Italian Phrase Book & Dictionary

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Speaking Your Language

• If If
Quick Reference
Hello. Salve, sahl-veh
Goodbye. Arrivederla. ahr-ree-veh-dehr-lah
Yes. Si. see
No. No. noh
OK. OK. oh-kav
Excuse me! (to get Scusi! skoo-zee
Excuse me. (to get Permesso, pehr-mehs-soh
I’m sorry. Mi dispiace, mee dees-pvah-cheh
I’d like... Vorrei... vohr-ray...
How much? Quant’è? kwahn-teh
Where is...? Dov’è...? doh-veh...
Please. Per favore, pehr fah-voh-reh
Thank you. Grazie, qrah-tsveh
You’re welcome. Prego, preh-ooh
Please speak slowly. Parli lentamente per favore, oahr-lee
lehn-tah-mehn-teh pehr fah-voh-reh
Can you repeat that? Può ripetere? pwoh ree-oeh-teh-reh
I don’t understand. Non capisco, nohn kah-pees-koh
Do you speak Parla inglese? oahr-lah een-aleh-zeh
I don’t speak Italian. Non parlo italiano, nohn pahr-loh
Where's the restroom Dov’è la toilette? doh-veh lah twah-leht
Help! . Aiuto! ah-voo-toh
Phrase Book

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Pronunciation.7 Vowels.8
Consonants.7 Howto Use This Book.10

Arrival and Departure.... 13 Gas [Petrol] Station .. 32
ESSENTIAL.13 Asking Directions ... 33
Passport Control and Parking.35
Customs.14 Breakdown
and Repairs.35
Money and Banking.15
ATM, Bank and Currency Accommodations.36
Exchange.15 ESSENTIAL.36
Finding Lodging.37
At the Hotel.38
Getting to the Airport. 20
Check-in and Boarding 22
Household Items .... 44
Finding Your Way.... 24
Departures.25 Internet and
Boarding.26 Communications.47
Subway [Underground] .. 29 Computer, Internet
Boat and Ferry.29 and E-mail.48
Bicycle and Motorcycle .. 30 Phone.50
Taxi.30 On the Phone.51
Car.31 Fax.52
Car Rental [Hire] .... 31 Post Office.52 3
Eating Out.55 Fish and Seafood.69
ESSENTIAL.55 Meat and Poultry.71
Restaurant Types.56 Pizza.73
Reservations and Pasta.75
Questions.57 Pasta Sauces.77
Ordering.58 Vegetables and Staples.. 78
Cooking Methods.60 Fruit.80
Special Requirements... 60 Cheese.81
Dining with Kids.61 Dessert.83
Paying.62 ESSENTIAL.85
Market.63 Non-alcoholic Drinks— 86
Dishes, Utensils and
Aperitifs, Cocktails and
Kitchen Tools.65
Meals.66 Beer.88
Breakfast.66 Wine.89
Appetizers [Starters].... 67
Menu Reader.90

Talking. .105 Romance.112
Communication Making Plans.112
Difficulties.106 Pick-up [Chat-up]
Making Friends.108 Lines.114
Travel Talk.108 Accepting and
Relationships.109 Rejecting.114
Work and School.110 Getting Physical.115
Weather.Ill Sexual Preferences.... 115
Sightseeing.117 Clothing.133
ESSENTIAL.117 Color.134
Tourist Information Clothes and
Office.117 Accessories.134
Tours.118 Fabric.136
Sights.119 Shoes.136
Impressions.120 Sizes.136
Religion.121 Newsstand and
Stores.122 Sports and Leisure.138
Services.124 ESSENTIAL.138
Spa.124 Spectator Sports.139
Hair Salon.125 Participating.140
Sales Help.126 At the Beach/Pool.140
Preferences.127 Winter Sports.142
Decisions.128 In the Countryside.143
Culture and Nightlife ... 145

Special Needs-
Business Travel.149 Basic Needs for Kids... 154
ESSENTIAL.149 Babysitting.155
Business Communication . 149 Health and Emergency . 155

Travel with Children .... 152 For the Disabled.156

Fun with Kids.152 Getting Help.157
Emergencies.159 Health
ESSENTIAL.159 Problems.169
Basic Needs.170
ESSENTIAL.159 Reference.171
Lost Property Grammar.171
and Theft.161 Numbers.177
Ordinal Numbers... 178
Finding a Doctor.162
Health Conditions.164
Payment and Insurance. 167
Conversion Tables.182
Pharmacy [Chemist] ... 167
Oven Temperature.. 183
Related Websites.183

English-ltalian Italian-English
Dictionary.184 Dictionary .. 204
This section is designed to make you familiar with the sounds of
Italian using our simplified phonetic transcription. You’ll find the
pronunciation of the Italian letters and sounds explained below,
together with their “imitated” equivalents. This system is used
throughout the phrase book; simply read the pronunciation as if it
were English, noting any special rules below.

Stress has been indicated in the phonetic pronunciations by

underlining. These letters should be pronounced with more
emphasis. Generally, the vowel of the next to last syllable is
stressed. When a final vowel is stressed, it has an accent.

Letter(s) Pronunciation Symbol Example Pronunciation
c 1. before e and ch cerco chehr-koh
i, ch as in chip
2. elsewhere, k conto kohn-toh
c as in cat
ch c as in cat k che keh

g 1. before e and j valigia vah-jee-jyah

i, like j in jet
2. elsewhere, g grande qrahn-deh
g as in go

gg pronounced dj viaggio wah-dioh

more intensely

gh g as in go gh ghiaccio qhyah-chyoh

gii Hi as in million Hy bagaglio bah-aah-llvoh

gn like the first n ny bagno bah-nvoh
in onion

Letter(s) Pronunciation Symbol Example Pronunciation
h always silent ha ah

r rolled in the r Roma roh-mah

back of the

s 1. generally s s salsa sahl-sah

as in sit
2. sometimes z z casa kah-zah
as in zoo

sc 1. before e and sh uscita oo-shee-tah

i, sh as in shut
2. elsewhere, sk sk scarpa skahr-pah
as in skin

z/zz 1. generally ts ts grazie grah-tsveh

as in hits
2. sometimes dz zero dzeh-roh
a little softer,
like dz
The letters b, d, f, k, I, m, n, p, q, t and v are pronounced as in
English. The letters j, k, w, x and y are not true members of the
Italian alphabet and appear only in foreign words or names.

Letter Pronunciation Symbol Example Pronunciation

a short, as in father ah gatto aaht-toh

e 1. like e as in get eh destra deh-strah

2. before a single ay sete say-teh

sometimes like
e in they
Letter Pronunciation Symbol Example Pronunciation
i ee as in meet ee vini vee-nee
0 o as in so oh sole soh-leh
u oo as in boot 00 fumo foo-moh

Vowel Combinations
Letter Symbol Example Pronunciation
ae ah-eh paese pah-eh-zeh
ao ah-oh Paolo pah-oh-loh
au ow auto ow-toh
eo eh-oh museo moo-zeh-oh
eu eh-oo euro eh-oo-roh
ei ay lei lay
ia yah piazza pyah-tsah
ie yeh piede pveh-deh
io yoh piove pvoh-veh
iu yoo più pyoo
ua wah quale kwah-leh
ue weh questo kweh-stoh
ui wee qui kwee
uo woh può pwoh

There are approximately sixty million Italian speakers. Many

different dialects add variety and color to the country’s
linguistic landscape. In addition, Italian is spoken in the
southern area of Switzerland.

How to Use This Book
These essential Sometimes you see two alternatives in
phrases can also be italics, separated by a slash. Choose the
heard on the audio CD. one that’s right for your situation.

I’m on vacation Sono in vacanza/viaggio d’affari.
[holidayj/business. soh-noh een vah-kahn-tsah/wah-dioh

I’m going to... Vado a ... vah-doh ah ...

I’m staying at Sono all’hotel... soh-noh ahl-loh-tehl ...

the... Hotel.

| You May See...

DOGANA customs

MERCE D ITY-FREE duty-free goods

MERCE DA DICHIARARE goods to declare

Ticketi i g-
When’s; th : A che ora è ////’.. .per Milano? ah keh oh-rah
Milan? eh ee///...pehr m^e-lah-noh

- (first) bis Jprimo) autolius (pree-moh) ow-toh-boos

- (next) fliJ ht rossimo) vdIo (orohs-see-moh) voh-loh

- (last) tra n ■ (ultimo) treno (ool-tee-moh) treh-noh

Any of the words or phrases

Words you may see written are preceded by dashes can be
shown in You May See boxes. plugged into the sentence above.
How to Use This Book
Italian phrases appear Read the simplified pronunciation as if it
in red. were English. For more on pronunciation,
see page 7.

Who are you with?
Con chi e? kohn kee ee
I’m here alone. Sono da solo $ /sola 9. soh-noh dah
soh-loh cJ/soh-l
When’s your Quando è il suo coi ii/h0„ Hi
When different gender
birthday? eh eel soo-oh kohm-pt forms apply, the masculine
How old are you? Quanti anni ha? kw form is followed by $ ;
feminine by 9.
I’m...years old. Ho...anni, oh ...ahn
►For Italian pronouns, see page 172.

The arrow indicates

Information boxes contain relevant a cross reference where
country, culture and language tips. you’ll find related phrases.

handshake is a common gesture among strangers or in

formal settings. Traditionally, it is expected that a woman
be the first to offer her hand. A kiss on both cheeks is used
among friends and relatives. A nod and a smile suffice when
greeting members of a group of people.

You May Hear...

Parlo poco inglese, pahr-loh ooh-koh I only speak a lit
een-aleh-zeh English.

Non parlo inglese, nohn pahr-loh I dpn’t snpak/Ennlish.

-Qnn.aloh.-znh__ Color-coded side
Expressions you may hear are bars identify each
shown in You May Hear boxes. section of the book.
▼ Survival
► Arrival and Departure 13
► Money and Banking 15
► Transportation 18
► Accommodations 36
► Internet and Communications ^ 47
Arrival and Departure
Arrival and Departure
I’m on vacation Sono in vacanza/viaggio d’affari, soh-noh
[holidayj/business. een vah-kahn-tsah/vvah-dioh dahf-fah-ree
I’m going to... Vado a... vah-doh ah...
I’m staying at Sono all’hotel... soh-noh ahl-loh-tehl...
the... Hotel.

You May Hear.. ■

Il passaporto, per favore, eel Your passport,

pahs-sah-pohr-toh pehr fah-voh-reh please.
Motivo della visita? moh-tee-voh What’s the purpose
dehl-lah vee-zee-tah of your visit?
Dove alloggia? doh-veh ahl-Joh-djah Where are you

Quanto tempo si ferma? kwahn-toh How long are you

tehm-poh see fehr-mah staying?

Chi viaggia con Lei? kee vvah-diah kohn lay Who are you
traveling with?

Per favore is the standard Italian translation for “please.”

i Prego is the standard Italian translation for “you are

welcome,” but it’s also used for “please,”-in the sense of “if
you please,” in certain informal situations.

Passport Control and Customs
I’m just passing Sono solo di passaggio, soh-noh soh-loh dee
through. pahs-sah-dioh
I’d like to declare... Vorrei dichiarare... vohr-ray
I have nothing Non ho nulla da dichiarare, nohn oh nool-lah
to declare. dah dee-kyah-rah-reh

You May Hear...

Ha qualcosa da dichiarare? ah Anything to
kwahl-koh-zah dah dee-kyah-rah-reh declare?

Deve pagare la tassa su questo, deh-veh You must pay duty

pah-aah-reh lah tahs-sah soo kweh-stoh on this.

Apra questa borsa, ah-prah kweh-stah Open this bag.


1 You May See...

DOGANA customs

MERCE DUTY-FREE duty-free goods

MERCE DA DICHIARARE goods to declare

NULLA DA DICHIARARE nothing to declare


POLIZIA police

Money and Banking
Money and Banking
Where’s...? Dov’è...? doh-veh...
-the ATM - il bancomat eel bahn-koh-maht
- the bank - la banca lah bahn-kah
- the currency - l’ufficio di cambio loof-fee-chyoh dee
exchange office kahm-byoh
When does the A che ora apre/chiude la banca? ah keh
bank open/close? oh-rah ah-preh/kyoo-deh lah bahn-kah
I’d like to change Vorrei cambiare dei dollari/delle sterline
dollars/pounds in euro, vohr-ray kahm-byah-reh day
into euros. dohl-lah-ree/dehl-leh stehr-lee-neh een eh-oo-roh
I’d like to cash Vorrei riscuotere dei travellers cheques.
traveler’s checks vohr-ray ree-skwoh-teh-reh day trah-vehl-lehrs
[cheques]. chehks

ATM, Bank and Currency Exchange

I’d like to change Vorrei cambiare del denaro, vohr-ray
money. kahm-byah-reh dehl deh-nah-roh
Flow much is Quant’è la commissione? kwahn-teh lah
the fee? kohm-mees-svoh-neh
1 lostmy traveler’s Ho perso / miei travellers cheques/la mia
checks [cheques]/ carta di credito, oh pehr-soh ee mee-ay
credit card. trah-vehl-lehrs chehks/lah mee-ah kahr-tah dee
My card was La mia carta di credito è stata rubata/non
stolen/doesn’t work. funziona, lah mee-ah kahr-tah dee kreh-dee-toh
eh stah-tah roo-bah-tah/nohn foon-tsvoh-nah
► For bank and credit cards, see page 129.

► For numbers, see page 177. 15

Cash can be obtained from ATMs with Visa™, Eurocard™, t
American Express® and many other international cards.
Instructions are usually available in English. You can change
money at travel agencies and hotels, but the rate will not be
as good as at a bank or currency exchange office. Remember
to bring your passport when you want to change money.

You May See...

INSERIRE LA CARTA insert card here

ANNULLA cancel




PRELIEVO withdrawal

DEPOSITO deposit

DA CONTO CORRENTE from checking [current account]


RICEVUTA receipt
Money and Banking
You May See...
Italian currency is the euro €, divided into 100 centesimi.
Coins: 1,2, 5,10, 20, 50 cent.; €1,2
Notes: €5,10, 20, 50,100, 200, 500


How do 1 get to town? Come si arriva in città? koh-meh see

ahr-ree-vah een cheet-tah

Where’s...? Dov’è...? doh-veh...

- the airport - l’aeroporto lah-eh-roh-pohr-toh

- the train [railway] - la stazione ferroviaria lah stah-tsyoh-neh

station fehr-roh-wah-rvah

- the bus station - la stazione degli autobus lah

stah-tsyoh-neh deh-llyee ow-toh-boos

- the subway - la stazione della metropolitana lah

[underground] stah-tsyoh-neh dehl-lah
station meh-troh-poh-lee-tah-nah

How far is it? Quanto dista? kwahn-toh dees-tah

Where do 1 buy Dove si comprano i biglietti? doh-veh see

a ticket? kohm-Drah-noh ee bee-llveht-tee

A one-way/round-trip Un biglietto di andata/di andata e

[return]ticket to... ritorno per... oon bee-llveht-toh dee
ahn-dah-tah/dee ahn-dah-tah eh
ree-tohr-noh pehr...
How much? Quant’è? kwahn-teh

Is there a discount? C’è uno sconto? cheh oon-oh skohn-toh

Which...? Quale...? kwah-leh...

-gate - uscita oo-shee-tah

- line - linea ]ee-neh-ah

- platform - binario bee-nah-rvoh

Where can 1 get Dove posso trovare un taxi? doh-veh
a taxi? pohs-soh troh-vah-reh oon tah-ksee
Take me to this Mi porti a questo indirizzo, mee oohr-tee
address. ah kweh-stoh een-dee-ree-tsoh
Where’s the car Dov’è un autonoleggio? doh-veh oon
rental [hire]? ow-toh-noh-Jeh-djoh
Can 1 have a map? Può darmi una cartina? pwoh dahr-mee
oo-nah kahr-tee-nah

When’s A che ora è ////'...per Milano? ah keh oh-rah
Milan? eh eel/l.. .pehr mee-lah-noh
- (first) bus - (primo) autobus (oree-moh) ow-toh-boos
- (next) flight - (prossimo) volo (prohs-see-moh) voh-loh
- (last) train - (ultimo) treno (ool-tee-moh) treh-noh
Where do 1 buy Dove si comprano i biglietti? doh-veh see
a ticket? kohm-prah-noh ee bee-llveht-tee
One/Two ticket(s), Un biglietto/Due biglietti, per favore, oon
please. bee-llveht-toh/doo-eh bee-llveht-tee pehr fah-voh-reh
For today/tomorrow. Per oggi/domani. pehr oh-diee/doh-mah-nee
► For days, see page 180.

► For time, see page 179.

A...ticket. Un biglietto... oon bee-llveht-toh...
- one-way - di andata dee ahn-dah-tah
- round-trip - di andata e ritorno dee ahn-dah-tah eh
[return] ree-tohr-noh
- first class - di prima classe dee pree-mah klahs-seh
- second class - di seconda classe dee seh-kohn-dah klahs-seh
- economy class - di classe economica dee klahs-seh
eh-koh-noh-mee-kah 19
How much? Quant’è? kwahn-teh
Is there a... C’è un biglietto ridotto per...? cheh oon
discount? bee-llveht-toh ree-doht-toh pehr...
- child - bambini bahm-bee-nee
- student - studenti stoo-dehn-tee
- senior citizen - anziani ahn-tsvah-nee
- tourist - turisti too-ree-stee
The express/local L’autobus/ll treno espresso/locale, per
bus/train, please. favore, low'toh-boos/eel treh-noh eh-sprehs-soh/
loh-kah-leh pehr fah-voh-reh
I have an e-ticket. Ho un biglietto elettronico, oh oon
bee-llveht-toh eh-leht-troh-nee-koh
Can I buy a ticket Posso comprare il biglietto sull’autobus/
on the bus/traàV. sul treno? pohs-soh kohm-prah-reh eel
bee-llveht-toh sool-low-toh-boos/sool
I’d like prenotazione, vohr-ray.. lah
reservation. preh-noh-tah-tsyoh-neh
- cancel - annullare ahn-nool-!ah-reh
- change - cambiare kahm-bvah-reh
- confirm - confermare kohn-fehr-mah-reh

Getting to the Airport
How much is a taxi Quant’è la tariffa del taxi fino
to the airport? aM’aeroporto? kwahn-teh lah tah-reef-fah dehl
tah-ksee fee-noh ahl-lah-eh-roh-pohr-toh
To. ..Airport, please. All’aeroporto di..., per favore.
ahl-lah-eh-roh-pohr-toh dee...pehr fah-voh-reh
My airline is... Parto con la/l’... pahr-toh kohn lah/l...
My flight leaves at... Il volo è alle... eel voh-loh eh ahj-leh...
I’m in a rush. Ho fretta, oh freht-tah
Can you take an Può prendere un’altra strada? pwoh
alternate route? prehn-deh-reh oo-nahl-trah strah-dah
Can you drive Può andare più velocemente/lentamente?
faster/slower? pwoh ahn-dah-reh pyoo veh-loh-cheh-mehn-teh/

You May Hear...

Con che compagnia aerea viaggia? kohn What airline are you
keh kohm-pah-nee-ah ah-eh-reh-ah vvah-diah flying?
Nazionale o internazionale? Domestic or
nah-tsvoh-nah-leh oh een-tehr-nah-tsvoh-nah-leh international?
Quale terminal? kwah-leh tehr-mee-nahl What terminal?

You May See...

ARRIVI arrivals
PARTENZE departures
RITIRO BAGAGLI baggage claim
SICUREZZA security
VOLI NAZIONALI domestic flights
VOLI INTERNAZIONALI international flights

CHECK-IN check-in



Check-in and Boarding
Where’s check-in? Dov’è il check-in? doh-veh eel chehk-een
My name is... Mi chiamo... mee kvah-moh...
I’m going to... Vado a... vah-doh ah...
How much luggage Quanti bagagli si possono portare?
is allowed? kwahn-tee bah-aah-llvee see pohs-soh-noh

Which terminal/gate? Quale terminal/uscita? kwah-leh

I’d like a window/ Vorrei un posto vicino al finestrino/
an aisle seat. al corridoio, vohr-ray oon poh-stoh
vee-chee-noh ahi fee-neh-stree-noh/
ahi kohr-ree-doh-yoh
When do we Quando partiamo/arriviamo? kwahn-doh
leave/arrive? pahr-tvah-moh/ahr-ree-wah-moh
Is the flight delayed? Il volo è in ritardo? eel voh-loh eh een

How late? Di quanto è in ritardo? dee kwahn-toh eh een


You May Hear...

Il prossimo! eel prohs-see-moh Next!

Il suo passaporto/biglietto, per favore. Your passport/ticket,

eel soo-oh pahs-sah-oohr-toh/bee-llveht-toh please.
pehr fah-voh-reh
Quanti bagagli consegna? kwahn-tee How many bags are
bah-gah-llyee kohn-seh-nvah you checking?

Ha il bagaglio in eccesso, ah eel You have excess

bah-gah-llyph een eh-chehs-soh luggage.
È troppo grande per portarlo a mano. That’s too large for
eh trohp-poh grahn-deh pehr a carry-on [piece of
pohr-tahr-loh ah mah-noh hand luggage].
Ha fatto Lei le valigie? ah faht-toh Did you pack these
lay leh vah-jee-jyeh bags yourself?
Qualcuno le ha dato qualcosa da Did anyone give you
portare? kwahl-koo-noh leh ah dah-toh anything to carry?
kwahl-koh-zah dah pohr-tah-reh
Vuoti le tasche, vwoh-tee leh tahs-keh Empty your pockets.
Tolga le scarpe. toh|-gah leh skahr-peh Take off your shoes.
Imbarco immediato... eem-bahr-koh Now boarding...

Where is/Where Dov’è/Dove sono...? doh-veh/doh-veh
are...? soh-noh...
■ the luggage carts - i carrelli per i bagagli ee kahr-rehl-lee pehr
[trolleys] ee bah-aah-llvee
■ the luggage - il deposito bagagli eel deh-poh-see-toh
lockers bah-aah-lvee
- the baggage claim - il ritiro bagagli eel ree-tge-roh
My luggage has Mi hanno perso/rubato i bagagli.
been lost/stolen. mee ahn-noh pehr-soh/roo-bah-toh ee
My suitcase has La mia valigia è danneggiata, lah mee-ah
been damaged. vah-Jee-jyah eh dahn-neh-djah-tah

Finding Your Way
Where is/Where Dov’è/Dove sono...? doh-yeh/doh-veh
are...? soh-noh...
- the currency - il cambio valuta eel kahm-byoh
exchange vah-loo-tah
- the car rental [hire] - l’autonoleggio l-ow-toh-noh-leh-djoh

- the exit - l’uscita loo-shee-tah

- the taxis - i taxi ee tah-ksee
Is there... C’è...per andare in città? cheti...pehr
into town? ahn-dah-reh een cheet-tah
- a bus - un autobus oon ow-toh-boos
- a train - un treno oon treh-noh
- a subway - una metropolitana oo-nah
[underground] meh-troh-poh-lee-tah-nah
► For directions, see page 33.

Where’s the train Dov’è la stazione ferroviaria? doh-yeh lah
[railway] station? stah-tsyoh-neh fehr-roh-wah-ryah
Flow far is it? Guanto dista? kwahn-toh dees-tah
Where is/Where Dov'è/Dove sono...? doh-veh/doh-veh
are...? soh-noh...
- the ticket office - la biglietteria lah bee-llyeht-teh-ree-ah
- the information - l’ufficio informazioni loof-fee-chyoh
desk een-fohr-mah-tsvoh-nee
- the luggage - il deposito bagagli eel deh-poh-see-toh
lockers bah-gah-llyee
- the platforms - i binari ee bee-nah-ree
► For directions, see page 33.
► For ticketing, see page 19.
You May See...
BINARI platforms
INFORMAZIONI information
PRENOTAZIONI reservations
SALA D’ATTESA waiting room
ARRIVI arrivals
PARTENZE departures

Can I have a Mi può dare un orario? mee pwoh dah-reh
schedule [timetable]? oon oh-rah-rvoh
How long is Quanto dura il viaggio? kwahn-toh doo-rah
the trip? eel wah-dioh
Do I have to Devo cambiare? deh-voh kahm-bvah-reh
change trains?

Rail travel is extremely popular and one of the best ways to

I see Italy, especially with the faster—and more expensive—

trains that link major cities. Eurostar and Intercity are the
fastest trains, while diretti, regionali and interregionali are
local trains—ideal to reach smaller towns. Tickets must be
stamped before travel in one of the many machines on station
concourses and platforms.

Which track Da che binario parte il treno per...? dah
[platform] to...? keh bee-nah-rvoh oahr-teh eel treh-noh pehr...
Is this thetrack È il binario/treno per...? eh eel bee-nah-rvoh/
[platform]/train to...? treh-noh pehr...

Where is track Dov’è il binario...? doh-veh eel bee-nah-ryoh...

Where do I change Dove devo cambiare per...? doh-veh deh-voh
for...? kahm-bvah-reh pehr...

Italians use the 24-hour clock in schedules and other official

documents and situations. In other words, the morning hours
from 1:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon are the same as in English; after
that, just add 12. So, 1:00 p.m. would be 13:00,5:00 p.m.
would be 17:00 and so on.

► For time, see page 179.

Can I sit here/open Posso sedermi qui/aprire il finestrino?
the window? pohs-soh seh-dehr-mee kwee/ah-gree-reh eel
That’s my seat. Questo posto è mio. kweh-stoh poh-stoh eh

You May Hear...

Biglietti, per favore, bee-llveht-tee pehr Tickets, please.
Deve cambiare a Parma, deh-veh You have to change
kahm-bvah-reh ah pahr-mah at Parma.

Prossima fermata: Pisa, prohs-see-mah Next stop, Pisa.

fehr-mah-tah pee-zah

Where’s the bus Dov’è la stazione degli autobus? doh-veh
station? lah stah-tsvoh-neh deh-llvee ow-toh-boos
How far is it? Quanto dista? kwahn-toh dees-tah
How do 1 getto...? Come si arriva a...? koh-meh
see ahr-ree-vah ah...
Is this the bus to...? È l’autobus per...? eh low-toh-boos pehr...
Can you tell me Può dirmi quando scendere? pwoh
when to get off? deer-mee kwahn-doh shehn-deh-reh
Do 1 have to Devo cambiare (autobus)? deh-voh
change buses? kahm-bvah-reh (ow-toh-boos)

Stop here, please! Si fermi qui, per favore! see fehr-mee kwee
pehr fah-voh-reh

► For ticketing, see page 19.

When traveling by bus, purchase your ticket before boarding

I from a tobacconist or from a vending machine at train or

subway stations. Tickets have a magnetic strip on the back.
Upon boarding the bus, validate your ticket at one of the
yellow validation machines on the bus (see picture on page 28).
Insert your ticket into the machine with the arrow toward you
and pointing downward. The machine will accept the ticket
and then return it; a green light shows the ticket is valid and a
red light means it is invalid. If the machine does not work, you
can try another machine on the bus or write the date, time of
day and the bus number on the ticket. If the bus features only
the older orange machines, fold the ticket in half lengthwise
so that it fits into the machine for validation.

The Italian public transportation system is extensive and generally
efficient. Urban areas are served by networks of buses, trams
and subways. Tickets are usually sold at edicole (newsstands),
nearby caffè (coffee bars) and tabacchi (tobacconists). Discounts
are available but vary between locations. Ask the hotel concierge
or your travel agent for a schedule.

You May See...



CONVALIDA BIGLIETTO stamp your ticket

Subway [Underground]
Where’s the subway Dov’è la stazione della metropolitana?
[underground] doh-veh lah stah-tsvoh-neh dehl-lah
station? meh-troh-poh-lee-tah-nah
A map, please. Una cartina, per favore, oo-nah kahr-tee-nah
pehr fah-voh-reh
Which line for...? Che linea devo prendere per...? keh
lee-neh-ah deh-voh prehn-deh-reh pehr...
Do I have to Devo cambiare? deh-voh kahm-bvah-reh
transfer [change]?
Is this the subway È la metropolitana per...? eh lah
[train] to...? meh-troh-poh-lee-tah-nah pehr...
Where are we? Dove siamo? doh-veh svah-moh
► For ticketing, see page 19.

Boat and Ferry-

When is the Quando parte il traghetto per...? kwahn-doh
ferry to...? pahr-teh eel trah-aheht-toh pehr...
Can I take my car? Posso portare l’auto? pohs-soh
pohr-tah-reh l-ow-toh
► For ticketing, see page 19.

You May See...



Genova, Livorno, Civitavecchia, Napoli, Messina and Reggio

/ Calabria are the main ferry ports connecting the major and
minor Italian islands. Travel along local coastal areas and
lakes in Italy is enhanced by an extensive ferry system.
Bicycle and Motorcycle-
I’d like to rent Vorrei noleggiare... vohr-ray
[hire]... noh-leh-djah-reh...
- a bicycle - una bici oo-nah bee-chee
- a moped - uno scooter oo-noh skoo-tehr
- a motorcycle - una moto oo-nah moh-toh
How much per Qual è la tariffa per un giorno/una
day/week? settimana? kwah-leh lah tah-reef-fah pehr oon
ivohr-noh/oo-nah seht-tee-mah-nah
Can 1 have Mi può dare un casco/lucchettrf mee pwoh
a helmet/lock? dah-reh oon kah-skoh/look-keht-toh

Where can 1 get Dove posso trovare un taxi? doh-veh
a taxi? pohs-soh troh-vah-reh oon tah-ksee
I’d like a taxi now/ Vorrei un taxi subito/domani alle...
for tomorrow vohr-ray oon tah-ksee sochbee-toh/doh-mah-nee
at (time)... ahl-leh...
Pick me up at Venga a prendermi a...
(place)... vehn-gah ah prehn-dehr-mee ah...
I’m going to... Vado... vah-doh...
- this address - a questo indirizzo ah kweh-stoh
- the airport - all’aeroporto ahl-lah-eh-roh-pohr-toh
- the train - alla stazione ferroviaria ahl-lah
[railway] station stah-tsvoh-neh fehr-roh-vyah-ryah
I’m late. Sono in ritardo, soh-noh een ree-tahr-doh
Can you drive Può andare più velocemente/lentamente?
faster/slower? pwoh ahn-dah-reh pyoo veh-loh‘Cheh'mehn-teh/
Stop/Wait here. Si fermi/Mi aspetti qui. see fehr-mee/mee
ah-spehMee kwee
How much? Quant’è? kwahn-teh
You said it Aveva detto che erano... ah-veh-vah deht-toh
would cost... keh eh-rah-noh...
Keep the change. Tenga il resto, tehn-gah eel reh-stoh
A receipt, please. Una ricevuta, perfavore. oo-nah
ree-cheh-voo-tah pehr fah-voh-reh

Get a taxi at taxi stands or reserve by phone; hailing a taxi

l in the street is not common. Extra charges are added for

travel at night (10 p.m.-7 a.m.), on Sundays and holidays, for
extra luggage and for trips outside of town. Tip the driver by
rounding off to the nearest euro or two.

Car Rental [Hire]
Where’s the car Dov’è un autonoleggio? doh-veh oon
rental [hire]? ow-toh-noh-Jeh-djoh
I’d like... Vorrei... vohr-ray...
-a cheap/small car - un’auto economica/piccola oo-now-toh
- an automatic/ - un’auto con il cambio automatico/
a manual manuale oo-now-toh kohn eel kahm-bvoh
- air conditioning - un’auto con l’aria condizionata oo-now-toh
kohn |ah-ryah kohn-dee-tsvoh-nah-tah
- a car seat - un sedile oon seh-dee-leh
How much...? Qual è la tariffa...? kwah-]eh lah tah-reef-fah...
- per day/week - per un giorno/una settimana pehr oon
ivohr-noh/oo-nah seht-tee-mah-nah
- per kilometer - a chilometro ah kee-!oh-meh-troh
-for unlimited - con chilometraggio illimitato kohn
mileage kee-loh-meh-trah-dioh eel-lee-mee-tah-toh
You May Hear...
Ha la patente internazionale? ah lati Do you have an
pah-tehn-teh een-tehr-nah-tsyoh-riah-leh international driver’s
Il passaporto, per favore, eel Your passport,
pahs-sah-oohr-toh pehr fah-voh-reh please.
Desidera un’assicurazione Do you want extra
supplementare? deh-zee-deh-rah insurance?
Deve lasciare un deposito, deh-veh I’ll need a deposit.
lah-shah-reh oon deh-poh-zee-toh \
Metta le iniziali/Firmi qui. meht-tah Initial/Sign here.
leh ee-nee-tsvah-lee/feer-mee kwee

Gas [Petrol] Station

Where’s the gas Dov’è un benzinaio? doh-veh oon
[petrol] station? behn-dzee-nah-yoh
Fill it up. Faccia il pieno, per favore, fah-chyah eel
oveh-noh pehr fah-voh-reh
...euros, please. ...euro, per favore. . .eh-oo-roh pehr fah-voh-reh
I’ll pay in cash/by Pago in contanti/con carta di credito.
credit card. pah-goh een kohn-tahn-tee/kohn kahr-tah dee

You May See...

SUPER super
PREMIUM premium
DIESEL diesel

Asking Directions
Is this the way to...? Vado bene per...? vah-doh beh-neh pehr...
How far is it to...? Quanto dista...? kwahn-toh dees-tah...
Where’s...? Dov’è...? doh-veh...
-...Street -Via... vee-ah...
- this address - questo indirizzo kweh-stoh een-dee-ree-tsoh
- the highway - l’autostrada l-ow-toh-strah-dah
Can you show me Può indicarmelo sulla cartina? pwoh
on the map? een-dee-kahr-meh-loh sool-lah kahr-tee-nah
I’m lost. Mi sono perso6/persa 9. mee soh-noh

You May Hear...

sempre dritto sehm-preh dreet-toh straight ahead

a sinistra ah see-nee-strah left

a destra ah deh-strah right

all’angolo/dietro l’angolo ahHahn-goh-loh/ on the corner/around

dveh-troh lahn-aoh-loh the corner

di fronte a dee frohn-teh ah opposite

dietro a dveh-troh ah behind

accanto a ahk-kahn-toh ah next to

dopo doh-poh after

a nord/sud ah nohrd/sood north/south

a est/ovest ah ehst/oh- vehst east/west

al semaforo ahi seh-mah-foh-roh at the traffic light

all’incrocio ahl-leen-kroh-chvoh at the intersection

You May See...

