Agricultural Crop Production 11 - Q2 - W1

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Agricultural Crop Production
Quarter 2 – Module 1
Planting Crops
(Prepare Land for Planting)


Learning Objective/s

After studying this lesson learners will be able to;

• Prepare tools, materials and equipment for land clearing

• Clear the land according to prescribed (Kinds of land preparation)

Lesson Proper

What is Land Preparation?

Land Preparation
• is the bedrock of all farming activities. Ones a land is prepared diligently, the probability of
successful cultivation on such land is high.
• It involves surface clearing, soil opening with deep tillage equipment, moving soil from high to low
spots, making farm roads and levelling, etc.


While land preparation is a major preplanting activity, it requires some tools and equipment
embedded in it.

1. Cultivator – this is a secondary tillage tool. The primary function of the cultivator is to remove
the weeds or pulverize and stir soil prior to planting to aerate the soil and prepare a smooth,
loose seedbed.
2. Plough – is one of the important farm tools used in land preparation. It is a primary tillage tool.
The function of the plough is to loosen the sol by breaking the hard pan, to prepare it for
3. Disc Plough – this is a type of plough designated to work in all types of plough designed to work
in all types of soil but preferably more suitable for land with much fibrous growth of weeds for
its basic functions such as soil breaking, soil raising, soil turning and soil mixing.
Moulboard Plough – commonly used where even inversion or complete pulverization of the soil
is necessary, it inverts the soil, bury the water repellent topsoil and brings a layer of subsoil to
the surface.
4. Cultipacker – used for crushing soil clods, press small stones, remove air pockets and so on.
5. Harrow – used for smoothening and further breaking down of soil after plowing. The harrow
breaks down soil clods (lump soil) and to provide a finer and a good soil structure that enables
easy percolation of water, good root development and easy seedbed construction.
6. Subsoiler – This land preparation tool is a tractor mounted equipment that is used to break up
and loosen the soil while deep tillage. It is used to improve the growth of crops in the areas with
impervious soil compaction.
7. Leveler – is an important land preparation equipment that is used for farming and agriculture
with a purpose to created a leveled land. It is usually used before the establishment of irrigation
to farmland.
8. Ridger – is a farm implement which cuts and turns the soil in two opposite directions
simultaneously to form a planting medium called ridges.
9. Bulldozer – is a tractor equipped land preparation equipment with a substantial metal plate
called blade, the blade is used for the felling of trees, pushing large quantities of soil debris or
other materials during land preparation.


What is Tillage?

• Define as the mechanical manipulation of the soil aim at improving its physical condition or tilth.

Objectives of Tillage
• Improves soil tilth and prepare a seedbed
• Manipulate plant residues and farm waste
• Manage water and air in the soil
• Control weeds and soil- borne insect pests and diseases
• Establish a surface layer which prevents wind and soil erosion

Effect of Tillage on Soil

• Effect on soil moisture

- Soil water retention
- Infiltration
• Effect on soil structure
• Effect on Soil temperature
• Effects on microorganisms
• Effect on evaporation
• Effect on soil Nutrients uptake

There are three major types of land preparation: namely;

• Conventional Tillage
• Minimum Tillage
• Zero Tillage

1. Conventional Tillage – refers to operations considered standard for a specific location of

crop and that tend to bury the crop residues; usually considered as a bases for
determining the cost effectiveness of erosion control practice. (Wikipedia)
2. Minimum Tillage – is a soil conservation system like strip – till with the goal of minimum
soil manipulation necessary for a successful crop production. It is a tillage method that
does not turn the soil over in contrast to intensive tillage which changes the soil
structure using ploughs. (Wikipedia)
3. Zero Tillage or Non – Till Method – is the traditional land preparation technique. As the
name implies it involves the total avoidance of the manipulation of the soil. The soil
structure and its components and preserved and conserved . This has a huge economic
advantage over other land preparation methods.

