What Is Linguistics 4

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The field of linguistics is applicable in all fields, the Field of linguistic as a great
impact of all field i.e psychology, philosophy, computer science, neuroscience and artificial
intelligence. The Field of linguistics also study of the structure and functioning of human
cognitive process. Some educated elite don't know the importance of the Field of
linguistics, some have mentality that the Field of linguistics only entails a person who can
speak various language friendly.

Linguistics is there for the fine as the field which concerned with the nature of
language and communication. The Field of linguistics as a whole represent an attempt to
break down the broad to question about the nature of language and communication. The Field
of linguistics is broad range of topics which are related to language and communication
linguistics covers a broad topics i.e morphology, phonetics and phoneology, syntax,
semantics, language change, pragmatics, language acquisition in children, psychology of
language, language and the Brain.

Morphology deals with construction of words phonetic and phonemic transcription

deals with the production of sounds in English. "Phonology" is the study of speech sounds.
"Syntax" is the structure of phrases and sentence. "Language variation" deals with way a
speaker and group of speakers can differ from each other in terms of the various forms of
language that they use.

Linguistics is therefore define as semantics rules govern pronunciation, word

formation and dramatic construction. unguistics is Ford among the wine as the way in which
many are associated with phrases of a language. The term rules and govern used in the above
definition means the way the language suppose to be written. When linguistics speak of rules
there aren't referring to perspective rules, whose are really styles rather than rules of grammar
when linguistics speak on rules from grammar books. It is therefore assume by linguistics
that language is generally, that is; language is universal.

The term language and human language is referring to any specific language such as
English and Chinese. Human language is the language human used to communicate ideas and
feelings all languages are either used to ask questions or making request and making
assertions and so on and there is nothing that can be expressed in one language that cannot be

expressed in the other language, each languages has meaning to each words or sentences.
Language are similar in form and function and conform to certain universal principles which
means language is applicable in all areas of human life. It is obvious that specific language
differ from each other on the surface, if we look closer we find that woman languages similar.

Linguistics help student to participate in research process why the aims of linguistics,
is to understand how language is structure and its functions. Language also helps to process
human thoughts and feelings. Understand human language, one needs to be extra ordinary
intelligent. Thus language is the "mirror of mind, that is, it is the expression of human
though, feelings and idea of an individual. Hence, language can also be seen as the vehicle of

Linguistics as a field fundamentally concerned with the nature of language and

communication. It is said that people have been familiar with language and communication
for thousands years yet in many ways we are only beginning to understand the complex
nature of the aspect of my life.

Another important bag and as option that linguistic make is that various human
language constitute a unified phenomenon. Some linguists assume that it is possible to study
human language in that the study of a particular language is Will revail features of language
that are universal.

Tucson linguistics the aim of linguistics is not simply to understand and speak
language. We hope that as we come to understand more about the process of human thought.
In this then the study of language is ultimately the study of the human mind. The goal is
perhaps best expressed by Noam Chomsky in his book reflection on language.

Is a speech of importance of the field of linguistics, many people even highly

educated people will tell you that a linguist is a person who speaks several languages fluently.
Other believe that linguist and language experts who can help you decide whether it is better
to say "it is I" an excellent one at that without having thoughts in simple language class,
without having interpreted at the UN, and we thought speaking any more than one language.
Having examined certain structure properties of Man language in part 1, return to
fundamental property in part 2. Language acquisition in children studies the stage involved in
language acquisition by human with normal brain function and revealed the evidence for
posting a genetically endowed "language acquisition device"

To turn now from the particular to the general, what are some of the background assumption
that linguist make when they study language. Perhaps the most important fundamental
assumption is that human language turning to more abstract properties, even the former
structures of language are similar. All language have sentence made up of smaller phrasal
unit this unit in turn be made up of words which are themselves made up of sequence of
sounds. All of the features of human language are so obvious that us that we may say to see
how surprising it is that language has share to them that we may see.



Talking about our native language which means we can hear and speak our native language
fluently which is different from while listening to a foreign language, you did not understand
or speak. It is only when the speaker of the language breaks the sound little by little that you
understand what the speaker meant. The ability to analyse a continuous stream of sound into
discrete until is far from trivial and it constitutes a central part of language comprehension
when you understand a language you are able to recognise the word or the sounds. The
subfield of linguistics will be emphasized:

1. Phonetics/phonological information: phonetics and phonology and the subfield of

linguistics which studies and in human language.
2. Lexical structural information: local structural information tells us that some words
can be broken down to contract another meaning.
3. Morphology: is this field of linguistics which study the structure/construction of
words and the relationship of words.
4. Semantic information: semantic information is the Field of linguistics which studies
the meaning of words which can either be a phrase or a sentence.
5. Sigmatic information column technimatic information is a surfeit of linguistics which
help to make use of the words learnt properly.