@©OO^0<lt STOP stop



CURVA PERICOLOSA dangerous curve



STRADA CHIUSA road closed




Street parking in cities in limited; it’s best to park in a

parcheggio (parking lot or garage), day or night. Do not park
I in areas marked Divieto di sosta (no stopping except in
emergency), Divieto di fermata (no stopping at any time) or
Passo carrabile (do not block passageway).
Can 1 park here? Posso parcheggiare qui? pohs-soh
pahr-keh-djah-reh kwee
Where’s the parking Dov’è il parcheggio/parchimetro? doh-veh
lot [car park]/ eel pahr-keh-djoh/pahr-kee-meh-troh
parking meter?
How much...? Quanto costa...? kwahn-toh koh-stah...
- per hour - all’ora ahl-loh-rah
- per day - al giorno ahi ivohr-noh
- for overnight - per tutta la notte pehr toot-tah lah noht-teh

Breakdown and Repairs

My car broke down/ La mia auto ha un’avaria al motore/
won’t start. non parte, lah mee-ah ow-toh ah oo-nah-vah-ree-ah
ahi moh-toh-reh/nohn gahr-teh
Can you fix it Può ripararla (oggi)? pwoh ree-pah-rahr-lah
(today)? (oh-djee)
When will it be Per quando è pronta? pehr kwahn-doh è
ready? prohn-tah
How much? Quanto mi costa? kwahn-toh mee koh-stah

There was an C’è stato un incidente, cheh stah-toh oon
accident. een-chee-dehn-teh
Call an ambulance/ Chiami un’ambulanza/la polizia.
the police. kvah-mee oo-nahm-boo-lahn-tsah/
lah poh-lee-tsee-ah

Can you recommend Può consigliarmi un hotel? pwoh
a hotel? kohn-see-llyahr-mee oon oh-tehl
1 have a reservation. Ho una prenotazione, oh oo-nah
My name is... Mi chiamo... meekvah-moh...
Do you have Avete una camera...? ah-veh-teh oo-nah
a room...? kah-meh-rah...
- for one/two - singola/doppia seen-Qoh-lah/dohp_-pyah

- with a bathroom - con bagno kohn bah-nvoh

- with air conditioning - con aria condizionata kohn ah-ryah

For... Per... pehr...

- tonight - stanotte stah-noht-teh
- two nights - due notti doo-eh noht-tee
- one week - una settimana oo-nah seht-tee-rnah-nah

How much? Ouanto costa? kwahn-toh koh-stah

Is there anything C’è qualcosa di più economico?
cheaper? cheh kwahl-koh-zah dee pyoo
When’s check-out? A che ora devo lasciare la camera?
ah keh ph-rah deh-voh lah-shah-reh lah
Can 1 leave this in Posso lasciare questo nella cassaforte?
the safe? oohs-soh lah-shah-reh kweh-stoh nphi-lah
Can I leave my bags? Posso lasciare le valigie? pphs-soh
lah-shah-reh leh vah-lee-jyeh
I’d like the Vorrei il conto/la ricevuta, vohr-ray eel
bill/receipt. kohn-toh/l ah ree-cheh-voo-tah

in cash/
I’ll pay Pago in contanti/con carta di credito.
by credit card. pah-goh een kohn-tahn-tee/kohn kahr-tah dee

If you didn’t reserve accommodations before your trip,

l visit the local l’ufficio informazioni turistiche, tourist

information office, for recommendations on places to stay.

Finding Lodging
Can you Può consigliarmi...? pwoh
recommend...? kohn-see-llvahr-mee...
- a hotel - un hotel oon oh-tehl
- a hostel - un ostello oon oh-stehl-loh
- a campsite - un campeggio oon kahm-peh-dioh
- a bed and - una pensione oo-nah pehn-svoh-neh
What is it near? Vicino cosa c’è? vee-chee-noh koh-zah cheh
How do I get there? Come ci si arriva? koh-meh chee see ahr-ree-vah

A wide variety of accommodations is available in Italy, from

l budget to luxury. In recent years, agriturismo (farm-stays or

ecotourism) have become very popular; these offer countryside
locations, usually on a working farm, and often serve locally
produced food. You may wish to stay in a villa, an upscale—
and expensive—home or apartment, which often has a pool.
Una pensione (bed and breakfast) is an ideal accommodation
for budget-minded travelers who’d like to experience how
Italians live. Un hotel can range in quality and price; many
international chains have hotels throughout Italy.
At the Hotel
I have a reservation. Ho una prenotazione, oh oo-nah
My name is... Mi chiamo... mee kvah-moh...
Do you have Avete una camera...? ah-veh-teh oo-nah
a room...? kah-meh-rah...
- with a bathroom - con bagno/doccia kohn bah-nyoh/
[toiletj/shower doh-chvah
- with air - con aria condizionata kohn ah-ryah
conditioning kohn-dee-tsyoh-nah-tah
- that’s - per fumatori/non fumatori pehr
non-smoking foo-mah-toh-ree/nohn foo-mah-toh-ree

For... Per... pehr...

- tonight - stanotte stah-noht-teh
- two nights - due notti doo-eh noht-tee
_ a week - una settimana og-nah seht-tee-mah-nah

► For numbers, see page 177.

Do you have...? C’è...? cheh...
- a computer - un computer oon kohm-pvoo-tehr
- an elevator [lift] - l’ascensore lah-shehn-soh-reh
- (wireless) internet - il collegamento Internet (wireless) eel
service kohl-leh-gah-mehn-toh een-tehr-neht (wver-lehs)
- room service - il servizio in camera eel sehr-vee-tsvoh een
- a pool - la piscina lah oee-shee-nah
-a gym - la palestra lah pah-]eh-strah
I need... Mi serve... mee sehr-veh...
- an extra bed - un altro letto oon ahl-troh leht-toh
-a cot - un lettino oon leht-tee-noh
- a crib - una culla oo-nah kool-lah

You May Hear...

Il suo passaporto/La sua carta di credito, Your passport/credit
per favore, eel soo-oh pahs-sah-pohr-toh/lah card, please.
sooah kahr-tah dee kreh-dee-toh pehr fah-voh-reh
Compili questo modulo, kohm-pee-lee Fill out this form.
kweh-stoh moh-doo-loh
Firmi qui. feer-mee kwee Sign here.

How much per Quanto costa al giorno/alla settimana?
day/week? kwahn-toh koh-stah ahi ivohr-noh/ahl-lah
Does that include La prima colazione/L’IVA è inclusa?
breakfast/sales lah pree-mah koh-lah-tsvoh-neh/lee-vah eh
tax [VAI7? een-kloo-sah

Where’s...? Dov’è...? doh-veh...
- the bar - il bar eel bahr
- the bathroom - la toilette lah twah-leht
- the elevator [lift] - l’ascensore lah-shehn-soh-reh

Can I have...? Può darmi...? pwoh dahr-mee...

- a blanket - una coperta oo-nah koh-pehr-tah

- an iron - un ferro da stiro oon fehr-roh dah stee-roh

- a pillow - un cuscino oon koo-shee-noh

- soap - una saponetta oo-nah sah-poh-neht-tah

- toilet paper - della carta igienica dehi-lah kahr-tah

- a towel - un asciugamano oon ah-shoo-gah-mah-noh

Do you have an Avete un adattatore? ah-veh-teh oon

adapter for this? ah-daht-toh-tohr-eh
How do I turn Come si accendono le luci? koh-meh see
on the lights? ah-chehn-doh-noh leh [oo-chee
Can you wake Può svegliarmi alle...? pwoh zveh-llyahr-mee
me at...? ah[-leh...
Can I leave this Posso lasciare questo nella cassaforte?
in the safe? pohs-soh lah-shah-reh kweh-stoh nehi-lah
Can I have my Posso prendere le mie cose dalla
things from cassaforte? pohs-soh orehn-deh-reh leh
the safe? mee-eh koh-zeh dahl-lah kahs-sah-fohr-teh

mail [post]/
Is there C'è posta/Ci sono messaggi per me? cheh
a message for me? poh-stah/chee soh-noh mehs-sah-djee pehr meh

You May See...
TOILETTE bathroom [toilet]
DOCCIA shower
ASCENSORE elevator [lift]
SCALE stairs
NON DISTURBARE do not disturb
USCITA (D’EMERGENZA) (emergency) exit

There’s a problem. C’è un problema, cheh oon proh-bleh-mah
1 lost my key/key Ho perso la chiave/chiave elettronica.
card. oh pehr-soh lah kvah-veh/kvah-veh
I’m locked out Sono rimasto chiuso6/rimasta chiusa?
of the room. fuori, soh-noh ree-mah-stoh kvoo-zohc?/
ree-mah-stah kvoo-zah ? fwoh-ree
There’s no hot Non c’è acqua calda/carta igienica, nohn
water/toilet paper. cheh ah-kwah kahl-dah/kahr-tah ee-iveh-nee-kah
The room is dirty. La camera è sporca, lah kah-meh-rah eh
There are bugs in In camera ci sono degli insetti, een
the room. kah-meh-rah chee soh-noh deh-llyee een-seht-tee
The...doesn’t work. ...non funziona. ...nohn foon-tsyoh-nah

Can you fix...? Può riparare...? pwoh ree-pah-rah-reh...

- the air - l’aria condizionata |ah-ryah

conditioning kahn-dee-tsyoh-nah-tah

- the fan - il ventilatore eel vehn-tee-lah-toh-reh

- the heat [heating] - il riscaldamento eel ree-skahl-dah-mehn-toh

- the light - la luce lah [oo-cheh

-the TV - la TV lah tee-voo
- the toilet - il gabinetto eel gah-bee-neht-toh
I’d like another room. Vorrei un’altra camera, vohr-ray oo-nahi-trah

Voltage is 220-240V, and plugs are two-pronged. You may

need a converter and/or an adapter for your appliances.
When’s check-out? A che ora devo lasciare la camera? ah keh
oh-rah deh-voh lah-shah-reh lah kah-meh-rah

Can I leave my Posso lasciare le valigie fino alle...? pohs-soh

bags here until...? lah-shah-reh leh vah-tee-jyeh fee-noh ahj-leh...

Can I have an Posso avere il conto dettagliato/la

itemized bill/receipt? ricevuta? pohs-soh ah-yeh-reh eel kohn-toh
deht-tah-Uyah-toh/lah ree-cheh-voo-tah
I think there’s Credo che ci sia un errore, kreh-doh keh
a mistake. chee see-ah oon ehr-roh-reh
I’ll payin cash/by Pago in contanti/con carta di credito, pah-ghoh
credit card. een kohn-tahn-tee/kohn kahr-tah dee kreh-dee-toh

A service fee is generally included in bills throughout Italy. It’s

optional to tip porters and housekeeping staff, though a tip
for good service is always appreciated. Your concierge will
appreciate a tip for any helpful services provided. A
I reserved an Ho prenotato un appartamento/una camera.
apartment/a room. oh preh-noh-tah-toh oon ahp-pahr-tah-mehn-toh/
oo-nah kah-meh-rah
My name is... Mi chiamo... mee kvah-moh...
Can I have the Mi può dare la chiave/chiave elettronica?
key/key card? mee pwoo dah-reh lah kvah-veh/kvah-veh
Are there...? Ci sono...? chee soh-noh...
- dishes - i piatti ee pvaht-tee
- pillows - i cuscini ee koo-shee-nee
- sheets - le lenzuola leh lehn-tswoh-lah
- towels - gli asciugamani llyee ah-shoo-gah-mah-nee
- utensils - gli utensili llyee oo-tehn-see-lee
When do I put out Quando si mette fuori il secchio della
the trash [rubbish]/ spazzatura/il riciclaggio?
recycling? kwahn-doh see meht-teh fwoh-ree eel sehk-kvoh
dehl-lah spah-tsah-too-rah/eel ree-chee-klah-dioh broken. ...non funziona.... nohn foon-tsvoh-nah
How Come funziona...? koh-meh foon-tsvoh-nah...
- the air conditioner - il condizionatore eel kohn-dee-tsyoh-nah-toh-reh
- the dishwasher - la lavastoviglie lah lah-vah-stoh-vee-llveh
- the freezer - il freezer eel free-zehr
- the heater - il riscaldamento eel ree-skahl-dah-mehn-toh
- the microwave - il microonde eel mee-kroh-ohn-deh
- the refrigerator - il frigo eel free-goh
- the stove - la cucina lah koo-chee-nah
- the washing - la lavatrice lah lah-vah-tree-cheh
Household Items
I need... Ho bisogno di... oh bee-soh-nvoh dee...
- an adapter - un adattatore oon ah-daht-toh-toh-reh
- aluminum - carta stagnola kahr-tah
[kitchen] foil stah-nvoh-lah
- a bottle opener - un apribottiglie oon ah-pree-boht-tee-llyeh
- a broom - una scopa oo-nah skoh-oah
- a can opener - un apriscatole oon ah-pree-skah-toh-leh
- cleaning supplies - prodotti per le pulizie proh-doht-tee pehr
leh poo-lee-tsee-eh
- a corkscrew - un cavatappi oon kah-vah-tahp-oee
- detergent - detersivo deh-tehr-see-voh
- dishwashing liquid - detersivo per i piatti deh-tehr-see-voh pehr
ee pvaht-tee
- garbage [rubbish] - sacchetti per i rifiuti sahk-keht-tee pehr ee
bags ree-fyoo-tee
- a lightbulb - una lampadina oo-nah lahm-pah-dee-nah
- matches - fiammiferi fvahm-mee-feh-ree
- a mop - un mocio oon moh-choh
- napkins - tovaglioli toh-vah-llvoh-lee
- paper towels - carta da cucina kahr-tah dah
- plastic wrap - pellicola per alimenti pehl*]ee-koh-lah
[cling film] pehr ah-lee-mehn-tee
- a plunger - uno sturalavandini oo-noh
- scissors - un paio di forbici oon pah-voh dee
- a vacuum cleaner - un aspirapolvere oon
► For dishes and utensils, see page 65.

► For oven temperatures, see page 183.

Is there a bed C’è un letto disponibile? cheh oon
available? leht-toh dee-spoh-nee-bee-leh
Can I have...? Potrei avere...? poh-tray ah-veh-reh
- a single/double - una camera singola/doppia oo-nah
room kah-meh-rah seen-aoh-lah/dotip-pvah

- a blanket - una coperta oo-nah koh-pehr-tah

- a pillow - un cuscino oon koo-shee-noh
- sheets - delle lenzuola dehj-leh lehn-tswoh-lah
- a towel - un asciugamano oon ah-shoo-oah-mah-noh
When do you A che ora chiudete? ah keh oh-rah
lock up? kvoo-deh-teh

Hostels are inexpensive accommodations that have

I dormitory-style sleeping arrangements and private or

semi-private rooms. Some hostels have rooms with private
bathrooms, though most offer shared bathrooms. There
is usually a self-service kitchen on-site. Reservations are
recommended in advance in larger cities and popular tourist
destinations during the tourist season. Visit the Hostelling
International website for details.

Can 1 camp here? Si può campeggiare? see pwoh
Where’s the Dov’è il campeggio? doh-veh eel
campsite? kahm-peh-dioh
What is the charge Qual è la tariffa per un giorno/una
per day/weekl settimana? kwah-]eh lah tah-reeMah pehr oon
ivohr-noh/oo-nah seht-tee-mah-nah
Are there...? Ci sono...?cheesoh-noh...
- cooking facilities - le attrezzature per cucinare leh
aht-treh-tsah-too-reh pehr koo-chee-nah-reh ,

- electric outlets - le prese elettriche leh preh-seh

- laundry facilities - le lavanderie leh lah-vahn-deh-ree-eh
- showers - le docce leh doh-cheh
- tents for rent [hire] - tende a noleggio tehn-deh ah noh-leh-djoh
Where can 1 empty Dove posso vuotare il water? doh-veh
the chemical toilet? pohs-soh vwoh-tah-reh eel vah-tehr

You May See...

ACQUA POTABILE drinking water

NO CAMPING no camping

DIVIETO DI FALÒ/BARBECUE no fires/barbecues

► For household items, see page 44.

► For dishes and utensils, see page 65.

Internet and Communications

Internet and Communications

Where’s an Dov’è un Internet caffè? doh-veh oon
internet cafe? een-tehr-neht kahf-feh
Can I access the Posso collegarmi a Internet/controllare le
internet/check e-mail? pohs-soh kohl-leh-gahr-mee ah
e-main een-tehr-neht/kohn-trohl-lah-reh leh ee-mayl
How much per Quanto costa per un’ora/mezz’oral
hour/half hour? kwahn-toh koh-stah pehr oon-oh-rah/
How do I log on? Come si fa il login? koh-meh see fah eel loh-geen
A phone card, Una scheda telefonica, per favore, oo-nah
please. skeh-dah teh-leh*foh-nee-kah pehr fah-voh-reh
Can I have your Mi può dare il suo numero, per favore?
number, please? mee pwoh dah-reh eel soo-oh noo-meh-roh
pehr fah-voh-reh
Here’s my Ecco il mio numero/la mia e-mail, ehk-koh
number/e-mail. eel rwe-oh noo-meh-roh/lah mee-ah ee-mayl
Call/E-mail me. Mi chiami/mandi una e-mail. mee
kvah-mee/mahn-dee oo-nah ee-mayl
Hello.This is... Pronto. Sono... prohn-toh soh-noh...
Can I speak to...? Posso parlare con...? pohs-soh
pahr-lah-reh kohn...
Can you repeat that? Può ripetere? pwoh ree-peh-teh-reh
I’ll call back later. Richiamo più tardi, ree-kvah-moh pyoo tahr-dee
Bye. Arrivederla. ahr-ree-veh-dehr-lah
Where’s the post Dov’è un ufficio postale? doh-veh oon
office? oof-fee-chyoh ooh-stah-leh
I’d like to send Vorrei inviare questo a... vohr-ray
this to... een-wah-reh kweh-stoh ah...
Computer, Internet and E-mail-
Where’s an Dov’è un Internet caffè? doh-veh oon
internet cafe? een-tehr-neht kahf-feh
Does it have C’è il wireless? cheh eel wyehr-lehs
wireless internet?
How do 1 turn Come si accende/spegne il computer?
the computer koh-meh see ah-chehn-deh/soeh-nyeh eel
on/off? kohm-ovoo-tehr
Can!...? Posso...? pohs-soh...
- access the internet - collegarmi (a Internet) kohl-leh-gahr-mee
(ah een-tehr-neht)
- check e-mail - controllare le e-mail kohn-trohl-Jah-reh
leh ee-mayl
- print - stampare stahm-oah-reh
How much Quanto costa per un’ora/mezz’ora?
per hour/half hour? kwahn-toh koh-stah pehr oon-oh-rah/
How do 1...? Come...? koh-meh...
- connect/disconnect - ci si collega/scollega chee see
- log on/log off - si fa il login/logout see fah eel
- type this symbol - digiti questo simbolo dee-iee-tee
kweh-stoh seem-boh-loh
What’s your e-mail? Qual è la sua e-mail? kwahl-eh lah soo-ah
My e-mail is... La mia e-mail è... lah mee-ah ee-mayl eh.
Internet and Communications
You May See...
ELIMINA delete
E-MAIL e-mail
ESCI exit
AIUTO help
INSTANT MESSENGER instant messenger
INTERNET internet
LOGIN login
NUOVO (MESSAGGIO) new (message)
APRI open
STAMPA print
SALVA save
INVIA send
NOME UTENTE/PASSWORD username/password
WIRELESS wireless internet
A phone card, Una scheda telefonica, per favore, oo-nah
please. skeh-dah teh-leh-foh-nee-kah pehr fah-yoh-reh

How much? Quant’è? kwahn-teh

My phone doesn’t Il telefonino non prende, eel teh-leh-foh-nee-noh
work here. nohn prehn-deh
What’s the area Qual è il prefisso/prefisso internazionale
code/country per...? kwahl eh eel preh-fees-soh/
code for...? preh-fees-soh een-tehr-nah-tsyoh-nah-leh
What’s the number Che numero ha il servizio informazioni?
for Information? keh noo-meh-roh ah eel sehr-vee-tsvoh
I’d like the Vorrei il numero di/del/della/dell’...
number for... vohr-rav eel noo-meh-roh pehr dee/dehl/
► For when to use di/del/della/dell', see page 174.
Can I have your Mi può dare il suo numero, per favore?
number, please? mee pwoh dah-reh eel soo-oh noo-meh-roh
pehr fah-voh-reh
Here’s my number. Ecco il mio numero, ehk-koh eel mee-oh

► For numbers, see page 177.

Call/Text me. Mi chiami/mandi un SMS. mee ig'ah-mee/
mahn-dee oon ehs-seh ehm-meh ehs-seh
I’ll call you. La chiamo, lah kyah-moh
I'll text you. Le mando un SMS. leh mahn-doh oon
ehs-seh ehm-meh ehs-seh

Internet and Communications
On the Phone
Hello.This is... Pronto. Sono... prohn-toh soh-noh...
Can I speak to...? Posso parlare con...? pohs-soh
pahr-iah-reh kohn...
Extension... Interno... een-tehr-noh...
Speak louder/more Parli più forte/lentamente, per favore.
slowly, please. pahr-lee pyoo fohr-teh/lehn-tah-mehn-teh pehr
Can you repeat that? Può ripetere? pwoh ree-peh-teh-reh
I’ll call back later. Richiamo più tardi, ree-kvah-moh pyoo tahr-dee
Bye. Arrivederla. ahr-ree-veh-dehr-lah
► For business travel, see page 149.

You May Hear...

Chi parla? kee pahr-lah Who's calling?
Attenda, aht-tehn-dah Hold on.
Le passo il numero. I’ll put you through.
leh pahs-soh eel noo-meh-roh
Non c’è. nohn cheh He/She is not here.
È al telefono, eh ahi teh-!eh-foh-noh He/She is on another
Vuole lasciare un messaggio? Would you like to
vwoh-leh lah-shah-reh oon mehs-sah-djoh leave a message?
Richiami più tardi/fra dieci minuti. Call back later/in
ree-kvah-mee pyoo tahr-dee/frah 10 minutes.
dveh-chee mee-noo-tee
Può richiamarla? Can he/she call you
pwoh ree-kyah-mahr-lah back?
Mi lascia il suo numero? What’s your number?
mee !ah-shah eel soo-oh noo-meh-roh
Can I send/receive Posso inviare/ricevere un fax? pohs-soh
a fax here? een-wah-reh/ree-cheh-veh-reh oon fahks
What’s the fax Qual è il numero di fax? kwahl-eh eel
number? noo-meh-roh dee fahks
Please fax this to... Invii questo fax a..., per favore.
een-vee-ee kweh-stoh fahks ah.. .pehr

Most public phones are card-operated; phone cards can be

purchased at edicole (newsstands), caffè (coffee bars) and
l tabacchi (tobacconists). For international calls, calling cards
are the most economical. Calling internationally from your
hotel may be convenient, but the rates can be very expensive.
To call the U.S. or Canada from Italy, dial 00 + 1 + area code
+ phone number. To call the U.K. from Italy, dial 00 + 44 +
area code (minus the first 0) + phone number.
To make a local or national call within Italy, dial the area code
then the phone number. A list of codes can be found in the
phone book.

Post Office
Where’s the post Dov’è un ufficio postale/una buca
office/mailbox delle lettere? doh-veh oon oof-fee-chyoh
[postbox] ? poh'Stah-leh/oo-nah boo-kah dehl-leh leht-teh-reh
A stamp for this Un francobollo per questa cartolina/
postcard/letter to lettera per... oon frahn-koh-bohl-loh pehr
kweh-stah kahr-toh-lee-nah/leht-teh-rah pehr...

Internet and Communications
How much? Quant’è? kwahn-teh
Send this package Mandi questo pacco per posta aerea/
by airmail/express. espresso, mahn-dee kweh-stoh oahk-koh pehr
poh-stah ah-eh-reh-ah/eh-sprehs-soh
A receipt, please. La ricevuta, per favore, lah ree-cheh-voo-tah
pehr fah-voh-reh

You May Hear...

Riempia il modulo per la dogana. Fill out the customs
rvehm-pee-ah eel moh-doo-loh pehr declaration form.
lah doh-gah-nah
Valore? vah-loh*reh What’s the value?
Cosa c’è dentro? koh-zah cheh dehn-troh What’s inside?

Gli uffici postali (post offices) are open Monday through

I Friday 8:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. and Saturday from

8:30 a.m.-l 2:30 p.m. If you need to send valuable items,
choose posta raccomandata (registered mail). Stamps can
also be purchased at tabacchi (tobacconists).

► Eating Out 55
► Meals 66
► Drinks 85
► Menu Reader 90
Eating Out
Eating Out
Can you recommend Può consigliarmi un buon ristorante/bar?
a good restaurant/ pwoh kohn-see-llvahr-mee oon bwohn
bar? ree-stoh-rahn-teh/bahr
Is there a traditional/ C’è un ristorante tipico/economico qui
an inexpensive vicino? cheh oon ree-stoh-rahn-teh
restaurant nearby? tee-pee-koh/eh-koh-noh-mee-koh
kwee vee-chee-noh
A table for..., please. Un tavolo per..., per favore, oon
tah-voh-loh pehr... pehr fah-voh-reh
Can we sit...? Possiamo sederci...? pohs-svah-moh
- here/there - qui/là kwee/lah
- outside - fuori fwoh-ree
- in a (non-) - in una sala per (non) fumatori een
smoking area oo-nah sah-lah pehr (nohn) foo-mah-toh-ree
I’m waiting for Sto aspettando qualcuno, stoh
someone. ah-speht-tahn-doh kwahl-koo-noh
Where’s the Dov’è la toilette? doh-yeh lah twah-leht
restroom [toilet]?
The menu, please. Il menù, per favore, eel meh-noo pehr
What do you Cosa mi consiglia? koh-zah mee
recommend? kohn-see-llyah
I’d like... Vorrei... vohr-ray...
Enjoy your meal! Buon appetito! bwohn ahp-peh-tee-toh
The check [bill], Il conto, per favore, eel kohn-toh pehr
please. fah-voh-reh
Is service included? Il servizio è compreso? eel sehr-vee-tsvoh
eh kohm-preh-zoh
Can 1 pay by credit Posso pagare con carta di credito/avere
card/have a receipt? una ricevuta? pohs-soh pah-gah-reh kohn
kahr-tah dee kreh-dee-toh/ah-veh-reh
oo-nah ree-cheh-voo-tah
Thank you! Grazie! grah-tsveh

Restaurant Types-
Can you Può consigliarmi...? pwoh
recommend...? kohn-see-llvahr-mee...
- a restaurant - un ristorante oon ree-stoh-rahn-teh
- a bar - un bar oon bahr
- a cafe - un caffè oon kahf-feh
- a fast-food place - un fast food oon fahst food
- a pizzeria - una pizzeria oo-nah pee-tseh-ree-ah

Eating Out
La prima colazione (breakfast) is typically espresso or
cappuccino with a croissant or sweet pastry. Il pranzo (lunch)
is served between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. and is usually the main
meal of the day. La cena (dinner) is served between 7 p.m.
and 10 p.m. Le merende (snacks) are popular at mid-morning
or mid-afternoon; these include a sweet pastry, ice cream or
small pizza.

Reservations and Questions

I’d like to reserve Vorrei prenotare un tavolo... vohr-ray
a table... preh-noh-tah-reh oon tah-voh-loh...
- for two - per due pehr doo-eh
-for this evening - per questa sera pehr kweh-stah seh-rah
-for tomorrow at... - per domani alle... pehr doh-mah-nee
A table for two, Un tavolo per due, per favore, oon
please. tah-voh-loh pehr doo-eh pehr fah-voh-reh
We have Abbiamo prenotato, ahb-byah-moh
a reservation. preh-noh-tah-toh
My name is... Mi chiamo... mee kvah-moh...
Can we sit...? Possiamo sederci... pohs-svah-moh
- here/there - qui/là kwee/lah
- outside - fuori fwoh-ree
- in a (non-) - in una sala per (non) fumatori een oo-nah
smoking area sah-lah pehr (nohn) foo-mah-toh-ree
- by the window - vicino alla finestra vee-chee-noh ahj-lah
Where’s the Dov’è la toilette? doh-veh lah twah-leht
restroom [toilet]?
You May Hear...
Ha prenotato? Do you have
ah preh-noh-tah-toh a reservation?
Per quante persone? How many?
pehr kwahn-teh pehr-soh-neh
Volete ordinare? Are you ready to
voh-jeh-teh ohr-dee-nah-reh order?
Che cosa desidera? What would you like?
keh koh-zah deh-zee-deh-rah
Le consiglio... recommend...
leh kohn-see-llyoh...
Buon appetito. Enjoy your meal.
bwohn ahp-peh-tee-toh

Ordering —
Excuse me! Scusi! skooh-see
We’re ready to Vorremmo ordinare, vohr-rehm-moh
order. ohr-dee-nah-reh
The wine list, La carta dei vini, per favore, lah kahr-tah
please. day vee-nee pehr fah-voh-reh
I’d like... Vorrei... vohr-ray...
- a bottle of... - una bottiglia di... oo-nah boht-tee-llyah dee.
- a carafe of... - una caraffa di... oo-nah kah-rahf-fah dee..
- a glass of... - un bicchiere di... oon beek-kveh-reh dee.
► For alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, see page 85.

Eating Out
The menu, please. Il menù, per favore, eel meh-noo pehr
Do you have...? Avete...? ah-veh-teh...
- a menu in English - un menù in inglese oon meh-noo een
- a fixed-price menu - un menù a prezzo fisso oon meh-noo ah
preh-tsoh fees-soh
- a children’s menu - un menù per bambini oon meh-noo pehr
What do you Cosa mi consiglia? koh-zah mee
recommend? kohn-see-llvah
What’s this? Questo che cos’è? kweh-stoh keh koh-zeh
What’s in it? Cosa c’è dentro? koh-zah cheh dehn-troh
Is it spicy? È piccante? eh peek-kahn-teh
Without..., Senza.... per favore, sehn-tsah... pehr
please. fah-voh-reh
It’s to go È da portare via. eh dah pohr-tahr-eh vee-ah
[take away].

You May See...

COPERTO cover charge
PREZZO FISSO fixed-price
MENÙ menu
MENÙ DEL GIORNO menu of the day
SERVIZIO (NON) COMPRESO service (not) included

Cooking Methods
baked al forno ahi fohr-noh
boiled lesso lehs-soh
braised brasato brah-zah-toh
breaded impanato eem-pah-nah-toh
creamed passato oahs-sah-toh
diced a cubetti ah koo-beht-tee
filleted filetto fee-leht-toh
fried fritto freet-toh
grilled grigliato aree-llvah-toh
poached in bianco een byahn-koh
roasted arrosto ahr-roh-stoh
sautéed saltato sahl-tah-toh
smoked affumicato ahf-foo-mee-kah-toh
steamed al vapore ahi vah-poh-reh
stewed stufato stoo-fah-toh
stuffed ripieno ree-oveh-noh

Special Requirements
I’m... Sono... soh-noh...
- diabetic - diabetico : /diabetica 9 dvah-beh-tee-kohd/
- lactose intolerant - intollerante al lattosio een-tohl-leh-rahn-teh
ahi laht-toh-syoh
- vegetarian - vegetariano ò /vegetariana 9
veh-ieh-tah-rvah-noh 6 /veh-ieh-tah-rvah-nah 9
I’m allergic to... Sono allergico6/allergica v a...
soh-noh ahl-lehr-iee-kohc?/
ahl*lfih£*jee-kah 9 ah...
Eating Out
1 can’t eat... Non posso mangiare... nohn pohs-soh
- dairy - i latticini ee laht-tee-chee-nee
- gluten - il glutine eel aloo-tee-neh
- nuts - le noci leh noh-chee
- pork - il maiale eel mah-vah-leh
- shellfish - i frutti di mare ee froot-tee dee mah-reh
- spicy foods - i cibi piccanti ee chee-bee oeek-kahn-tee
- wheat - il grano eel arah-noh
Is it kosher? È kosher? eh koh-shehr

Dining with Kids

Do you have Ci sono porzioni per bambini? chee soh-noh
children’s portions? pohr-tsvoh-nee pehr bahm-bee-nee
A highchair/child’s Un seggiolone/seggiolino da bambino,
seat, please. per favore, oon seh-djoh-loh-neh/
seh'djoh'lee-noh dah bahm-bee-noh pehr
Where can I feed/ Dove posso dare da mangiare al/cambiare
change the baby? il bambino? doh-veh pohs-soh dah-reh dah
mahn-ivah-reh ahl/kahm-bvah-reh eel
Can you warm this? Me lo può scaldare? meh loh pwoh
► For travel with children, see page 152.
How much longer C’è ancora molto da aspettare? cheh
will our food be? ahn-koh-rah mohl-toh dah ah-speht-tah-reh
We can’t wait any Non possiamo più aspettare, nohn
longer. oohs-svah-moh pyoo ah-speht-tah-reh
We’re leaving. Ce ne andiamo, cheh neh ahn-dvah-moh
I didn’t order this. Non è quello che ho ordinato, nohn eh
kwehl-loh keh oh ohr-dee-nah-toh
I ordered... Ho ordinato... oh ohr-dee-nah-toh...
I can’t eat this. Non lo posso mangiare, nohn loh pohs-soh
This is too... È troppo... eh troho-poh...
- cold/hot - freddo/caldo frehd-doh/kahl-doh
- salty/spicy - salato/piccante sah-lah-toh/peek-kahn-teh
- tough/bland - duro/insipido doo-roh/een-see-pee-doh
This isn’t Non è pulito/fresco, nohn eh poo-lge-toh/
clean/fresh. freh-skoh

The check [bill], Il conto, per favore, eel kohn-toh pehr
please. fah-voh-reh
Separate checks Conti separati, per favore, kohn-tee
[bills], please. seh-pah-rah-tee pehr fah-voh-reh
It’s all together. Conto unico, kohn-toh oo-nee-koh
Is service included? Il servizio è compreso? eel sehr-vee-tsvoh
eh kohm-preh-zoh
What’s this Per cos’è questo importo? pehr koh-zeh
amount for? kweh-stoh eem-pohr-toh
I didn't have that. Questo non è mio. lo ho mangiato...
I had... kweh-stoh nohn eh mee-oh ee-oh oh
Can I have a receipt/ Posso avere la fattura/il conto dettagliato?
an itemized bill? pohs-soh ah-vgh-reh lah faht-top-rah/
eel kohn-toh eht-tah-llvah-toh
That was delicious! Era squisito! gh-rah skwee-zee-toh
Eating Out
Restaurants charge a coperto (service charge) but tipping
10-15% of the bill is common for good service. Tipping is
customary in finer restaurants.

