101 English Guide For Travellers (Spanish)

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101 Guide for Travellers

By Pilar García
1. Basic Greetings and Questions.....................................................................................................3

1.1. Greetings.............................................................................................................................3
1.2. Questions:........................................................................................................................... 3

2. Numbers.........................................................................................................................................4

2.1. Cardinal Numbers...............................................................................................................4

2.2. Common Uses of Cardinal Numbers..................................................................................4
2.3. Ordinal Numbers................................................................................................................ 5
2.4. Common Uses of Ordinal Numbers................................................................................... 5

3. Time................................................................................................................................................5

3.1. Vocabulary.......................................................................................................................... 5
3.2. Phrases................................................................................................................................5

4. Currency Exchange.......................................................................................................................6

4.1. Vocabulary.......................................................................................................................... 6
4.2. Phrases................................................................................................................................6

5. Shopping........................................................................................................................................ 6

5.1. Vocabulary.......................................................................................................................... 6
5.2. Phrases................................................................................................................................7

6. Food and Dining............................................................................................................................ 7

6.1. Vocabulary.......................................................................................................................... 7
6.2. Phrases................................................................................................................................8

7. Giving Directions...........................................................................................................................8

7.1. Vocabulary.......................................................................................................................... 8
7.2. Phrases................................................................................................................................8

8. Transportation: Trains, Buses, Taxis...........................................................................................9

8.1. Vocabulary.......................................................................................................................... 9
8.2. Phrases................................................................................................................................9

9. Accommodation.............................................................................................................................9

9.1. Vocabulary.......................................................................................................................... 9
9.2. Phrases..............................................................................................................................10

10. Airports and Airplanes...............................................................................................................10

10.1. Vocabulary........................................................................................................................ 10
10.2. Phrases.............................................................................................................................. 11
10.3. Custom’s Questions.......................................................................................................... 11

11. Emergencies................................................................................................................................. 11

11.1. Phrases.............................................................................................................................. 11
11.2. Common Vocabulary........................................................................................................ 12
11.3. Common Symptoms and Conditions................................................................................12
11.4. Common Medical Procedures.......................................................................................... 12
Basic Greetings and Questions
Learn how to greet people, ask for help, and make requests. This will help you interact with locals
and other travellers.

❖ Good morning: Buenos días
❖ Good afternoon: Buenas tardes
❖ Good evening: Buenas noches
❖ Hello / Hi: Hola
❖ How are you?: ¿Cómo estás?

❖ Can you help me? - ¿Puedes ayudarme?
❖ Do you speak English? - ¿Hablas inglés?
❖ Do you speak Spanish? - ¿Hablas español?
❖ Where is the restroom? - ¿Dónde está el baño?
❖ Where is the toilet? - ¿Dónde está el baño?
❖ How much does this cost? - ¿Cuánto cuesta esto?
❖ What is your name? - ¿Cuál es tu nombre?
❖ Where are you from? - ¿De dónde eres"
❖ How do I get to…? - ¿Cómo llego a…?
❖ What time is it? - ¿Qué hora es?
❖ Can I have the check, please? - ¿Me trae la cuenta, por favor?
❖ Do you have a menu in English / Spanish? - ¿Tienen un menú en inglés / español?

Note: When we want to make polite inquiries we have to use indirect questions.

Direct Question: "Where is the bank?" Vs. Indirect Question: "Can you tell me where the bank

Structure of Indirect Questions

- Common introductory phrases include:

- Can you tell me…
- Do you know…
- I wonder…
- Could you explain…
- Would you mind telling me…
- I'm not sure…
- Follow with the question word (if needed):
- Use the statement form: subject + verb

Note: Unlike direct questions, do not invert the subject and verb in indirect questions. Do
not use the auxiliary verbs "do/does" or "did" in indirect questions.

E.g.: Would you mind telling me how to get to…? - ¿Cómo llego a…?


Learn how to count numbers in English. This will help you with things like prices, addresses, and
bus schedules.

Cardinal Numbers

❖ One ❖ Thirteen ❖ Sixty + (number)

❖ Two ❖ Fourteen ❖ Seventy + (number)
❖ Three ❖ Fifteen ❖ Eighty + (number)
❖ Four ❖ Sixteen ❖ Ninety + (number)
❖ Five ❖ Seventeen ❖ (One) hundred
❖ Six ❖ Eighteen ❖ (One) thousand
❖ Seven ❖ Nineteen ❖ One hundred
❖ Eight ❖ Twenty + (number): thousand (100,000)
❖ Nine twentyone ❖ One million
❖ Ten ❖ Thirty + (number) (1,000,000)
❖ Eleven ❖ Fourty + (number) ❖ One billion:
❖ Twelve ❖ Fifty + (number) (1,000,000,000)

E.g: Three hundred and forty five (345)

Common Uses of Cardinal Numbers


❖ It’s ten o’clock.

