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Chapter 1


1.1 Introduction to Social Work

Social work is defined as one of the helping profession. Social work focuses upon working

with individuals, families, groups, organization, and communities in order to assist them in

functioning better in the social environments.

Social work has its roots in the struggle of society to deal with in poverty and the problems

associated with it. Social work profession works to protect the vulnerable people who are in

need of help to lead financially and emotionally stable lives. Social work is a practice-based

profession and academic discipline that promotes social change and development, and

liberation of people.

Career opportunities for social workers are available in hospitals, home health

agencies, nursing home, schools, community action agencies, correctional agencies, programs

for the aging, recreation programs, mental health centres, mental retardation canters, juvenile

courts, child welfare agencies etc.

The International Federation of Social Workers says of social work today that:

“Social work is a practice-based profession and a academic discipline that promotes social

change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people.

Principles of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility and respect for diversities

are central to social work. Underpinned by theories of social work, social sciences,

humanities and indigenous knowledge, social work engages people and structures to address

life challenges and enhance wellbeing.”

According to definition given by social scientists, Skidmore and Thakery “Social work

maybe defined as an art, a science, a profession that helps people to solve personal, group and

community problems. And to attain satisfying personal, group, and community relationship

through social work practice including casework and community organization, administration

and research.”

Highlighting the theoretical side, W.A Fried Lender said, “Social work is a

professional service based upon scientific knowledge and skill in Human Relations, which

assists individual alone or in groups to obtain social and personal satisfactions and


1.2 Introduction to Field Work

Field work means work that involves going outside of the classroom to learn something in the

environment not bound only to book. Although it is also important for social work students to

have a classroom environment to learn principle, values and ethics and the scientific basis for


Field work also develops student’s skills that will help them to respond to the needs of

clients. The general purpose of field work is to make students ready with actual situations, in

preparation for professional practice.

Field work helps to increase the learning capabilities and skills in the social work

students. Field work is made up of 250 hours in a year. The work done in the field to gain

practical experience and knowledge through first hand observation and participation.

1.3 Objective of Field Work

i. To apply the theories of social work in practical field.

ii. To observe and learn something about the organization.

iii. To understand and implement theoretical knowledge and one’s skills into practice.

iv. To ensure students, appreciate the need to build healthy, productive relationships,

communication skills, to boost up their confidence.

v. To help and encourage.

Chapter 2

Agency Profile

2.1 Introduction of the Organization

Association of Youth Organizations Nepal (AYON), established in 2005, aims to bring youth

organizations together to provide a common platform for collaboration, cooperation, joint

actions and collective endeavours between youth organizations in Nepal.

AYON is a national network of non-government, non-religious, not-for-profit youth

organizations in Nepal. It acts as an umbrella organization of youth organizations. It calls for

coordination, network, support and cooperation from the government, non-government,

business institutions, civil society and young people for collaborative actions for youth

programs and policies. It is a national level first and largest network of youth led organization

in Nepal.

AYON brings its programs through its member organizations spread all-over Nepal

(43 districts). And not only that but as AYON has link with numerous other Youth

Organizations, it can deliver programs across 75 districts. Since AYON’s member and

partner organizations are based in districts, they also have the capacity to execute programs at

the community level creating maximum impact.


AYON is registered with the District Administration Office in Kathmandu and has its

affiliation with the Social Welfare Council of Nepal. It represents 92 youth organizations

representing more than 6000 youth members all over the country. AYON was established by

bringing together youth led-organizations with the primary aim to promote youth

participation in all aspect of development. AYON mainly involves in two tasks:

i. Youth related policy advocacy and campaigning on issues and concerns of youth at

national level

ii. Support for capacity building of its member organizations

2.2 Working Areas and Issues

AYON conducts its programs through its member organizations spread across Nepal.

AYON’s link with numerous other Youth Organizations helps it to plan and deliver programs

across all 75 districts.

2.3 Objectives

i. To bring together nationwide spread youth organizations and movements to foster

cooperation, dialogue, network and collaboration for youth empowerment and


ii. To act as an umbrella organization representing different youth organizations working

in Nepal.

iii. To advocate, lobby and facilitate mainstreaming of youth issues in the National


iv. To organize capacity building programs, training and workshops to strengthen the

network and its member organizations.


v. To serve as a consulting and advisory body to the government agencies and relevant

stakeholders regarding youth issues nationwide.

vi. To organize various youth based programs having national and international


vii. To represent Nepalese youth in international policy/decision making bodies,

associations, conferences and various forums.