Where are the carts Dove sono i carrelli/cestini? doh-veh
[trolleysJ/basketS? soh-noh ee kahr-rehl-lee/cheh-stee-nee
Where is/Where Dov’è/Dove sono...? doh-veh/doh-veh
are...? soh-noh...
► For food items, see page 90.
I’d like some of Vorrei un po’ di quello/questo, vohr-ray oon
that/this. Doh dee kwehl-loh/kweh-stoh
Can 1 taste it? Posso assaggiarlo? pohs-soh ahs-sah-diahr-loh
I’d like... Vorrei... vohr-ray...
- a kilo/half-kilo - un chilo/mezzo chilo di... oon kee-loh/
of... meh-dzoh kee-loh dee...
- a liter of... - un litro di... oon lee-troh dee...
-a piece of... - un pezzo di... oon peh-tsoh dee...
-a slice of... - una fetta di... oo-nah feht-tah dee...
More./Less. Di più./Di meno, dee pyoo/dee meh-noh
Flow much? Quant’è? kwahn-teh
Where do 1 pay? Dove si paga? doh-veh see pah-gah
A bag, please. Una busta, per favore, oo-nah boos-tah pehr
I’m being helped. Mi stanno servendo, mee stahn-noh
► For conversion tables, see page 182.

You May Hear...

Posso aiutarla? pohs-soh ah-voo-tahr-lah Can I help you?
Desidera? deh-zee-deh-rah What would you like?
Altro? ahi-troh Anything else?
Sono...euro. That’s...euros.

I Visit a panetteria (bakery) for fresh and tasty bread products;

| a gastronomia (delicatessen) for cold cuts, prepared
| meals sold by weight and fresh sandwiches; a pasticceria
| (pastry shop) for desserts; a gelateria (ice cream parlor) for
| ice cream specialties or a bar or caffè (cafe) for a variety
| of refreshments and small meals, which are cheaper if
I consumed standing, but more expensive for table service.
\ You can find inexpensive food items at a local supermercato
; (supermarket).

You May See...

CALORIE calories
CONSERVARE IN FRIGO keep refrigerated
traces of...
ADATTO Al VEGETARIANI suitable for vegetarians

Eating Out
Dishes, Utensils and Kitchen Tools
blender il frullatore eel frool-lah-toh-reh
bottle opener l’apribottiglie lah-pree-boht-tee-llyeh
bowl la coppa lah kohp-pah
can opener l’apriscatole lah-pree-skah-toh-leh
chopsticks i bastoncini cinesi ee bah-stohn-chee-nee
colander 10 scolapasta lah skoh-lah-pah-stah
corkscrew 11 cavatappi eel kah-vah-tahp-pee
cup la tazza lah tah-tsah
fork la forchetta lah fohr-keht-tah
frying pan la padella lah pah-dehl-lah
glass il bicchiere eel beek-kveh-reh
knife il coltello eel kohl-tehl-loh
measuring cup/ la tazza di misurazione/il misurino
spoon lah tah-tsah dee mee-soo-rah-tsyoh-neh/
eel mee-soo-ree-noh
napkin il tovagliolo eel toh-vah-llvoh-loh
plate il piatto eel pvaht-toh
pot la pentola lah pehn-toh-lah
spatula la spatola lah spah-toh-lah
spoon il cucchiaio eel kook-kvah-voh


l’acqua |ah-kwah water

gli affettati llyee ahf-feht-tah-tee cold cuts


il burro eel boor-roh butter

il caffè/tè... eel kahf-feh/teh... coffee/tea...

- con il dolcificante kohn eel - with artificial

dohl-chee-fee-kahn-teh sweetener

- al latte ahi laht-teh - with milk

- con lo zucchero kohn loh dzook-keh-roh - with sugar

- decaffeinato deh-kahf-feh-ee-nah-toh - decaf

- nero neh-roh - black

i cereali ee cheh-reh-ah-lee cereal

la farina d’avena lah fah-ree-nah dah-veh-nah oatmeal

il formaggio eel fohr-mah-dioh cheese

la frittata lah freet-tah-tah omelet

il latte eel laht-teh milk

la marmellata lah mahr-mehl-]ah-tah jam

il muesli eel mweh-slee granola [muesli]

il muffin eel mahf-feen muffin

la pancetta lah pahn-cheht-tah bacon

il pane eel pah-neh bread

il pane tostato eel pah-neh toh-stah-toh toast

I’d like... Vorrei... vohr-ray...

More... Dell’a/troc’/attrai... M'Iatìbtroh/tahHrah.,,
il panino eel pah-nee-noh roll

la salsiccia lah sahl-see-chvah sausage
il succo... eel sook-koh... ...juice
- d’arancia dah-rahn-chvah - orange
- di mela dee meh-lah - apple
- di pompeimo dee pohm-pehl-moh - grapefruit
l’uovo... Iwoh-voh... • ■■egg
- fritto freet-toh - fried
- sodo/alla coque soh-doh/ahj-lah kohk - hard-/soft-bo\\eà
- strapazzato strah-pah-tsah-toh - scrambled
lo yogurt loh yoh-goort yogurt

Appetizers [Starters]-
l’acciuga lah-chyoo-ghah anchovy
l’affettato lahf-feht-tah-toh platter of cold cuts
le alici a scapece leh ah-jee-chee ah fresh fried anchovies
skah-peh-cheh marinated in vinegar
and spices
l’antipasto misto lahn-tee-pah-stoh assorted appetizers
la bresaola lah breh-sah-oh-lah cured raw beef
i carciofini sott’olio artichoke hearts in
ee kar-chyoh-fee-nee soht-toh*lyoh olive oil
la coppa lah kohp-oah cured pork shoulder
i crostini ee kroh-stee-nee toast topped with a
variety of ingredients,
including tomatoes,
sardines and cheese

With/Without... Con/Senza... kohn/sehn-tsah...

I can’t have... Non posso mangiare... nohn pohs-soh mahn-ivah-reh...
la caprese jah kah-preh-seh sliced tomatoes,
mozzarella and basii
dressed with olive oil
l’insalata di frutti di mare seafood salad
leen-sah-lah-tah dee froot-tee dee mah-reh
la mortadella lah mohr-tah-dehl-lah Bologna sausage
la peperonata lah peh-peh-roh-nah-tah mixed sweet peppers
stewed with tomatoes
il prosciutto crudo di Parma eel cured ham from Parma
proh-shyoot-toh kroo-doh dee pahr-mah
i sottaceti ee soht-tah-cheh-tee pickled vegetables

I’acquacotta lah-kwah-koht-tah Tuscan vegetable soup
with poached egg
il brodo di manzo eel broh-doh dee beef broth
il brodo di pollo eel broh-doh dee pohl-loh chicken broth
la buridda lah boo-reed-dah fish stew
il cacciucco eel kah-chyook-koh spicy seafood chowder
il cacciucco alla livornese eel tomato seafood
kah-chyook-koh ahl-lah lee-vohr-neh-seh chowder
la crema di legumi lah kreh-mah dee vegetable cream soup
il minestrone eel mee-neh-stroh-neh mixed vegetable and
bean soup
la ribollita lah ree-bohl-!ee-tah Tuscan bean, vegetable
and bread soup

I’d like... Vorrei... vohr-ray...

More... Dell’a/frort ! altra 9... M’lahbtroMahHrah...
lo spezzatino loh speh-tsah-tee-noh meat stew
la zuppa di faqioli lah dzoop-pah dee bean soup
la zuppa alla pavese lah dzoop-pah consommé with
ahi-lah pah-veh-seh poached egg, croutons
and grated cheese
la zuppa di pollo lah dzoop-pah chicken soup
dee pohl-loh
la zuppa di pomodoro lah dzoop-pah dee tomato soup
la zuppa di verdure lah dzoop-pah dee vegetable soup
la zuppa di vonqole lah dzoop-pah dee clam and white wine
vohn-goh-leh soup

1 ISn dilu ouuTuUU

l’acciuqa lah-chyoo-qhah anchovy
l’anquilla lahn-aweel-lah eel
l’anquilla alla veneziana lahn-qweel-lah eel cooked in tomato
ahj-lah veh-neh-tsvah-nah sauce, a specialty of
l’aragosta lah-rah-aoh-stah lobster
l’aringa lah-reen-aah herring
il baccalà eel bahk-kah-Jah salted, dried cod
il branzino eel brahn-dzee-noh sea bass
i calamari ee kah-lah-mah-ree squid
le cozze leh koh-tseh mussels
le cozze ripiene leh koh-tseh ree-pyeh-neh stuffed mussels

With/Without... Con/Senza... kohn/sehn-tsah...

1 can't have... Non posso mangiare... nohn pohs-soh mahn-ivah-reh...
il fritto misto eel freet-toh mee-stoh mixed fried fish with
i qamberi ee aahm-beh-ree shrimp
i gamberi grigliati ee qahm-beh-ree grilled shrimp with
gree-llvah-tee garlic
il qranchio eel qrahn-kvoh crab
le lumache leh loomah-keh snails
le lumache alla milanese leh loo-mah-keh snails with anchovy,
ahj-lah mee-lah-neh-seh fennel and wine
il merluzzo eel mehr-Joo-tsoh cod
la moleca lah moh-Jeh-kah soft shell crab
l’orata loh-rah-tah sea bream
le ostriche leh oh-stree-keh oysters
il pesce spada eel oeh-sheh soah-dah swordfish
il polpo eel pohl-poh octopus
il salmone eel sahl-moh-neh salmon
la sardina lah sahr-dee-nah sardine
lo scorfano lah skohr-fah-noh hog fish
la sogliola lah soh-llyoh-lah sole
lo stoccafisso ioh stohk-kah-fees-soh dried cod cooked with
tomatoes, olives and
il tonno eel tohn-noh tuna
la trota lah troh-tah trout
le vongole leh vohn-goh-leh clams

I’d like... Vorrei... vohr*ray...

More... Dell'a/frorf/a/tra?... MhblahbtroMahbtrah.,.
Meat and Poultry-
l’abbacchio alla romana lahb-bahk-kvoh roasted spring iamb,
ahj-lah roh-mah-nah a specialty of Rome
l’agnello lah-nvehl-loh lamb
l’anatra Jah-nah-trah duck
la bistecca lah bee-stehk-kah steak
la bistecca alla fiorentina lah grilled T-bone steak,
bee-stehk-kah ahj-lah fyoh-rehn-fee-nah a specialty of Florence
la braciola lah brah-chvoh-lah grilled pork chop
il capretto eel kah-preht-toh goat
la cima alla genovese lah chee-mah flank steak stuffed with
ahf-lah ieh-noh-veh-seh eggs and vegetables,
a specialty of Genoa
il cinghiale eel cheen-ahvah-leh wild boar, usually
braised or roasted
il coniglio eel koh-nee-llvoh rabbit
la cotoletta alla milanese lah breaded veal cutlet
koh-toh-leht-tah ahl-lah mee-lah-neh-seh flavored with cheese
la cotoletta di vitello con fontina lah veal cutlet stuffed
koh-toh-leht-tah dee vee-tehl-loh with fontina cheese,
kohn fohn-tee-nah breaded and sautéed
il fagiano eel fah-ivah-noh pheasant
il fegato eel feh-gah-toh liver
il fegato alla veneziana eel feh-gah-toh thin slices of calf’s
ahMah veh-neh-tsvah-nah liver fried with onions
il filetto al pepe verde eel fee-leht-toh ahi filet steak in a creamy
peh-peh vehr-deh sauce with green

With/Without... Con/Senza... kohn/sehn-tsah...

I can’t have... Non posso mangiare... nohn pohs-soh mahn-jyah-reh...
gli involtini llyee een-vohl-tee-nee thin slices of meat
rolled and stuffed
la luganega lah loo-gah-neh-aah type of pork sausage
il maiale eel mah-vah-leh pork
il manzo eel mahn-dzoh beef
il montone eel mohn-toh-neh mutton
l’oca loh-kah goose
l’osso buco Johs-soh boo-koh braised veal shank
la pancetta lah pahn-cheht-tah bacon
la piccata al Marsala lah peek-kah-tah thin cutlets cooked in
ahi mahr-sah-lah Marsala sauce
il pollo eel pohl-loh chicken
il pollo alla cacciatora eel pohl-loh chicken braised with
ahj-lah kah-chyah-toh-rah mushrooms in tomato
il pollo alla diavola eel pohl-loh ahl-lah chicken grilled
dvah-voh-lah with lemon and hot
il pollo al mattone eel pohl-loh ahi chicken cooked with
maht-tph-neh herbs in a brick
il pollo alla romana eel pohl-loh ahl-lah diced chicken with
roh-mah-nah tomato sauce and
sweet peppers

rare al sangue ahi sahn-aweh

medium mediamente cotta meh-dvah-mehn-teh koht-tah
well-done ben cotta behn koht-tah

I’d like... Vorrei... vohr-ray...

More... Dell'a/fro Ialtra9... 6eU\'lahHroMahhtrah .
la polpetta lah pohl-peht-tah meatball

la porchetta lah pohr-keht-tah suckling pig

il prosciutto eel proh-shyoot-toh ham

la quaglia lah kwah-llvah quail

la salsiccia lah sahl-see-chvah sausage

il saltimbocca eel sahl-teem-bohk-kah veal and ham roll

il tacchino eel tahk-kee-noh turkey

il vitello eel vee-tehl-loh veal

In Italy, pizza is generally served in a size suitable for

one person, though it can be shared. Pizza is usually thin
crusted, about the size of a dinner plate, and is eaten with
a knife and fork. Some pizzerias, though, may ask if you
want your pizza sottile (thin) or alta (literally, high; here it
means thick). There are many varieties of pizza and most
are topped with mozzarella cheese; listed below are some of
the most popular.

la pizza... lah pee-tsah...

- bianca bvahn-kah - “white,” without

tomato sauce

- con i funghi kohn ee foon-ghee - with mushrooms

- dolce dohl-cheh - with a variety of

sweet toppings,
served as a dessert

With/Without... Con/Senza... kohn/sehn-tsah...

I can't have... Non posso mangiare... nohn pohs-soh mahn-ivah-reh...
- margherita mahr-gheh-ree-tah - tomato, cheese and
basil or oregano,
named after Italy’s
first queen and
reflecting the
national colors

- marinara mah-ree-nah-rah - with tomato sauce,

garlic, capers,
oregano and

- napoletana nah-poh-leh*tah-nah anchovies, tomatoes,

cheese and
sometimes capers

- quattro formaggi kwaht-troh with four types of

fohr-mah-diee cheese

- quattro stagioni kwaht-troh stah-ivoh-nee - “four seasons”, with

tomatoes, artichokes,
mushrooms, olives;
plus cheese, ham
and bacon

- rustica roos-tee-kah - with ricotta,

mozzarella, prosciutto,
mortadella and

I’d like... Vorrei... vohr-ray...

More... Dett'altro M altra,1... M'lahl-trohMI-trah...


gli agnolotti llyee ah-nvoh-loht-tee meat-stuffed pasta

i cannelloni ee kahn-nehl-loh-nee stuffed pasta tubes,

topped with sauce

i cappelletti ee kahp-pehl-Jeht-tee small ravioli filled with

meat, ham, cheese
and eggs

i capelli d’angelo ee kah-pehl-lee angelhair pasta

le fettuccine leh feht-too-chee-neh broad, long pasta made
from eggs and flour

i fusilli ee foo-seel-lee spiral-shaped pasta

gli gnocchi llyee nvohk-kee small potato dumplings

With/Without... Con/Senza... kohn/sehn-tsah...

I can’t have... Non posso mangiare... nohn pohs-soh mahn-ivah-reh...
le lasagne leh lah-sah-nveh thin pasta strips layered
with tomato or white
sauce, meat and cheese

le linguine leh leen-gwee-neh narrow, long pasta

le orecchiette leh oh-reh-kyeht-teh small, shell-shaped


i pansotti ee pahn-soht-tee swiss chard- and

herb-stuffed pasta,
usually served with
a walnut sauce
le pappardelle leh pahp-pahr-dehHeh long, rectangular
pasta of medium width
with ribbon edges

la pastina lah pahs-tee-nah tiny, dried pasta used

in soups

le penne leh pehn-neh short, tubular pasta

with angled ends

i quadrucci ee kwah-droo-chee stuffed pasta squares

added to soup

i rigatoni ee ree-gah-toh-nee fat tubes of dried

pasta with ridges

gli spaghetti llyee spah-qheht-tee long thin strands of

fresh pasta

le tagliatelle leh tah-llvah-tehl-leh thin, long pasta

with ribbon edges

i tortelli ee tohr-tehl-lee stuffed rectangular or

square fresh pasta

I'd like... Vorrei... vohfray...

More... Dell’aflro. '/a/fra9... dehl•lahhtroMahhtrah...
i tortellini ee tohr-tehl-lee-nee small stuffed pasta

gli ziti llyee tsee-tee tubular pasta

Pasta Sauces
all’agliata ahl-lah-llvah-tah hot and spicy sauce
with garlic

all’Alfredo ahl-lahl-freh-doh butter and parmesan


aH’amatricianaahMah-mah-tree-chyah-nah bacon and tomato

alla bolognese ahj-lah boh-loh-nveh-seh ground meat and


alia boscaiola ahl-lah boh-skah-voh-lah tomatoes, butter,

cheese, mushrooms,
olive oil and garlic

alla Carbonara ahl-lah kahr-boh-nah-rah bacon and egg

fra’ diavolo frah dvah-voh-loh tomato with hot pepper

alla marinara ahj-lah mah-ree-nah-rah tomato, olive oil and


alla napoletana ahl-lah nah-poh-leh-tah-nah cheese, tomatoes and


al pesto ahi peh-stoh ground basil, garlic,

parmesan and pine

al pomodoro ahi poh-moh-doh-roh simple tomato sauce

alla puttanesca ahl-lah poot-tah-neh-skah tomatoes, black olives,

peppers, olive oil and

With/Without... Con/Senza... kohn/sehivtsah...

I can't have... Non posso mangiare... nohn pohs-soh mahn-Jyajvreh...
al ragù ahi rah-qoo with meat

alla siciliana ahl-lah see-chee-lvah-nah provolone and eggplant

alle vongole ahl-leh vohn-goh-leh clams and tomato

Vegetables and Staples —

l’aceto lah-cheh-toh vinegar

l’aglio iah-Hyoh garlic

l’asparago lah-spah-rah-qoh asparagus

l’avocado lah-voh-kah-doh avocado
la barbabietola lah bahr-bah-byeh-toh-lah beet

la bietola lah bveh-toh-lah swiss chard

i broccoli ee brohk-koh-lee broccoli

il carciofo eel kahr-chvoh-foh artichoke

i carciofi alla guidea ee kahr-chvoh-fee crispy deep-fried

ahl-lah owee-deh-ah artichokes, originally
a specialty of the Jewish
quarter in Rome

i carciofi alla romana ee kahr-chvoh-fee whole lightly stewed

ahl-lah roh-mah-nah artichokes stuffed with
garlic, salt, olive oil,
wild mint and parsley

la carota lah kah-rah-tah carrot

il cavolfiore eel kah-vohl-fyoh-reh cauliflower

il cavolo eel kah-voh-loh cabbage

i ceci ee cheh-chee chickpeas

il cetriolo eel cheh-trvoh-loh cucumber

la cipolla lah chee-pohl-lah onion

I’d like... Vorrei... vohr-ray...

More... Dell’a/tro o' ! altra?... debl'IahbtroMahl'trah..
i fagioli ee fah-ivoh-lee beans
i fagioli alla toscana ee fah-ivoh-lee Tuscan-style beans
ahl-lah toh-skah-nah seasoned with salt,
black pepper and
olive oil

i fagioli in umido ee fah-ivoh-lee een beans cooked in

oo-mee-doh tomato sauce and
i fagiolini ee fah-jyoh-Jee-nee green beans

le fave leh fah-veh broad beans

i funghi ee foon-ghee mushrooms

i funghi porcini arrostiti ee foon-ghee porcini mushrooms

pohr-chee-nee ahr-roh-stee-tee roasted or grilled with
garlic, parsley and
chili peppers

la lattuga lah laht-too-gah lettuce

il mais eel mah-ees corn

la melanzana lah meh-lahn-tsah-nah eggplant [aubergine]

l’oliva loh-Jee-vah olive

l’ortaggio lohr-tah-dioh vegetable

la pasta lah pah-stah pasta

la patata lah pah-tah-tah potato

il pepe biancolnero eel peh-peh white/black pepper

il pepe rosso eel peh-peh rohs-soh paprika

il peperone rosso/verde eel red/green pepper

peh-peh-roh-neh rohs-soh/vehr-deh
i piselli ee pee-tsehl-lee peas

With/Without... Con/Senza... kohn/sehn-tsah..,

1 can’t have. .. Non posso mangiare... nohn pohs-soh mahn-ivah-reh...
i piselli al prosciutto ee pee-tsehl-lee ahi peas with ham
la polenta lah poh-jehn-tah cornmeal

la polenta al nero di seppia lah polenta with baby

poh-lehn-tah ahi neh-roh dee sehp-ovah squid in its own ink

il pomodoro eel poh-moh-doh-roh tomato

i porri con le patate ee pohr-ree kohn leek and potato

leh pah-tah-teh casserole

il riso eel ree-zoh rice

il risotto eel ree-zoh-toh arborio rice cooked

slowly in broth, with
seafood, vegetables,

il sale eel sah-leh salt

il sedano eel seh-dah-noh celery

gli spinaci llyee spee-nah-chee spinach

lo zucchero loh tsook-keh-roh sugar

la zucchina lah tsook-kee-nah zucchini [courgette]

l’ananas lah-nah-nahs pineapple

l’anguria lahn-aoo-rvah watermelon (northern


l’albicocca lahl-bee-kohk-kah apricot

l’arancia lah-rahn-chah orange

la banana lah bah-nah-nah banana

il cedro eel cheh-droh lime

I’d like... Vorrei... vohr*ray...

More... Dell’a/froc? /altra5... defo\rlahhtroh/lahbtrah...
la ciliegia lah chee-lveh-ivah cherry
il cocomero eel koh-koh-meh-roh watermelon (Rome &
southern Italy)

la fragola lah frah-aoh-lah strawberry

la frutta lah froot-tah fruit

il lampone eel lahm-poh-neh raspberry

il limone eel lee-moh-neh lemon

la mela lah meh-lah apple

il melone eel meh-loh-neh melon

il mirtillo eel meer-teel-loh blueberry

la pera lah peh-rah pear

la pesca lah peh-skah peach

il pompeimo eel pohm-pehl-moh grapefruit

la prugna lah proo-nvah plum

l’uva loo-vah grape

Cheese -
il formaggio... eel fohr-mah-dioh... ...cheese

- asiago ah-syah-goh - nutty-flavored

- Bel Paese behl pah-eh-seh - smooth and delicate

- bocconcini bohk-kohn-chee-nee - small balls of fresh


- caciocavallo kah-chvoh-kah-vahl-loh -firm, slightly sweet,

made with cow’s or
sheep’s milk

- caciotta kah-chvoht-tah -firm, usually mild

With/Without... Con/Senza... kohn/sehn-tsah..,

I can’t have... Non posso mangiare... nohn oohs-soh mahn-ivatvreh...
- caprino kah-oree-noh - made from goat's milk

- crescenza kreh-shehn-tsah - rich and creamy

- dolce dohl-cheh - mild

- dolcelatte dohl-cheh-laht-teh - mild, creamy,
- duro doo-roh - hard
- fontina fohn-tee-nah - full-fat and semi-hard
- gorgonzola gohr-gohn-dzoh-lah - strong and
- grana orah-nah - similar to parmesan

- gruviera oroo-vveh-rah - sweet, nutlike flavor,

similar to Swiss

- mascarpone mahs-kahr-poh-neh - used like whipped

- molle mohl-leh - soft

- mozzarella moh-tsah-rehl-lah - full-fat and mild,

made with cow’s or
buffalo’s milk

- parmigiano pahr-mee-ivah-noh - parmesan

- pecorino peh-koh-ree-noh - strong, made with

sheep's milk
- piccante peek-kahn-teh - sharp

- provolone proh-voh-loh-neh - firm and flavorful

- ricotta ree-koht-tah - soft and mild, made
with cow’s or sheep’s

I'd like... Vorrei... vohr-ray...

More... Dell’a/fro.'' /altra 2... Mi'lahHroMahHrah... x
gli amaretti llyee ah-mah-reht-tee almond cookies

il biscotto eel bees-koht-toh crunchy cookie for

dipping into coffee or

il budino eel boo-dee-noh pudding

i cannoli ee kahn-noh-lee crispy pastry tubes

filled with sweetened
ricotta and candied fruit

la cassata siciliana lah kahs-sah-tah traditional Sicilian

see-chee-lvah-nah cake with ricotta,
chocolate and candied

il castagnaccio eel kah-stah-nvah-chvoh deep-fried chestnut


la crema lah kreh-mah custard

With/Without... Con/Senza... kohn/sehn-tsah...

I can't have... Non posso mangiare... nohn oohs-soh mahn-ivah-reh...
la crostata lah kroh-stah-tah pie

i dolci ee dohl-chee sweets

il gelato eel jeh-Jah-toh ice cream

i gianduiotti ee jyahn-dyoht-tee chocolate drops from


la granita lah grah-nee-tah frozen fruit-juice slush

il pandolce eel pahn-dohl-cheh yeast cake with grapes

and raisins

il panettone eel pah-neht-toh-neh Christmas sweet

bread with raisins and
candied citrus peel

il panforte eel pahn-fohr-teh dense cake made of

almond, candied
citrus, spices and honey

la panna cotta lah pahn-nah koht-tah molded chilled cream


il tartufo eel tahr-too-foh chocolate truffle dessert

il tiramisù eel tee-rah-mee-soo coffee- and rum-

flavored layered dessert

la torta lah tohr-tah cake

lo zabaglione loh dzah-bah-llvoh-neh warm custard with

Marsala wine

lo zuccotto loh dzook-koht-toh sponge cake filled with

fresh cream,
chocolate, candied
fruit and liqueur

I'd like... Vorrei... vohfray...

More... OeW'altrod/altra1}... riehl•lahbtmh/lahHrah. .
With/Without... Con/Senza... kohn/sehn-tsah...
I can’t have... Non posso mangiare... nohn oohs-soh mahn-ivàh-reh.
The Italian gelato, similar to ice cream, is made from milk
and sugar—not cream. Though it has less fat content than
ice cream, it is still very dense and creamy. Popular flavors
include caffè (coffee), cioccolato (chocolate), fragola
(strawberry), frutti di bosco (mixed berries), gianduia
(chocolate hazelnut), limone (lemon), nocciola (hazelnut),
pistacchio (pistachio) and vaniglia (vanilla).

The wine/drink La carta dei vini/lista delle bevande, per
menu, please. favore, lah kahr-tah day vee-nee/jee-stah
dehl-leh beh-vahn-deh pehr fah-voh-reh

What do you Cosa mi consiglia? koh-zah mee

recommend? kohn-see-llvah
I’d like a bottle/ Vorrei una bottiglia/un bicchiere di vino
glass of red/ rosso/bianco, vohr-ray oo-nah boht-tee-llyah/
white wine. oon beek-kveh-reh dee vee-noh rohs-soh/

The house wine, Il vino della casa, per favore, eel vee-noh
please. dehl-lah kah-zah pehr fah-voh-reh
Another bottle/ Un’altra bottiglia/Un altro bicchiere, per
glass, please. favore, oo-nahl-trah boht-tee-llvah/oo-nahl-troh
beek-kveh-reh pehr fah-voh-reh

I'd like a local beer. Vorrei una birra locale, vohr-ray oo-nah
beer-rah loh-kah-leh
Can 1 buy you Posso offrirle qualcosa? pohs-soh
a drink? ohf-freer-leh kwahl-koh-sah
Cheers! Salute! sah-Joo-teh
A coffee/tea, Un caffè/tè, per favore, oon kahf-feh/teh pehr
please. fah-voh-reh
Black. Nero, neh-roh
With... Con... kohn...
- some milk - un po’ di latte oon poh dee laht-teh
- sugar - lo zucchero loh dzook-keh-roh
- artificial - il dolcificante eel dohl-chee-fee-kahn-teh

..., please. ..., per favore. ...pehr fah-voh-reh

-A juice - Un succo oon sook-koh
- A soda - Una bibita oo-nah bee-bee-tah
-A (sparkling/still) - Un bicchiere d’acqua (frizzante/naturale)
water oon beek-kveh-reh dah-kwah (free-dzahn-teh/

Non-alcoholic Drinks —
l’acqua (frizzante/naturale) jah-kwah (sparkling/still) water
la bibita lah bee-bee-tah soda

il caffè eel kahf-feh coffee

il latte eel laht-teh milk

la limonata lah lee-moh-nah-tah lemon soda

il succo eel sook-koh juice

il tè (freddo) eel teh (frehd-doh) (iced) tea

la spremuta lah spreh-moo-tah fresh-squeezed fruit

Il caffè (coffee) has been a very popular drink in Italy since
the 16th century, when the first European coffeehouse opened
in Venice. Italians usually stop to drink a coffee—standing at
the bar—on their way to work. If you have time to spare, you
may wish to sit and enjoy your beverage, but you’ll pay extra
for table service. It is customary to have a cup of coffee after
your meal. Popular types of Italian coffee include:

caffè: strong coffee, similar to espresso elsewhere

doppio: double serving of caffè
ristretto: very strong coffee, made with less water
americano: weak coffee, made with more water
macchiato: coffee served with steamed milk
cappuccino: equal parts coffee, steamed milk and milk foam

You May Hear...
Posso offrirle qualcosa? Can I get you a drink?
pohs-soh ohf-freer-leh kwahl-koh-zah
Con latte o zucchero? With milk or sugar?
kohn Jaht-teh oh dzook-keh-roh
Acqua frizzante o naturale? Sparkling or still
ah-kwah free-dzahn-teh water?
oh nah-too-rah-leh

Aperitifs, Cocktails and Liqueurs-

l’amaretto lah-mah-rehMoh almond liqueur
l’amaro lah-mah-roh bitter

il brandy eel brahn-dee brandy

il digestivo eel dee-jehs-tee-voh after-dinner drink

il gin eel jeen gin

il rum eel room rum

la sambuca lah sahm-boo-kah aniseed-flavored liqueur

10 scotch loh skohtch scotch

la strega lah streh-gah sweet herb liqueur

la tequila la teh-kee-lah tequila

la vodka la vohd-kah vodka

11 whisky eel whees-kee whisky

la birra... lah beer-rah...
- in bottiglia/alla spina een - bottled/draft
boht-tee-llyah/ahj-lah spee-nah
- scura/chiara skoo-rah/kyah-rah - dark/light
- lager/pilsner lah-aehr/peels-nehr - lager/pilsner
- nazionale/importata nah-tsvoh-nah-leh/ - local/imported
- analcolica ah-nahl-koh-lee-kah - non-alcoholic

lo champagne loh shahm-pah-nveh champagne
il vino... eel vee-noh...
- rosso/bianco rohs-soh/byahn-koh - red/white
- della casa/da tavola dehl-lah - house/table
kah-zah/dah tah-voh-lah

- secco/dolce sehk-koh/dohl-cheh - dry/sweet

- frizzante free-dzahn-teh - sparkling
- da dessert dah dehs-sehrt - dessert

Popular types of Italian wine are listed below. The region

where the wine is typically found is listed in parentheses.

sparkling sweet wine Asti spumante (Piedmont); Prosecco


red wine Nebbiolo (Piedmont); Amarone,

Valpolicella (Veneto); Brunello di
Montalcino, Chianti, Sangiovese
(Tuscany); Corvo Rosso, Nero d’Avola

rose Lagrein (Trentino-Alto Adige)

dry white wine Frascati (Latium); Orvieto (Umbria);

Pinot grigio (Veneto); Vermentino

dessert wine Vin santo (Tuscany)

