Week 3

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Quarter Two Grade Level 9

Week 3 Learning Area Agricultural Crop Production

MELCs Discuss the stages of common agricrop production work.

Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Activities


1-2 Select work procedures Begin with classroom routine:

to be undertaken in land Land Preparation a. Prayer
preparation b. Reminder of the health and

safety protocols
c. Checking of attendance
Undertake work in a d. Quick “Kumustahan”
safe and
environmentally sound
manner according
to enterprise guidelines.
The teacher will ask the learners the following questions:

1. What are the things you need to do before planting crops?

2. Have you tried to prepare a piece of land before planting?

3. What are the different steps of land preparation?

4. Why do we need to prepare the land before planting

agricultural crops?

Background Information for Learners

Land preparation is important to ensure that the field is ready for

planting. A well-prepared field controls weeds, recycles plant nutrients,
and provides a soft soil mass for transplanting and a suitable soil surface
for direct seeding. The purpose is to provide the best soil conditions
which will enhance the successful establishment of the tissue culture
plants. It is one of the measures used to control crop diseases & pest

They said, “the soil is a storehouse for all the elements plants need to
grow: nutrients, organic matter, air, and water. Soil also provides
support for plant roots.”When the soil is properly prepared and cared
for, soil can be improved each year and will continue to grow plants
forever. Uncared for soil will soon become suited only for growing
After cleaning the area, the trainees tilled the soil as deeply as possible;
at least 8 to 10 inches because deep tilling loosens soil and lets vegetable
or plant roots go deeper. They turn each shovelful of soil until it’s
completely over. They till soil when it is moist in the morning but not
wet for working soil when it is too wet can cause it to become rough. As
they dug, they also removed sticks, rocks and other material that was
included in the soil then pulverized to make the soil loosen and easy for
the plant to grow. The trainees used garden tools materials such as rake,
bolo, garden hose, etc., to make it easy for them to do the work, proper
usage of material and technique in doing the work will determine that
they are earning skill in the said qualification.


Activity 1 - Pre-assessment

Direction: Read each item carefully and use your notebook to write your
answers. Write your answers in your notebook. Direction: Identify the
farm activities for land preparation
Activity 2 - Labelling

Get a ½ sheet of paper folded into three crosswise and label each column
with activities, tools & equipment, and materials respectively. In the first
column write the common horticultural production work, in the second
column list the tools and equipment needed for each work and in the last
write the materials needed.

Activity 3

Give the definition of the following five basic methods of land


1. Clearing -

2. Plowing

3. Harrowing

4. Leveling

5. Furrowing

Activity 4


Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is

wrong. Write your answers in your quiz notebook.

_____1. Cut shrubs and small trees with bolo and weeds with scythe
when clearing the land.
_____2. Plowing can be done using native plows drawn by animals.

_____3. The period between plowing and harrowing is from 10-15 days.

_____4. Leveling is done in order to distribute water uniformly during


_____5. A furrow is a long, slim, one dimensional tro0ugh made on the




Select one land preparation procedure and explain and give illustration
of your chosen procedure. Use bond paper for your output.

D. Abstraction

The steps in land preparation differ from one place to another depending
on the practices in a particular community, the condition of the land, the
season of planting, and the kind of vegetable to be planted. The five
basic steps include clearing, plowing, harrowing, leveling and

E. Application


1. Using some of the available tools at home do the proper ways to

prepare the soil for planting

2. If you cannot afford to buy these tools, use homemade ones instead.

3. Think of some precautionary measures to observe when using certain

equipment in land preparation.

4. Perform the activity with the guidance or supervision of your guardian

or parent. Let them write their comments in your notebook.
3-4 Follow the steps and Begin with classroom routine:
procedures in land Land Preparation a. Prayer
preparation safely. b. Reminder of the health and

safety protocols
c. Checking of attendance
d. Quick “Kumustahan”


There are five basic steps in land preparation;

Clearing - An area intended for vegetable production must be cleared of

weeds, grasses, shrubs, and even trees. Cut the shrubs and small trees
with a bolo and clear short weeds and grasses with scythe or a gasoline
operated grass cutter.

Plowing - This is initially done to break the surface of the soil. Using
either a native plow drawn by a draft carabao or cattle or mechanical
hand tractor.

Harrowing - To further break up the bigger clods or slices of soil as a

result of plowing or hoeing, a native harrow is used in bigger areas while
a rake is very useful in small areas.

