. 5. You want Word to auto replace your abbreviations. How can you achieve this? a. Use Prepare menu and add new abbreviations. b. Use the AutoCorrect and enter abbreviations and their replacement. c. Use the Synonyms. d. Create hyperlink for each abbreviation.


What are the hazards of opening word documents with programming code (*.docm)? (Choose two answers) a. You can save your files quickly. b. Intruders may have access to your personal information. c. A document with programming code provides less formatting options. d. A malicious program may have gain access to your files and delete them.


How can you give other people limited control such as editing comments on your documents? a. By Finalizing documents. b. By using Restrict Formatting and Editing command. c. By changing Trust Center settings. d. By using Document Inspector.


What should you do to remove your personal information from your documents? a. Run Trust Center. b. Customize Word not to include any personal information. c. Use Prepare-Inspect Document command to remove personal information. d. Save your documents with .docm extensions.


Customizing Word and Securing Documents

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