Menu Reader

tomato -aueijo. presunto

TOM/m-oHKRf Paper e&gplANt courg

Tomato. FAOMAfcf;-1 uir T if. ye cajM
■ tomato cheese olive


l’abbacchio lahb-bahk-kvoh lamb

l’acciuga lah-chyoo-ghah anchovy

l’aceto lah-cheh-toh vinegar

l’aceto balsamico lah-cheh-toh balsamic vinegar


l’acqua lah-kwah water

l’acqua tonica |ah-kwah toh-nee-kah tonic water

gii affettati llyee ahf-feht-tah-tee cold cuts [charcuterie]

l’agliata lah-llvah-tah garlic sauce

l’aglio lah-llyoh garlic

l’agnello lah-nvehl-loh lamb

gli agnolotti llyee ah-nvoh-loht-tee meat-stuffed pasta

l’albicocca lahl-bee-kohk-kah apricot

Menu Reader
l’albume lahl-boo-meh egg white

gli alcolici llyee ahl-koh-lee-chee spirits

l’alloro lahl-ioh-roh bay leaf

l’amarena lah-mah-reh-nah sour cherry

l’ananas [ah-nah-nahs pineapple

l’anatra iah-nah-trah duck

l’aneto lah-neh-toh dill

l’anguilla lahn-qweel-lah eel

l’anguria lahn-aoo-rvah watermelon (northern


l’aperitivo lah-peh-ree-tee-voh aperitif

l’arachide lah-rah-kee-deh peanut

l’aragosta lah-rah-aoh-stah lobster

l’arancia lah-rahn-chvah orange

l’aringa lah-reen-gah herring

l’arrosto lahr-roh-stoh roast

gli aromi llyee ah-roh-mee herbs

l’asparago lah-spah-rah-qoh asparagus

l’avocado lah-voh-kah-doh avocado

il baccalà eel bahk-kah-lah salted, dried cod

la banana lah bah-nah-nah banana

la barbabietola lah bahr-bah-bveh-toh-lah beet

il basilico eel bah-see-lee-koh basil

la bibita lah bee-bee-tah soda

la bietola lah bveh-toh-lah swiss chard

la birra lah beer-rah beer

il biscotto eel bee-skoht-toh cookie [biscuit]

la bistecca lah bee-stehk-kah steak

la braciola lah brah-chyoh-lah grilled pork chop

il brandy eel brahn-dee brandy

il branzino eel brahn-dzee-noh sea bass
i broccoli ee brohk-koh-lee broccoli
il brodo eel broh-doh broth
il budino eel boodee-noh pudding
il bue eel boo-eh ox
la burrida lah boo-reed-dah fish stew (Genova)
il burro eel boor-roh butter
il caffè eel kahf-feh coffee
i calamari ee kah-lah-mah-ree squid
la cannella lah kahn-nehl-lah cinnamon
i cannelloni ee kahn-nehl-joh-nee stuffed pasta tubes,
topped with sauce and
i capelli d’angelo ee kah-pehl-lee angelhair pasta
i cappelletti ee kahp-pehl-Jeht-tee small ravioli, filled
with meat, ham,
cheese and eggs
il cappero eel kahp-peh-roh caper
la capra lah kah-prah goat
il capretto eel kah-preht-toh kid (baby goat)
le caramelle leh kah-rah-mehl-leh candy [sweets]
il caramello eel kah-rah-mehl-loh caramel
il carciofo eel kahr-phvoh-foh artichoke
i cardi ee kahr-dee cardoons (relative of
the artichoke)
la carne lah kahr-neh meat
Menu Reader
la carne in scatola lah kahr-neh een corned beef
la carne tritata lah kahr-neh tree-tah-tah ground meat
la carota lah kah-roh-tah carrot
la castagna lah kah-stah-nvah chestnut
il cavolfiore eel kah-vohl-fyoh-reh cauliflower
i cavoletti di Bruxelles ee kah-voh-Jeht tee Brussels sprouts
dee broo-ksehl
il cavolo eel kah-voh-loh cabbage
il cavolo rosso eel kah-voh-loh rohs-soh red cabbage
i ceci ee cheh-chee chickpeas
il cedro eel cheh-droh lime
i cereali ee cheh-reh-ah-lee cereal
il cervo eel chehr-voh venison
il cetriolino eel cheh-tryoh-Jee-noh gherkin
il cetriolo eel cheh-trvoh-loh cucumber
la ciambella fritta lah chahm-behl-lah doughnut
il chiodo di garofano eel kvoh-doh clove
dee gah-roh-fah-noh
la cicoria lah chee-koh-rvah chicory

la ciliegia lah chee-lveh-ivah cherry

il cinqhiale eel cheen-qhyah-leh wild boar
il cioccolato eel chyohk-koh-Jah-toh chocolate

la cipolla lah chee-pohl-lah onion

la cipollina verde lah chee-pohl-iee-nah scallion [spring onion]
il cocco eel kohk-koh coconut

il cocomero eel koh-koh-meh-roh watermelon (Rome

and southern Italy)
la coda di bue lah koh-dah dee boo-eh oxtail
la confettura lah kohn-feht-too-rah jam

il coniglio eel koh-nee-llvoh rabbit

la conserva lah kohn-sehr-vah tomato paste
il consommé eel kohn-sohm-meh consommé

la coppa lah kohp-pah cured pork shoulder

il cornetto eel kohr-neht-toh croissant

la coscia lah koh-shah leg
le cozze leh koh-tseh mussel
il cracker eel krah-kehr cracker

i crauti ee krawoo-tee sauerkraut

la crema lah kreh-mah custard

il crescione eel kreh-shyoh-neh watercress
le crespelle leh kreh-spehl-leh crepes
la crostata lah kroh-stah-tah pie
il cumino eel koo-mee-noh caraway/cumin

i datteri ee daht-teh-ree dates

il digestivo eel dee-jeh-stee-voh after-dinner drink
il dolcificante eel dohl-chee-fee-kahn-teh sweetener
il dragoncello eel drah-aohn-chehl-loh tarragon
l’erba cipollina !ehr*bah chee-pohl-|ge-nah chives
l’erbetta lehr-beht-teh herb
l’espresso leh-spreh$-soh coffee
il fagiano eel fah-ivah-noh pheasant
il fagiolino eel fah-jyoh-lee-noh green bean
i fagioli di soya ee fah-jyoh-dee soh-vah soybean [soya bean]
il fagiolo eel fah-ivoh-loh bean
la faraona lah fah-rah-oh-nah guinea fowl
la farina lah fah-ree-nah flour
Menu Reader
la farina d’avena lah fah-rgg-nah oatmeal
la farina di mais lah fah-ree-nah cornmeal
dee mah-ees
il fegato eel fgh-gah-toh liver
le fettuccine leh feht-too-chee-neh egg noodles
il filetto eel fee-leht-toh filet
il fico eel fge-koh fig
il finocchio eel fee-nohk-kvoh fennel
il formaggio eel fohr-mah-dioh cheese
il formaggio caprino eel fohr-mah-dioh goat cheese
il formaggio cremoso eel fohr-mah-dioh cream cheese
i fiocchi di latte ee fyohk-kee dee laht-teh cottage cheese
la fragola lah frah-aoh-lah strawberry
la frittata lah freet-tgh-tah omelet
la frittella lah freet-tehl-lah fritter/pancake
il frullatto eel frool-Jgh-toh milkshake
la frutta lah froot-tah fruit
la frutta cotta lah froot-tah koht-tah stewed fruit
i frutti di bosco ee froot-tee dee boh-skoh mixed berries
i frutti di mare ee froot-tee dee mah-reh seafood/shellfish

il fungo eel foon-aoh mushroom

i fusilli ee foo-seel-lee spiral-shaped pasta

la gallina lah gahl-lee-nah hen

il aambero eel aahm-beh-roh shrimp
la gelatina lah jeh-lah-teg-nah jelly
il gelato eel jeh-iaù-toh ice cream

il germoglio di soia eel jehr-moh-llvoh bean sprouts
dee soh-vah
il ghiaccio eel ahvah-chvoh ice (cube)

il gin eel geen gin

gli gnocchi llyee nyohk-kee potato dumplings

il gorgonzola eel gohr-gohn-dzoh-lah blue cheese

il granchio eel arahn-kvoh crab

il grano eel arah-noh wheat

la guava lah awah-vah guava

l’hamburger lahm-boor-gehr hamburger

l’indivia leen-dee-wah endive

l’insalata leen-sah-lah-tah salad

il ketchup eel keht-choop ketchup

il kiwi eel kee-wee kiwi

il lampone eel lahm-poh-neh raspberry

le lasagne leh lah-sah-nveh lasagna

il latte eel laht-teh milk

il latte di soia eel laht-teh dee soh-vah soymilk [soya milk]

la lattuga lah laht-too-gah lettuce

la lenticchia lah lehn-teek-kvah lentil
la limonata lah lee-moh-nah-tah lemon soda

il limone eel lee-moh-neh lemon

le linguine leh leen-awee-neh flat noodles

la lingua lah leen-awah tongue

il liguore eel lee-kwoh-reh liqueur

il liquore all’arancia eel lee-kwoh-reh orange liqueur
il lombo eel lohm-boh loin/sirloin

la lumaca lah loo-mah-kah snail

96 i maccheroni ee mahk-keh-roh-nee macaroni

Menu Reader
il maiale eel mah-vah-leh pork
il maialino da latte eel mah-yah-]ee-noh suckling pig
dah laht-teh
la maionese lah mah-voh-neh-zeh mayonnaise
il mais dolce eel mah-ees dohl-cheh sweet corn
il mandarino eel mahn-dah-ree-noh tangerine
la mandorla lah mahn-dohr-lah almond
il manqo eel mahn-qoh mango
il manzo eel mahn-dzoh beef
la margarina lah mahr-gah-ree-nah margarine
la marmellata lah mahr-mehl-lah-tah marmalade/jam
il marzapane eel mahr-dzah-pah-neh marzipan
la mela lah meh-lah apple
la melanzana lah meh-lahn-tsah-nah eggplant [aubergine]
il melograno eel meh-loh-qrah-noh pomegranate
il melone eel meh-joh-neh melon
la menta lah mehn-tah mint
la merenda lah meh-rehn-dah snack
la meringa lah meh-reen-aah meringue
il merluzzo eel mehr-|oo-tsoh cod
il miele eel myeh-leh honey
il minestrone eel mee-neh-stroh-neh vegetable and
bean soup
il mirtillo eel meer-teel-loh blueberry
il montone eel mohn-toh-neh mutton
la mora lah moh-rah blackberry
la mortadella lah mohr-tah-dehl-lah Bologna sausage
il muesli eel mweh-slee granola [muesli]
il muffin eel mahf-feen muffin
il nasello eel nah-zehl-loh hake

la nocciola lah noh-chyoh-lah hazelnut

la noce lah noh-cheh walnut

la noce moscata lah noh-cheh nutmeg

la nutella lah noo-tehl-lah hazelnut-flavored
chocolate spread

l’oca loh-kah goose

l’olio d’oliva loh-lyoh doh-lee-vah olive oil

l’oliva loh-lee-vah olive

l’orata loh-rah-tah sea bream

le orecchiette leh oh-rehk-kyeht-teh small, shell-shaped


l’origano loh-ree-gah-noh oregano

l’ortaggio lohr-tah-djoh vegetable

l’orzo lohr-tsoh barley

l’ostrica Joh-stree-kah oyster

il palombo eel pah-lohm-boh dogfish

la pancetta lah pahn-cheht-tah bacon

il pane eel pah-neh bread

il pane tostato eel pah-neh toh-stah-toh toast

il panino eel pah-nee-noh roll/sandwich

la panna acida lah pahn-nah ah-chee-dah sour cream

la panna montata lah pahn-nah whipped cream

la papaya lah pah-pah-yah papaya

la pasta lah pah-stah pastry

il pasticcio pah-stee-chvoh pie

la pastina lah pah-stee-nah tiny dried pasta used
in soups
Menu Reader
la patata lah pah-tah-tah potato
la patata americana lah pah-tah-tah sweet potato
le patatine leh pah-tah-tee-neh potato chips [crisps]
le patatine fritte leh pah-tah-tee-neh French fries
il paté eel pah-teh pàté
le penne leh pehn-neh tubular pasta with
angled ends
il pepe eel peh-peh pepper (seasoning)
il pepe bianco eel peh-peh byahn-koh white pepper
il pepe nero eel peh-peh neh-roh black pepper
il pepe rosso eel peh-peh rohs-soh paprika
il peperoncino eel peh-peh-rohn-chee-noh chili pepper
il peperone eel peh-peh-roh-neh pepper (vegetable)
la pera lah peh-rah pear
il persico eel pehr-see-koh fresh water perch
la pesca lah peh-skah peach
il pesce eel peh-sheh fish
il pesce spada eel peh-sheh spah-dah swordfish
il pettine di mare eel peht-tee-neh scallop
dee mah-reh
il petto (di pollo) eel peht-toh (dee pohj-loh) breast (of chicken)
i pinoli ee pee-noh-lee pine nuts
il piselli eel pee-zehl-lee peas
il pesto eel peh-stoh sauce made with basil,
garlic, parmesan and
pine nuts
la pizza lah pee-tsah pizza
il pollame eel pohl-lah-meh poultry

il pollo eel pohl-loh chicken

la polenta lah poh-lehn-tah cornmeal
la polpa di granchio lah pohl-oah crabmeat
dee arahn-kvoh
la polpetta lah pohl-peht-tah meatball
il polpo eel pohl-poh octopus
il pomodoro eel poh-moh-doh-roh tomato
il pompeimo eel pohm-pehl-moh grapefruit

i porcini ee oohr-chee-nee porcini mushrooms

la porchetta lah pohr-keht-tah suckling pig

il porro eel pohr-roh leek

il porto eel pohr-toh port

il prezzemolo eel preh-tseh-moh-loh parsley
il prosciutto eel proh-shyoot-toh ham

la prugna lah proo-nvah plum

la prugna secca lah proo-nvah sehk-kah prune
le puntarelle leh poon-tah-rehl-leh wild chicory

i quadrucci ee kwah-droo-chee stuffed pasta squares

added to soup
la quaglia lah kwah-llvah quail
il rabarbaro eel rah-bahr-bah-roh rhubarb
il radicchio eel rah-deek-kvoh red chicory
il ravanello eel rah-vah-nehl-loh radish
la rana lah rah-nah frog
la rana pescatrice lah rah-nah monkfish
la rapa lah rah-pah turnip
il ribes nero eel reg-behs neh-roh black currant n

100 il ribes rosso eel ree-behs rohs-soh red currant

Menu Reader
il riccio di mare eel ree-chyoh dee mah-reh sea urchin
le rigaglie leh ree-gah-llyeh giblet
i rigatoni ee ree-gah-toh-nee fat, ridged tubes of
dried pasta with ridges
il riso eel ree-zoh rice
il risotto eel ree-zoht-toh rice cooked in broth
il rosbif eel rohz-beef roast beef
il rosmarino eel rohz-mah-ree-noh rosemary
il rum eel room rum
il salame eel sah-!ah-meh salami
il sale eel sah-leh salt
il salmone eel sahl-moh-neh salmon
la salsa lah sahl-sah sauce
la salsa agrodolce lah sahl-sah sweet and sour sauce
la salsa piccante lah sahl-sah peek-kahn-teh hot pepper sauce
la salsa di soia lah sahj-sah dee soh-vah soy sauce
la salsiccia lah sahl-see-chvah sausage
la salvia lah sahl-vvah sage
il sanguinaccio eel sahn-gwee-nah-chvoh blood sausage
le sardine leh sahr-dee-neh sardine
i savoiardi ee sah-voh-vahr-dee “ladyfingers”, small
sponge cakes used to
make tiramisu
lo scalogno loh skah-|oh-nyoh shallot
la scarola lah skah-roh-lah escarole
lo sciroppo loh shee-rohp-poh syrup
10 scotch loh skohtch scotch
11 sedano eel seh-dah-noh celery
la segale lah seh-aah-leh rye
la selvaggina lah sehl-vah-diee-nah game

i semi di finocchio ee seh-mee dee fennel seeds

la senape lah seh-nah-peh mustard

lo scombro loh skohm-broh mackerel

In sherry loh shehr-ree sherry

la sogliola lah soh-llvoh-lah sole

la soia lah soh-vah soy [soya]

il sottaceto eel soht-tah-cheh-toh pickle

gli spaghetti llyee spah-aheht-tee spaghetti

la spalla lah spahl-lah shoulder

le spezie leh soeh-tsveh spices

lo spezzatino loh speh-tsah-tee-noh meat stew

gli spinaci llyee spee-nah-chee spinach

la spremuta lah spreh-muh-tah fresh-squeezed juice

lo stinco loh steen-koh shank

lo strutto loh stroot-toh lard

il succo eel sook-koh juice

il tacchino eel tahk-kee-noh turkey

la tagliatella lah tah-llvah-tehl-lah noodle

il tartufo eel tahr-too-foh truffles

il tè eel teh tea

il timo eel tee-moh thyme

il tofu eel toh-foo tofu

il tonno eel tohn-noh tuna

il torrone eel tohr-roh-neh nougat

la torta lah tohr-tah cake

i tortelli ee tohr-tehHee fat, elongated, stuffed


Menu Reader
i tortellini ee tohr-tehl-Jee-nee small stuffed pasta
la triglia lah tree-llvah red mullet
la trippa lah treep-pah tripe
la trota lah troh-tah trout
il tuorlo eel twohr-loh egg yolk
l’uovo Iwoh-voh egg
l’uva loo-vah grape
l’uva spina too-vah spee-nah gooseberry
I’uvetta loo-veht-tah raisin
la vaniglia lah vah-nee-llvah vanilla
il vermouth eel vehr-mooth vermouth
la verdura lah vehr-doo-rah vegetable
il vino eel vee-noh wine
il vino da dessert eel vee-noh dah dehs-sehrt dessert wine
il vitello eel vee-tehl-loh veal
la vodka lah vohd-kah vodka
la vongola lah vohn-aoh-lah clam
il wafer eel vah-fehr waffle
il whisky eel whee-skee whisky
il Wurstel eel voor-stehl hot dog
lo yogurt loh yoh-goort yogurt
lo zafferano loh dzahf-feh-rah-noh saffron

lo zenzero loh dzehn-dzeh-roh ginger

gli ziti llyee tsee-tee tubular pasta

la zucca lah dzook-kah squash

lo zucchero loh dzook-keh-roh sugar

la zucchina lah dzook-kee-nah zucchini [courgette]

la zuppa lah dzoop-pah soup

► Talking 105
► Romance 112

Hello! Salve! sahl-veh
Hi! Ciao! chah-oh
How are you? Come sta? koh-meh stah
Fine, thanks. Bene, grazie, beh-neh arah-tsveh
Excuse me! Scusi! skoo-zee
Do you speak Parla inglese? pahr-lah een-gleh-zeh

What’s your name? Come si chiama? koh-meh see kvah-mah

My name is... Mi chiamo... mee kvah-moh...
Nice to meet you. Piacere, pyah-cheh-reh
Where are you Di dov’è? dee doh-veh
I’m American. Sono americanod /americana ?. soh-noh
ah-meh-ree-kah-noh d/ah-meh-ree-kah-nah 9
I’m British. Sono inglese, soh-noh een-aleh-zeh
What do you do? Cosa fa? koh-zah fah
1 work for... Lavoro per... lah-voh-roh pehr...
I’m a student. Studio, stoo-dvoh
I’m retired. Sono in pensione, soh-noh een pehn-svoh-neh
Do you like...? Le piace... ? leh pvah-cheh...
Goodbye. Arrivederla. ahr-ree-veh-dehr-lah
See you later. A dopo, ah doh-poh

Italians have many greetings. The following are the most

l commonly used forms and when to use them.

buongiorno: literally, good day; this greeting is used from

morning to mid-afternoon
salve: a formal hello
ciao: an informal hi or bye
buon pomeriggio: good afternoon
buonasera: good evening; used from late afternoon until late
in the evening
buonanotte: good night; used late in the evening or at bedtime
arrivederla: formal goodbye
arrivederci: informal goodbye

Signore (Mr.), Signora (Mrs.), Signorina (Miss) and

professional titles—Dottore (Dr.), Professore (Professor)—
l are frequently used, even when you don't know the person’s
last name. When trying to get someone’s attention, you don’t
have to include his or her title; a simple Scusi! (formal) or
Scusa! (informal) is sufficient.

Communication Difficulties
Do you speak Parla inglese? pahr-lah een-aleh-zeh
Does anyone here Qualcuno parla inglese? kwahl-koo-noh
speak English? pahr-lah een-aleh-zeh
I don’t speak Non parlo (molto bene I’) italiano, nohn
(much) Italian. pahr-loh (mohl-toh beh-neh I) ee-tah-lvah-noh
Can you speak Può parlare più lentamente? pwoh
more slowly? pahr-lah-reh pyoo lehn-tah-mehn-teh
Can you repeat Può ripetere? pwoh ree-peh-teh-reh
Excuse me? Come? koh-meh
What was that? Cosa ha detto? koh-zah ah deht-toh
Can you spell it? Come si scrive? koh-meh see skree-veh
Can you write Me lo può scrivere? meh loh pwo skree-veh-reh
it down?
Can you translate Può tradurlo in inglese? pwoh trah-door-loh
this into English een een-gleh-zeh
for me?

What does... Che significa...? keh see-nvee-fee-kah...

1 understand. Capisco, kah-oee-skoh
1 don’t understand. Non capisco, nohn kah-pee-skoh
Do you understand? Capisce? kah-oee-sheh

Parlo poco inglese, pahr-loh poh-koh I only speak a little

een-oleh-zeh English.

Non parlo inglese, nohn pahr-loh I don’t speak English.

Making Friends
Hello! Salve! sahl-veh
Good morning. Buongiorno, bwohn-ivohr-noh
Good afternoon. Buon pomeriggio, bwohn
Good evening. Buonasera, bwoh-nah-seh-rah
My name is... Mi chiamo... mee kvah-moh...
What’s your name? Come si chiama? koh-meh see
I’d like to introduce Le presento... leh preh-zehn-toh...
you to...
Pleased to meet Piacere, ovah-cheh-reh
How are you? Come sta? koh-meh stah
Fine, thanks. Bene, grazie. E Lei? beh-neh grah-tsveh
And you? eh lay

A handshake is a common gesture among strangers or in

I formal settings. Traditionally, it is expected that a woman

be the first to offer her hand. A kiss on both cheeks is used
among friends and relatives. A nod and a smile suffice when
greeting members of a group of people.

Travel Talk
I’m here... Sono qui... soh-noh kwee...
- on business - per lavoro pehr lah-voh-roh
- on vacation - in vacanza een vah-kahn-tsah
- studying - per studio pehr stoo-dvoh
Rimango... ree-mahn-goh...

I’m staying for...

I’ve been here... Sono qui da... soh-noh kwee dah...

- a day - un giorno oon ivohr-noh
- a week - una settimana oo-nah seht-tee-mah-nah
- a month - un mese oon meh-zeh
► For numbers, see page 177.
Where are you Di dov’è? dee doh-veh

Who are you with? Con chi è? kohn kee ee
I’m here alone. Sono da solo 6 /sola 9. soh-noh dah
I’m with my... Sono con... soh-noh kohn...
- husband/wife - mio maritoc?/mia moglie? mee-oh
mah-ree-tohcf/mee-ah moh-llveh 9
- boyfriend/ - il mio ragazzocJ/la mia ragazza?
girlfriend eel mee-oh rah-gah-tsoh<?/lah mee-ah
rah-gah-tsah 9
- friend - un amico SI un’amica 9 oon
ah-mee-koh 3 /oo-nah-mee-kah 9
- friends - degli amici<S/delle amiche? deh-llvee
ah-mee-cheed/dehl-leh ah-mee-keh 9
- colleague -und/una? collega oon6/oo-nah9
-colleagues - dei colleghi 6 /delle coileghe?
day kohl-Jeh-ghee cJ/deh-leh kohl-Jeh-gheh 9

When’s your Quando è il suo compleanno? kwahn-doh
birthday? eh eel soo-oh kohm-pleh-ahn-noh
How old are you? Quanti anni ha? kwahn-tee ahn-nee ah
I’m...years old. Ho...anni.oh...ahn-nee
► For numbers, see page 177.
Are you married? È sposato S /sposata $ ? eh spoh-zah-toh 6 /
spoh-zah-tah 9
I’m... Sono... soh-noh...
- single - single seen-auhl
- widowed - vedovo 6 /vedova $ veh-doh-vohc?/
veh-doh-vah 9
- married - sposato 3 /sposata 9 spoh-zah-toh Si
spoh-zah-tah 9
- divorced - divorziato<5/ divorziata 9
dee-vohr-tsvah-toh 6 /dee-vohr-tsvah-tah 9
- separated - separato^/separata 9 seh-pah-rah-toh<5/
seh-pah-rah-tah 9
1 have a Ho un ragazzo/una ragazza, oh oon
boyfriend/girlfriend. rah-gah-tsoh/go-nah rah-gah-tsah
Do you have Ha figli/nipotn ah fee-llvee/nee-poh-tee

Work and School-

What do you do? Cosa fa? koh-zah fah
What are you Cosa studia? koh-zah stoo-dvah
I’m studying Italian. Studio italiano, stoo-dvoh ee-tah-Jyah-noh


lo... ee-oh...
- work full-time/ - lavoro full-time/part-time lah-voh-roh
part-time fool-tym/pahrt-tym
- am unemployed - sono disoccupato 6 /disoccupata $ soh-noh
dee-zohk-koo-pah-toh c?/dee-zohk-koo-pah-tah $
- work at home - lavoro a casa lah-voh-roh ah kah-zah
Who do you Per chi lavora? pehr kee lah-voh-rah
work for?
1 work for... Lavoro per... lah-voh-roh pehr...
Here’s my Ecco il mio biglietto da visita, ehk-koh eel
business card. mee-oh bee-llveht-toh dah vee-zee-tah
► For business travel, see page 149.

What’s the forecast? Come sono le previsioni? koh-meh soh-noh
leh preh-vee-zvoh-nee
What beautiful/ Che bel/brutto tempo! keh behl/broot-toh
terrible weather! tehm-poh
It’s cool/warm. Fa fresco/caldo, fah freh-skoh/kahl-doh
It’s cold/hot. Fa freddo/caldo, fah frehd-doh/kahl-doh
It's rainy. Piove, pvoh-veh
It’s sunny. C’è il sole, cheh eel soh-leh
It’s snowy. Nevica, neh-vee-kah
It’s icy. Gela, jeh-lah
Do 1 need a Devo prendere una giacca/un
jacket/an ombrellij? deh-voh prehn-deh-reh oo-nah
umbrella? ivahk-kah/oon ohm-brehl-loh
► For temperature, see page 183.

Would you like to Le va di andare a bere qualcosa/cena?
go out for a leh vah dee ahn-dah-reh ah beh-reh
drink/dinner? kwahl-koh-zah/cheh-nah
What are your Che programmi ha per stasera/domani?
plans for tonight/ keh Droh-arahm-mee ah oehr stah-seh-rah/
tomorrow? doh-mah-nee
Can 1 have your Mi dà il suo numero? mee dah eel soo-oh
number? noo-meh-roh
Can 1 get you Posso offrirle qualcosa? pohs-soh
a drink? ohf-freer-leh kwahl-koh-zah
1 like you. Mi piaci, mee pvah-chee
1 love you. Ti amo. tee ah-moh

Making Plans
Would you like to Le va di andare a prendere un caffè/
go out for a bicchierino? leh vah dee ahn-dah-reh ah
coffee/d rink? prehn-deh-reh oon kahf-feh/bee-kveh-ree-noh
Would you like Le va di andare a cena? leh vah
to go to dinner? dee ahn-dah-reh ah cheh-nah
What are your Che programmi ha per...? keh
plans for...? Droh-arahm-mee ah oehr...
- tonight - stasera stah-seh-rah
- tomorrow - domani doh-mah-nee
- this weekend - questo weekend kweh-stoh week-ehnd
Where would you Dove le va di andare? doh-veh leh vah dee
like to go? ahn-dah-reh
I’d like to goto... Vorrei andare a... vohr-ray ahn-dah-reh ah...
Do you like...? Le piace...? leh pvah-cheh...
Can I have your Mi dà il suo numero/la sua e-mail? mee
number/e-mail? dah eel soo-oh noo-meh-roh/lah soo-ah ee-mayl
► For e-mail and phone, see page 47.
Pick-up [Chat-up] Lines-
Can I sit here? Mi posso sedere? mee pohs-soh seh-deh-reh
You’re very È molto attraente, eh mohl-toh
attractive. aht-trah-ehn-teh
Let’s go somewhere Andiamo in un posto più tranquillo.
quieter. ahn-dvah-moh een oon poh-stoh pyoo

Accepting and Rejecting-

I’d love to. Mi piacerebbe moltissimo, mee
pvah-cheh-rehb-beh mohl-tees-see-moh
Where should Dove ci vediamo? doh-veh chee veh-dvah-moh
we meet?
I’ll meet you at Vediamoci al bar/nel suo hotel.
the bar/your hotel. veh-dvah-moh-chee ahi bahr/nehl soo-oh oh-tehl
I’ll come by at... Passo alle... pahs-soh ahi-leh...
► For time, see page 179.
What is your Mi dà il suo indirizzo? mee dah eel soo-oh
address? een-dee-ree-tsoh
I’m busy. Ho da fare, oh dah fah-reh
I’m not interested. Non m’interessa. nohn meen-teh-rehs-sah
Leave me alone. Mi lasci in pace, mee |ah-shee een pah-cheh
Stop bothering me! Smetta d’infastidirmi! smeht-tah
Getting Physical-
Can 1 hug you/kiss Posso abbracciarti/baciarti'! pohs-soh
you? ahb-brah-chyahr-tee/bah-chvahr-tee
Yes. Si. see
No. No. noh
Stop! Basta! bah-stah
1 like you. Mi piaci, mee pyah-chee
1 love you. Ti amo. tee ah-moh

Sexual Preferences
Are you gay? Sei gay? say gay
I’m... Sono... soh-noh...
- heterosexual - eterosessuale eh-teh-roh-sehs-swah-leh
- homosexual - omosessuale oh-moh-sehs-swah-leh
- bisexual - bisex bee-sehks
Do you like Ti piacciono gli uomini/le donne? tee
men/women? pvah-chvoh-noh llyee woh-mee-nee/leh dohn-neh

► Sightseeing 117
► Shopping 121
► Sports and Leisure 138
► Culture and Nightlife 145

Where’s the tourist Dov’è l’ufficio informazioni turistiche?
information office? doh-veh loof-fee-chyoh een-fohr-mah-tsyoh-nee
What are the main Cosa c’è da vedere? koh-zah ceh dah
attractions? veh-deh-reh
Do you have tours Ci sono visite guidate in inglese? chee
in English? soh-noh vee-zee-teh gwee-dah-teh een
Can 1 have a Mi può dare una cartina/guida? mee pwoh
map/guide? dah-reh oo-nah kahr-tee-nah/qwee-dah

Tourist Information Office

Do you have Avete informazioni su...? ah-veh-teh
information on...? een-fohr-mah-tsyoh-nee soo...
Can you Può consigliarmi...? pwoh
recommend...? kohn-see-llyahr-mee...
- a bus tour - una gita in pullman oo-nah jee-tah
een pool-mahn
- an excursion to... - un’escursione a... oo-neh-skoor-svoh-neh
- a sightseeing tour - una gita turistica oo-nah jee-tah

L’ufficio informazioni turistiche (tourist information office)

I can be found in almost every town; some may be located at

the airport or main train station. Get local events listings, maps,
transportation schedules and more at any of these offices.

I’d like to go on Vorrei partecipare alla gita per... vohr-ray
the tour to... pahr-teh-chee-pah-reh ahj-lah jee-tah pehr...
When’s the Quando è la prossima gita? kwahn-doh eh
next tour? lah orohs-see-mah jee-tah
Are there tours Ci sono visite guidate in inglese? chee
in English? soh-noh vee-zee-teh gwee-dah-teh een
Is there an English C’è una guida/un’audio guida in inglese?
guide book/audio cheh oo-nah gwee-dah/oo-now-dvoh gwee-dah
guide? een een-aleh-zeh
What time do A che ora si torna? ah keh oh-rah see
we return? tohr-nah
We’d like to see... Vorremmo vedere... vohr-rehm-moh
Can we stop Possiamo fermarci...? pohs-svah-moh
here...? fehr-mahr-chee...
- to take photos - per fare qualche foto pehr fah-reh
kwahl-keh foh*toh
- for souvenirs - per comprare qualche souvenir pehr
kohm-prah-reh kwahl-keh soo-veh-neer
- for the restrooms - per andare in bagno pehr ahn-dah-reh
[toilets] een bah-nyoh
Is it handicapped È accessibile ai disabili? eh
[disabled]- ah-chehs-see-bee-leh ah-ee dee-zah-bee-lee

► For ticketing, see page 19.


Where is/Where Dov’è/Dove sono...? doh-veh/doh-veh

are...? soh-noh...

- the botanical - il giardino botanico eel ivahr-dee-noh

garden boh-tah-nee-koh

- the castle - il castello eel kah-stehl-loh

- the downtown - il centro eel chehn-troh
- the fountain - la fontana lah fohn-tah-nah
- the library - la biblioteca lah bee-blyoh-teh-kah
- the market - il mercato eel mehr-kah-toh
- the museum - il museo eel moo-zeh-oh

- the old town - la città vecchia lah cheet-tah vehk-kvah

- the opera house - il teatro dell’opera eel teh-ah-troh

- the palace - il palazzo eel pahdah-tsoh

- the park - il parco eel pahr-koh

- the ruins - le rovine leh roh-vee-neh

- the shopping area - i negozi ee neh-ooh-tzee
- the town hall - il comune eel koh-moo-neh

- the town square - la piazza principale lah ovah-tsah


Can you show me Può indicarmelo sulla cartina? pwoh

on the map? een-dee-kahr-meh-loh sool-lah kahr-tee-nah
► For directions, see page 33.


It’s... È... eh...

- amazing - meraviglioso meh-rah-vee-llvoh-zoh
- beautiful - bellissimo behl-lees-see-moh
- boring - noioso noh-voh-zoh
- interesting - interessante een-teh-rehs-sahn-teh
- magnificent - magnifico mah-nvee-fee-koh
- romantic - romantico roh-mahn-tee-koh
- strange - strano strah-noh
- stunning - fenomenale feh-noh-meh-nah-leh
-terrible - terribile tehr-ree-bee-leh
-ugly - brutto broot-toh
1 (don’t) like it. (Non) Mi piace, (nohn) mee pvah-cheh

Where’s...? Dov’è...? doh-veh...
- the cathedral - la cattedrale lah kaht-teh-drah-leh
- the Catholic/ - la chiesa cattolica/protestante lah
Protestant church kveh-zah kaht-toh-lee-kah/proh-teh-stahn-teh
- the mosque - la moschea lah moh-skeh-ah
-the shrine - il santuario eel sahn-twah-rvoh
- the synagogue - la sinagoga lah see-nah-goh-gah
- the temple - il tempio eel tehm-pyoh
What time is A che ora è la messa/il servizio? ah keh
the mass/service? oh-rah eh lah mehs-sah/eel sehr-vee-tsvoh

Where’s the market/ Dov’è il mercato/centro commerciale?
mall [shopping doh-veh eel mehr-kah-toh/chehn-troh
centre]? kohm-mehr-chyah-leh

I’m just looking. Sto solo guardando, stoh soh-loh

Can you help me? Può aiutarmi? pwoh ah-yoo-tahr-mee
I’m being helped. Mi stanno servendo, mee stahn-noh
How much? Quant’è? kwahn-teh

That one, please. Quello, per favore, kwehl-loh pehr

That’s all. Basta così, bah-stah koh-zee

Where can 1 pay? Dove posso pagare? doh-veh pohs-soh


I’ll payin cash/by Pago in contanti/con carta di credito.

credit card. pah-goh een kohn-tahn-tee/kohn kahr-tah dee
A receipt, please. Una ricevuta, per favore, oo-nah
ree-cheh-voo-tah pehr fah-voh-reh


Where’s...? Dov’è...? doh-veh...