❖ The train leaves at five fifteen (5:15).
❖ I will meet you at two thirty (2:30).


❖ This costs five euros and seventy-five cents ($5.75).

❖ I need to exchange one hundred euros (€100).

❖ I live at one hundred and twenty-three Main Street (123 Main St).
❖ The office is on the twenty-second floor.

Ordinal Numbers

❖ First (1st) ❖ Thirteenth (13th) ❖ Twenty-fourth (24th)

❖ Second (2nd) ❖ Fourteenth (14th) ❖ Twenty-fifth (25th)
❖ Third (3rd) ❖ Fifteenth (15th) ❖ Twenty-sixth (26th)
❖ Fourth (4th) ❖ Sixteenth (16th) ❖ Twenty-seventh
❖ Fifth (5th) ❖ Seventeenth (17th) (27th)
❖ Sixth (6th) ❖ Eighteenth (18th) ❖ Twenty-eighth (28th)
❖ Seventh (7th) ❖ Nineteenth (19th) ❖ Twenty-ninth (29th)
❖ Eighth (8th) ❖ Twentieth (20th) ❖ Thirtieth (30th)
❖ Ninth (9th) ❖ Twenty-first (21st) ❖ Thirty-first (31st)
❖ Tenth (10th) ❖ Twenty-second
❖ Eleventh (11th) (22nd)
❖ Twelfth (12th) ❖ Twenty-third (23rd)

Common Uses of Ordinal Numbers


❖ Today is January first (1st January)."

❖ Her birthday is on the twenty-third of April (23rd April).

Learn how to tell time in English. This will help you keep track of your schedule and catch your
flights and trains.


❖ O'clock: en punto (8:00)

❖ Quarter past: y cuarto (8.15)
❖ Half past: y media (8:30)
❖ Quarter to: menos cuarto (8:45)
❖ A.M.: de la mañana
❖ P.M.: de la tarde/noche


❖ What time is it? - ¿Qué hora es?

❖ The train leaves at 3:30 P.M. - El tren sale a las 3:30 de la tarde.
❖ The store opens at 9:00 A.M. - La tienda abre a las 9:00 de la mañana.
❖ The movie starts at 7:45 P.M. - La película empieza a las 7:45 de la noche.
❖ What time does the museum close? - ¿A qué hora cierra el museo?
❖ I’ll meet you at 2:15 P.M. - Nos vemos a las 2:15 de la tarde.
❖ It’s half past six. - Son las seis y media.
❖ It’s a quarter to eight. - Son las ocho menos cuarto.

Currency Exchange

Learn some basic phrases about currency exchange. This will help you exchange your money for
the local currency.


❖ Currency exchange: cambio de moneda

❖ Exchange rate: tasa de cambio
❖ Commission: comisión
❖ Foreign currency: moneda extranjera
❖ Bank: banco
❖ ATM: cajero automático


❖ Where can I exchange money? - ¿Dónde puedo cambiar dinero?

❖ What is the exchange rate? - ¿Cuál es la tasa de cambio?
❖ Is there a commission fee? - ¿Hay una comisión?
❖ Can I use this ATM for foreign currency? - ¿Puedo usar este cajero automático para
moneda extranjera?
❖ Where is the nearest bank? - ¿Dónde está el banco más cercano?
❖ Can I get smaller bills? - "¿Puedo recibir billetes más pequeños?"
❖ What is the fee for currency exchange?- ¿Cuál es la tarifa por cambio de moneda?
❖ How much can I withdraw at once? - ¿Cuánto puedo retirar de una vez?
❖ Can I exchange dollars for euros here? - ¿Puedo cambiar dólares por euros aquí?

Learn vocabulary related to shopping, such as prices, sizes, and colours. This will help you buy
souvenirs and other things you need.

❖ Price: precio
❖ Discount: descuento
❖ Receipt: recibo
❖ Size: tamaño (S: small; M: medium; L: large; XL: extra large)
❖ Colour: color
❖ Cash: efectivo
❖ Credit card: tarjeta de crédito
❖ Store: tienda
❖ Shop: comercio
❖ Sale: rebaja
❖ Customer: cliente
❖ Customer service: servicio al cliente
❖ Fitting room: probador

❖ How much does this cost? - ¿Cuánto cuesta esto?
❖ Do you have this in a different size/colour? - ¿Tienen esto en un tamaño/color diferente?
❖ Can I have a receipt? - ¿Puedo tener un recibo?
❖ Do you accept credit cards? - ¿Aceptan tarjetas de crédito?
❖ Is there any discount on this? - ¿Tiene algún descuento esto?
❖ Where is the fitting room? - ¿Dónde está el probador?
❖ Can I return this if it doesn’t fit? - ¿Puedo devolver esto si no me queda bien?
❖ What is the change policy? - ¿Cómo es la política de cambio?
❖ Is this on sale? - ¿Esto está en rebaja?
❖ Can I pay with cash? - ¿Puedo pagar con efectivo?
❖ Can you wrap it? It’s a gift - ¿Lo puedes envolver? Es para regalo