2.4 Missions

AYON’s main act is to bring youth organizations all over Nepal together in order to

provide a common platform for collaboration, cooperation, joint actions and collective


2.5 Vision

To bring together youth led-organizations with the primary aim to promote youth

participation in all aspect of development and governance through policy advocacy

and campaign.

2.6 Goal

i. To work in collaboration/partnership or co-operation with various local, national,

international, governmental and non-governmental organizations.

ii. To open and empower individuals who have ideas to work on social issues that

concerns with young people.

iii. To support for capacity building of its member organizations.

2.7 Activities of the Organization

AYON mainly involves in two tasks: Youth related policy advocacy and campaigning

on issues and concerns of youth at national level and also to support for capacity building of

its member organizations by conducting various activities, campaign and programs. They are

discussed below:

2.7.1 Advocacy & Campaigns

As a youth organization, AYON has been involved in various advocacy campaigns since its

establishment. AYON’s major advocacy and campaigns include the following:

i. No age bar in the Constitution

ii. Youth for Constitution

iii. SMS Campaign to CA members

2.7.2 Youth Mock Parliament

Youth Mock Parliament is designed to educate and engage youths in

the parliamentary procedures and decision-making processes. YMP in all districts was

conducted with help of National Youth Council and in coordination with local CSOs, DAO,

DEO, DDC and official media partnership with newspaper, FM and TV stations. AYON did

their best to include youths involved in conflict directly or indirectly, those with disability,

students and those who are involved in social organizations and various political parties,

females, Dalits and youths from different ethnic communities.

The major objectives of the program are:

i. To build the knowledge of youths in project districts on parliamentary procedures and

thereby increase engagement in parliamentary affairs;

ii. To enhance articulation skills of youths to express their issues in communities, while

developing respect and tolerance for the views of others;


iii. To promote constructive engagement of citizens in decision making process at local

and national level; and thereby, promote more responsive policy and decision making

that addresses the needs and rights of citizens;

iv. To inform and generate interest of stakeholders and key actors at district level on

parliamentary procedures.

2.7.3 Accountability School 2016

The two minutes long earthquake changed the face of Nepal on the fateful day, 25 April

2015, it turned out to be a black day in history of Nepal. The major aftershocks on 26 April

and 12 May added more to the casualties.

Following the earthquake, self-motivated individuals, I/NGOs and governments have

been actively supporting Nepal Government and affected communities along with promising

support for recovery and rebuilding phases in the long run. Learning and experiences from

various disasters have indicated the importance of maintaining accountability and

transparency through awareness and education. People (mainly youths) selected 100

participants from the affected districts and those willing to take lead in their community on

the issues of accountability have been given training in Kathmandu. To ensure transparency

and accountability in post-earthquake rebuilding process from central to community level,

AYON organized Accountability School.

2.7.4 Nepal Youth Crop

Nepal Youth Corps (NYC) is a platform for Nepalese youths to build their capacities to lead

their own initiatives in their community. This involves three rounds of training, capacity

building, community engagement and leadership in a group of 30 youths from outside the

Kathmandu valley.

2.7.5 Leader’s Camp

More than 7 lakh families are yet to build their houses after the 2015 April earthquake. They

are still living in temporary shelters. Over two year after the disaster, nothing has been done

by the government to speed up the reconstruction process.

AYON developed a unique model to engage youth in reconstruction, YWC. So far, over 70

YWC’s have been organized directly engaging 800+ youths. AYON is planning to create

leaders, who have participated in such YWC’s and are interested to continue organizing such

camps enhancing their leadership skills. Committed youth are determined to support

earthquake affected communities through such camps.