- the antiques store - un negozio di antiquariato oon

neh-Qoh-tsvoh dee ahn-tee-kwah-rvah-toh

- the bakery - una panetteria oo-nah pah-neht-teh-ree-ah

- the bank - una banca oo-nah bahn-kah

- the bookstore - una libreria oo-nah lee-breh-ree-ah

- the camera store - un negozio di fotografia oon neh-goh-tsyoh

dee foh-toh-grah-fee-ah

- the clothing store - un negozio di abbigliamento oon

neh-aoh-tsvoh dee ahb-bee-llvah-mehn-toh

- the delicatessen - un negozio di gastronomia oon

neh-aoh-tsvoh dee aahs-troh-noh-mee-ah

- the department - un grande magazzino oon grahn-deh

store mah-gah-dzee-noh

-the gift shop - un negozio di oggettistica oon

neh-goh-tsyoh dee oh-djeht-tee-stee-kah

- the health food - un’erboristeria oo-nehr-boh-ree-steh-ree-ah

- the jeweler - una gioiellieria oo-nah jyoh-yehl-lyeh-ree-ah
- the liquor store - un’enoteca oo-neh-noh-teh-kah
- the market - un mercato oon mehr-kah-toh
- the pastry shop - una pasticceria oo-nah pah-stee-cheh-ree-ah
- the pharmacy - una farmacia oo-nah fahr-mah-chee-ah
- the produce - il fruttivendolo eel froot-tee-vehn-doh-loh
[grocery] store
- the shoe store - un negozio di calzature oon neh-aoh-tsvoh
dee kahI-tsah-too-reh
- the shopping mall - un centro commerciale oon chehn-troh
[shopping centre] kohm-mehr-chvah-leh
- the souvenir store - un negozio di souvenir oon neh-aoh-tsvoh
dee soo-veh-neer
- the supermarket - un supermercato oon soo-pehr-mehr-kah-toh
- the tobacconist - un tabaccaio oon tah-bahk-kah-voh
- the toy store - un negozio di giocattoli oon neh-aoh-tsvoh
dee ivoh-kaht-toh-lee
Services —
Can you Può consigliarmi...? pwoh
recommend...? kohn-see-llvahr-mee...
- a barber - un barbiere oon bahr-bveh-reh
- a dry cleaner - il lavasecco eel lah-vah-sehk-koh
- a hairstylist - un parrucchiere oon pahr-rook-kveh-reh
- a laundromat - una lavanderia a gettone oo-nah
[launderette] lah-vahn-deh-ree-ah ah jeht-toh-neh
- a nail salon - un salone di bellezza oon sah-loh-neh
dee beh-Jeh-tsah
- a spa - una stazione termali oo-nah stah-tsvoh-neh !
- a travel agency - un’agenzia di viaggi oo-nah-iehn-tsee-ah
dee wah-diee
Can you...this? Mi può...questo^/questa9? mee
pwoh... kweh-stoh 6 /kweh-stah 9
- alter - cambiare kahm-bvah-reh
- clean - pulire poo-!ee-reh
- fix [mend] - riparare ree-pah-rah-reh
- press - stirare stee-rah-reh
When will it Per quando è pronto S/pronta 9? pehr
be ready? kwahn-doh eh prohn-tohc?/prohn-tah9

I’d like... Vorrei fare... vohr-ray fah-reh...
- a bikini wax - la ceretta all’inguine lah cheh-reht-tah
- a facial - la pulizia del viso lah poo-lee-tsee-ah
dehl vee-soh

- a manicure/ - un manicure/pedicure oon
pedicure mah-nee-koor-eh/peh-dee-koor-eh
- a massage - un massaggio oon mahs-sah-dioh
Do you have...? Fate...?fah-teh...

- acupuncture - l’agopuntura lah-goh-poon-too-rah

- aromatherapy - I’aromaterapia lah-roh-mah-teh-rah-pee-ah
- oxygen treatment - l’ossigeno terapia lohs-see-ieh-noh
Do you have C’è la sauna? cheh lah sah-ow-nah
a sauna?

Italy is well-known for its stazioni termale (spas), which can be

/ found throughout the country. Many of these spas are located

near thermal springs and offer medicinal treatments. Some are
day spas and others are hotel spas, which may offer weekend
packages. Tipping is optional, as service is usually included.

Hair Salon
I’d like... Vorrei... vohr-ray...
- an appointment - un appuntamento per oggi/domani oon
for today/ ahp-poon-tah-mehn-toh pehr
tomorrow oh-diee/doh-mah-nee

- some color/ - fare il colore/i colpi di sole fah-reh eel

highlights koh-lgh-reh/ee kohl-pee dee soh-leh

- my hair styled/ - fare la piega/asciugare fah-reh lah

blow-dried oveh-oah/ah-shoo-oah-reh
- a haircut - fare il taglio fah-reh eel tah-llyoh
- a trim - dare una spuntatina dah-reh oo-nah
Not too short. Non troppo corti, nohn troho-poh kohr-tee
Shorter here. Più corti qui. pyoo kohr-tee kwee
Sales Help
When do you Oliando aprite/chiudete? kwahn-doh
open/close? ah-pree-teh/kvoo-deh-teh

Where is/Where Dov’è/Dove sono...? doh-veh/doh-veh

are...?. soh-noh...
- the cashier - la cassa lah kahs-sah
- the elevator [lift] - l’ascensore lah-shehn-soh-reh
-the fitting room - il camerino eel kah-meh-ree-noh
- the store directory - la piantina del negozio lah pyahn-tee-nah
dehl neh-QQh-tsvoh
- the escalators - le scale mobili leh skah-leh moh-bee-lee
Can you help me? Può aiutarmi? pwoh ah-yoo-tahr-mee
I’m just looking. Sto solo guardando, stoh soh-loh
I’m being helped. Mi stanno servendo, mee stahn-noh
Do you have...? Avete...? ah-veh-teh...
Can you show Può mostrarmi...? pwoh moh-strahr-mee
Can you ship Può spedirlo/incartarlo? pwoh
it/wrap it? speh-deer-loh/een-kahr-tahr-loh

How much? Quant’è? kwahn-teh

That's all. Basta così, bah-stah koh-zee

► For clothing items, see page 133.

► For food items, see page 90.
► For souvenirs, see page 131.
You May Hear...
Posso aiutarla? pohs-soh ah-yoo-tahr lah Can 1 help you?

Un momento, oon moh-mehn-toh One moment.

Che cosa desidera? keh koh-zah What would you

deh-zee-deh-rah like?

Altro? ahi-troh Anything else?

You May See...


CHIUSO closed
ENTRATA entrance

CAMERINO fitting room

CASSA cashier


SI ACCETTANO CARTE DI CREDITO credit cards accepted

ORARIO D’APERTURA business hours


I’d like something... Vorrei qualcosa... vohr-ray kwahl-koh-zah...
- cheap/expensive - di più economico/caro dee pyoo

- larger/smaller - di più grande/piccolo dee

pyoo arahn-deh/peek-koh-loh
- from this region - di tipico di questa zona dee
tee-pee-koh dee kweh-stah dzoh-nah

Around...euro. Intorno ai...euro, een-tohr-noh
Is it real? È vero? eh veh-roh
Can you show me...? Mi fa vedere...? mee fah veh-deh-reh

Decisions —
That’s not quite Non è proprio quello che volevo, nohn eh
what I want. proh-prvoh kwehl-loh keh voh-leh-voh
No, I don’t like it. No, non mi piace, noh nohn mee pvah-cheh
It’s too expensive. È troppo caro, eh trohp-poh kah-roh
I have to think Devo pensarci, deh-voh pehn-sahr-chee
about it.
I’ll take it. Lo prendo, loh prehn-doh

That’s too much. È troppo, eh trohp-poh
I’ll give you... Le posso dare... leh oohs-soh dah-reh...
I have only...euro Ho solo...euro, oh
Is that your best È il prezzo migliore che può farmi? eh eel
price? oreh-tsoh mee-llvoh-reh keh pwoh fahr-mee
Can you give me Mi fa un po’ di sconto? mee fah oon poh
a discount? dee skohn-toh
► For numbers, see page 177.

How much? Quant’è? kwahn-teh
I’ll pay... Pago... pah-aoh...
- in cash - in contanti een kohn-tahn-tee
- by credit card - con carta di credito kohn kahr-tah
dee kreh-dee-toh
- by travelers - con un travel cheque kohn oon
check [cheque] trah-vehl chehk
Can I use...? Posso usare...? oohs-soh oo-zah-reh. .
-this ATM/debit - questo bancomat kweh-stoh bahn-koh-maht
- this credit card - questa carta di credito kweh-stah kahr-tah
dee kreh-dee-toh
- this gift card - questo buono kweh-stoh bwoh-noh
- this prepaid card - questa carta prepagata kweh-stah kahr-tah
How do I use this Come si usa questa macchina? koh-meh
machine? see oo-zah kweh-stah mahk-kee-nah
How much is left Quanto credito c’è sulla carta? kwahn-toh
on the card? kreh-dee-toh cheh sool-lah kahr-tah
A receipt, please. Una ricevuta, per favore, oo-nah
ree-cheh-voo-tah pehr fah-voh-reh

Cash is still the most widely used and preferred method of

l payment, followed by bancomat (ATM cards). Credit cards are

widely accepted, especially for larger purchases. Traveler's
checks are accepted at most establishments.

You May Hear...
Come preferisce pagare? koh-meh How are you paying?
preh-feh-ree-sheh pah-gah-reh
La sua carta di credito è stata rifiutata. Your credit card has
lah soo-ah kahr-tah dee kreh-dee-toh been declined.
eh stah-tah ree-fyoo-tah-tah
Un documento, per favore, oon ID, please.
doh-koo-mehn-toh pehr fah-voh-reh
Non accettiamo carte di credito, nohn We don’t accept
ah-cheht-tvah-moh kahr-teh dee kreh-dee*toh credit cards.
Solo contanti, per favore, soh-loh Cash only, please.
kohn-tahn-tee pehr fah-voh-reh
Non ha spiccioli/banconote più piccole? Do you have
nohn ah spee-chvoh-lee/bahn-kob-noh-teh change/small bills
pyoo peek-koh-leh [notes]?
Grazie, grah-tsveh Thank you.
Buona giornata! bwoh-nah ivohr-nah-tah Have a nice day!

Complaints —
This is broken. È rotto ó /rotta 9. eh roht-toh c? /roh-tah $
I bought it yesterday. L’ho comprato "/comprata?ieri, loh
kohm-prah-toh cJ /kohm-prah-tah 9 veh-ree
I’d like... Vorrei... vohr-ray...
- to exchange this - cambiarlod/cambiarla?
kahm-bvahr-loh 6 /kahm-bvahr-lah 9
- a refund - un rimborso oon reem-bohr-soh
- to see the - parlare con il responsabile pahr-Jah-reh
manager kohn eel reh-spohn-sah-bee-leh

blown glass il vetro soffiato eel veh-troh sohf-fyah-toh
bottle of wine la bottiglia di vino lah boht-tee-llyah dee vee-noh
box of chocolates la scatola di cioccolatini lah skah-toh-lah
dee chyohk-koh-lah-tee-nee
wood carvings il legno intagliato eel leh-nyoh een-tah-llvah-toh
crystal il cristallo eel kree-stahl-loh
doll la bambola lah bahm-boh-lah
key ring il portachiavi eel pohr-tah-kvah-vee
lace il pizzo eel pee-tsoh
postcard la cartolina lah kahr-toh-Jee-nah
pottery la ceramica lah cheh-rah-mee-kah
T-shirt la maqlietta lah mah-llyeht-tah
toy il giocattolo eel jyoh-kaht-toh-loh
Can 1 see...? Posso vedere... ? pohs-soh veh-deh-reh...
It’s in the window/ È in vetrina/nella vetrinetta, eh een
display case. veh-tree-nah/nehl-lah veh-tree-neht-tah
I’d like... Vorrei... vohr-ray...
- a battery - una batteria oo-nah baht-teh-ree-ah
- a bracelet - un braccialetto oon brah-chvah-leht-toh
- a brooch - una spilla oo-nah speel-lah
- a clock - un orologio oo-noh-roh-loh-jyoh
- earrings - un paio di orecchini oon pah-voh dee
- a necklace - una collana oo-nah kohl-jah-nah
- a ring - un anello oo-nah-nehl-loh
- a watch - un orologio oo-noh-roh-loh-jyoh

I’d like... Lo6/La?vorrei... lohd/lah$vohr-r
- copper - di rame dee rah-meh
- crystal - in cristallo een kree-stahl-loh
-diamonds - di diamanti dee dvah-mahn-tee
- white/yellow gold - d’oro bianco/aiallo doh-roh

- pearls - di perle dee pehr-leh

- pewter - di peltro dee pehl-troh
- platinum - di platino dee plah-tee-noh
- sterling silver - d’argento dahr-iehn-toh
Is this real? È vero? eh veh-roh
Can you engrave it? Potete fare un’incisione? poh teh-1

Italy offers an endless variety of handicrafts, from mouth-

blown Murano glassware and delicate Capodimonte porcelain
creations, to world-renowned fashion, antiques and of course
gastronomic specialties. Traditional souvenirs are usually
more expensive at souvenir shops. Local markets and small
shops are great places to find unique souvenirs.

How old is it? Di quando è? dee kwahn-doh eh
Do you have Avete qualcosa del periodo...? ah-veh-teh
anything from kwahl-koh-zah dehl peh-rvoh-doh...

Do I have to fill Devo riempire un modulo? deh-voh

out any forms? ree-ehmmee-reh oon moh-doo-loh
Is there a certificate Ha il certificato di autenticità? ah eel
of authenticity? chehr*tee-fee-kah*toh dee ow-tehn-tee-chee-tah
I’d like... Vorrei... vohr-ray...
Can 1 try this on? Posso provarlo? oohs-soh proh-vahr-loh
It doesn’t fit. Non mi va bene, nohn mee vah beh-neh
It's too... È troppo... eh trohp-poh...
- big/small - qrande/piccolo arahn-deh/peek-koh-loh
- short/long - corto/lungo kohr-toh/loon-aoh
- tight/loose - stretto/larqo streht-toh/lahr-aoh
Do you have this Non c’è la taglia...? nohn cheh lah
in size...? tah-llyah...
Do you have this in Non c’è in una taglia più grande/piccolal?
a bigger/smaller nohn cheh een oo-nah tah-llyah pyoo
size? arahn-deh/peek-koh-lah

► For numbers, see page 177.

You May See...
UOMO men’s
DONNA women’s
BAMBINO children’s

I’d like something... Vorrei qualcosa di... vohr-ray
kwahl-koh-zah dee...
- beige - beige beyj
- black - nero neh-roh
- blue - blu bloo
- brown - marrone mahr-roh-neh
- green - verde vehr-deh
-gray - grigio aree-ivoh
- orange - arancione ahr-ahn-ghyoh-neh
- pink - rosa roh-zah
- purple - viola woh-lah
- red - rosso rohs-soh
- white - bianco bvahn-koh
- yellow - giallo ivahl-loh

Clothes and Accessories

backpack lo zaino loh dzah-ee-noh
belt la cintura lah cheen-too-rah
bikini il bikini eel bee-kee-nee
blouse la camicia lah kah-mee-chvah
bra il reggiseno eel reh-diee-seh-noh

briefs [underpants] lo slip loh sleep
coat il cappotto eel kahp-poht-toh
dress il vestito da donna eel veh stee toh
dah dohn-nah
hat il cappello eel kahp-oehl-loh
jacket la giacca lah ivahk-kah
jeans i jeans ee jeenz
pajamas il pigiama eel pee-ivah-mah
pants [trousers] i pantaloni ee pahn-tah-loh-nee
pantyhose [tights] il collant eel kohl-lant
purse [handbag] la borsa lah bohr-sah
raincoat l’impermeabile leem-pehr-meh-ah-bee-leh
scarf la sciarpa lah shahr-pah
shirt la camicia lah kah-mee-chvah
shorts i pantaloncini ee pahn-tah-lohn-chee-nee
skirt la gonna lah aohn-nah
socks i calzini ee kahl-tsee-nee
suit l’abito Jah-bee-toh
sunglasses gli occhiali da sole llyee ohk-kyah-lee
dah soh-leh
sweater il maglione eel mah-llvoh-neh
sweatshirt la felpa lah fehl-pah
swimsuit il costume da bagno eel koh-stoo-meh
dah bah-nvoh
T-shirt la maglietta lah mah-llveht-tah
tie la cravatta lah krah-vaht-tah
underwear la biancheria intima lah
byahn-keh-ree-ah een-tee-mah
I’d like... Lod/La$ vorrei di... lofi vohr-ray dee...
- cotton - cotone koh-toh-neh
- denim - ieans jeenz
- lace - pizzo pee-tsoh
- leather - pelle pehl-leh
- linen - lino fee-noh
-silk - seta seh-tah
-wool - lana lah-nah
Is it machine Si può lavare in lavatrice? see pwoh
washable? lah-vah-reh een lah-vah-tree-cheh

I’d like a pair of... Vorrei un paio di... vohr-ray
oon pah-voh dee...
- boots - stivali stee-vah-lee
- loafers - mocassini moh-kahs-see-nee
- sandals - sandali sahn-dah-lee
- shoes - scarpe skahr-peh
- slippers - le ciabatte leh chah-baht-teh
- sneakers - scarpe da tennis skahr-peh dah tehn-nees
In size... Numero... noo-meh-roh...
► For numbers, see page 177.

small (S) piccola/S pee-koh-lah/ehs-seh
medium (M) media/M meh-dvah/ehm-meh
large (L) grande/L grahn-deh/ehl-leh
extra large (XL) extra large/XL ehk-strah lahri/ehks-ehl
plus size taglia forte tah-llyah fohr-teh
Newsstand and Tobacconist
Do you sell English- Avete qualche giornale in inglese?
language ah-veh-teh kwahl-keh jyohr-nah-leh
newspapers? een een-aleh-zeh
I’d like... Vorrei... vohr-ray...
- candy [sweets] - delle caramelle dehi-leh kah-rah-mehl-leh
- chewing gum - della gomma da masticare dehl-lah
aohm-mah dah mah-stee-kah-reh
- a chocolate bar - del cioccolato dehl chyohk-koh-!ah-toh
- a cigar - un sigaro oon see-gah-roh
- a pack/carton of - un pacchetto/una stecca di sigarette
cigarettes oon nahk-keht-toh/oo-nah stehk-kah dee
- a lighter - un accendino oon-ah-chehn-dee-noh
- a magazine - una rivista oo-nah ree-vee-stah
- matches - dei fiammiferi day fvahm-mee-feh-ree
- a newspaper - un giornale oon jyohr-nah-leh
- a pen - una penna oo-nah pehn-nah
- a postcard - una cartolina oo-nah kahr-toh-iee-nah
- a (road) - una cartina (stradale) di... oo-nah
map of... kahr-tee-nah (strah-dah-lee) dee...
- stamps - dei francobolli day frahn-koh-bohl-lee

English-language newspapers, magazines and books are

l available at most newsstands, especially at train stations and


Smoking is not allowed in any public facility (banks, offices,

bars, cafes, restaurants, buses, trains, etc.). Be aware that
no-smoking signs are not posted but you will incur a high fine
if caught smoking in any public indoor area.
Photography -
I’d like a/an... Vorrei una macchina fotografica... vohr-ray
camera. oo-nah mahk-kee-nah foh-toh-arah-fee-kah...
- automatic - automatica ow-toh-mah-tee-kah
- digital - digitale dee-jee-tah-leh
- disposable - usa e getta oo-zah eh ieht-tah
I’d like... Vorrei... vohr-ray...
- a battery - una batteria oo-nah baht-teh-ree-ah
- digital prints - far stampare delle foto digitali fahr
stahm-pah-reh dehl-leh foh-toh dee-jee-tah-lee
- a memory card - una scheda memoria oo-nah skeh-dah
Can 1 print digital Posso stampare foto digitali? pohs-soh
photos here? stahm-pah-reh foh-toh dee-jee-tah-lee

Sports and Leisure

When’s the game? A che ora c’è la partita? ah keh oh-rah
cheh lah pahr-tee-tah
Where’s...? Dov’è...?doh-veh...
- the beach - la spiaggia lah spvah-diah
- the park - il parco eel oahr-koh
- the pool - la piscina lah pee-shee-nah
Is it safe to swim here? Si può nuotare? see pwoh nwoh-tah-reh
Can I rent [hire] Posso noleggiare delle mazze? oohs-soh
golf clubs? noh-leh-diah-reh dehl-leh mah-tseh
Sports and Leisure
How much per hour? Qual è la tariffa per un’ora? kwah-leh lah
tah-reef-fah pehr oo-noh-rah
How far is it to...? Quanto dista a...? kwahn-toh dee-stah ah...
Can you show me Può indicarmelo sulla cartina? pwoh
on the map? een-dee-kahr-meh-loh sool-lah kahr-tee-nah

Spectator Sports
When’s...? A che ora c’è...? ah keh oh-rah cheh...
- the baseball game - la partita di baseball lah pahr-tee-tah
dee bavs-bahl
- the basketball - la partita di basket lah pahr-tee-tah
game dee bahs-keht
- the boxing match - l’incontro di boxe leen-kohn-troh
dee boh-kseh
- the cycling race - la gara di ciclismo lah aah-rah
dee chee-kleez-moh
- the golf game - la partita di golf lah pahr-tee-tah dee gohlf
- the soccer - la partita di calcio lah pahr-tee-tah
[football] game dee kahl-chvoh
- the tennis match - la partita di tennis lah pahr-tee-tah
dee tehn-nees
the volleyball game - la partita di pallavolo lah pahr-tee-tah
dee pahl-lah-voh-loh
Who’s playing? Chi gioca? kee ivoh-kah
Where’s the Dov’è il circuito/lo stadio? doh-yeh eel
racetrack/stadium? cheer-kwee-toh/loh stah-dvoh

Where can I place Dove si fanno le scommesse? doh-veh

a bet? see fahn-noh leh skohm-mehs-seh

► For ticketing, see page 19.

Il calcio (soccer) is Italy’s most popular year-round sport.
Skiing and snowboarding are favorite winter pastimes for
Italians. During the summer, sailing, windsurfing, hiking,
tennis, scuba-diving, hang-gliding—especially on Lake
Garda—and swimming are enjoyed.

Where is/Where Dov’è/Dove sono...? doh-veh/doh-veh
are...? soh-noh...
- the golf course - il campo da qolf eel kahm-poh dah aohlf
- the gym - la palestra lah pah-jeh-strah
- the park - il parco eel pahr-koh
- the tennis courts - i campi da tennis ee kahm-pee dah teh-nees
How much...? Quant’è la tariffa per...? kwahn-teh lah
tah-reef-fah pehr...
- per day - un giorno oon ivohr-noh
- per hour - un’ora oon-oh-rah
- per game - una partita oo-nah pahr-tee-tah
Can 1 rent [hire]... Posso noleggiare... pohs-soh noh-leh-diah-reh...
- golf clubs - delle mazze dehMeh mah-tseh
- equipment - l’attrezzatura laht-treh-tsah-too-rah
- a racket - una racchetta oo-nah rahk-keht-tah

At the Beach/Pool-
Where’s the Dov’è la spiaggia/piscina? doh-veh lah
beach/pool? spyah-djah/pee-shee-nah

Is there...? C’è...? cheh...

- a kiddie pool - una piscina per bambini oo-nah
pee-shee-nah pehr bahm-bee-nee
- a indoor/outdoor - una piscina interna/esterna oo-nah
pool pee-shee-nah een-tehr-nah/eh-stehr-nah
- a lifeguard - il bagnino eel bah-nvee-noh
Is it safe to Si può nuotare/tuffarsi? see pwoh
swim/dive? nwoh-tah-reh/toof-fahr-see

Is it safe for È per bambini? eh pehr bahm-bee-nee


► For travel with children, see page 152.

I’d like to rent Vorrei noleggiare... vohr-ray noh-leh-diah-reh
- a deck chair - una sedia a sdraio oo-nah seh-dyah ah
- diving equipment - l’attrezzatura subacquea
laht-treh-tsah-too-rah soo-bah-kweh-ah
- a jet ski - un acquascooter oon ah-kwah-skoo-tehr
- a motorboat - un motoscafo oon moh-toh-skah-foh
- a rowboat - una barca a remi oo-nah bahr-kah ah
- snorkeling - una maschera e il boccaglio oo-nah
equipment mah-skeh-rah eh eel bohk-kah-llvoh
I’d like to rent Vorrei noleggiare... vohr-rav noh-leh-diah-reh
- a surfboard - una tavola da surf oo-nah tah-voh-lah
dah soorf
- a towel - un asciugamano oon ah-shvoo-aah-mah-noh
- an umbrella - un ombrellone oon ohm-brehl-[oh-neh
- water skis - sci nautici shee now-tee-chee
- a windsurfer - un windsurf oon weend-soorf
For... hours. Per...ore. pehr...oh-reh

With 7,600 kilometers (4,722 miles) of coastline, Italy has

beaches to suit all tastes and budgets. From exclusive
Ligurian and Sardinian beaches to popular Versilian and
Adriatic spots, the seaside is a favorite holiday destination for
Italians. Privately managed beaches are usually well-kept and
offer a variety of services for a daily fee.

Winter Sports
A lift pass for a Un lift pass per un giorno/cinque giorni,
day/five days, per favore, oon leeft pahs pehr oon ivohr-noh/
please. cheen-kweh ivohr-nee pehr fah-voh-reh
I’d like to rent Vorrei noleggiare... vohr-ray
[hire]... noh-leh-diah-reh...
- boots - un paio di stivali oon oah-voh
dee stee-vah-lee
- a helmet - un casco oon kah-skoh
- poles - un paio di racchette da sci oon oah-voh
dee rahk-keht-teh dah shee
- skis - un paio di sci oon pah-voh dee shee
- a snowboard - uno snowboard go-noh snoh-bohrd
- snowshoes - le scarpe da neve lah skahr-peh dah
142 neh-veh
Sports and Leisure
These are too Sono troppo grandi/piccoli, soh-noh
big/small. trohp-poh grahn-dee/geek-koh-lee
Are there lessons? Si possono prendere lezioni? see
Dohs-soh-noh Drehn-deh-reh leh-tsvoh-nee
I’m a beginner. Sono principiante, soh-noh
I’m experienced. Sono esperto 6 /esperta 9. soh-noh
eh-spehr-tohrf/eh-spehr-tah 9
A trail [piste] map, Una cartina delle piste, per favore, oo-nah
please. kahr-tee-nah dehl-leh pee-steh pehr fah-voh-reh

You May See...

SKI LIFT drag lift
FUNIVIA cable car
SEGGIOVIA chair lift
INTERMEDIO intermediate
ESPERTO expert
PISTA CHIUSA trail [piste] closed

In the Countryside
A map..., please. Una cartina..., per favore, oo-nah
kahr-tee-nah.. .pehr fah-voh-reh
- of this region - della regione dehi-lah reh-ivoh-neh
- of the walking - dei sentieri pedonali day sehn-tveh-ree
routes peh-doh-nah-lee
- of the bike routes - delle piste ciclabili dehl-leh pee-steh
- of the trails - dei sentieri day sehn-tveh-ree
Is it...? È...? eh...
- easy - facile fah-chee-leh
- difficult - difficile deef-fee-chee-leh
-far - lontano lohn-tah-noh
- steep - ripido ree-pee-doh
How far is it to...? Quanto dista a...? kwahn-toh dee-stah ah.
Can you show me Può indicarmelo sulla cartina? pwoh
on the map? een-dee-kahr-meh-loh sool-lah kahr-tee-nah
I’m lost. Mi sono perso3/persa 9. mee soh-noh
Where’s...? Dov’è...? doh-veh...
-the bridge - il ponte eel pohn-teh
- the cave - la qrotta lah qroht-tah
- the farm - la fattoria lah faht-toh-ree-ah
- the field - il campo eel kahm-poh
- the forest - la foresta lah foh-reh-stah
- the hill - la collina lah kohl-lee-nah
- the lake - il lago eel Jah*goh
- the mountain - la montagna lah mohn-tah-nyah
- the nature - la riserva naturale lah ree-sehr-vah
preserve nah-too-rah-leh
- the overlook - il belvedere eel behl-veh-deh-reh
- the park - il parco eel pahr-koh
- the path - il sentiero eel sehn-tveh-roh
- the peak - il picco eel oeek-koh
- the picnic area - l’area picnic lah-reh-ah peek-neek
- the pond - lo stagno loh stah-nvoh

Culture and Nightlife
- the river - il fiume eel fyoo-meh
- the sea - il mare eel mah-reh
- the (thermal) spring - la sorgente (termale) lah sohr-jehn-teh
- the stream - il ruscello eel roo-shehl-loh
- the valley - la valle lah vahl-leh

- the vineyard - il vigneto eel vee-nveh-toh

- the waterfall - la cascata lah kah-skah-tah

Culture and Nightlife

What’s there to do Cosa si fa di sera? koh-zah see fah
at night? dee seh-rah
Do you have a Mi può dare un calendario degli eventi?
program of events? mee pwoh dah-reh oon kah-lehn-dah-rvoh
deh-llyee eh-vehn-tee
What’s playing Cosa c’è in programma stasera? koh-zah
tonight? cheh een proh-arahm-mah stah-seh-rah
Where’s...? Dov’è...? doh-veh...
- the downtown - il centro eel chehn-troh
- the bar - il bar eel bahr
-the dance club - la discoteca lah dee-skoh-teh-kah
Is there a cover C’è un costo aggiuntivo? cheh oon koh-stoh
charge? ah-djoon-tee-voh


Can you Può consigliarmi...? pwoh

recommend...? kohn-see-llvahr-mee...
- a concert - un concerto oon kohn-chehr-toh
- a movie - un film oon feelm
- an opera - un’opera oo-noh-peh-rah
- a play - una rappresentazione teatrale og-nah
rahp-preh-zehn-tah-tsyoh-neh teh-ah-trah-leh
When does it Quando inizia/finisce? kwahn-doh
start/end? ee-nee-tsvah/fee-nee-sheh
What’s the dress Come ci si deve vestire? koh-meh chee
code? see deh-veh veh-stee-reh
1 like... Mi piace... mee ovah-cheh...
- classical music - la musica classica lah moo-zee-kah
- folk music - la musica folk lah moo-zee-kah fohlk
- jazz - il jazz eel jahz
- pop music - la musica pop lah moo-zee-kah pohp
- rap - il rap eel rahp
146 ► For ticketing, see page 19.
Culture and Nightlife
A calendar of events may be found at local tourist information

I offices or on the venues' websites. Local events are often

posted around town, so be sure to stop and read the posters.
The hotel concierge is also a good source for local information

You May Hear...

Spegnere il cellulare, per favore. Turn off your cell
speh-nveh-reh eel chehl-loo-!ah-reh pehr [mobile] phones,
fah-voh-reh please.

What’s there to Cosa si fa di sera? koh-zah see fah
do at night? dee seh-rah
Can you Può consigliarmi...? pwoh
recommend...? kohn-see-llvahr-mee...
- a bar - un bar oon bahr
- a casino - un casinò oon kah-zee-noh
- a dance club - una discoteca oo-nah dee-skoh-teh-kah
- a gay club - un locale gay oon loh-kah-leh gay
- a jazz club - un locale jazz oon loh-kah-leh jahz
- a club with - un locale con musica italiana oon
Italian music loh-kah-leh kohn moo-zee-kah ee-tah-lvah-nah
Is there live music? C’è musica dal vivo? cheh moo-zee-kah
dahl vee-voh
How do I get there? Come ci si arriva? koh-meh chee see ahr-ree-vah
Is there a cover C’è un costo aggiuntivo? cheh oon koh-stoh
charge? ah-djoon-tee-voh
Let’s go dancing. Andiamo a ballare. ahn-dyaj>moh ah

► Business Travel 149
► Travel with Children 152
► For the Disabled 156
Business Travel
Business Travet
I’m here on Sono qui per lavoro, soh-noh kwee pehr
business. lah-voh-roh
Here’s my Ecco il mio biglietto da visita, ehk-koh eel
business card. mee-oh bee-llveht-toh dah vee-zee-tah
Can 1 have your Mi può dare il suo biglietto da visita?
card? mee pwoh dah-reh eel soo-oh bee-llyeht-toh
dah vee-zee-tah
1 have a meeting Ho una riunione con... oh oo-nah
with... rvoo-nvoh-neh kohn...
Where’s...? Dov’è...? doh-veh...
- the business - il centro business eel chehn-troh
center bees-nehs
- the convention hall - la sala conqressi lah sah-lah kohn-qrehs-see
- the meeting room - la sala meeting lah sah-lah rnee-teeng

Buongiorno (good morning) or buonasera (good afternoon/

l evening) are suitable greetings in business situations, and

are often accompanied by a handshake. Piacere (pleased to
meet you) is a polite response at introductions. When saying
goodbye to business acquaintances, it is polite to use the
formal arrivederla.