Food and Dining

Learn vocabulary related to food and restaurants. This will help you order food and find places to


❖ Menu: menú
❖ Appetizer: aperitivo
❖ Main course: plato principal
❖ Dessert: postre
❖ Beverage: bebida
❖ Bill: cuenta
❖ Tip: propina
❖ Waiter/waitress: camarero/camarera
❖ Table: mesa
❖ Reservation: reserva
❖ Vegetarian: vegetariano
❖ Vegan: vegano
❖ Gluten-free: sin gluten
❖ Takeaway: para llevar


❖ Can you bring me the menu? - ¿Me puedes traer el menú?

❖ I would like to order… - Me gustaría pedir…
❖ Can I have the bill/check, please? - ¿Me traes la cuenta, por favor?
❖ Do you have a table for…? - ¿Tienes una mesa para…?
❖ Can I make a reservation for…? - ¿Puedo hacer una reserva para…?
❖ What should we get? - ¿Qué deberíamos pedir?
❖ Can I get this to go? - ¿Puedo llevarme esto para llevar?
❖ Can I have a…, please? - ¿Me podes dar un…, por favor?

Giving Directions
Learn how to give directions to others. This will help you help others who are lost.


❖ Left: izquierda
❖ Right: derecha
❖ Straight: recto
❖ Intersection: intersección
❖ Block: cuadra
❖ Near: cerca
❖ Far: lejos
❖ Behind: detrás
❖ In front of: delante de
❖ Next to: al lado de
❖ Across from: enfrente de


❖ Turn left at the next intersection. - Gire a la izquierda en la próxima intersección.

❖ Go straight for two blocks. - Sigue derecho por dos cuadras.
❖ It’s near the supermarket. - Está cerca del supermercado.
❖ You will see it on your right. - Lo verás a tu derecha.
❖ The hotel is next to the bank. - El hotel está al lado del banco.
❖ The museum is across from the park. El museo está enfrente del parque.
❖ Go straight until you reach the end of the street. - Sigue recto hasta llegar al final de la
❖ Turn right after the traffic light. - Gira a la derecha después del semáforo.
❖ It’s behind the post office. - Está detrás de la oficina de correos.

Transportation: Trains, Buses, Taxis

Learn vocabulary related to airports, airplanes, trains, buses, taxis, and other forms of
transportation. This will help you navigate your way around and ask for directions.


❖ Train station: estación de tren

❖ Platform: andén
❖ Ticket counter: taquilla
❖ Schedule: horario
❖ Bus stop: parada de autobús
❖ Fare: tarifa
❖ Taxi stand: parada de taxis
❖ Meter: taxímetro
❖ Ride-sharing: compartir coche
❖ Subway/metro: metro
❖ Ticket: boleto
❖ Seat: asiento


❖ Where is the nearest train station? - ¿Dónde está la estación de tren más cercana?
❖ What time does the next bus arrive? - ¿A qué hora llega el próximo autobús?
❖ How much is the fare to…? - ¿Cuánto cuesta el pasaje a…?
❖ Can you take me to this address? - ¿Puede llevarme a esta dirección?
❖ Where can I buy a ticket? - ¿Dónde puedo comprar un boleto?
❖ Is this the right platform for the train to…?" - ¿Es este el andén correcto para el tren a…?
❖ How often does the bus run? - ¿Con qué frecuencia pasa el autobús?
❖ Could you call me a taxi? - ¿Podría llamar un taxi para mí?
❖ Has the bus to… arrived yet? - ¿Ha llegado el micro que va a… ya?

Learn vocabulary related to hotels, hostels, guesthouses, and other types of accommodation. This
will help you find a place to stay and make reservations.


❖ Hotel: hotel
❖ Hostel: hostal
❖ Guesthouse: casa de huéspedes
❖ Check-in: registro
❖ Check-out: salida
❖ Room service: servicio de habitaciones
❖ Concierge: conserje
❖ Reception: recepción
❖ Single room: habitación individual
❖ Double room: habitación doble
❖ Key card: tarjeta de acceso


❖ I have a reservation under the name… - Tengo una reserva a nombre de…
❖ What time is check-out? - ¿A qué hora es la salida?
❖ Is breakfast included? - ¿El desayuno está incluido?
❖ Do you have free Wi-Fi? - ¿Tienen Wi-Fi gratis?
❖ Is there a safe in the room? - ¿Hay una caja fuerte en la habitación?
❖ Can I get an extra pillow? - ¿Puedo conseguir una almohada extra?
❖ Can I extend my stay? - ¿Puedo extender mi estancia?
❖ Can you tell me the Wi-Fi password? - ¿Me puedes decir la contraseña del Wi-Fi?