2.8 Supporting National and International Agencies

Since its establishment, AYON has conducted various programs, projects and campaigns in

partnership with various National and International Organizations. They are:

i. Search for Common Ground (SFCG)

ii. Youth Initiative (YI)

iii. All People’s Empowerment Centre (APEC) and

iv. New World (NW)

v. British Council Nepal (2008-2011)

vi. International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)

vii. International Council on Management of Population Programs (ICOMP)

viii. International Labor Organization (ILO)

ix. Ministry of Local Development, the Government of Nepal

x. National Planning Commission, Nepal


xi. Save the Children

xii. Search for Common Ground (SFCG)

xiii. The Asia Foundation

xiv. The World Bank

xv. UNAIDS Nepal

xvi. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Nepal

xvii. UNESCO Korea

xviii. UNFPA Bangladesh

2.9 Organizational Administrative Structure


Himal Mahat

Vice President
Anil Shimkhada

General Secretary
Bharat Joshi

Shatendra Yadav

Narayan Kadel

Board Member
(Seven Member)

Program Director
Baburam Panta

Finance Communication,
Program Officer Outreach officer
Pratap Adhikari Avash Raj
Sushmita K.C

Communication Field Supervisor

Arya Shree Aryal
Dikshya Ayer


Fig 2.9: Administrative Structure of the Organization, Association of Youth

Organizations Nepal. AYON).


Chapter 3

Literature Review

3.1 History

Youth is an experience that may shape an individual's level of dependency, which can mean

various thing according to different cultural perspectives. Personal experience is marked by

an individual's cultural norms or traditions, while a youth's level of dependency means the

extent to which they still rely on their family emotionally and economically.

Youth are backbone for economic, social, political and cultural transformation and

change driving force, an important asset of the nation because of the courage, innovativeness

and high level of self-confidence they have, which is also considered to be a main source of

nation building. It is necessary to include people their capacity in the stream for national


Youth are the ones who have the power to change the face of the country. Youths

have highly contributed in various sectors; be it in economic sector, social sector or political

sector, youths have always been the front line of many movements.

3.2 Present Context of Nepal

The current population of youth in our country is about 42% of total population (aged 16 – 40

years), among which 70% are literate. According to the Nepal Labour Force Survey (NLFS),

46% of youths between 20-24 years are not utilized. More than 1600 young people travel to

aboard every day and it is estimated that more than 1500 young people leave Nepal through

open boarder. Unemployment rate is 54%, and only 27.87% are receiving vocational training.

Only 41.8 % have been able to reap any financial earnings, 80.33 % don't know and have not

participated on life skills training.


3.3 South Asian Context

The current population of youths that Nepal has, have been proven to be the changing face in

other developed nations. As when the youth population of the country is high, there is

pressure on the government and policy makers to expand education, health and employment

programs. If government fails to do so, then the youth population is more likely to fall upon

conflicts and violence situation which will appear as a serious threat.

If only Nepal could foster scientific agriculture methods to create more economic

opportunities in non-farm sectors, the country would prosper. But if the country fails to do so

then the chances of conflict occurrence gets maximized.

3.4 Relevant Laws and Policies

3.4.1 Laws

Right to freedom

Right to equality

Right relating to education and culture

Right relating to employment and social security

Right to social justice

Right to religion

Right to information

The State shall pursue a special policy of mobilizing the youthful human resources in the

development of the country.


3.4.2 Policies

The youth who have contributed to various fields of development for the country will be

honoured by the Country. Various programs shall be launched in order to develop

entrepreneurship on the youths.

Priority shall be given to the activities designed to increase participation of the youths as

volunteers in the development of nation, while providing them with information. Appropriate

opportunities of quality education, training, study and research shall be generated and

developed for the development of the role and potentiality of the youths in the national


The right of the youths to live with dignity in an environment that is free from fear

and discrimination made on grounds of class, ethnicity, profession, language, religion, region,

gender and disability will be ensured.

An action plan on employment shall be prepared and implemented gradually for the

promotion of youth employment. Special programs shall be launched in order to enhance the

capacity of organizations and institutions led by the youths. Counselling and service centres

shall be established for the career and leadership development of youths.

Chapter 4

Overall Activities Conducted

4.1 Activity Carried Out

1 Interaction and Group Discussion

4.1.1 Activity in Detail

Trainee participated a group discussion and interaction with the members of the organization

and other co-trainees. While doing group discussion trainee did discussion about various

youth issues, various activities and programs conducting by AYON and in various issue

related theoretical topic. Interaction and discussion is more important while performing

various activities with the organization.

4.1.2 Learnings

Due to interaction and group discussion, trainee learnt to conduct the form of group

discussion in the community and knew the techniques to use for group discussion. Trainee

also knew that we should use creativity while doing any work if we want to make it effective.

By the help of this program trainee knew the importance of networking to run any

organization. If there is proper co-ordination between two parties while working, it makes the

task easier to do and more effective.

