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Student Perception on the Extent of Use of Instructional Materials in an Open Distant Learning (ODL)

Platform in Database Management System Course


Student centered pedagogical approach are already implemented in higher institutions in the
Philippines. The course utilized the ODL platform technology as a tool in the delivery of the subject
Instructional materials (IM’s) for fast and efficient delivery of the different lessons in relation to the
course objectives. This study employed quantitative research approach using descriptive design. The
respondents of the study are the 3rd year Bachelor of Science in Information Technology(BSIT) students
enrolled in the course Database Management System at Leyte Normal University. A total of 50 students
who were identified to answer the survey questionnaire on the extent use of instructional material in
teaching Database Management System course. The result shows that the respondents perceived that
instructional materials are very useful with a grand mean of 4.50. This implies that the lessons included
in the instructional material helps the student understand the topics in Database Management System.
Hence, the student finds the instructional material and the ODL platform as engaging, encourages
independent learning and effective.


Adequacy of Instructional Materials Used by Teachers in Teaching Technology and Livelihood



This study aimed to look at the adequacy of the Instructional Materials used in Teaching TLE as
Perceived by the 4th year BSE TLE Students. It sought to answer the following questions: Do the
instructional materials support the achievement of the BSE- TLE curriculum as perceived by the
respondents?; (2) Are the instructional materials in BSE- TLE adequate as perceived by the
respondents?; (3) Are the instructional materials in teaching TLE are appropriate and updated?

A modified questionnaire was used in gathering the data. There were 47 fourth year students
currently enrolled in BSE TLE program at MSU-IIT who served as the respondents of the study. The data
gathered was computed using the weighted mean and frequency count. Based on the results, it was
found out that the instructional materials used in teaching TLE limited with the needs of the curriculum.
This unalignment implies that there is a need to review the instructional materials to suit the needs of
the curriculum. The overall mean rating of 3.48 indicates that the respondents agree on the statements
regarding the help of the instructional materials in the achievement of the BSE TLE program, its goals
and objectives and content standards. Concerning the adequacy of the instructional materials used in
teaching TLE, it was revealed that there are available instructional materials for all the areas in the TLE
program and there is enough classroom and space utilized for placement of instructional tools, machine
and equipment. However, the overall mean of 2.36 shows that there is an inadequate instructional
material in relation to the number of students enrolled. The following subjects were rated as the top 5
having inadequate books/published or printed instructional materials: (1) Carpentry, (2) Electricity and
Electronics, (3) Agriculture, (4) Clothing Construction, (5) cosmetology. This is followed by the top 5
subjects with inadequate units of tools, equipment and machines: (1) Computer Aided Drafting, (2)
Carpentry, (3) Clothing construction, (4) electricity and Electronics, (5) Agriculture. Because of this
inadequacy, the students experienced buying their own materials and tools. The following shows that
the top 5 TLE subjects where students bought their own materials and tools are: (1) Clothing
Construction, (2) Electricity and Electronics, (3) Handicrafts, (4) Carpentry, (5) Cosmetology. These
findings must be given attention by the school administrators to be included in the purchase of tools and
equipment for instructional purposes.


The Adequacy of Instructional Materials and Physical Facilities and their Effects on Quality of Teacher
Preparation in Emerging Private Primary Teacher Training Colleges in Bungoma County, Kenya


The research was carried out in eight private teacher training colleges in Western Province in Kenya. The
study sample was selected through simple random and purposive sampling techniques. The sample
comprised of eight college principals, 43 tutors and 416 second year teacher trainees. Pilot testing of the
research instruments to establish how the sampled population would respond to the question items
contained in the research instrument was very useful. Data was collected through questionnaires and
observation checklists. The SPSS computer package was utilized in the analysis of descriptive statistics
such as frequencies and percentages. The research findings were presented the results in form of
frequency tables and pie-charts. The research established that the rapid emergence of private primary
teacher training colleges had a negative impact on quality of teacher preparation. These institutions
were faced with challenges such as; lack of adequate facilities like libraries and inadequate instructional
materials. These factors continue to have negative effect on the quality of graduates produced.


