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Registration number: 222006819

Assignment of Environment geography.

Reference to the local context, provide at least ten causes of

environmental degradation and suggest the appropriate measures to be
taken to address them.

The environmental degradation is the deterioration of the environment through

depletion of resources which includes all the biotic and abiotic element that form
our surrounding that is air, water, soil, pant animals, and all other living and
nonliving element of the planet of earth. The major factor of environmental
degradation is human (modern urbanization, industrialization, overpopulation
growth, deforestation, etc.) and natural (flood, typhoons, droughts, rising
temperatures, fires, etc.) cause. Today, different kinds of human activities are the
main reasons for environmental degradation. The automobile and industries
increase the number of poisonous gases like SOx, NOx, CO, and smoke in the
atmosphere. Therefore, the government must enhance filling the gap in the legal
system to avoid illegal activities. This chapter discusses the impact of
environmental degradation with its future impacts, city planners, industry, and
resource managers plans to be considered to mitigate the long term effects of
developmental environmental degradation.

Causes of environmental degradation

Overpopulation: It is very likely that population growth as a missing scientific

agenda accounts in part for the reduced public knowledge and interest in this
issue. The extent of environmental degradation varies across countries and
regions of the world. Rapid population growth puts a strain on natural resources
which results in degradation of our environment. The mortality rate has gone
down due to better medical facilities which have resulted in increased lifespan.
More population simply means more demand for food, clothes, and shelter. You
need more space to grow food and provide homes to millions of people. This
results in deforestation loss of biodiversity, destruction of the ecosystem which is
another factor of environmentaldegradation .

Deforestationis :cutting down of trees to make way for more homes and
industries. Rapid growth in population andurban sprawlare two of the major
causes of deforestation. Apart from that, the use of forest land for agriculture,
animal grazing, harvests for fuelwood and logging are some of the other causes of
deforestation. Deforestation contributes to global warming as decreased forest
size puts carbon back into the environment. Deforestation gives birth to several
problems encompassing environmental degradation through accelerated rate of
soil erosion, increase in the sediment load of the rivers, siltation or reservoirs and
river beds, increase in the frequency and dimension of Hoods and droughts,
changes in the pattern of distribution of precipitation, intensification of
greenhouse effects increase in the destructive force of the atmospheric storms,
etc. And urban sprawlare two of the major causes of deforestation. Apart from
that, the use of forest land for agriculture, animal grazing, harvests for fuelwood
and logging are some of the other causes of deforestation. Deforestation
contributes to global warming as decreased forest size puts carbon back into the

Deforestation gives birth to several problems encompassing environmental

degradation through accelerated rate of soil erosion, increase in the sediment
load of the rivers, siltation or reservoirs and river beds, increase in the frequency
and dimension of Hoods and droughts, changes in the pattern of distribution of
precipitation, intensification of greenhouse effects increase in the destructive
force of the atmospheric storms, etc.

Urban Development: According to many noted ecologists, urban development

is one of the primary causes of environmental degradation. As populations
increased, so did the need for land for homes and farms. Wetlands were drained.
Grasslands were ploughed over. Natural Sources While environmental
degradation is most commonly associated with the activities of humans, the fact
is that environments are also constantly changing over time. With or without
the impact of human activities, some ecosystems degrade over time to the
point where they cannot support the life that is "meant" to live there. Things
like landslides, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and wildfires can
completely destroy local plant and animal communities to the point where they
can no longer function. This can either come about through physical destruction
via natural disaster or by the long-term degradation of resources by the
introduction of an invasive alien species to a new habitat. The latter often occurs
after hurricanes, when lizards and insects are washed across small stretches of
water to foreign environments. Sometimes, the environment cannot keep up with
the new species, and degradation can occur.

Agricultural Runoff: Farming creates agriculture runoff issues. Agricultural runoff

is a deadly source of pollutants which can degrade environments, so much so
that the EPA identifies agriculture as the primary source of water pollution.
Surface water washes over the soil and into lakesstreams. When it does so, it
carries the fertilizers and pesticides used on the farm lands into water resources.
Introducing poisons into waterways will have dire consequences. Fertilizers,
whether or not they are organic, carry equal risks. Fertilizers containing large
amounts of phosphorus can cause explosions of algae in lakes. As the algae
die, bacteria start to breakdown the organic material. It soon develops into a
situation where bacteria are using up the available dissolved oxygen in the water.
Plants, fish, and other organisms begin to die off. The water becomes acidic. Like
acid rain, lakes become dead zones with conditions so toxic that neither plants
nor animals can live in these environments.
Waste generation: Excessive production of waste, including plastic waste, leading
to pollution and landfill overflow. The photo bellow shows Waste generation.

Industrial Pollution: In India, the growth of industries is uncontrollable and

unplanned, and is creating huge atmospheric pollution on a regular basis. Besides,
because of industrial wastes of industries like chemicals, etc., are being constantly
discharged into the rivers, seas, and lakes, which is creating huge health hazards.