2 International Youth Day

4.1.3 Activities Carried Out

Trainee was involved in organizing program for the youth day (August) with co-trainee,

staffs and other volunteers. Trainee was selected in Arts and craft and as the name suggests

worked in the field. Creating various crafts for the program, such as banners, tags, photo

booths, and many more. The program was held in Staff College and was very successful.

Daily interactions were carried out and the progress was noted.

4.1.4 Learnings

This activity helped trainee to learn more about his own capacity on other fields such as art

and craft, finance and also taught trainee to communicate with new people. The program

taught the importance of co-ordination, co-operation. It also helped make the principles clear

as the trainee had to interact with many new people. Trainee’s creativity was also brought out

due to the program.


Chapter 5

Theoretical Application and Analysis

During the theory classes of social work trainee has learn different theories, principle,

method, tools and techniques to be use in a field practically. Trainee learns different things

and got to use some of the learning into practical life while working in AYON as an intern.

5.1 Principles of Social Work

As the trainee was an intern he could not exercise the principle of self-determination but got

to learn other principles and how it really worked in real life situations such as principle of

co-operation, having non-judgemental attitude, how every person’s dignity had control over

what they did and so on.

5.2 Tools and Techniques

The trainee had yet to use tools after the first camp and working as an intern gave the

opportunity. Even though the first tool i.e. interview was used by the staff, the intern got idea

to how it should be conducted. The trainee conducted research on organization, SDG’s and

also observed the surrounding, the organization and people in it. The trainee also negotiated

the contract for the intern phase and also set the goal for the end of contract.

5.3 Four Practice System of Social Work

Client Target Action
System System System

5.4 Methods of Social Work


Chapter 6

Observation, Learning and Analysis

6.1 Overall Observation

AYON is a national network of non-government, non-religious, not-for-profit youth

organizations in Nepal. It acts as an umbrella organization of youth organizations. It calls for

coordination, network, support and cooperation from the government, non-government,

business institutions, civil society and young people for collaborative actions for youth

programs and policies. It is a national level first and largest network of youth led organization

in Nepal. It has pioneered in building capacity of youth and youth organizations, undertaking

quality research, and carrying out meaningful advocacy to bridge youth voices at the decision

making level.

Every day in the organization was a new day in order to learn new things and get new

knowledge. Even if we are given some normal duty, one can do it in a creative and innovative

way. The trainee learnt to adjust in new environment and co-operate with new people having

different perceptions. Speaking in front of a mass to organizing an event, the trainee learnt to

be responsible. The trainee observed that when programs are conducted for the wellbeing of

society, people will participate in the program. Working at AYON has helped build

confidence needed for carrying out any task. Staffs are helpful, interactive, and co-operative

with trainee and volunteers. The environment of AYON is peaceful and friendly.

6.2 Overall Learning

Determination, confidence, and hard work is necessary to overcome the difficulty, trainee

learnt that one must not show your bad behaviours instead one must apply the principles

learnt in class. Trainee learnt about the organization, its goals and also got to know youth

related issues in details. Trainee gained knowledge about social worker and possibility, roles

of professional on organization and how one is used for the betterment of him/herself and

organization as a whole.

The field work was really an effective learning chance for the trainee. Different

activities conducted by the organization developed trainee. Trainee learnt a lot in the

organization, got information many issues, especially based around youth, that is exist in our

society and also learnt how organization like this used its volunteers.

On personal level, trainee got to enhance skills needed for social work practitioner

such as skills of communication, co-operation, self - determination, decision making etc. and

also learnt how to apply all this learning into practices.

6.3 Overall Analysis

AYON is a national network of non-government, non-religious, not-for-profit youth

organizations in Nepal. It acts as an umbrella organization of youth organizations. It calls for

coordination, network, support and cooperation from the government, non-government,

business institutions, civil society and young people for collaborative actions for youth

programs and policies. It is a national level first and largest network of youth led organization

in Nepal. It has pioneered in building capacity of youth and youth organizations, undertaking

quality research, and carrying out meaningful advocacy to bridge youth voices at the decision

making level. It aims to bring youth organizations together to provide a common platform for

collaboration, cooperation, joint actions and collective endeavours between youth

organizations in Nepal.

6.3.1 SWOC Analysis of Organization Strength of the Organization

AYON has National and International helping bodies, may it be national or international. All

the members of this Organization work as a team. Members of this Organization are co-

operative, hardworking and friendly. AYON is thus regarded as flexible, innovative,

committed organization working towards reformation of youth and youth related issues.