Assessment of Adequacy, Availability and Extent of Utilization of Instructional Materials in the

Teaching of Business Studies in Secondary Schools in Anambra State

The need to improve the teaching and learning of Business Studies in secondary schools necessitated
this study to assess the adequacy, availability and extent of utilization of instructional materials in the
teaching and learning of Business Studies in secondary schools in Anambra State. Three research
questions guided the study. The population of the study comprised 305 business studies teachers from
257 public secondary schools in Anambra State. Purposive and Cluster sampling were used to select 85
Secondary schools and 120 Business Studies teachers respectively. Instruments for data collection were
standardized checklist and structure questionnaire. The checklist was used by the researchers to assess
the adequacy of the instructional materials used in the teaching of business studies while the structured
questionnaire was used to determine the availability and extent of utilization of instructional materials
in the teaching of business studies. The questionnaire was validated by five experts with a reliability
coefficient of 0.86. Data collected were analysed using Frequency, Percentage, Mean and Standard
Deviation. Findings from the study revealed that instructional materials required in the teaching of
Business Studies in secondary schools were not adequately provided. Also, that most of the instructional
materials were available but not adequate and they were lowly utilized. Based on the findings of the
study, it was recommended among others that government and philanthropists should support public
secondary schools and made available, adequate number of the instructional materials needed for
effective teaching and learning of business studies.




This paper examines the availability, adequacy and utilization of instructionalmaterials/equipment in ho
me economics instruction in the Junior Secondary Schools inOwerri Zone. The sample comprised twenty 
home economics teachers and forty homeeconomics students, all from twenty Secondary Schools that o
ffer home economics inOwerri Zone and were selected using cluster random sampling. The instruments 
usedwere check list and questionnaire, which were validated by a team of educationists of Abia State Un
iversity, Uturu. The data were analyzed using frequency counts and percentages with 50% as the basis fo
r pass and failure. Results indicated that the schools have on the average 59.0%. Most of the available it
ems were not adequate for instructions. The result further indicated that the students were not always 
exposedto the use of the available instructional materials during instructions. It wasrecommended amo
ng others that the school administrators should ensure that theirteachers administer both theory and pr
actical work during instructions using availableinstructional materials and improvisation be made with th
e help of the students where some of the materials which could be made locally are not available

Adequacy of Instructional Materials and Interest of Secondary School Students in the Study of Physics
in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria


The study investigated the adequacy of instructional materials and interest of secondary school students
in the study of physics in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State. Specifically, the study investigated
the adequacy of instructional materials that were available for teaching physics in secondary schools
and the relationship between the level of adequacy of the instructional materials and students’ interest
in physics. The design of the study was a correlation research design and the population of the study
comprised all SS II students offering physics in public senior secondary school students in Oredo Local
Government Area of Edo state with a total number of 1,223. A total of 123 physics students were
randomly selected, that is, 10% from the population and were used as the sample for the study. This
was selected using a simple random sampling technique. The research instrument used for this study
was a questionnaire containing the respondents’ biodata, checklist of instructional materials for
teaching of physics and items to measure students’ interest. The data collected were analysed using the
descriptive statistics of mean, standard deviation and the Pearson product Moment Correlation
statistics. Findings revealed that most of the instructional materials for the teaching of physics were
adequate while some few ones were not; the adequacy of instructional materials had 20% influence on
the students’ interest in studying physicsand there was a significant relationship between the adequacy
of instructional materials and students’ interest in the study of physics in the public senior secondary
school students in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State. Based on the findings, it was
recommended that the Ministry of Education and school administrators should provide adequate
instructional materials for teaching physics in senior secondary schools in Edo State; teachers should
make regular use of instructional materials when teaching physics in senior secondary schools in Edo
State and teachers should improvise where instructional materials are not available to teach a particular
topic in physics in senior secondary schools in Edo State.