The other aspect of words that linguistics study.com in not be known to a native speakers.
Words and their use of varries in most cases i.e deer was a general word meaning "animal"but
now it is used to refer only to a particular species in animal. This fact about variation might
not be known to native speakers such fact is linguistics is called dialectal variation/language

They are difficult questions and linguist studying morphology cannot provide answers to
them. The nature of sounds dictate what's the meaning ought to be. Words is simply the place
order for the subject position of the statement.


Words are classified into two categories Poland simple and complex sentence a morphemes;
that is a minimal unit can be broken down or analysed to form another meaning. In some
cases morphemes may not be broken down to form a meaningful parts.

The process of distinguishing the morphemes in the continuous stream of sound. For example

a napple an apple

a numbrella an umbrella

Morphemes are categorised into two free Morphemes and bound morphemes. a free
Morphemes is Independence world in a phrase that is; it can stand on its own. Bound
morphemes cannot stand on his own. Bound morphemes are otherwise known as affixes.

Affixes Are prefixes attached to the beginning of another words. E.g re-educate, re-run, re-
call, re-do, pre-exam, post-natal, anti-malaria.

*Creating new words are changing meaning of words means inventing a new sounds even it's
another meaning.

Acronym Source

NUT Nigeria union of Teachers

CPU central processing unit
RAM only memory

Changing the meaning of words.

A new meaning can be associated with an existing words. There are various ways which
words can be changed.

1. The grammatical category of the world changes in part of speech.

2. the vocabulary of one domain is extending to a new domain.

3. The meaning of the word broadens in scope.

4. The meaning of a complex word.

5. The meaning of a word changes to opposite of its original meaning.

 Change in past of speech: a word can be changed in grammatical category full stop
for instance; "educate" which refers to impart knowledge and "education"
 Metaphorical extension: is another way in which meaning of an existing word is
modified, thus resulting in new use word can be extended to accommodate the rapid
changes of technology.
 Broadering metaphorical: it's the extending of new words which make its blood and
give it another meaning.
 Derivational morphology (word formation rules) these is the core of each process in
an already existing word, to which other words and affixes can be added.
 Compounds and compounding: is the use of new words to form another words or in
a way by which individual words are joined together to form a compound words. i.e

Noun + Noun Adjective + Noun Preposition + noun Verb + Noun

Landlord Wildfire Overdose Swearword

Compound words does not comprises of two words alone. Compound can be two or more
words. Compounding is a source of new words in English.

The agentive suffix -er

The agentive suffix -er is the use of "er" to a verb e.g

Verb Agentive noun (vter)

Sing Singer

Cook Cooker

Drum Drummer

Kill Killer

Tick Ticker

The agentive noun formation (using suffixes er) shows relationship between a verb and noun.

The-able suffix

The "able" suffix means adding "able" to a verb e.g.

Teach Teachable

Move Moveable

Touch Touchable

Break Breakable


Three problems are involved based on complex words it involve productivity, false analysis
and bound morphemes.


It is said that the suffix “able” is attached to the transitive verb, which is wrong. The suffix
“able” is used in noun.

False analysis

Even if these words end in the phonetic sequence “able” suffix. In any event in carrying out a
meteorological analysis, we must always be careful whether the process in question are
productive e.g.

Adjective Noun

Available Availability

Mobile Mobility

Bound Base morphemes: it is the existence of a complex word (recall the earlier discussion of
the bound base of a complex word).

The meaning of complex words.

Another morphological aspect is complex words. In complex words does not really mean
composite meaning of their parts. The basic meaning of complex word are narrowing in
restricting of more general meaning of the complex word. Compounding is also know as
production. i.e Noun + Noun, e.g Hot – tempered, Lazy – bone. Words that are made up off
compound words are always morphologically simple.

Morphological anaphora

An anaphora means relation between e.g a pronoun and antecedent noun phrase which two
vowrds are used to derive same meaning Anaphora in other words refers to replacement of
another word used earlier in a sentence. The linguistic system utilize various mechanism to
signal this phenomenon. In English the morpheme self functions to signal when two phrases
are being used to pick out individual. E.g employ changes to self employ(s). Some of the
word “self” cannot be added directly to some verb.

Classes of Derivational Affixes

There are differences between derivational and inflectional affixes. E.g

Curious Curiosity Curiousness

Passive passivity passiveness
The suffixes-ity and ness compared with respect to location of stress on the base

Adjective -lty noun -ness noun

PAssive passIvity PAssuvebess



Phonetic is concened with how speech sounds are pronounced. (phonetic is the study know as
articulatiory). Phonetic is articulation and production of sounds. The term phonoing is the
study of sounds.