Some important strength are;

i. many connection ; national and international

ii. proper use of human resource

iii. goals are set to be met

iv. positive utilization of budget Weakness of the Organization

Due to lack of fund, the Organization has not able to hire highly trained staffs. While doing

networking and referrals they cannot get help or supports. There is also seem some problems

like; working in rush, lack of good supervision, etc. Opportunities of the Organization

They get chance to visit National and International places. They get honour from National

and International Agencies or others. AYON has been raising and advocating youth related

issues and other contemporary issues of the country micro level to macro level.
12 Challenges of the Organization

The current main challenges for organization are:

i) political instability

ii) budget allocation,


6.3.2 SWOC Analysis of the Trainee Strength of the Trainee

Trainee was regular and punctual as well as being hardworking. Trainee did all the works

properly which was given. Trainee has good knowledge about how to interact properly with

members of the organization and others. Trainee always followed the principles of social

work as well as all theoretical knowledge while working in the field. Weakness of the Trainee

Trainee went through small family problem. Trainee could not interact with the staffs as it is

the first time working. Trainee had personal weakness regarding communication, knowledge

regarding organizational setting and many more. Trainee felt uncomfortable with new people

and new surroundings. Opportunities of the Trainee

Field work provides chance to understand the real problems, and issues of society. Field work

helped to understand the theory and moreover helped utilize them into practice. Trainee learnt

to believe in oneself, and also got to chance to realize one’s own strength. Trainee also got to

use Principles of Social Work in action, which when applied helped trainee to expand the

knowledge. The support from organization and its staffs, helped gain useful experience.
13 Challenges of the Trainee

Social work trainees sent to NGOs are treated as volunteers rather than social Work trainees.

Main challenges for trainee are:

i) deal with new people

ii) time management

iii) no proper guidance

iv) treatment as a clerk, etc.

Chapter 7


7.1 Recommendation to Organization

At AYON, they try to make individuals realize their own potential and give them the ability

to solve problems. However, there are still some points that I would like to suggest:

i) place new trainees in different departments

ii) arrange trainings for interested people so that they learn more

iii) Sharing among the trainee so that the new comers would get benefits.

iv) engage trainees more often in regular activities

v) provide more trainings and workshops to enhance skills of the trainee

vi) Give work to trainees according to their efficiency.


7.2 Recommendation to College

Our college Madan Bhandari Memorial College - Department of Social Work provides every

possible thing to the social work student for better education and environment for the students

to make them learn practically. Though the college provides us good education, it is not able

to do many things which is compulsory to do for a social work practical. We couldn’t go to

the camp which is a compulsory task for social work students in practical (field). We also do

not get holidays in our field work days and we have to go in our field work direct from our

college which is difficult to the student. The management of college towards field work and

practical will change according to the need.

7.3 Recommendation to Other Trainee

AYON is a great platform to learn and explore new ideas. The trainee should be able to come

up with own new ideas. The trainee should be regular and punctual. Trainee can learn many

things from senior trainee’s as well as the staffs. Trainee should support and cooperate with

co-trainees and staffs and also develop good relation with them. Trainee should respect the

values, ethics and work of the organization. Trainee should also try to apply all the theoretical

knowledge learnt in class, in the field.


AYON has been actively playing a big role especially, for the good and wellbeing of

youths. It calls for coordination, network, support and cooperation from the government, non-

government, institutions, society and young people for collaborative actions. A lot of youths

are benefited by the work of this organization through various trainings and programmes,

campaigns, etc. relating to youth. Being a youth, the trainee came to know that he was

unaware of many issues throughout the country which engulfed youths. Different laws and

policies made by the government was still not implemented, the trainee gained knowledge of

the various issues and how it affected individuals. The trainee learnt about organizational

structure it’s function in personal and professional life.

It was the first time, and the trainee got the experience of working in a youth

organization and other youth related issues. Trainee gained knowledge and experience for

management of events. All the events trainee attended in the organization have broadened the

mind-set of the trainee. Finally, the trainee had various opportunity at the field work from

observing cases to interacting with many people, AYON is a great platform to learn and

apply theoretical knowledge, to uplift our capacities outside of book.



Agency profile, Association of Youth Organizations Nepal (AYON)(2017). . [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Jul. 2017].

Agency structure, Association of Youth Organizations Nepal (AYON)(2017). . [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Jul. 2017].

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