MS WORD (Unit-6)
MS WORD (Unit-6)
MS WORD (Unit-6)
Communication plays a vital role in the fulfilment of all marketing objectives. Understanding
communication is essential since it is the basic process through which managers specifically and
organizations in their entirety accomplish their set objectives culminating in their success.
Various communication tools are MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint.
What is MS Office?
Microsoft Office is the most efficient suite of applications for document creation, communication
and business information analysis. For many functions, the business platform has evolved from
paper to the Web. Microsoft Office extends desktop productivity to the web, streamlining the way
you work and making it easier to share, access and analyse information so you get better results.
Office offers a multitude of new features. Of particular importance for this release are the features
that affect the entire suite. These Office-wide, or shared features hold the key to the new realm of
functionality enabled by Office. Office offers a new Web-productivity work style that integrates
core productivity tools with the Web to streamline the process of sharing information and
working with others. It makes it easier to use an organization's intranet to access vital business
information and provides innovative analysis tools that help users make better, timelier business
decisions. Office delivers new levels of resiliency and intelligence, enabling users and
organizations to get up and running quickly, stay working and achieve great results with fewer
Ms-word is a powerful word processor that allows you to create:
• Memos
• Fax coversheets
• Web pages
• Reports
• Mailing labels
• Brochures
• Tables
• And many other professional and business applications.
Let us consider an office scene. Many letters are typed in the office. The officer dictates a letter.
The typist first types a draft copy of the letter. The officer goes through it to check mistakes
regarding spelling errors, missing words, etc. and suggests corrections. The typist changes the
letter as suggested by the officer. This is a simple example of word processing.
There are many software packages to do the job of word processing. Some of them work in DOS
environment. Example are WordStar, Word Perfect and Professional Write. But in these days
working in WINDOWS is becoming more and more popular. So let us consider software for
word processing which works in WINDOWS. Our choice is MS-WORD because it is the most
popular software in these days.
To begin working in Word, start the program from within the Windows environment or
‘workspace’. You can usually start Word by choosing Microsoft Word from the Start menu’s
Program sub menu.
To start Word:
1. On the Windows taskbar, choose Start.
2. From the Programs sub menu, choose Microsoft Word 2013.
✓ The title bar lists the document's title or merely Document1 until you give the document a
title by saving it to disk.
✓ The File Ribbon Tab replaces the traditional File menu of most Windows programmes.
Clicking the File Ribbon Tab displays the File Ribbon Tab menu, a list of commands that deal
with files and documents. It's the big round button at the top left of the screen, with four colourful
squares in it.
✓ Tabs organise Word's various and sundry commands into groups based on word-processing
activities. Tabs appear and disappear depending on what you're doing in Word.
✓ Groups and command buttons help keep commands for the various tabs organised. Each
group contains command buttons that do specific things to your text.
✓ The Ruler may or may not be visible. When the Ruler is visible, it helps you set margins and
tabs. To show or hide the Ribbon select View Tab then Ruler.
These Microsoft Word Keyboard Shortcut will help you to complete your documents much
The Open window starts out showing your My Documents folder, since that’s where Word
suggests you save your files. When your documents in a more exotic location, click the My
Computer icon, and then navigate to the proper folder from there.
The Open box goes away and your document opens in Word. You’re all set to get to work. Just
remember, when you save this document (Alt+F, S or Ctrl+S), you write over the previous file.
Essentially, you create a new, improved, and only copy of the file you just opened. If you don’t
want to write over the existing document, use the Save As command (Alt+F), and then type a
new name in the File Name text box.
1) Selecting Text
You need to select text to be able to apply formatting to that text. Among the ways to select text:
1. Click and drag with your mouse.
2. Double-click a word to select the word.
3. Triple-click in a paragraph to select the paragraph.
4. Click and drag in the document's Selection Area in the left margin.
2) Selecting Fonts
The Font group is located on the home tab.
2. Begin typing.
3. Press the enter key to add additional bullets.
4. Press the Enter key twice to get out of list mode.
2. Begin typing.
3. Press the Enter key to add additional numbers.
4. Press the Enter key twice to get out of list mode.
Write a letter or a greeting card and send it to five people using mail merge option of MS word.
In any working environment, there are situations when a similar type of letter or document is to
be sent to many persons who reside at different locations. The letters may contain the address of
each recipient, in addition to the standard information contained in the letter. One way of doing
this is to print the letters by changing the address each time in the document after printing such
letter. But this would mean lot of effort and time and also results in bad organization.
Such problems are taken care of by the Mail Merge facility.
In word processing, Mail Merge is the process of transferring selected information from one
document to another document.
1) In a blank Microsoft Word document, click on the Mailings tab, and in the Start Mail Merge
group, click Start Mail Merge.
3) Select your document type. In this demo we will select Letters. Click Next: Starting document.
4) Select the starting document. In this demo we will use the current (blank) document. Select
Use the current document and then click Next: Select recipients.
5) Select recipients. In this demo we will create a new list, so select Type a new list and then
click Create.
a) Create a list by adding data in the New Address List dialog box and clicking OK.
8) Note that the address block and greeting line are surrounded by chevrons (« »). Write a
short letter and click Next: Preview your letters
9) Preview your letter and click Next: Complete the merge.
10) Click Print to print your letters or Edit individual letters to further personalize some or all
of the letters.
1.Go to File > New.
2. In the search box, type Resume or Cover Letter.
d. What we’re going to do is, put our name in the left text box, the current date in the center
text box, and the page number in the right text box. There are tools on the Header & Footer
Tools contextual ribbon to facilitate this.
e. Click on the left Type Text box and type your name. Do not hit Enter .
f. Click on the right box. In the Contextual ribbon, locate the Header & Footer group and
click on the Page Number button. A list of options will be shown about where you want to
insert the page numbers (see table below)
7. Adding comments
a. Go to review and add a new comment.
8. Inserting a Table
1. Open a new document in Word.
2. Click on the Insert tab and in the Tables group, click on the Table button.
3. Move your Cursor over the squares in the Table Pane to determine the
size of your table. Notice how the squares change color and the
dimensions are given at the top.
4. When you have a 7 column x 5 row table, press the left mouse button.
Your table will be inserted where your insertion point was located.