Business Communication
I’m here for... Sono qui per... soh-noh kwee pehr...
- a seminar - un seminario oon seh-mee-nah-rvoh
- a conference - una conferenza oo-nah kohn-feh-rehn-tsah
- a meeting - una riunione oo-nah rvoo-nvoh-neh 149
My name is... Mi chiamo... mee kvah-moh...
May I introduce Le presento il mio collega ó/la
my colleague... mia collega?... leh preh-zehn-toh eel mee-oh
kohl*Jeh-gah /lah mee-ah kohl-Jeh-gah ?...
I havea meeting/ Ho una riunione/un appuntamento con...
an appointment oh oo-nah rvoo-nvoh-neh/oon
with... ahD-Doon-tah-mehn-toh kohn...
I’m sorry I’m late. Scusi il ritardo, skoo-see eel ree-tahr-doh
I need an Mi serve un interprete, mee sehr-veh oon
interpreter. een-tehr-preh-teh
You can reach me Sono raggiungibile all’hotel... soh-noh
at the...Hotel. rah-djoon-iee-bee-leh ahl-loh-tehi...
I’m here until... Sono qui fino a... soh-noh kwee fee-noh ah...

Business TraveI
I need to... Ho bisogno di... oh bee-soh-nvoh dee.,.
- make a call - fare una telefonata fah-reh oo-nah
- make a - fare una fotocopia fah-reh oo-nah
photocopy toh-toh-koh-pvah
- send an e-mail - inviare un’e-mail een-wah-reh oon ee-mayl
- send a fax - inviare un fax een-wah-reh oon fahks
- send a package - inviare un pacco (da un giorno all’altro)
(overnight) een-wah-reh oon pahk-koh (dah oon ivohr-noh
It was a pleasure È stato un piacere, eh stah-toh oon
to meet you. pyah-cheh-reh
► For internet and communications, see page 47.

You May Hear...

Ha un appuntamento? Do you have an
ah oon ahp-poon-tah-mehn-toh appointment?

Con chi? kohn kee With whom?

Il signord/La signora? è in riunione. He/She is in a

eel see-nyohrc?/lah see-nvoh-rah ? eh een meeting.
Un momento, per favore. One moment,
oon moh-mehn-toh pehr fah-voh-reh please.

Si accomodi, see ahk-koh-moh-dee Have a seat.

Desidera qualcosa da bere? Would you like

deh-zee-deh-rah kwahl-koh-zah dah beh-reh something to drink?

Grazie per essere venuto $/venuta 9. Thank you for

arah-tsveh pehr eh-seh-reh veh-noo-tohc?/ coming.
veh-noo-tah 9

Travel with Children
Is there a discount È previsto uno sconto per bambini?
for kids? eh preh-vee-stoh oo-noh skohn-toh pehr
Can you recommend Può consigliarmi una babysitter? pwoh
a babysitter? kohn-see-llvahr-mee oo-nah bah-bee-seet-tehr
Do you have a child’s Avete un seggiolino/seggiolone per
seat/highchair? bambini? ah-veh-teh oon seh-djoh-lee-noh/
seh-djoh-loh-neh pehr bahm-bee-nee
Where can I Dove posso cambiare il bambino?
change the baby? doh-veh poh-soh kahm-bvah-reh eel

Fun with Kids

Can you recommend Può consigliarmi qualcosa per i bambini?
something for kids? pwoh kohn-see-llvahr-mee kwahl-koh-zah
pehr ee bahm-bee-nee
Where’s...? Dov’è...? doh-veh...
- the amusement - il luna park eel loo-nah pahrk
- the arcade - il parco videogiochi eel oahr-koh
- the kiddie - la piscina per bambini lah pee-shee-nah
[paddling] pool pehr bahm-bee-nee
- the park - il parco eel pahr-koh
- the playground - il parco giochi eel pahr-koh jvoh-kee
- the zoo - lo zoo loh dzooh
Are kids allowed? Si possono portare i bambini? see

Travel with Children

oohs-soh-noh pohr-tah-reh ee bahm-bee-nee
Is it safe for kids? È per bambini? eh pehr bahm-bee-nee
Is it suitable È adatto ai bambini di...anni? eh
for...year olds? ah-daht-toh ah-ee bahm-bee-nee
► For numbers, see page 177.

You May Hear...
Che carino6/carina 2 ! How cute!
keh kah-ree-nohc?/kah-ree-nah2
Come si chiama? What’s his/her name?
koh-meh see kvah-mah
Quanti anni ha? How old is he/she?
kwahn-tee ahn-nee ah

Basic Needs for Kids-

Do you have...? Avete...?ah-veh-teh...
- a baby bottle - un biberon oon bee-beh-rohn
- baby food - del cibo per neonati dehl chee-boh pehr
- baby wipes - delle salviette per neonati dehl-leh
sahl-weht-teh pehr neh-oh-nah-tee
- a car seat - un seggiolino per auto oon
seh-djoh-lee-noh pehr ow-toh
- a children’s - il menù/le porzioni per bambini eel
menu/portion meh-noo/leh pohr-tsyoh-nee pehr bahm-bee-nee

► For dining with kids, see page 61.

- a child’s - un seggiolino/seggiolone per bambini
highchair oon seh-djoh-lee-noh/seh'djoh-loh'neh
pehr bahm-bee-nee
-a crib/cot - una culla/un lettino oo-nah kool-lah/oon
- diapers [nappies] - dei pannolini day pahn-noh-lee-nee
-formula - del latte in polvere dehl laht-teh een
[baby food] pohl-veh-reh

navel with Children
- a pacifier [soother] - un ciucciotto oon chvoo-chvoht-toh
- a playpen - un box oon bohks
- a stroller - un passeggino oon pah-seh-diee-noh
Can I breastfeed Posso allattare il bambino? poh-soh
the baby here? ahl-laht-tah-reh eel bahm-bee-noh
Where can I Dove posso allattare/cambiare il bambino?
breastfeed/change doh-veh poh-soh ahl-laht-tah-reh/
the baby? kahm-bvah-reh eel bahm-bee-noh

Can you recommend Può consigliarmi una babysitter? pwoh
a babysitter? kohn-see-llvahr-mee oo-nah bah-bee-seet-tehr
What do you/they Quanto si paga? kwahn-toh see pah-gah
I’ll be back by... Torno per le... tohr-noh pehr leh...
► For time, see page 179.
You can reach Mi potete trovare al numero... mee
me at... poh-tay-teh troh-vahr-eh ahi noo-meh-roh...
► For numbers, see page 177.

Health and Emergency

Can you recommend Può consigliarmi un pediatra? pwoh
a pediatrician? kohn-see-llvahr-mee oon peh-dvah-trah
My son/daughter is Il mio bambino/La mia bambina è
allergic to... allergicoc?/allergica? a... eel mee-oh
bahm-bee-noh/lah mee-ah bahm-bee-nah
eh ahl-lehr-jee-kohc?/ahl-lehr-iee-kah ? ah...

My son/daughter Il mio bambino/La mia bambina è
is missing. scomparso 6/scomparsa ?. eel mee-oh
bahm-bee-noh/lah mee-ah bahm-bee-nah
eh skohm-pahr-soh<3/skohm-pahr-sah$
Have you seen Ha visto un bambino/una bambina? ah
a boy/girl? vee-stoh oon bahm-bee-noh/oo-nah
► For food items, see page 90.
► For health, see page 162.
► For police, see page 159.

For the Disabled

Is there...? C’è...? cheh...
- access for the - l’accesso ai disabili lah-cheh-soh ah-ee
disabled dee-zah-bee-lee
- a wheelchair - la rampa per le sedie a rotelle lah
ramp rahm-pah pehr leh seh-dyeh ah roh-tehl-leh
- a handicapped- - la toilette per i disabili lah twah-leht pehr
[disabled-] ■ ee dee-zah-bee-lee
1 need... Mi serve... mee sehr-veh...
- assistance - assistenza ah-see-stehn-tsah
- an elevator [a lift] - un ascensore oon ah-shehn-soh-reh
- a ground-floor - una stanza al pianterreno oo-nah
room gtahn-tsah ahi pvahn*tehr*reh-noh
For the Disabled
Getting Help
I’m... Sono... soh-noh...
- disabled - disabile dee-zah-bee-leh
- visually impaired - ipovedente ee-poh-veh-dehn-teh
- hearing impaired/ - audioleso/sordo ow-dvoh-leh-soh/sohr-doh
I cannot walk far/ Non posso camminare tanto/fare le scale.
use the stairs. nohn poh-soh kahm-mee-nah-reh tahn-toh/fah-reh
leh skah-leh

Can I bring my Posso portare la sedia a rotelle? poh-soh

wheelchair? pohr-tah-reh lah seh-dyah ah roh-tehl-leh
Are guide dogs I cani guida sono permessi? ee kah-nee
permitted? gwee-dah soh-noh pehr-meh-see
Can you help me? Può aiutarmi? pwoh ah-voo-tahr-mee
Please open/hold Per favore, potrebbe aprire/tenere aperta
the door. la porta, pehr fah-voh-reh poh-trehb-beh
ah-pree-reh/teh-neh-reh ah-pehr-tah lah pohr-tah

► Emergencies 159
► Police 159
► Health 162
► Reference 171
Emergencies, Police

Help! Aiuto! ah-voo-toh

Go away! Se ne vada! seh neh vah-dah
Stop, thief! Fermi, ai ladro! fehl-mee ahi Jah-droh
Get a doctor! Un medico! oon meh-dee-koh
Fire! Al fuoco! ahi fwoh-koh
I’m lost. Mi sono perso 6 /persa 9. mee soh-noh
Can you help me? Può aiutarmi? pwoh ah-voo-tahr-mee

Call the police! Chiami la polizia! kvah-mee lah poh-lee-tsee-ah
Where’s the police Dov’è il commissariato? doh-veh eel
station? kohm-mee-sah-rvah-toh
There was an C’è stato un incidente/stata un’aggressione.
accident/attack. cheh stah-toh oon een-chee-dehn-teh/stah-tah
My son/daughter is Il mio bambino?/La mia bambinai è
missing. scomparso 6 /scomparsa ?. eel mee-oh
bahm-bee-noh/lah mee-ah bahm-bee-nah eh
skohm-pahr-soh 3 /skohm-oahr-sah ?

I need tocontact Ho bisogno di chiamare il mio avvocato/
my lawyer/make fare una telefonata, oh bee-soh-nyoh dee
a phone call. kvah-mah-reh eel mee-oh ahv-voh-kah-toh/
fah-reh oo-nah teh-leh-foh-nah-tah
I’m innocent. Sono innocente, soh-noh een-noh-chehn-teh

You May Hear...

Riempia questo modulo, ree-ehm-ovah Fill out this form.
kweh-stoh moh-doo-loh
Un documento, per favore, oon Your identification,
doh-koo-mehn-toh pehr fah-voh-reh please.

Quando/Dove è successo? When/Where did it

kwahn-doh/doh-veh eh soo-cheh-soh happen?

Che aspetto aveva? keh What does he/she

ah-speht-toh ah-veh-vah look like?
Contact your consulate, ask the concierge at your hotel or ask
the tourist information office for telephone numbers of the
I local ambulance, emergency services and police.

Lost Property and Theft

I’d like to report... Vorrei denunciare... vohr-ray
- a mugging - uno scippo oo-noh sheep-poh
- a rape - uno stupro oo-noh stoo-proh
- a theft - un furto oon foor-toh
1 was mugged/ Mi hanno scippato/derubato, mee
robbed. ahn-noh sheep-gah-toh/deh-roo-bah-toh
1 lost my... Ho perso... oh pehr-soh...
My...was stolen. Mi hanno rubato... mee ahn-noh roo-bah-toh
- backpack - lo zaino loh dzah-ee-noh
- bicycle - la bicicletta lah bee-chee-kleht-tah
- camera - la macchina fotografica lah mahk-kee-nah
- (rental [hire]) car - l’auto a noleggio l-ow-toh ah noh-leh-djoh
- computer - il computer eel kohm-pvoo-tehr
- credit card - la carta di credito lah kahr-tah dee kreh-dee-toh
- jewelry - i gioielli ee joy-ehi-lee
- money - il denaro eel deh-nah-roh
- passport - il passaporto eel pahs-sah-pohr-toh
- purse [handbag] - la borsa lah bohr-sah
- traveler’s checks - i travelers cheques ee trah-vehl-lehrs chehks
- wallet - il portafogli eel pohr-tah-foh-llyee
1 need a police Ho bisogno di un verbale, oh bee-soh-nvoh
report. dee oon vehr-bah-leh

I’m sick [ill], Sto male, stoh mah-leh

1 need an English- Ho bisogno di un medico che parli
speaking doctor. inglese, oh bee-soh-nyoh dee oon
meh-dee-koh keh oahr-lee een-aleh-zeh
It hurts here. Mi fa male qui. mee fah mah-leh kwee
1 have a Ho mal di stomaco, oh mahl
stomachache. dee stoh-mah-koh

Finding a Doctor-
Can you recommend Mi può consigliare un medico/dentista?
a doctor/dentist? mee pwoo kohn-see-llvah-reh oon meh-dee-koh/
Can the doctor II medico può venire? eel meh-dee-koh
come here? pwoh veh-nee-reh
1 need an English- Ho bisogno di un medico che parli
speaking doctor. inglese, oh bee-soh-nyoh dee oon meh-dee-koh
keh pahr-lee een-aleh-zeh
What are the Che orari fate? keh oh-rah-ree fah-teh
office hours?
I’d like an Vorrei un appuntamento... vohr-[ay
appointment for... oon ahD-ooon-tah-mehn-toh...
- today - per oggi pehr Qh-djee
- tomorrow - per domani pehr doh-mah-nee
- as soon as - al più presto possibile ahi pyoo
possible preh-sloh oohs-see-bee-leh
It’s urgent. È urgente, eh oor-iehn-teh
Symptoms -
I’m bleeding. Perdo sangue, pehr-doh sahn-gweh
I’m constipated. Sono costipato, soh-noh koh-stee-oah-toh
I’m dizzy. Mi gira la testa, mee jee-rah lah teh*stah
I’m nauseous. Ho la nausea, oh lah now-zeh-ah
I’m vomiting. Vomito, voh-mee-toh
It hurts here. Mi fa male qui. mee fah mah-leh kwee
I have... Ho... oh...
- an allergic - una reazione allergica oo-nah
reaction reh-ah-tsvoh-neh ahl-lehr*jee-kah
- chest pain - un dolore al petto oon doh-loh-reh
ahi peht-toh
- an earache - mal d’orecchio mahl doh-rehk-kvoh
- a fever - la febbre lah fehb-breh
- pain - un dolore oon doh-Joh-reh
- a rash - un rossore oon rohs-soh-reh
- a sting - una puntura oo-nah poon-too-rah
- a sprain - una storta oo-nah stohr-tah
- some swelling - un gonfiore oon gohn-fyoh-reh
- a stomach ache - mal di stomaco mahl dee stoh-mah-koh
- sunstroke - l’insolazione leen-soh-lah-tsvoh-neh
I’ve been sick [ill] Sto male da...giorni, stoh mah-leh
for... days. dah.. .jyohr-nee
► For numbers, see page 177.

Health Conditions-
I’m... Sono... soh-noh...
- anemic - anemico 6 /anemica 9 ah-neh-mee-kohc?/
ah-neh-mee-kah 9
- asthmatic - asmatico c?/asmatica 9 ahz-mah-tee-kohc?/
ahz-mah-tee-kah 9
- diabetic - diabetico6 /diabetica 9
dee-ah-beh-tee-koh 6 /dee-ah-beh-tee-kah 9
I’m allergic to Sono allergicod /allergica 9 agli
antibiotics/ antibiotici/alla penicillina, soh-noh
penicillin. ahl-lehr-jee-koh 3/ahl-lehr-iee-kah 9 ah-llyee
ahn■ tee-bvoh-tee-chee/ahl-lah
► For food items, see page 90.
I have... Soffro di... sohf-froh dee...
- arthritis - artrite ahr-tree-teh
- a heart condition - cuore kwoh-reh
- high/low blood - alta/bassa pressione ahl-tah/bahs-sah
pressure prehs-svoh-neh
I’m on... Prendo... prehn-doh...

You May Hear...

Cosa c’è che non va? koh-zah What's wrong?
cheh keh nohn vah
Dove le fa male? doh-veh leh fah mah-leh Where does it hurt?
Fa male qui? fah mab-leh kwee Does it hurt here?
Prende farmaci? prehn-deh fahr-mah-chee Are you on
Ha allergie? ah ahl-lehr-jee-eh Are you allergie to
Apra la bocca, ah-prah lah bohk-kah Open your mouth.
Respiri profondamente, reh spee ree Breathe deeply.
Vada in ospedale, vah-dah Go to the hospital.
een oh-speh-dah-leh
È... eh... It’s...
- rotto roht-toh - broken
- contagioso kohn-tah-ivoh-zoh - contagious
- infetto een-feht-toh - infected
È una storta, eh oo-nah stohr-tah It’s sprained.
Niente di grave, nvehn-teh dee arah-veh It’s nothing serious.

Hospital —
Notify my family, Avvisi la mia famiglia, per favore.
please. ahv-vee-zee lah mee-ah fah-mee-llvah pehr
I’m in pain. Sto male, stoh mah-leh
I need a Ho bisogno di un medico/un’infermiera.
doctor/nurse. oh bee-zoh-nyoh dee oon meh-dee-koh/
When are visiting Qual è l’orario delle visite? kwahl eh
hours? loh-rah-ryoh dehl-leh vee-zee-teh
I’m visiting... Sto visitando... stoh vee-zee-tahn-doh...
1 have a broken tooth. Ho un dente rotto, oh oon dehn-teh
1 have lost a filling. Ho perso un’otturazione, oh pehr-soh
1 have a toothache. Ho mal di denti, oh mahl dee dehn-tee
Can you fix Può aggiustare la dentiera? pwoh
this denture? ah-dioo-stah-reh lah dehn-tveh-rah

Gynecologist -
1 have cramps/ Ho i crampi/un’infezione vaginale, oh ee
a vaginal infection. krahm-Dee/oo-neen-feh-tsvoh-neh
1 missed my period. Non ho avuto il ciclo, nohn oh ah-voo-toh
eel chee-kloh
I’m on the Pill. Prendo la pillola, prehn-doh lah peel-loh-lah
I’m (not) pregnant. (Non) Sono incinta, (nohn) soh-noh
My last period Ho avuto l'ultimo ciclo... oh ah-voo-toh
was... lool-tee-moh chee-kloh...

1 lost... Ho perso... oh pehr-soh...
- a contact lens - una lente a contatto oo-nah lehn-teh ah
- my glasses - gli occhiali lyee ohk-kvah-lee
- a lens - una lente oo-nah lehn-teh
Payment and Insurance-
How much? Quanto costa? kwahn-toh koh-stah
Can I pay by Posso pagare con carta di credito?
credit card? poh-soh pah-oah-reh kohn kahr-tah dee
I have insurance. Ho l’assicurazione, oh lahs-see-koo-rah-tsvoh-neh
I need a receipt Mi serve una ricevuta per l’assicurazione.
for my insurance. mee sehr-veh oo-nah ree-cheh-voo-tah
pehr lahs-see-koo-rah-tsvoh-neh

Pharmacy [Chemist]

Where’s the pharmacy Dov’è una farmacia? doh-yeh oo-nah

[chemist]? fahr-mah-chee-ah
What time does it A che ora apre/chiude? ah keh oh-rah
open/close? ah-preh/kvoo-deh
What would you Cosa consiglierebbe per...? koh-zah
recommend for...? kohn-see-llveh-rehb-beh pehr...
How much do I take? Quanto ne prendo? kwahn-toh neh
Can you fill [make up] Può darmi questo farmaco? pwoh
this prescription? dahr-mee kweh-stoh fahr-mah-koh
I’m allergic to... Sono allergicoS/allergica? a... soh-noh
ahl-lehr-iee-koht?/ahl-lehr-iee-kah$ ah...
Pharmacies are usually open from 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and
3:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. In larger cities there is often a farmacia
di turno available; this pharmacy will have extended hours
during the week, weekend and on holidays.
In an emergency, dial 118.

Dosage Instructions
How much do Quanto ne prendo? kwahn-toh neh prehn-doh
I take?
How often? Con che frequenza? kohn keh
Is it safe for children? È per bambini? eh pehr bahm-bee-nee
I’m on... Prendo... prehn-doh...
Are there side Ha effetti collaterali? ah ehf-feht-tee
effects? kohl-Jah-teh-rah*lee

You May See...
UNA/TRE VOLTE AL GIORNO once/three times
a day
DOPO l/PRIMA DEI/CON 1 PASTI after/before/with
A STOMACO VUOTO on an empty
SOLO PER USO ESTERNO for external use

Health Problems
1 need something Ho bisogno di qualcosa per... oh
for... bee-soh-nyoh dee kwahl-koh-zah pehr...
- a cold - il raffreddore eel rahf-frehd-doh-reh
- a cough - la tosse lah tohs-seh
- diarrhea - la diarrea lah dee-ahr-reh-ah
- insect bites - una puntura d’insetto oo-nah poon-too-rah
- car/sea/air motion - il mal d’auto/di mare/d’aria eel mahl
[travel] sickness dow-toh/dee mah-reh/dah-rvah
- a sore throat - il mal di gola eel mahl dee aoh-lah
- sunburn - una scottatura oo-nah skoht-tah-too-rah
- an upset stomach - lo stomaco in disordine loh stoh-mah-koh
een dee-zohr-dee-neh
Basic Needs
I’d like... Vorrei... vohr-ray...
- acetaminophen - del paracetamolo dehl
[paracetamol] pah-rah-cheh-tah-moh-loh
- antiseptic cream - una crema antisettica oo-nah kreh-mah
- aspirin - dell’aspirina dehl-Jah-spee-ree-nah
- bandages - delle fasce dehHeh fah-sheh
- a comb - un pettine oon peht-tee-neh
- condoms - dei preservativi day preh-sehr-vah-tee-vee
- contact lens - una soluzione per le lenti a contatto
solution oo-nah soh-loo-tsvoh-neh pehr leh lehn-tee ah
- deodorant - un deodorante oon deh-oh-doh-rahn-teh
- a hairbrush - una spazzola oo-nah spah-tsoh-lah
- hairspray - una lacca oo-nah lahk-kah
- ibuprofen - dell’ibuprofene dehl-lee-boo-proh-feh-neh
- insect repellent - un repellente per gli insetti oon
reh-pehl-lehn-teh pehr llveen-seht-tee
- lotion - una lozione oo-nah loh-tsvoh-neh
- a nail file - una limetta per le unghie oo-nah
[ee-meht-tah pehr leh oon-ghyeh
- a (disposable) razor - una lametta (usa e getta) oo-nah
lah-meht-tah (oo-zah eh ieht-tah)
- razor blades - delle lamette per rasoio dehHeh
lah-meht-teh pehr rah-zoh-voh
- sanitary napkins - un pacco di assorbenti oon pahk-koh
[pads] dee ahs-sohr-behn-tee
- shampoo/ - uno shampoo/un balsamo oo-noh
conditioner shahm-pooh/oon bahl-sah-moh
- soap - una saponetta oo-nah sah-poh-neht-tah
- sunscreen - un filtro solare oon feel-troh soh-jah-reh
- tampons - una scatola di tamponi oo-nah ska-toh-lah
dee tahm-poh-nee
- tissues - dei fazzoletti di carta day fah-tsoh-leht-tee
dee kahr-tah
- toilet paper - della carta igienica dehi-lah kahr-tah
- toothpaste - un dentifricio oon dehn-tee-free-chvoh

► For baby products, see page 154.

Grammar —-
In Italian, there are four forms for “you” (taking different verb
forms): tu (singular) and voi (plural) are used informally, when
talking to relatives, close friends and children (and among young
people); Lei (singular) and loro (plural) are used in all other cases.
If in doubt, use Lei/loro. The following abbreviations are used in
this section: sing. = singular; pi. = plural; inf. = informal; for. =
Regular Verbs and Their Tenses
There are three verb types: infinitives ending in -are, -ere and -ire,
e.g. parlare (to speak), vendere (to sell) and dormire
(to sleep). Following are sample conjugations for each verb type.

PARLARE (to speak, to talk) Present Past Future

1 io parlo ho parlato parlerò

you (sing.) (inf.) tu parli hai parlato parlerai

he/she/you lui/lei/Lei parla ha parlato parlerà

(sing.) (for.)

we noi parliamo abbiamo parleremo


you (pi.) (inf.) voi parlate avete parlato parlerete

they/you loro parlano hanno parlato parleranno

(pi.) (for.)

VENDERE (to sell) Present Past Future

1 io vendo ho venduto venderò

you (sing.) (inf.) tu vendi hai venduto venderai

he/she/you lui/lei/Lei vende ha venduto venderà

(sing.) (for.)
we noi vendiamo abbiamo venderemo

you (pi.) (inf.) voi vendete avete venduto venderete

they/you loro vendono hanno venduto venderanno

(pi.) (for.)

DORMIRE (to sleep) Present Past Future

1 io dormo ho dormito dormirò

you (sing.) (inf.) tu dormi hai dormito dormirai

he/she/you lui/lei/Lei dorme ha dormito dormirà

(sing.) (for.)
we noi dormiamo abbiamo dormiremo

you (pi.) (inf.) voi dormite avete dormito dormirete

they/you loro dormono hanno dormito dormiranno

(pi.) (for.)
Irregular Verbs
There are many irregular verbs whose forms do not follow the
regular patterns. Following are the present, past and future forms
of essere (to be) and avere (to have).

ESSERE (to be) Present Past Future

1 io sono sono stato sarò

you (sing.) (inf.) tu sei sei stato sarai

he/she/you lui/lei/Lei è è stato sarà

(sing.) (for)
we noi siamo siamo stati saremo

you (pi.) (inf.) voi siete siete stati sarete

they/you loro sono sono stati saranno

(pi.) (for.)

AVERE (to have) Present Past Future

1 io ho ho avuto avrò

you (sing.) (inf.) tu hai hai avuto avrai

he/she/you lui/lei/Lei ha ha avuto avrà

(sing.) (for)

we noi abbiamo abbiamo avuto avremo

you (pi.) (inf.) voi avete avete avuto avrete

they/you loro hanno hanno avuto avranno

(pi.) (for.)

Nouns and Articles

Generally nouns ending in -o are masculine, their plural ending
changing to -i. Those ending in -a are usually feminine, their plural
ending changing to -e. Nouns ending in -e can be either gender
changing to -i in the plural.

The definite articles (the) are ilcJand la $ ; I’ is used for singular
masculine or feminine nouns that begin with a vowel. The plural
forms are M and le9. When a masculine noun begins with z or
s + consonant, the singular article changes to lo, the plural to gli. Gli
is also used before plural masculine nouns that begin with a vowel.
The indefinite articles (a, an) also indicate gender: a masculine noun
uses un, or uno when the noun begins with z or s + consonant.
The feminine noun takes una, or un’ when the noun begins with a
When prepositions are followed by definite articles, they sometimes
combine to form one word. For example: di + el = del:
di + lo = dello; di + I’ = dell’; di + i = dei; di + gli = degli;
di + la = della; di + le = delle.

Word Order
Italian sentences generally follow the subject-verb-object pattern,
as in English.
Example: Vorrei un taxi subito. I'd like a taxi now.
In Italian, adjectives usually follow the noun.
Example: un’auto economica a cheap car (literally, a car cheap)
To form a question in Italian, you can raise the intonation at the end
of the sentence, as in English, or use a question word.
Lei parla italiano./Lei parla italiano?
You speak Italian./Do you speak Italian?
Quanto costa?
Flow much?

To form the negative, use non before the conjugated verb.
Example: Parlo inglese./Non parlo inglese.
I speak English./I don't speak English.
The imperative, or command form, of Italian verbs is used to
give orders or advice. Signs are often in the imperative form. It
is formed by adding a specific ending to the “stem” of the verb
(add -i to -are verbs, and -a to -ere and -ire verbs). To say the
negative, add non before the verb. The following are the polite
ways to say common commands in Italian:

Fermi! Avanti! Non parli!

Stop! Go! Don’t speak!
To say “Let’s...”, add -iamo to the stem of the verb.

Andiamo! Finiamo!
Let’s go! Let’s finish!

Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives

The following are the Italian forms of possessive pronouns/
adjectives. Note that the gender and number agree with the noun,
not the speaker.
masculine, masculine, feminine, feminine,
singular plural singular plural

my, mine il mio i miei la mia le mie

your, yours il tuo i tuoi la tua le tue
his, her, il suo i suoi la sua le sue
hers, its,
(sing.) (for.)
our, ours il nostro i nostri la nostra le nostre
your, yours il vostro i vostri la vostra le vostre
their, theirs, il loro i loro la loro le loro
(pi.) (for.)

Adjectives modify nouns and must agree with the noun in both
gender and number. Adjectives ending in -o can have four forms,
matching the noun:
Masculine, singular: end in -o: ragazzo italiano (Italian boy)
Masculine, plural: end in -i: ragazzi italiani (Italian boys)
Feminine, singular: end in -a: signora italiana (Italian woman)
Feminine, plural: end in -e: signore italiane (Italian women)
Adjectives ending in -e are the same for masculine and feminine
singular, and change to -i in the masculine and feminine plural
Example: ragazzo inglese (English boy); ragazza inglese (English
girl); ragazzi inglesi (English boys); ragazze inglesi (English girls)

Comparative and Superlative

To say “more”, use più. To say “less”, use meno. To say “the most”
or “the least”, use più or meno, respectively, preceded by the
definite article.
casa grande/casa più grande/la casa più grande
large house/larger house/the largest house
borsa piccola/borsa più piccola/la borsa più piccola
small bag/smaller bag/the smallest bag

Adverbs and Adverbial Expressions

Some Italian adverbs are formed by adding -mente to the feminine
singular form of the adjective.
Example: lento6/lenta? (slow), lentamente (slowly)
If the adjective ends in -le or -re, drop the -e and add -mente.
Example: facile (easy), facilmente (easily)

o zero dzeh-roh
1 uno oo-noh
2 due doo-eh
3 tre treh
4 quattro kwaht-troh
5 cinque cheen-kweh
6 sei say
7 sette seht-teh
8 otto oht-toh
9 nove noh-veh
10 dieci dveh-chee
11 undici oon-dee-chee
12 dodici doh-dee-chee
13 tredici treh-dee-chee
14 quattordici kwaht-tohr-dee-chee
15 quindici kween-dee-chee
16 sedici seh-dee-chee
17 diciassette dee-chyahs-seht-teh
18 diciotto dee-chvoht-toh
19 diciannove dee-chvahn-noh-veh
20 venti vehn-tee
21 ventuno vehn-too-noh
22 ventidue vehn-tee-doo-eh
30 trenta trehn-tah

31 trentuno trehn-too-noh
40 quaranta kwah-rahn-tah
50 cinquanta cheen-kwahn-tah
60 sessanta sehs-sahn-tah
70 settanta seht-tahn-tah
80 ottanta oht-tahn-tah
90 novanta noh-vahn-tah
100 cento chehn-toh
101 centuno chehn-too-noh
200 duecento doo-eh-chehn-toh
500 cinquecento oheen-kweh-chehn-toh
1,000 mille meel-leh
10,000 diecimila dveh-chee-mee-lah
1,000,000 milione mee-lvoh-neh

Ordinal Numbers
first primo pree-moh
second secondo seh-kohn-doh
third terzo tehr-tsoh
fourth quarto kwahr-toh
fifth quinto kween-toh
once una volta oo-nah vohl-tah
twice due volte doo-eh vohl-teh
three times tre volte treh vohl-teh

What time is it? Che ore sono? keh oh-reh soh-noh

It’s noon [midday]. È mezzogiorno, eh meh-dzoh-ivohr-noh
At midnight. A mezzanotte, ah meh-dzah-noht-teh
From one o’clock Dall’una alle due. dahl-joo-nah ahl-leh doo-eh
to two o’clock.
Five after [past] three. Le tre e cinque, leh treh eh cheen-kweh
A quarter to three. Sono le tre meno un quarto, soh-noh leh
treh meh-noh oon kwahr-toh
5:30 a.m./5:30 p.m. le cinque e mezzo/le diciassette e trenta
leh cheen-kweh eh meh-dzoh/leh
dee-chvahs-seht-teh eh trehn-tah

Monday lunedì loon-eh-dee

Tuesday martedì mahr-teh-dee
Wednesday mercoledì mehr-koh-leh-dee
Thursday giovedì jvoh-veh-dee
Friday venerdì veh-nehr-dee
Saturday sabato sah-bah-toh
Sunday domenica doh-meh-nee-kah

Lunedì (Monday) is the first day of the week; domenica

(Sunday) is the last. Italian does not capitalize the names of

- —
yesterday ieri veh-ree
today oggi oh-djee
tomorrow domani doh-mah-nee
day giorno ivohr-noh
week settimana seht-tee-mah-nah
month mese meh-zeh
year anno ahn-noh

January gennaio jehn-rtah-yoh
February febbraio fehb-brah-voh
March marzo mahr-tsoh
April aprile ah-pree-leh
May maggio mah-dioh
June giugno ivoo-nvoh
July luglio loo-llyoh
August agosto ah-Qoh-stoh
September settembre seht-tehm-breh
October ottobre oht-toh-breh
November novembre noh-vehm-breh
December dicembre dee-chem-breh

in/during... in/durante... een/doo-rahn-teh...
- the spring - la primavera lah pree-mah-veh-rah
-the summer - l’estate leh-stah-teh
- the fall [autumn] - l’autunno l-ow-toon-noh
- the winter - l’inverno leen-vehr-noh

January 1 : Capodanno New Year’s Day
January 6: Epifania Epiphany
April 25: Festa della Liberazione Liberation Day
May 1 : Festa dei Lavoratori Labor Day
August 15: Ferragosto Assumption Day
November 1 : Ognissanti All Saints Day
December 8: Immacolata Concezione Immaculate Conception
December 25: Natale Christmas Day
December 26: Santo Stefano St. Stephen’s Day
Moveable dates include:
Venerdì Santo Good Friday
Pasqua Easter Day
Pasquetta Easter Monday 181
Conversion Tables-
When you know Multiply by_To find

ounces 28.3 grams

pounds 0.45 kilograms

inches 2.54 centimeters

feet 0.3 meters

miles 1.61 kilometers

square inches 6.45 sq. centimeters

square feet 0.09 sq. meters

square miles 2.59 sq. kilometers

pints (U.S./Brit) 0.47/0.56 liters

gallons (U.S./Brit) 3.8/4.5 liters

Fahrenheit 5/9, after -32 Centigrade

Centigrade 9/5, then +32 Fahrenheit

1 km - 0.62 mi 20 km - 12.4 mi
5 km - 3.10 mi 50 km - 31.0 mi
10 km - 6.20 mi 100 km - 61.0 mi

1 gram (gr) 1 grammo = 0.035 oz.