The conventional and minimum land preparation methods involves two basic operations, namely;
• Ploughing
• Harrowing

Ploughing – a plough or plow is a farm tool for loosening or turning the soil before sowing seed or
planting. Ploughs were traditionally drawn by oxen and horses, but in modern farms are drawn by
tractors. A plough may have a wooden, iron or stock frame, with a blade attached to cut and loosen the
soil. (Wikipedia)
Harrowing – is often carried out on fields to follow the rough finish left by ploughing operations. The
purpose of this harrowing is generally to break up clods.


• The soil is an entity that comprises of other biological components. The soil consist of Micro and
Macro – organisms . Dwelling and reproducing within it. The activities of these organisms help to
maintain and sustain the soil. Good examples of their activities are the reproduction and
decomposition of these soil organisms which helps to increase the soil fertility.


• The choice to adopt any of the aforementioned land preparation methods depends on the
available cost. The conventional tillage is the most expensive but the zero tillage is the cheapest or
least expensive. Land cultivated on a zero tillage system has the propensity to produce more than
the other two methods provided pest and diseases are not of economic importance.
• In case of conventional and minimum tillage method your input, in terms of fertilizer or any other
planting aids, majorly determines the yield. This is because you are planting on an inactive or
debilitated soil as a result of the land preparation methods you adopted.
• Lastly, irrespective of the crop you intend to plant, it is very imperative you prepare your soil using
proper land preparation tools to suit your demand. You are left to select from any of the land
preparation methods as the comparative advantages and description have been discussed

Enumeration: Enumerate the following.

1. List of farm tools used in land preparation.

2. List down the kinds of tillage operation.
3. What are the two basic operations involve in conventional and minimum land preparation
Multiple choice: Encircle the letter of the best answer

1. It is the act of working on the soil before cultivation.

a. Zero Tillage c. Minimum Tillage
b. Tillage d. Conventional Tillage

2. A traditional land preparation technique is called __________________.

a. Conventional tillage c. Minimum Tillage
b. Zero Tillage d. Ploughing

3._________________ is a secondary tillage tool

a. Cultivator c. Harrow
b. Plough d. Subsoiler

4._______________ is used for smoothening and further breaking down of soil after plowing.
a. Harrow c. Disc plough
b. Cultipacker d. Moulboard plough

5._______________________ is a tractor mounted equipment that is used to break up and loosen the
soil while deep tillage while deep tillage.
a. Leveler c. Subsoiler
b. Ridger d. Bulldozer

6._______________ is an important land preparation equipment that is used for farming and agriculture
with a purpose to create a leveled land.
a. Ridger c. Leveler
b. Bulldozer d. Harrow

7. A tool used for crushing soil clods, press small stones, and remove air pockets is called _________.
a. Cultipacker c. Disc Plough
b. Subsoiler d. Leveler

8. _________________ is a bedrock of all farming activities that involves surface clearing, soil opening
with deep tillage equipment moving soil from high to low spots making farm roads and levelling.
a. Tillage
b. Land preparation
c. Cultivation
d. Farming

9._________________ is a tillage method that does not turn the soil over in contrast to intensive tillage
which changes the soil structure using plough.
a. Tillage c. Minimum Tillage
b. Conventional Tillage d. Zero tillage or Non – till Method

10.What is the purpose of harrowing?

a. To break up clods c. To prevent soil erosion
b. Pulverizing the soil d. Leveling the soil

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Jennifer B. Duran

Editors: Emmanuel A. Verano
Jerry M. Perong
Ma. Perga A. Cadiente
Reviewers: Emmanuel A. Verano
Jephone P. Yorong, Ed.D
Layout Artist:

Management Team: Felix Romy A. Triambulo, CESO V

Oliver B. Talaoc Ed,D
Ella Grace M. Tagupa, Ed.D
Jephone P. Yorong, Ed.D
Jerry M. Perong
JR Simed Joseph B. Saguin

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