Adequacy of instructional resources provided by principals and students’ academic performance in

Machakos County, Kenya


Globally, regionally and nationally, studies keepdocumenting insufficient provision of instructional

resources by principals’ to teaching and learning process. Despite the continued efforts by the Kenyan
government to institute policies to mitigate this problem, students’ performance in Machakos remain
low over the last five years. The purpose of this study was therefore to investigate the relationship
between adequacy of instructional resources and students’ performance in public secondary schools in
Machakos County. Descriptive survey design was adopted, simple random sampling and stratified
sampling were used to select target population of 8 sub county QASOs, 47 principals and 395 teachers of
public secondary schools within Machakos County, Kenya. Both descriptive (mean and standard
deviation) and inferential statistics (independent t-test) was used in the analysis of quantitative data.
Qualitative data was analysed thematically. Questionnaires and interview guides were employed in data
collection process. The study established that, principals did not provide sufficient instructional
resources to teaching and learning. Further, there was limited improvisation and innovation of the
available teaching materials to compliment the few provided by the principals. the paper concluded
that, provision and improvisation of instructional resources influences learners’ performance. The study
recommends that the government should put more resources in schools and capacity built principals on
improvisation and use of the locally available teaching and learning resources to make them sufficient
for teaching and learning process.




This paper examines the availability and use of instructional resources necessary for teaching

Conflict and Conflict Resolution as a topic in Social Studies subject in primary schools in Nandi

North District in Kenya. The study was carried out through descriptive survey. The study

population included Social Studies teachers in Kosirai Division of Nandi North District. From this

population, a sample of 45 standard seven Social Studies teachers was drawn using purposive

sampling. The instruments used for data collection were: a questionnaire, document analysis and

classroom observation checklist. Descriptive statistics namely: frequencies and percentages were

used to analyze the data. The findings of the study showed that many of the primary school Social

Studies teachers had not attended any in-service courses to induct them on how to teach emerging

issues like Conflict and Conflict Resolution in the current primary curriculum. The teachers also

lacked sufficient instructional materials for effective teaching of the topic. The conclusion drawn

from the study was that the current preparation of teachers to teach Conflict and Conflict

Resolution is inadequate with regards to their ability to design relevant teaching and learning

resources and effectively use them in the teaching and learning process. In addition the available

instructional materials in the sampled schools were insufficient. The study recommended the need

for Social Studies teachers to be retrained and sensitized on the appropriate instructional materials

for teaching Conflict and Conflict Resolution.




Abstract: The study sought to assess the availability; utilization and barriers to teacher’s use of
instructional materials in teaching and learning of integrated science in selected Junior high schools
(JHS) in Assin-Central Municipality, Assin-South and Assin-North Districts in the Central Region of Ghana.
The descriptive survey was the research design used for the study. The sample size consisted of 120
integrated science teachers; made up of 75 males and 45 females drawn from 120 JHS; with 60 teachers
from each District. Questionnaire and interview were the two (2) instruments used for the study. The
study employed both quantitative and qualitative methods of data analysis. Data from the questionnaire
were analyzed quantitatively using mean, frequency and percentage computations whereas data from
science teachers’ interview guide were analyzed qualitatively. The study revealed that all the 120
integrated science teachers representing 100% indicated that chalkboards/marker boards; real
objects/specimens and wall charts were highly available whereas science laboratories with equipment;
filmstrip; projector and screen; magnetic and flannel boards were not available in schools for science
teaching. Also, it was observed that chalkboards/marker boards, text books, real objects/specimens and
flow charts were often utilized by teachers in teaching integrated science. Also, filmstrips, projectors and
screens, magnetic boards, still pictures and flannel boards were found not often utilized. It was observed
that majority (115 out of 120) of JHS did not have well-built science laboratories equipped with basic
science equipment for practical lessons. Also, it was found out that some schools had well-built ICT
laboratories or had created spaces/rooms as ICT laboratories but most teachers did not use these rooms
for science lessons involving ICT integration due to lack of space such rooms. Finally, all the 120 teachers
representing 100% indicated that government’s inability to supply instructional materials to schools;
increased work load on teachers and lack of well-equipped science laboratories were the three (3) major
barriers impeding the teaching and learning of integrated science. Therefore, it was recommended that
the government of Ghana and other stakeholders in Basic education should do well to supply
instructional materials to all JHS so as to help in improving the teaching and learning of integrated
science in schools.


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