1/10 of a kilo etto (sing.)/etti (pi.) = 0.22 lb

1 kilogram (kg) 1 chilo = 2.2 lb

1 liter (1) 1 litro = 1.06 U.S./

0.88 Brit, quarts

1 centimeter (cm) 1 centimetro = 0.4 inch

1 meter (m) 1 metro = 3.28 ft.

1 kilometer (km) 1 chilometro = 0.62 mile
-40° C - -40° F -1° C - 30° F 20° C - 68° F
-30° C - -22° F 0° C - 32° F 25° C - 77° F
-20° C - -4° F 5° C - 41° F 30° C - 86° F
-10° 0-14° F 10° C-50° F 35° C - 95° F
-5° C - 23° F 15° C - 59°F

Oven Temperature
100° C-212° F 177° C-350° F
121° C- 250° F 204° C - 400° F
149° C- 300° F 260° C - 500° F

Related Websites
U.S. Transportation Security agritourism information
Administration bed and breakfast information
U. K. Civil A viation Authority Hostelling International
Italian train schedules website
Rail Europe website official post office website
for Italy
Italian ferry information

American americano
English-ltalian amusement park il lunapark
Dictionary anemie anemico
anesthesia l’anestesia
animai l’animale
ankle la caviglia
a.m. del mattino antibiotic l’antibiotico
abbey l’abbazia antiques store il negozio
accept v accettare d’antiquariato
access l’accesso antiseptic cream la crema
accident l’incidente antisettica
accommodation l’alloggio anything qualsiasi cosa
account il conto apartment l'appartamento
acupuncture l’agopuntura appendix (body part)
adapter l'adattatore
address l'indirizzo appetizer l’antipasto
admission l’ingresso appointment l’appuntamento
after dopo; -noon il pomeriggio; arcade la sala giochi
-shave il dopobarba area code il prefisso
age l’età arm il braccio
agency l’agenzia aromatherapy l’aromaterapia
AIDS l’AIDS around (the corner) dietro di
air l’aria; - conditioning l’aria arrivals (airport) gli arrivi
condizionata; - pump la arrive v arrivare
pompa dell’aria; -line la artery l’arteria
compagnia aerea; -mail la arthritis l’artrite
posta aerea; -piane l’aereo; art l’arte
-port l’aeroporto aspirin l’aspirina
aisle il corridoio; - seat il posto asthmatic asmatico
sul corridoio
ATM il bancomat
allergie allergico; - reaction la attack l’aggressione
reazione allergica
attend vfrequentare
allow v permettere
attraction (place) l’attrattiva
alone solo
attractive attraente
alter v modificare
Australia Australia
alternate route il percorso
Australian australiano
automatic automatico; - car
aluminum foil la carta stagnola
l'auto col cambio automatico
amazing straordinario
available libero
ambulance l'ambulanza
English-ltalian Dictionary
bigger più grande
B bike route il percorso ciclabile
baby il bebé; - bottle il biberon; bikini il bikini; - wax la ceretta
- wipe la salvietta per neonati; all’inguine
~sitter la babysitter bill v (charge) fatturare;
back (body part) la schiena; -ache - n (money) la banconota; - n
il mal di schiena; -pack lo zaino (of sale) il conto
bag la borsa bird l’uccello
baggage il bagaglio; - claim il birthday il compleanno
ritiro bagagli; - ticket lo black nero
scontrino bagagli bladder la vescica
bakery la panetteria bland insipido
ballet lo spettacolo di danza blanket la coperta
bandage la benda bleed v sanguinare
bank la banca blood il sangue; - pressure la
bar il bar pressione sanguigna
barbecue il barbecue biouse la camicetta
barber il barbiere blue blu
baseball il baseball board v imbarcarsi
basket (grocery store) il cestino boarding pass la carta d’imbarco
basketball il basketball boat la barca
bathroom II bagno bone l’osso
battery la batteria book il libro; -store la libreria
battleground il campo di battaglia boots gli stivali
be messere boring noioso
beach la spiaggia botanical garden il giardino
beautiful bello botanico
bed il letto; - and breakfast la bother v infastidire
pensione bottle la bottiglia;
begin v iniziare - opener l’apribottiglie
before prima bowl la coppa
beginner il principiante box la scatola
behind dietro boxing match l’incontro di boxe
beige beige boy il ragazzo; -friend il ragazzo
belt la cintura bra il reggiseno
berth la cuccetta bracelet il braccialetto
best il migliore brakes (car) i freni
better migliore break irrompere; —in
bicycle la bicicletta (burglary) il furto con scasso;
big grande -down il guasto 185
breakfast la colazione camera la macchina fotografica;
breast il petto;-feed /allattare digitai - la macchina fotografica
digitale; - case l’astuccio della
breathe /respirare
macchina fotografica; - store il
bridge il ponte
negozio di fotografia
briefs (clothing) lo slip
camp /campeggiare; - stove il
bring /portare fornello da campeggio; -site il
British inglese campeggio
broken rotto can opener l’apriscatole
brooch la spilla Canada il Canada
broom la scopa Canadian canadese
brother il fratello cancel /annullare
brown marrone candy le caramelle
bug l’insetto canned good lo scatolame
building l’edificio canyon il canalone
burn /bruciare car l'auto; - hire [BE]
bus l’autobus; - station la l’autonoleggio; - park
stazione degli autobus; [BE] il parcheggio; - rental
- stop la fermata del bus; l’autonoleggio; - seat il
- ticket il biglietto del bus; seggiolino per auto
- tour l’escursione in carafe la caraffa
card la carta; ATM - il bancomat;
business il lavoro; - card il credit - la carta di credito; debit
biglietto da visita; - center il - il bancomat; phone - la
centro business; - class la scheda telefonica
classe business; - hours l’orario
carry on board / [BE] portare
a bordo
butcher II macellaio carry-on il bagaglio a mano
buttocks le natiche cart (grocery store) il carrello;
buy /comprare - (luggage) il carrello
bye ciao carton il cartone; - of
cigarettes la stecca di sigarette
case (container) la cassa
c cash /incassare; - ni contanti;
- advance l’acconto
cabaret il cabaret
cabin la cabina cashier il cassiere
cable car la funivia casino il casinò
cafe il caffè castle il castello
cali /chiamare; - n la chiamata cathedral la cattedrale
calories le calorie cave lagrotta
English-ltalian Dictionary
CD il CD class la classe; business -
cell phone il telefonino la classe business; economy
Celsius Celsius ~ la classe economica; first
centimeter il centimetro ~ la prima classe

certificate il certificato classical music la musica

chair la sedia; ~ lift la seggiovia
clean 1/ pulire; - adj pulito; ~ing
change v (buses) cambiare;
product il prodotto per la pulizia;
~ v(money) cambiare;
~ing supplies i prodotti per la
~ v(baby) cambiare;
~n (money) il cambio
clear 1/(on an ATM) cancellare
charcoal il carbone
cliff la scogliera
charge v (credit card)
addebitare; - n (cost) il
cling film [BE] la pellicola per
cheap economico; ~er più
dose 1/ (a shop) chiudere
economico dose vicino
check v (on something) closed chiuso
controllare; - v (luggage) clothing l’abbigliamento;
controllare; ~ n (payment) ~ store il negozio
l’assegno; —in (hotel/airport) d'abbigliamento
il check-in; ~ing account il club il club
conto corrente; —out (hotel) il coat il cappotto
pagamento del conto coffee shop il caffè
Cheers! Salute! coin la moneta
chemical toilet il WC da colander la scolapasta
campeggio cold (sickness) il raffreddore;
chemist [BE] la farmacia ~ (temperature) freddo
cheque [BE] l'assegno colleague il collega
chest (body part) il petto; cologne la colonia
~ pain il dolore al petto color il colore
chewing gum la gomma da comb il pettine
come v venire
child il bambino; ~ seat il
complaint il reclamo
seggiolone; ~’s menu il menù
computer il computer
per bambino; ~’s portion la
porzione per bambino concert il concerto; - hall la sala
da concerti
Chinese cinese
condition (medicai) la condizione
chopsticks i bastoncini cinesi
church la chiesa conditioner il balsamo
condom il preservativo
cigar il sigaro
conference la conferenza
cigarette la sigaretta 187
confirm v confermare cut v(hair) tagliare;
congestion la congestione ~n (injury) il taglio
connect 1/ (internet) collegarsi cute carino
connection (internet) cycling il ciclismo
il collegamento; - (flight)
la coincidenza
constipated costipato
consulate il consolato
damage v danneggiare;
consultant il consulente ~d danneggiato
contact z contattare; - lens la dance ballare; ~ club il club di
lente a contatto; ~ lens solution la
ballo; ~ing il ballo
soluzione per lenti a contatto
dangerous pericoloso
contagious contagioso
dark scuro
convention hall la sala congressi
date (calendar) la data
conveyor belt il nastro
day il giorno
deaf sordo
cook v cucinare
debit card il bancomat
cooking gas il gas per cucina
deck chair la sedia a sdraio
cool (temperature) fresco
declare v dichiarare
copper il rame
decline v (credit card) rifiutare
corkscrew il cavatappi
deeply profondamente
cost scostare
degrees (temperature) i gradi
cot il lettino
delay v ritardare
cotton il cotone
delete v (computer) eliminare
cough i/tossire; ~ n la tosse
delicatessen la gastronomia
country code il prefisso del paese
delicious squisito
cover charge il coperto
denim i jeans
crash v(car) fare un incidente
dentist il dentista
cream (ointment) la crema
denture la dentiera
credit card la carta di credito
deodorant il deodorante
crew neck a girocollo
department store il grande
crib la culla
crystal il cristallo
departures (airport) le partenze
cup la tazza
deposit v depositare;
currency la valuta; ~ exchange - (bank) n il deposito;
il cambio valuta; ~ exchange
- (to reserve a room) il deposito
office l'ufficio di cambio
desert il deserto
current account [BE] il conto
detergent il detersivo
develop iz (film) sviluppare
customs la dogana
English-ltalian Dictionary
diabetic diabetico dormitory il dormitorio
dial v comporre il numero double bed il letto matrimoniale
diamond il diamante downtown (direction) il centro;
diaper il pannolino - area il centro
diarrhea la diarrea dozen la dozzina
diesel il diesel drag lift lo ski lift
difficult difficile dress (piece of clothing) il
digitai digitale; - camera la vestito; ~ code il codice di
macchina fotografica digitale; abbigliamento
- photos le foto digitali; drink vbere; - ri la bevanda;
~ prints le stampe digitali ~ menu il menù delle
dining room la sala da pranzo bevande; ~ing water l’acqua
dinner la cena potabile

direction la direzione drive 1/ guidare

dirty sporco driver’s license number il
numero di patente
disabled il disabile;
- accessible [BE] accessibile drop (medicine) la goccia
ai disabili drowsiness la sonnolenza
disconnect 1/(computer) dry cleaner il lavasecco
scollegare dubbed doppiato
discount lo sconto during durante
dish (kitchen) il piatto; duty (tax) la tassa; ~ free duty
~washer la lavastoviglie; free
~washing liquid il detersivo per DVD il DVD
i piatti
display lo schermo; - case la
vetri netta E
disposable usa e getta; ~ razor
la lametta usa e getta
ear l’orecchio; -ache il mal
dive ^tuffarsi; ~ing
equipment l’attrezzatura earlier prima
subacquea early presto
divorce v divorziare earrings gli orecchini
dizzy stordito east est
doctor il medico easy facile
doli la bambola eat v mangiare
dollar (U.S.) il dollaro economy class la classe
domestic domestico; ~ flight il economica
volo nazionale elbow il gomito
door la porta electric outlet la presa elettrica
elevator l’ascensore 189
e-mail v inviare e-mail; - n eye l’occhio
I’e-mail; ~ address l’indirizzo eyebrow wax la ceretta per
e-mail sopracciglie
emergency l’emergenza;
~ exit l’uscita d’emergenza
empty v svuotare
enamel Qewelry) lo smalto
face il viso
end sfinire
facial la pulizia del viso
English inglese
family la famiglia
engrave v incidere
fan (appliance) il ventilatore;
enjoy v godersi - (souvenir) il ventaglio
enter centrare
far lontano; —sighted
entertainment l'intrattenimento ipermetrope
entrance l’entrata farm la fattoria
envelope la busta fast veloce; - food il fast
equipment l’attrezzatura food
escalators le scale mobili faster più veloce
estate car [BE] la station fat free senza grassi
wagon father il padre
e-ticket il biglietto elettronico fax v inviare per fax; - nil fax;
EU resident il residente UE ~ number il numero di fax
euro l'euro fee la tariffa
evening la sera feed v dare da mangiare
excess l’eccesso ferry il traghetto
exchange v (money) cambiare; fever la febbre
- n (place) il cambio;
field (sports) il campo
~ rate il tasso di cambio
fili v riempire; - out v
excursion l’escursione (form) compilare; -ing
excuse v scusare (tooth) l’otturazione
exhausted esausto film (camera) il rullino
exit v uscire; - n l’uscita fine (fee for breaking law)
expensive caro la multa
expert esperto finger il dito; -nail l’unghia
exposure (film) la posa fire il fuoco; ~ department
express espresso; - bus il i vigili del fuoco; ~ door la porta
bus espresso; - train il treno antincendio
espresso firstprimo; - class la prima
extension (phone) l’interno classe
extra extra; ~ large extra large fit (clothing) v andare bene
extract v (tooth) estrarre fitting room il camerino
English-ltalian Dictionary
fix v (repair) riparare gate (airport) l’uscita
flashlight la torcia elettrica gay gay; ~ bar il bar per gay;
flat tire la gomma a terra ~ club il club per gay
flight il volo gel (hair) il gel
floor il pavimento get off v (a train/bus/
flower il fiore subway) scendere
folk music la musica folk getto varrivare
food il cibo gift il regalo; ~ shop il negozio
foot il piede di articoli da regalo
football game [BE] girl la ragazza; -friend la ragazza
la partita di football give vdare
for per glass (drinking) il bicchiere;
forecast la previsione - (material) il vetro; ~es
gli occhiali
forest il bosco
fork la forchetta go v (somewhere) andare
form il modulo gold l’oro
formula (baby) il latte in
golf golf; - course il campo
da golf; - club la mazza;
- tournament la gara di golf
fort la fortezza
good n il bene; - abbuono;
fountain la fontana
- afternoon buon pomeriggio;
free libero - evening buonasera;
freezer il freezer - morning buongiorno;
fresh fresco -bye arrivederla; ~s
friend l’amico le merci
frying pan la padella gram il grammo
full-service il servizio completo grandchild il nipote
full-time a tempo pieno grandparent il nonno
gray grigio
green verde
G grocery store il fruttivendolo
game la partita ground floor il pianterreno
garage il garage groundcloth [groundsheet BE]
il telone impermeabile
garbage bag il sacchetto per la
group il gruppo

gas (cooking) il gas per cucina; guide la guida; - book

la guida; - dog il cane
- (heating) il gas; - station
da guida
la stazione del servizio; - (vehicle)
la benzina gym la palestra
gynecologist il ginecologo
hire 1/ [BE] noleggiare;
H - car [BE] l’auto a noleggio
hair i capelli; ~ dryer hitchhike vfare l’autostop
l’asciugacapelli; ~ salon il hockey l’hockey
parrucchiere; -brush la spazzola holiday [BE] la vacanza
; - cut il taglio; -spray la lacca; horse track l’ippodromo
-style l’acconciatura; -stylist il hospital l’ospedale
parrucchiere hostel l’ostello
half la metà; - hour la mezz’ora; hot (temperature) caldo;
—kilo il mezzo chilo - (spicy) piccante;
hammer il martello -springs le terme;
hand la mano; - luggage il - water l’acqua calda
bagaglio a mano; -bag la hotel l’hotel
hour l'ora
handicapped il disabile; house la casa; -hold goods
—accessible accessibile ai
gli articoli casalinghi; -keeping
disabili services i servizi di pulizia
hangover la sbornia domestica
happy felice how come; - much quanto
hat il cappello hug v abbracciare
have v avere hungry affamato
head (body part) la testa; hurt il dolore
-ache il mal di testa; husband il marito
-phones gli auricolari
health la salute; - food
store l’erboristeria
heart il cuore; - condition il
disturbo cardiaco ibuprofen l’ibuprofene
heat il calore; ~er il radiatore ice il ghiaccio; - hockey
hello salve l'hockey su ghiaccio
helmet il casco icy gelato
help valutare; - nl’aiuto identification l’identificazione
here qui ili malato
heterosexual eterosessuale in in
hi ciao include v includere
high alto; -chair il seggiolone; indoor pool la piscina
—heeled shoes le scarpe col interna
tacco alto; -way l’autostrada inexpensive a buon mercato
hiking boots gli scarponi da infected infetto
montagna information (phone) le informazioni;
192 hill la collina - desk l’ufficio informazioni
English-ltalian Dictionary
insect insetto; ~ bite la puntura jeans i jeans
d'insetto; ~ repellent il jetski l’acquascooter
repellente per gli insetti jeweler il gioielliere
insert v inserire jewelry la gioielleria
insomnia l’insonnia join v unire
instant message il messaggio joint (body part) la giuntura
insulin l’insulina
insurance l’assicurazione; ~ card K
la tessera dell’assicurazione;
-company la compagnia di key la chiave; - card la chiave
assicurazione elettronica; - ring il portachiavi
interesting interessante kiddie pool la piscina per bambini
intermediate intermedio kidney (body part) il rene
international (airport area) kilo il chilo; -gram il chilogrammo;
internazionale; - flight il volo -meter il chilometro
internazionale; - student card la kiss 1/baciare
tessera internazionale dello studente kitchen la cucina; - foil la carta
internet l’Internet; - cafe stagnola
l’Internet caffè; - service il knee il ginocchio
servizio Internet; wireless - il knife il coltello
collegamento wireless a Internet
interpreter l’interprete
intersection l’incrocio
intestine l’intestino
introduce v presentare lace il pizzo
invoice [BE] la fattura lactose intolerant intollerante al
Ireland l’Irlanda
lake il lago
Irish irlandese
large grande
iron v stirare; - n (clothes) il
ferro da stiro
larger più grande
Italian italiano last ultimo
Italy l’Italia late (time) tardi
later più tardi
launderette [BE] la lavanderia a
laundromat la lavanderia a
jacket la giacca gettone
jar il vaso laundry la lavanderia;
jaw la mascella - facility il locale lavanderia;
jazz il jazz; - club il club jazz - service il servizio di lavanderia
lawyer l’avvocato lotion la lozione
leather la pelle louder più forte
leave 1/ partire love v (someone) amare; - n
left (direction) a sinistra l’amore
leg la gamba low basso; ~er più basso
lens la lente luggage il bagaglio; - cart il
less meno carrello bagagli; - locker
l’armadietto dei bagagli;
lesson la lezione
-ticket lo scontrino dei
letter la lettera
bagagli; hand - [BE] il bagaglio
library la biblioteca a mano
lite la vita; ~ jacket il giubbotto lunch il pranzo
di salvataggio; -guard il bagnino
lung il polmone
lift (ride) il passaggio; - [BE]
l'ascensore; - pass il lift pass
light (overhead) la lampada;
- v (cigarette) accendere;
-bulb la lampadina; magazine la rivista
~er l’accendino magnificent magnifico
like v (someone) piacere mail ^spedire; - n la posta;
line (train) la linea -box la cassetta della posta
linen il lino main principale; - attraction
lip il labbro l’attrattiva principale; - course
liquor store l’enoteca il piatto principale
liter il litro make up [BE] (a prescription)
little piccolo il trucco
live vvivere mall il centro commerciale
liver (body part) il fegato man l’uomo
loafers i mocassini manager il responsabile
locai locale manicure il manicure
lock v chiudere; - ri la serratura manual car l’auto col cambio
locker l’armadietto manuale

log off v (computer) fare il logoff map la cartina

log on v (computer) fare il logon market il mercato
long lungo; - sleeves le married sposato
maniche lunghe; --sighted marry v sposare
[BE] ipermetrope mass (church service) la messa
look v guardare massage il massaggio
lose v (something) perdere match n (wooden stick)
lost perso; - and found l’ufficio il fiammifero; - ri (game)
oggetti smarriti la partita
English-ltalian Dictionary
meal il pasto more più
measure v (someone/something) morning il mattino
misurare; ~ing cup la tazza mosque la moschea
di misurazione; -ing spoon mother la madre
il misurino motor il motore; ~ boat il
mechanic il meccanico motoscafo; -cycle la
medicine la medicina motocicletta; -way [BE]
medium (size) medio l’autostrada
meet v (someone) incontrare mountain la montagna; - bike la
meeting (corporate) mountain bike
la riunione; ~ room sala riunioni mousse (hair) la mousse
membership card la tessera mouth la bocca
associativa movie il film; - theater il cinema
memorial (place) il monumento mug v scippare
memory card la scheda muscle il muscolo
memoria museum il museo
mend v riparare music la musica; - store il
menstrual cramp il crampo negozio di musica
menu il menù
message il messaggio N
meter (parking) il parchimetro
nail l’unghia; - file la lima;
microwave il microonde
- salon il salone di bellezza
midday [BE] mezzogiorno
name il nome
midnight mezzanotte
napkin il tovagliolo
mileage il chilometraggio
nappy [BE] il pannolino
mini-bar il minibar
nationality la nazionalità
minute il minuto
nature preserve la riserva
missing (was never there) naturale
mancante; scomparso (was
(be) nauseous v avere la nausea
previously there)
near vicino; —sighted miope
mistake l’errore
neck il collo; -lace la collana
mobile mobile; ~ home la casa
prefabbricata; - phone [BE] il
need v necessitare
telefonino newspaper il giornale
mobility la mobilità newsstand l’edicola
money il denaro next prossimo
month il mese nice sympatico
mop lo spazzolone night la notte; -club
il nightclub
moped lo scooter
no no (medication) da banco; -look
non-alcoholic analcolico (scenic place) il belvedere;
non-smoking non fumatori -night per la notte
noon mezzogiorno oxygen treatment l’ossigeno
north nord
nose il naso
notes [BE] le banconote
nothing niente
notify v avvertire p.m. del pomeriggio
novice il principiante pacifier il ciuccio
now ora pack vfare le valigie
number il numero package il pacchetto
nurse l’infermiere paddling pool [BE] la piscina per
pad [BE] l’assorbente
0 pain il dolore
pajamas il pigiama
office l’ufficio; - hours l’orario
palace il palazzo
off-licence [BE] l’enoteca pants i pantaloni
pantyhose il collant
oil l’olio
OK OK paper la carta; - towel la carta
da cucina
old vecchio
paracetamol [BE] il paracetamolo
on the corner all’angolo
park vparcheggiare; - nil parco;
once una volta -ing garage il parcheggio; -ing
one uno; —way (ticket) solo lot il parcheggio
andata; —way street il senso
parliament building l'edificio del
only solo part (for car) il ricambio;
open v aprire; ~ adj aperto —time part-time
opera l’opera; ~ house il teatro passthrough vpassare
passenger il passeggero
opposite di fronte a
passport il passaporto;
optician l’ottico - control il controllo passaporti
orange (color) arancione password la password
orchestra l’orchestra pastry shop la pasticceria
order v ordinare path il sentiero
outdoor pool la piscina esterna pay v pagare; - phone il telefono
outside fuori pubblico
over sopra; - the counter peak (of a mountain) la vetta
English-ltalian Dictionary
pearl la perla plastic wrap la pellicola per
pedestrian il pedone alimenti
pediatrician il pediatra piate il piatto
pedicure il pedicure platform (train) il binario
pen la penna platinum il platino
penicillin la penicillina play /giocare; - n(theater)
penis il pene 10 spettacolo; -ground il parco
giochi; -pen il box
per per; ~ day al giorno;
- hour all’ora; - night a notte; please per favore
- week a settimana pleasure il piacere
perfume il profumo plunger lo sturalavandini
period (menstrual) il ciclo; plus size la taglia forte
- (of time) il periodo pocket la tasca
permit ir permettere poison il veleno
petite piccolo poles (skiing) le racchette
petrol [BE] la benzina; ~ station police la polizia; - report il
[BE] la stazione di servizio verbale di polizia; - station
pewter il peltro 11 commissariato
pharmacy la farmacia pond lo stagno
phone /telefonare; - nil pool (swimming) la piscina
telefono; - cali la telefonata; pop music la musica pop
~ card la scheda telefonica; portion la porzione
~ number il numero di post [BE] la posta; - office
telefono l’ufficio postale; -box [BE]
photo la foto; -copy la fotocopia; la buca delle lettere; -card
-graphy la fotografia la cartolina
pickup /(something) pot (for cooking) la pentola;
raccogliere - (for flowers) il vaso
picnic area la zona picnic pottery la ceramica
piece il pezzo pounds (British sterling) le
Pill (birth control) la pillola sterline
pillow il cuscino pregnant incinta
personal identification number prescribe /prescrivere
(PIN) il codice PIN prescription la ricetta
pink rosa press / (clothing) stirare
piste [BE] la pista; - map [BE] la price il prezzo
cartina delle piste print /stampare
pizzeria la pizzeria problem il problema
place a bet /scommettere produce la frutta e verdura;
piane l’aereo - store il fruttivendolo
prohibit v proibire red rosso
pronounce v pronunciare refrigerator il frigorifero
public pubblico region la regione
pull 1/ (door sign) tirare registered mail la
purple viola raccomandata
purse la borsetta regular normale
push v (door sign) spingere; relationship la relazione
-chair [BE] il passeggino rent v affittare
rental car l’auto a noleggio
repair v riparare
repeat v ripetere
reservation la prenotazione;
quality la qualità
- desk l’ufficio prenotazioni
question la domanda
reserve v prenotare
quiet tranquillo
restaurant il ristorante
restroom la toilette
retired in pensione
R return v (something) portare
racetrack il circuito indietro; - n [BE] la resa
racket (sports) la racchetta rib (body part) la costola
railway station [BE] la stazione right (direction) a destra;
ferroviaria - of way la precedenza
rain la pioggia; -coat ring l’anello
l’impermeabile; -forest la river il fiume
foresta pluviale; ~y piovoso road map la cartina stradale
rap (music) il rap rob v rubare; -bed derubato
rape v stuprare; - n lo stupro romantic romantico
rash l’irritazione room la stanza; - key la chiave
razor blade la lametta della stanza; - service il servizio
reach v raggiungere in camera
ready pronto round-trip l'andata e ritorno
real vero route il percorso
receipt la ricevuta rowboat la barca a remi
receive v ricevere rubbish [BE] la spazzatura;
reception la reception - bag [BE] il sacchetto per la
recharge v ricaricare spazzatura
recommend v raccomandare rugby il rugby
recommendation la ruins le ravine
raccomandazione rush la fretta
198 recycling il reciclaggio
English-ltalian Dictionary
s ship v(mail) inviare
shirt la camicia
sad triste shoes le scarpe; - store
safe (receptacle) la cassaforte; il negozio di calzature
~ (protected) sicuro shop vfare lo shopping
sales tax I’iVA shopping lo shopping; ~ area
same stesso la zona commerciale; ~ centre
sandals i sandali [BE] il centro commerciale;
- mali il centro commerciale
sanitary napkin l’assorbente
short corto; - sleeves le
saucepan la pentola
maniche corte; ~s i pantaloncini
sauna la sauna
corti; --sighted [BE] miope
save v (computer) salvare
shoulder la spalla
savings (account) i risparmi
show v mostrare
scanner lo scanner
shower la doccia
scarf la sciarpa
shrine il santuario
schedule v programmare;
sick malato
~ n il programma
side il lato; - dish il contorno;
school la scuola
- effect l’effetto collaterale;
science la scienza - order il contorno
scissors le forbici sightseeing la visita turistica;
sea il mare ~ tour la gita turistica
seat il posto sign vfirmare
security la sicurezza silk la seta
see v vedere silver l’argento
self-service il self-service single (marriage) single;
sell v vendere ~ bed il letto a una piazza;
seminar il seminario ~ prints le stampe singole;
send v inviare - room la stanza singola
senior citizen l’anziano sink il lavandino
separated (marriage) separato sister la sorella
serious serio sit v sedersi
service (in a restaurant) il servizio size la taglia
sexually transmitted disease skin la pelle
(STD) la malattia sessualmente skirt la gonna
trasmissibile ski l/sciare; - ri lo sci; -lift lo skilift
shampoo lo shampoo sleep v dormire; -er car il vagone
sharp appuntito letto; —ing bag il sacco a pelo;
shaving cream la crema da barba -ing car [BE] il vagone letto
sheet (bedlinen) il lenzuolo; slice (of something) la fetta
- (paper) la pagina slippers le ciabatte 199
slow lento; ~er più lento; stadium lo stadio
~ly lentamente stairs le scale
small piccolo; ~er più piccolo stamp v (a ticket) convalidare;
smoke sfumare - n (postage) il francobollo
smoking (area) per fumatori start v iniziare
snack bar lo snack bar starter [BE] lo starter
sneakers le scarpe da ginnastica station la stazione; bus - la
snorkeling equipment stazione dei bus; gas - il benzinaio;
l’attrezzatura da immersione petrol - [BE] il benzinaio; railway
snow neve; -board lo ~ [BE] la stazione ferroviaria;
snowboard; -shoe la scarpa da subway - la stazione della
neve; ~y nevoso metropolitana train - la stazione
ferroviaria; underground - [BE] la
soap il sapone
stazione della metropolitana;
soccer il calcio
-wagon la station wagon
sock il calzino
statue la statua
some qualche
stay v stare
soother [BE] il ciuccio
steal v rubare
sore throat il mal di gola
steep ripido
sorry scusi
sterling silver l’argento massiccio
south sud
sting la puntura
souvenir il souvenir; - store il
stolen rubato
negozio di souvenir
stomach lo stomaco; -ache
spa la stazione termale
il mal di stomaco
spatula la spatola
stop v fermarsi ; - ola fermata
speak parlare
store directory la piantina del
special (food) la specialità; -ist negozio
(doctor) lo specialista
storey [BE] il piano
specimen il campione
stove la cucina
speeding l’eccesso di velocità
straight dritto
speli ascrivere
strange strano
spicy piccante
stream il ruscello
spine (body part) la spina dorsale
stroller il passeggino
spoon il cucchiaio
student lo studente
sport lo sport; ~s massage
study v studiare
il massaggio sportivo
stunning fenomenale
sporting goods store il negozio di
subtitle il sottotitolo
articoli sportivi
subway la metropolitana; - station
sprain la storta
la stazione della metropolitana
square quadrato; - kilometer
suit l’abito;-case lavaligia
il chilometro quadrato; - meter
200 il metro quadrato
sun il sole; -block il filtro

