Why Sustainability Is Now The Key Driver of Innovation
Why Sustainability Is Now The Key Driver of Innovation
Why Sustainability Is Now The Key Driver of Innovation
John Hersey
Even so, many companies are convinced ists, and sometimes between consumer
that the more environment-friendly they activists and governments. It resembles
become, the more the effort will erode a three-legged race, in which you move
their competitiveness. They believe it forward with the two untied legs but
will add to costs and will not deliver im- the tied third leg holds you back. One
mediate financial benefits. solution, mooted by policy experts and
Talk long enough to CEOs, particu- environmental activists, is more and in-
larly in the United States or Europe, and creasingly tougher regulation. They ar-
their concerns will pour out: Making our gue that voluntary action is unlikely to
operations sustainable and developing be enough. Another group suggests edu-
“green” products places us at a disadvan- cating and organizing consumers so that
tage vis-à-vis rivals in developing coun- they will force businesses to become sus-
tries that don’t face the same pressures. tainable. Although both legislation and
Suppliers can’t provide green inputs or education are necessary, they may not
transparency; sustainable manufactur- be able to solve the problem quickly or
ing will demand new equipment and completely.
processes; and customers will not pay Executives behave as though they
more for eco-friendly products during have to choose between the largely so-
a recession. That’s why most executives cial benefits of developing sustainable
treat the need to become sustainable products or processes and the financial
as a corporate social responsibility, di- costs of doing so. But that’s simply not
vorced from business objectives. true. We’ve been studying the sustain-
Not surprisingly, the fight to save the ability initiatives of 30 large corporations
planet has turned into a pitched battle for some time. Our research shows that
between governments and companies, sustainability is a mother lode of organi-
between companies and consumer activ- zational and technological innovations
that yield both bottom-line and top-line returns. such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, and sector-
Becoming environment-friendly lowers costs be- specific ones, such as the Forest Stewardship Coun-
cause companies end up reducing the inputs they cil code and the Electronic Product Environmental
use. In addition, the process generates additional Assessment Tool – that nongovernmental agencies
revenues from better products or enables compa- and industry groups have drawn up over the past
nies to create new businesses. In fact, because those two decades. These standards are more stringent
are the goals of corporate innovation, we find that than most countries’ laws, particularly when they
smart companies now treat sustainability as innova- apply to cross-border trade.
tion’s new frontier. It’s tempting to adhere to the lowest environ-
Indeed, the quest for sustainability is already mental standards for as long as possible. However,
starting to transform the competitive landscape, it’s smarter to comply with the most stringent
which will force companies to change the way they rules, and to do so before they are enforced. This
think about products, technologies, processes, and yields substantial first-mover advantages in terms
business models. The key to progress, particularly of fostering innovation. For example, automo-
in times of economic crisis, is innovation. Just as bile manufacturers in the United States take two
some internet companies survived the bust in 2000 or three years to develop a new car model. If GM,
to challenge incumbents, so, too, will sustainable Ford, or Chrysler had embraced the California Air
corporations emerge from today’s recession to up- Resources Board’s fuel consumption and emissions
set the status quo. By treating sustainability as a standards when they were first proposed, in 2002,
goal today, early movers will develop competencies it would be two or three design cycles ahead of its
that rivals will be hard-pressed to match. That com- rivals today – and poised to pull further ahead by
petitive advantage will stand them in good stead, 2016, when those guidelines will become the basis
because sustainability will always be an integral of U.S. law.
part of development. Enterprises that focus on meeting emerging
It isn’t going to be easy. Enterprises that have norms gain more time to experiment with materi-
started the journey, our study shows, go through als, technologies, and processes. For instance, in the
five distinct stages of change. They face different early 1990s Hewlett-Packard realized that because
challenges at each stage and must develop new ca- lead is toxic, governments would one day ban lead
pabilities to tackle them, as we will show in the solders. Over the following decade it experimented
following pages. Mapping the road ahead will save with alternatives, and by 2006 the company had
companies time – and that could created solders that are an amalgam of tin, silver,
be critical, because the clock is and copper, and even developed chemical agents to
IDEA ticking. tackle the problems of oxidization and tarnishing
during the soldering process. Thus HP was able to
comply with the European Union’s Restriction of
» Sustainability isn’t the bur- STAGE 1 Hazardous Substances Directive, which regulates
den on bottom lines that many
executives believe it to be. In fact, VIEWING the use of lead in electronics products, as soon as it
took effect, in July 2006.
becoming environment-friendly COMPLIANCE Contrary to popular perceptions, conforming to
can lower your costs and increase
your revenues. That’s why sustain-
AS OPPORTUNITY the gold standard globally actually saves companies
ability should be a touchstone for The first steps companies must money. When they comply with the least stringent
all innovation. take on the long march to sus- standards, enterprises must manage component
tainability usually arise from the sourcing, production, and logistics separately for
» In the future, only companies
law. Compliance is complicated: each market, because rules differ by country. How-
that make sustainability a goal will
achieve competitive advantage. Environmental regulations vary ever, HP, Cisco, and other companies that enforce
That means rethinking business by country, by state or region, a single norm at all their manufacturing facilities
models as well as products, tech- and even by city. (In 2007 San worldwide benefit from economies of scale and can
nologies, and processes. Francisco banned supermarkets optimize supply chain operations. The common
from using plastic bags at check- norm must logically be the toughest.