Leveling - In an area where the terrain is more or less flat, there is

sometimes a need to level the field. This is done in order to distribute
water uniformly during irrigation.

Furrowing - This is the process of making straight furrows. After the

land has been prepared. A Furrow is a long, slim, one dimensional
tro0ugh made on the ground. It is where seeds or seedlings are planted
or set.


The teacher will ask the learners the following questions:

1. How to conduct land preparation safely?

2. Why is it important to follow the correct steps of land


3. What are the safety measures on land preparation?

4. Based on your own idea, what are the hazards that may happen
during land preparation?

Background Information for Learners

Thorough land preparation for planting crops ensures proper growth of

crops. A good harvest will not be attained unless the soil is properly
cultivated. The benefits derived from thorough land preparation are

B - Activity


Write agree if the statement is true about the importance of land

preparation, write disagree if otherwise.

_______1. The soil moisture will be lost.

_______2. The growth of weeds is controlled.

_______3. Free circulation of air is a result of loosening of soil.

_______4. Animal and plant wastes will decompose rapidly.

_______5. It will hamper the growth of planted crops.

Activity 2 - Interview

Interview a farmer growing different kinds of vegetable crops on how

they prepare the land for specific crops. Pair and share in the class.

Activity 3 - Picture Analysis

Write your observation on your activity notebook based on the photos


A. ___________________________________________________

B. ___________________________________________________

Activity 4

Directions: Create a presentation on how you properly conduct land

preparation and its benefits on crop production.

C. Analysis

You are asked by your younger brother to demonstrate to him how to

prepare the land for crop production so that he could properly prepare
his garden in the school.

D. Abstraction

Land preparation is important to ensure that the rice field is ready for
planting. A well-prepared field controls weeds, recycles plant nutrients,
and provides a soft soil mass for transplanting and a suitable soil surface
for direct seeding.

Land preparation covers a wide range of practices from zero-tillage or

minimum tillage which minimizes soil disturbance through to a totally
'puddled' soil which actually destroys soil structure.

It typically involves (1) plowing to "till" or dig-up, mix, and overturn the
soil; (2) harrowing to break the soil clods into smaller mass and
incorporate plant residue, and (3) leveling the field.

Initial land preparation begins after your last harvest or during the fallow
period. This is important for effective weed control and for enriching the
soil. Generally, it will take 3−4 weeks to prepare the field before

E. Application

Directions: The class will be grouped into five and be assigned in a

specific area of the school garden. Each group will prepare the land for a
specific kind of crop different from the others. (pechay, radish, vine
crops like squash or ampalaya, legumes and cassava)

Direction: Choose the correct answer and write the letter on your quiz

1. When clearing the land you can use this farm tool to cut shrubs and
small trees.

a. bolo

b. scythe

c. pruning shear

d. tractor

2. This process is initially done to break the surface of the soil.

a. clearing

b. harrowing

c. plowing

d. furrowing

3. Mang Nando wants to harrow his small land for planting vegetables,
what tool will he use?

a. native harrow

b. shovel

c. mattock

d. rake

4. This is done in order to distribute water uniformly during irrigation.

a. furrowing

b. leveling

c. harrowing

d. plowing
5. This is the process of making straight furrows.

a. plowing

b. harrowing

c. clearing

d. furrowing

6. How long is the period between plowing and harrowing?

a. 10-15 days

b. 2-3 days

c. 5-7 days

d. 20-30 days

7. They are considered as enemies of the plants because they use much
water and mineral nutrients available to the plants to support their

a. rocks

b. trees

c. weeds

d. animals

8. Which of the following is a benefit of thorough land preparation?

a. the soil moisture is conserved

b. the growth of weeds is controlled

c. the soil is loosening allowing free circulation of air

d. all of the above

9. This is the operation involved in stirring the soil.

a. plowing

b. tilling

c. clearing
d. cutting

10. It is a long, slim, one dimensional trough made on the ground. It is

where seeds or seedlings are planted?

a. furrow

b. seedbox

c. garden

d. soil

B. SEQUENCING - Determine the correct sequence of land preparation

by writing numbers 1-5 in the space before the number.

_______A. Leveling

_______B. Harrowing

_______C. Furrowing

_______D. Plowing

_______E. Clearing

Prepared by:


1. T
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. T


1. Disagree
2. Agree
3. Agree
4. Agree
5. Disagree

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