Vehicular Pollution: The Indian transport system is formed on the basis of the
intensive use of petroleum products and has increased air pollution at an
immense rate. Besides, the increase in road traffic and the sound emitted from
them has also increased noise pollution.
Increase in use of Chemical Fertilisers and Pesticides: Farmers are now using
various environmentally-unfriendly farming methods like high use of chemical
fertilisers and pesticides. Because of these methods of agricultural development,
there has been an adverse impact on the environment which causes soil erosion,
loss of fertility, and land salivation.

Mass Poverty: Another reason for environmental degradation is mass poverty.

Poor people recklessly cut trees to use them as fuel. Besides, they earn their living
through different activities such as collecting of firewood, gathering forest
produce, fishing in rivers and ponds, or excessively intensive use of small pieces of
land. These activities result in the loss of natural assets and environmental

Gobal warming :Global warmingwhich is also referred to asclimate change is the

observed rise in the average temperature of theEarthsclimate systemthe global
surface temperature is likely to rise a further 0.3 to 1.7°Cin the lowestemissions
scenario, and 2.6 to 4.8°C in the highest emissions scenario. These readings have
been recorded by the “national science academies of the major industrialized
nations”. Future climate change and impacts will differ fromregion to region.
Expected effects include an increase in global temperatures,rising sea levels,
deforestation, imbalance climatic condition, changingprecipitation, andexpansion
of deserts (Cunningham et al., 1999).Global warming has several adverse effects
on human health, and agricultural production. It leads to an increase in
heatrelated diseases, civil conflict, decreases economic sources .

Besides, it also indirectly affects human health due to the higher incidence of
malaria, dengue, yellow fever and viral encephalitis caused by the expansion of
mosquitoes and other disease carriers to warm areas. The adverse effect on
agricultural production is due to the increased frequency of droughts, floods and
hurricanes and increased incidence of pests, causing a shortage of food.

Effets of environmental degradation

Impact on human health

Human health might be at the receiving end as a result of environmental

degradation. Areas exposed totoxic air pollutantscan cause respiratory problems
like pneumonia and asthma. Millions of people are known to have died off due to
the indirect effects of air pollution (Adakole and Oladimeji, 2006).

Loss of biodiversity

Biodiversityis important for maintaining the balance of the ecosystem in the form
of combating pollution, restoring nutrients, protecting water sources and
stabilizing climate. Deforestation, global warming, overpopulation, and pollution
are a few of the major causes of loss of biodiversity.

Ozone layer depletion:The ozone layer is responsible for protecting the earth
from harmful ultraviolet rays. The presence of chlorofluorocarbons,
hydrochlorofluorocarbons in the atmosphere is causing the ozone layer to
deplete. As it will deplete, it will emit harmful radiation back to the earth (Buhaug
et al., 2010). loss for the tourism industry.The deterioration of the environment
can be a huge setback for the tourism industry that relies on tourists for their
daily livelihood. Environmental damage in the form of loss of green cover, loss of
biodiversity, huge landfills, increased air, and water pollution can be a big turn off
for most of the tourists.

Economic impact
The huge cost that a country may have to borne due to environmental
degradation can have a big Economic impact in terms of restoration of green
cover, cleaning up of landfills and protection ofendangered species. The economic
impact can also be in terms ofthe loss of the tourism industry. As you can see,
there are a lot of things that can have an effect on the environment. If we are not
careful, we can contribute to the environmental degradation that is occurring all
around the world. We can, however, take action to stop it and take care of the
world that we live in by providingenvironmental educationto the people which
will help them pick familiarity with their surroundings that will enable to take care
ofenvironmental concernsthus making it more useful and protected for our
children and other future generations.

MITIGATION MEASURES :There are ways which can help to decrease degradation
in our environment. Some of these include: · Purchase recycled products ·
Conserve water · Do not litter or throw waste into inappropriate places · Conserve
energy · Join an awareness group · Talk with others about the impacts of
environmental degradation The damage that we cause to the environment is
currently not counted as a cost in economic and social terms. This lack of
"environmental value" has allowed us to over-exploit "free" natural resources -
which are, of course, not free. It has also led to over-production of cheap goods
with very short life spans which are liberally discarded into the environment after
use, and then new cheap goods are purchased and discarded again, and this cycle
goes on and on - affecting the planet's capacity to restore its environmental
services in good time. We have to change this paradigm of our interaction with
the environment. The nature doesn't owe us anything. It is not there for us to
"control" and "manage" it either. We were born to live in harmony with it -
indeed; we are a big part of it. And we certainly don't have the right to exploit and
destroy it without thinking about the future generations of humans and animal
who will be here after us.


Environmental degradation is one of most urgent of environmental issues.

Depending upon the damage, some environments may never recover. The plants
and animals that inhabited these places will be lost forever. In order to reduce
any future impacts, city planners, industry, and resource managers must
consider the long term effects of development on the environment. With
sound planning, public awareness and community participation, future
environmental degradation can be prevented.

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