English-ltalian Dictionary
terrible terribile
solare; -burn la scottatura;
text v(send a message) inviare
-glasses gli occhiali da sole;
SMS; - n (message) il testo
-ny soleggiato; -screen il filtro
solare; -stroke l’insolazione
thank v ringraziare; - you grazie
super (fuel) la super; -market that che
il supermercato; -vision theater il teatro
la supervisione theft il furto
surfboard la tavola da surf there là
swallow v ingoiare thief il ladro
sweater il maglione thigh la coscia
sweatshirt la felpa thirsty assetato
sweet (taste) dolce; -s [BE] this questo
le caramelle throat la gola
swelling il gonfiore ticket il biglietto; - office
swim v nuotare; -suit il costume la biglietteria; -ed passenger
da bagno il passeggero con biglietto
symbol (keyboard) il simbolo tie (clothing) la cravatta
synagogue la sinagoga time il tempo; -table
[BE] l’orario
tire lo pneumatico
tired stanco
tissue il fazzoletto di carta
table il tavolo
tobacconist il tabaccaio
tablet (medicine) la compressa
today oggi
take v prendere; - away [BE]
toe il dito del piede; -nail l’unghia
portare via
toilet [BE] la toilette;
tampon il tampone
- paper la carta igienica
taste v assaggiare
tomorrow domani
taxi il taxi
tongue la lingua
team la squadra
tonight stanotte
teaspoon il cucchiaino
too troppo
telephone il telefono
tooth il dente; -paste il dentifricio
temple (religious) il tempio
total (amount) il totale
temporary provvisorio
tough (food) duro
tennis il tennis
tourist il turista; - information
tent la tenda; - peg il picchetto da office l’ufficio informazioni turistiche
tenda; - pole il paletto da tenda
tour la gita
terminal (airport) il terminal
tow truck il carro attrezzi
terracotta la terracotta
towel l’asciugamano
tower la torre 201
town la città; ~ hall il municipio; ugly brutto
~ map la cartina della città; umbrella l’ombrello
~ square la piazza della città unattended incustodito
toy il giocattolo; - store il unbranded medication [BE]
negozio di giocattoli il farmaco generico
track (train) il binario unconscious inconscio
traditional tradizionale underground [BE] la
traffic light il semaforo metropolitana; - station [BE]
trail il sentiero; ~ map la mappa la stazione della metropolitana
dei sentieri underpants le mutande
trailer la roulotte understand v capire
train il treno; - station underwear la biancheria intima
la stazione ferroviaria university l’università
transfer v (change trains/flights) unleaded (gas) senza piombo
cambiare; ~ v (money) trasferire upper superiore
translate vtradurre upset stomach lo stomaco in
trash la spazzatura disordine
travel viaggiare; ~ agency urgent urgente
l’agenzia viaggi; - sickness (air) il use v usare
mal d’aria; ~ sickness (car) il mal
username il nome utente
d’auto; ~ sickness (sea) il mal
utensil l’utensile
di mare; ~ers check il travellers
tree l’albero
trim (hair) una spuntatina
trip il viaggio vacancy la disponibilità
trolley [BE] il carrello vacation la vacanza
trousers i pantaloni vaccination la vaccinazione
T-shirt la maglietta vacuum cleaner l’aspirapolvere
turnoff vspegnere vagina la vagina
turnon vaccendere vaginal infection l'infezione vaginale
TV la TV valid valido
type v battere a macchina valley la valle
tyre [BE] lo pneumatico valuable di valore
value il valore
u vegetarian vegetariano
United Kingdom (U.K.) il Regno vehicle registration il numero
di targa
United States (U.S.) gli Stati Uniti viewpoint la prospettiva
English-ltalian Dictionary
village il villaggio wheelchair la sedia a rotelle; -
vineyard il vigneto ramp la rampa per sedia a rotelle
visa il visto when (question) quando
visit v visitare; where (question) dove
-ing hours gli orari di visita white bianco; - gold l’oro bianco
visually impaired ipovedente who (question) chi
vitamin la vitamina widowed vedovo
V-neck lo scollo a V wife la moglie
volleyball game la partita di window la finestra; - case la vetrina
pallavolo windsurfer il windsurf
vomit v vomitare wine list la carta dei vini
wireless wireless; - internet
l’Internet wireless; - internet
w service il servizio Internet wireless;
- phone il telefono cordless
wait (/attendere; ~ nl’attesa;
with con
-ing room la sala d'attesa
withdraw v ritirare; -al (bank) il
waiter il cameriere
waitress la cameriera
without senza
wake vsvegliare, svegliarsi;
woman la donna
—up call il servizio sveglia
wool la lana
walk v camminare; - nla
work v lavorare
passeggiata; -ing route il
percorso pedonale wrap v incartare
wall clock l'orologio da parete wrist il polso
wallet il portafogli write v scrivere
warm v (something) riscaldare;
- adj (temperature) caldo
washing machine la lavatrice
watch l’orologio year l’anno
water skis lo sci d’acqua yellow giallo; - gold l’oro giallo
waterfall la cascata yes sì
weather il tempo yesterday ieri
week la settimana; -end young giovane
il fine settimana; ~ly youth hostel l’ostello della gioventù
welcome vaccogliere
well-rested ben riposato
west ovest
what (question) cosa zoo lo zoo
l’agopuntura acupuncture
Italian-English l’AIDS AIDS
Dictionary aiutare to help
l’aiuto /7 help
al giorno per day
l’albero tree
a buon mercato inexpensive all’angolo on the corner
a destra right (direction) allattare breastfeed
a girocollo crew neck allergico allergic
a notte per night l’alloggio accommodation
a settimana per week all’ora per hour
a sinistra left (direction) alto high
a tempo pieno full-time amare / love (someone)
l’abbazia abbey l’ambulanza ambulance
l’abbigliamento clothing americano American
abbracciare to hug l’amico friend
l’abito suit l’amore nlove
accendere / light (cigarette); analcolico non-alcoholic
~ /turn on (lights) andare / go (somewhere);
l’accendino lighter - bene fit (clothing)
accessibile ai disabili l’andata e ritorno round-trip
handicapped- [disabled BE] l’anello ring
accessible anemico anemic
l’accesso access l’anestesia anesthesia
accettare / accept l’animale animal
accogliere / welcome l’anno year
l’acconciatura hairstyle annullare /cancel
I’acconto cash advance l’antibiotico antibiotic
l’acqua water; ~ calda hot l’antipasto appetizer [starter BE]
water; ~ potabile drinking water;
l’anziano senior citizen
-scooter jet ski
aperto adjopen
l’adattatore adapter
l’appartamento apartment
addebitare / charge (credit card)
l’appendice appendix (body part)
l’aereo airplane
l’appuntamento appointment
l’aeroporto airport
appuntito sharp
affamato hungry
l’apribottiglie bottle opener
affittare / rent [hire BE]
aprire /open
l’agenzia agency; - viaggi
l’apriscatole can opener
travel agency
arancione orange (color)
l’aggressione attack (on person)
Italian-English Dictionary
l’argento silver; ~ massiccio australiano Australian
sterling silver l’auto car; -bus bus; - con il
l’aria condizionata air conditioning cambio automatico automatic
l’armadietto locker; ~ dei bagagli car; - con il cambio manuale
luggage locker manual car; - a noleggio
l’aromaterapia aromatherapy rental [hire BE] car
arrivare v arrive automatico automatic
arrivederla goodbye l’autonoleggio car rental [hire BE]
gli arrivi arrivals (airport) l’autostrada highway
l’arte art [motorway BE]

l’arteria artery avere i/have; - la nausea v be

gli articoli casalinghi household
avvertire v notify
l’artrite arthritis l’avvocato lawyer
l’ascensore elevator
l’asciugacapelli hair dryer B
l’asciugamano towel
asmatico asthmatic la babysitter babysitter
l’aspirapolvere vacuum cleaner baciare vkiss
l’aspirina aspirin il bagaglio luggage [baggage
BE]; - a mano carry-on [hand
assaggiare v taste
luggage BE]
l’assegno n check (payment)
il bagnino lifeguard
[cheque BE]
assetato thirsty il bagno bathroom
l’assicurazione insurance ballare v dance
l’assorbente sanitary napkin il ballo dancing
[pad BE]
il balsamo conditioner
l’astuccio della macchina il bambino child
fotografica camera case la bambola doli
attendere vwait la banca bank
l’attesa nwait il bancomat ATM, ATM card, debit
attraente attractive card

l’attrattiva attraction (place); la banconota n bill (money)

- principale main attraction [note BE]

l’attrezzatura equipment; il bar bar; - per gay gay bar

~ da immersione snorkeling il barbecue barbecue
equipment; ~ subacquea diving il barbiere barber
equipment la barca boat; - a remi rowboat
gli auricolari headphones il baseball baseball
Australia Australia il basketball basketball
basso low il braccio arm
i bastoncini cinesi chopsticks bruciare /burn
battere a macchina /type brutto ugly
la batteria battery la buca delle lettere postbox
il bebé baby buongiorno good morning
beige beige buon pomeriggio good afternoon
bello beautiful buonasera good evening
il belvedere overlook buono adj good
(scenic place) il bus espresso express bus
ben riposato well-rested la busta envelope
la benda bandage
bene good
la benzina gas (vehicle) c
[petrol BE]
ii cabaret cabaret
il benzinaio gas [petrol BE]
la cabina cabin
bere / drink il caffè cafe, coffee
la bevanda n drink il calcio soccer
la biancheria intima caldo hot (temperature)
underwear il calore heat [heating BE]
bianco white le calorie calories
il biberon baby bottle il calzino sock
la biblioteca library cambiare /change;
il bicchiere glass (drinking) - /exchange; - /transfer

la bicicletta bicycle il cambio n change (money);

~ n exchange (place);
la biglietteria ticket office
~ valuta currency exchange
il biglietto ticket; - del bus bus
la cameriera waitress
ticket; - elettronico e-ticket;
- da visita business card il cameriere waiter
il bikini bikini la camicetta blouse
il binario platform; track (train) la camicia shirt
blu blue camminare /walk
la bocca mouth campeggiare /camp
la borsa bag il campeggio campsite
la borsetta purse [handbag BE] il campione specimen
il bosco forest il campo field (sports);
~ da golf golf course;
la bottiglia bottle
~ di battaglia battleground
il box playpen
il Canada Canada
il braccialetto bracelet
Italian-English Dictionary
canadese Canadian la caviglia ankle
il canalone canyon il CD CD
cancellare v clear (on an ATM) Celsius Celsius
il cane da guida guide dog la cena dinner
i capelli hair il centimetro centimeter
capire v understand il centro downtown area;
il cappello hat ~ business business center;
il cappotto coat ~ commerciale shopping mali
la caraffa carafe [centre BE]

le caramelle candy [sweet BE] la ceramica pottery

il carbone charcoal la ceretta wax; ~ all’inguine
bikini wax; ~ per sopracciglie
carino cute
eyebrow wax
caro expensive
il certificato certificate
il carrello cart [trolley BE];
~ bagagli luggage cart il cestino basket (grocery store)
il carro attrezzi tow truck che that
la carta card, paper; ~ di il check-in check-in (hotel/airport)
credito credit card; ~ da chi who
cucina paper towel; chiamare 1/ cali
- igienica toilet paper; la chiamata n cali
~ d’imbarco boarding pass; la chiave key; ~ elettronica key
- stagnola aluminum [kitchen card; - della stanza room key
BE] foil; ~ dei vini wine list la chiesa church
la cartina map; ~ della il chilo kilo; -grammo kilogram;
città town map; - delle -metraggio mileage;
piste trail [piste BE] map; -metro kilometer; -metro
- stradale road map quadrato square kilometer
la cartolina postcard chiudere vclose (a shop); - 1/ lock
il cartone carton chiuso closed
la casa house le ciabatte slippers
la cascata waterfall ciao hi, bye
il casco helmet il cibo food
il casinò casino il ciclismo cycling
la cassa case (container); il ciclo period (menstrual)
-forte safe (for valuables) il cinema movie theater
la cassetta della posta mailbox cinese Chinese
il cassiere cashier la cintura belt
il castello castle il circuito racetrack
la cattedrale cathedral la città town
il cavatappi corkscrew il ciuccio pacifier [soother BE]
la classe class; ~ business il consolato consulate
business class; - economica il consulente consultant
economy class contagioso contagious
il club club; ~ di ballo dance i contanti n cash
club; ~ jazz jazz club; - per contattare to contact
gay gay club il conto n bill (of sale); ~ account;
il codice code; - di abbigliamento - corrente checking [current
dress code; ~ PIN personal BE] account
identification number (PIN)
il contorno side dish
la coincidenza connection (flight) controllare ir check (luggage)
la colazione breakfast il controllo passaporti passport
la collana necklace control
il collant pantyhose convalidare v stamp (a ticket)
il collega colleague la coperta blanket
il collegamento connection il coperto cover charge
(internet); - wireless a
la coppa bowl
Internet wireless internet
il corridoio aisle
collegarsi v connect (internet)
corto short
la collina hill
cosa what (guestion)
il collo neck
la coscia thigh
la colonia cologne
costare 1/ cost
il colore color
costipato constipated
il coltello knife
il costo charge (cost)
come how
la costola rib (body part)
il commissariato police station
il costume da bagno swimsuit
la compagnia aerea airiine
il cotone cotton
la compagnia di
il crampo mestruale menstrual
assicurazione insurance company
compilare vfill out (form)
la cravatta tie (clothing)
il compleanno birthday
la crema cream (ointment);
comporre il numero 1/ dial ~ antisettica antiseptic cream;
comprare 1/ buy ~ da barba shaving cream
la compressa tablet (medicine) il cristallo crystal
il computer computer la cuccetta berth
con with il cucchiaino teaspoon
il concerto concert il cucchiaio spoon
la condizione condition (medicai) la cucina kitchen, stove
la conferenza conference cucinare vcook
confermare v confirm la culla crib
la congestione congestion
Italian-English Dictionary
il cuore heart la disponibilità vacancy
il cuscino pillow il disturbo cardiaco heart
il dito finger; - del piede toe
divorziare v divorce
la doccia shower
da banco over the counter
la dogana customs
danneggiare v damage dolce sweet (taste)
danneggiato damaged il dollaro dollar (U.S.)
il dolore hurt (pain);
dare 1/ give; - da mangiare
~ al petto chest pain
la domanda question
la data date (calendar)
del pomeriggio p.m. domani tomorrow
il denaro money domestico domestic
la donna woman
il dente tooth
dopo after; ~barba aftershave
la dentiera denture
doppiato dubbed
il dentifricio toothpaste
il dentista dentist dormire v sleep
il deodorante deodorant il dormitorio dormitory
dove where (question)
depositare 1/ deposit
il deposito n deposit la dozzina dozen
dritto straight
derubato robbed
durante during
il deserto desert
il detersivo detergent; duro tough (food)
- per i piatti dishwashing liquid duty-free duty-free
di fronte a opposite il DVD DVD
di valore valuable
diabetico diabetic
il diamante diamond E
la diarrea diarrhea l’eccesso excess; - di velocità
dichiarare v declare speeding
il diesel diesel economico cheap
dietro around (the corner), behind l’edicola newsstand
(direction) l’edificio building; - del
difficile difficult parlamento parliament building
digitale digitai l’effetto collaterale side effect
la direzione direction eliminare v delete (computer)
il disabile handicapped I’e-mail n e-mail
[disabled BE] l’emergenza emergency
l’enoteca liquor store felice happy
[off-licence BE] la felpa sweatshirt
entrare ir enter fenomenale stunning
l’entrata entrance fermarsi vstop
l’erboristeria health food store la fermata nstop; - del bus bus
l’errore mistake stop
esausto exhausted il ferro da stiro n iron (clothes)
l’escursione excursion; la fetta slice (of something)
- in pullman bus tour il fiammifero n match (wooden
esperto expert stick)
espresso express il film movie
essere 1/ be il filtro solare sunblock,
est east sunscreen
estrarre v extract (tooth) il fine settimana weekend
l’età age la finestra window
l’euro euro finire vend
extra extra; ~ large extra large il fiore flower
firmare vsign
il fiume river
la fontana fountain
le forbici scissors
facile easy
la forchetta fork
la famiglia family
la foresta pluviale rainforest
fare v do; ~ l’autostop
v hitchhike; - la ceretta vwax;
il fornello da
~ un incidente v crash (car); campeggio camping stove
- il logoff v log off (computer); la fortezza fort
~ il logon v log on (computer); la foto photo; - digitale digitai
~ lo shopping ixshop; photo; -copia photocopy;
-levaligie vpack -grafia photography
la farmacia pharmacy il francobollo n stamp (postage)
[chemist BE] il fratello brother
il fast food fast food freddo cold (temperature)
la fattoria farm il freezer freezer
la fattura bill [invoice BE] i freni brakes (car)
fatturare v bill (charge) frequentare to attend
il fax nfax fresco cool (temperature);
il fazzoletto di carta tissue - fresh
la febbre fever la fretta rush
il fegato liver (body part) il frigorifero refrigerator
Italian-English Dictionary
la frutta e verdura produce la goccia drop (medicine)
il fruttivendolo grocery store godersi v enjoy
fumare v smoke la gola throat
la funivia cable car il gomito elbow
il fuoco fire la gomma rubber; - a terra fiat
fuori outside tire; - da masticare chewing gum
il furto theft; - con scasso il gonfiore swelling
break-in (burglary) la gonna skirt
i gradi degrees (temperature)
il grammo gram
G grande big, large;
- magazzino department store
la gamba leg
grazie thank you
la gara di golf golf tournament
grigio gray
il garage garage
la grotta cave
il gas gas (heating);
- per cucina cooking gas il gruppo group
la gastronomia delicatessen guardare vlook
il guasto breakdown
gay gay
il gel gel (hair) la guida guide, guide book
gelato icy guidare v drive
il ghiaccio ice
la giacca jacket
giallo yellow
il giardino botanico botanical l’hockey hockey;
garden - su ghiaccio ice hockey
il ginecologo gynecologist l’hotel hotel
il ginocchio knee
giocare vplay
il giocattolo toy
la gioielleria jewelry l’ibuprofene ibuprofen
il gioielliere jeweler l’identificazione identification
il giornale newspaper ieri yesterday
il giorno day imbarcarsi v board
giovane young l’impermeabile raincoat
la gita tour; ~ turistica in in; ~ pensione retired
sightseeing tour
incartare vwrap
il giubbotto di salvataggio lite
incassare i/cash
l’incidente accident
la giuntura joint (body part)
incidere v engrave l’intrattenimento entertainment
incinta pregnant inviare vsend, ship (mail);
includere 1/ include -e-mail v e-mail; - per fax
inconscio unconscious v fax; - SMS vtext(senda
incontrare v meet (someone)
l’incontro di boxe boxing match ipermetrope far- [long- BE] sighted
l’incrocio intersection ipovedente visually impaired
l’ippodromo horsetrack
incustodito unattended
l’indirizzo address; I’lrlanda Ireland
- e-mail e-mail address irlandese Irish
infastidire 1/bother l’irritazione rash
l’infermiere nurse l’Italia Italy
infetto infected italiano Italian
l’infezione vaginale vaginal I’lVA sales tax [VAT BE]
le informazioni information
inglese British, English il jazz jazz
ingoiare v swallow i jeans jeans
l’ingresso admission
iniziare v begin, start
inserire v insert
l’insetto bug
insipido bland là there
l’insolazione sunstroke la casa prefabbricata mobile
l’insonnia insomnia
la stanza singola single room
l’insulina insulin
il labbro lip
interessante interesting
la lacca hairspray
intermedio intermediate
il ladro thief
internazionale international
(airport area)
il lago lake
l’Internet internet; - caffè
la lametta razor blade; - usa e
internet cafe; - wireless
getta disposable razor
wireless Internet la lampadina lightbulb
l’interno extension (phone) la lana wool
l’interprete interpreter il latte in polvere formula (baby)
l’intestino intestine il lato side
intollerante al lattosio lactose la lavanderia laundry;
intolerant - a gettone laundromat
[launderette BE]
Italian-English Dictionary
il lavandino sink il maglione sweater
il lavasecco dry cleaner magnifico magnificent
la lavastoviglie dishwasher il mal sickness; ~ d’aria motion
la lavatrice washing machine sickness (air); - d’auto motion
lavorare vwork sickness (car); ~ di gola sore
il lavoro business throat; ~ di mare motion
sickness (sea);
lentamente slowly
- d’orecchio earache;
la lente lens; - a contatto ~ di schiena backache;
contact lens
~ di stomaco stomachache;
il lenzuolo sheet - di testa headache
la lettera letter malato sick [ill BE]
il lettino cot malattia sessualmente
il letto bed; ~ matrimoniale trasmissibile sexually
double bed; ~ a una piazza transmitted disease (STD)
single bed mancante missing
la lezione lesson mangiare 1/ eat
libero available, free le maniche sleeves; - corte
la libreria bookstore short sleeves; ~ lunghe long
il libro book sleeves
il lift pass lift pass il manicure manicure
la lima nail file la mano hand
la linea line (train) il mare sea
la lingua tongue il marito husband
il lino linen marrone brown
il litro liter il martello hammer
locale locai la mascella jaw
lontano far il massaggio massage;
la lozione lotion - sportivo sports massage
la luce light (overhead) il mattino morning
il lunapark amusement park del mattino a.m.
lungo long il meccanico mechanic
la medicina medicine
il medico doctor
M medio medium (size)
meno less
la macchina fotografica camera;
- digitale digitai camera il menù menu; - delle
bevande drink menu; - per
il macellaio butcher
bambini children’s menu
la madre mother
il mercato market
la maglietta T-shirt
le merci goods la mousse mousse (hair)
il mese month la multa fine (fee for breaking
la messa mass (church service) law)
il messaggio message; il municipio town hall
~ istantaneo instant message il muscolo muscle
la metà half il museo museum
il metro quadrato square meter la musica music; ~ classica
la metropolitana subway classical music; - folk folk
[underground BE] music; ~ pop pop music
la mezz’ora half hour le mutande underpants
la mezzanotte midnight
il mezzo chilo half-kilo
mezzogiorno noon [midday BE] N
il microonde microwave il naso nose
migliore better il nastro trasportatore
il migliore best conveyor belt
il minibar mini-bar le natiche buttocks
il minuto minute la nazionalità nationality
miope near- [short- BE] sighted necessitare vneed
misurare v measure (someone, il negozio store; ~ d’abbigliamento
something) clothing store; ~ d’antiquariato
il misurino measuring spoon antique store; - di articoli da
mobile mobile regalo gift shop; ~ di articoli
la mobilità mobility sportivi sporting goods store;
i mocassini loafers ~ di calzature shoe store;
~ di fotogrufia camera store;
il mocio mop
~ di giocattoli toy store;
modificare v alter (clothing) - di musica music store;
il modulo form (fili-in) ~ di souvenir souvenir store
la moglie wife nero black
la moneta coin la neve snow
la montagna mountain nevoso snowy
il monumento memorial (place) niente nothing
la moschea mosque il nightclub nightclub
mostrare vshow il nipote grandchild
la motocicletta motorcycle no no
il motore motor noioso boring
il motoscafo motor boat il nome name;
la mountain bike mountain - utente username
bike non fumatori non-smoking
Italian-English Dictionary
il nonno grandparent l’otturazione filling (tooth)
nord north ovest west
normale regular
la notte night
il numero number; ~ di fax fax
number; - di patente driver’s
il pacchetto package
license number; ~ di targa
vehicle registration; ~ di
la padella frying pan
telefono phone number il padre father
nuotare vswim il pagamento del conto check¬
out (hotel)
pagare vpay
il palazzo palace
la palestra gym
gli occhiali glasses; il paletto da tenda tent pole
- da sole sunglasses
la panetteria bakery
l’occhio eye il pannolino diaper [nappy BE]
oggi today i pantaloncini corti shorts
OK OK i pantaloni pants [trousers BE]
l’olio oil il paracetamolo acetaminophen
l’ombrello umbrella [paracetamol BE]
l’opera opera parcheggiare vpark
ora now il parcheggio parking garage;
l’ora hour - parking lot [car park BE]
gli orari di visita visiting hours il parco n park; - giochi
l’orario schedule [timetable BE]; playground
~ d’apertura business hours; parlare v speak
- d’ufficio office hours il parrucchiere hair salon
l’orchestra orchestra le partenze departures (airport)
ordinare v order partire v leave
gli orecchini earrings la partita game, match; - di
l’orecchio ear football soccer [football game BE];
l’oro gold; -bianco white gold; - di pallavolo volleyball game
- giallo yellow gold part-time part-time
l’orologio watch; il passaggio lift
- da parete wall clock il passaporto passport
l’ospedale hospital passare v pass through
l’osso bone il passeggero passenger; - con
l’ostello hostel; - della gioventù biglietto ticketed passenger
youth hostel la passeggiata nwalk
l’ottico optician 215
il passeggino stroller [pushchair BE] il piatto piate; ~ principale main
la password password course
la pasticceria pastry shop la piazza della città town square
il pasto meal piccante hot (spicy)
il pediatra pediatrician il picchetto da tenda tent
il pedicure pedicure peg
il pedone pedestrian piccolo little, petite, small
la pelle leather, skin il piede foot
la pellicola per alimenti plastic il pigiama pajamas
wrap [cling film BE] la pillola Pill (birth control)
il peltro pewter la pioggia rain
il pene penis piovoso rainy
la penicillina penicillin la piscina pool; ~ per
la penna pen bambini kiddie [paddling BE]
pool; ~ esterna outdoor pool;
la pensione bed and breakfast
~ interna indoor pool
la pentola saucepan, pot
pista piste [BE]
per for, per; ~ favore please; ~
fumatori smoking (area); più more; - basso lower;
~ economico cheaper;
- la notte overnight
- forte louder; ~ grande
il percorso route; bigger; - lento slower;
~ alternativo alternate route; ~ piccolo smaller; - tardi
~ ciclabile bike route; later; ~ veloce faster
~ pedonale walking route
la pizzeria pizzeria
perdere j lose (something)
il pizzo lace
la perdita discharge (bodily fluid)
il platino platinum
pericoloso dangerous
10 pneumatico tire [tyre BE]
il periodo period (of time)
la polizia police
la perla pearl
11 polmone lung
permettere v allow, permit
il polso wrist
perso lost
il pomeriggio afternoon
il pettine comb
la pompa dell’aria air pump
il petto chest (body part)
il ponte bridge
il petto breast
la porta door; ~ antincendio fire
il pezzo piece door
piacere v' like il portachiavi key ring
il piacere pleasure il portafogli wallet
il piano floor [storey BE] portare v bring; - indietro
il pianterreno ground floor v return (something); - via to go
la piantina del negozio store [take away BE]
Italian-English Dictionary
la porzione portion; ~ per provvisorio temporary
bambini children’s portion pubblico public
la posa exposure (film) pulire v clean
la posta n mail [post BE]; pulito adj clean
~ aerea airmail la pulizia del viso facial
il posto seat; ~ sul la puntura sting; ~ d’insetto
corridoio aisle seat insect bite
il pranzo lunch
la precedenza right of way
il prefisso area code; ~ del
paese country code
il prelievo withdrawal (bank) quadrato square
prendere vtake qualche some
prenotare v reserve la qualità quality
la prenotazione reservation qualsiasi cosa anything
la presa elettrica electric outlet quando when (question)
prescrivere v prescribe quanto how much (question)
presentare v introduce questo this
il preservativo condom qui here
la pressione sanguigna blood
presto early
la previsione forecast la racchetta racket (sports)
il prezzo price le racchette poles (skiing)
prima before, earlier; raccogliere v pick up (something)
~ classe first class raccomandare v recommend
primo first la raccomandata registered
il principiante beginner, novice mail
il problema problem la raccomandazione
i prodotti per la pulizia cleaning recommendation
supplies il radiatore heater
profondamente deeply il raffreddore cold (sickness)
il profumo perfume la ragazza girl, girlfriend
il programma ri schedule il ragazzo boy, boyfriend
programmare v schedule raggiungere v reach (get hold of)
proibire v prohibit il rame copper
pronto ready la rampa per sedia a
pronunciare v pronounce rotelle wheelchair ramp
la prospettiva viewpoint il rap rap (music)
prossimo next 217
la reazione allergica allergie romantico romantic
reaction rompere /break
la reception reception rosa pink
il reclamo complaint rosso red
il regalo gift rotto broken
il reggiseno bra la roulotte trailer
la regione region le rovine ruins
il Regno Unito United Kingdom rubare /rob, steal
(U.K.) rubato stolen
la relazione relationship il rugby rugby
il rene kidney (body part) il rullino film (camera)
il repellente per gli insetti insect il ruscello stream
il residente UE EU resident
respirare 1/ breathe s
il ricambio part (for car)
il sacchetto per i rifiuti garbage
il riciclaggio n recycling
[rubbish BE] bag
la ricetta prescription il sacco a pelo sleeping bag
ricevere /receive
la sala room; ~ congressi
la ricevuta receipt convention hall; ~ d’attesa
il riciclaggio n recycling waiting room; ~ da concerti
riempire /fili concert hall; ~ da pranzo
rifiutare /decline (credit card) dining room; - giochi arcade;
ringraziare /thank - riunioni meeting room
riparare /fix, mend, repair il salone di bellezza nail salon
ripetere /repeat la salute health
ripido steep Salute! Cheers!
il responsabile manager salvare /save (computer)
il riscaldamento heating salve hello
riscaldare /warm (something) la salvietta per neonati baby wipe
la riserva naturale nature i sandali sandals
preserve il sangue blood
i risparmi savings (account) sanguinare /bleed
il ristorante restaurant il santuario shrine
ritardare /delay il sapone soap
ritirare /withdraw la sauna sauna
il ritiro bagagli baggage claim la sbornia hangover
la riunione meeting le scale stairs; - mobili
la rivista magazine escalators
Italian-English Dictionary
lo scanner scanner sedersi i/sit
le scarpe shoes; la sedia chair; ~ a
- da neve snowshoes; rotelle wheelchair;
~ basse flat shoes; ~ col tacco ~ a sdraio deck chair
alto high-heeled shoes; il sedile per bambino child's
~ da ginnastica sneakers seat
gli scarponi da montagna hiking il seggiolino per auto car seat
boots il seggiolone highchair
la scatola box la seggiovia chair lift
lo scatolame canned good il self-service self-service
scendere v get off (a train, bus, il semaforo traffic light
subway) il seminario seminar
la scheda card; - memoria il senso unico one-way street
memory card; - telefonica
il sentiero path, trail
phone card
senza without; - grassi fat free;
lo schermo display ~ piombo unleaded (gas)
la schiena back (body part) separato separated (marriage)
lo sci /7 ski; ~ d’acqua water skis
la sera evening
sciare vski serio serious
la sciarpa scarf la serratura n lock
la scienza science i servizi di pulizia
scippare vmug domestica housekeeping
la scogliera cliff services
la scolapasta colander il servizio service (in a restaurant);
scollegare v disconnect - completo full-service;
(computer) - di lavanderia laundry service;
lo scollo a V V-neck ~ in camera room service;
scommettere v place abet ~ Internet internet service;
scomparso missing - Internet wireless wireless
internet service; ~ sveglia
lo sconto discount
wake-up cali
lo scontrino bagagli luggage
[baggage BE] ticket
la seta silk
lo scooter moped la settimana week
la scopa broom settimanalmente weekly
la scottatura sunburn lo shampoo shampoo
scrivere vspell, write lo shopping shopping
la scuola school si yes
scuro dark la sicurezza security
scusare vexcuse sicuro safe (protected)
scusi sorry (apology) la sigaretta cigarette
il sigaro cigar sposare v marry
il simbolo symbol (keyboard) sposato married
la sinagoga synagogue la spuntatina trim (hair)
single single (marriage) la squadra team
lo ski lift drag lift, ski lift squisito delicious
lo slip briefs (clothing) lo stadio stadium
lo smalto enamel (jewelry) lo stagno pond
lo snack bar snackbar stampare v print
10 snowboard snowboard la stampa n print; - digitale
11 sole sun digital print; ~ singola single
soleggiato sunny print

solo alone, only; ~ andata stanco tired

one-way (ticket) stanotte tonight
la soluzione per lenti a la stanza room
contatto contact lens solution stare vstay
la sonnolenza drowsiness gli Stati Uniti United States (U.S.)
sopra over la station wagon station wagon
sordo deaf [estate car BE]
la sorella sister la statua statue
il sottotitolo subtitle la stazione station; - degli
il souvenir souvenir autobus bus station; - dei
bus bus station; ~ ferroviaria
la spalla shoulder
train station [railway station BE];
la spatola spatula ~ della metropolitana subway
la spazzatura trash [rubbish BE] station [underground station BE];
la spazzola hairbrush ~ di servizio gas station [petrol
lo specialista specialist (doctor) station BE]; - termale spa
la specialità special (food) la stecca di sigarette carton of
spedire 1/ mail cigarettes
spegnere vturn off (lights) le sterline pounds (British sterling)
lo spettacolo n play (theater); stesso same
~ di danza ballet stirare v iron, press (clothing)
la spiaggia beach gli stivali boots
la spilla brooch lo stomaco stomach; ~ in
la spina dorsale spine (body part) disordine upset stomach
spingere v push (door sign) stordito dizzy
lo spogliatoio fitting room la storta sprain
sporco dirty strano strange
lo sport sport straordinario amazing
lo studente student
Italian-English Dictionary
studiare v study il telefono n phone;
stuprare rape - telephone; ~ cordless
lo stupro n rape wireless phone;
10 sturalavandini plunger - pubblico pay phone
sud south il telone impermeabile
groundcloth [groundsheet BE]
la super super (fuel)
il tempio temple (religious)
superiore upper
il tempo time, weather
11 supermercato supermarket
la tenda tent
la supervisione supervision
il tennis tennis
svegliare, svegliarsi v wake
la terapia ad ossigeno oxygen
sviluppare v develop (film)
svuotare v empty
le terme hot spring
il terminal terminal (airport)
la terracotta terracotta
terribile terrible
il tabaccaio tobacconist la tessera card; - associativa
la taglia size; ~ forte plus membership card;
size - dell’assicurazione insurance
tagliare v cut (hair) card;~ internazionale dello
il taglio n cut (injury), haircut studente international student
il tampone tampon
tardi late (time) la testa head (body part)
la tariffa fee il testo n text (message)
la tasca pocket tirare v pull (door sign)
la tassa duty (tax) la toilette restroom
[toilet BE]
il tasso di cambio exchange
la torcia elettrica flashlight
la tavola da surf surfboard la torre tower
il tavolo table la tosse n cough
il taxi taxi tossire v cough
la tazza cup; ~ di misurazione il totale total (amount)
measuring cup il tovagliolo napkin
il teatrotheater; ~ dell’opera tradizionale traditional
opera house tradurre v translate
telefonare v phone il traghetto ferry
la telefonata phone call tranquillo quiet
il telefonino celi trasferire v transfer (money)
[mobile BE] phone

il travellers cheque travelers
check [travelers cheque BE]
il trenotrain; ~ espresso la vacanza vacation
express train [holiday BE]
triste sad la vaccinazione vaccination
troppo too la vagina vagina
tuffarsi vdive il vagone letto sleeper [sleeping
il turista tourist BE] car
la TV TV valido valid
la valigia suitcase
la valle valley
u il valore value
la valuta currency
l’uccello bird
il vaso jar
l’ufficio office; ~ di
cambio currency exchange vecchio old
office; ~ informazioni vedere vsee
information desk; ~ informazioni vedovo widowed
turistiche tourist information vegetariano vegetarian
office; ~ oggetti smarriti lost il veleno poison
and found; - postale post office; veloce fast
~ prenotazioni reservation desk vendere ix sell
ultimo last venire vcome
una volta once il ventaglio fan (souvenir)
l’unghia fingernail, toenail il ventilatore fan (appliance)
unire ixjoin il verbale di polizia police report
l’università university verde green
uno one vero real
l’uomo man la vescica bladder
urgente urgent il vestito dress (piece of clothing)
usa e getta disposable la vetrina window case
usare vuse la vetrinetta display case
uscire ix exit il vetro glass (material)
l’uscita gate (airport), exit; la vetta peak (of a mountain)
~ d’emergenza emergency
il viaggio trip
vicino close, near, nearby, next to
l’utensile utensil
i vigili del fuoco fire department
il vigneto vineyard
Italian-English Dictionary
il villaggio village
viola purple
la visita turistica sightseeing il WC da campeggio chemical
visitare v visit toilet
il viso face il windsurf windsurfer
il visto visa
la vita life
la vitamina vitamin z
vivere 1/ live lo zaino backpack
il volo flight; ~ internazionale la zona area; ~ commerciale
international flight; ~ nazionale shopping area; ~ picnic picnic
domestic flight area
vomitare v vomit lo zoo zoo

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