Physiology of speech production

Speech is a flowing series of noises which are produce inside the throat, mouth and nasal
passages and comes out the mouth and sometimes from the nose. Sound wave are produced
by a complex interaction of

1. An outward flow of air from the lungs.

2. Modifications of the airflow at the larynx also known as (voice box)
3. Additional modification of the airflow by position and movement of the tongue and
other anatomical structure of the vocal tract.
1. Airflow from the lungs during speech.

The airflow from the lugs during speech are different from the airflow during breathing.
The primary mechanism of escpanding the lungs during both quiet breaking and speech is
the contraction contraction enable diaphragm to lower and flatten out, leading to an
increase in the size of the chest cavity contraction enables the ribs to lift up and the way
ribs are hinged.


Stops are sounds produced when the airflow is completely obstructed during speech. The
sound /p/ is a bilabial stop, it is therefore voiceless the airflow is stopped by the complex
closure of the tow ups.

/b/ - A voiced bilabial stop the symbol /b/ represent the first and last sound name Bob.

/t/ - it represent the initial sound in the English word “tea”.

/d/- a voiced alveolar stop which the sound is represented by /d/ which was the same
articulation as /t/.

/k/ - A voiceless velar stop: this sounds is produced when pronounced when the tongue
touches the soft palate.

/g/ - A voiced velar stop. The symbol /g/ has the same pronunciation as /k/


Fricates are sounds produced when airflow forced through a narrow opening in the vocal tract
that noise produced by friction is created.

/f/ - The sound /f/ involves the lower up and the (upper) teeth. i.e fit.

/v/ - A voiced labiodental fricative the sound

/v/ - is represented by the symbol /f/.

/O/ - a viceless (inter) dental fricative both the sound /O/ an its counterpart /J/ are spelled as
/th/ the sound /O/ is produced when the tongue tip is placed against the upper teeth, friction
being created by air forced between the upper teeth and the tongue.

/a/ - A voiced interdental fricative the symbol /a/ represent the first sound of the word this
and that.

/s/ - A voiceless aneuiar fricative the sound /s/ is produced by air passing between either the
tongue tip or blade and the aiveolar ridge. The symbol /s/ is represent the first sound of the
word “sin”.

/s/ - A voiceless aiveopalatal fricative the sound /s/ is production of the /s/ tongue tip is
positioned either near the alveolar ridge. The symbol /s/ represent the first sound in the word

/3/ - a voiced alveopalatal fricanice. It is commonly that the sound /3/ is seen at the middle of
English words.

/h/ - A voiceless “gluttal” fricative. The /h/ is often called a glottal fricative because the vocal
cord s are positioned so that a small amount of turbulent airflow is produced across the


An affricates is a single but complex sound, beginning as a stop but releasing secondarily into
a fricative.

/ts/ - a voiceless alveopalatal affricate. The symbol is produced by the contact of the teeth to
the roof of the mouth.

/dz/ - A voiced alveopalatal affricate. The sound /dz/ can also be pronounced as /j/


Nasals are oral stops, which is similar to voiced stop which is produced with a complete
obstruction in oral cavity. Nasal sounds are sounds which are produced through the nose.
E.g /m/, /n/, /b/, /n/.


The term liquid is a non technical, impressions which indicates that sounds are “smooth”.

An alveolar liquid in the articulation of English /I/, the tongue blade is raised and the apex
makes contact with the alveolar ridge.

Glides: is the speech sound made while moving the tongue from one position to another
e.g /w/, /m/, /l/, /j/.

The vowels of American

Vowels are sounds produced by no obstruction.

Lax (short vowels)

Short vowels include.

/l/ A lax high front vowel. This term is the position of the tongue in the mouth. The symbol /l/
represent the vowel sound in the words /bit/.

/E/ - A lax mid front vowel

/ae/ - A lax low front vowel. This sound is produced with a front tongue body and with a
lowered tongue body and jaw.

/U/ - A lax high back vowel

Reduced Vowels

There are two so-called reduced vowels in English e.g the schiwa sound is called a reduced
vowel the reduced vowel in English is a high back vowel which is represented the symboi /i/

Consonants and vowels in other languages

All spoken human language have sound made up of consonants and vowels.
American English has 39 phonemes (24 consonants and 15 novels).

A group of sounds that maybe unfamiliar to speakers of English and European and
Asian language are those call the clicks.

Consonant cluster: Every language has its own set of condition on consonant sequence.
When a word is borrowed into one language. It is earlier noted that hawalian has 8
consonants (p, m, n, j, k, h, w and 5 vowels).


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