» Becoming sustainable is a five-
stage process, and each stage has out; San Diego still hasn’t.) In ad- Companies can turn antagonistic regulators
its own challenges. Here’s how to dition to legal standards, enter- into allies by leading the way. For instance, HP has
tackle them and emerge from the prises feel pressured to abide by helped shape many environmental regulations in
recession ahead of the pack. voluntary codes – general ones, Europe, and it uses the resulting brownie points
Operations. Central to building a sustainable while increasing capacity by 20%. It is also introduc-
supply chain are operational innovations that lead ing Boeing 777s, which will reduce fuel consump-
to greater energy efficiency and reduce companies’ tion by a further 18%. FedEx has developed a set of
dependence on fossil fuels. Take the case of FedEx, 30 software programs that help optimize aircraft
which deploys a fleet of 700 aircraft and 44,000 schedules, flight routes, the amount of extra fuel on
motorized vehicles that consume 4 million gallons board, and so on. The company has set up 1.5-mega-
of fuel a day. Despite the global slowdown, the watt solar-energy systems at its distribution hubs
company is replacing old aircraft with Boeing 757s in California and Cologne, Germany. It uses hybrid
as part of its Fuel Sense program, although it will vans that are 42% more fuel efficient than conven-
postpone ordering new ones until 2010. This will tional trucks and has replaced more than 25% of
reduce the company’s fuel consumption by 36% its fleet with smaller, more fuel-efficient vehicles.
Following some other pioneers, FedEx
recently turned its energy-saving ex-
pertise into a stand-alone consulting
SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES, business that, it hopes, will become a
profit center.
Most companies go through five stages on the path
to becoming sustainable.
reckoned, they would consume 80 bil-
lion fewer kilowatt-hours of electricity
and emit 34 million fewer tons of carbon
plant, which emits 3.5 million tons of carbon diox- development of cross-industry platforms to man-
ide annually. The key question is whether Calera’s age the energy needs of cities, companies, buildings,
cement will be strong enough when produced in and households. Technology vendors such as Cisco,
large quantities to rival conventional Portland ce- HP, Dell, and IBM are already investing to develop
ment. The company is toying with a radical busi- these platforms, as are utilities like Duke Energy,
ness model: It will give away cement to customers SoCal Edison, and Florida Power & Light.
while charging polluters a fee for removing their •••
emissions. Calera’s future is hard to predict, but its Two enterprisewide initiatives help companies
technology may well upend an established industry become sustainable. One: When a company’s top
and create a cleaner world. management team decides to focus on the prob-
Developing a new business model requires ex- lem, change happens quickly. For instance, in 2005
ploring alternatives to current ways of doing busi- General Electric’s CEO, Jeff Immelt, declared that
ness as well as understanding how companies can the company would focus on tackling environmen-
meet customers’ needs differently. Executives must tal issues. Since then every GE business has tried
learn to question existing models and to act entre- to move up the sustainability ladder, which has
preneurially to develop new delivery mechanisms. helped the conglomerate take the lead in several
As companies become more adept at this, the expe- industries. Two: Recruiting and retaining the right
rience will lead them to the final stage of sustain- kind of people is important. Recent research sug-
able innovation, where the impact of a new product gests that three-fourths of workforce entrants in the
or process extends beyond a single market. United States regard social responsibility and en-
vironmental commitment as important criteria in
selecting employers. People who are happy about
STAGE 5 their employers’ positions on those issues also en-
joy working for them. Thus companies that try to
CREATING NEXT-PRACTICE become sustainable may well find it easier to hire
PLATFORMS and retain talent.
Next practices change existing paradigms. To de- Leadership and talent are critical for developing
velop innovations that lead to next practices, ex- a low-carbon economy. The current economic sys-
ecutives must question the implicit assumptions tem has placed enormous pressure on the planet
behind current practices. This is exactly what led to while catering to the needs of only about a quarter
today’s industrial and services economy. Somebody of the people on it, but over the next decade twice
once asked: Can we create a carriage that moves that number will become consumers and producers.
without horses pulling it? Can we fly like birds? Can Traditional approaches to business will collapse, and
we dive like whales? By questioning the status quo, companies will have to develop innovative solutions.
people and companies have changed it. In like vein, That will happen only when executives recognize a
we must ask questions about scarce resources: Can simple truth: Sustainability = Innovation.
we develop waterless detergents? Can we breed rice
that grows without water? Can biodegradable pack- Ram Nidumolu ([email protected]) is the
aging help seed the earth with plants and trees? founder and CEO of InnovaStrat, a Santa Cruz–
Sustainability can lead to interesting next-practice based firm that helps companies design and imple-
platforms. One is emerging at the intersection of ment sustainability strategies and new business
the internet and energy management. Called the models. C.K. Prahalad ([email protected]) is the
smart grid, it uses digital technology to manage Paul and Ruth McCracken Distinguished University
power generation, transmission, and distribution Professor of Strategy at the University of Michigan’s
from all types of sources along with consumer de- Ross School of Business and a member of the board
mand. The smart grid will lead to lower costs as well of directors of the World Resources Institute. M.R.
as the more efficient use of energy. The concept has Rangaswami ([email protected]) is the founder of
been around for years, but the huge investments the Corporate Eco Forum, a global organization of
going into it today will soon make it a reality. The senior executives, and the cofounder of the Sand Hill
grid will allow companies to optimize the energy Group, a San Francisco–based strategic manage-
use of computers, network devices, machinery, tele- ment, investment, and advisory firm.
phones, and building equipment, through meters,
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sensors, and applications. It will also enable the
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