Airports and Airplanes


❖ Airport: aeropuerto
❖ Terminal: terminal
❖ Boarding pass: tarjeta de embarque
❖ Gate: puerta de embarque
❖ Security check: control de seguridad
❖ Departure: salida
❖ Arrival: llegada
❖ Baggage claim: recogida de equipaje
❖ Layover: escala
❖ Flight attendant: asistente de vuelo
❖ Pilot: piloto
❖ Runway: pista de aterrizaje
❖ Takeoff: despegue
❖ Landing: aterrizaje
❖ Customs: aduana
❖ Immigration: inmigración
❖ Luggage: equipaje
❖ Overhead bin: compartimento superior

❖ "Where is the check-in counter?" - "¿Dónde está el mostrador de facturación?"

❖ "I have a connecting flight to ___." - "Tengo un vuelo de conexión a ___."
❖ "What time is the boarding?" - "¿A qué hora es el embarque?"
❖ "Which gate is the flight departing from?" - "¿De qué puerta sale el vuelo?"
❖ "Where can I find my luggage?" - "¿Dónde puedo encontrar mi equipaje?"
❖ "Is there free Wi-Fi at the airport?" - "¿Hay Wi-Fi gratis en el aeropuerto?"
❖ "Do I need to go through customs?" - "¿Tengo que pasar por la aduana?"
❖ "Where is the currency exchange?" - "¿Dónde está el cambio de moneda?"
❖ "How long is the layover?" - "¿Cuánto dura la escala?"

Custom’s Questions

❖ What is the purpose of your trip? - ¿Cuál es el propósito del viaje?

❖ How long do you intend to stay? - ¿Cuánto tiempo tiene pensado quedarse?
❖ Where will you be staying? - ¿Dónde se va a quedar?
❖ What is your occupation? - ¿De qué trabaja?
❖ Do you have anything to declare? - ¿Tiene algo para declarar?

Learn some basic phrases for emergencies, such as "I need help" and "Where is the hospital?"
This will help you get help if you need it.


❖ I need help. - Necesito ayuda.

❖ Call the police. - Llama a la policía.
❖ Where is the nearest hospital? - ¿Dónde está el hospital más cercano?
❖ I lost my passport. - He perdido mi pasaporte.
❖ Is there a pharmacy nearby? - ¿Hay una farmacia cerca?
❖ I need a doctor. - Necesito un doctor.
❖ Can you call an ambulance? - ¿Puede llamar una ambulancia?
❖ I’m feeling unwell. - Me siento mal.
❖ Where is the embassy? - ¿Dónde está la embajada?
❖ I fell and I broke my… - Me caí y me rompí la…
❖ I have high blood pressure - Soy de presión alta
❖ I’m allergic to… - Soy alérgica a…
❖ I feel dizzy - Me siento mareado
❖ I can’t breathe - No puedo respirar
❖ I have fever - Tengo fiebre
❖ I’ve been robbed - Me robaron
❖ Where can I find a lawyer? - ¿Dónde puedo encontrar un abogado?

Common Vocabulary

❖ Patient: paciente ❖ Anesthesia: anestesia

❖ Emergency Room (ER): sala de ❖ Diagnosis: diagnóstico
emergencias ❖ Symptom: síntoma
❖ Appointment: cita ❖ Treatment: tratamiento
❖ Prescription: receta ❖ Check-up: / chequeo
❖ Medication:medicamento ❖ X-ray: radiografía
❖ Pharmacy: farmacia ❖ Blood test: análisis de sangre
❖ Surgery: cirugía ❖ Vaccination/ Get a shot: vacunación

Common Symptoms and Conditions

❖ Cough: tos ❖ Allergy: allergy / ❖ Cut: corte

❖ Headache: dolor de alergia ❖ Sprain: esguince
cabeza ❖ Nausea: náusea ❖ Asthma: asma
❖ Stomachache: dolor ❖ Vomiting: vómito ❖ Diabetes: diabetes
de estómago ❖ Dizziness: mareo ❖ Hypertension:
❖ Pain: dolor ❖ Swelling: hinchazón hipertensión
❖ Infection: infección ❖ Bruise: moretón ❖ Heart Attack: ataque
❖ Fracture: fractura ❖ Burn: quemadura al corazón

Common Medical Procedures

❖ Blood Pressure Check:control de la presión arterial

❖ MRI: resonancia magnética
❖ CT Scan: tomografía computarizada
❖ Ultrasound: ecografía
❖ Biopsy: biopsia
❖ Stitches: puntos de sutura
❖ Cast: yeso
❖ Bandage: vendaje

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